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ACNH EventFlow 1.9.0/1.10.0 diff

a guest
Sep 24th, 2021
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Diff 142.24 KB | None | 0 0
  1. diff -r 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt 1.10.0/AI_NPC_Indoor.evfl.txt
  2. 62c62
  3. <                 run Sub_Event116()
  4. ---
  5. >                 run Sub_Event170()
  6. 65c65
  7. <                 run Sub_Event116()
  8. ---
  9. >                 run Sub_Event170()
  10. 68c68
  11. <                 run Sub_Event116()
  12. ---
  13. >                 run Sub_Event170()
  14. 76a77
  15. >         MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  16. 202c203,204
  17. < local flow Sub_Event116():
  18. ---
  19. > local flow Sub_Event170():
  20. >     MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  21. diff -r 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt
  22. 150c150
  23. <                 # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  24. ---
  25. >                 # RANDOM: Oh, that's right! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  26. 157c157
  27. <                 # RANDOM: Oh, one more thing! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  28. ---
  29. >                 # RANDOM: Oh, that's right! // I almost forgot… // Oh! You should all hear this!
  30. diff -r 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt
  31. 278a279
  32. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceJuneBride'] = true
  33. 285a287
  34. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceJuneBride'] = true
  35. 289c291
  36. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(5, 1, 5, 1, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  37. ---
  38. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(4, 29, 4, 29, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  39. 296c298
  40. <                     # **Today is May Day! Be sure to stop by and see me in Resident Services for May Day Tickets. I'm giving them out to express my appreciation for our is…
  41. ---
  42. >                     # **Beginning today, we'll be holding an event in celebration of May Day! Please remember to visit the airport to get your special May Day Ticket. I ho…
  43. 303,314c305,312
  44. <                 run Sub_Event108()
  45. <             elif EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(5, 7, 5, 7, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  46. <                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:OfficeConstruction1']:
  47. <                     # **I have exciting news about a new event. It's called May Day, and I'm handing out May Day Tickets now. With your ticket, you'll be able to visit an …
  48. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:042_05', false)
  49. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket'] = true
  50. <                     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cRco', 'MAIL_SNpc_rco', 'cFastToday', 'cNone', 'cNone', false, 7)
  51. <                     run Sub_Event108()
  52. <                 else:
  53. <                     # **Happy May Day, everyone! Be sure to stop by and see me in Resident Services for May Day Tickets. I'm giving them out to express my appreciation for…
  54. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:042_02', false)
  55. <                     run Sub_Event108()
  56. ---
  57. >             else:
  58. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(5, 7, 5, 7, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  59. >                     switch System.EventFlags['cLand:OfficeConstruction1']:
  60. >                         default:
  61. >                             return
  62. >                 # **Today is part of our May Day event! Don't forget to visit the airport to pick up your special May Day Ticket. **I hope you'll all take advantage of…
  63. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_00_Rco:042_02', false)
  64. >             run Sub_Event108()
  65. 318c316
  66. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(5, 1, 5, 1, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  67. ---
  68. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(4, 29, 4, 29, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  69. 325,326c323,324
  70. <                     # Today is May Day! I hope you'll swing by Resident Services to learn about our special May Day Tickets. Nook Inc. is giving them out as a way to expre…
  71. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_02_01', false)
  72. ---
  73. >                     # Starting today, we're celebrating May Day with a special event! If you're interested, please visit the airport where you can learn all about May Day …
  74. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:008_02_05', false)
  75. 333c331
  76. <                 # Right now we're celebrating May Day with a special event! If you're curious, then pay us a visit at Resident Services to learn all about May Day Tick…
  77. ---
  78. >                 # Right now we're celebrating May Day with a special event! If you're interested, please visit the airport where you can learn all about May Day Ticket…
  79. 366c364
  80. <         # **I have an important announcement from our dear friend Blathers! In honor of International Museum Day, our museum will host a stamp rally from May 1…
  81. ---
  82. >         # **I have an important announcement from our dear friend Blathers! In honor of International Museum Day, our museum will host a Stamp Rally from May 1…
  83. diff -r 1.9.0/Ftr_Chest.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Ftr_Chest.evfl.txt
  84. 102a103,107
  85. > flow DummyDemo_BusinessMode():
  86. >     EventFlowSystemActor.DummyFadeOut('初回はお仕事モードに変更')
  87. >     EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(60)
  88. >     EventFlowSystemActor.FadeIn(true)
  89. >
  90. diff -r 1.9.0/Ftr_StampRally.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Ftr_StampRally.evfl.txt
  91. 17c17,21
  92. <     Ftr.OpenMessageStampRackSpotExplain()
  93. ---
  94. >     if Ftr.IsDonateStampRackInvolveItem():
  95. >         Ftr.OpenMessageStampRackSpotExplain()
  96. >     else:
  97. >         # Looks like they're still planning the exhibit that will go here.
  98. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_StampRally:258', false)
  99. 45a50,58
  100. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cMuseumArt'):
  101. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  102. >             if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArt']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally3']):
  103. >                 # I've collected all the art stamps!
  104. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_StampRally:305', false)
  105. >         else:
  106. >             if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally3']):
  107. >                 # I've collected all the art stamps!
  108. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_StampRally:305', false)
  109. diff -r 1.9.0/Ftr_Working.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Ftr_Working.evfl.txt
  110. 298a299,302
  111. > local flow Sub_Event265():
  112. >     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(4703, 'None')
  113. >     run Sub_grp_Event266()
  114. >
  115. 334a339,342
  116. > local flow Sub_grp_Event266():
  117. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() == `ResServiceBuilding`:
  118. >         EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(2615, 'None')
  119. >
  120. 338,341c346,355
  121. <         if (System.EventFlags['cLand:MuseumConstructionToday']) or (EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() not in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`)):
  122. <             EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(4703, 'None')
  123. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() == `ResServiceBuilding`:
  124. <             EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerSetCraftRecipe(2615, 'None')
  125. ---
  126. >         if System.EventFlags['cLand:MuseumConstructionToday']:
  127. >             run Sub_Event265()
  128. >         else:
  129. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  130. >                 case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`:
  131. >                     run Sub_grp_Event266()
  132. >                 case `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  133. >                     run Sub_Event265()
  134. >                 default:
  135. >                     return
  136. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_Approach.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_Approach.evfl.txt
  137. 2c2,15
  138. <     MainNpc.NpcSelectMessage('cWildCard', '', '', '', 'TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachA_Always', '', '', '')
  139. ---
  140. >     if MainNpc.CheckNpcApproachType():
  141. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  142. >             # Oh, hey… You got a sec? I was gonna tell you… Ummm… What was I gonna tell you?<10:4> I guess I forgot!
  143. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachA_Always:001', false)
  144. >         else:
  145. >             # Hey, so… Umm…I know I had something to say…buuuuuut… I forget what it was!
  146. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachA_Always:002', false)
  147. >     else:
  148. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  149. >             # I had something on my mind, but… I guess it slipped off!
  150. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachA_Always:003', false)
  151. >         else:
  152. >             # Oh! Hey there! I was so happy to see you, I forgot why I wanted to see you to begin with!
  153. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachA_Always:004', false)
  154. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_Dream.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_Dream.evfl.txt
  155. 12,16c12,13
  156. <         if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  157. <             # RANDOM: Hrmmm… What's going on now? Have we met… // I know we don't know each other, but I … // Huh? Where'd you come from? I'd say fro…
  158. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Dream/BO_Dream_Field:001', false)
  159. <         elif MainNpc.IsLivingMyLandNpcForDream():
  160. <             # RANDOM: Interested in a little local trivia? Fo… // I didn't know you were gonna be here, <… // No way. <50:3><110:3>? Are we having a …
  161. ---
  162. >         if MainNpc.IsLivingMyLandNpcForDream():
  163. >             # RANDOM: Interested in a little local trivia? Fo… // Thank goodness I ran into you when I di… // It's so cool running into you here. I k…
  164. 18c15
  165. <         else:
  166. ---
  167. >         elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  168. 20a18,20
  169. >         else:
  170. >             # RANDOM: Hrmmm… What's going on now? Have we met… // I know we don't know each other, but I … // Huh? Where'd you come from? I'd say fro…
  171. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Dream/BO_Dream_Field:001', false)
  172. 22c22
  173. <         # RANDOM: Hey, if this buddy dream goes well… we … // I wonder if this island has any special… // I love how, even in a dream, you can ma…
  174. ---
  175. >         # RANDOM: Hey, if this dream keeps going so well…… // I wonder if this island has any special… // I love how, even in a dream, you can ma…
  176. Only in 1.10.0: NNPC_Free2_Field.evfl.txt
  177. Only in 1.10.0: NNPC_Free2_FieldV.evfl.txt
  178. Only in 1.10.0: NNPC_Free2_House.evfl.txt
  179. Only in 1.10.0: NNPC_Free2_HouseV.evfl.txt
  180. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_FreeA.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_FreeA.evfl.txt
  181. 42c42
  182. <         run NNPC_Free_Field::ReSelection()
  183. ---
  184. >         run NNPC_Free2_Field::ReSelection()
  185. 70c70
  186. <         run NNPC_Free_House::ReSelection()
  187. ---
  188. >         run NNPC_Free2_House::ReSelection()
  189. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_FreeB.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_FreeB.evfl.txt
  190. 194c194
  191. <     if (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkSpotSPNow']) and (MainNpc.NpcHasFreeMessage('cFreeBSpot')):
  192. ---
  193. >     if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:TalkSpotSPNowAnyone']) and (MainNpc.NpcHasFreeMessage('cFreeBSpot')):
  194. 197c197
  195. <         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkSpotSPNow'] = true
  196. ---
  197. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:TalkSpotSPNowAnyone'] = true
  198. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_Free_Root.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_Free_Root.evfl.txt
  199. 3c3
  200. <         run NNPC_Free_HouseV::Root()
  201. ---
  202. >         run NNPC_Free2_HouseV::Root()
  203. 7c7
  204. <         run NNPC_Free_FieldV::Root()
  205. ---
  206. >         run NNPC_Free2_FieldV::Root()
  207. 12c12
  208. <             run NNPC_Free_House::Free_HouseH()
  209. ---
  210. >             run NNPC_Free2_House::Free_HouseH()
  211. 14c14
  212. <             run NNPC_Free_House::Root()
  213. ---
  214. >             run NNPC_Free2_House::Root()
  215. 16c16
  216. <         run NNPC_Free_House::Free_HouseG()
  217. ---
  218. >         run NNPC_Free2_House::Free_HouseG()
  219. 19c19
  220. <             run NNPC_Free_House::Root()
  221. ---
  222. >             run NNPC_Free2_House::Root()
  223. 21c21
  224. <             run NNPC_Free_Field::Root()
  225. ---
  226. >             run NNPC_Free2_Field::Root()
  227. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_FU.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_FU.evfl.txt
  228. 68c68
  229. <                 # I suppose. <20:3:cd06>They'd def get what they want, but it won't be much of a surprise…
  230. ---
  231. >                 # I suppose. <20:3:cd06>[He|She|]'d def get what [he|she|] wants, but it won't be much of a surprise…
  232. 71c71
  233. <                 # Oh,<20:2:cd02> I know! What if I ask them what they want? <20:3:cd05>And I'll tell you after I find out, <110:31:cd00>!
  234. ---
  235. >                 # Oh,<20:2:cd02> I know! What if I ask [him|her|] what [he|she|] wants? <20:3:cd05>And I'll tell you after I find out, <110:31:cd00>!
  236. 78c78
  237. <                 # That's so not<20:3:cd06> a bad idea! Worst-case scenario is that they won't want it and I can have it!
  238. ---
  239. >                 # That's so not<20:3:cd06> a bad idea! Worst-case scenario is that [he|she|they] won't want it and I can have it!
  240. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_GEvent_Harvest.evfl.txt
  241. 233c233
  242. <             # Anyway! My gramma used to say the secret to this recipe was putting in a smidgen of <140:26:0000>. But I'm all outta smidgens and…<10:4> And why do I…
  243. ---
  244. >             # Anyway! My grandma used to say the secret to this recipe was putting in a smidgen of <140:26:0000>. But I'm all outta smidgens and…<10:4> And why do …
  245. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_TreasureHunt_Begin.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_Quest_TreasureHunt_Begin.evfl.txt
  246. 116a117
  247. >         MainNpc.AdjustTreasureLimit()
  248. diff -r 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_DIY.evfl.txt 1.10.0/NNPC_Reaction_DIY.evfl.txt
  249. 61,70c61,62
  250. <                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  251. <                     case 0:
  252. <                         # Hey! Sorry about the mess, but I ain't got time to clean today…
  253. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_DIY:001', false)
  254. <                     case 1:
  255. <                         # Check me out! I'm doin' STUFF!
  256. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_DIY:015', false)
  257. <                     case 2:
  258. <                         # <50:3><110:3>! Um. Watch your step, OK?
