
Another day in the Equestrian Ghetto.

Jan 31st, 2017
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  1. >You sit upon the stone staircase leading up to your crib.
  2. >Well, it's an apartment building, but you live in it, so it counts.
  3. >Anyway. The blistering heat of summer, complimented by the freshly paved road is making it almost unbearable right now.
  4. >You could really go for a double caramel and vanilla ice latte with cream right now.
  5. >No sugar though, you ain't no chump.
  6. >By the way, not particularly sorry about it, but you forgot to introduce yourself.
  7. >You are Rude Behavior, the baddest mare in Manehattan.
  8. >You're a beige-coated earth pony mare in the prime of her youth, sporting a sweet back-slicked vermillion mane and light brown eyes.
  9. >You're also bored, BOOOOOORED!
  11. >Normally you'd cruise along to the downtown area and glare at the fancy ponies, but you got busted with a broken bell, so your tricycle got impounded.
  12. >You just put spinners on that bad boy.
  13. >You were gonna glue rhinestones to the acres, but your mom used all the glue up to put up those book club posters, laaaaame!
  14. >Well, guess you have to do things the old fashioned way.
  15. >You slide down the steps, luckily cushioned by your tactical booty.
  16. >Standing up, you begin trotting down the street towards the crib of your best bud in the whole world.
  17. >A sweet beat can be heard from the second story window just above the door to the apartment building.
  18. "Ay, PD! Let me in!"
  19. >After a few seconds, a pale blue pegasus, sporting some sick black shades and a toque over his wild sea foam green mane pops his head out the window and peers down.
  20. >"Yo, Rude! Just a second!"
  21. >A minute passes before the door unlocks and you're allowed inside the building.
  22. >"So what's up? I thought you were going to see Bling today at the hospital."
  23. >You ascend the stairway that haven't been polished in a month, mare, this whole neighborhood has gone to hay.
  25. "Yeah, but her condition got worse. The scrape turned out to be intentional. Somepony tripped her."
  26. >PD, Public Disturbance, best up-and-coming DJ this side of Equestria lets out a gasp,
  27. >"Y-you serious, It wasn't an accident?!"
  28. >You shake your head, the seriousness of the situation melding with your serious stare of super-seriousness.
  29. >srsly
  30. "The coppers checked the entire street, no wrappers, banana peels, soap stains or nothing!"
  31. >He opens the door to his mom's apartment and leads you in.
  32. >A slightly chubby mare with a graying mane, tied up in a bun sits in the kitchen and her face lights up when she sees you.
  33. >"Oh, Be-be! So nice to see you, dear! I hope your mom liked those cookies I sent my little angel over with last week!"
  34. >You and PD both roll your eyes, the wave of silliness washing over you like... a wave.
  35. >Shut up, you're not a rapper.
  36. >You can't into big words.
  37. >"Moooom! Stop using those foalish names, think of our reputation!"
  38. >She lets out a giggle at her son's outburst.
  39. >"Yes, yes, you're absolutely terrifying gangsters. Now, have a muffin each and please turn down the volume, hun, Mrs. Fiddles on the next floor usually takes her nap at this time."
  40. >PD lets out a sigh as you each snag a muffin from the basket and head off to his room.
  41. >"Yes mom!"
  42. >He angrily shuts the door behind you, he'd slam it, but Mrs Fiddles is an old G, you don't want her and the cane of destruction to come down and give you a piece of her mind.
  43. >You still have phantom pains in your flank after last time.
  44. >Youveseensomeshit.letter
  45. "Anyway, we should be able to stop by the hospital later today once the ponice are gone."
  46. >You both slouch down on his giant sumo pillow and enjoy some muffins and beats, the AC managing to keep the heat at bay.
  48. >After some time just chillaxin to the max at PD's crib, you both decide it's time to visit Bling.
  49. >Trotting down the street towards the local hospital, you both start to feel a sense of dread sneak up on you,
  50. >If they could get to bling, nopony is safe.
