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JJBA: Millennium Storm Chapter 4: Ancient Labyrinth Finale

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Dec 17th, 2016
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  1. Narrator | | As the Joestar expedition comes to a solid plan of counterattack against the ludicrous beasts that have rounded upon them in the midst of these incredibly narrow corridors, the beasts in question begin to close in.
  3. If they're really planning on detonating that live German warhead, they'll have to think fast.
  4. Rocafella: "Mr.Castle if you're really planning on detonating that live German warhead then I suggest you do it right now. Otherwise, we won't be able to escape. If we wait too long, those minotaur will catch up to us and blow us to pieces."
  6. Kenjo Joestar: "Now's your shot Mr.Caslte, release the fruition of German tehcnology and free us from those who wish to destroy us!"
  7. Jack Castle does in fact, have a plan. To ignite the primer in a shell, for either a gun or a tank, sufficient force has to strike its hind...this is what a hammer does in a gun. It strikes that spot with enough force to cause a combustion, forcing the bullet out of its shell. In this case, the tank's explosive round would need a tremendous amount of force to make it fire. This is why Jack Castle has strapped an industrial stick of dynamite to it with ducktape before lighting the fuse!
  9. "HERE!"
  11. Jack Castle reels his arm back and tosses the incredible heavy thing like a bullet towards them! The dynamite should ignite in mid-air....
  15. Jack Castle "The ammunition used by the Panzer on loan by those boys who were Certified Gold is surely the best money could buy!"
  16. Narrator | The resulting explosion is so great that it completely eradicates both Kidd Free and Kidd Five; the mighty minotaur duo known only as the Juneja tomb kids. The residual shockwave pushes the Joestar expedition further down the labyrinth corridor as fire rushes towards them.
  17. Newt 'Pink' Floyd: "What a magnificent manuever... As expected of Jack Castle."
  18. Rocafella sails down the hall, carried by the force of the explosion. He flies right over the group and tumbles to the floor, picking up a copious amount of dust as he does so. When he picks himself up, his clothes are torn and wrought with dirt, much to his dismay. Rocafella decides to hold on to his frustrations for the moment however, when he catches a glimpse of an opening at the end of another corridor.
  20. "E-Everyone! This way!!"
  21. Jack Castle commits to the only sensible course of action for a man of his standing -- that is, agreeing with Rocafella. "LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA' HERE!"
  23. Jack turns around and rushes his comrades down the hallway -- not that they likely needed any incentive, until they could find a turn to move down and escape meeting a similar end to the Juneja Tomb Kids.
  24. Kenjo Joestar moves as a petal does upon wind as he cut through the air from the force of the explosion. He recovered moments after standing up, a slight ringing in his ears due to being in such close proximity. He didn't need much instruction to follow Rocafella when the figurative and literal light at the end of the tunnel came into view.
  26. "What else does this demonic tomb hold?"
  27. Narrator | But then, like an ominous shadow looming from behind, came two familiar horned silhouettes.
  28. Kidd Five | It was Kidd Free and his twin brother Kidd Five.
  30. Otherwise known as the Junejatomb Kids, the guard dogs of these demonic ancient tombs located in the middle of the blazingly hot Yucatan jungle.
  32. The origin of the myth that would later become the basis of the name Minoa. The incredibly evil and extremely bloodthirsty JUNEJA TOMB KIDS.
  33. Narrator | They were fine.
  34. Rocafella: "It's impossible, those two freaks withstood the full impact of a GERMAN WARHEAD. WE'LL BE KILLED IF WE CAN'T ESCAPE."
  35. Narrator | Fortunately, they can escape. The group breaks free from the Labyrinth by following after Rocafella. But what they find is far from comforting. They emerge out and into an expansive catacombs. On either side of them is an incredibly deep gorge. They can't even see the bottom. Directly to their front is an enormous stairway that leads straight down.
  36. Jack Castle KARAN KARAN
  41. "But they were killed in the explosion of that certified gold warhead! There shouldn't have been enough left of them to fit in a matchbox, but those two al-jinn are still coming!"
  43. "Do they have no weakness?!"
  44. Kenjo Joestar: "They survived the zenith of German ingenuity, we must move down these steps as they are our only hopes to escape these monstrosities!"
