

Apr 5th, 2014
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  21. <DIV id=content_nav_left>Hosting report for: <B></B></DIV>
  22. <DIV id=content_nav_right>Updated 65 days ago [<A href="/loading.php?;f=1" rel=nofollow>Update</A>]</DIV></DIV>
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  36. <DIV style="TEXT-ALIGN: left; WIDTH: 300px; FLOAT: left"><STRONG></STRONG> is currently hosted at <STRONG>SoftLayer</STRONG>. This domain is connected to IP address which is hosted on a server that appears to be located in Washington, United States. This site has a Google Pagerank of: 7. This domain is ranked number 175 in the world. We estimate this website generates about $7,199 USD of daily revenue. It seems has about 2,399,674 daily visitors. Taking into account all these variables, we estimate the value of this website at: $5,111,306 USD.</DIV></DIV>
  37. <DIV class=content_semi_title>
  38. <H1> hosting report</H1></DIV>
  39. <TABLE class=maintable cellSpacing=0 width="100%">
  40. <TBODY>
  41. <TR>
  42. <TD width=200><B>Title:</B></TD>
  43. <TD><STRONG>Website Hosting Services, VPS Hosting &amp; Dedicated Servers - HostGator</STRONG></TD></TR>
  44. <TR>
  45. <TD width=200><B>Description:</B></TD>
  46. <TD>HostGator is a leading provider of website hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers. Discover why over 9,000,000 websites trust us for their hosting needs.</TD></TR>
  47. <TR>
  48. <TD width=200><B>Tags:</B></TD>
  49. <TD><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/webhosting">webhosting</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/reseller-hosting"> reseller hosting</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/vps-hosting"> vps hosting</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/host-gator"> host gator</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/hostgator-affiliate"> hostgator affiliate</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/hostgator-vps"> hostgator vps</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/web-hosting"> web hosting</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/website-hosting"> website hosting</A></SPAN><SPAN class=arrow><A href="/websites/reseller"> reseller</A></SPAN></TD></TR>
  50. <TR>
  51. <TD width=200><B>Domain Hoster:</B></TD>
  52. <TD><A href="/hoster/86">SoftLayer</A></TD></TR>
  53. <TR>
  54. <TD width=200><B>IP Owner:</B></TD>
  55. <TD>SoftLayer</TD></TR>
  56. <TR>
  57. <TD width=200><B>Server Location:</B></TD>
  58. <TD>Washington, United States</TD></TR>
  59. <TR>
  60. <TD width=200><B>Server GEO Location:</B></TD>
  61. <TD>38°53'42.396" North, -77°2'10.932" West [<A href=",-77.03637" target=_blank>show on google maps</A>]</TD></TR>
  62. <TR>
  63. <TD width=200><B>Domain IP:</B></TD>
  64. <TD><A href="/ip_info/"></A></TD></TR>
  65. <TR>
  66. <TD width=200><B>Domain IP Long:</B></TD>
  67. <TD>2915099180</TD></TR>
  68. <TR>
  69. <TD width=200><B>Binary IP:</B></TD>
  70. <TD>10101101110000001110001000101100</TD></TR>
  71. <TR>
  72. <TD width=200><B>Domain TLD:</B></TD>
  73. <TD>com</TD></TR>
  74. <TR>
  75. <TD width=200><B>Website Favicon:</B></TD>
  76. <TD><IMG border=0 alt=" favicon" src=""></TD></TR>
  77. <TR>
  78. <TD width=200><B>Website Load Speed:</B></TD>
  79. <TD>0.54 seconds <IMG title="This is the time it took our server to download all the HTML of this website." border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  80. <TR>
  81. <TD width=200><B>Google Analytics ID:</B></TD>
  82. <TD><A href="#analytics" rel=nofollow>5239867</A></TD></TR>
  83. <TR>
  84. <TD width=200><B>IP Hostname:</B></TD>
  85. <TD></TD></TR>
  86. <TR>
  87. <TD width=200><B>Domain Page Rank:</B></TD>
  88. <TD><IMG class=pr border=0 alt="" src="/i/pr/pr7.png" width=80 height=15> <IMG title="The Page Rank goes from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest." border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  89. <TR>
  90. <TD width=200><B>Alexa Rank:</B></TD>
  91. <TD>#175 <IMG title="The lower this number is the better. With number 1 being the biggest site in the world." border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  92. <TR>
  93. <TD width=200><B>Website Value:</B></TD>
  94. <TD>$5,111,306 USD <IMG title="This number is a rough estimate!" border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  95. <TR>
  96. <TD width=200><B>Website Daily Visitors:</B></TD>
  97. <TD>2,399,674 <IMG title="This number is a rough estimate!" border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  98. <TR>
  99. <TD width=200><B>Website Daily Income:</B></TD>
  100. <TD>$7,199 USD <IMG title="This number is a rough estimate!" border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  101. <TR>
