
Raging Loop impression

Apr 23rd, 2020
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  1. At first i was given impression of the typical murder mystery story with a loop in it. But Raging Loop is way more than just that. It's a spoiler to talk why, but I'll assure you that Raging Loop stand out among other mystery or similar genre story.
  3. The first impression that I had in mind when thinking about Raging Loop is how the game mechanics/concepts are truly being used as a narrative device that work really well with the story and concepts inside it. It made the plot in Raging Loop to be exceptionally unique, fresh, and clever.
  5. When talking about the content of the story, Raging Loop managed to be a really good at this. The way it keep the tension and the way the story unfold its mystery are done in a careful manner as to not break the pacing of the story. There's also quite a lot of comedy inserted in between the scene to ease up tension, but that doesn't mean to break it up completely. I also really like the discourse about the concept of 神 in the story. It give us a new or alternative perspective toward concept of 神. And I think that's one of the thing that make Raging Loop stand out from other mysteryge. It's not just a passive entertaiment, instead it's a story that we can think of, and took a meaning from. I think it's what the story try to convey to us, reader.
  7. Raging Loop has a ton of content. Even after the ending, there's still a lot of new content to exlplore that give you a new, some even important, things that tell what actually happened from other char perspective or Haruaki himself. I recommend you to explore all of it after you done with True End, since it really gave you full understanding on what actually happened.
  9. For the writing, I think it's quite good. The prose are designed to be clear and logical. It's also too personal at many occasion. As it's told from Haruaki's perspective, it's limited to what he know and aware. And the writing really consistent to give us impression of what Haruaki didn't know and what he know. So as you can't speculate too much. I think it's a good thing to keep the suspense During the reasoning, there will be many times it will try to give us an infordump of other things to explain a concept in order to make every concept relevant to us. Sometimes that make the flow better, sometimes it can turn us off as some. Also some important point are always marked, which if you carefully remember, will be significantly relevant later in the story or for things that already happened. Remember, the main concept of this VN is loop. So you better careful to remember all those important points.
  11. The characters are really good. Haruaki hands down being one of the best written character in this VN. He's just soo good. The way he solve up the mystery and try to achieve things he desire, his nature, and his way of thinking. He's not your typical smart detective like protagonist typical to a mystery story. And that's what make the story of Raging Loop interesting. Chiemi is good as well. All other characters are also good, with almost all of them getting explored as Haruaki get into know all of them to survive throughout his loop.
  13. For the visual, I think it's really good. I think the character design are good. It's made more unique with the shading and strong colouring, which gave us impression of more realism. My complaint are probably how the VN gave us a fucking fog almost all the time. It feels like the 80% of the BG are fog, despite it's actually not. The fog are effect. I dislike it because it gave me a the same impression place almost everywhere.
  15. For music, I think it's ok. It didn't stand much, and the variety are little. But for ambient music, it's doing its job I think.
  17. Overall, Raging Loop is a unique VN. It stand out from other similar genre and theme. Its amount of content is impressive. I really enjoyed it. And I think it's a good VN.
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