  259. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_DIY:016', false)
  260. ---
  261. >                 # RANDOM: Hey! Sorry about the mess, but I ain't … // What are you doing? // You look busy. // Check me out! I'm doin' STUFF! // What are you doing? // You look busy. // <50:3><110:3>! Um. Watch your step, OK? // What are you doing? // You look busy.
  262. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_DIY:001', false)
  263. 125c117
  264. <     # Sorry. I got a lot goin' on. I dunno how much of this is even legal. Safety-wise, I mean. Let's play later!
  265. ---
  266. >     # Yeah, I got a lot goin' on. I dunno how much of this is even legal. Safetywise, I mean.  Let's play later!
  267. diff -r 1.9.0/Obj_Sign.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Obj_Sign.evfl.txt
  268. 102,103c102
  269. <         # Nook's Cranny Shop hours: 8 AM - 10 PM
  270. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Door:111', false)
  271. ---
  272. >         run System_Door_Market::Market_ClosedTime()
  273. diff -r 1.9.0/Player_GetDemo_Once.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Player_GetDemo_Once.evfl.txt
  274. 82a83
  275. >             run Sub_Event27()
  276. 84a86
  277. >             run Sub_Event27()
  278. 86,91c88,90
  279. <             pass
  280. <     run StartMainGameBitSet()
  281. <     EventFlowSystemActor.NpcInitializeActivity(-1)
  282. <     EventFlowSystemActor.CalendarEventStartFor2P()
  283. <     EventFlowSystemActor.ResetNpcScheduleForStart()
  284. <     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemReenterStage(2, 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929)
  285. ---
  286. >             run Sub_Event27()
  287. >         default:
  288. >             return
  289. 152a152,158
  290. >
  291. > local flow Sub_Event27():
  292. >     run StartMainGameBitSet()
  293. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NpcInitializeActivity(-1)
  294. >     EventFlowSystemActor.CalendarEventStartFor2P()
  295. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ResetNpcScheduleForStart()
  296. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemReenterStage(2, 'cCircle', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 0.800000011920929, 0.800000011920929)
  297. diff -r 1.9.0/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Player_SmaphoNavigation.evfl.txt
  298. 188,189d187
  299. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland']:
  300. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SetItemToPocket(12472, 1)
  301. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_alp_01_Studio.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_alp_01_Studio.evfl.txt
  302. 93c93,96
  303. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideExchangeFlag']:
  304. ---
  305. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasFreeInCommuneMail():
  306. >         # I oughta get caught up on that other stuff you wanted.<10:4> How 'bout we hold off on more trades till later?
  307. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:017', false)
  308. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideExchangeFlag']:
  309. 95a99
  310. >         run Alp_Exchange()
  311. 99d102
  312. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.HasFreeInCommuneMail():
  313. 101,103d103
  314. <     else:
  315. <         # I oughta get caught up on that other stuff you wanted.<10:4> How 'bout we hold off on more trades till later?
  316. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:017', false)
  317. 108a109,112
  318. > local flow Sub_Event57():
  319. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideGetStickFrag'] = true
  320. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  321. >
  322. 111c115,147
  323. <         run tst()
  324. ---
  325. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideNotGetLoveCrystalFrag']:
  326. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  327. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  328. >                 # I see you made some room in those pockets. Here's 10 <item>heart crystals, as promised!
  329. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022_02', false)
  330. >                 run Sub_grp_Event64()
  331. >         else:
  332. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12695, ''):
  333. >                 # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. I know it ain't much, but we both feel you've earned something for helpin' us out. So here…
  334. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020_01', false)
  335. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  336. >             else:
  337. >                 # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. Here, this is somethin' the two of us worked on. It's a DIY recipe for a <item>wedding wan…
  338. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020', false)
  339. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12695, false)
  340. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  341. >                     # Just a sec. You do know your way around DIY, don'tcha? So, basically, DIY is makin' tools and furniture and such, and it's pretty fun once you get a …
  342. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:024', false)
  343. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  344. >                 run Sub_grp_Event64()
  345. >             else:
  346. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12695, ''):
  347. >                     # Hm! Well, I can't give 'em to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Go clear some space and come back!
  348. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022_01', false)
  349. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideNotGetLoveCrystalFrag'] = true
  350. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  351. >                 else:
  352. >                     # Hm! I don't think I can give it to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Not to worry. I'll just mail it to ya!
  353. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
  354. >                     # Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
  355. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  356. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAlw_Alp', 'MAIL_SNpc_alw_JuneBride', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
  357. >                     run Sub_Event57()
  358. 113,122c149,155
  359. < flow tst():
  360. <     # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. Here, this is somethin' the two of us worked on. It's a DIY recipe for a <item>wedding wan…
  361. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020', false)
  362. <     EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12695, false)
  363. <     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  364. <         # Just a sec. You do know your way around DIY, don'tcha? So, basically, DIY is makin' tools and furniture and such, and it's pretty fun once you get a …
  365. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:024', false)
  366. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  367. <         if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  368. <             MainNpc.SetEventRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
  369. ---
  370. > local flow Sub_grp_Event64():
  371. >     if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  372. >         MainNpc.SetEventRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
  373. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12695, ''):
  374. >             # Actually, if you check your pockets, you'll see I already snuck 'em in there. Anyhoo, enjoy!
  375. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:023_01', false)
  376. >         else:
  377. 124a158,166
  378. >             run Sub_Event57()
  379. >     else:
  380. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  381. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  382. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  383. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12695, ''):
  384. >             # By the by, I'd be happy to take those back from you if any of this wedding stuff catches your eye, squirt. Come on back if you feel like tradin'! Or …
  385. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021_01', false)
  386. >             run Sub_Event57()
  387. 126,127d167
  388. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  389. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  390. 130,137c170
  391. <     else:
  392. <         # Hm! I don't think I can give it to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Not to worry. I'll just mail it to ya!
  393. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
  394. <         # Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
  395. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  396. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAlw_Alp', 'MAIL_SNpc_alw_JuneBride', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
  397. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideGetStickFrag'] = true
  398. <     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  399. ---
  400. >             run Sub_Event57()
  401. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_alw_01_Studio.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_alw_01_Studio.evfl.txt
  402. 14c14
  403. <             else:
  404. ---
  405. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  406. 17a18,19
  407. >             else:
  408. >                 run Alw_Advice_Set_Theme()
  409. 57c59
  410. <                     # I'm thinking of something chic. You know…calm and refined. With brown, beige, or black accents.
  411. ---
  412. >                     # I'm thinking of something chic. You know…calm and refined. With brown, beige, white, or black accents.
  413. 60c62
  414. <                     # I want to get a photo in a garden setting…with vibrant natural colors like green, yellow, and brown!
  415. ---
  416. >                     # I want to get a photo in a garden setting…with vibrant natural colors like green, yellow, beige, and brown!
  417. 204c206
  418. <                 # I already stashed your reward with your other stuff, so you're all set!
  419. ---
  420. >                 # I've already stashed the reward with your other stuff, so you're all set!
  421. 210a213
  422. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  423. 218a222,225
  424. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideExchangeTalkFlag']:
  425. >                     # Oh! There is one small request we have… Please keep it to no more than 8 redemptions per day. My sweetie makes all the furniture by hand. He works fa…
  426. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:053_01', false)
  427. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideExchangeTalkFlag'] = true
  428. 223c230
  429. <                 # Oh! But you don't have any room to take it with you right now, do you? Well. I'll mail it to you first class.
  430. ---
  431. >                 # Oh! But you don't have room to carry anything else right now, do you? Well… That's what mail's for!
  432. 227c234
  433. <             # Oh! But you don't have any room to take it with you right now, do you? Well. I'll mail it to you first class.
  434. ---
  435. >             # Oh! But you don't have room to carry anything else right now, do you? Well… That's what mail's for!
  436. 234a242,245
  437. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideExchangeTalkFlag']:
  438. >                     # Oh! There is one small request we have… Please keep it to no more than 8 redemptions per day. My sweetie makes all the furniture by hand. He works fa…
  439. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:053_01', false)
  440. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideExchangeTalkFlag'] = true
  441. 239c250
  442. <                 # Ooh, but you don't have any room for those either. How frustrating! Well, I'll pack those in with your gift.
  443. ---
  444. >                 # Oh! I forgot you don't have any room in your pockets. How frustrating! Well, I'll pack these in with your gift.
  445. 249c260
  446. <                 # I already stashed your reward with your other stuff, so you're all set!
  447. ---
  448. >                 # I've already stashed the reward with your other stuff, so you're all set!
  449. 255a267
  450. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  451. 260c272
  452. <             # Oh! But you don't have any room to take it with you right now, do you? Well. I'll mail it to you first class.
  453. ---
  454. >             # Oh! But you don't have room to carry anything else right now, do you? Well… That's what mail's for!
  455. 291c303,305
  456. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] != 14:
  457. ---
  458. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] == 14:
  459. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 14, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  460. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] == 15:
  461. 292a307,310
  462. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] == 16:
  463. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 16, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  464. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] != 17:
  465. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 18, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  466. 294c312
  467. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 14, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  468. ---
  469. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 17, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  470. 303a322,326
  471. > flow Alw_NotThemeStart():
  472. >     # Hey! So glad to see you again. Are you ready to work on another fun set for us?
  473. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
  474. >     run Event411()
  475. >
  476. 309c332
  477. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  478. ---
  479. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 4
  480. 311c334
  481. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 2
  482. ---
  483. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  484. 319c342
  485. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  486. ---
  487. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 4
  488. 321c344
  489. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 2
  490. ---
  491. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  492. 330c353
  493. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  494. ---
  495. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 4
  496. 332c355
  497. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 2
  498. ---
  499. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  500. 342c365
  501. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] < 6:
  502. ---
  503. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] < 10:
  504. 350c373
  505. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 4
  506. ---
  507. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 5
  508. 352c375
  509. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 2
  510. ---
  511. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  512. 360c383
  513. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 4
  514. ---
  515. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 5
  516. 362c385
  517. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 2
  518. ---
  519. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  520. 371c394
  521. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 4
  522. ---
  523. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 5
  524. 373c396
  525. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 2
  526. ---
  527. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] += 3
  528. 380c403
  529. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] < 8:
  530. ---
  531. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideDayScoreCount'] < 11:
  532. 486,491c509,520
  533. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  534. <                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideRemakeOpenFlag'] = true
  535. <                     # Noticing that things look a little different in here today? Hee-hee! Well, I thought you did a great job with the cute theme we had going. And now it…
  536. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:020_01', false)
  537. <                     # I've heard you're already a wiz at customization, but did you know that you can modify wedding items? Even just changing the color can completely cha…
  538. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  539. ---
  540. >                 if (EventFlowSystemActor.CurrentJuneBrideTheme() != 0) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']):
  541. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideRemakeOpenFlag']:
  542. >                         # Noticing that things look a little different in here today? Hee-hee! Well, I thought you did a great job with the cute theme we had going. And now it…
  543. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:020_01', false)
  544. >                         # And as for today's theme…
  545. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:022_02', false)
  546. >                     else:
  547. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideRemakeOpenFlag'] = true
  548. >                         # Noticing that things look a little different in here today? Hee-hee! Well, I thought you did a great job with the cute theme we had going. And now it…
  549. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:020_01', false)
  550. >                         # I've heard you're already a wiz at customization, but did you know that you can modify wedding items? Even just changing the color can completely cha…
  551. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  552. 496c525,529
  553. <                     run Sub_Event411()
  554. ---
  555. > entrypoint Event411:
  556. >                     # What we're looking for is a cute set with plenty of pink and white. Preferably using lots of the furniture my Cy-Guy made!
  557. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:011', false)
  558. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideNoRemake1stFlag'] = true
  559. >                     run Alw_End_day2_5()
  560. 502c535
  561. <                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  562. ---
  563. >                     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideNoRemake1stFlag']):
  564. 537c570,572
  565. <             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  566. ---
  567. >             elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  568. >                 run Alw_NotThemeStart()
  569. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideRemakeOpenFlag']:
  570. 542a578,579
  571. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.CurrentJuneBrideTheme() == 0:
  572. >                 run Alw_NotThemeStart()
  573. 544,546c581,586
  574. <                 # Hey! So glad to see you again. Are you ready to work on another fun set for us?
  575. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
  576. <                 run Sub_Event411()
  577. ---
  578. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideRemakeOpenFlag'] = true
  579. >                 # Noticing that things look a little different in here today? Hee-hee! Well, I thought you did a great job with the cute theme we had going. And now it…
  580. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:020_01', false)
  581. >                 # I've heard you're already a wiz at customization, but did you know that you can modify wedding items? Even just changing the color can completely cha…
  582. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  583. >                 run Alw_ThemeStart()
  584. 556c596
  585. <                 # I'm just pleased as punch that you'll be helping us out, PLAYER!