  45. Narrator | No, the Joestar expedition was absolutely and without a shadow of a doubt doomed. After all, the funeral bell had already begun to toll. Or rather--- no, that wasn't the sound of a bell. It was the sound of rumbling.
  46. Rocafella: "NO."
  47. George Joestar II: "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!"
  48. Narrator | After emerging from a large opening at the end of the steps, an enormous ball of compacted bone began rolling UP the steps and towards the descending Joestar party. They were utterly boxed in. This was the end for them.
  49. Kenjo Joestar: "Damn...."
  51. Kenjo Joestar 's vision shifted between the rolling ball of doom and the terrifting Kidd Free and Kidd Five otherwise known as the JUNEJA TOMB KIDS. Beasts of impeccable stature and myths to the world, it seemed the fates held them hostage in this very moment.
  53. They were forsaken to death on both sides.
  55. Only a gift from god could possibly save them from the dastardly fate that was...The MILLENIUM STORM!
  56. Rocafella can't believe it. His life wasn't supposed to end here, not like this.
  58. "Not like THIS."
  59. Narrator | Something inside of Kenjo Joestar makes his heart skip a beat.
  60. Narrator | It couldn't be blood, as he inherited none of his father's blood. Maybe it was something more ethereal, like a phantom. A burning spirit.
  61. Jack Castle | "If...if we all work together, and push that rolling stone at the same time...we might be able to reverse it to roll back down the steps! We can't give up!"
  62. Narrator | Something inside of him was telling him that in spite of how everything looked right now, he absolutely could not consign himself to death.
  63. Murray Gore is about as confused as his author at these turn of events as he experiences all of these things from the backdrop, having been at a safe distance, at least to his consciousness, but from how everything happened in the short time span that he's felt his lapse of sentience end he's accessed that perhaps this is the end for thier adventure. He guesses it may just very well end like this.
  64. Unrecognized or inaccessible verb: th
  65. Jack Castle heard it. He heard a scream that could belong to no other than one man!
  66. Mister Joestar was still alive. That meant they absolutely could not die here.
  68. If they did, then he would too. "These Hintertombs that have rested in the blazing hot yucatan jungle for over one hundred years, will not defeat us modern men! Our lives, our courage, our pride is on the line...the heart of a godly man would not falter in a time like this! Chin up and think!"
  69. Newt 'Pink' Floyd | "Sorry, but even a ball that can roll up a step isn't a match for me! I'll slice it in half -- WITH ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAINTY." There's no other way for Newt or the Joestar expedition to go forward than to cut down another obstacle. "ZA FINAL CUT!" Newt bends his elbows to beckon his invisible ally to his ide. In his right hand, overhead, glints the extremely sharp machete.
  71. With so little time to prepare, it's a miracle that Newt envisions the machete perfectly. Another facet and use of the Backyard, for certain. Or perhaps the will and power stemmed from the distant yet loud George Joestar, whose voice gives him the smallest speck of hope. In moments, the machete in his hand vibrates and spins, and sharpens to whatever uppermost echelon he can reach in the time alotted. "GORAAAAAAAAAH!" The high school delinquent slashes at the last possible moment to carve open a path.
  72. Pink Floyd | The Final Cut
  73. Pink Floyd | The Final Cut
  74. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs
  75. Kidd Five
  76. Kidd Free
  77. Rocafella
  78. Kenjo Joestar // A push...a whisper in the winds, a sweet well endowed vixen in his ear whispering sweet nothings. What he could attribute this sudden burst of courage to he didn't quite know and at the moment he didn't quite care.
  80. The death of Lars Nilsen and Lucian Elliot shined brightly within his memory and in this moment he made the conscious descision. A proclamation to those around him.
  82. "We aren't dying today." Newt seemed to be attempting to take care of the boulder that rolled up the steps so devilishly leaving Kenjo Joestar to lift a weight a thousand men wouldn't be able to carry on their shoulders.
  84. He unbuttoned his cufflinks, his father swore they made him look 'professional' but in his eyes they were nothing but restraints. He broke those restraints as he walked towards the dangerous JUNEJA TOMB Kids.
  86. He balled up his fists as his eyes lit up with a burning passion.
  88. "I'm about to beat your ugly ass."