  102. <TD width=200><B>Trustworthiness Score:</B></TD>
  103. <TD>
  104. <DIV class=percentbar>
  105. <DIV style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #9fc05a; WIDTH: 92px">&nbsp;92%</DIV></DIV>&nbsp;Excellent <IMG title="Trustworthiness reflects the overall trustworthiness of a website: Do you consider this site safe to use? Does this site deliver you what it promises? Do you trust the content of the website? A poor rating may indicate Internet scams, identity theft risks, credit card fraud, phishing, viruses, adware or spyware." border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  106. <TR>
  107. <TD width=200><B>Vendor Reliability Score:</B></TD>
  108. <TD>
  109. <DIV class=percentbar>
  110. <DIV style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #9fc05a; WIDTH: 92px">&nbsp;92%</DIV></DIV>&nbsp;Excellent <IMG title="Vendor Reliability tells you whether the site is safe for buying and selling or for business transactions in general. " border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  111. <TR>
  112. <TD width=200><B>Privacy Score:</B></TD>
  113. <TD>
  114. <DIV class=percentbar>
  115. <DIV style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #9fc05a; WIDTH: 92px">&nbsp;92%</DIV></DIV>&nbsp;Excellent <IMG title="Privacy tells you whether the site has a privacy policy that protects your personal identity and data. " border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  116. <TR>
  117. <TD width=200><B>Child Safety Score:</B></TD>
  118. <TD>
  119. <DIV class=percentbar>
  120. <DIV style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #9fc05a; WIDTH: 92px">&nbsp;92%</DIV></DIV>&nbsp;Excellent <IMG title="Child safety indicates if the site contains age-inappropriate material. This includes mature content meant for adults: Content depicting nudity, sexual content, violence, vulgar or hateful language or content that encourages dangerous or illegal activities." border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR>
  121. <TR>
  122. <TD width=200><B>Popularity Score:</B></TD>
  123. <TD>
  124. <DIV class="reviews clear" score="5.0"><EM class="star p5" title="5.0 stars"></EM></DIV><SPAN itemprop="rating">5.0</SPAN>/<SPAN>5.0</SPAN> Stars by <SPAN itemprop="reviewer">HostCabi</SPAN> <IMG title="We take many factors in consideration when forming this rating such as, traffic, pagerank, website safety and many more." border=0 alt="" src="/i/info.png" width=10 height=10></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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  143. <FORM class=f-alexa><SELECT id=selectPeriod class=alexaDropdown><OPTION value=7d>Trailing 7 days</OPTION><OPTION value=1m>Trailing 1 month</OPTION><OPTION selected value=3m>Trailing 3 months</OPTION><OPTION value=6m>Trailing 6 months</OPTION><OPTION value=1y>Trailing 1 year</OPTION><OPTION value=2y>Trailing 2 years</OPTION><OPTION value=3y>Trailing 3 years</OPTION><OPTION value=4y>Trailing 4 years</OPTION><OPTION value=6y>Max</OPTION></SELECT><BR><B>Compare with other sites:</B><BR><INPUT class="inp-text compare-to" type=text name=comp1><INPUT class="inp-text compare-to" type=text name=comp2><INPUT class="inp-text compare-to" type=text name=comp3><INPUT class=inp-submit-01 onclick="compareTo(); return false;" value=Compare type=submit></FORM></DIV>
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  145. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Domain names similar to:</DIV>
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  158. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Other websites who use this Google Analytics account: 5239867<A name=analytics></A></DIV>
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  172. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Other domains linked to this IP:</DIV>
  173. <DIV class=content_text>This is the only domain linked to this IP address.</DIV>
  174. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Other domains hosted at: SoftLayer</DIV>
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  177. <LI><A href="/domain/"></A></LI>
  178. <LI><A href="/domain/"></A></LI>
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  181. <LI><A href="/domain/"></A></LI>
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  187. <LI>Show more results from: <A href="/hoster/86">SoftLayer</A></LI></UL></DIV>
  188. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Other domains hosted in IP range: 173.192.226.*</DIV>
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  191. <LI><SPAN><A href="/ip_info/"></A></SPAN><A href="/domain/"></A></LI>
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  200. <LI><SPAN><A href="/ip_info/"></A></SPAN><A href="/domain/"></A></LI></UL></DIV>
