Guest User


a guest
Feb 15th, 2016
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  1. on *:TEXT:!farton *:#: {
  2. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  3. msg $chan 5 $nick Farted On $2 :O
  4. }
  5. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  6. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  7. }
  8. }
  9. on *:TEXT:!kiss *:#: {
  10. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  11. msg $chan 0,13 Admin $nick kissed $2 ( $+ $rand(150,300) health Left) 
  12. }
  13. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  14. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  15. }
  16. }
  17. on *:TEXT:!fban *:#: {
  18. if ($2 ison $chan && $3 != $null) {
  19. msg $chan 0,4 Admin $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) has banned $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Reason:( $+ $3- $+ ) 
  20. msg $chan 14 $2 has left (Kick/Ban)
  21. }
  22. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  23. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel!
  24. }
  25. if ($2 ison $chan && $3 == $null) {
  26. msg $chan 0,4 Admin $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) has banned $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Reason:(No reason given)
  27. msg $chan 14 $2 has left (Kick/Ban)
  28. }
  29. }
  30. on *:TEXT:!fkick *:#: {
  31. if ($2 ison $chan && $3 != $null) {
  32. msg $chan 0,4 Admin $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) has kicked $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Reason:( $+ $3- $+ ) 
  33. msg $chan 14 $2 has left (Kick/Ban)
  34. }
  35. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  36. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel!
  37. }
  38. if ($2 ison $chan && $3 == $null) {
  39. msg $chan 0,4 Admin $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) has kicked $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Reason:(No reason given)
  40. msg $chan 14 $2 has left (Kick/Ban)
  41. }
  42. }
  44. on *:TEXT:!kill *:#:{
  45. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  46. /set %kill $rand(1,21)
  47. if (%kill == 1) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Desert Eagle) }
  48. if (%kill == 2) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Pistol) }
  49. if (%kill == 3) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Sawn-off shotgun) }
  50. if (%kill == 4) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Combat shotgun) }
  51. if (%kill == 5) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Tec-9) }
  52. if (%kill == 6) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Micro-Uzi) }
  53. if (%kill == 7) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (MP5) }
  54. if (%kill == 8) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (M4) }
  55. if (%kill == 9) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (AK-47) }
  56. if (%kill == 10) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Sniper Rifle) }
  57. if (%kill == 11) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Rifle) }
  58. if (%kill == 12) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Rocket Luncher) }
  59. if (%kill == 13) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Flamethrower) }
  60. if (%kill == 14) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Minigun) }
  61. if (%kill == 15) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Frag Grenade) }
  62. if (%kill == 16) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Molotov cocktail) }
  63. if (%kill == 17) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Dildo) }
  64. if (%kill == 18) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Spray Can) }
  65. if (%kill == 19) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Fist) }
  66. if (%kill == 20) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Knife) }
  67. if (%kill == 21) { /msg $chan 8,5 $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) Killed $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) (Chainsaw) }
  68. }
  69. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  70. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  71. }
  72. }
  73. on *:TEXT:!akill *:#: {
  74. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  75. msg $chan 4,1 Admin $nick $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ ) used /akill to kill player $2 $+ (ID: $+ $rand(0,100) $+ )
  76. msg $chan 4 $2 has died (Collision)
  77. }
  78. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  79. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  80. }
  81. }
  82. on *:TEXT:!poopon *:#: {
  83. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  84. msg $chan 0,5 $nick Pooped On $2 $+ ! 
  85. }
  86. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  87. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  88. }
  89. }
  90. on *:TEXT:!countusers*:#: {
  91. if ($chan == #bots) { HALT }
  92. else { inc %count } {
  93. msg $chan 7 Channel has $nick(#,0) user(s) Online
  94. }
  95. }
  96. on *:TEXT:!invite *:#: {
  97. if ($3 == $null) {
  98. msg $chan 4Usage: !invite <Nickname> <#Channel>
  99. }
  100. elseif ($3 != $null && $2 !ison $3) {
  101. /invite $2 $3
  102. msg $chan 6 I have sent an invite to $2 to join $3
  103. msg $2 $nick has invited you to join $3
  104. }
  105. elseif ($2 ison $3) {
  106. msg $chan The nickname you entered is already in $3
  107. }
  108. }
  109. on *:TEXT:!invite:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !invite <Nickname> <#Channel> }
  110. on *:text:!countdown:#: {
  111. timer 1 0 msg $chan 1,9Countdown started !
