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Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. Transcript
  3. 00:00 Welcome back.
  5. In this video, we're going to be talking about what it takes to succeed. Before we actually get started on the journey. This is a Very, very important video, Take notes. Because without these foundations, it's going to be impossible to succeed. With that said, let's jump right in.
  7. Here's what we're going to cover. Well, first of all, what to expect on this tough journey. This is not going to be easy, and you need to be prepared for what is about to come. Then next, ensure you succeed by sticking to the program.
  9. Now, I give you the road-map, I give you the path, I give you the map to follow to achieve success.
  11. 00:47 Overcoming self-doubt. This is one of the biggest barriers, that most crypto developers face at some point or another. Doubt in yourself and doubt in your own ability. You need to stick with the program, keep focused, and overcome that self-doubt.
  13. The golden rule of persistence.
  15. Obviously, it's very, very important that you persist through the hard times. When you fall over, you're going to have to get back up and continuously persist. Until you succeed.
  18. The numbers game. You will gain clients and earn money from your work, by playing the numbers game. You will explore all options for marketing. And advertise your new found abilities everywhere. Persistence and numbers will play a key role in your success.
  20. 01:40 What to expect on this tough journey.
  22. Guys, let's be honest. This is going to be a difficult journey for you. It's going to be hard. You're going to have problems. You're going to face setbacks. You're going to face challenges, but you're going to keep going, and you are going to get to the destination.
  24. First things first, well, the hard work starts here. This is not going to be easy for you. Most of what you do is not going to work the first time around.
  26. Embrace failure.
  28. Failure is a massive part of success. Without first failure, you will never succeed. Expect to fall over sometimes. Expect to fail, and that's completely fine. Failure is fine. Every failure is one step closer to success. You are going to make mistakes in your code. Learn from it.
  30. You are going to have failed launches. It happens. Move on.
  32. A perfect example is when a baby's learning to walk. How many times does a baby actually fall over between the first time they try to walk.
  34. And when they actually become comfortable walking. Thousands of times. You are essentially now, a crypto developer baby, and you're going to have a very steep learning curve. And some things that you do won't go right, and that's completely fine. We learn from them, and we move on.
  36. Long working hours.
  38. Now, in the beginning, you'll most likely be working a full-time job. That's completely cool, but you must be prepared to put all of your spare time into this. In the beginning to land your first few clients. And ultimately match your income or at least cover your living expenses. Depending on what route you are going down. You may be doing this program for self interest of your own crypto currency. Or you may be training to make coins for others. Ultimately, for most of you, the goal will be to become a full-time crypto developer. There are thousands of potential clients out there. Just looking for someone to create them a crypto currency. There is a lot of money to be made.
  41. Now, it's certainly possible to get really good results, when you're working your full-time job, But ultimately. Those amazing results really come when you dedicate all of your time to developing.
  43. 04:19 Frustrations. You're about to learn and master new tools, systems, and platforms. Although you don't need to be a tech guru, you must have patience, so you will feel frustrated at times when you can't achieve what looks like a simple task. For example, when you're setting up your environment, when you're navigating multiple platforms, And sometimes, even when clients change launch dates, it's very, very frustrating. It will happen, and all you can do is persist and learn from your mistakes. And not let that frustration get the better of you, and continue moving forward. Expect some frustration at times.
  45. The highs and the lows.
  47. Now, when you're winning, I.E landing clients, getting paid 0.5 bitcoin for a few days work. There really is no better business to be in. The feeling is fantastic, but when things aren't going to plan, i.e., you're not finding any clients, some of your blockchains might be failing, or you've lost a client, you will feel low. Expect that, and always keep pushing for that next high. Because those next highs are what keeps driving you through the lows. The highs are very high, and the lows are very low. It is like an emotional roller-coaster, but you'd have to keep looking for that next win, continuously moving forward, and do not let the lows get the better of you.
  49. Now, euphoria. When you overcome your problems and challenges. And land your first paying client, you will experience a pleasure like no other. The immense satisfaction when you do succeed, makes all the struggles and difficulties worth it. Combine that with location, time, financial freedom, and every hiccup along the way is so worthwhile.
  51. Embrace those wins. Embrace that euphoria when you do get those wins.
  54. Now, ensuring that you succeed by sticking to the program. You're given a proven process to follow. What you are given in this program is the formula that is proven and tested to work. I've already made all the mistakes, and I teach you what works, so you don't have to make your own. Don't reinvent the wheel where possible.
