
magma 2

Feb 9th, 2020
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  1. [03:16] That Priestess spaced out for a moment. Lots of stuff for her to think about. Regardless, a smile is given towards Andrew.
  3. "I've been alright, Andrew. Yourself?"
  5. She asks in her smooth, calm voice. Civil and relaxed, as always, taking a sip of her tea.
  6. (Yiel)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [03:18] Andrew doesn't know why he keeps getting out of bed everyday, but he was already here so...
  11. "I haven't been well lately, but I've been protecting people from demons.."
  12. (Andrew Mercia)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [03:22] That Priestess gently cocks her head to the side, a little 'hmm' given to the Andrew at the notion of him not feeling well. She asks gently;
  17. "I'm proud that you're doing that, Andrew, though I also hope you've been being careful. Is there anything I could help you with? An injury, or would you like someone to speak to?"
  19. She'll look him up and down for any visible signs of injury!
  20. (Yiel)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [03:29] She didn't want Andrew to open up, but he wouldn't turn it down and she probably wouldn't like it.
  25. "I give from my heart and I never look to receive anything in return, but lately I feel like I'm being used. I spend all my energy healing the wounded of people that never speak to me. I spend my time buy gear and potions for those in need, but never feel like that appreciate it.
  27. A friend of my and her girlfriend didn't have a home so I bought them one. My friend wanted to start a guild and I funded it with thirty thousand coins.
  29. I bought a homeless girl a house she wouldn't sleep on the streets anyone. I gave her ten thousand coins and paid the rent for the next month or so.
  31. I help people in the guild train and find purpose, but..."
  33. Andrew paused.
  35. "I'm just that guy that refuses to heal people because I didn't here them ask. Or I'm the worst medic to every exist because I didn't here a person ask for help.
  37. Somebody wanted to beat me up for it....
  39. I heal people that just hurt themselves doing crazy things and I don't complain and yet I never expect anything in return.
  41. I even tried to love a person and that didn't work out, so.... things haven't been good for me..."
  42. (Andrew Mercia)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [03:40] That Priestess's intent was very much the opposite. As someone tied to Yiel - the star of faith - she is very connected to people. Hearing someone's troubles comes very naturally to her.
  47. And so, she listens as she always does, hands folded in lap, sienna eyes looking to the other's own. Once the other finishes, she takes a bit to put together her thoughts with a hum.
  49. So, she'll pour the other some tea - cinnamon-spice, sweetened with honey. After she finishes pouring, she speaks gently;
  51. "I understand. Living a life in which you give to others can be a thankless task. In some cases, others can bury you in their own troubles, sometimes even leaning much more then they have to upon you, and the combined weight of such can weaken you. It's important to know - or have an idea of what you wish for out of life. May I ask if you've an idea of that wish or goal?"
  53. Her question given with slow, gentle movements of her hands, she opts to afterwards have them folded upon her lap!
  54. (Yiel)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [03:49] What did Andrew what? He probably didn't even know since he was mostly helping people live their own dream. Nobody ever asked him what he wanted or if he was even fine.
  59. "I wanted to be a Medic and I've done that I've also become a Cadet."
  61. Andrew paused it seems his life was quite depressing.
  63. "I don't know what I want I help people live their dreams though me without thinking twice because I'm so drained I can't think of anything else." Andrew allowed tears to follow down his face "I spend so much time helping people that my life has become stale and I could be helping you more."
  65. Andrew sighed.
  67. "You've probably needed my help more than ever and I've been so busy helping others live their dreams I've left you to deal with things alone.
  69. I know you're not really a fighter and I swore I'd try to protect you and the church and look at me. I couldn't even do that even after you've done so much for me.
  71. I don't know what I want out of life...
  73. I feel like I'm here to push people to their dreams in the process forgetting my own."
  75. Andrew looks at the celling. "I wouldn't mind dying for another person either if they could live their life and keep pushing towards their dream."
  77. (Andrew Mercia)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [04:02] Oncemore, she listens quietly and patiently to the words of the young man, sympathetic, especially once she sees the tears upon the youth's face. She'll listen, wordless for a time, before gently climbing to her feet, walking around the table, and sitting next to the youth. It doesn't take much of her connection to the stars to discern a bit more about what ails him.
  82. Reaching into a pocket, she withdraws a silken handkerchief - ever-so-softly perfumed, as is customary, though it smells of soothing, calming incense, rather then anything more decadent. Offered towards the young man, her other hand comes to oh-so-briefly touch him upon the shoulder. She's not really much of a touchy person, as a result of her childhood at a convent that impressed upon her an importance related to physical distance from other people... But still.
