
Exovaryn Haruke: Aggressive Outburst

May 6th, 2015
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  1. The transition into a far more radical member of the nameless cause he stood for, enforcing the destruction of faith to the angelic entities beheld to the populace of Valmasia. Many succumbed to the intellect and might that was Exovaryn's own, whilst only some revoked their allegiance to their faith. Azrealites forsaking the existence of Azreal, Krausites replicated the motion, with many more of various background looking towards a new religion mised into their perception.
  3. The rumors spread around the cloaked personage, scattering his teachings through brutality if necessary. To many faithful to the stereotypical factions of Exorcist and Occult- If not under alternative deity, the man's act was considered a crime.
  5. "There is no Kraus..." Exovaryn's voice declared, with fingers baring into the neck of an unfortunate challenger: A devoted Azrealite straggling from Alteros, having intercepted by the athiest.
  6. "There is no Azreal..." His grip tightened his chokehold, bringing rise to the man and relinquishing him of his hold of the ground. Legs were forced to sway, scramble and struggle before a superior force to no avail- A futile effort at best.
  8. "There is no Ryujin, nor Gods of Uray.... But there is Lyperias... There is me..." His arm lurched over to heave the incapacitated man off to his side, leaving them fallen to the sodden earth's surface, where patronizing hues gleamed down upon him. "You are all blind to see it, but in time I'll lead you all to salvation."
  9. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  11. While he wasn't sure if he was prepared, he wasn't going to sit idly by and allow the one who had tormented him so to accrue more power, the boy had to go back. However on his journey, in the midst of the swamp that fed into both the grove and Alteros, he came across a rather blasphemous sight. A man, swathed in dark, choking the life out of another and denouncing the presence of the gods that were established.
  13. As an oscuri child, one whose devotion to Azrael was growing deeper by the day after what he'd suffered, he saw it as nothng more than heresy, especially because his kin had been created by Azrael. Despite the man's stature towering over his own, he showed no fear in making his own beliefs known as the one who he'd been asphyxiating fell to the ground with a thud,
  15. "Azrael claims another soldier for his spectral army, gratitude. Though saying he doesn't exist doesn't make it true." As he drew back his hood and revealed the reika lines that were etched into his face, "My kin are a testiment to his existence, after all."
  16. (Septimus Aurelius)
  18. Eyes glided over from the fallen man whom rested at hands and knees, panting for air- Over to a mere child whom managed to travel so far from Alteros. A glimpse upon his visage answered the internal query, and left him with further irritation. "Your ilk grow further inane by the day..." He commented, pivoted around to face Septimus directly.
  20. "You are simply another subrace, child.. Nothing more than a mutation from the common man. There is nothing of you, that a magi can not replicate. Azreal's absence contradicts his powers, and thus can only prove that he does not exist.. Period." Far taller than a six year old child, Exovaryn condescended to his race akin to what he would to any other considered mortal.
  22. "You will never achieve immortality as your people claim Azreal wishes upon you, for there is no Life after Death that is not condoned to by anything more than a magi." He proclaimed. "Your existence is no testiment... Simply an experiment; Skill in magical potence, Alchemy and a concoction of the two can easily breed something like you... However, Lyperias does exist. She does have a form that moves on this mortal plane and sustains her immortal figure... Azreal does not. Kraus does not. Ryujin does not. The Gods of Uray do not... Your arguement is invalid."
  23. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  25. While his parents hadn't ever spoken much about Kraus, and even less about the Urayan gods or Ryujin when they were alive, they had spoken volumes about Azrael. They had raised him with a zealot's faith, and as one of the few things that he remembered of them, he clung to it just as devotedly as ever.
  27. "He hasn't always been absent, only since the first divine war. The task is upon us to free him from his bondage so that we can bring about another, and this time hopefully succeed in wiping humanity off of the face of the earth. That was our intended purpose."