  112. timer 1 1 msg $chan 5
  113. timer 1 2 msg $chan 4
  114. timer 1 3 msg $chan 3
  115. timer 1 4 msg $chan 2
  116. timer 1 5 msg $chan 1
  117. timer 1 6 msg $chan Go !
  118. }
  119. on *:TEXT:!cookie *:#: {
  120. if ($3 == $null) {
  121. msg $chan 4Usage: !cookie <Nickname> <Amount>
  122. }
  123. elseif ($3 != $null) {
  124. if (0 < $3 && $3 < 6) {
  125. set %cookie [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%cookie [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + $3 )
  126. msg $chan 1,9 $nick gave $2 $3 cookies(s) , $2 has %cookie [ $+ [ $2 ] ] cookie(s)
  127. }
  128. elseif ($3 > 5) {
  129. msg $chan 4You can't give more than 5 cookies
  130. }
  131. elseif ($3 < 0) {
  132. msg $chan 4Blocked negative amount sent by $nick
  133. }
  134. }
  135. }
  136. on *:TEXT:!cake *:#: {
  137. if ($3 == $null) {
  138. msg $chan 4Usage: !cake <Nickname> <Amount>
  139. }
  140. elseif ($3 != $null) {
  141. if (0 < $3 && $3 < 6) {
  142. set %cake [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%cake [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + $3 )
  143. msg $chan 1,5 $nick gave $2 $3 cake(s) , $2 has %cake [ $+ [ $2 ] ] cakes(s)
  144. }
  145. elseif ($3 > 5) {
  146. msg $chan 4You can't give more than 5 cakes
  147. }
  148. elseif ($3 < 0) {
  149. msg $chan 4Blocked negative amount sent by $nick
  150. }
  151. }
  152. }
  153. on *:TEXT:!orange *:#: {
  154. if ($3 == $null) {
  155. msg $chan 4Usage: !orange <Nickname> <Amount>
  156. }
  157. elseif ($3 != $null) {
  158. if (0 < $3 && $3 < 6) {
  159. set %orange [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%orange [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + $3 )
  160. msg $chan 1,7 $nick gave $2 $3 orange(s) , $2 has %orange [ $+ [ $2 ] ] orange(s)
  161. }
  162. elseif ($3 > 5) {
  163. msg $chan 4You can't give more than 5 oranges
  164. }
  165. elseif ($3 < 0) {
  166. msg $chan 4Blocked negative amount sent by $nick
  167. }
  168. }
  169. }
  170. on *:TEXT:!apple *:#: {
  171. if ($3 == $null) {
  172. msg $chan 4Usage: !apple <Nickname> <Amount>
  173. }
  174. elseif ($3 != $null) {
  175. if (0 < $3 && $3 < 6) {
  176. set %apple [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%apple [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + $3 )
  177. msg $chan 1,4 $nick gave $2 $3 apple(s) , $2 has %apple [ $+ [ $2 ] ] apple(s)
  178. }
  179. elseif ($3 > 5) {
  180. msg $chan 4You can't give more than 5 apples
  181. }
  182. elseif ($3 < 0) {
  183. msg $chan 4Blocked negative amount sent by $nick
  184. }
  185. }
  186. }
  187. on *:text:!hug *:#: {
  188. set %hugs [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%hugs [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + 1)
  189. msg $chan 1,13 $nick hugs $2 , $2 has %hugs [ $+ [ $2 ] ] hugs
  190. }
  191. on *:text:!lick *:#: {
  192. set %lick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%lick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + 1)
  193. msg $chan 1,4 $nick licked $2 , $2 has been licked %lick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times
  194. }
  195. on *:TEXT:!burger *:#: {
  196. if ($3 == $null) {
  197. msg $chan 4Usage: !burger <Nickname> <Amount>
  198. }
  199. elseif ($3 != $null) {
  200. if (0 < $3 && $3 < 6) {
  201. set %burger [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%burger [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + $3 )
  202. msg $chan 1,7 $nick gave $2 $3 burger(s) , $2 has %burger [ $+ [ $2 ] ] burger(s)
  203. }
  204. elseif ($3 > 5) {
  205. msg $chan 4You can't give more than 5 burgers
  206. }
  207. elseif ($3 < 0) {
  208. msg $chan 4Blocked negative amount sent by $nick
  209. }
  210. }
  211. }
  212. on *:TEXT:!pizza *:#: {
  213. if ($3 == $null) {
  214. msg $chan 4Usage: !pizza <Nickname> <Amount>
  215. }
  216. elseif ($3 != $null) {
  217. if (0 < $3 && $3 < 6) {
  218. set %pizza [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%pizza [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + $3 )
  219. msg $chan 1,6 $nick gave $2 $3 Pizza(s) , $2 has %pizza [ $+ [ $2 ] ] pizza(s)
  220. }
  221. elseif ($3 > 5) {
  222. msg $chan 4You can't give more than 5 pizzas
  223. }
  224. elseif ($3 < 0) {
  225. msg $chan 4Blocked negative amount sent by $nick
  226. }
  227. }
  228. }
  229. on *:text:!rape *:#: {
