

Sep 12th, 2016
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  1. [10:10] CAC: Don't want to be a Hhh Hh, or however many Hs are in her name.
  2. [10:10] CTG ceased responding to memo.
  3. [10:10] CAU: PINARY
  4. [10:10] CAC: God, that's such a stupid naming scheme.
  5. [10:10] CAU: did we win any games yet btw
  6. [10:10] ?GG: nop
  7. [10:10] ?GG: unlocked some
  8. [10:10] ?GG: /game
  9. [10:10] PAST probectPinary [PPP] 1 MINUTE AGO responded to memo.
  10. [10:10] PPP: Hlfsipwti mpyt lpewuc, nbzv af, epw iycti dxufff qg.
  11. [10:10] CAC: Well, she'll enjoy life as my subject.
  12. [10:10] CAU: Pinary, go solve my cipher!
  13. [10:10] PPP: [INPUT: /game]
  14. [10:10] CAC: With a good name.
  15. [10:10] CAU: Ooh, I can cause some distortion. To be honest, I don't know if it's even been working in here!
  16. [10:11] CAC: Lllll lllll
  17. [10:12] CUC:
  18. [10:12] PPP: ERROR
  20. [10:12] CAT: What's that? The smell and taste of a non-hyper-intelligent Pinary, but one who runs a game? Yes, that, and me leaving in disgust.
  21. [10:12] CAT ceased responding to memo.
  22. [10:12] CPP ceased responding to memo.
  23. [10:12] PPP ceased responding to memo.
  24. [10:13] CAC: /game list
  25. [10:13] CURRENT probectPinary [CPP] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  26. [10:13] CPP: [INPUT: /game list]
  27. [10:13] CPP: [OUTPUT: Hello hello hello! Hello meatbags1 We have lots of exciting games for you to play, such as: (1) JEFF THE SCIENTIST | (2) DR. FRINKELFRACKEN'S CURE | (3) ~ATH | (4) PROBLEM SLEUTH | (5) GRAVEYARD QUEST | (6) THE BINDING OF ISAAC Have fun with them! And play responsibly!]
  28. [10:14] CAU: /game 3
  29. [10:14] ?GG: danr
  30. [10:14] CAC: No
  31. [10:14] ?GG: /game 6
  32. [10:14] CAC: /game 6
  33. [10:14] CAC: It's new
  34. [10:14] CPP: ((majority vote))
  35. [10:14] CUC: /game 6
  36. [10:14] CAU: ((awwww)
  37. [10:14] CAU: /game 6
  38. [10:14] CAU: )
  39. [10:14] CPP: [INPUT: /game 6]
  40. [10:14] CPP: [OUTPUT: Begin THE BINDING OF ISAAC.]
  41. [10:14] CAC: The Binding of Build
  43. [10:15] CAC: /start
  44. [10:15] CPP: [>FILE 1< FILE 2 FILE 3 DELETE FILE BACK]
  45. [10:15] CAC: /file1
  46. [10:17] CUC: ((FEZ time))
  48. [10:17] CAC: /Options
  49. [10:18] CPP: ((here's how this will work; my brother will be playing isaac on the wii u in another room and I'll copy what he does))
  50. [10:18] CPP: ((whatever commands you put in he'll do))
  51. [10:18] CPP: ((time to play twitch plays rebirth ))
  52. [10:18] ?GG: ...
  53. [10:18] CAC: ...
  54. [10:18] CAU: ...
  55. [10:18] ?GG: That sounds stupid
  56. [10:18] CPP: ((it is))
  57. [10:18] ?GG: especially since we can't see him
  58. [10:19] CPP: ((I have no idea if it will work or not, but let's find out))
  59. [10:19] ?GG: nah let's not
  60. [10:19] ?GG: kek
  61. [10:19] CPP: ((what do you just want me to make up the floor))
  62. [10:19] CPP: ((I'll tell you what's in each room and such))
  63. [10:19] ?GG: no but still
  64. [10:19] ?GG: just find a seed
  65. [10:19] CAC: >Kill your double
  66. [10:19] CPP: ((you can suggest a seed))
  67. [10:19] CAU: >Take all of the devil deals. All of them.
