
Lost hope

Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. [00:05] He was upset though he truly didn't want to voice just how upset he was it seems him being excited and have a big head lead to him have a extreme downfall jsut now. He continues to tear the sheets up and using his wind magic to black away the scattered pieces.
  3. "No, I'm just realizing a few things is all and that some people were right and I was just being a kid like they said."
  5. he'd shrug and now that all his papers were gone he didn't feel any better he jsut felt like he had no right to them. He was deep in thought for a while though he never turned around.
  6. (Ichida Rikiya)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [00:14] She frowned a little, though he wouldn't have been able to see it, unsure of what to say to him, for what would someone younger than him be able to offer as advice at this point, he would likely just this she was as naΓ―ve as he thought himself to be in this moment.
  11. "Well I don't think that's the case, maybe you just made a misstep on the road you're on, it doesn't mean you should give it all up, especially when you worked so hard on it"
  13. Epona took a moment to stay silent just observing Ichida with his back turned.
  15. "If you want..I could leave you be?"
  16. (Epona Maple)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [00:19] he'd sigh still not turning around he wasn't going to take his issue out on other people it wasn't their fault he was a failure for chasing a fools dream. He gave a slight shrug and another sigh left him as he was about to speak.
  21. "you don't have to leave you didn't do anything wrong."
  23. That seem to be the only response he'd muster up for now though his mind did still wander a bit about what could have been. It was crazy like people had been telling him and he slowly begin to see it now no wonder this was a dying practice.
  25. (Ichida Rikiya)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [00:22] * You have been awarded 4 Roleplay Points! *
  29. [00:27] "Yes... But you kind of seem like you want a moment to yourself, to think"
  31. In these moments she remembers that she does still have another slice of pie on her, she pulls the slice from out of her pocket.
  33. "Maybe you want something to eat as well?" her hand stretching out with the slice of pie in her palm, doing her best in an attempt to maybe cheer him up in some way.
  34. (Epona Maple)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [00:33] He shook he head again he wasn't really in the mood for eating or anything else really though he wasn't going to past the blame on anybody else. He turned towards her with every fiber in his body and forced a sake smile to assure her that everything was alright and she didn't need to worry.
  39. "I'm don't have to worry.. No thank you I'm not really hungry at the moment"
  40. (Ichida Rikiya)
  41. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [00:40] He turned the pie down and that was always a sure sign that someone wasn't feeling very well, because I mean who didn't like pie am I right? Either way, that feeling had only been moreso exaggerated once he turned around and he gave her what seemed to be one of the more faker smiles she'd seen in recent times, his words did little to help change her thoughts on the matter as well.
  45. Rather than confronting him on it she simply plays along and pretends that everything is as fine as he claims it to be.
  47. "Good~! Well since that's settled I think i'm going to turn in for the night i'm pretty tired. Thanks for sparring with me, I hope you enjoy the rest of your night" she gives him an earnest smile, hoping he would get back to his old self though realising that at this point that may not be possible.
  48. (Epona Maple)
  49. 00:02] She opened her eyes widely her mouth agape as she hadn't expected Yawen was a grandfather, let alone a father really, but it shouldn't come as a surprise given his age.
  51. "Oh~ He's your grandpa? Does that mean you're also a drakanite too?" she gets a little excited at the thought of meeting more people just like her.
  53. As Rukia goes to sit down next to her she observes her position, recognising it very immediately given that it was exactly what she had been learning.
  55. "You definitely will be able to, all it takes is a little practice"
  57. While she is talking to Rukia, Ichida kind of subtly reminds her that she did promise him a spar of sorts. She picks herself from off the cobblestone turning towards Ichida.
  59. "Yes certainly"
  61. Epona makes an attempt to put her hand on Rukia's shoulder. "I'll be back shortly but i'd love to continue our conversation.." before moving towards Ichida she turns her head back. "My name is Epona~, I don't think I caught yours?"
  63. (Epona Maple)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [00:07] Rukia would hold up her hands and shake them with a flustered look on her face.
  68. "O-oh no! Grandpa Yawen isn't my actual grandfather... I'm an orphan. He's he's an older man and he's really nice so I just started calling him that..."
  70. She'd settle down a bit, scratching her cheek.
  72. "He said he didn't mind it. So I just kept calling him that... His lightning's really amazing though isn't it??"
  74. The Sato girl would then stand from her meditative position with some energy.
  76. "C-can I watch??"