  89. Jack Castle
  90. Kidd Five closes in on the tremendously bold Kenjo Joestar.
  92. But before it can reach him.
  93. Narrator | The ball collides with the Joestar expedition after Newt's last attack fails to stop it. The blade snaps and the impact of the collision crushes every bone in his body; killing him immediately. Newt's incredibly large but wholly underwhelming body is sent flying right off of the edge of the platform. Followed by Jack Castle's, Rocafella, Millicent's, Max's, Armando's, and Salvadore's.
  95. Newt 'Pink' Floyd has been instantaneously defeated.
  96. Narrator | Murray Gore soon follows suit and then... And then --- finally. While his back is turned, Kenjo Joestar is blown forward and knocked into the air upon colliding with the ball. Kenjo collides with the wall above the corridor and then peels off of it, falling into the endless abyss below.
  97. Pink Floyd | The Final Cut bleeds profusely.
  98. Kenjo Joestar once again...found himself falling.
  99. Jack Castle 's body is thankfully, not destroyed. Newt ensures his survival by acting like a speedbump, as does every person that gets hit before him. Even so, he suffers several broken ribs and fractures along most of the bones in his body as he is sent careening into the darkness. "GOD HAVE MERCY -- "
  103. His fingers grip onto one of the steps and his arm is almost jerked out if its socket. He has not fallen into the dark chasm, but --- he may not have a choice. "kono pressure..."
  104. Unrecognized or inaccessible verb: ican'
  105. Murray Gore -
  107. Murray was defeated before he had a chance to hope to stop it after watching the rest of the expedition fall in front of him, following shortly afterward. Even his massive frame was no match for such a thing. Even if he was defeated instantly, he had to at least try- at least, is what he told himself as his fist collided with the incoming ball, more than likely doing nothing as it completely decimates his body and sends him reeling back into the abyss of nothingness.
  109. The impact causes his shades to fall, flying from his face. It's the only thing he can see in this abyss as his consciousness fades. As if it was the only thing he knew he could do before dying, he reaches out- and puts them back on his face. He could try to use some withered vine, but at his current speed it'd just snap. Likewise, his hands couldn't handle the force of stopping his own body even if there was a stone. Then- it's over.
  110. Kidd Free sees Jack Castle's hand out of the corner of his eye as he steps into the catacombs. He moves towards him as if to stop him from getting away but...
  111. Narrator | In the end, it didn't even matter.
  112. Narrator | Jack watches as his fingers give away. Unable to stop them. He plummets to his death.
  113. Jack Castle won't let it end like this. He has another arm, and he slings that one up as his fingers begin to slip. That thing is lumbering towards him -- and if he stays here, if it doesn't kill him, he'll certainly fall to his death. While he had the tools to slow his fall and go down at a reasonable pace, his body was no longer in a situation to survive that. Even so, he'd have to try.
  115. Because dying here was absolutely unacceptable. Jack Castle's desire to continue living took over every other instinct in his body as an adrenaline rush washed away his exhaustion.
  116. Kenjo Joestar Here we go again...
  118. Kenjo's body peeled from the ceiling like a cum filled tissue and drifted through the air in a very similar matter. Despite the effort he was about to put forward so his comrades to survive. Despite standing infront of those JUNEJA TOMB children fully ready to risk his life due to a burning passion that resided inside of him
  119. Don't try to apologize on ya two way
  121. It was all for nothing, he didn't even die instantly and that was what pained him the most. Much like the activation of the storm that brought them here he'd have to fall through an endless abyss.
  123. He'd have to replay the memories that meant most to him. He'd have to before his body hit whatever lay below them and twist and mangle his body into something unrecognizable. It was a painful end to his exsistance, knowing for the second time in such a short timespan death seemed to be certain and nothing could be done to stop it.
  125. Sympathy don't amuse me..go get ya uzi and let's shoot a real bad guy and good guy til the hood die...
  128. Kidd Five would like to say he's already standing over Jack Castle when his other arm latches on to the steps. But he can't, because he's not. The ball kept on rolling after it passed the Joestar expedition and apparently, the Junejatomb Kids hadn't noticed it coming right for them. The brothers fail to back away in time. Kidd Free is mowed right over, and Kidd Five is knocked off of the stairs. In a desperate attempt to combat his fate, he grabs on to Jack Castle's leg during his descent and pulls him down with him.