  29. The boy then folded his arms in front of his chest and inquired, "And what exactly has this 'Lyperias' done for you, in exchange for your faith in her?"
  30. (Septimus Aurelius)
  32. The Oscuri questioned his own alleged Goddess, with folded arms. So brazen for one so young, almost humoring considering the sheer size difference albeit the Harukean entertained him with a serious answer. "Unlike one such as Azreal, Lyperias bares powers you couldn't hope to fathom. What she bestowed me with surpasses what you Oscuri were 'blessed' with, by the fantacized deity you call Azreal." He answered.
  34. "Though, restricted to the concealed flesh, the anatomy of my vessel is akin to what you'd call, an angel." He claimed, "Divinity is my birthright and shunned by the Valmasian filth that squandered these lands for centuries. The resevior of all that surrounds me, can easily become the source of my power. In time, I'll achieve powers that rival, if not succeed that of your greatest magi."
  36. "Unlike Azreal, she also exists on this mortal plane- Undying, Immortal, far more potent than you could dream. An incarnate of her being resides amongst us, and in time I could show you... That is, if you renounce your faith in Azreal. Then, she can forgive you for your sins."
  37. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  39. The boy certainly had questions for his answers, an impassive and stoic expression remained on his face as he shot out one after another, "If she's so powerful, as you say, why doesn't she seize power? Why is this the first I've heard of her? Is she content with dwelling in the shadows as King Ose brings the sword and conquers everything that stands in his way? I'd be more likely to worship him as a living god than I would her, If her power is so absolute, why does she do nothing?"
  41. There were many more than came to mind, but after the rapid-firing of one after another, he had to at least give the man some time to speak. Though there was one answer that he hadn't received, a very specific one that he had asked, so after a brief pause he inquired, "And what was it she bestowed on you? Or was it your 'angelic' form?"
  42. (Septimus Aurelius)
  44. Questions bombarded the Harukean, met with naught but the raise of his right hand. Fingers flat and pulsating wholesomely with fusion of Cosmic-Occult arcanes, backed up with the amassed gravitational influence behind the hand. Just as the child got to the part concerning her claimed 'absolute power', the magi's backhand sweeped across one's reach to clap against the naked cheek, should the boy lack sufficient speed to evade the strike.
  46. The force mised behind the impact was likely to spiral the child to the earth, where the Occultist would glare down upon him with illuminated pupils of rusty hues garnering indivisible attention. "Do not confused mere monarchies to divinity, child." He rebuted with disgust.
  47. "A god surpasses a King of any sort, in every regard. There isn't a need for her actions against anything concerning Ose. There is nothing that is hidden from one such as Ose, simply unknown. There is no shadow casted upon her, for she watches over all, bares witness to Fate of beginning to end.
  49. She exacts the equivalence of all reality. With every voice, comes an echo. Every actions has a consequence of similar quantity... It is the law of Equivalent Exchange. The only reason you lack knowledge of her, is simply because she governed over lands beyond the boundaries of Valmasia's mainland at one point.. But now, she is here... "
  51. He fell to mild pause, prior to uttering further answers to questions one could assume were going to be asked, if silenced by the smack prior.
  52. "She bestowed upon me, the power to ascend to a stature similar to her own... One that will come through renowned faith."
  53. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  55. Zakai was simply travelling around. He had to get used to the area around him if he wanted to be of any use. Afterall, being couped up in Danarium had it's disadvantages. The boy has never been to these parts. Making his way into the deadland marshes, he continued to search for things. Infact there were numerous things on his mind, he wanted to find new types of earth magic, he needed to find Jammie, and he also had a mission to find someone who he had forgotten their name. Of course he would remember eventually, but for now it was just a blur.
  57. Sighing along his trip, he noticed two people in the distance. They seemed to be having an altercation, but he didn't care. Walking up to them both carefully he took a bow before giving both of them a light smile. "Hey there. Do either of you two know where I would be able find a master earth mage anywhere? Or a girl with white hair. I'm in a search for something, and to be honest I have no idea where to begin. Also um...Where am I exactly?"
