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Aug 22nd, 2017
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  1. # _______
  2. # |__ __|
  3. # | |_ __ ___ __ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___
  4. # | | '__/ _ \/ _` / __| | | | '__/ _ \/ __|
  5. # | | | | __/ (_| \__ \ |_| | | | __/\__ \
  6. # |_|_| \___|\__,_|___/\__,_|_| \___||___/
  7. #
  8. # -------------------------------------------------
  9. # Result effects:
  11. # ---------------------------------
  12. # Result effects meant for rarity result effects:
  13. # SPELL
  14. # ---------------------------------
  15. # (!) All result effects can be used as both normal
  16. # result effects, and both as rarity result
  17. # effects.
  18. # -------------------------------------------------
  19. # required-perm usage:
  20. # You need to put required-perm entry, which is a list
  21. # in a reward.
  22. # Example:
  23. # reward4:
  24. # reward-type: money
  25. # value: 420
  26. # required-perm:
  27. # - permission.test
  28. # - permission.test2
  29. # - !permission.test3
  30. # item:
  31. # name: '&a420 dollar'
  32. # type: EMERALD
  33. # This line means:
  34. # Player must have permission.test, and permission.test2
  35. # to get this reward, but MUST NOT have permission
  36. # permission.test3.
  37. # -------------------------------------------------
  38. # Opening effects:
  42. # ---------------------------------
  43. # To customize effects, simply use opening particle
  44. # like particle1/particle2. Example:
  45. # COLOR_0_0_0/COLOR_255_0_210
  46. # You may check which particle may be customizable,
  47. # and how many from /treasures effects
  48. # Atleast one particle effect is required per
  49. # opening particle, if others are not given, they
  50. # will be the default one.
  51. # -------------------------------------------------
  52. # Currency:
  54. # -------------------------------------------------
  55. # Particle Effects:
  56. #
  57. # -------------------------------------------------
  58. # Items:
  59. #
  60. # -------------------------------------------------
  61. # Sounds:
  62. #
  63. # 1.8 Sounds:
  64. #
  65. # -------------------------------------------------
  66. # Use the links above for help.
  67. # You can make as many Treasure/Rarity/Reward as you want.
  68. # Just copy that path, paste it, and edit it.
  69. # -------------------------------------------------
  70. # Tip for chances:
  71. # Chances are not in percents, but X to <all chances added together for a treasure>
  72. # So, in a treasure, if there's common with chance 800, rare with 195, and mythical with 5 chance,
  73. # mythical would be 0.5% (5 / (800 + 195 + 5) * 100)
  74. # -------------------------------------------------
  75. # Debug mode is for only testing. If you got an
  76. # and you can't find it, just enable it.
  77. # -------------------------------------------------
  79. currency: VAULT
  80. item-currency-item: EMERALD
  81. placeholderapi: false
  82. opening-effect-line-amount: 5
  83. particle-play-in-every-tick: 1
  84. debug-mode: false
  85. duplicates:
  86. enabled: true
  87. randomvalue: 20-80
  88. messages:
  89. - '&4[&cDuplicate!&4] &eYou found a duplicate!'
  90. - '&4[&cDuplicate!&4] &eYou got &6%randomvalue% &emoney!'
  91. rarity-random-value:
  92. common: 10-20
  93. rare: 40-80
  94. legendary: 120-250
  95. mythical: 1000-2500
  96. change-item-name: '&7(DUPLICATE) %name%'
  97. commands:
  98. - money give %player% %randomvalue%
  99. loots:
  100. common:
  101. broadcast-enabled: false
  102. broadcast: '&6%player% &efound a common %item%&e!'
  103. sound-enabled: false
  104. sound: ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT
  105. reward1:
  106. randomvalue: 20-30
  107. reward-type: command
  108. value: give %player% diamond %randomvalue%
  109. item:
  110. name: '&a%randomvalue%x Diamond'
  111. type: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzAxNDYxOTczNjM0NTI1MTk2ZWNjNzU3NjkzYjE3MWFkYTRlZjI0YWE5MjgzNmY0MmVhMTFiZDc5YzNhNTAyZCJ9fX0=
  112. reward2:
  113. reward-type: money
  114. value: 10-50
  115. item:
  116. name: '&a%value% dollar'
  117. type: EMERALD
  118. reward3:
  119. reward-type: permission
  120. value: permission.test
  121. item:
  122. name: '&aTest Permission'
  123. type: COMMAND
  124. reward4:
  125. reward-type: money
  126. value: 420
  127. required-perm:
  128. - permission.test
  129. item:
  130. name: '&a420 dollar'
  131. type: EMERALD
  132. rare:
  133. rarity-result-effect: SPELL
  134. broadcast-enabled: true
  135. broadcast: '&6%player% &efound a rare %item%&e!'
  136. sound-enabled: true
  138. reward1:
  139. reward-type: command
  140. value: give %player% dirt 64
  141. item:
  142. name: '&964x Dirt'
  143. type: DIRT
  144. reward2:
  145. reward-type: multiple-command
  146. value:
  147. - give %player% dirt 64
  148. - give %player% stone 64
  149. item:
  150. name: '&9Block Pack'
  151. type: CHEST
  152. legendary:
  153. broadcast-enabled: true
  154. broadcast: '&6%player% &efound a legendary %item%&e!'