  129. Jack Castle doesn't want to die. He cannot die -- Jack C.H. Castle had a lot to live for. He enjoyed his life at the Joestar firm. He had yet to kiss a woman, but he often fantasized about it. He enjoyed fine drinks and herbal smoking. His favorite author was L. Frank Baum. He still had the mysterious case of his father's disappearance to solve.
  131. So he ---
  133. Gasha-n.
  137. Jack Castle's roar echoes throughout the entire lower level of the Hintertombs as he fell.
  138. Narrator | To what is likely their continued displeasure, Millicent, Murray, Kenjo, Newt, Max, Salvadore and Armando keep waking up in the strangest of places.
  140. There's cool but damp marble flooring underneath their faces once again. When they awaken this time, their surroundings are much more spacious. This room, or chamber, or whatever the hell it is, is incredibly wide. They seem to have awoken in the center of the room. In the middle of what vaguely resembles a modern road, a strip run right through the center of the room, connecting two exits on either end. Well, with the exception of Kenjo.
  142. Kenjo had landed in a decidedly awkward position, in the middle of a series of strange monuments. Little stone obelisks in the shape of outraised arms with their hands closed around wide stone discs. It looked painful. He looked dead. Broken and mangled.
  144. But to the contrary, he was quite fine. Just... a little uncomfortable.
  145. Narrator | Contrary to what one might have expected from a fall from that height, Jack Castle awoke in suitable condition. He'd been embraced by the ever shifting darkness of the Hintertombs and, as the name would suggest, taken to places unseen, unscathed.
  147. Well, his conditions were suitable. But not ideal. He awoke atop a mountain of fluffy fur and muscle. One with horns at that. The Juneja Tomb kid "Kidd Five" was out cold underneath him. His surroundings were familiar and that was cause for distress. Another dark corridor, with a damp floor. This one wasn't winding, but it seemed to stretch on without end. Fortunately, there was friendly company waiting for him.
  148. Kenjo Joestar 's eye opened to find that they seemed to have found themselves in another bizzare location, this one seemed to be far more 'pristine'.
  150. He attempted to stand to his feet only to then realize he was surrounded by these 'monuments'.
  152. "This is why I said not to touch the glowing shit in an ancient tomb."
  153. Rocafella | "Jack --- no, Mr.Castle, excuse me."
  155. Even here, he's minding his manners. "You're okay."
  156. Narrator | Kenjo succeeds in standing. But in doing so, he plucks one of the stone discs right out of its monument by virtue of having it embedded in his left side.
  157. Newt 'Pink' Floyd feels over his body immediately when he wakes up to check for the fresh blood that surely exists. But nothing (probably) happens. In fact, the boy can rise up to his feet. Stuttering, Newt feels more than unnerved in these expansive depths of the Hintertombs especially when he realizes Rocafella and Jack Castle are gone. "Wh, where are we now?" They were so close to George Joestar, but now they're so, so far away.
  158. Kenjo Joestar reaches over to pick up the stone disc he knocked over.
  159. Narrator | No, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. He did not knock over a stone disc. There's no stone disc to pick up because he didn't knock one over. The disc he disturbed. Is inside of him.
  160. Kenjo Joestar 's marijuana high was instantaneously defeated by witnessing such a sight of dangerous proportions.
  162. "What?!" His hand reached to his side instinctively.
  163. Maxwell Schwarschild thought they had found their way out. With the light at the end of the tunnel and the stairway going up it was perfect symbolic representation of heaven. The chasm below the Hell they were likely to endure should they mess up one step. Yet fate wasn't on their side. The wheel of fate or perhaps it was more appropriate to say the ball of bones was turning in their direction and with it their imminent demise was nearly guaranteed. Even if it wasn't how could they face off against the minotaurs? All the routes seemed to lead to a bad end.
  165. Even had they been able to get all the way up the stairway, without George none of them would have felt salvation. They had already lost enough and now they were being pushed to the literal brink of death. But George was alive. At least he was alive long enough to let out that scream. So he was still in the abyss. He was still in the Hintertombs. As the impending ball of bones continued down its path, Max gripped the ring around his neck; his resolve to live through any situation and in the next moment he voluntarily jumped into the abyss!