  84. Once the other finishes, she speaks in her calm, gentle voice;
  86. "No one man is a fortress, Andrew. I ask that you relax your efforts aimed at all, and focus on yourself for a time. Please, do not worry yourself about me, I've been safe, and the Church is fine."
  88. There's a pause, before she continues; "I think - and please correct me if you feel this is inaccurate - that you want to help everyone so much, because it helps you when you do that. And just so, when people treat you poorly or ignore you, it hurts just that little bit more, because of how devoted you are to them..."
  90. Her words given, she pauses, allowing the other some time to respond.
  91. (Yiel)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [04:12] Andrew wasn't sure if this was the reason, but it didn't hit to far from home really. He'd dap his tears with the handkerchief followed by a slight sigh while he processed everything she said.
  96. "It's possible, but I'm not sure what causing this for me honestly. It's like I want everyone to be happy around me and I go out of my way to seem them live their dream though nobody ask about mine.
  98. It's been so long since I've had support for me or any dreams I had that they were buried down and I forgot them. I still want to join the church and assist you in anyway I can.
  100. I just want to see everyone do their best and live a safe happy life even if mine isn't the best.
  102. No matter how much it hurts me, no matter how much it hurts me, no matter how much money I spend.
  104. I never asked for anything in return, but the ungrateful energy I get from some people doesn't help.
  106. I'm not than just a medic or a person that protects others...My name is Andrew Mercia and I have feelings just like the next person. I have dreams just like the next person and I want things out of life, but nobody cares enough."
  107. (Andrew Mercia)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [04:26] A small, gentle nod is given towards the young man as he speaks, her hands folded upon her lap as she listens, sitting up straight, sienna eyes upon the other.
  112. Seriously considering his words, it takes her a bit to think of a response. When she does, however, it's told in that smooth, calm tone of hers;
  114. "A week ago, a young couple came to me and asked if I may marry them. I was overjoyed at such a prospect, and told them I would be happy to. But, I named certain conditions that they were unable to meet - wishing for me to conduct the ceremony outside the walls of the city, and to do it immediately. I told them that I cannot conduct it if I don't have time to properly prepare myself, and that I cannot leave the safety of the walls. We parted ways, and I wished them well."
  116. That rather mundane story told, she'll let it hang in the air for a few moments, before continuing gently;
  118. "I think, Andrew, the struggle you'll need to overcome to grow is not a question of helping others, but rather spotting when you don't need to do such, or should not render that assistance. It's reasonable to refuse sometimes - it's important to know that you can't save everyone."
  120. After those words are given, she pauses oncemore, before continuing;
  122. "Because you, Andrew Mercia, matter as well. It's not healthy to think such self-sacrificing thoughts, as helping others should be mutual, not one-sided. You cooperate with friends and peers to build something stronger and better, together."
  123. (Yiel)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [04:34] Andrew didn't fully understand, why? he wasn't sure why he felt like he was missing something in his life. He did so many thing prior to this, but what took him from his path? Andrew asked so many questions, but was he the one stopping his own growth?
  128. "Are you saying I'm holding myself back because I'm putting everyone's needs before my own? Also you're not wrong I feel that everything I do is one-side all the time, but I don't like to see people struggle."
  130. Andrew paused and begin thinking about himself at the moment what did he want? What did he really want for himself?
  132. "Are you still offering a spot in the church? I'm still willing yo join even if I'm too late. I should learn to do things I want and this has been something I've been working towards for a long time.
  134. Even if there are plenty things I want out of life I'm not sure I can grab them all.
  136. But don't we all want to be great and find love? Help everyone around despite the stress it put on you? Help the world come to a peaceful state."
  138. Andrew leans his head back on the chair while taking a deep breath.
  140. "I'm not wrong for believing in this stuff, right? I've lost so much already and I'm sacred I'll lose more."
  141. (Andrew Mercia)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [04:52] The blonde listens to the words of the other, giving a gentle nod towards his first question. Still, she listens quietly, not responding until he finishes speaking. Quiet and observant, sitting up straight, as before.
  146. Once he finishes, she speaks gently;
  148. "I understand, Andrew. You have a big, Anos-blessed heart. I am still willing to take you on as an Acolyte, though I hope you understand that this is a big responsibility, and once you progress to Deacon, you lose all lands and titles you may possess. Such that one cannot be a Knight of the Order and a member of the Clergy at once."