  51. >The ponice seem to have left the building, so after a quick talk to the stallion at the desk you both enter the room holding you near-fallen comrade.
  52. >"Oh, hey guys."
  53. >Bling says with a weak voice from her bed.
  54. >You both cringe as you lay eyes on the band-aid on her foreleg, man the streets nearly claimed another life this time.
  55. "Good to see you're still with us, Bling. We heard what happened."
  56. >The room takes on a more somber tone and you trot over to the bed and put a hoof on her withers.
  57. "Who did this to you?"
  58. >She gives you a narrowed glare, sending chills down your spine. She's scary when she's perturbed.
  59. >"I don't know their names, but I heard from their gib that they were from Detrott."
  60. >Oh buck.
  61. >This is bad.
  62. >It's common knowledge that you don't mess with ponies from Detrott.
  63. >They're the kind of ponies who'll yank on your tail and run.
  64. >That's just cold blooded.
  66. >"Oh mane, what do we do?"
  67. >PD stomps a hoof and clenches his teeth.
  68. >You can't remember seeing him this distraught before.
  69. >Time to step it up!
  70. "We retaliate. We can't let them think we're soft!"
  71. >A nod of agreement comes from your two friends.
  72. >This means war.
  74. >Soon after, a nurse enters the room and gives you and PD a suspicious glance before turning to Bling.
  75. >"I'm afraid visiting hours are over. You should be fine for release later today. The scrape wasn't as deep as we thought it was."
  76. >A collective sigh of relief escapes your collective mouths and you both walk over to the door.
  77. >"We'll see you later than, Bling. Stay strong!"
  78. >He bumps his chest with his hoof. much to the displeasure of the nurse.
  79. >"Please refrain from doing that, sir. Bruises are no laughing matter!"
  80. >He just scoffs and rolls his eyes.
  81. >Man, you're glad he's got your back, this colt can get pretty crazy.
  83. >After leaving the hospital you both head towards the local spot for info, the playground at Columnus Ave.
  84. >Some shady pones are hanging around, but you only have eyes for a certain one.
  85. >ZigZag, a zebra mare hanging out by the swing set.
  86. "Yo Zig, what's up?"
  87. >She frowns.
  88. >"Please do not call me Zig, it is quite rude, ya dig?"
  89. "Did you forget who you're talking to, Zig?"
  90. >You throw her a cocky grin, to which she sighs and rolls her hoof.
  91. >"I suppose that's fair in this situation, would I be correct to assume you need information?"
  93. "Yeah. Bling got hit by some ponies from Detrott. We need to know who."
  94. >She nods and glances around quickly before trotting off towards the jungle gym.
  95. >You follow and stand next to her.
  96. >meanwhile PD takes the hint and starts climbing the bars of the gym as to not cause suspicion.
  97. >He's not even wearing a helmet or nothing.
  98. >Did I mention that this colt is crazy?
  100. >While PD is busy demonstrating the might of the Sunshine-Lane Gang on the jungle gym, you get down to business.
  101. "So what you got, Zig?"
  102. >The zebra sighs, but relents.
  103. >"The crew you seek are no small fry, for they belong to Madame Pie."
  104. >You freeze.
  105. >T-this cannot be real.
  106. >Madam Pie was the top mare of the P.E.P.E.(Pastries and Edibles of the Provinces of Equestria.), dealers of the rarest sweets.
  107. >PD nearly falls down at this revelation, but he manages to catch himself before anything bad happens.
  108. >You stomp a hoof into the sand and nearly swear.
  109. "Horseappl- ugh!"
  110. >Never know if a snitch is nearby, can't afford to get grounded now. Mom has ears everywhere.
  112. >You promptly thank Zig for the info and sneak her a cupcake made from real sugar from your saddlebag.
  113. >It was your last one too, but vengeance never comes cheap.
  114. >After PD dismounts the gym you make your way to the nearest chariot station.