  586. ---
  587. >                 # I'm just pleased as punch that you'll be helping us with our anniversary photo shoot, PLAYER!
  588. 558c598,614
  589. <         run Sub_Event408()
  590. ---
  591. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBrideDayAlreadyCount'] < 1:
  592. >             run Sub_Event408()
  593. >         else:
  594. >             # Now, don't worry. This'll be just like last time—building sets and taking photos—and you did perfectly then. That said…do you need a refresher on the…
  595. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:005_01', false)
  596. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  597. >                 # No problem!
  598. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:005_02', false)
  599. >                 run Sub_Event408()
  600. >             else:
  601. >                 # No problem!
  602. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:005_02', false)
  603. >                 run Alw_day135_Ceremony()
  604. >                 run Alw_day1_6_Cute()
  605. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlwJuneBridePleaseShootFlag'] = true
  606. >                 run Alw_End_day2_5()
  607. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  608. 669c725
  609. <     # Of course, we do this every year for our anniversary, but it's always special, isn't it? It's just like…a slice of life from that year. [target N0>N1…
  610. ---
  611. >     # Even though we do this every year, it's always so very special. It's just like…a slice of life from that year. [target N0>N1]A delicious slice…almost…
  612. 698,702d753
  613. < local flow Sub_Event411():
  614. <     # What we're looking for is a cute set with plenty of pink and white. Preferably using lots of the furniture my Cy-Guy made!
  615. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alw/GEvent/SP_alw_GEvent_JuneBride:011', false)
  616. <     run Alw_End_day2_5()
  617. <
  618. 708c759
  619. <             # I already put those with your other stuff too. Hee-hee! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
  620. ---
  621. >             # I went ahead and snuck your rewards in with your other things. Hee-hee! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
  622. 712c763
  623. <             # I already stashed your reward with your other stuff, so you're all set!
  624. ---
  625. >             # I've already stashed the reward with your other stuff, so you're all set!
  626. 714,715d764
  627. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideSitDownFlag']:
  628. <         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  629. 717,720c766,773
  630. <         MainNpc.NpcChangeHandTool(false, 'cPutAway', 65534)
  631. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  632. <         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  633. <         EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  634. ---
  635. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  636. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:AlwJuneBrideSitDownFlag']:
  637. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  638. >         else:
  639. >             MainNpc.NpcChangeHandTool(false, 'cPutAway', 65534)
  640. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  641. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  642. >             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  643. 736c789
  644. <         # I do have just one helpful note for you… Some of the furniture could have matched the theme a bit better. Maybe if you had used themed furniture, or …
  645. ---
  646. >         # I do have just one helpful note for you… Some of the furniture could have matched the theme a bit better. Or, you might just need a bit MORE furnitur…
  647. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_alw_10_AfterCeremony.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_alw_10_AfterCeremony.evfl.txt
  648. 49c49
  649. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(6, 30, 6, 30, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  650. ---
  651. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(6, 30, 6, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  652. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_doc_54_MayDayTour.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_doc_54_MayDayTour.evfl.txt
  653. 11,31c11,17
  654. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(12472, 1):
  655. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12472, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  656. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAirline', 'MAIL_SP_Airline', 'cFastToday', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 20)
  657. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 1):
  658. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 2):
  659. <             if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 3):
  660. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 2, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  661. <             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 4):
  662. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 3, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  663. <             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 5):
  664. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 4, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  665. <             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 6):
  666. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  667. <             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 7):
  668. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 6, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  669. <             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 8):
  670. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 7, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  671. <             elif EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 9):
  672. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 9, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  673. <             else:
  674. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 8, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  675. ---
  676. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow']:
  677. >         run NoReward()
  678. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardSec']:
  679. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland']:
  680. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(14472, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  681. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cXct', 'MAIL_SNpc_xct', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 2)
  682. >             run NoReward()
  683. 33,36c19,25
  684. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  685. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAirline', 'MAIL_SP_Airline', 'cFastToday', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 21)
  686. <     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerBaggageOperationForEvent('cRestore')
  687. <     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cFromOutlierToHomeland', 'cCircle', 'cDALWithLoadWait', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  688. ---
  689. >             run NoReward()
  690. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland']:
  691. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12472, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  692. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cXct', 'MAIL_SNpc_xct', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 1)
  693. >         run NoReward()
  694. >     else:
  695. >         run NoReward()
  696. 61a51,80
  697. > flow NoReward():
  698. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 1):
  699. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 2):
  700. >             if not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 3):
  701. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 2, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  702. >             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 4):
  703. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 3, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  704. >             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 5):
  705. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 4, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  706. >             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 6):
  707. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  708. >             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 7):
  709. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 6, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  710. >             elif not EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 8):
  711. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 7, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  712. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(9964, 9):
  713. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 9, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  714. >             else:
  715. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 8, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  716. >         else:
  717. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(9964, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  718. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAirline', 'MAIL_SP_Airline', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 21)
  719. >     EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerBaggageOperationForEvent('cRestore')
  720. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cFromOutlierToHomeland', 'cCircle', 'cDALWithLoadWait', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  721. >
  722. > flow ReturnAfterCleared():
  723. >     # Now! What's on your flight plan?
  724. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:057', false)
  725. >     run Event21()
  726. >
  727. 76a96
  728. > entrypoint Event21:
  729. 79c99
  730. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(12472, 1):
  731. ---
  732. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow']:
  733. 81,82c101,102
  734. <                 # We'll make sure all your things are back in your pockets once we're on the ground on ISLAND. However, the gift you received from your new island frie…
  735. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:053', false)
  736. ---
  737. >                 # We'll make sure all your things are back in your pockets once we've landed on ISLAND. However, any <item>Bell vouchers you might have acquired while …
  738. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:059', false)
  739. 93,94c113,114
  740. <                 # We'll make sure all your things are back in your pockets once we're on the ground on ISLAND. However, the gift you received from your new island frie…
  741. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:052', false)
  742. ---
  743. >                 # We'll make sure all your things are back in your pockets once we've landed on ISLAND. Ready for takeoff?
  744. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:058', false)
  745. 105,106c125,126
  746. <             # We'll make sure all your things are back in your pockets once we're on the ground on ISLAND. However, any <item>Bell vouchers you might have acquired…
  747. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:054', false)
  748. ---
  749. >             # We'll make sure all your things are back in your pockets once we've landed on ISLAND. However, any <item>Bell vouchers you might have acquired while …
  750. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:059', false)
  751. 108c128
  752. <                 # Just so I know our signals aren't getting crossed: You can't revisit this exact May Day Tour island again. You sure about this?
  753. ---
  754. >                 # Just so I know our signals aren't getting crossed: you can't revisit this May Day Tour island again. You sure about this?
  755. 120c140
  756. <                 # Just so I know our signals aren't getting crossed: You can't revisit this exact May Day Tour island again. You sure about this?
  757. ---
  758. >                 # Just so I know our signals aren't getting crossed: you can't revisit this May Day Tour island again. You sure about this?
  759. 128c148
  760. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(12472, 1):
  761. ---
  762. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow']:
  763. 133,134c153,154
  764. <                 # Way to soar through! You'll have to let ol' Nook know. Oop… Put the air brake on. Seems you have something on you these pilot's eyes have never seen …
  765. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:048', false)
  766. ---
  767. >                 # Way to soar through! You'll have to let ol' Nook know. One dilly of a May Day Tour, huh?<10:4> Squawk the word, and we'll wing you back to your home …
  768. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/doc/SP_doc_51_MysteryTour:056', false)
  769. 135a156
  770. >                 run ReturnAfterCleared()
  771. 149c170
  772. <                     # Just so I know our signals aren't getting crossed: You can't revisit this exact May Day Tour island again. You sure about this?
  773. ---
  774. >                     # Just so I know our signals aren't getting crossed: you can't revisit this May Day Tour island again. You sure about this?
  775. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_dod_01_Airport_NormalSeq.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_dod_01_Airport_NormalSeq.evfl.txt
  776. 20,21c20,23
  777. <         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
  778. <             run MileTicketExplain()
  779. ---
  780. >         elif not EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false):
  781. >             run FinishedExplainAboutMayDayTicket()
  782. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UseMayDayTicket']:
  783. >             run FinishedExplainAboutMayDayTicket()
  784. 23,25c25,31
  785. <             # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport. How can I help you out today?
  786. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:002', false)
  787. <             run FirstSel3B()
  788. ---
  789. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket'] = true
  790. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']:
  791. >                 run FinishedExplainAboutMayDayTicket()
  792. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']:
  793. >                 run FinishedExplainAboutMayDayTicket()
  794. >             else:
  795. >                 run MileTicketExplain()
  796. 126a133,140
  797. > flow ExplainAboutMileTicket():
  798. >     run Event104()
  799. >
  800. > flow FinishedExplainAboutMayDayTicket():
  801. >     # Hey hey hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the <50:4><10:13>ISLAND</10:13> Airport. How can I help you out today?
  802. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:002', false)
  803. >     run FirstSel3B()
  804. >
  805. 139,144c153,170
  806. <         if (EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false)) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
  807. <             # I got a May Day Ticket from Tom Nook with "PLAYER" written on it, which makes it yours. When you want to use this ticket, you just gotta say the magi…
  808. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1301', false)
  809. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket'] = true
  810. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket'] = true
  811. <             run Sub_grp_Event139()
  812. ---
  813. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false):
  814. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket'] = true
  815. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']:
  816. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']:
  817. > entrypoint Event104:
  818. >                     # I just got a <item>Nook Miles Ticket from Tom Nook with "PLAYER" written on it, which makes it yours. So if you want to use this ticket, you just got…
  819. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:001_03_02', false)
  820. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket'] = true
  821. >                     run Sub_grp_Event139()
  822. >                 else:
  823. >                     # I got a May Day Ticket from Tom Nook with "PLAYER" written on it, which makes it yours. When you want to use this ticket, you just gotta say the magi…
  824. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1301', false)
  825. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket'] = true
  826. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket'] = true
  827. >                     SubflowResults[3] = 1
  828. >                     run Sub_grp_Event139()
  829. >             else:
  830. >                 run ExplainAboutMileTicket()
  831. 146,149c172
  832. <             # I just got a <item>Nook Miles Ticket from Tom Nook with "PLAYER" written on it, which makes it yours. So if you want to use this ticket, you just got…
  833. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:001_03_02', false)
  834. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket'] = true
  835. <             run Sub_grp_Event139()
  836. ---
  837. >             run ExplainAboutMileTicket()
  838. 186a210
  839. >         EventFlowSystemActor.RevokeTreasureQuest()
  840. 207,236c231,265
  841. <     # You're ready to go on the tour with your May Day Ticket? Roger that!
  842. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1303', false)
  843. <     # This May Day Tour is a special trip to a faraway island. It's all organized by Tom Nook! As for what awaits you there… You'll just have to find out w…
  844. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1304', false)
  845. <     # So…wanna stow your luggage and head out on the May Day Tour?
  846. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1305', false)
  847. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  848. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MiniGameSilentCancel()
  849. <         # «Alright!» Let's get you airborne.<10:8:003c0000>
  850. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:037', false)
  851. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EquipLicenseHelmet']:
  852. <             run SNPC_dod_AirPort::LandMakingRemove_Soloplay()
  853. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  854. <         run SNPC_dod_AirPort::EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=false)
  855. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageLockNext(1)
  856. <         # Saving. Do not touch .
  857. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Save:001', false)
  858. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
  859. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  860. <         run SNPC_dod_AirPort::EntryPoint_PostProcedure()
  861. <         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageUnlockNext()
  862. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UseMayDayTicket'] = true
  863. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodSingleFlightToday'] = true
  864. <         # <10:12><100:3:cd01>Dodo One, this is Dodo Tower—Wilbur, you copy? Got a walker who needs wings, over. Roger! Ready when you are!<100:3:cd02><10:8:002…
  865. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:037_01', true)
  866. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectMysteryTour(1)
  867. <         EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(75)
  868. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('Airplane_Takeoff_Short', -1)
  869. <         EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:doc')
  870. <         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cMysteryTourIsland', 'cCircle', 'cDALWithLoadWait', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  871. ---
  872. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  873. >         # You're ready to go on the tour with your May Day Ticket? Roger that!
  874. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1303', false)
  875. >         # This May Day Tour is a special trip to a faraway island. It's all organized by Tom Nook! As for what awaits you there… You'll just have to find out w…
  876. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1304', false)
  877. >         # So…wanna stow your luggage and head out on the May Day Tour?
  878. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1305', false)
  879. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  880. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MiniGameSilentCancel()
  881. >             EventFlowSystemActor.RevokeTreasureQuest()
  882. >             # «Alright!» Let's get you airborne.<10:8:003c0000>
  883. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:037', false)
  884. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EquipLicenseHelmet']:
  885. >                 run SNPC_dod_AirPort::LandMakingRemove_Soloplay()
  886. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  887. >             run SNPC_dod_AirPort::EntryPoint_PreProcedure(ContinueAS=false)
  888. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageLockNext(1)
  889. >             # Saving. Do not touch .