  59. Looking around the marshes, it seemed a bit odd of a place. More or less eerie and creepy then anything that he has ever seen, but that didn't matter now.
  60. (Zakai)
  62. The new arrival didn't recieve much attention from the Harukean, distracted from even Septimus by the previous victim of his claims attempting to get away!
  63. "I didn't permit you the will to leave just yet!" He extended his arm out in the fleeing man's direction, telekineticaly possessing his physique via gravitational influence and contorting the properties of the atmosphere around his person to launch him back towards Exovaryn's feet.
  65. "I'm not done with -you- yet... Hold still." Mastery over the metaphysical domain locked the victim into incapacitation whilst allowing Voss to focus his glare upon Septimus. Words uttered from his lips however, seemed more directed for Zakai, "You're lost, Valmasian. It is best you run along... The inane members of your society are taking education of the Truth, your turn will follow should you idle long enough."
  67. The denial of True Immortality from the Oscuri child earned Exovaryn's attention, and moment of hiatus to donate to ponderance.
  68. "...The very state of Immortality is simply something you couldn't hope to understand. The stories you speak of bare no weight to them, for you haven't the slightest of living proof. Nothing direct, nothing true... It is all a continuum of fallacies. If it requires brutality, as you Oscuri are so hardlined to utilize, I will see to it, that the Truth is beaten into you, as it will be unto the rest."
  69. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  71. When a random passer by stumbled along into their conversation and asked for a little information, he turned and nearly completely disregarded Exovarn. Even as the threat of violence against him came, all the child did was raise a finger toward him, silently telling him to wait.
  73. One question in particular had caught his attention, where he could find a white haired girl. The odds that it was the same one that he was searching for was quite literally one in a million, but he had to ask anyway,
  75. "White haired girl..? Red dress, black bow on her head? That the girl you're looking for?"
  76. (Septimus Aurelius)
  78. Shaking his head over at Septimus, the boy folded his arms. "She doesn't wear a red dress or have a black bow. Doesn't look like she's been here...Oh well..." Sighing once more, the boy scanned Exovaryn up and down carefully. Sounded like a fight in Zakai's ears, but right now the boy didn't have the time. Afterall, they were talking about immortality and such. Zakai never really knew too much about the topic so he never really cared to learn about it. Taking another bow he cracked his neck before staring off into the distance. "I'll see you two around I guess."
  80. Turning around, the boy made his way back to Tilandre. It would take awhile to reach back to the city, but it would be best to return for now. Hopefully nobody would notice him missing. Not like the group paid too much attention to him anyway. And that's how Zakai liked it! But unfortunately Rhiannon still wouldn't talk to him. How was he going to clear the air between the two if she still held a grudge agaisnt him? Everything seemed hopeless for now. But that doesn't mean that he'll have to give up!
  82. The boy still had the Tournament to train for!
  83. (Zakai)
  85. The Oscuri child blatantly ignored the Harukean, testing his patience yet again. It was a recurring action commited to many, for the years he had taken up throughout his development from a stoic avenger to preacher of his own faith.
  87. He had enough of it! It didn't matter if this was a mere child or that his intentions were to spread his faith non-violently; The disregard of his ilk, the disgust casted upon him from encounter to encounter, the revilement he endured for so many years? It had to end. The festering aggitations had surmounted to his breaking point, which initiated its portrayal in the form of a single fist summoned from his side, surging with induced magics behind it to rocket the boy's vessel on impact, had it been embraced!
  89. "I'm tired of talking. You Valmasians don't learn... But I'll teach you.. I'll teach you all the difference. The foolishness ends, Now." Never before had his tone been so grave and hostile, threatening another strike upon the child without remorse for age in the mix. To him, this was just another irritation... He had developed the necessary potence of Wrath to desensitize the alleged death of the last Oscuri to oppose his teachings, which left this- The same.