  201. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Active Nameservers</DIV>
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  205. <LI></LI>
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  208. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Location of server on Google Maps</DIV>
  209. <DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 640px; PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BORDER-TOP: #ccc 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #ccc 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 2px"><IMG border=0 alt="" src=",-77.03637&amp;zoom=5&amp;size=640x300&amp;sensor=true&amp;markers=%7C38.89511,-77.03637" width=640 height=300></DIV>
  210. <DIV class=content_semi_title>IP Whois report of: [Softlayer Technologies Inc.]</DIV>
  211. <DIV style="WIDTH: 680px; FONT-FAMILY: courier; FONT-SIZE: 0.8em">[Querying]<BR>[Redirected to]<BR>[Querying]<BR>[]<BR>%rwhois V-1.5:003fff:00 (by Network Solutions, Inc. V-<BR>network:Class-Name:network<BR>network:ID:NETBLK-SOFTLAYER.<BR>network:Auth-Area:<BR>network:Network-Name:SOFTLAYER-<BR>network:IP-Network:<BR>network:IP-Network-Block:<BR>network:Organization;I:Website Welcome<BR>network:Street-Address:11251 Northwest Freeway Suite 400<BR>network:City:Houston<BR>network:State:TX<BR>network:Postal-Code:77092<BR>network:Country-Code:US<BR>network:Tech-Contact;<BR>network:Abuse-Contact;<BR>network:Admin-Contact;I:IPADM258-ARIN<BR>network:Created:2010-10-28 17:56:39<BR>network:Updated:2012-05-01 07:08:17<BR><BR><BR>%ok</DIV>
  212. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Domain Whois report of:</DIV>
  213. <DIV style="WIDTH: 680px; FONT-FAMILY: courier; FONT-SIZE: 0.8em">Domain Name: HOSTGATOR.COM<BR>Creation Date: 2002-10-22 22:07:55Z<BR>Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2015-10-22 22:07:55Z<BR>Registrar: ENOM, INC.<BR>Registrant Name: ADAM FARRAR<BR>Registrant Organization: HOSTGATOR<BR>Registrant Street: 11251 NORTHWEST FWY SUITE 400<BR>Registrant City: HOUSTON<BR>Registrant State/Province: TX<BR>Registrant Postal Code: 77092<BR>Registrant Country: US<BR>Admin Name: ADAM FARRAR<BR>Admin Organization: HOSTGATOR<BR>Admin Street: 11251 NORTHWEST FWY SUITE 400<BR>Admin City: HOUSTON<BR>Admin State/Province: TX<BR>Admin Postal Code: 77092<BR>Admin Country: US<BR>Admin Phone: +1.7135745287<BR>Admin Phone Ext: <BR>Admin Fax: +1.2814767800<BR>Admin Fax Ext:<BR>Admin Email: DOMAINS@HOSTGATOR.COM<BR>Tech Name: ADAM FARRAR<BR>Tech Organization: HOSTGATOR<BR>Tech Street: 11251 NORTHWEST FWY SUITE 400<BR>Tech City: HOUSTON<BR>Tech State/Province: TX<BR>Tech Postal Code: 77092<BR>Tech Country: US<BR>Tech Phone: +1.7135745287<BR>Tech Phone Ext: <BR>Tech Fax: +1.2814767800<BR>Tech Fax Ext: <BR>Tech Email: DOMAINS@HOSTGATOR.COM<BR>Name Server: NS1.P13.DYNECT.NET<BR>Name Server: NS2.P13.DYNECT.NET<BR>Name Server: NS3.P13.DYNECT.NET<BR>Name Server: NS4.P13.DYNECT.NET<BR><BR>The data in this whois database is provided to you for information<BR>purposes only, that is, to assist you in obtaining information about or<BR>related to a domain name registration record. We make this information<BR>available "as is," and do not guarantee its accuracy. By submitting a<BR>whois query, you agree that you will use this data only for lawful<BR>purposes and that, under no circumstances will you use this data to: (1)<BR>enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that stress or load<BR>this whois database system providing you this information; or (2) allow,<BR>enable, or otherwise support the transmission of mass unsolicited,<BR>commercial advertising or solicitations via direct mail, electronic<BR>mail, or by telephone. The compilation, repackaging, dissemination or<BR>other use of this data is expressly prohibited without prior written<BR>consent from us. <BR><BR>We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time. By submitting <BR>this query, you agree to abide by these terms.<BR>Version 6.3 4/3/2002<BR><BR>, LLC is a world leading provider of shared, reseller, and dedicated web hosting.</DIV>
  214. <DIV class=content_semi_title>Domain misspelling options for: Hostgator</DIV>
  215. <DIV class=content_text>aostgator, bostgator, costgator, dostgator, eostgator, fostgator, gostgator, hostgator, iostgator, jostgator, kostgator, lostgator, mostgator, nostgator, oostgator, postgator, qostgator, rostgator, sostgator, tostgator, uostgator, vostgator, wostgator, xostgator, yostgator, zostgator, hastgator, hbstgator, hcstgator, hdstgator, hestgator, hfstgator, hgstgator, hhstgator, histgator, hjstgator, hkstgator, hlstgator, hmstgator, hnstgator, hostgator, hpstgator, hqstgator, hrstgator, ... <A href="/domain_misspelling/hostgator">Show all misspelling options for: Hostgator</A></DIV></DIV>
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