  115. >If they're from Detrott and work for Madam Pie, there's only one place in this town they could hide in.
  116. >The fairgrounds.
  117. >Celestia help you, you must be mad for doing this, but your honor is at stake.
  119. >"So, any plan on how we're going to do this?"
  120. >You sigh, shaking your head.
  121. "If we could get away with giving them a stern talking to, I'd be glad, but I have a feeling it's not gonna be that easy."
  122. >"Yeah, you could say that again."
  123. >You board the chariot and make your way downtown.
  124. >Mane, you really hate this part of town, it's so snobbish and fancy, no gum wrappers as far as the eye can see.
  125. >Frou-frou as buck.
  128. "Alright, this is it. Let's show these clowns who they messed with."
  129. >You promptly jump the turn style, paying no heed to the huffing colt in the booth at the fairground.
  130. >"So, if we were an international crime syndicate, where would we set up shop?" PD ponders out loud.
  131. >You look around, peering through the crowd for any clues.
  132. >Then you spot it. Of course, it's obvious!
  133. >You trot over to the derelict building with the sad frog painted on the front.
  134. >The animal, not the part on your hoof.
  135. >Alright, that was a silly clarification.
  136. >Luckily it was all in your head, so nopony will know about it.
  137. >Phew.
  139. >You slowly push the door open and peer inside.
  140. >It seems clear, though you give a quick glance over your whither to see if you're being followed.
  141. >Alright, coast is clear, time to do this.
  142. >Stepping inside, you and PD sweep the large room for clues of their whereabouts.
  143. >"Huh, seems nopony is home."
  145. >"Oh, I wouldn't say that."
  146. >You both freeze up as the voice emerges from behind you.
  147. >You slowly turn around, spotting two mares standing on the side, previously hidden behind the door.
  148. >They close it and start to stalk towards you, grinning menacingly.
  149. >"Well, well, well! What do we have here?"
  150. >One of them takes out a cylindrical object from her saddlebag.
  151. >Oh Celestia, you know that thing. It's silly string. It's even that one brand that has a tendency for fur discoloration!
  152. >Those were banned long ago!
  153. >Ugh it's even lime green color.
  154. >This isn't good.
  156. >PD suddenly takes a step forward, blocking their path.
  157. >"You got some nerve tripping our friend like that!"
  158. >He frowns threateningly at the neigh-do-wells, who in turn start to laugh.
  159. >"She should have figured out that would happen. She knew we had bits invested in Sideways Cap and that her fame was draining our profits."
  160. >So that's why. You knew Sideways Cap and BlingHoof had a rivalry going for top artist, but that they would stoop this low just for something like that?!
  161. >We're gangsters, not plotholes for crying out loud.
  162. >Your friend got hurt for something this petty, it drives you up the wall.
  163. >In a flash, you've dove your muzzle down into your saddlebag and produce your weapon of choice.
  164. >Your trust rubber band flinger 2000.
  165. >It's personal now.
  167. "I think it's time for you two to apologize to our friend and skip town before something unfortunate happens."
  168. >They eye your weapon warily, but stand their ground.
  169. >"Don't kid yourself, filly. You ain't got the guts to tangle with us."
  170. >Suddenly, a hoofstep echoes out from behind you.
  171. >"And furthermore, you're outnumbered."
  172. >A Stallion you failed to notice before has taken up a position behind you and PD, brandishing a waterpistol.
  173. >Your fur stands on edge as you see the water tank is filled with what looks like lime green dye.
  174. >Oh haybiscuits, this went south fast.
  175. "A-alright. Let's not get crazy here."
  177. >The Detrott crew begins to stalk closer.
  178. >"You should have learned from what we did to your friends, now..*pomf*"
  179. >pomf?
  180. >Time seems to freeze as the mare talking suddenly got a face full of pillow.
  181. >"You thought you could get rid of me that easy, flankface?!"
  182. >A battle cry you recognized suddenly rang out as Bling suddenly burst in from the doorway, brandishing a super soaker.