  230. set %rape [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%rape [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + 1)
  231. msg $chan 1,12 $nick has raped $2 with a huge dick , $2 has been raped %rape [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s)
  232. }
  233. on *:text:!slap *:#: {
  234. set %slap [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $calc(%slap [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + 1)
  235. msg $chan 1,11 $nick has slapped $2 around a bit with a large trout , $2 has been slapped %slap [ $+ [ $2 ] ] time(s)
  236. }
  237. on *:text:!stats *:#: {
  238. msg $chan 1,9 All stats of $2 :
  239. msg $chan 1,3cookies: %cookie [ $+ [ $2 ] ] || Cakes: %cake [ $+ [ $2 ] ] || apples : %apple [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
  240. msg $chan 1,3Oranges: %orange [ $+ [ $2 ] ] || Hugs: %hugs [ $+ [ $2 ] ] || Licks: %lick [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
  241. msg $chan 1,3Burgers: %burger [ $+ [ $2 ] ] || Pizzas: %pizza [ $+ [ $2 ] ] || Rapes: %rape [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
  242. msg $chan 1,3Slaps: %slap [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
  243. }
  244. on *:TEXT:!setcookie *:#: {
  245. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  246. set %cookie [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  247. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's cookies to $3
  248. }
  249. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  250. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  251. }
  252. on *:TEXT:!setcake *:#: {
  253. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  254. set %cake [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  255. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's cakes to $3
  256. }
  257. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  258. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  259. }
  260. on *:TEXT:!setorange *:#: {
  261. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  262. set %orange [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  263. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's oranges to $3
  264. }
  265. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  266. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  267. }
  268. on *:TEXT:!setapple *:#: {
  269. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  270. set %apple [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  271. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's apples to $3
  272. }
  273. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  274. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  275. }
  276. on *:TEXT:!sethug *:#: {
  277. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  278. set %hug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  279. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's hugs to $3
  280. }
  281. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  282. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  283. }
  284. on *:TEXT:!setlick *:#: {
  285. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  286. set %lick [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  287. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's licks to $3
  288. }
  289. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  290. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  291. }
  292. on *:TEXT:!setburger *:#: {
  293. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  294. set %burger [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  295. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's burgers to $3
  296. }
  297. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  298. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  299. }
  300. on *:TEXT:!setpizza *:#: {
  301. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  302. set %pizza [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  303. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's pizzas to $3
  304. }
  305. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  306. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  307. }
  308. on *:TEXT:!setrape *:#: {
  309. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  310. set %rape [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  311. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's rapes to $3
