
My code - re-write this shit

Feb 20th, 2017
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  19. <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>
  20. <br><b><i>CHICAGO</i></b>
  21. <br>The escort and dealer.
  22. <p>
  23. <b>Dossier</b>
  24. <br><b><font color="#4F2999">Name</font></b> <a title="Born in Chicago and moved to Hell's Kitchen of New York City, it seemed like a good move and a fresh start...but nothing goes the way we want it do, does it.. ">Rochelle Belmont</a>
  25. <br><b>Nicknamed</b> "Chicago"
  26. <br><b><font color="#4F2999">Personality</font></b> <a title="Chicago's seen to be a quiet individual for the most part and obedient to the orders of her superiors. Don't mistake her silence for weakness or kindness though. The girl is a monster when she's called upon, more than willing to manipulate, crush and control those of whom she's been told to take down. Her mind is loud and full of chaos that is normally only seen when she's fighting or when you manage to get snapped at by her vicious tongue. She is mentally and emotionally unstable and can often be found out of her mind on drugs. When she isn't using drugs, one can see a profound sadness about her, a hollowness within her dark brown eyes. She's an empty creature. Don't poke the bear.">Silent. Violent.</a>
  27. <br><b>Age</b> 21
  28. <br><b><font color="#4F2999">Occupation</font></b> <a title="Love wasn't in the cards and neither was money until the day that she found herself a sugar daddy who payed her for selling his drugs and simply pleasuring him. It seemed easy enough in the beginning, but now she's found herself a horrible drug addict with an insatiable hunger for sex. She is by no means easy, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have her issues. Drugs are an escape and self prostitution only a brief distraction from the fact that she is unloved and unloveable.">Escort. Dealer.</a>
  29. <br><b>Build</b> Average, curvaceous
  30. <br><b><font color="#4F2999">Represents</font></b> <a title="Information here">None</a>
  31. <br><b>Orientation</b> Heterosexual
  32. <br><b><font color="#4F2999">Remains</font></b> <a title="She was the girl that guys looked at, swooned and yet always threw away. Nobody wanted to keep her, no matter how devoted, honest and wonderful she was. She was always a lover, but never beloved. She is and shall remain a simplistic drug dealer and whore.">Unloved</a>
  33. <br><b>Nationality</b> Native American - Ogalala Sioux
  34. <br><b><font color="#4f2999">Mentality</font></b> <a title="The life of an escort isn't easy as it seems and with a past like hers, she's found to be mentally unstable and highly self destructive at times. Some call her bi-polar, while she'd simply call it reacting logically to the dumbassery around her. Others say she has a problem with authority, she simply says she can't stand an idiot being in charge. Others say she's manic depressive, but she says 'Wouldn't you be sad if the world you lived in was totally fucked and there was no way out?' They call her all sorts of things, but there's one thing that always runs true: The woman is a danger to herself and at times to others.">Unstable.</a>
  35. <br><b>Fighting Style</b> Adapting. Free running. Aggressive.
  36. <br><b><font color="#4f2999">Arsenal</font></b> <a title="Trained in martial arts. Skilled with blades, whips, chains. Likes knuckledusters.">Hover</a>
  38. <br><b><font color="#4F2999">The Terms</font></b> <a title="PMs are cool.
  39. semi-para - Novella post length.
  40. grammar is a must
  41. Smut's acceptable, but with a story.
  42. Long term preferred but not sought.
  43. OOC contact is a no.
  44. Expect adult themes. She's self-destructive and violent.
  45. ">Hover here</a>
  47. <br><font color="#4f2999"> Hover these</font> answers</center></font><script type="text/javascript">
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