  890. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Save:001', false)
  891. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SaveSimpleSave('cAll')
  892. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  893. >             run SNPC_dod_AirPort::EntryPoint_PostProcedure()
  894. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageUnlockNext()
  895. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UseMayDayTicket'] = true
  896. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodSingleFlightToday'] = true
  897. >             # <10:12><100:3:cd01>Dodo One, this is Dodo Tower—Wilbur, you copy? Got a walker who needs wings, over. Roger! Ready when you are!<100:3:cd02><10:8:002…
  898. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:037_01', true)
  899. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectMysteryTour(3)
  900. >             EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(75)
  901. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('Airplane_Takeoff_Short', -1)
  902. >             EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:doc')
  903. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cMysteryTourIsland', 'cCircle', 'cDALWithLoadWait', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  904. >         else:
  905. >             # Roger that! Just let me know when you're ready to take to the skies!
  906. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1306', false)
  907. 238,239c267,278
  908. <         # Roger that! Just let me know when you're ready to take to the skies!
  909. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1306', false)
  910. ---
  911. >         # So, you're going to use your May Day Ticket, are you? Solid copy! Wait, scrub that! Sorry, but the May Day event is going to require some DIY work fr…
  912. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1307', false)
  913. >
  914. > flow MaydayTicketExplatinAtFirstTalk():
  915. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('MayDay', false):
  916. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket'] = true
  917. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']:
  918. >             # I got a May Day Ticket from Tom Nook with "PLAYER" written on it, which makes it yours. When you want to use this ticket, you just gotta say the magi…
  919. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1301', false)
  920. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket'] = true
  921. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMileTravelTicket'] = true
  922. >             SubflowResults[3] = 1
  923. 270a310
  924. >     EventFlowSystemActor.RevokeTreasureQuest()
  925. 331,332c371,373
  926. <         # By the way, I got a May Day Ticket with your name on it behind the desk here, so take advantage of it!
  927. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1300', false)
  928. ---
  929. >         if SubflowResults@2[3] == 0:
  930. >             # By the way, I got a May Day Ticket with your name on it behind the desk here, so take advantage of it!
  931. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:1300', false)
  932. 356,358c397,416
  933. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CommuneIslandAvailable']:
  934. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodUseFirstFreeTour']:
  935. <             run SelDestinationWOticket()
  936. ---
  937. >     else:
  938. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CommuneIslandAvailable']:
  939. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodUseFirstFreeTour']:
  940. >                 run SelDestinationWOticket()
  941. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']:
  942. >                 # By the way, I got a <item>Nook Miles Ticket with your name on it behind the desk here, so use that whenever.
  943. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:005_01', false)
  944. >                 run Dod_Go_Sel4B()
  945. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRndDailyQuest']:
  946. >                 run SelDestinationWOticket()
  947. >             else:
  948. >                 run Dod_Go_Sel3B()
  949. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodUseFirstFreeTour']:
  950. > entrypoint Event74:
  951. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(5851, 1):
  952. >                 # By the way, it looks like you've got a <item>Nook Miles Ticket on you, in case you feel like using that.
  953. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:005_02', false)
  954. >                 run Sub_Event113()
  955. >             else:
  956. >                 run Airport_DestinationSel_Pisland()
  957. 362,371d419
  958. <             run Dod_Go_Sel4B()
  959. <         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRndDailyQuest']:
  960. <             run SelDestinationWOticket()
  961. <         else:
  962. <             run Dod_Go_Sel3B()
  963. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodUseFirstFreeTour']:
  964. < entrypoint Event74:
  965. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.HasTargetItem(5851, 1):
  966. <             # By the way, it looks like you've got a <item>Nook Miles Ticket on you, in case you feel like using that.
  967. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:005_02', false)
  968. 372a421,422
  969. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRndDailyQuest']:
  970. >             run SelDestWOticket_NoSpn()
  971. 375,382d424
  972. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoGetTvForCongratsHouse']:
  973. <         # By the way, I got a <item>Nook Miles Ticket with your name on it behind the desk here, so use that whenever.
  974. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/dod/SP_dod_AirPort:005_01', false)
  975. <         run Sub_Event113()
  976. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRndDailyQuest']:
  977. <         run SelDestWOticket_NoSpn()
  978. <     else:
  979. <         run Airport_DestinationSel_Pisland()
  980. 458a501,502
  981. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']:
  982. >             run MaydayTicketExplatinAtFirstTalk()
  983. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_11_Tent_Entries.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_owl_11_Tent_Entries.evfl.txt
  984. 30,35c30,38
  985. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`):
  986. <         run FromDonatedFossil1st_Known()
  987. <     else:
  988. <         # Be that as it may…
  989. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:151_03', false)
  990. <         run SNPC_owl_01_Museum_Donation::Fossil_DonationTypeChk()
  991. ---
  992. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  993. >         case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`:
  994. >             run FromDonatedFossil1st_Known()
  995. >         case `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  996. >             # Be that as it may…
  997. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_01_MuseumTent:151_03', false)
  998. >             run SNPC_owl_01_Museum_Donation::Fossil_DonationTypeChk()
  999. >         default:
  1000. >             return
  1001. 41,44c44,50
  1002. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`):
  1003. <         run FromDonatedFossil1st_Known()
  1004. <     else:
  1005. <         run SNPC_owl_01_Museum_Donation::Fossil_DonationTypeChk()
  1006. ---
  1007. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1008. >         case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`:
  1009. >             run FromDonatedFossil1st_Known()
  1010. >         case `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1011. >             run SNPC_owl_01_Museum_Donation::Fossil_DonationTypeChk()
  1012. >         default:
  1013. >             return
  1014. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_21_Museum_FirstTimeTalk.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_owl_21_Museum_FirstTimeTalk.evfl.txt
  1015. 19,25c19,32
  1016. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`):
  1017. <         # Here our focus is on the collection and exhibition of items scientific, paleontological, and educative. Indeed, insects, fish, and fossils are of spe…
  1018. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:113', false)
  1019. <     else:
  1020. <         # Here our focus is on the collection and exhibition of items scientific, paleontological, and artistic. Insects, fish, fossils, and works of art are o…
  1021. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:116', false)
  1022. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum2'] = true
  1023. ---
  1024. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1025. >         case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`:
  1026. >             # Here our focus is on the collection and exhibition of items scientific, paleontological, and educative. Indeed, insects, fish, and fossils are of spe…
  1027. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:113', false)
  1028. >             run Sub_Event13()
  1029. >         case `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1030. >             # Here our focus is on the collection and exhibition of items scientific, paleontological, and artistic. Insects, fish, fossils, and works of art are o…
  1031. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:116', false)
  1032. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum2'] = true
  1033. >             run Sub_Event13()
  1034. >         default:
  1035. >             return
  1036. >
  1037. > local flow Sub_Event13():
  1038. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_24_Museum_StampRally.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_owl_24_Museum_StampRally.evfl.txt
  1039. 0a1,85
  1040. > flow Chk_Clear():
  1041. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] = 0
  1042. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1043. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFish']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFishStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFishStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFishStampRally3']):
  1044. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1045. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsect']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlInsectStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlInsectStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlInsectStampRally3']):
  1046. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1047. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossil']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFossilStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFossilStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFossilStampRally3']):
  1048. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1049. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArt']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally3']):
  1050. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1051. >     else:
  1052. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFish']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFishStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFishStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFishStampRally3']):
  1053. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1054. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsect']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlInsectStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlInsectStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlInsectStampRally3']):
  1055. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1056. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossil']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFossilStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFossilStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFossilStampRally3']):
  1057. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1058. >         if (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally3']):
  1059. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] += 1
  1060. >
  1061. > flow Chk_Comp():
  1062. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1063. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsect']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFish']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossil']) and ((EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`)) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArt'])):
  1064. >             run Sub_Event338()
  1065. >         else:
  1066. >             # Now, should you find yourself exploring the other exhibit rooms, do try collecting stamps there. Someone such as yourself is sure to find it a worthy…
  1067. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:031', false)
  1068. >     else:
  1069. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsect']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFish']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossil']) and ((EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`)) or (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt'])):
  1070. >             run Sub_Event338()
  1071. >         else:
  1072. >             # Now, should you find yourself exploring the other exhibit rooms, do try collecting stamps there. Someone such as yourself is sure to find it a worthy…
  1073. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:031', false)
  1074. >
  1075. > flow Chk_NotGetItem():
  1076. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1077. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1078. >             if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFish']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFishReward']):
  1079. >                 run Sub_Event284()
  1080. >             elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsect']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsectReward']):
  1081. >                 run Sub_Event285()
  1082. >             elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossil']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossilReward']):
  1083. >                 run Sub_Event289()
  1084. >             elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArt']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArtReward']):
  1085. >                 run Sub_Event304()
  1086. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1087. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFish']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFishReward']):
  1088. >             run Sub_Event284()
  1089. >         elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsect']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsectReward']):
  1090. >             run Sub_Event285()
  1091. >         elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossil']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossilReward']):
  1092. >             run Sub_Event289()
  1093. >         elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArtReward']):
  1094. >             run Sub_Event304()
  1095. >
  1096. > flow Chk_Pocket():
  1097. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1098. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1099. >             # Hoo-hoo! I see you've made room in your pockets. In that case, here is the memento you were promised.
  1100. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:018', false)
  1101. >         else:
  1102. >             # And without any further ado, here is the memento I promised you.
  1103. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:017', false)
  1104. >     else:
  1105. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1106. >             # Hoo-hoo! I see you've made room in your pockets. In that case, here is the memento you were promised.
  1107. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:018', false)
  1108. >         else:
  1109. >             # And without any further ado, here is the memento I promised you.
  1110. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:017', false)
  1111. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1112. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1113. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull'] = true
  1114. >         else:
  1115. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull'] = true
  1116. >         # Eh wot?! Your pockets! They're stuffed to bursting. Come back once you've organized yourself, and I shall give you your commemorative item.
  1117. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:014', false)
  1118. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1119. >     else:
  1120. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1121. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull'] = false
  1122. >         else:
  1123. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull'] = false
  1124. >
  1125. 21,23c106,108
  1126. <     if not ((not EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('InternationalMuseum', false)) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:Museum2BuiltToday']) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:Museum3BuiltToday'])):
  1127. <         if not EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1128. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1129. ---
  1130. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('InternationalMuseum', false):
  1131. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1132. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1133. 27c112
  1134. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:StampRallyRunningForPlayer']:
  1135. ---
  1136. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:StampRallyRunningForPlayer']:
  1137. 30,35c115,121
  1138. <                     # By the by, we are hosting a Stamp Rally today in honor of International Museum Day.
  1139. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:007', false)
  1140. <                     # It works thusly… The bug, fish, and fossil galleries each have three stamp stations… You must find the stations within each gallery and acquire the s…
  1141. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003', false)
  1142. <                     run QuestJoin()
  1143. <         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1144. ---
  1145. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayed']:
  1146. >                         run Start()
  1147. >                     else:
  1148. >                         # That reminds me! I have exciting news, PLAYER.
  1149. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:001', false)
  1150. >                         run Start()
  1151. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1152. 39c125
  1153. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:StampRallyRunningForPlayer']:
  1154. ---
  1155. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:StampRallyRunningForPlayer']:
  1156. 42,47c128,134
  1157. <                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayed']:
  1158. <                     # By the by, PLAYER, we are still hosting a Stamp Rally here at the museum today.
  1159. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:004', false)
  1160. <                     # The stamp stations change each day, you see. That way the rally remains a fresh challenge even for those who've already given it a go. Now, the memen…
  1161. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:006', false)
  1162. <                     run QuestJoin()
  1163. ---
  1164. >                 # By the by, we are currently hosting a Stamp Rally in honor of International Museum Day, which is on May 18th.
  1165. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:002_02', false)
  1166. >                 # Please allow me a moment to give a brief explanation of precisely what this most esteemed day is… Ahem! International Museum Day is a day to understa…
  1167. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:002_03', false)
  1168. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`):
  1169. >                     # Now! The Stamp Rally works thusly… The bug, fish, and fossil galleries each have 3 stamp stations…
  1170. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003_02', false)
  1171. 49,55c136,148
  1172. <                     # That reminds me! I have exciting news, PLAYER.
  1173. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:001', false)
  1174. <                     # Today, in honor of International Museum Day, we're holding a Stamp Rally!