  150. A little pause given, before she continues, her tone diplomatic and compromising; "Though, I understand that you wish to be a protector - there's a sacred duty within the Church that's conducted by members referred to as Keepers of the Faith, protecting the faithful, the church, and the stars above. It's equivalent in rank to Knight. Perhaps that's something you'd like to work towards?"
  152. As for his question regarding his wishes, the blonde hums softly for a moment. Finding love or being great hasn't been something she's really considered much of. Likewise, she aims to only help those she's able to help, and that seek such help out. And so, she responds gently;
  154. "I would slow down and take your time, Andrew, you're young and have plenty of time to work towards those wishes. Likewise, there is such thing as overextending oneself. I aim to primarily provide guidance to others - to help them help themselves. Likewise, I try to help those who seek out my help. Perhaps these little limitations might start to help you?"
  156. "As for if it's wrong - it's absolutely not wrong to wish to help others, though do know that overextending yourself will prevent you from helping others, as you'll be unable to keep that pace if you weaken or falter due to that overexertion..."
  157. (Yiel)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [05:00] Andrew couldn't be everything, but that was fine, right? He could still help out even if he didn't have a title of Knight. Andrew slowly taps his foot on the ground and begin to process everything the Prestress said to him.
  162. Andrew didn't thinking of everything in this manner, but maybe it was time from him to grow up. It was childish to try to be everywhere at one. He didn't have the energy to be a Knight and protect the church.
  164. He'd be to tried to do anything related to that and he finally understood that.
  166. "I think I understand what you mean I've always given myself so many task that I wore myself out and it become to much. I can't be everything and I should allow other people to fill in and assist a little.
  168. I can't be a Knight and that's fine... I can still help people and stay within the Church.
  170. I'll accept this then and I am to be a Keeper of Faith for the Church. I'll focus on this and limit the amount of stress I put myself under.
  172. I think I'm starting to fully understand what you mean and my wants and desires will begin to tear me apart."
  174. Andrew paused thinking about everything he's been doing and honestly it was a lot for him to do alone. The young teen accepted this now.
  175. (Andrew Mercia)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [05:12] That Priestess grants a sunny, warm smile the way of the other. Encouraging, in the face of the understanding she helped him come to, himself. Listening quietly and patiently, she responds afterwards;
  180. "I'm glad that you can see that, Andrew. Every day is another part of our journey. I'll name you as an Acolyte of our Celestialist Church, your duties being to listen, learn, and study for now. As all Acolytes, I encourage you to begin striving to choose a single star that resonates with you - though it's prudent to first look to one of the three branches, before narrowing down from there."
  182. A small pause, before she continues; "The first assignment I give to all Acolytes is to find three people you've not spoken to before, and to learn their name, their dream, and to come to an understanding with them. Then, once you've done that, to carry that information back to me, and give it via a report. This is a test of both one's ability to relate to others, as well as convey that information skillfully."
  184. A gentle shoulder-squeeze in parting is given, as she gives a nod of her head, moving to clear away the teacups and pot. "I'm to retire, now, but please, feel free to speak with me when you need someone to talk to. It's very important to have someone to turn to - a support network of your own to rely on. No one man is a fortress..."
  185. (Yiel)
  186. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  188. [05:18] Andrew seems like he had something else to add to his list, but it wasn't a hard task to deal with in truth; however, he hasn't told her. Andrew turned towards the priestess wondering how he should deliver the information to her.
  190. "I've made my connection with my star already Vrona has help me push towards my goal. I'm able to output enough force to bring demons to their knees and anyone that protects them.
  192. I've learned a lot from an enemy because my goal was never to kill them, but help them se the light at the end of the tunnel; however, he got away still angry at me."
  194. Andrew sighed a little, but he knew what his task was.
  196. "I'll be sure to get this task done in a timely manner and I hope you have a well rest. Hopefully next time I see you I'll have the task done.
  198. I can relate to plenty of people already, so I hope this task won't be a challenge for me."
  199. (Andrew Mercia)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [05:22] There's a soft smile given the way of Andrew, after the other's note that he'd get such done quickly. Definitely pleased that he knows of which star he feels closest to, as well.
  204. "I'm glad, that's an excellent head-start for yourself. I'll speak with you again soon..."
  206. And with that, she goes to retire, meditate, pray, and read, before finally going to rest!
  207. (Yiel)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [05:22] Andrew Mercia says, "Alright please be safe
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