  155. sound-enabled: true
  156. sound: ENTITY_CAT_AMBIENT
  157. reward1:
  158. reward-type: command
  159. value: give %player% stone 64
  160. item:
  161. name: '&664x Stone'
  162. type: STONE
  163. reward2:
  164. reward-type: player-command
  165. value: me is awesome
  166. item:
  167. name: '&6Useless Feeling revealer'
  168. type: REDSTONE
  169. mythical:
  170. broadcast-enabled: true
  171. broadcast: '&6%player% &efound a &c&lMYTHICAL %item%&e!'
  172. sound-enabled: true
  174. rankreward:
  175. reward-type: command
  176. value: manuadd %player% Donator
  177. required-perm:
  178. - '!rank.identifier.permission'
  179. item:
  180. name: '&5Donator Rank'
  181. type: BRICK
  182. reward2:
  183. reward-type: item
  184. value:
  185. type: DIAMOND_SWORD
  186. amount: 1
  187. display-name: '&bDiamond Sword'
  188. lore:
  189. - '&7Test Sword.'
  190. item:
  191. name: '&5Sword'
  192. type: DIAMOND_SWORD
  193. vote:
  194. broadcast-enabled: true
  195. broadcast: '&6%player% &efound a &4&lVOTE RANK&e!!'
  196. sound-enabled: true
  198. reward1:
  199. reward-type: command
  200. value: manuadd %player% Vote
  201. required-perm:
  202. - '!vote.rank.identifier.permission'
  203. item:
  204. name: '&5Vote limited Rank'
  205. type: FIREWORK_ROCKET
  206. inventory:
  207. title: Crates
  208. row: 3
  209. canbuy: '&aClick to buy this!'
  210. cantbuy: '&cYou can''t buy this!'
  211. treasures:
  212. treasure1:
  213. display-name: '&aVote &7Crate'
  214. lore:
  215. - '&6Thank you for voting!,'
  216. slot: 12
  217. item: CHEST
  218. price: 1
  219. result-effect: Spell
  220. opening-particle: CLOUD/HELIX
  221. opening-effect: FLAME/HELIX
  222. open-broadcast: true
  223. open-message: '&6%player% &ais opening a vote crate!'
  224. use-key: false
  225. rarities:
  226. common:
  227. chance: 60
  228. rare:
  229. chance: 40
  230. treasure2:
  231. display-name: '&2[&aLevel &62&2] &eTreasure'
  232. lore:
  233. - ''
  234. - '&7This chest is almost the same, as'
  235. - '&7the first one, except by being'
  236. - '&7able to find Legendary rarity!'
  237. - ''
  238. - '&8Level of this chest: &62'
  239. - '&8Price: &a1000$'
  240. - '%purchasable%'
  241. slot: 14
  242. amount: 1
  243. item: CHEST
  244. price: 1
  245. result-effect: LIGHTNING
  246. opening-particle: ENDER_CHEST
  247. opening-effect: HOVER_BLOCK
  248. open-broadcast: true
  249. open-message: '&e%player% &6is opening a &aLevel 2 Chest'
  250. use-key: false
  251. rarities:
  252. common:
  253. chance: 60
  254. rare:
  255. chance: 25
  256. legendary:
  257. chance: 14
  258. mythical:
  259. chance: 1
  260. treasure3:
  261. display-name: '&2[&aLevel &63&2] &eTreasure'
  262. lore:
  263. - ''
  264. - '&7The one of the most rare chest, mostly'
  265. - '&7containing legendary loots.'
  266. - ''
  267. - '&8Level of this chest: &63'
  268. - '&8Price: &a5000$'
  269. - '%purchasable%'
  270. amount: 1
  271. slot: 16
  272. item: ENDER_CHEST
  273. price: 1
  274. result-effect: CLOUD
  275. opening-particle: CLOUD
  276. opening-effect: FLAME
  277. open-broadcast: true
  278. open-message: '&e%player% &6is opening a &6Level 3 Chest'
  279. use-key: false
  280. rarities:
  281. common:
  282. chance: 40
  283. rare:
  284. chance: 45
  285. legendary:
  286. chance: 12
  287. mythical:
  288. chance: 2
  289. vote: 1
  290. des:
  291. display-name: '&a'
  292. item: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:15
  293. slot:
  294. - 1
  295. - 2
  296. - 3
  297. - 4
  298. - 5
  299. - 6
  300. - 7
  301. - 8
  302. - 9
  303. - 10
  304. - 11
  305. - 13
  306. - 15
  307. - 17
  308. - 18
  309. - 19
  310. - 20
  311. - 21
  312. - 22
  313. - 23
  314. - 24
  315. - 25
  316. - 26
  317. - 27
  318. treasure-blocks:
  319. - 0;0;0;world
  320. - -33;4;442;Vexon
  321. - -41;5;443;Vexon
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