
random fag logs

Feb 28th, 2014
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  1. 13:15 - SonixApache: hello
  2. 13:15 - █ADMIN█: Hello
  3. 13:15 - █ADMIN█: Do you play aRMA 3?
  4. 13:16 - SonixApache: yes
  5. 13:17 - █ADMIN█: Do you play now Campagin or MP ?
  6. 13:17 - SonixApache: MP, not really interested in AI stuff
  7. 13:17 - █ADMIN█: Do you have the DLC ?
  8. 13:17 - █ADMIN█: for Campagin ?
  9. 13:18 - SonixApache: there's DLC?
  10. 13:18 - █ADMIN█: Episode 1 Survive
  11. 13:19 - SonixApache: that's just a patched in download, i don't see how that's DLC
  12. 13:19 - SonixApache: but yes, i do have that
  13. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: is is update ?
  14. 13:19 - SonixApache: yes
  15. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: how size is it ?
  16. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: how much size is that update ?
  17. 13:19 - SonixApache: you're a pirate, aren't you?
  18. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: i am not a pirate
  19. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: i am asking about the game
  20. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: because
  21. 13:19 - █ADMIN█: maybe
  22. 13:20 - █ADMIN█: i'll buy the game
  23. 13:20 - █ADMIN█: i am just asking about the game
  24. 13:20 - SonixApache: well i'm not a BIS representative so i don't really care wether or not you buy the game
  25. 13:20 - SonixApache: game's 11291MB as of right now
  26. 13:20 - SonixApache: which includes the first two campaign episodes
  27. 13:20 - █ADMIN█: ok
  28. 13:21 - █ADMIN█: How Much Size is the first Campagin ?
  29. 13:21 - SonixApache: fuck if i know, it got patched in a long-ass time ago
  30. 13:21 - █ADMIN█: Lower that 1 Gb or Higher Than 1 gb ?
  31. 13:21 - SonixApache: probable over a gb
  32. 13:21 - SonixApache: er, probably
  33. 13:22 - SonixApache: you could just check the patchlogs if you want to know so badly
  34. 13:22 - █ADMIN█: ok
  35. 13:22 - SonixApache: anything else i can help you with?
  36. 13:22 - █ADMIN█: no thanks
  37. 13:22 - █ADMIN█: :)
  38. 13:23 - SonixApache: aight
  39. 13:23 - SonixApache: later then
  40. 13:23 - █ADMIN█ is now Offline.
  41. < purged >
  44. 22:34 - SonixApache: yes hello
  45. 22:34 - jack McNeil: sup
  46. 22:35 - jack McNeil: Whant to play some arma3 soon?
  47. 22:35 - SonixApache: already am, son
  48. 22:35 - jack McNeil: yeah but im downloading it :)
  49. 22:36 - jack McNeil: Playing altislife?
  50. 22:36 - SonixApache: naw son, operating
  51. 22:36 - jack McNeil: D:
  52. 22:37 - SonixApache: my apologies, are we acquainted?
  53. 22:37 - jack McNeil: idk
  54. 22:37 - jack McNeil: I dont think so
  55. 22:38 - jack McNeil: But do you have played any altislife in the 1000 hours you have played arma3?
  56. 22:39 - jack McNeil: please say yes :)
  57. 22:42 - SonixApache: that's a negative
  58. 22:42 - SonixApache: i've got 1000 hours of actual operations
  59. 22:43 - jack McNeil: D:
  60. 22:43 - SonixApache: no wasteland, no altis life, no nothing
  61. 22:43 - jack McNeil: Lol
  62. 22:43 - SonixApache: no zombie mods, no whatever
  63. 22:43 - jack McNeil: Lol why 1000hours then XD?
  64. 22:43 - SonixApache: because shit's fun, yo
  65. 22:43 - jack McNeil: Nein brah
  66. 22:47 - SonixApache: man arma ain't no gmod or battlefield, it's a milsim
  67. 22:47 - jack McNeil: True but still
  68. 23:01 - jack McNeil is now Away.
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