  1175. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:002', false)
  1176. <                     # It works thusly… The bug, fish, and fossil galleries each have three stamp stations… You must find the stations within each gallery and acquire the s…
  1177. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003', false)
  1178. <                     run QuestJoin()
  1179. ---
  1180. >                     # Now! The Stamp Rally works thusly… The bug, fish, fossil, and art galleries each have 3 stamp stations…
  1181. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003_01', false)
  1182. >                 # You must find the stations in each gallery and acquire their stamps. Do so, and you'll earn a memento. There are several unique mementos— one for com…
  1183. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003_03', false)
  1184. >                 run QuestJoin()
  1185. >
  1186. > flow Get_Item():
  1187. >     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1188. >     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1189. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1190. >     MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 1, 4)
  1191. >     # I present to you…your very own <125:4:0000>!
  1192. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:019', false)
  1193. 75,77c168,188
  1194. <     run Stamp1()
  1195. <     run Stamp2()
  1196. <     run Stamp3()
  1197. ---
  1198. >     SubflowResults[1] = 0
  1199. >     run Chk_NotGetItem()
  1200. >     run Chk_Clear()
  1201. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] != 0:
  1202. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlClearCount'] < 2:
  1203. >             # Hoo-hoo? I see you've collected a set of stamps!
  1204. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010', false)
  1205. >         else:
  1206. >             # Is that a set of stamps I see? Hoo-hoo! It's several, in fact!
  1207. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_01', false)
  1208. >         SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1209. >         run Stamp_Fish()
  1210. >         run Stamp_Insect()
  1211. >         run Stamp_Fossil()
  1212. >         run Stamp_Art()
  1213. >         run Chk_Comp()
  1214. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1215. >     else:
  1216. >         if SubflowResults@2[1] == 1:
  1217. >             run Chk_Comp()
  1218. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1219. 103,115c214,215
  1220. <     if not ((not EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('InternationalMuseum', false)) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:Museum2BuiltToday']) or (System.EventFlags['cLand:Museum3BuiltToday'])):
  1221. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayed']:
  1222. <             # You know, we are hosting a Stamp Rally today as well.
  1223. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:005', false)
  1224. <             # The stamp stations change each day, you see. That way the rally remains a fresh challenge even for those who've already given it a go. Now, the memen…
  1225. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:006', false)
  1226. <             run QuestJoin()
  1227. <         else:
  1228. <             # Today, in honor of International Museum Day, we're holding a Stamp Rally!
  1229. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:002', false)
  1230. <             # It works thusly… The bug, fish, and fossil galleries each have three stamp stations… You must find the stations within each gallery and acquire the s…
  1231. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003', false)
  1232. <             run QuestJoin()
  1233. ---
  1234. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('InternationalMuseum', false):
  1235. >         run Start()
  1236. 220a321,627
  1237. >
  1238. > flow Stamp_Art():
  1239. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1240. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtStampRally3']):
  1241. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArt']:
  1242. >                 run Sub_grp_Event196()
  1243. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1244. >                 run Sub_Event191()
  1245. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlArtStampRally3']):
  1246. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt']:
  1247. >             run Sub_grp_Event196()
  1248. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1249. >             run Sub_Event191()
  1250. >
  1251. > flow Stamp_Fish():
  1252. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1253. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFishStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFishStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFishStampRally3']):
  1254. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFish']:
  1255. >                 run Sub_Event370()
  1256. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1257. >                 run Sub_Event274()
  1258. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFishStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFishStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFishStampRally3']):
  1259. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFish']:
  1260. >             run Sub_Event370()
  1261. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1262. >             run Sub_Event274()
  1263. >
  1264. > flow Stamp_Fossil():
  1265. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1266. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFossilStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFossilStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlFossilStampRally3']):
  1267. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossil']:
  1268. >                 run Sub_grp_Event360()
  1269. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1270. >                 run Sub_Event169()
  1271. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFossilStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFossilStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlFossilStampRally3']):
  1272. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossil']:
  1273. >             run Sub_grp_Event360()
  1274. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1275. >             run Sub_Event169()
  1276. >
  1277. > flow Stamp_Insect():
  1278. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1279. >         if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlInsectStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlInsectStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlInsectStampRally3']):
  1280. >             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsect']:
  1281. >                 run Sub_grp_Event367()
  1282. >             elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1283. >                 run Sub_Event273()
  1284. >     elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlInsectStampRally1']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlInsectStampRally2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlInsectStampRally3']):
  1285. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsect']:
  1286. >             run Sub_grp_Event367()
  1287. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampPocketWasFull']:
  1288. >             run Sub_Event273()
  1289. >
  1290. > flow Start():
  1291. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayed']:
  1292. >         # You know, we are still hosting the Stamp Rally today as well.
  1293. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:008', false)
  1294. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`):
  1295. >             if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear3']):
  1296. >                 # Of course, there is still fun to be had even if you've already completed the Stamp Rally. The stamp stations move each day, you see. That way the ral…
  1297. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:008_01', false)
  1298. >             else:
  1299. >                 # Oh my! It appears there may be a gallery or two whose stamps you have yet to collect! The mementos I have are different for each gallery you complete…
  1300. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:008_02', false)
  1301. >         else:
  1302. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtUnfinished']:
  1303. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtUnfinished'] = false
  1304. >                 # And it has expanded! Indeed, our new art gallery now has stamps for you to find! There is also a unique memento for you to collect once you've found …
  1305. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:008_03', false)
  1306. >             elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear2']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear3']) and (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear4']):
  1307. >                 # Of course, there is still fun to be had even if you've already completed the Stamp Rally. The stamp stations move each day, you see. That way the ral…
  1308. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:008_01', false)
  1309. >             else:
  1310. >                 # Oh my! It appears there may be a gallery or two whose stamps you have yet to collect! The mementos I have are different for each gallery you complete…
  1311. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:008_02', false)
  1312. >         run QuestJoin()
  1313. >     else:
  1314. >         # May 18th is International Museum Day, and to honor it, we're holding a Stamp Rally!
  1315. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:002_01', false)
  1316. >         # Please allow me a moment to give a brief explanation of precisely what this most esteemed day is… Ahem! International Museum Day is a day to understa…
  1317. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:002_03', false)
  1318. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`):
  1319. >             # Now! The Stamp Rally works thusly… The bug, fish, and fossil galleries each have 3 stamp stations…
  1320. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003_02', false)
  1321. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlArtUnfinished'] = true
  1322. >         else:
  1323. >             # Now! The Stamp Rally works thusly… The bug, fish, fossil, and art galleries each have 3 stamp stations…
  1324. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003_01', false)
  1325. >         # You must find the stations in each gallery and acquire their stamps. Do so, and you'll earn a memento. There are several unique mementos— one for com…
  1326. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:003_03', false)
  1327. >         run QuestJoin()
  1328. >
  1329. > local flow Sub_Event169():
  1330. >     run Chk_Pocket()
  1331. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12484, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1332. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1333. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossilReward'] = true
  1334. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear3'] = true
  1335. >     else:
  1336. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossilReward'] = true
  1337. >     run Get_Item()
  1338. >
  1339. > local flow Sub_Event191():
  1340. >     run Chk_Pocket()
  1341. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(14532, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1342. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1343. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotArtReward'] = true
  1344. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear4'] = true
  1345. >     else:
  1346. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArtReward'] = true
  1347. >     run Get_Item()
  1348. >
  1349. > local flow Sub_Event273():
  1350. >     run Chk_Pocket()
  1351. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12485, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1352. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1353. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsectReward'] = true
  1354. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear2'] = true
  1355. >     else:
  1356. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsectReward'] = true
  1357. >     run Get_Item()
  1358. >
  1359. > local flow Sub_Event274():
  1360. >     run Chk_Pocket()
  1361. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12486, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1362. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1363. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFishReward'] = true
  1364. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampPlayedThisYear'] = true
  1365. >     else:
  1366. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFishReward'] = true
  1367. >     run Get_Item()
  1368. >
  1369. > local flow Sub_Event284():
  1370. >     run Stamp_Fish()
  1371. >     SubflowResults[1] = 1
  1372. >
  1373. > local flow Sub_Event285():
  1374. >     run Stamp_Insect()
  1375. >     SubflowResults[1] = 1
  1376. >
  1377. > local flow Sub_Event289():
  1378. >     run Stamp_Fossil()
  1379. >     SubflowResults[1] = 1
  1380. >
  1381. > local flow Sub_Event304():
  1382. >     run Stamp_Art()
  1383. >     SubflowResults[1] = 1
  1384. >
  1385. > local flow Sub_Event338():
  1386. >     # Hoot and wot wot?! You've collected all the stamps available today? To think you've enjoyed the Stamp Rally to such a degree! I can't help but puff m…
  1387. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:033', false)
  1388. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1389. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(5, 31, 5, 31, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  1390. >             # Sadly, today is the final day for this year's Stamp Rally.
  1391. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:034_01', false)
  1392. >         else:
  1393. >             # We'll be holding a Stamp Rally every day until May 31st. We even change the stamp stations each day! If you'd like to earn more of those same memento…
  1394. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:034', false)
  1395. >     # Thank you so much for celebrating International Museum Day with us and taking part in our Stamp Rally. Sharing the wonders and knowledge our museum h…
  1396. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:035', false)
  1397. >
  1398. > local flow Sub_Event370():
  1399. >     # Jolly good! And now to mark your hard work with an aptly named completion stamp! Let's see…
  1400. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_02', false)
  1401. >     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1402. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIStampRallyMuseumFromOwlHandling('cFish')
  1403. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1404. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFish'] = true
  1405. >     else:
  1406. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFish'] = true
  1407. >     # With that, you've finished the Stamp Rally in the fish gallery! Hoot! I say, hoo! Look at you!
  1408. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:012_01', false)
  1409. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(0, 0):
  1410. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery is currently quite empty.
  1411. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_01', false)
  1412. >         run Sub_Event404()
  1413. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(0, 3):
  1414. >         # I say, did you happen to take any photographs of your quest? Your NookPhone takes marvelous photos. And the fish rooms make an elegant backdrop, to b…
  1415. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:012_02', false)
  1416. >         run Sub_Event274()
  1417. >     else:
  1418. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery still has quite a ways to go.
  1419. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_02', false)
  1420. >         run Sub_Event404()
  1421. >
  1422. > local flow Sub_Event404():
  1423. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1424. >         # It is my sincere hope that we receive enough donations to completely fill out our museum.
  1425. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_03', false)
  1426. >         run Sub_Event274()
  1427. >     else:
  1428. >         # We are always working to increase the number of exhibits on display, so I hope you'll visit us again soon!
  1429. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_04', false)
  1430. >         run Sub_Event274()
  1431. >
  1432. > local flow Sub_Event407():
  1433. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1434. >         # It is my sincere hope that we receive enough donations to completely fill out our museum.
  1435. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_03', false)
  1436. >         run Sub_Event273()
  1437. >     else:
  1438. >         # We are always working to increase the number of exhibits on display, so I hope you'll visit us again soon!
  1439. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_04', false)
  1440. >         run Sub_Event273()
  1441. >
  1442. > local flow Sub_Event410():
  1443. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1444. >         # It is my sincere hope that we receive enough donations to completely fill out our museum.
  1445. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_03', false)
  1446. >         run Sub_Event169()
  1447. >     else:
  1448. >         # We are always working to increase the number of exhibits on display, so I hope you'll visit us again soon!
  1449. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_04', false)
  1450. >         run Sub_Event169()
  1451. >
  1452. > local flow Sub_Event413():
  1453. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1454. >         # It is my sincere hope that we receive enough donations to completely fill out our museum.
  1455. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_03', false)
  1456. >         run Sub_Event191()
  1457. >     else:
  1458. >         # We are always working to increase the number of exhibits on display, so I hope you'll visit us again soon!
  1459. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_04', false)
  1460. >         run Sub_Event191()
  1461. >
  1462. > local flow Sub_grp_Event196():
  1463. >     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  1464. >         # Jolly good! And now to mark your hard work with an aptly named completion stamp! Let's see…
  1465. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_02', false)
  1466. >     else:
  1467. >         # What else… Oh yes! The art exhibit. I am pleased to present you with this artfully composed completion stamp!
  1468. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_05', false)
  1469. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIStampRallyMuseumFromOwlHandling('cArt')
  1470. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1471. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt'] = true
  1472. >     else:
  1473. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotArt'] = true
  1474. >     # There! It pleases me to report that the Stamp Rally for the art gallery is finished. You've done this owl proud!
  1475. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:016', false)
  1476. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(3, 0):
  1477. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery is currently quite empty.
  1478. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_01', false)
  1479. >         run Sub_Event413()
  1480. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(3, 8):
  1481. >         # Of course, there is so much more than just art on display in that gallery. Hoot-hoo! It's true! To look at art is to look into the mind of the artist…
  1482. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:016_01', false)
  1483. >         run Sub_Event191()
  1484. >     else:
  1485. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery still has quite a ways to go.