  68. [10:20] ?GG: I cry uncle on the bullshit cipher
  69. [10:20] ?GG: what is it serp
  70. [10:20] CAC: >Start game
  71. [10:20] CPP: [>NEW GAME<]
  72. [10:21] CAU: <VIGENERE> <AFFINE> <ATBASH> <ROT9> pick one
  73. [10:21] ?GG: wel[
  76. [10:22] ?GG: >The Lost<
  77. [10:22] ?GG: 
  78. [10:22] CAC: >magdalene
  79. [10:22] CPP: [You haven't unlocked The Lost!]
  80. [10:22] CAU: > isaac
  81. [10:22] CPP: [You haven't unlocked Magdalene!]
  82. [10:23] CPP: [Are you sure you want to start a NEW GAME as Isaac?]
  83. [10:23] CAU: ye
  84. [10:23] CAC: >What other choice is there
  85. [10:23] CPP: [Generating world...]
  86. [10:23] CPP: [BASEMENT I]
  87. [10:23] CPP: [You spawn as ISAAC. You have 3 HEART CONTAINERS and 1 BOMB.]
  88. [10:23] CPP: [There is a door to the NORTH and to the SOUTH.]
  89. [10:23] CAC: >Start9
  90. [10:24] ?GG: god damn that was a pain in the ass
  91. [10:24] CAC: >North
  92. [10:24] CPP: [ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ]
  93. [10:24] CPP: [> North]
  94. [10:24] CPP: [You enter the door to the NORTH.]
  95. [10:26] CPP: [There are one row of ROCKS on the EAST and WEST WALLS. ATTACK FLIES and HORFS spawn on both sides of the WALLS and begin moving towards you.]
  96. [10:26] CPP: [Attack sequence in progress...]
  97. [10:26] CPP: [The room is cleared with no damage taken. 1 PENNY spawns.]
  98. [10:26] CAC: This is going to take so incredibly long.
  99. [10:26] CAC: >loot
  100. [10:26] CPP: [There is a door to the NORTH.]
  101. [10:26] CAU: get ye penny
  102. [10:27] CPP: [You take 1 PENNY.]
  103. [10:27] CAC: >Northward
  104. [10:27] CPP: [You enter the door to the NORTH.]
  105. [10:28] CPP: [There are 3 PENNIES in each corner of the room that are blocked by ROCKS. There is a door to the NORTH and a golden door to the EAST.
  106. [10:28] CPP: [No enemies have spawned.]
  107. [10:28] CAC: >Due East
  108. [10:28] CUC: ((FEZ is FUN!))
  109. [10:28] CPP: [You enter the door to the EAST and enter a TREASURE ROOM.]
  110. [10:28] CPP: ((where are you))
  111. [10:28] CPP: [The item is MONGO BABY.]
  112. [10:28] CPP: [Do you pick it up?]
  113. [10:29] ?GG: >No
  114. [10:29] CUC: ((graveyard area with the invisible platforms))
  115. [10:29] ?GG: fuck mongo babu
  116. [10:29] CAC: Why not
  117. [10:29] CPP: ((nice))
  118. [10:29] CUC: ((I used your guide a bit))
  119. [10:29] ?GG: Ah, that part
  120. [10:29] CPP: ((nicee))
  121. [10:29] CAC: >look up on wiki
  122. [10:29] CUC: ((that code that purportedly parts the falls is wrong btw))
  123. [10:29] CAC: >Take?
  124. [10:29] CPP: [Mongo Baby cycles between the tears of other familiars, and fires twice as fast as other familiars.]
  125. [10:30] CUC: ((I used it and it opened the door))
  126. [10:30] CAC: >Take?
  127. [10:30] CAC: I guess
  128. [10:30] CPP: [You take MONGO BABY. "Mongo friend"]
  129. [10:30] CPP: ((whopps))
  130. [10:30] CPP: [You exit the TREASURE ROOM.]