  312. }
  313. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  314. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  315. }
  316. on *:TEXT:!setslap *:#: {
  317. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  318. set %slap [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $3
  319. msg $chan 0,14 $nick has set $2 $+ 's slaps to $3
  320. }
  321. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  322. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed! }
  323. }
  324. on *:TEXT:!pie *:#: {
  325. if ($2 != $null) {
  326. describe $chan Throws a pie on $2 $+ 's face! }
  327. }
  328. on *:TEXT:test:#: { msg $chan 0,7Test completed! }
  329. on *:TEXT:Bye:#: { msg $chan Have a nice day $nick $+ ! }
  330. on *:TEXT:cya:#: { msg $chan Have a nice day $nick $+ ! }
  331. on *:TEXT:!fart:#: { msg $chan 7 $nick Farted :O }
  332. on *:TEXT:!poop:#: { msg $chan 0,5 $nick Took a Poop!  }
  333. on *:TEXT:!credits:#: { msg $chan 0,7Mimo's Owner/scripter is Maluda }
  334. on *:TEXT:!mimocmds:#: {
  335. msg $chan 1,9Welcome to $chan $+ ,Channel has $nick(#,0) user(s) Online.
  336. msg $chan 1,9Date: $date $+ , Today is $day $+ ! ,Have fun with the commands
  337. msg $chan 1,8Commands are: !invite ,!fart , !farton , !poop , !poopon , !slap , !kiss , !care , !lol , !dicegame
  338. msg $chan 1,8!joke , !spinbottle , !countdown , !countusers , !rnumber , !cat , !8ball , !suggest , !calc , !akill
  339. msg $chan 1,8!bomb , !afk , !back , !kill , !insult , !fban , !fkick , !Gay , !sexy , !lesbain , !smart , !pie , !google , !youtube 
  340. msg $chan 1,8!stats , !cookie , !cake , !orange , !apple , !hug , !lick , !burger , !pizza , !rape
  341. msg $chan 1,4If you found a bug with the bot commands please use !reportbug
  342. }
  343. on *:TEXT:!cookie:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !cookie <Nickname> <Amount> }
  344. on *:TEXT:!cake:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !cake <Nickname> <Amount> }
  345. on *:TEXT:!apple:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !apple <Nickname> <Amount> }
  346. on *:TEXT:!orange:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !orange <Nickname> <Amount> }
  347. on *:TEXT:!burger:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !giveburger <Nickname> <Amount> }
  348. on *:TEXT:!pizza:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !givepizza <Nickname> <Amount> }
  349. on *:TEXT:!slap:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !slap <Nickname>  }
  350. on *:TEXT:!rape:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !rape <Nickname>  }
  351. on *:TEXT:!kiss:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !kiss <Nickname>  }
  352. on *:TEXT:!hug:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !hug <Nickname>  }
  353. on *:TEXT:!pie:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !pie <Nickname>  }
  354. on *:TEXT:!stats:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !stats <Nickname>  }
  355. on *:TEXT:!lick:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !lick <Nickname>  }
  356. on *:TEXT:!kill:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !kill <Nickname>  }
  357. on *:TEXT:!akill:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !akill <Nickname>  }
  358. on *:TEXT:!fkick:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !fkick <Nickname> <Reason|optional>  }
  359. on *:TEXT:!fban:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !fban <Nickname> <Reason|optional>  }
  360. on *:TEXT:!poopon:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !Poopon <Nickname>  }
  361. on *:TEXT:!farton:#: { msg $chan 4Usage: !Farton <Nickname>  }
  362. on *:TEXT:!care:#: { msg $chan 7 $nick Says Care?^^  }
  363. on *:TEXT:!lol:#: { msg $chan 7 $nick Loughs Out Loud!  }
  364. on *:text:!google*:#: {
  365. if ($2- != $null) {
  366. msg $chan 12G4o8o12g3l4e search results: $+(,$replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(43)))
  367. }
  368. elseif ($2- == $null) {
  369. msg $chan 4Usage: !google <Text>
  370. }
  371. }
  372. on *:text:!youtube*:#: {
  373. if ($2- != $null) {
  374. msg $chan 1You0,4Tube search result: $+(,$replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(43)))
  375. }
  376. elseif ($2- == $null) {
  377. msg $chan Usage: !youtube <Text>
  378. }
  379. }
  380. on 1:TEXT:!cigarette:#:/msg $chan Here's a cigarette.