  56. I've seen quite a lot of times, not necessarily just in this program but from other programmers, that just cannot follow instructions. The program is laid out so you can follow step by step. Do exactly as it is, in each video. Do not skip, or watch the tutorials in a different order. Once you have completed the whole program. You will have creative freedom to do what you like.
  58. Ultimately, those who cannot follow instructions are going to have a much harder time, so you really need to embrace what you are given and follow the instructions that you're given. Because the more you deviate from what is taught here, the more likelihood is that what you are going to do is not going to work.
  60. Stick to the program. Stick to the process, and follow the program in order. Follow the instructions as closely as possible. Follow the tutorials and the advice given. Use everything that you're given. Because ultimately, if you do, you will find success much, much quicker.
  62. 08:02 Now, a very important thing is overcoming self-doubt. You will experience self-doubt, and it's really important that you overcome that as quickly as possible. Self-doubt really is your biggest enemy at this stage. It's the biggest challenge that you will face, and let's be honest, again, this journey is not going to be easy. You will struggle at times. And there will come moments when you'd question whether you can do this at all. Really, you can. There are people in this program who are absolutely killing it. Getting those awesome results, and even myself, we really don't have any super powers or magic potions. Or formulas or anything like that that you don't have, You have everything that everybody else has. The only difference is that self-doubt. It's whether you can overcome it quickly and efficiently. And move through those clouds of doubt in yourself and doubt in your own performance. You will. Stay on track and keep moving forward.
  64. How do we do that.
  66. 09:10 It's about maintaining a positive mental attitude. You have to believe that you can and you will do this. By maintaining a positive mental attitude, this is one of the most important attributes when learning any new skill. You will doubt yourself but you must remain positive. You must. You must always keep that positive head on. Tell yourself that you can do this because if you say that, if you can, you will succeed at some point. You will get there, but you must keep that positive mental attitude. As soon as you start letting your head drop and feeling or even telling yourself that you can't. It's gone. You need to take a break and come back because with that kind of attitude with the negativity, you will find it very, very difficult to succeed, so you need to keep that positivity at all times, no matter how big the challenges are. Keep positive.
  69. The golden rule of persistence. And this is again another very,very important thing that you need to take note of. If you persist for long enough, you will succeed. If you ask any successful entrepreneur what the golden rule is when starting your own business, you'll get the same answer. Persistence. If you persist through something for long enough, you will succeed.
  72. Being resilient. Resilience is persistence's partner in crime. You must be resilient to failure. and what other people think. to allow yourself to persist and ultimately allow you to succeed. For example, the Wright Brothers in 1903, their idea of creating a machine that could fly was laughed at by most people. It was thought to be crazy, and it was thought to be impossible, but they achieved it. They achieved it, and they were successful, so be resilient not only to failure. But also to what other people might think of you and what you are doing. Who cares? The ultimate goal, what you're going to have when you succeed, is going to be so worthwhile. People are going to be jealous of the position that you are in. When you're able to go and live well and travel. And do whatever you want when making money in the Crypto world, people soon stop laughing. Believe me.
  75. 11:39 When you have completed the program and can make a crypto currency. You will be playing the numbers game. The more marketing you do, the more clients you will have. The more money you will make. It's really as simple as that. If you aim to speak to at least two or three potential clients every single day, even if you already have paying clients, that is what you should be aiming to do. Even if you have paying clients already, you should still be looking to set up your next job. Once you are familiar with the program. It will take you around 7-10 days to create a coin. Now, you're always going to get some people who cancel or don't pay up, so be prepared for those. That's why we aim to speak with two or three clients a day. So that you still got two monetary sales opportunities per day.
  77. Being active in multiple discord channels will help you meet potential clients. Always take a deposit before you start any work.
  78. I am laying the foundations for you to learn further development skills. The internet is a hive of information. Once you have learned the skills from this program. you can advance your learning. Once you understand GitHub, utilize it to its full potential.
  81. 13:03 When going through this program. Remember these key things.
  83. If you receive errors when compiling. First check you have installed all the dependencies. Missing ones will cause errors.
  85. If you are having trouble with any aspect. Reach out to me via the training portal. I will check my messages daily.
  87. Often it is a case of missing one small thing in the tutorial. So before you reach out, watch the video again.
  90. Okay. You are now ready to proceed on your journey to become a paid crypto currency developer.
  92. Remember everything above. Stay positive, and take notes as you go. There is no rush. Enjoy.
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