  90. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  92. With Zakai's departure and Exovaryn's wrath impending, the boy pivoted on his heel to turn and face them. They may have been older than him, stronger than him, and bigger than him, but this boy had to power of youth, he had to let it explode! As the abyssal concoction of magics flared up around the Harukean, a shroud of bright green reika burst into existence around him and the boy raised his fists.
  94. With a smirk on his face he muttered, "May not have perfected my fighting style yet, but now is as good a chance as any to test it out!" That said, another burst of reika surged out of his hands and enflamed them with the energy even further, and they began to glow even more brightly.
  95. (Septimus Aurelius)
  97. "Your attempts to fight, are doomed to fail. Your power doesn't come close to matching against mine." A single pulsation of gravitational ora casted a rolling halo of dust, accompanied with the undeniable force that was Exovaryn's power, launching the child away in the wake of his generated shockwave.
  98. Though the child was capable of recovering, the distance betwixt himself and a swiftly encroaching Harukean left him without much breather. A cosmic induced fist sunk into the abdomen of the youth, siphoning his breath from the very lungs.
  100. "As foolish as the rest." He further commented, heaving the boy up by the fist to spin him overhead, plunging down into the earth where gravity in flux terraformed the earth into a man-eating fissure. The ground quaked, leaving a child to scour through a subterranean tunnel conjured by Voss standing above.
  101. A lone crack danced for a nearby pond, draining it for the pit beneath the earth's surface.
  103. "Humanity is flawed; It will take pain and suffering to open the defiant minds of the rebellious." A thrusted arm aimed for the presumed position of Septimus far below, ensnaring him within the Harukean's telekinetic grasp. "A pity at best..." A vertical swat, rocketed the child upward, toiled about by rocky stubs- Imperfections in the parted earth, eventually leading to the relinquishment of the Oscuri child to the world above, dropped to sodden soils beside the fissure.
  105. An attempt to rise to one's feet would lead to the perception of a materializing Voss standing above the child, awaiting for further retaliation or concedement.
  106. "A joke at best..." Physical contact however, proved detrimental to the Occultist's form. An extended hand, prepared to manifest a finishing blow conjured a spheroid of amalgamated Cosmic-Occult essence... Though, couldn't? The very aura of malign energies vanquished from his volition, leaving him stripped of his magic!
  108. "Wha-? What is this?" He questioned, receeding his hand to examine, as though tainted directly. It was a touch to his boot that locked off his power. ".... A trick, hm? Crafty child." He pulled back the afflicted leg to rivet his body away with a single kick, parting them until his powers could resurface- Unfortunately for him, leading to the recovery of the Oscuri.
  109. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  111. Through gravitational fluxes knocking him to the ground, pushing him away, drawing him nearer, and the vast amount of dark energy that was poured into his body, the young boy pressed on, relentlessly pursuing the man who'd initiated the fight. The first strikes, he had let out the pulse of reika too quickly, before his fist had even struck his foe, their intended purpose missed and effect rendered completely useless.
  113. As the air was sucked from his lungs, through excruciating agony, the child pressed forward, his muscles burning from the lack of oxygen, and while he was able to get his hands on Exovaryn once more, he sent out the pulse after ther blow had already landed and he was knocked away, once again, his strike was ineffective, and it was becoming more and more frustrating as the fight carried on.
  115. Things were seeming abysmal and hopeless for the child, until one gleaming moment of triumph. When the Harukean appeared overhead, the boy let out a final punch, one that had barely managed to even strike the man's foot, yet the instant that he made contact with their body, he released a pulse of reika, one that seeped into his body and blocked the free flow of mana within him. He of course didn't realise that was the case and didn't try to rip him from the sky until he had resorted to a kick in order to knock him back down.
