
Polt's Gym - Ch U-1

Jul 10th, 2016
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  1. Japan was even more fun than my classmates had said it would be. I was surprised when they chose me of all people to go overseas for the student exchange program. There was nothing outwardly remarkable about me, I was the closest you could come to being average across the board; A little overweight, and nerdy.
  3. One of the first things on my checklist was to join a gym. If I was going to represent American schools, I might as well give the best impression possible. That's how I came to join the Kobold Sports Club. It was an extra species gym, though the owner was more than accepting of anyone that wanted to improve themselves. The gym owner is a very energetic kobold named Polt, who knows a surprising amount about fitness and loves to work closely with anyone those who need help.
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  7. With a heavy sigh, I put the dumbells back on the weight rack and began my cooldown exercises. A month of going to the gym and I still hadn't seen any improvements, even with Polt helping create a workout regimen. I felt somewhat stronger, but I still looked like a marshmallow in most places.
  9. "Ah to hell with it, I'll pay for another month then quit if nothing improves after that." The lightheadedness I felt showed that I had pushed myself even farther than planned, which was good considering I needed to increase endurance too.
  11. Luckily it was late, around 11, so almost no one was there to see me stumble towards the showers in what must have looked like a drunken stupor. The steam that wrapped around me like a blanket helped combat the headache growing at the base of my skull.
  13. My shirt fell to the ground, along with my shorts before I noticed I was in the wrong bathrooms. Standing with her back to me was the distinctive shape of a woman. I slowly backed away, trying to make as little noise as possible. The female figure turned sideways and I saw a, wait is that a dick?
  15. "The fuck?" I mumbled under my breath; I was more surprised than disgusted at the sight. This got the attention of the woman in the shower, who turned around to face me. Starting back at me was... Polt?
  17. The Kobold let out a surprised yelp and tried, unsuccessfully, to cover herself. I began to move backwards and turn away at the same time, but my foot slipped on the wet floor and I came crashing down in a heap instead. A muffled "Shit, I'm so sorry," was all I could muster before I started to back away.
  19. "What are you doing in the women's bathrooms?!" Polt's embarrassment turned to anger, and I racked my brain for a response. Polt's revealing pose wasn't doing much to help clear my mind.
  21. "I. "
  23. ------------------ Maybe delete?
  25. "Don't struggle anymore," I heard Polt say before she began poking and prodding my left ankle. Clamping my jaws hard, I tried to contain the groans of pain.
  27. Once she was satisfied, Polt began to slowly move me on to my back, careful to keep the injured ankle stationary. "I think there's a first aid kit around here somewhere. Stay put until I..." She trailed off as she noticed the raging hard on beneath the boxes I wore. My face blushed red, as did Polt's. "What are you..." She trailed off again as she noticed my line of sight. "Don't look damn it!" Her momentary anger was replaced by a skeptical look as I averted my eyes. "You... You don't think I'm ugly because of this? You're even... aroused? Why...?"
  29. I squirmed uncomfortably and tried to look away, but couldn't help myself. "I uh, well," I exhaled and began again."I'm not, um, disturbed by it, I... kind of like it." With that out of the way I turned my head to look at the wall in the distance. Polt stood there, dumbfounded.
  31. "You, you like this?" Her voice had completely lost the hardened edge, and instead adopted a questioning tone. "But why..." She stumbled over her words trying to find something to ask, her face growing more red the entire time.
  33. "I don't mean to interrupt but you said something about a first aid kit?" I asked through a grimace. Now that the adrenaline had worn off, the pain had returned in full force.
  35. "Yes right! The first aid kit!" Polt said, eager to be presented with a distraction. "Don't move," He face was still red when she bolted out of the room to find the kit.
  37. A moment later she returned with first aid kit in hand and a towel hastily wrapped around her torso. She examined the ankle some more before proclaiming "It looks like you only rolled the joint, not broke it. Go home, put some ice on it, and stay off of it for the next few days." The professional personal trainer attitude had returned, along with her composure. She grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet, then walked me out of the showers.
  39. "One last thing," Polt said as she disappeared back inside the showers. Moments later she presented me with a card which she handed to me. Embossed on the front was 'Sports Club Kobold - One Month Membership'. "Please, don't tell anyone about what you saw in there," The red blush once again colored her cheeks, "I'm sure you can understand?"
  41. They say how effective puppy-dog eyes can be at persuading you, but these eyes were the kind that would draw you in if you weren't careful. The deep blue irises were a welcoming contrast to the brown of her hair, and my heart melted the longer I looked. "Yes, of course. I won't tell anyone." I finally said. Seeing the relieved expression on her face made me feel even better than before. "Though there is one thing I have to ask from you. I can't really drive in this condition, and I don't have enough money for the bus."
  43. "Don't worry about that!" The Kobold said as she walked back towards the showers. "If you can wait 15 minutes, I'll drive you there myself."
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