  167. Even if he were to die at this moment it would have been at least by his choice, not waiting helplessly as he became a part of the collection of bones in that ball. Instead he would risk oblivion and stare into the abyss hoping to find the shining star that had saved him so long ago. That would be his salvation.
  169. As he fell, darkness swallowed him whole and before he knew it he had lost sense of his self. The sensation of free fall robbed him of all sense of direction and safety until he passed out from the shock of freefalling. It would take some time, but after the others he would ultimately re-open his eyes to a new scenery.
  171. He realized he either survived, or Hell was a lot more comfy than he imagined.
  174. Jack Castle groans. He didn't know how long he was out, seemed that Kidd Five had broken his fall. Somehow, he doubted this thing was dead just yet, though. It had survived being blown straight to hell -- naturally a fall would fail to kill it. His inflections about the situation and the nature of his injuries were interrupted by a familiar voice.
  176. "Rocafella...?! ...I'm alive, and so are you. Where are the others?"
  178. With a raspy voice, Jack Castle managed to pick himself off of Kidd Five with a wince. The worst of his injuries were the broken ribs, but his body hurt all over from hairline fractures. He was very lucky that Kidd Five hadn't torn his leg off when it'd grabbed him.
  179. Kenjo Joestar: "What is this?!"
  180. Rocafella: "I don't know."
  181. Rocafella: "That thing you landed on... don't try and shoot at it, Mr.Castle. It'll probably wake up. Let's quietly take our leave."
  182. Narrator | It should be noted that Newt has lost his machete. He's defenseless.
  183. Jack Castle was blessed by God's mercy today. He hoped the others were, too.
  184. "My's gone. I must have dropped it when I grabbed onto the steps..."
  186. He lamented it's loss greatly. But, at least he still had his St. Etienne Revolver.
  188. Jack hobbles over to Rocafella, to follow his lead.
  189. Kenjo Joestar was trapped in a state of panic, a moment ago everything was fine until a foreign object went inside of him.
  191. " A foreign went inside of me!"
  192. Newt 'Pink' Floyd | Patting down his body instinctively to grab his machete, Newt walks to--
  194. Wait.
  196. "My machete's gone</b! Shit, it broke... I forgot!"
  197. Maxwell Schwarschild slowly picks himself. He takes a good look at the room noticing the two exits, the road, and even the unconscious Minotaur. He ultimately decided to help Jack seeing that he was hobbling and tries to support him. That is until he hears Newt scream his ass off about a machete which instinctly makes him whip his head around to the Minotaur.
  199. Please for the love of God stay knocked the fuck out.
  201. Narrator | Newt's instincts prove remarkably keen time and time again.
  203. There's sand trickling down over his face.
  205. And Maxwell's.
  206. Narrator | Tiny... droplets of... sand.
  207. Kenjo Joestar was rubbing his side vigorously.
  208. Newt 'Pink' Floyd flinches and jumps at the droplet of sand, before flailing his arms towards the next one. He hates sand. He absolutely despises sand, but there's nothing he can do. The boy looks up, reluctantly, towards the ceiling.
  209. Maxwell Schwarschild feels the sensation of the sand following upon his head as if the trickling of rain and immediately brushes his hair to try to get it out. He slowly moves from where he was and tries to see if there was some sort of crack in the ceiling perhaps.
  210. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs hates sand too. It's rough, coarse, and it gets everywhere.
  212. Looking down at Newt, looming over the fractured Joestar party from above, was the menace itself. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs had been sliding along the surface of the wall like a spider or some other sort of creature. That ugly rictus grin had returned and apparently, the wearer had fully recovered from having a quarter of its face blasted into nothing by Jack Castle.
  213. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs | But then, as he fixes his eyes upon Kenjo Joestar... that smile immediately begins to shrink.
  214. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs | And it becomes an expression of abject horror.
  215. Newt 'Pink' Floyd glances back towards the ground in a panic when he spots the not-so-ordinary boy his age sliding down the ceiling. The only people conscious are himself, Maxwell, and Kenjo. And without anything remotely sharp, he may as well be a sitting duck. "Damnit!"