  117. He had some success! Now he simply needed to refine his timing and hope for the best, if he could rob them of their magic, he could win, there was hope! The young oscuri scrambled to get back up to his feet once more and darted over to Exovaryn's location in the hopes of catching him before they regained their abilities.
  118. (Septimus Aurelius)
  120. "When will it kick in to your puny mind the difference that is our powers."
  121. Attempts to commit to direct contact were denied with long-ranged palms, transfering their inertia via gravitational influence, pulsating indent into the chestal region of the boy.
  122. As the battle dragged on, he found himself lost to something welling within. It was the classic blend of the Occult's fueling emotions. However, there was something else...
  124. With the constant usage of the Occult arcane, entwined with the Cosmic element, the Oracle's Mark emanated light that highlighted the armor beneath his mantaeu providing him with a tangerine glow in his stride. It tingled within his vessel, trickling through his circuits, albeit gave a mild singe to the flesh concealed behind the armor he wore. As he closed in on the child yet again, the ebony of his scelera adopted the tangerine glow, nigh reflective in nature: Inhuman altogether.
  126. It was the symbiote, having matured, beckoned to the surface and activated. "It's times like this, that I feel revitalized from the scenarios I have to deal with, Day-in and Day-out. Scum such as you deserve this... I've held back this barbaric urge for so long.." Demonized stature levitated above the Oscuri, with beads of ebony oozing from the seems of his armor in congealed form, consolidated crafts of Depravity and alien substance. The slime coated the metallic gloves adorn by Exovaryn, radiating the bone-chilling essence of his personage, seemingly magnifying the potence he bared.
  128. The glow in his eyes subsided, but the blackened hand extended out for the child did not. "You humans talk down to us, Harukeans- Genocide us, Oppress us, and consider us your inferiors.. Child and Adult, all the same. You're all in the same category, the same stereotype, the same ilk... "
  130. Voss' facade succumbed to abrupt absence from the aerial perspective, emerging his presence upon the earth, standing upright before Septimus, to firmly catch him by the neck with choking fingers. They laced around the esophogus, conjuring the trinity of magics to his volition in complementation to his magus strength to close off the airway. The fluid crawling from his fingers latched unto the skin, burning the boy on contact and adopting the sanguine glow.
  132. Vitality was drained from his very vessel, consuming his lifeforce directly... "But.."
  133. He turned around to toss the boy aside, releasing him from the death-grip.
  134. "As fodder-like one is... have a purpose that can aid me. It'd be pointless to kill you now... Or rather, debatable. The remnants of the ooze seeped back betwixt the steel gauntlet's seems, the first revealing of Lyperion Utovex from an unsuspecting Voss.
  136. "Hopefully, you'll come to learn of Truth on your own... " He commented to a child, he suspected to be busied with catching his breath, had he not fallen unconscious during the strangulation prior. "Until then.." He turned away to approach the man he incapacitated prior, to abduct him for alternative purposes. "I have more important things to do."
  137. (Exovaryn "Voss" Haruke)
  139. Against strong invisible bursts of gravitational force, the boy continued to charge. The ability to take away their magical capabilitiers was only possible through physical contact, and that was the most difficult part of the fight. Though against all odds, he did manage to make it to the Harukean's side, but it didn't make much of a difference.
  141. With the element of surprise foiled, Exovaryn was on his toes and watching his hands more readily and danced around the boy's flurry of attacks. Even if the Harukean was the stronger of them magiclly, in a fist fight without magic? The child would likely have prevailed and he was right in taking at least a little caution. Until he'd claimed victory, anyway.
  143. Once he was within the clutches of Exocaryn, the life being strangled out of him, he was too exhausted to carry on, he couldn't even raise his hands up to try to break their hold on him as they lectured him. Mostly about things that were irrelevant to the situation at hand so he didn't take too much stock in them. Though when he was finally released, crumpled on the ground, he gasped for air, sucking in as much as he could as if the world were about to run out of air and he needed to get his before anyone else took it.
  144. (Septimus Aurelius)
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