  1486. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_02', false)
  1487. >         run Sub_Event413()
  1488. >
  1489. > local flow Sub_grp_Event360():
  1490. >     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  1491. >         # Jolly good! And now to mark your hard work with an aptly named completion stamp! Let's see…
  1492. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_02', false)
  1493. >     else:
  1494. >         # And now, the fossils! For uncovering their ancient mysteries, I grant you this completion stamp. Bravo!
  1495. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_04', false)
  1496. >     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1497. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIStampRallyMuseumFromOwlHandling('cFossil')
  1498. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1499. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotFossil'] = true
  1500. >     else:
  1501. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotFossil'] = true
  1502. >     # Very well done! You've finished the Stamp Rally in the fossil gallery!
  1503. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:013_01', false)
  1504. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(2, 0):
  1505. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery is currently quite empty.
  1506. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_01', false)
  1507. >         run Sub_Event410()
  1508. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(2, 4):
  1509. >         # As the host of these rallies, it pleases me to my pinfeathers to see you frolic amid the fossils so! The views you get as you stand upon the circles …
  1510. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:013_02', false)
  1511. >         run Sub_Event169()
  1512. >     else:
  1513. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery still has quite a ways to go.
  1514. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_02', false)
  1515. >         run Sub_Event410()
  1516. >
  1517. > local flow Sub_grp_Event367():
  1518. >     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  1519. >         # Jolly good! And now to mark your hard work with an aptly named completion stamp! Let's see…
  1520. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_02', false)
  1521. >     else:
  1522. >         # Now to the bugs. For daring to enter their fearsome presence, I give to you another completion stamp!
  1523. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:010_03', false)
  1524. >     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1525. >     EventFlowSystemActor.UIStampRallyMuseumFromOwlHandling('cInsect')
  1526. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1527. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlStampGotInsect'] = true
  1528. >     else:
  1529. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerVisit:OwlStampGotInsect'] = true
  1530. >     # You've finished the Stamp Rally in the bug exhibit! By my beak, what a showing!
  1531. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:011_01', false)
  1532. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(1, 0):
  1533. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery is currently quite empty.
  1534. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_01', false)
  1535. >         run Sub_Event407()
  1536. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumRoomDonateRate2(1, 3):
  1537. >         # Your willingness to explore the bug rooms with such gusto is…admirable. I, myself, find lingering there quite impossible!
  1538. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:011_02', false)
  1539. >         run Sub_Event273()
  1540. >     else:
  1541. >         # As I'm sure you saw, that gallery still has quite a ways to go.
  1542. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_24_Museum_StampRally:020_02', false)
  1543. >         run Sub_Event407()
  1544. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_owl.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_owl.evfl.txt
  1545. 97,129c97,100
  1546. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() not in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`):
  1547. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum2']:
  1548. <             run SNPC_owl_00_Common::CmnTodayTalk1st()
  1549. <         else:
  1550. <             run SNPC_owl_22_Museum_RenualQuest::AfterRenualQuest()
  1551. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum1']:
  1552. <         run SNPC_owl_00_Common::CmnTodayTalk1st()
  1553. <     else:
  1554. <         # Hoo hoo! If it isn't PLAYER!
  1555. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:001', false)
  1556. <         if System.EventFlags['cLand:Museum2BuiltToday']:
  1557. <             # At long last, the <10:13><50:4>ISLAND</10:13> Museum has opened. This very day, no less! An impressive feat of engineering, craftsmanship, and good o…
  1558. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:001_01', false)
  1559. <         else:
  1560. <             # The <10:13><50:4>ISLAND</10:13> Museum has opened its doors, you see! It is a tremendous achievement. I confess, my feathers are puffed with pride.
  1561. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:001_02', false)
  1562. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlDonationDone']:
  1563. <             # Of course, it was your very own donations that made it possible. So to you I say, THANK YOU!
  1564. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:002_01', false)
  1565. <         else:
  1566. <             # Indeed, it was the donations from <110:33> residents themselves that made this possible!
  1567. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:002_02', false)
  1568. <         # Now, allow me to give you a quick overview of our fine institution's floor plan… You'll find there are entrances to the left, to the right, and into …
  1569. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:003', false)
  1570. <         if System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlFoundFossil']:
  1571. <             if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlShowFossilMyself']:
  1572. <                 # To the left here are the bugs, and to the right you'll find our fish. And in the basement… You'll find the fossils! Indeed, they have been discovered…
  1573. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_03', false)
  1574. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlShowFossilMyself'] = true
  1575. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumComplete():
  1576. <                 # In fact, so great has been the spirit of giving that our collection is 100 percent complete! New donations are no longer needed, but if you wish to l…
  1577. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_04', false)
  1578. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:FutaExplanationDonationComp'] = true
  1579. ---
  1580. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1581. >         case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`:
  1582. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum1']:
  1583. >                 run SNPC_owl_00_Common::CmnTodayTalk1st()
  1584. 131,137c102,141
  1585. <                 # Ah! That's right! I have more good news to report. That is, the donation process has been streamlined. Henceforth we will accept multiple donations a…
  1586. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_01', false)
  1587. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlMultiDonateExplain'] = true
  1588. <         else:
  1589. <             # To be sure, we may have gotten ahead of ourselves with the fossil exhibit. Alas, no fossil has been found as of yet…though I remain ever confident! A…
  1590. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_02', false)
  1591. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum1'] = true
  1592. ---
  1593. >                 # Hoo hoo! If it isn't PLAYER!
  1594. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:001', false)
  1595. >                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:Museum2BuiltToday']:
  1596. >                     # At long last, the <10:13><50:4>ISLAND</10:13> Museum has opened. This very day, no less! An impressive feat of engineering, craftsmanship, and good o…
  1597. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:001_01', false)
  1598. >                 else:
  1599. >                     # The <10:13><50:4>ISLAND</10:13> Museum has opened its doors, you see! It is a tremendous achievement. I confess, my feathers are puffed with pride.
  1600. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:001_02', false)
  1601. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlDonationDone']:
  1602. >                     # Of course, it was your very own donations that made it possible. So to you I say, THANK YOU!
  1603. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:002_01', false)
  1604. >                 else:
  1605. >                     # Indeed, it was the donations from <110:33> residents themselves that made this possible!
  1606. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:002_02', false)
  1607. >                 # Now, allow me to give you a quick overview of our fine institution's floor plan… You'll find there are entrances to the left, to the right, and into …
  1608. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:003', false)
  1609. >                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:OwlFoundFossil']:
  1610. >                     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlShowFossilMyself']:
  1611. >                         # To the left here are the bugs, and to the right you'll find our fish. And in the basement… You'll find the fossils! Indeed, they have been discovered…
  1612. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_03', false)
  1613. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlShowFossilMyself'] = true
  1614. >                     if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumComplete():
  1615. >                         # In fact, so great has been the spirit of giving that our collection is 100 percent complete! New donations are no longer needed, but if you wish to l…
  1616. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_04', false)
  1617. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:FutaExplanationDonationComp'] = true
  1618. >                     else:
  1619. >                         # Ah! That's right! I have more good news to report. That is, the donation process has been streamlined. Henceforth we will accept multiple donations a…
  1620. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_01', false)
  1621. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:OwlMultiDonateExplain'] = true
  1622. >                 else:
  1623. >                     # To be sure, we may have gotten ahead of ourselves with the fossil exhibit. Alas, no fossil has been found as of yet…though I remain ever confident! A…
  1624. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/owl/SP_owl_11_Museum1stTalk:004_02', false)
  1625. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum1'] = true
  1626. >         case `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1627. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:Owl1stTalkMuseum2']:
  1628. >                 run SNPC_owl_00_Common::CmnTodayTalk1st()
  1629. >             else:
  1630. >                 run SNPC_owl_22_Museum_RenualQuest::AfterRenualQuest()
  1631. >         default:
  1632. >             return
  1633. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt
  1634. 418c418
  1635. <     run Event99()
  1636. ---
  1637. >     run Event347()
  1638. 452c452,453
  1639. < entrypoint Event99:
  1640. ---
  1641. > entrypoint Event347:
  1642. >                     MainNpc.NpcWaitTurn()
  1643. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_03_RenualOpen.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_rcm_03_RenualOpen.evfl.txt
  1644. 79,84c79,89
  1645. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() == `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  1646. <             # When we first got here, we had a nice campfire for everyone, and now we have our very own shop. Experiencing new things every day has been a lot of f…
  1647. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_20_Market:203_01', false)
  1648. <         else:
  1649. <             # In just a short time, Blathers has moved in, and we were able to open up this shop. Experiencing new things every day has been a lot of fun!__ ...lot…
  1650. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_20_Market:203', false)
  1651. ---
  1652. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1653. >             case `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1654. >                 # In just a short time, Blathers has moved in, and we were able to open up this shop. Experiencing new things every day has been a lot of fun!__ ...lot…
  1655. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_20_Market:203', false)
  1656. >                 run Sub_Event41()
  1657. >             case `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  1658. >                 # When we first got here, we had a nice campfire for everyone, and now we have our very own shop. Experiencing new things every day has been a lot of f…
  1659. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_20_Market:203_01', false)
  1660. >                 run Sub_Event41()
  1661. >             default:
  1662. >                 return
  1663. 88a94
  1664. >             run Sub_Event41()
  1665. 91a98,123
  1666. >             run Sub_Event41()
  1667. >
  1668. > flow Rcm_RenualOpen1_ConvHgh_Prepare():
  1669. >     Player.PlayerMoveToTarget(161.0, 180.0, 0.0, 0.0, '', false, false)
  1670. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SetNpcAIBlackBoardByLabel('DemoSpeak', 1, 'rcm', 1)
  1671. >
  1672. > flow Rcm_RenualOpen2():
  1673. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmHeardAboutNewOpen2'] = true
  1674. >     if System.EventFlags['cLand:MarketOpen1stDay2']:
  1675. >         # Welcome to our newly renovated and expanded shop! I'm so glad you stopped by to visit us on our very first day in action!
  1676. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:151', false)
  1677. >     else:
  1678. >         # <50:3>PLAYER! Welcome! This is your first visit since we renovated, right? As you can see, we're operating out of this new space now.
  1679. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:151_01', false)
  1680. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmViaItemCheck']:
  1681. >         # Oops. Never mind that… You were looking at this item.
  1682. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:002_03', false)
  1683. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmShopshelfCheck']:
  1684. >         # Curious about the cabinet? Here's what we have available today.
  1685. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:152_02', false)
  1686. >         run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_OpenShoppingUI_EX()
  1687. >     else:
  1688. >         # We hope you'll continue shopping with us here at Nook's Cranny! __...Cranny!__
  1689. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:002_02', false)
  1690. >
  1691. > local flow Sub_Event41():
  1692. 174,196d205
  1693. <
  1694. < flow Rcm_RenualOpen1_ConvHgh_Prepare():
  1695. <     Player.PlayerMoveToTarget(161.0, 180.0, 0.0, 0.0, '', false, false)
  1696. <     EventFlowSystemActor.SetNpcAIBlackBoardByLabel('DemoSpeak', 1, 'rcm', 1)
  1697. <
  1698. < flow Rcm_RenualOpen2():
  1699. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcmHeardAboutNewOpen2'] = true
  1700. <     if System.EventFlags['cLand:MarketOpen1stDay2']:
  1701. <         # Welcome to our newly renovated and expanded shop! I'm so glad you stopped by to visit us on our very first day in action!
  1702. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:151', false)
  1703. <     else:
  1704. <         # <50:3>PLAYER! Welcome! This is your first visit since we renovated, right? As you can see, we're operating out of this new space now.
  1705. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:151_01', false)
  1706. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmViaItemCheck']:
  1707. <         # Oops. Never mind that… You were looking at this item.
  1708. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:002_03', false)
  1709. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcmShopshelfCheck']:
  1710. <         # Curious about the cabinet? Here's what we have available today.
