
Sarkith X'og Rokum: "Oh... How clueless you are."

Jul 25th, 2018
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  1. *Sarkith X'og Rokum stood there...
  2. He heard the man... He listened to him... But it was growing obvious to him now.
  3. Lamar, hadn't the slightest clue what he was arguing against...
  4. He didn't have a clue...
  5. --And thus, what appeared to be the rise of fury against Lamar, turned to a blank facade.
  7. Sarkith, could understand now...
  8. "Oh... How clueless you are."
  9. He stated outright, before making his advance unto Lamar. He reached a hand out towards the man, palm open-- Aiming to clutch at the dead man's forehead. He didn't make an excessive effort to do so, nor did he operate such an aggressive manner-- But should his hand touch Lamar, vision would fade to white.
  11. --and soon, the two were within... A vacant abyss of black, both hovering within a vacant ... Realm? No... This was...
  12. "Telepathy." Sarkith explained.
  14. As though the realm around them blinked, a vision of Hell played out around them. Humanoid silhuoettes wander aimlessly amongst the land: Likely, demons it appeared.
  15. "You see... Hell, is merely the equilibrium of Heaven." He started, "To reign over Hell, is to ensure that the dead deemed corrupt and sinful properly attone for their sins."
  17. "--To ensure balance, means to prevent the mortal souls from uprising chaos within Checkpoint, and Heaven. Thus, Kaios and Demons work in tangent."
  18. Standing next to Lamar in this 'replayed vision', was Sarkith, looking onward, just as he was.
  20. "--and that, was what we did... I... Served as Demon Queen Sarasha's Right Hand... And ensured that all ran smoothly..."
  22. "... That was... until... Mortals and Kaio alike sought to disrupt such balance."
  23. Should they look upward, the clouds of checkpoint would part, revealing the thousands... No... Millions of hovering bodies looking down unto the inhabitants of Hell.
  25. "The peace was shattered, with the genocide of demon kin."
  27. The silhuoettes from above began to sparkle, revealing a shower of ki blasts raining down upon Hell, viciously piercing through the bodies of wandering demons and damned souls. Death and agony reigned... And soon, the clouds of dust rose up to obscure the vision of both observers.
  29. "Kaios and Mortals had worked in tangent to genocide... And for what, you may wonder?" Sarkith turned to Lamar, still blank faced.
  30. "... Because Sin, taints all... Your so-called 'friends'... Are far from the saints, you lead yourself on, to be..."
  32. Sarkith waved his left arm outward to sweep the image of this vision clean, sideswiping it for a new one...
  33. The battle between Sarasha and Yang.
  35. "--But of course... Even after numerous extermination attempts, it didn't end there..." The fighting between the two seemed to blitz around... It seemed to be... Earth? The flashback skipped to its end, showing a fallen Sarasha, slowly fading away at the feet of Yang.
  36. A double of an enraged Sarkith could be noted in the distance, witnessing the scene firsthand.
  38. This, was his most painful memory, being shared with the mortal.
  39. "Your friends... Kill... Murder... Genocide and exterminate... They upset balance by bringing the dead back... And even destroy the very balances of the afterlife." He explained... The mirages fell away, leaving them both returned to the reality they originated from.
  41. "... Do you understand now, mortal? ... Why I must make things right? To fix the corruption of the Kaios, and undo this shredded reality? I do such, because it is just... To bestow you, and all other mortals, with a true utopia."*
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