
I Miss You, Even Though I've Never Met You (Script) [A4A]

Jun 17th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. [A4A] I Miss You, Even Though I've Never Met You [Short and Sweet] [Voice Message] [Longing] [Lovey-Dovey Daydreaming] [Wanting to be in Love] [Pining] [Wistful]
  3. You decide to record your feelings, because you're ready to meet someone who's truly right for you.
  5. [square brackets] for tone/actions, SFX where noted (optional)
  6. *asterisks* for emphasis
  7. double spaces for longer pauses
  9. /slashes/ used for explanations of sounds or actions or any contextual events
  10. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  12. Ok so...I'm doing this so I can...not sort out my thoughts, really, but I guess it's for like...concrete evidence of my feelings?
  14. No, that- that doesn't make too much sense.
  16. It could be an audio journal type thing? *Is* that a thing? Do people even make those?
  18. Um...this is...it's so I can look back on this and hear my own...stuff. So I can actually hear the, um...is determination the right word? It's so I know that at this point in time...I was sure of my feelings. And that I should be sure of them in the future, too.
  20. Or maybe I'm putting my feelings into the universe in the hopes that something will happen. [chuckle]
  22. Anyway, I know this is only for me, but who knows? If, by some crazy twist of fate, you end up listening to this, then...I hope it finds you well.
  24. I hope *I* find you well. [soft chuckle]
  26. [deep breath] So...to the wonderful person who I know I'll love, and who I know will love me for me...I miss you.
  28. I miss you, even though I've never met you.
  30. I miss that you haven't been in my life. That we haven't went out for coffee together...or well, I'd get hot chocolate because I like sweet things. And maybe you'll like hot chocolate more than coffee as well? [wistful sigh] Maybe you will. I'd love that. But I wouldn't mind either way. I'd just be happy to be with you.
  32. And we would have walked through the park, or cuddled under the crazy amount of blankets I always use.
  34. And dates? Yeah, dates! Like fancy dinners, where we'd dress up all formal, and I'd compliment you, and you would swoon, and then you'd do the same, making me fall for you even harder. [chuckle]
  36. Thinking of all the things we would have done together is making me so happy. I know I'm just daydreaming, and maybe what I'm missing is an *idea* of you, but...it's nice. Being realistic all the time can be exhausting.
  38. And right now I don't want to think about the real things. All I want is to be with you.
  40. Because I miss you.
  42. I miss you because...all this time...I didn't have you.
  44. Which is ok. I don't know about your feelings on this, obviously, but I think it's totally fine.
  46. Before this, I don't think I was good enough to myself to be good enough for you as well, but I've worked on that. I've worked on *me*. I'm happy with who I am now, so I'm ready.
  48. And I don't mean like...ready to jump into another relationship. I mean I'm ready for *you*. Whoever you are and...wherever you might be. I don't want to miss you anymore.
  50. Actually, if you could come and find me that would be great. [chuckle] There's no rush, though. Like I said, I'm happy with who I am. And *when* you find me, or when I find you, I think you'll be happy with who I am as well.
  52. Which is lovely, don't you think?
  54. I, uh...I kind of forgot I was talking to myself for a second. I think I should probably wrap this up. [chuckle]
  56. So again...to the wonderful person who I know I'll love, and who I know will love me for me...even though I haven't met you, I really, really miss you.
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