  381. ON 1:TEXT:!song:#:/msg $chan 06 Ahem... *tap tap tap* Oh the blackness outside is endless... Unforgiving, cold and friendless... But we still must baldly go... Make it so, make it so, make it so!!!
  382. on *:TEXT:!calc*:#: msg # $iif($regsubex($remove($2-,$chr(32),$chr(44)),/((^|[+-/^*%]+)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)|(^|[+-/^*%]+)(([0-9]|\56)+)|(^|[+-/^*%]+)(\50(.+?)\51))/ig,),Syntax Error,$iif(!$2,Syntax Error EX: !calc 1 + 5 || !calc 1 * 5 || !calc 1 / 5, 3Calculator answer: $2- = $regsubex($ticks,$calc($regsubex($ticks,$remove($2-,$chr(44),$chr(32)),/(^|[+-/*%]+|[+-/*%]+\50)(([0-9]|\56)+)(k|m|b)/ig,\1 $+ ( $+ \2 $+ $iif(\4 == b,*1000000000,$iif(\4 == m,*1000000,*1000)) $+ ))),/\G([+-]?\d+?)(?=(?:\d{3})++(?=\.\d++$|$))/g,\1 $+ $chr(44))))
  383. on *:TEXT:!mimosay*:#: {
  384. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  385. msg $2 $3-
  386. }
  387. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  388. msg $chan 4You are not allowed!
  389. }
  390. }
  391. ON *:TEXT:!Gay*:#:{
  392. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  393. msg $chan 0,13 $2 is $rand(0,100) $+ % Gay!
  394. }
  395. elseif ($2 == $null) {
  396. msg $chan 4Usage: !Gay <nickname>
  397. }
  398. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  399. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  400. }
  401. }
  402. ON *:TEXT:!sexy*:#:{
  403. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  404. msg $chan 0,6 $2 is $rand(0,100) $+ % Sexy!
  405. }
  406. elseif ($2 == $null) {
  407. msg $chan 4Usage: !Sexy <nickname>
  408. }
  409. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  410. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  411. }
  412. }
  413. ON *:TEXT:!lesbain*:#:{
  414. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  415. msg $chan 0,13 $2 is $rand(0,100) $+ % Lesbain!
  416. }
  417. elseif ($2 == $null) {
  418. msg $chan 4Usage: !Lesbain <nickname>
  419. }
  420. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  421. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  422. }
  423. }
  424. ON *:TEXT:!smart*:#:{
  425. if ($2 ison $chan) {
  426. msg $chan 0,5 $2 is $rand(0,100) $+ % Smart!