  77. (Rukia Sato)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [00:12] An orphan, so many questions that she wanted to ask in this moment but she didn't want to keep Ichida waiting longer than he had to.
  82. "Oh~ That makes a bit more sense then" she says with a nod.
  84. Her eyes shifting between Rukia and Ichida once she asked if she could watch.
  86. "Sure~ I don't see why not, Right Ichida?" walking towards him as she spoke, throwing up a thumbs up "Ready when you are"
  87. (Epona Maple)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [00:18] He drew his blade after all of his debating with himself he would at least try one final time. He didn't know how this would turn out, but he had to give it his all or he'd fail in his own beliefs.
  92. He'd cast his wind magic around his body also trying to infuse his blade with the same wind magic to make his strikes swifter than they were before. This was his final stand, trying to prove to himself that he was capable of complete his goals.
  94. He aimed his blade at Epona with a looking of resolve in his eyes he would try his best not to be defeated here today.
  95. (Ichida Rikiya)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [00:24] Once entering the dojo, she was already in tune - her breathing was now to the point that it felt somewhat natural and unforced. Following shortly behind Ichida as he made his way to the centre of the sparring area.
  100. There was something a bit different about this time as Ichida seemed more, in focus as well surrounding himself and his weapon with his magical affinity, it was clear that he wasn't holding anything back (in the contexts of a spar).
  102. Epona did the same, a familiar crackling now jolting once again around her body, two hands reaching behind her to grasp at Bone Shaker. As for what new tricks he had up his sleeves she'd have to wait and see.
  104. Giving him a half bow, her weapon still at the ready. "Good luck~" she mentions before focusing wholly on him.
  105. (Epona Maple)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [00:30] Ichida Rikiya says, "Again.."
  109. [00:30] Rukia would watch with wonder at the fight. So this was what happened when magi fought... Incredible...
  110. (Rukia Sato)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [00:33] Ichida Rikiya says, "Well you win."
  114. [00:33] Ichida Rikiya says, "Again"
  115. [00:41] He definitely had made quite a few improvements, for one his wind magic seemed to have gained a bit more potency, able to hinder her movements significantly, and when coupled with his speed it would make for quite a difficult encounter, his strikes now had a bit more life and kick to them and even his side steps had gotten better, avoiding most of her more 'devastating' attacks.
  117. Though he could not have accounted for just how much strength Epona packed behind those swings, after several direct hits with the blunt side of her sword Ichida was knocked down and she was the victor. The static around her slowly dissipating with a deliberate exhale.
  119. "You got better though!, definitely weren't making it easy one bit.." she gives a hearty chuckle but it comes out more as a giggle, wiping the build up of sweat from her forehead.
  121. "I'm sure in no time i'll be saying it to you" She wasn't going to comment on the lack of use of his ninja tools, not wanting to dredge up any negative feelings he may have towards them.
  122. (Epona Maple)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [00:49] Again he lost and again he was left speechless with nothing to say on the matter nothing he did was ever enough to get him one victory not even a single knockdown. This was it he was about ready to give it all up seeing that his dream were bigheaded ideas that didn't go anywhere.
  127. He lacked skill when it came to using swords and it was shown here as he was defeated with ease. He trike to strike her back, but they meant nothing to her apparently.
  129. He was worthless when it came to this part of his dream and he was about ready to pack it up and call it a day. Maybe it was due to this being a warm up and he'd give it one last try...this would be his last attempt before packing it all up.
  131. "one more...….."
  133. he didn't wanted to do it, but he needed to prove a point to himself.
  134. (Ichida Rikiya)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [00:53] Epona gives a couple stretches, winding out her arms, twisting them forward before her in order to pull on her back and give a good crack.
  139. "Sure thing~"
  141. Preparing herself in a similar manner as before, sword in hand an lightning now around her. "Ready when you are."
  142. (Epona Maple)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [01:17] Epona wasn't sure how best to go about this, she wanted to give him a full victory if only because it didn't matter as much as it did to Ichida whether she won or lost. At first it didn't go over so well, she had underestimated her own strength in one of those rounds.
  147. "hmm~..." she hums in a very low tone to herself.
  149. She tried to figure out a new strategy, how exactly was she going to get this to go her way, clearly by just missing. So that's exactly what she did, she missed her strikes better than any man or woman has ever missed anything in their life. After a while Ichida had gotten that victory and she was grinning ever so slightly at that fact, but quickly removing it as the final round was about to start.