  183. >She looked pissed.
  185. >Everything goes to hay in a hoofbasket.
  186. >While one of the Detrottians gets hosed down by a burst of cold water, the other fires off her silly string towards PD.
  187. >You both dive aside, you protected from the landing by your tactically large and soft flanks and PD by the pillow that's now on the ground.
  188. >You kinda wished you had fired your rubber band while mid-air like some kinda cool action star, but firing prone works too.
  189. >The rubber band sails through the air and hits silly string-mare on the snootle.
  190. >Aw yeah, ranged booping!
  192. >You're cut off from your celebration as you hear a quick pump sound from behind, realizing you missed one.
  193. >Time slows to a crawl as you turn your head just in time to see the stallion fire off a green stream towards you.
  194. >Celestiahelpme.parchment
  195. >As you prepare to become awfully silly looking, you suddenly see your field of view turn pale blue.
  196. >Splash!
  197. >PD took the hit for you.
  198. >He collapses in front of you, groaning as the confused Detrott colt suddenly takes a spray to the muzzle, dropping his waterpistol in his snorting and coughing fit.
  199. >"Oh Celestia, *cough* cold, cold!"
  200. >He flails before falling over.
  202. >You quickly shimmy over towards PD and hold the non-stained parts in your hooves.
  203. "You silly pony, why did you do that?!"
  204. >He chuckles, running a hood through the now lime green parts of his fur.
  205. >"Because I'm kinda crazy like that."
  206. >You can't keep a straight face as he breaks into a goofy grin.
  207. >You burst out into giggles, joined by Bling and PD.
  208. >The silly string mare giggles too, but gets cut off by a cold water blast in the mouth from Bling.
  209. >That mare does not mess around.
  211. >The three of you manage to bounce before the ponice show up to investigate the ruckus you caused.
  212. >Also probably because you didn't pay the entrance fee.
  213. >But crime don't pay.
  214. >Crime and Princess Celestia.
  216. >As you step out of the chariot back at Sunshine-Lane, the sun is setting.
  217. >"Aw mane, this is gonna take a week to get out."
  218. >PD grumbles and rubs his blue-green fur.
  219. >"Well at least we didn't get caught. Those three are probably gonna get TWO weeks in Jail, minimum."
  220. >You shudder and you almost feel bad for them... almost.
  221. >Especially for that stallion. He's gonna get booped in the showers for sure.
  222. >You turn to Bling, head cocked.
  223. "By the way, how did you know where we were?"
  224. >She chuckles.
  225. >"I asked your mom, that mare has eyes and ears everywhere."
  226. >She then grins.
  227. >"By the way, she asked me to tell you that you're grounded this weekend with no video games for swearing at the playground."
  228. >Bling and PD both laugh as you groan.
  230. >All three end up splayed out on your couch, after laying out a towel under PD of course.
  231. >Mom would get soooo mad if he stained the couch.
  232. >Like... make you eat fish liver oil-mad.
  233. >You shudder. That mare is a real OG.
  234. >You watch the setting sun through the window, feeling pretty good.
  235. "You know, I learned something today."
  236. >"What?" PD asks, chewing on a carrot that he got from.. somewhere.
  237. "Ponies from Detrott ain't dung."
  238. >Laughter fills the room as the sun finally sets on another rough day in the Equestrian Ghetto.
  240. Meanwhile, in Ponyville.
  242. "So, tell me again, silly filly. What happened, exactly?"
  243. >The pink mare slowly circles the quivering colt that she just bailed out.
  244. >"W-well Madam Pie. We kinda... sorta... ran into some resistance in Manehattan."
  245. >The blue eyes locked onto his and she let out a growl.
  246. "Is that so?"
  247. >She waves her hoof and the colt is suddenly grabbed by a pair of light blue and orange hooves and dragged off, whimpering.
  248. "Looks like Manehattan is due for a party, then."
  250. The End.
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