  1711. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:152_02', false)
  1712. <         run SNPC_rcm_00_Common::Rcm_OpenShoppingUI_EX()
  1713. <     else:
  1714. <         # We hope you'll continue shopping with us here at Nook's Cranny! __...Cranny!__
  1715. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rcm/SP_rcm_10_Renual:002_02', false)
  1716. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_rco_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_rco_00_Common.evfl.txt
  1717. 2,20c2,25
  1718. <     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1719. <         SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1720. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() != `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  1721. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  1722. <             SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1723. <         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial']:
  1724. <             SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1725. <         else:
  1726. <             SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1727. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  1728. <         run Rco_SelChk_FinishRemakeWs()
  1729. <     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial']:
  1730. <         run Rco_SelChk_FinishRemakeWs()
  1731. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumDonationNumCheck(5):
  1732. <         SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1733. <     elif (not EventFlowSystemActor.HasKindItem('cKind', 'Insect', '')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.HasKindItem('cKind', 'Fish', '')):
  1734. <         SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1735. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  1736. <         SubflowResults[0] = 3
  1737. ---
  1738. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1739. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1740. >             case `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1741. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  1742. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1743. >                 elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial']:
  1744. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1745. >                 else:
  1746. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 2
  1747. >             case `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  1748. >                 if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableDiyRemake']:
  1749. >                     run Rco_SelChk_FinishRemakeWs()
  1750. >                 elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoEnableRemakeTrial']:
  1751. >                     run Rco_SelChk_FinishRemakeWs()
  1752. >                 elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumDonationNumCheck(5):
  1753. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1754. >                 elif (not EventFlowSystemActor.HasKindItem('cKind', 'Insect', '')) and (not EventFlowSystemActor.HasKindItem('cKind', 'Fish', '')):
  1755. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1756. >                 elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MakeVillagePlayerFlag']:
  1757. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 3
  1758. >                 else:
  1759. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1760. >             default:
  1761. >                 return
  1762. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_MoveNpcFacility.evfl.txt
  1763. 81,84c81,89
  1764. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`):
  1765. <         if System.EventFlags['cLand:TailorBuilt']:
  1766. <             if System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1767. <                 SubflowResults[2] = 6
  1768. ---
  1769. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1770. >         case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`:
  1771. >             if System.EventFlags['cLand:TailorBuilt']:
  1772. >                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1773. >                     SubflowResults[2] = 6
  1774. >                 else:
  1775. >                     SubflowResults[2] = 2
  1776. >             elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1777. >                 SubflowResults[2] = 3
  1778. 86,99c91,103
  1779. <                 SubflowResults[2] = 2
  1780. <         elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1781. <             SubflowResults[2] = 3
  1782. <         else:
  1783. <             SubflowResults[2] = 0
  1784. <     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:TailorBuilt']:
  1785. <         if System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1786. <             SubflowResults[2] = 7
  1787. <         else:
  1788. <             SubflowResults[2] = 4
  1789. <     elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1790. <         SubflowResults[2] = 5
  1791. <     else:
  1792. <         SubflowResults[2] = 1
  1793. ---
  1794. >                 SubflowResults[2] = 0
  1795. >         case `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1796. >             if System.EventFlags['cLand:TailorBuilt']:
  1797. >                 if System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1798. >                     SubflowResults[2] = 7
  1799. >                 else:
  1800. >                     SubflowResults[2] = 4
  1801. >             elif System.EventFlags['cLand:CampSiteBuilt']:
  1802. >                 SubflowResults[2] = 5
  1803. >             else:
  1804. >                 SubflowResults[2] = 1
  1805. >         default:
  1806. >             return
  1807. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_WhatShouldIDo.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_rco_10_Common_WhatShouldIDo.evfl.txt
  1808. 22,27c22,32
  1809. <         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1810. <             run Rco_Hint_AboutDIYWS()
  1811. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() == `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  1812. <             run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  1813. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
  1814. <             run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  1815. ---
  1816. >         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1817. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  1818. >                 case `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  1819. >                     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHouseLevel() in (`Homeless`, `PlacedTent`):
  1820. >                         run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  1821. >                     else:
  1822. >                         run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  1823. >                 case `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  1824. >                     run Rco_Hint_AboutSetMuseumTent()
  1825. >                 default:
  1826. >                     return
  1827. 29c34
  1828. <             run Rco_Hint_AfterBuildHouse()
  1829. ---
  1830. >             run Rco_Hint_AboutDIYWS()
  1831. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_rco_62_Event_MayDay.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_rco_62_Event_MayDay.evfl.txt
  1832. 1c1
  1833. < flow Root():
  1834. ---
  1835. > flow DIYExplain():
  1836. 2a3,11
  1837. >         # Oh! This event does involve some DIY crafting, so please take my DIY workshop before you head out.
  1838. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:016', false)
  1839. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RecommendDIYtrialMayDay'] = true
  1840. >
  1841. > flow Root():
  1842. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1843. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CompleteEventMayDay']:
  1844. >             run Sub_grp_Event1()
  1845. >     else:
  1846. 4,30c13,17
  1847. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RecommendDIYtrialMayDay'] = true
  1848. <             # I should tell you, I'm running a May Day event, PLAYER. However, the event does involve DIY crafting, so let's talk about it after you've taken my DI…
  1849. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:012', false)
  1850. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1851. <     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:CompleteEventMayDay']:
  1852. <         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']:
  1853. <             # Oho! I'll wager you're here to grab a May Day Ticket, PLAYER. I'm handing them out as part of our May Day celebration. Speaking of which, it's time f…
  1854. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:001', false)
  1855. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1856. <                 # Well, that doesn't surprise me. You are a wise one, PLAYER! Yes, yes, May Day is a day when we express our gratitude to those who work hard. Although…
  1857. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:002', false)
  1858. <             else:
  1859. <                 # Oh! Well then, allow me to enlighten you, hm? May Day is a day when we express our gratitude to those who work hard. Although, I suppose my May Day e…
  1860. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:003', false)
  1861. <             # My getaway-package idea started as a way for folks to escape and enjoy carefree lives on deserted islands. I'm sure you've been enjoying a leisurely …
  1862. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:004', false)
  1863. <             # As a thank-you, Nook Inc. has created a special tour for island residents. Yes, yes, I call it the May Day Tour! I'm sure everyone will enjoy the rec…
  1864. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:005', false)
  1865. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  1866. <                 # Of course, of course! I'll give you the quick version. I've come up with a May Day Tour to express my gratitude for our residents' hard work. So take…
  1867. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:006', false)
  1868. <             # I'd love to hear your thoughts after you've gone on your trip. Until then, have a good time on your May Day Tour, PLAYER!
  1869. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:007', false)
  1870. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket'] = true
  1871. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1872. <             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1873. <         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UseMayDayTicket']:
  1874. ---
  1875. >             run Sub_grp_Event1()
  1876. >
  1877. > local flow Sub_grp_Event1():
  1878. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket']:
  1879. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UseMayDayTicket']:
  1880. 46a34,71
  1881. >         else:
  1882. >             if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:DodHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket']):
  1883. >                 run Sub_grp_Event31()
  1884. >     else:
  1885. >         run Sub_grp_Event31()
  1886. >
  1887. > local flow Sub_grp_Event31():
  1888. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicketFirst']:
  1889. >         # Hello, hello! Right now, we're running a special May Day event to thank all of our hardworking residents. Sounds fun, hm? You'll just need a May Day …
  1890. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:013', false)
  1891. >     else:
  1892. >         # Oho! I'll wager you're here to grab a May Day Ticket, PLAYER. I'm handing them out as part of our May Day celebration. Speaking of which, it's time f…
  1893. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:001', false)
  1894. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1895. >             # Well, that doesn't surprise me. You are a wise one, PLAYER! Yes, yes, May Day is a day when we express our gratitude to those who work hard. Although…
  1896. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:002', false)
  1897. >         else:
  1898. >             # Oh! Well then, allow me to enlighten you, hm? May Day is a day when we express our gratitude to those who work hard. Although, I suppose my May Day e…
  1899. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:003', false)
  1900. >         # My getaway-package idea started as a way for folks to escape and enjoy carefree lives on deserted islands. I'm sure you've been enjoying a leisurely …
  1901. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:004', false)
  1902. >         # As a thank-you, Nook Inc. has created a special tour for island residents. Yes, yes, I call it the May Day Tour! I'm sure everyone will enjoy the rec…
  1903. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:005', false)
  1904. >         run DIYExplain()
  1905. >         # I think that's everything I wanted to tell you. Did you need me to repeat any of that?
  1906. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:014', false)
  1907. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() != 0:
  1908. >             # Of course, of course! I'll give you the quick version. I've come up with a May Day Tour to express my gratitude for our residents' hard work. So take…
  1909. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:006', false)
  1910. >             run DIYExplain()
  1911. >             # That's the gist of it!
  1912. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:015', false)
  1913. >     # I'd love to hear your thoughts after you've gone on your trip. Until then, have a good time on your May Day Tour, PLAYER!
  1914. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/rco/SP_rco_62_Event_MayDay:007', false)
  1915. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicket'] = true
  1916. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoHeardAboutMayDayTravelTicket'] = true
  1917. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:RcoTalkSceneFlag'] = true
  1918. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1919. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_slo_00_Peddling.evfl.txt
  1920. 47,48d46
  1921. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.TermEventNow('EarthDay', false):
  1922. <         run slo_Select(EachWeedPrice=EachWeedPrice, TotalWeedPrice=TotalWeedPrice, WeedNum=WeedNum, SellTotal=SellTotal)
  1923. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_spn_02_Commune.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_spn_02_Commune.evfl.txt
  1924. 47c47,48
  1925. < local flow Sub_Event66():
  1926. ---
  1927. > local flow Sub_Event110():
  1928. >     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1929. 51c52,56
  1930. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1931. ---
  1932. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12894, ''):
  1933. >         # I got those from Cyrus, but for some reason he said he'd trade stuff for 'em. It's, like, good stuff though! Anyway, he's hanging out in the studio i…
  1934. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:018_01', false)
  1935. >         run Sub_grp_Event72()
  1936. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1937. 54,76c59
  1938. <         switch SubflowResults@8[0]:
  1939. <             case 6:
  1940. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1941. <             case 7:
  1942. <                 # So, hey, you wanna do anniversary photos with Reese and Cyrus? Or do you have a Photopia question? Or…
  1943. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:019', false)
  1944. < entrypoint Event31:
  1945. <                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  1946. <                     case 0:
  1947. <                         # Right on! Give me half a sec to get my kitch— I mean, my wedding set ready. Hold tight.
  1948. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:011', false)
  1949. <                         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1950. <                         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cJuneBrideStudio', 'cHeartWipe', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  1951. <                     case 1:
  1952. <                         # Oh? Lay it on me.
  1953. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:012', false)
  1954. <                         run SNPC_spn_03_Studio::Spn_Explain_Select()
  1955. <                     case 2:
  1956. <                         # Got it. I'm great at not mindin'. Like, if you wanna use the studio for yourself, I don't mind at all! Just let me know if you wanna help Reese and C…
  1957. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:013', false)
  1958. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1959. <             default:
  1960. <                 return
  1961. ---
  1962. >         run Sub_grp_Event72()
  1963. 85,89c68,79
  1964. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12894, false)
  1965. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1966. <                 # Hey, you get that pocket thing all sorted? Cool deal. Here, have this <item>wedding fencing DIY recipe.
  1967. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:017_04', false)
  1968. <                 run Sub_Event66()
  1969. ---
  1970. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12894, ''):
  1971. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1972. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1973. >                     # Hey, you get that pocket thing all sorted? Cool deal. Here, take these 10 <item>heart crystals. Neat, huh?
  1974. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:017_04_01', false)
  1975. >                     run Sub_Event110()
  1976. >             else:
  1977. >                 MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12894, false)
  1978. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1979. >                     # Hey, you get that pocket thing all sorted? Cool deal. Here, have this <item>wedding fencing DIY recipe.
  1980. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:017_04', false)
  1981. >                     run Sub_Event110()
  1982. 91c81,84
  1983. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12894, false)
  1984. ---
  1985. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12894, ''):
  1986. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12546, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1987. >             else:
  1988. >                 MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12894, false)
  1989. 95,97c88,94
  1990. <                 # Oh, hey! Yeah! Here, you can have this neat card I got. I think it's got a <item>wedding fencing DIY recipe on it.
  1991. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:017_02', false)
  1992. <                 run Sub_Event66()
  1993. ---
  1994. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12894, ''):
  1995. >                     # Oh, hey! Yeah! Here, you can have some of these heart…things I got. <item>Heart crystals! Take 10 of 'em.
  1996. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:017_02_01', false)
  1997. >                 else:
  1998. >                     # Oh, hey! Yeah! Here, you can have this neat card I got. I think it's got a <item>wedding fencing DIY recipe on it.
  1999. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:017_02', false)
  2000. >                 run Sub_Event110()
  2001. 103a101,125
  2002. > local flow Sub_grp_Event72():
  2003. >     switch SubflowResults@8[0]:
  2004. >         case 6:
  2005. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  2006. >         case 7:
  2007. >             # So, hey, you wanna do anniversary photos with Reese and Cyrus? Or do you have a Photopia question? Or…
  2008. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:019', false)
  2009. > entrypoint Event31:
  2010. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2011. >                 case 0:
  2012. >                     # Right on! Give me half a sec to get my kitch— I mean, my wedding set ready. Hold tight.
  2013. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:011', false)
  2014. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  2015. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cJuneBrideStudio', 'cHeartWipe', 'cCircle', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  2016. >                 case 1:
  2017. >                     # Oh? Lay it on me.