  151. As she attempted to do what she did in the round prior she was starting to notice that there were a few times where he was perhaps purposefully running into her missed attacks? A peculiar strategy but she couldn't fault him for that. They were both at the cusp of defeat by the end of that round, had either of them even blown a strong gust of wind in the others direction the other would have emerged victorious. To many eyes it could have seemed like Epona was the one that won, but she fell back at the same time that he did. Who was the victor? Well from Epona's perspective Ichida was, she's laying on the floor looking very exhausted, and breathing a bit heavier than she usually did.
  152. (Epona Maple)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [01:19] He lost again what made things worst was he could tell she wasn't even trying, was he really that bad? if not him losing crushed his spirit then her holding back strike put the icing on the cake.
  157. He took a deep breath laying his blade down on the dojo floor there wasn't a need for it anymore. This was a painful experience that he has to live the rest of his life know he wasn't taken serious.
  159. His eyes then shift towards Epona offering her a bow of his head without saying anything. He was truly pissed and anyone close to him could tell that something was wrong with him.
  161. He seems he upset that she help back and even more upset that she's trying to paly it off.
  163. Nothing was wroth than this feeling that he had building up inside of them and he tried so hold them back for now.
  165. "You one that much is clear, you don't have to act like you don't know my face hit the floor first."
  166. (Ichida Rikiya)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [01:19] {Item} You drop Wooden Sword.
  170. [01:28] * You have been awarded 4 Roleplay Points! *
  171. [01:29] Rukia would watch the close battle with wide eyes. It was an amazing spectacle, hearing the clashing of steel and the intense magic being used. it made her want to use lightning even more now.
  173. Soon however as the spar came to a close she'd see both of them take eachother out in a final clash. She'd certainly see Ichida hit the ground first, but given Ichida's state of immobilization it was closer to a draw.
  175. "I-incredible!"
  177. But then a worried look would follow as she saw Ichida leave his sword on the ground. She'd stand from her seat watching as he made his way back to the benches.
  179. She'd look between the two before approaching him.
  181. "Ichida right? I um.. I think it was a draw... And even if there was something strange, I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it... right?"
  183. The girl would say thisreassuringly. Although she wasn't too sure how well it would work...
  184. (Rukia Sato)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [01:40] Eventually after hearing the footsteps going back and forth in the sparring area, she raises the upper half of her body forward seeing the sword that Ichida used now laying in the corner.
  189. 'I didn't hit him...that hard did I?' she mumbles yet again to herself, her eyes followed Ichida as he offered a bow and then made his way over towards the bench.
  191. "Did I?" she wasn't entirely sure anymore given how exhausted she was, it felt as though she collapsed just from how tired she was from exerting herself this much.
  193. She looked over towards Rukia whom from her perspective it seemed as though it was a draw. "See.." Epona walks over towards the sword, picking them up and placing it on the floor before Ichida.
  195. "Why'd you get rid of this anyway you're still going to need it right?" At this point her aura had faded and her sword was placed back where it originally was.
  196. (Epona Maple)
  199. [18:44] He'd look at the wooden blade and then back at Epona. She must have been confused about what he said last night about that stupid blade, or was she playing around again?
  201. He'd shrug at her trying to ignore the fact that she threw his disappointment back in his face again. He didn't want to be rude or assume anything so for now he left the blade there and prepared to speak.
  203. "I don't want it nor do I want to ever pick it up again. I've given up on using swords because I'm not good at it nor do I like getting beat so bad that you have to pretend I won."
  204. (Ichida Rikiya)
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. [19:04] She'd sigh. "Okay you caught me, for the first round I wasn't trying at all, not even a little but I still beat you, but after that I was giving it the same amount of effort I had for the previous matches and you won that second round naturally"
  209. Her brow does raise as she's speaking on what happened during the end. "Pretend that you won? I'm not even sure how it ended, I saw you falling back, but while you were I no longer had the energy to keep myself up and I assume I fell to the ground. I don't know who won or lost but Rukia said to her it looked like a tie"
  211. Now looking down towards the sword on the ground. "But... What you choose to do with it is up to you I suppose"
  213. With her piece said, she sort of starts gathering her things together preparing to head home for the time being, since it was almost dinner time and tonight her mom was cooking, something she never missed.
  215. Epona lifted her hand up to wave towards them both "See you later~!"
  216. (Epona Maple)
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