  217. But then, something strange happens. Ancient Labyrinth, the confident guardian of these expansive depths, looks unnerved. It's not like he took a slug to the face, so it's very strange. Following his eyes, Newt narrows his eyes towards Kenjo in confusion. "What? What's changed his disposition so radically?!"
  218. Murray Gore contemplates if staying on the ground and pretending to be truly defeated will work for avoiding the potential incoming circumstances. He's seen firstand what Ancient Labyrinth can do to people, moreso, his glasses allow him to have his eyes open without his eyes being visible, which allows him to monitor the situation from his position on the ground. He could ask the same question as Newt.
  219. Kenjo Joestar patted himself in a state of panic.
  221. "It went in me!"
  222. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs abruptly proceeds to lose his mind. Stuttering over himself, the Ancient Labyrinth screams out in indignation.
  224. "Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU CUR!!!!!!!!!"
  225. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs: "YOU CURR!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S THE MILLENNIUM KING'S STAND!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH IT!!!!!!!"
  227. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs: "PUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!"
  228. Maxwell Schwarschild immediately points at Kenjo at the realization of Labyrinth's words. The only thing he could possibly be referring to could be. . .
  230. "Kenjo the stone! He's talking about that stone! Pull it out!!!"
  231. Kenjo Joestar assumes by Stand he speaks of the thing that was holding it up since that happened to make since in context. Though, his mind was changed by the declaration to 'put it down' which means he must've been speaking of the thing that found itself inside of him.
  233. For the past minute or so he was trapped in a panic, such an emotion was lifted upon seeing the orchestrator behind their troubles. It was him who stood infront of them.
  235. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs.
  237. When he spoke his foul English Kenjo's eyes locked upon the disgruntled and stressed face of Lars Nilsen. Now used as a stylish accessory so he could speak their tongue.
  239. Panic turned to anger and anger evolved into rage of the highest state. There was no running in this room was there? The words of Maxwell only assisted what he believed to be true.
  241. His hand reached to his side only to find that pulling out the stone seemed to be an impossibility here as it seemed to have fused with him in the strangest way. Instead of speaking to explain what occured with him and the Stand of the Millenium King he just stared in silent fury upon the beast infront of them.
  242. Narrator | The stone finishes sinking into Kenjo's flesh and disappears.
  243. Newt 'Pink' Floyd stares at Kenjo apprehensively, practically shaking. What's going to happen now?
  244. Pink Floyd | The Final Cut is going to go out on a limb and do something terribly risky. That's what's going to happen now. This is no time to be panicking. Rather than fall to pieces, or succumb to apprenension, the appropriate response to adversity is to search for something sharp. If everyone's in agreement with that much, then it was simple. The Final Cut drifts nearer to Newt to draw his attention.
  246. There's something [ in this room ] beckoning to [ The Backyard ].
  247. Kenjo Joestar feels as the stone submerge into his body completely.
  249. "It's inside me"
  250. Ancient Labyrinth: Guardian of the Hintertombs isn't someone, or more accurately, something, that can allow discrepencies like this to pass. Although there's no rule which dictates that, as an executioner, it cannot enjoy its work, there are strict guidelines about this kind of situation. The nature of its job is to both punish trespassers and prevent them from trespassing further. There's a reason for that, and it's staring him full in the face.
  252. Buried here in these expansive and sprawling tombs was an abundance of treasure. The theft of that treasure worried the tombs' creators, who still toil away in the darkness to this day, continuing to expand the Hintertombs without end. A pressing concern for any great civilization.
  254. However there was an even greater concern, which could not be kept at bay by the traps placed upon the tombs. A concern great enough to persuade the Hintertombs' creators to enlist the aide of the Millennium Sands. Sancity. Purity. Cleanliness. The grave was a sacred place that must remain undisturbed and pure at all cost. That meant that hypothetically, it was alright if these treasures were taken. But only by worthy, cleanly hands.
  256. Kenjo's hands were unclean and he had taken the greatest treasure in this place for his own.
  258. By definition, the Ancient Labyrinth had failed in its designated duty.
  259. But it was not designed to accept that. Rather, it would ceaselessly attempt to correct the issue until the issue disappeared. As if the nature of an endless, winding labyrinth.
  261. The monster screams a shrill scream and vaults from its position against the wall. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!"
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