  2018. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:012', false)
  2019. >                     run SNPC_spn_03_Studio::Spn_Explain_Select()
  2020. >                 case 2:
  2021. >                     # Got it. I'm great at not mindin'. Like, if you wanna use the studio for yourself, I don't mind at all! Just let me know if you wanna help Reese and C…
  2022. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/spn/GEvent/SP_spn_GEvent_JuneBride:013', false)
  2023. >             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  2024. >         default:
  2025. >             return
  2026. >
  2027. 105c127
  2028. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(6, 30, 6, 30, 'cGrowUpTime'):
  2029. ---
  2030. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvCheckBetweenDate(6, 30, 6, 30, 'cLastGrowUpTime'):
  2031. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_sza_50_IslandEvaluation.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_sza_50_IslandEvaluation.evfl.txt
  2032. 55,61c55,64
  2033. <                 if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() in (`BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`):
  2034. <                     # Our latest feedback suggests that a lot of folks would like to see some more development on the island.
  2035. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_50_IslandEvaluation:023', false)
  2036. <                     # I recently heard that Blathers has been soliciting donations to get a museum here on ISLAND. A place to showcase the creatures and artifacts found on…
  2037. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_50_IslandEvaluation:026', false)
  2038. <                 else:
  2039. <                     run AdviceAboutFtr()
  2040. ---
  2041. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  2042. >                     case `BlathersNotMovedIn`, `BlathersTent`:
  2043. >                         # Our latest feedback suggests that a lot of folks would like to see some more development on the island.
  2044. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_50_IslandEvaluation:023', false)
  2045. >                         # I recently heard that Blathers has been soliciting donations to get a museum here on ISLAND. A place to showcase the creatures and artifacts found on…
  2046. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/sza/SP_sza_50_IslandEvaluation:026', false)
  2047. >                     case `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  2048. >                         run AdviceAboutFtr()
  2049. >                     default:
  2050. >                         return
  2051. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_tap_02_InDreaming.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_tap_02_InDreaming.evfl.txt
  2052. 7,8c7,8
  2053. <             # To leave the dream, simply lie down in this bed. Also, when you wake, I shall return your belongings to you.
  2054. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap_InDream:2011', false)
  2055. ---
  2056. >             # To leave the dream, you may simply lie down in this bed, or you can press the  Button anywhere in the dream. When you wake, your belongings shall be…
  2057. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/tap/SP_tap_InDream:2012', false)
  2058. 20a21,31
  2059. >
  2060. > flow Jumpup():
  2061. >     EventFlowSystemActor.MiniGameSilentCancel()
  2062. >     EventFlowSystemActor.StopMeasurePlayTime('cDreaming')
  2063. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NetExitDream(false)
  2064. >     EventFlowSystemActor.BGMPropertyControl(103)
  2065. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SoundDuckingOn(42)
  2066. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SoundTriggerEmit('WipeDreamingToHome', -1)
  2067. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NextLPFadeTime(3.5)
  2068. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SoundSceneChangeFadeOutDucking(0)
  2069. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cDreamDemo', 'cDream', 'cDream', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  2070. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_tap.evfl.txt
  2071. 483c483
  2072. <     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice4():
  2073. ---
  2074. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice5():
  2075. 493c493
  2076. <         case 3:
  2077. ---
  2078. >         case 3, 4:
  2079. diff -r 1.9.0/SNPC_xct.evfl.txt 1.10.0/SNPC_xct.evfl.txt
  2080. 0a1,35
  2081. > flow FinishedNoRewardPast():
  2082. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow']:
  2083. >         run xctFreeTalk()
  2084. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardSec']:
  2085. >         run xctFreeTalk()
  2086. >     else:
  2087. >         # Hey, you! Wow, what are the chances we'd meet like this again? Congrats on making it to the end, by the way. It's been a while, hasn't it? How have y…
  2088. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:201', false)
  2089. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  2090. >             # I'm really glad to hear that! It makes me think we'll both still be smiling next time we run into each other. Wouldn't that be great… Hey, I think I'…
  2091. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:202', false)
  2092. >         else:
  2093. >             # I'm sorry to hear that. Life can throw a lot at you sometimes. But it's not all bad! Today, it threw us together. Maybe life's trying to tell both of…
  2094. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:203', false)
  2095. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow'] = true
  2096. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
  2097. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardSec'] = true
  2098. >         else:
  2099. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward'] = true
  2100. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland'] = true
  2101. >
  2102. > flow GetReward():
  2103. >     # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I feel like we've met before. We haven't, right? No, of course not. Sor…
  2104. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:205', false)
  2105. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
  2106. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow'] = true
  2107. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardSec'] = true
  2108. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland'] = true
  2109. >
  2110. > flow NoReward():
  2111. >     # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I feel like we've met before. We haven't, right? No, of course …
  2112. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:101', false)
  2113. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
  2114. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow'] = true
  2115. >
  2116. 4,19c39
  2117. <             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  2118. <                 case 0:
  2119. <                     # Y'know, I think I'll hang out on this island a little longer. I like it here.
  2120. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_00', false)
  2121. <                 case 1:
  2122. <                     # It's nice to take a plane every once in a while. I'm used to traveling by train… "Ridin' the rails," as they say.
  2123. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_01', false)
  2124. <                 case 2:
  2125. <                     # I wonder which island I should visit next… I just love that each one offers its own adventure and personality.
  2126. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_02', false)
  2127. <                 case 3:
  2128. <                     # Tom Nook has really made a name for himself.<10:4> Not bad for a guy who used to own little more than an apron!
  2129. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_03', false)
  2130. <                 case 4:
  2131. <                     # Were you able to finish the maze like you wanted, by the way? If you want to restart, you can do so by using the Rescue Service app on your NookPhon…
  2132. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_04', false)
  2133. ---
  2134. >             run FinishedNoRewardPast()
  2135. 21a42,43
  2136. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk']:
  2137. >         run FinishedNoRewardPast()
  2138. 29,38c51,54
  2139. <         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItemAtRandom(12472, true, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  2140. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cNpcTrade', 65534):
  2141. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  2142. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward'] = true
  2143. <             # It's so great to meet you. I mean, what are the odds? I really didn't expect to have this much fun here. One thing's for sure. I'm hoping fate will b…
  2144. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:014', false)
  2145. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland'] = true
  2146. <         else:
  2147. <             # Oh, gosh… Your pockets are full… Come talk to me after you get rid of some stuff, OK?
  2148. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:012', false)
  2149. ---
  2150. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward'] = true
  2151. >         # It's so great to meet you. I mean, what are the odds? I really didn't expect to have this much fun here. One thing's for sure. I'm hoping fate will b…
  2152. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:014', false)
  2153. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardThisIsland'] = true
  2154. 75,77c91,93
  2155. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
  2156. <         # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I feel like we've met before. We haven't, right? No, of course …
  2157. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:101', false)
  2158. ---
  2159. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward']:
  2160. >         # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I'm glad we met! It's almost like fate. In fact…there's something I wan…
  2161. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:204', false)
  2162. 79c95,104
  2163. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:XctTalkMayDayTourNow'] = true
  2164. ---
  2165. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGerReward'] = true
  2166. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardSec']:
  2167. >         run NoReward()
  2168. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:GetMayDayTicketFirst']:
  2169. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardPast']:
  2170. >             run GetReward()
  2171. >         else:
  2172. >             run NoReward()
  2173. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctGetRewardPast']:
  2174. >         run GetReward()
  2175. 81,83c106,124
  2176. <         # You got a name, by the way? Uh-huh… Uh-huh… <50:3>PLAYER, eh? Great name, great name. I'm glad we met, PLAYER! I want to commemorate this occasion by…
  2177. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:008', false)
  2178. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:XctFirstTalk'] = true
  2179. ---
  2180. >         run NoReward()
  2181. >
  2182. > flow xctFreeTalk():
  2183. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious5(5, true):
  2184. >         case 0:
  2185. >             # Y'know, I think I'll hang out on this island a little longer. I like it here.
  2186. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_00', false)
  2187. >         case 1:
  2188. >             # It's nice to take a plane every once in a while. I'm used to traveling by train… "Ridin' the rails," as they say.
  2189. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_01', false)
  2190. >         case 2:
  2191. >             # I wonder which island I should visit next… I just love that each one offers its own adventure and personality.
  2192. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_02', false)
  2193. >         case 3:
  2194. >             # Tom Nook has really made a name for himself.<10:4> Not bad for a guy who used to own little more than an apron!
  2195. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_03', false)
  2196. >         case 4:
  2197. >             # Were you able to finish the maze like you wanted, by the way? If you want to restart, you can do so by using the Rescue Service app on your NookPhon…
  2198. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/xct/SP_xct:020_04', false)
  2199. diff -r 1.9.0/System_Door_Market.evfl.txt 1.10.0/System_Door_Market.evfl.txt
  2200. 0a1,4
  2201. > flow Market_ClosedTime():
  2202. >     # Nook's Cranny Shop hours: 8 AM - 10 PM
  2203. >     EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Door:111', false)
  2204. >
  2205. 7,8c11
  2206. <         # Nook's Cranny Shop hours: 8 AM - 10 PM
  2207. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Door:111', false)
  2208. ---
  2209. >         run Market_ClosedTime()
  2210. diff -r 1.9.0/System_GameClose.evfl.txt 1.10.0/System_GameClose.evfl.txt
  2211. 2,18c2,15
  2212. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsPublicDream():
  2213. <         # It doesn't seem like I can send a report on this dream...
  2214. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:027', true)
  2215. <     else:
  2216. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NetCaptureScreenshot()
  2217. <         # Do you want to report this dream?
  2218. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:025', false)
  2219. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  2220. <             EventFlowSystemActor.UIIllegalReportHandling(8)
  2221. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.UIIllegalReportResult():
  2222. <                 # The dream you were experiencing has been reported. You will now be returned to your own bed.
  2223. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:026', true)
  2224. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.MiniGameSilentCancel()
  2225. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.StopMeasurePlayTime('cDreaming')
  2226. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('', '', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
  2227. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetExitDream(true)
  2228. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cDreamDemo', 'cDream', 'cDream', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  2229. ---
  2230. >     # What would you like to do?
  2231. >     EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:028', false)
  2232. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  2233. >         case 0:
  2234. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  2235. >             run SNPC_tap_02_InDreaming::Jumpup()
  2236. >         case 1:
  2237. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsPublicDream():
  2238. >                 # It doesn't seem like I can send a report on this dream...
  2239. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:027', true)
  2240. >             else:
  2241. >                 run ReportDream()
  2242. >         default:
  2243. >             return
  2244. 64a62,76
  2245. >
  2246. > flow ReportDream():
  2247. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NetCaptureScreenshot()
  2248. >     # Do you want to report this dream?
  2249. >     EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:025', false)
  2250. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  2251. >         EventFlowSystemActor.UIIllegalReportHandling(8)
  2252. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.UIIllegalReportResult():
  2253. >             # The dream you were experiencing has been reported. You will now be returned to your own bed.
  2254. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_CloseMenu:026', true)
  2255. >             EventFlowSystemActor.MiniGameSilentCancel()
  2256. >             EventFlowSystemActor.StopMeasurePlayTime('cDreaming')
  2257. >             EventFlowSystemActor.FadeOut('', '', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0, true)
  2258. >             EventFlowSystemActor.NetExitDream(true)
  2259. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cDreamDemo', 'cDream', 'cDream', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  2260. diff -r 1.9.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 1.10.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
  2261. 38a39
  2262. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_10'] = true
  2263. diff -r 1.9.0/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking.evfl.txt 1.10.0/Tutorials_Prologue1_Charactermaking.evfl.txt
  2264. 6,7c6,13
  2265. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel() != `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  2266. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:2P_CreatedAfterOwlMoving'] = true
  2267. ---
  2268. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.MuseumLevel():
  2269. >             case `BlathersTent`, `BlathersMuseumNoArt`, `BlathersMuseumArt`:
  2270. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:2P_CreatedAfterOwlMoving'] = true
  2271. >                 run Sub_grp_Event0()
  2272. >             case `BlathersNotMovedIn`:
  2273. >                 run Sub_grp_Event0()
  2274. >             default:
  2275. >                 return
  2276. 10,17c16
  2277. <     switch EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel():
  2278. <         case `InResServiceTent`:
  2279. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:KaburibaConditionFlag'] = false
  2280. <         case `NooksCrannyInitial`:
  2281. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cMarket1', 8):
  2282. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:KaburibaConditionFlag'] = false
  2283. <         default:
  2284. <             return
  2285. ---
  2286. >         run Sub_grp_Event0()
  2287. 234a234,243
  2288. >
  2289. > local flow Sub_grp_Event0():
  2290. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.ShopLevel():
  2291. >         case `InResServiceTent`:
  2292. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:KaburibaConditionFlag'] = false
  2293. >         case `NooksCrannyInitial`:
  2294. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.FacilityOpenPastDays('cMarket1', 8):
  2295. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:KaburibaConditionFlag'] = false
  2296. >         default:
  2297. >             return
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