
Deprived Tomoko

Nov 25th, 2018
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  1. [color=white][center][hr][color=red][b]WARNING:This profile was created for filthy and extreme types of play.[/b][/color][hr] [img=1007865]Tomoko[/img][/center][hr][hr][justify][i][color=gray]Tomoko Kuroki, the main character from the anime Watamote. It is about a girl in high school who struggles speaking to a single person outside of her house and does some ridiculous things in order to become popular. There are reasons though for why Tomoko isn't popular though and they are things that are so deeply embedded into the girl's mind that its likely she will never change. Tomoko wards people off of her because she is just a disgusting pervert who is displaying all kinds of fetishes, including the gross ones on her at all times. She plays a lot of hentai themed games and dating sims, with a lot of them themed to a certain fetish or not. As she played more and more perverted games her out look on life got mixed up with the fictional world that she has kept her eyes on to the point where she mimics what she sees in the fantasy world.
  3. She is the kind of girl who will role around in her own waste in order to get a special odor to try and attract people towards her because she assumes if she likes playing in shit then there are other people who do. She thinks she can easily romance someone by kidnapping them and do some crazy fucked up shit all because a character in her games had Stockholm syndrome. She would go to school wearing nothing but tight bondage gear because she thinks she can get some people off, but all she ends up doing is making everyone uncomfortable. People don't want to be around her because of all the perversions that Tomoko inflicts on others, and all the nasty shenanigans she gets others into. Tomoko may of been able to make a friend with one of the nicer girls, but ever since she tried to use someone as her personal toilet when she was locked in a bathroom with another girl no one has wanted to do stuff with her.
  5. The way I depict Tomoko's personality is sort of like a rude, socially deprived version of Konata Izumi from Lucky Star who has an overwhelming amount of sexual degeneracy within her character. The key thing about Tomoko here is that she has no sense of awareness over her sexual kinks and comes off as kinky, perverted, and even disgusting because she doesn't only see traits like that as normal, but she thinks people find those traits desirable. That isn't the only thing that make people distance themselves away from her though, as she tends to be rude, selfish, blunt, and just doesn't know the proper way to express herself a lot of the time. She is highly deliciousness in how she interacts with people, treating real life as its apart of some elaborate fetish game rather than what it is. She will call people she finds not important to be NPCs, and she treats those who she thinks are 'important' as if they were fictional characters there to serve her in some kind of twisted way. There are some major differences between how this Tomoko is portrayed compared to the canonical version of her. The main change that differs from her canonical personality is how timid and shy she gets whenever talking to other people. I enjoy the personality of her inner monologue and the one which she displays in home, so that will be the main personality demonstrated here. Technically, you could just write off every scene she is in as some kind of dream sequence that she is day dreaming about, which would explain her more active personality.
  7. Scene ideas with Tomoko usually include someone who is unsuspecting of what levels of deviancy that Tomoko has and either put themselves through whatever bullshit she has in order to try and reason with her. Maybe its a nice transfer student who sees the girl with no friends and wants to go out and try to befriend Tomoko only to find out that the first hint of kindness is resulted with sucking a massive dick coming from Tomoko's crotch. Or maybe there is someone so perverted that they see Tomoko as the kind of slut who wouldn't mind getting raped for hours on end, so she gets targeted by some other pervert who is willing to accept her shamelessness as an invitation for doing all sorts of terrible things. [s]and Tomoko would probably get off to that if we're honest[/s] [/color][/i][/justify][hr][center][collapse=OOC Info for Filth Characters][collapse=OOC Information For Filthy Characters]
  8. [color=white][left][hr][quote]
  9. [color=pink][b]●[/b][/color] - This is one of my 'hidden' profiles (which in all honesty isn't all that hidden) due to there being a higher focus on kinks which are commonly viewed as being extreme. I usually have a more universal 'ooc information' tab, but feel like having a shorter and more to the point collapse box would help the profiles on this list more. If you're interested in seeing the list of characters which were not made to have a focus on some of the filthy, deprived, or extreme kinks and settings then please feel free to go to [user]The Heart Hub[/user]. I'm still interested in doing all the deprived stuff I do here, its just that my other characters are more versatile in what they were made for. [hr]
  10. [color=red][b]●[/b][/color] - I still share the same kinks that I do with the rest of my characters, because I'm lazy and don't bother to customize kink lists for new lists and individual characters. [user]The Heart Kinks[/user] and [user]The Heart Kinks 2[/user] is a[b] more in depth kinks list[/b] that both do feature a great deal of kinks that dwell into extreme categorys.[hr]
  11. [color=orange][b]●[/b][/color] - I always state that my[b] canon characters should not be considered fully accurate canonical representations[/b] because I take liberty in changing them around in order to fit the scenes I want them to fit in, all while still keeping the elements that make them their character. The same thing can be said about any canons on this list as well, with the expectation that each character is going to be extremely deprived and involved with an extreme kink. [hr]
  12. [color=yellow][b]●[/b][/color] -[b] I'm someone who has very few limits, but I still have limits to which I don't want to RP in.[/b] These characters are made for more extreme types of play, but there are still boundrys that I have set for myself for a handful of kinks. Don't expect these kinks to be used in a scene, and don't get high hopes on them if you were to request them. [hr]
  13. [color=green][b]●[/b][/color] - These profiles are going to be a lot smaller than my normal profiles because I predict them to have more limited play from me and are just not going to be seen that often. I don't want to drag someone along with a really long profile, when its unnecessary due to how much is being offered from the character. [hr]
  14. [color=blue][b]●[/b][/color] - Due to the nature of these profiles, I'm probably not going to be logging into these characters that often. I would reccomend bookmarking one of my main characters from the Heart Hub linked above, or sending me a note if you ever see me online. [hr]
  15. [color=purple][b]●[/b][/color] - If it isn't obvious then I'll say it here: [b]These characters in this list are made for highly perverted, filthy, extreme, absolute top notch degeneracy, low limited, and fucked up things in general.[/b] Profiles that have a focus towards filth, toilet play, guro, violence, extreme body modifications, vore, and any other kink that is usually listed under 'no' by a majority of people on here. They can participate in lighter kinks as well, but don't expect them to lighten up but so much.
  16. [/quote][hr][/left][/color][/collapse][/collapse][/center][/color]
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