  427. }
  428. elseif ($2 == $null) {
  429. msg $chan 4Usage: !Smart <nickname>
  430. }
  431. elseif ($2 !ison $chan) {
  432. msg $chan The nickname you entered is not in the channel
  433. }
  434. }
  435. on $*:TEXT:/^(!brb|!afk|brb|afk)/i:#:{
  436. set $+(%,brbtime,$nick) $ctime
  437. set %person [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick
  438. if ($2 == $null) {
  439. set %brb [ $+ [ $nick ] ] AFK
  440. }
  441. else {
  442. set %brb [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2-
  443. }
  445. msg $chan 4 $nick is now Away reason:3( $+ %brb [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ )4 Left at: $+ $time (+2GMT)
  446. }
  447. on $*:TEXT:/^(!back|back)/i:#:{
  448. if ($nick == %person [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { msg $chan 3 %person [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is now Back from:4( $+ %brb [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ )3 and was Gone For 4( $+ $duration($calc($ctime - $(,$+(%,brbtime,$nick,)))) $+ )
  449. unset %brb [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
  450. unset $+(%,brbtime,$nick) $ctime
  451. unset %person [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
  452. }
  453. }
  454. on *:TEXT:!8ball *:#:{
  455. /set %8ball $rand(1,10)
  456. if (%8ball == 1) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] No! }
  457. if (%8ball == 2) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] Yes! }
  458. if (%8ball == 3) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] Maybe }
  459. if (%8ball == 4) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] of Course! }
  460. if (%8ball == 5) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] Are you crazy?!?! }
  461. if (%8ball == 6) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] How should I know? }
  462. if (%8ball == 7) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] Probably yes! }
  463. if (%8ball == 8) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] Ask me later }
  464. if (%8ball == 9) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] In Your dreams }
  465. if (%8ball == 10) { msg $chan [8ball Answer] Sorry, i can't answer that! }
  466. }
  467. on *:text:!Bomb:#:{
  468. set %Bombed $nick
  469. set %ColorNum $rand(1,3)
  470. describe $chan puts a bomb on the wall %Bombed has to defuse it. %Bombed has 20 seconds to defuse the bomb. The colors are red, green, and blue. Type !cutwire <Color>
  471. .timer 1 20 msg $chan You took too long! YOU LOSE
  472. .timer 1 20 unset %Bombed
  473. }
  474. on *:text:!cutwire green:#:{
  475. if ($nick = %Bombed) {
  476. if (%ColorNum == 1) {
  477. msg $chan Bomb has been defused! You win!
  478. timer* off
  479. unset %Bombed
  480. halt
  481. }
  482. msg $chan You cut the wrong wire! YOU LOSE!
  483. timer* off
  484. unset %Bombed
  485. }
  486. }
  488. on *:text:!cutwire red:#:{
  489. if ($nick = %Bombed) {
  490. if (%ColorNum == 2) {
  491. msg $chan Bomb has been defused! You win!
  492. timer* off
  493. unset %Bombed
  494. halt
  495. }
  496. msg $chan You cut the wrong wire! YOU LOSE!
  497. timer* off
  498. unset %Bombed
  499. }
  500. }
  502. on *:text:!cutwire blue:#:{
  503. if ($nick = %Bombed) {
  504. if (%ColorNum == 3) {
  505. msg $chan Bomb has been defused! You win!
  506. timer* off
  507. unset %Bombed
  508. halt
  509. }
  510. msg $chan You cut the wrong wire! YOU LOSE!
  511. timer* off
  512. unset %Bombed
  513. }
  514. }
  515. on *:text:!spinbottle:#:{
  516. var %nick = $nick(#,$r(1,$nick(#,0)))
  517. msg $chan 4Spin The Bottle Game!
  518. timer 1 2 msg $chan 2 $nick 10Spins the bottle and it lands on...
  519. timer 1 4 msg $chan 4 %nick
  520. timer 1 5 msg $chan 2 $nick 10 must $gettok(Marry|Make Love With|Have Sex With|hug|kiss,$r(1,6),124) %nick $+ !