  131. [10:30] CAC: >Kill your double
  132. [10:30] CPP: [There is a door to the NORTH and to the SOUTH.]
  133. [10:31] CPP: [What double?]
  134. [10:31] CAC: >Take controller, kill double
  135. [10:31] CPP: [Nah.]
  136. [10:31] CAU ceased responding to memo.
  137. [10:31] CAC: >Northward, ho
  138. [10:31] CPP: [You enter the door to the NORTH.]
  139. [10:31] CAC: >Not you, the other one
  140. [10:32] CAC: >Wonder what this game has anything to do with us
  141. [10:32] CPP: [The room is 2x1 UNITS tall.]
  142. [10:32] CAC: >Speculate it's entirely dependent on that guy's skill
  143. [10:33] CPP: [There are several lines of ROCKS in the middle of the room. On the EAST and WEST WALLS, there are sections of ROCKS that barricade the area. HOPPERS are in those sections of ROCKS, and they jump out towards you.]
  144. [10:33] CPP: [Attack sequence in progress...]
  145. [10:34] CPP: [The room is cleared with no damage taken. A CHEST spawns.]
  146. [10:34] CAC: >loot
  147. [10:35] CPP: [There is a skull door at the NORTHWEST and a locked door at the NORTHEAST.]
  148. [10:35] CAU: ah crap i'll just finish my 2nd post tomorrow afternoon. Tazz shouldn't updop until then, yes?
  149. [10:35] CPP: [You open the CHEST.]
  150. [10:35] CPP: [A PENNY and a TROLL BOMB spawn.]
  151. [10:35] CPP: [You avoid the TROLL BOMB.]
  152. [10:35] CAC: >loot
  153. [10:36] CPP: [You take the PENNY.]
  154. [10:36] CPP: [There is a skull door at the NORTHWEST and a locked door at the NORTHEAST.]
  155. [10:36] CPP: [And there is a door to your SOUTH, leading back.]
  156. [10:36] CAC: >Due NW
  157. [10:36] CPP: [You enter the BOSS ROOM. The door locks behind you.]
  158. [10:36] CPP: [You prepare to fight...]
  159. [10:36] CPP: [ISAAC VS. MONSTRO]
  160. [10:36] CPP: [MONSTRO spawns in the middle of the room. There are ATTACK FLIES on either side of him.]
  161. [10:37] CPP: [MONSTRO is down to half health.]
  162. [10:37] CPP: [MONSTRO is defeated.]
  163. [10:37] CPP: [He spawns 2 HALF HEARTS. THE BELT appears in the middle of the room.]
  164. [10:38] CPP: [TRAPDOOR OPENED!]
  165. [10:38] CAC: >Take belt
  166. [10:38] CAC: >Heal as needed
  167. [10:38] CPP: [You take THE BELT. "Speed up"]
  168. [10:38] CPP: [You haven't taken any damage.]
  169. [10:38] CUC: >If at less than full heatlh, take hearts
  170. [10:38] CUC: >Take trapdoor.
  171. [10:38] CPP: [You enter the TRAPDOOR.]
  172. [10:39] CPP: [You lie in limbo, crying. Memories flash around you.]
  173. [10:39] CPP: [You hear your MOTHER talking to something. Perhaps she is on the phone.]
  174. [10:39] CPP: ["Yes... I don't know if it's safe... Oh, haven't you heard? There's some sort of threat looming around... Computers and technology are being attacked... I want to make sure Isaac is cut off from the evils of the world! Whatever the news is talking about, about this man who can do these things... I don't want him being a part of it...]
  175. [10:39] CPP: [BASEMENT II]
  176. [10:40] CPP: [There is a 2x1 tall door to the NORTH and a regular door to the SOUTH.]
  177. [10:40] ?GG: ...shit
  178. [10:41] CPP: [> ...\
  179. [10:41] CPP: * [> ...]
  180. [10:41] ?GG: >go south
  181. [10:41] CPP: [You enter the door to the SOUTH.]