  521. }
  522. on *:TEXT:!insult*:#: {
  523. sockopen insulter 80
  524. if ($rand(1,10) == 1) set %insultee $nick
  525. elseif ($2) set %insultee $2-
  526. else set %insultee $nick
  527. set %insulterchan $chan
  528. writeini insult.ini insults %insultee $calc($readini(insult.ini,insults,%insultee) + $chr(49))
  529. set %timesinsul $readini(insult.ini,insults,%insultee)
  530. }
  531. on *:sockopen:insulter: {
  532. sockwrite -n $sockname GET / HTTP/2.0
  533. sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
  534. sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
  535. sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  536. }
  537. on *:sockread:insulter: {
  538. sockread %insulterpage
  539. if (<i> isin %insulterpage) {
  540. set %insulterquote $nohtml(%insulterpage)
  541. }
  542. }
  543. on *:sockclose:insulter: {
  544. msg %insulterchan %insultee $+ $chr(58) %insulterquote }
  545. }
  546. alias nohtml {
  547. var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;)
  548. return %x
  549. }
  550. on *:text:!uptime:*: {
  551. /msg $chan 2Uptime: $uptime(server, 2)
  552. }
  553. on *:TEXT:!join *:#: {
  554. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  555. msg $chan I will join $2 at once.
  556. /j $2
  557. }
  558. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  559. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  560. }
  561. }
  562. on *:TEXT:!leave *:#: {
  563. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  564. msg $chan I will leave $2 at once.
  565. /leave $2
  566. }
  567. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  568. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  569. }
  570. }
  571. on *:TEXT:!ajoin *:#: {
  572. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy && $2 == add) {
  573. /ns ajoin add $3
  574. msg $chan 3 $3 has been added to my ajoin List!
  575. }
  576. elseif ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy && $2 == del) {
  577. /ns ajoin del $3
  578. msg $chan 4 $3 has been deleted from my ajoin List!
  579. }
  580. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  581. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  582. }
  583. }
  584. on *:text:!cat:#: {
  585. set %cat play $chan Cat.txt 0
  586. %cat
  587. unset %cat
  588. }
  590. alias -l NoHTML {
  591. var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;)
  592. return %x
  593. }
  594. on $*:text:/^!joke( |$)/iS:#:{
  595. if ($($+(%,rjoke,$remove(#,$chr(35))),5) == $null) {
  596. set -u3 $+(%,rjoke,$remove(#,$chr(35))) flood
  597. rjoke msg #
  598. }
  599. else { .notice $chan $nick This command can only be used once every 3 seconds. }
  600. }
  601. alias -l rjoke {
  602. if ($sock(rjoke)) sockclose rjoke
  603. sockopen rjoke 80
  604. sockmark rjoke $1-2
  605. }
  606. on *:sockopen:rjoke:{
  607. sockwrite -nt rjoke GET / HTTP/1.0
  608. sockwrite -nt rjoke Host: $+($sock(rjoke).addr,$str($crlf,2))
  609. }
  610. on *:sockread:rjoke:{
  611. var %rjoke | sockread %rjoke
  612. if ($regex(%rjoke,/<font face="Verdana" size="2">(.+?)</font>/i)) {
  613. tokenize 32 $sock(rjoke).mark
  614. $gettok($sock(rjoke).mark,1-2,32) $NoHTML($regml(1))
  615. }
  616. }
  617. on *:text:!dicegame:#: {
  618. timer 1 0 msg $chan 12* $nick rolls the dice!
  619. timer 1 3 msg $chan 4* The dice stops..
  620. timer 1 5 msg $chan 6The dice has rolled on the number $r(1,6) }
  621. } }
  622. ON *:TEXT:!rnumber:#:{ inc %scriptcount |
  623. set %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $rand(1,100)
  624. msg $chan I Have Choosen A Random Number Between: 1 And 100 To Guess What It Is Type: !guess <number>
  625. }
  626. ON *:TEXT:!guess*:#:{ inc %scriptcount |
  627. if ($2 == %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
  628. msg # WOW nice job!! $nick The Number Was $2 $+ ,You won 10 cookies | unset %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
  629. set %cookie [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%cookie [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + 10 )
  630. }
  631. elseif ($2 < %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { msg # The number is Higher Than $2 }
  632. elseif ($2 > %number [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { msg # The number is Lower Than $2 }
  633. else { notice Script Error! }
  634. } }
  636. on *:TEXT:!reportbug*:#: {
  637. if ($2 != $null) {
  638. write bugreport.txt $nick $+ ( $+ $date $+ ): $2-
  639. msg $chan Thanks for reporting $nick $+ ! ,Bug will be fixed as soon as possible
  640. msg Maluda $nick has reported a bug : $2-
  641. }
  642. elseif ($2 == $null) {
  643. msg $chan 4Usage: !reportbug <Text>
  644. }
  645. }
  646. on *:TEXT:!mimoreports:#: {
  647. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  648. timer 1 0 play $chan bugreport.txt 20
  649. timer 1 3 msg $chan 4End of reports.