  182. [10:42] CAC: Gtgh
  183. [10:42] CAC ceased responding to memo.
  184. [10:42] CPP: [There is a circular formation of ROCKS in the middle of the room with gaps at the edges of the formation. There is a ROCK in the center of formation. Some GAPERS inside the formation begin to walk towards you.]
  185. [10:43] CPP: [The GAPERS are defeated. Some turn into GUSHERS, but they too are defeated. The room is cleared without taking any damage.]
  186. [10:43] CPP: [A BOMB spawns in the room.]
  187. [10:44] CPP: [There is a normal door at the WEST and a spiked door at the EAST.]
  188. [10:44] CPP: [You still have 3 HEART CONTAINERS.]
  189. [10:44] CPP: ((AU, UC?))
  190. [10:45] ?GG: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  191. [10:45] ?GG: >Go east
  192. [10:45] CPP: [You enter the CURSE ROOM. You take .5 DAMAGE while doing so.]
  193. [10:45] CPP: [Inside are two RED CHESTS.]
  194. [10:46] ?GG: >Open chests
  195. [10:46] CPP: [You open them both.]
  196. [10:47] CPP: [One spawns two RED SPIDERS, the other two TROLL BOMBS. The SPIDERS are dispatched quickly; the TROLL BOMBS are avoided.]
  197. [10:47] ?GG: >Exit
  198. [10:48] CPP: [You exit. You take .5 DAMAGE while doing so.]
  199. [10:48] CPP: [You have 2/3 HEART CONTAINERS. There is still a BOMB on the ground. The door to the west leads to a 2x2 room. The door to the NORTH leads back to spawn.]
  200. [10:49] ?GG: >Pick up bomb
  201. [10:49] CPP: [You take 1 BOMB.]
  202. [10:49] ?GG: >go west
  203. [10:49] CPP: [You enter the WEST DOOR.]
  204. [10:50] CPP: [There are small formations of ROCKS at the edges of the room. In the middle is a group of GAPERS, GUSHERS, and FROWNING GAPERS.]
  205. [10:51] CPP: [The room is cleared without taking damage. Nothing drops.]
  206. [10:52] CPP: [There is a door on the EAST portion of the SOUTH WALL as well as the DOOR you came from, which is on the NORTH portion of the EAST WALL.]
  207. [10:52] ?GG: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  208. [10:53] CPP: [You go through the SOUTH DOOR.]
  209. [10:54] CPP: [A curvy line of ROCKS stretches across the room, with some gaps in the formation. A singular CLOTTY and two ATTACK FLIES spawn in the middle.]
  210. [10:54] CPP: [The room is beaten without taking any damage. There is a skull door to the SOUTH. A PENNY spawns on the ground.]
  211. [10:54] CPP: [You have not found the TREASURE ROOM yet.]
  212. [10:55] CPP: [Do you wish to backtrack to unexplored areas or fight the BOSS?]
  213. [10:55] ?GG: backtrack
  214. [10:55] ?GG: anyways fnaf world!
  215. [10:55] CPP: [You backtrack to the start of the floor.]
  216. [10:55] ?GG: isn't it beautiful
  217. [10:55] ?GG: kek
  218. [10:55] CPP: [You go through the NORTH DOOR, which leads to a 2x1 tall room.]
  219. [10:56] CPP: [A group of ROCKS is in the middle of the room. Standing in the middle of the room are a BABY LONG LEGS and a SMALL BABY LONG LEGS.]
  220. [10:57] CPP: [The room is cleared. You take .5 DAMAGE due to a SPIDER. You now have 1.5 HEART CONTAINERS.]
  221. [10:58] CPP: [A KEY spawns on the ground.]
  222. [10:58] CPP: [There is a normal door at the SOUTHWEST and the NORTHEAST.]
  223. [11:00] CPP: ((do you want to stop and keep going later))
  224. [11:01] ?GG: ye
  225. [11:02] CPP: ((alright))
  226. [11:02] CPP: (())
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