  650. }
  651. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  652. msg $chan 4You are not allowed!
  653. }
  654. }
  655. on *:TEXT:!reconnect:#: {
  656. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  657. msg $chan Mimo is reconnecting
  658. timer 1 1 quit Reconnecting
  659. timer 1 1 server
  660. }
  661. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  662. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  663. }
  664. }
  665. on *:TEXT:!identify:#: {
  666. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  667. /ns id mimo 2541999m
  668. }
  669. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  670. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  671. }
  672. }
  673. on *:TEXT:!rejoin:#: {
  674. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  675. timer 1 0 part $chan
  676. timer 1 1 join $chan
  677. }
  678. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  679. msg $chan 4You are not allowed!
  680. }
  681. }
  682. on *:TEXT:!mq:#: {
  683. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  684. /quit cya
  685. }
  686. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  687. msg $chan 4You are not allowed!
  688. }
  689. }
  690. on *:TEXT:!mimoname*:#: {
  691. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  692. /nick $2
  693. }
  694. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  695. msg $chan 4You are not allowed!
  696. }
  697. }
  698. on *:TEXT:!suggest*:#: {
  699. if ($2- != $null) {
  700. write suggest.txt $nick $+ ( $+ $date $+ ): $2-
  701. msg $chan Added, Thanks for your suggestion!
  702. }
  703. elseif ($2- == $null) {
  704. msg $chan 4Usage: !Suggest <Text>
  705. }
  706. }
  707. on *:TEXT:!mimosug:#: {
  708. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  709. timer 1 0 play $chan suggest.txt 20
  710. timer 1 3 msg $chan 4End of suggestions.
  711. }
  712. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  713. msg $chan 4You are not allowed!
  714. }
  715. }
  716. on *:TEXT:!voiceall:#: {
  717. .var %a 1
  718. while (%a <= $nick($chan,0)) {
  719. if ($nick($chan,%a) == $me) { .inc %a 1 }
  720. elseif ($nick($chan,%a) isvoice $chan) { .inc %a 1 }
  721. else {
  722. .set %mass $addtok(%mass,$nick($chan,%a),32)
  723. .inc %a 1
  724. }
  725. }
  726. .mode $chan + $+ $str(v,$numtok(%mass,32)) %mass
  727. .unset %mass
  728. }
  729. on *:TEXT:!blockcmds *:#: {
  730. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy && $2 == add) {
  731. /ignore $3
  732. msg $chan 4 $3 has been added to my Black list
  733. }
  734. elseif ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy && $2 == del) {
  735. /ignore -r $3
  736. msg $chan 3 $3 has been removed from my Black list!
  737. }
  738. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  739. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  740. }
  741. }
  742. on *:TEXT:!acmds:#: {
  743. if ($address == Maluda@m.samy || $address == Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  744. notice $nick Admin commands: !join , !leave !ajoin add/del , !reconnect , !rejoin , !identify , !mimoquit
  745. notice $nick !mimoreports , !mimosug , !blockcmds add/del , !mimoname , !mimosay
  746. }
  747. elseif ($address != Maluda@m.samy || $address != Maluda2541@m.samy) {
  748. msg $chan 4 You are not allowed!
  749. }
  750. }
  751. on *:TEXT:!abc:#: {
  752. if (%abc == off) {
  753. set %abc msg $chan YES
  754. .timer 3 unset %abc
  755. }
  756. elseif (%abc == on) {
  757. msg $chan DONT SPAM
  758. }
  759. }
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