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Nov 19th, 2017
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  2. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  3. hi
  4. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  5. Hello
  6. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  7. how are you?
  8. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  9. Decent you?
  10. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  11. meh
  12. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  13. What can I do for you
  14. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  15. well i'd ask for a roleplay but i'm probably not that lucky
  16. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  17. What do you mean
  18. As in a 1 on 1?
  19. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  20. yeah
  21. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  22. if you don't mind that is?
  23. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  24. Hm
  25. Possibly
  26. In class rn soo
  27. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  28. i'm Melissa and i'm mentally handicapped
  29. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  30. Ah
  31. I'm Tyler
  32. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  33. nice to meet you
  34. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  35. Nice to meet you as well
  36. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  37. i was nervous to message you
  38. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  39. You should've have been
  40. Shouldn't**
  41. All the staff at six clover are friendly I assure you
  42. As is the server as a whole
  43. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  44. even for someone like me?
  45. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  46. The owner is autistic, we have several others
  47. I assure you. You will be accepted
  48. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  49. that's one worry down
  50. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  51. You shouldn't worry at all here!
  52. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  53. well i'm worried i won't find someone to roleplay while i wait on my friends
  54. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  55. I'll try but my classes keep me tied down for the next bit
  56. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  57. do you mind a roleplay about my current celebrity crush Alan Jackson?
  58. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  59. Huh?
  60. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  61. him he's a country singer
  63. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  64. What do you mean
  65. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  66. about what?
  67. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  68. What kind of rp are you asking for?
  69. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  70. a bit of a romance thing
  71. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  72. I understand but like, how so, do you want me playing him or?
  73. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  74. yes him
  75. i hope you don't mind?
  76. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  77. I don't feel comfortable doing that for a multitude of reasons
  78. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  79. it's not a sex thing i skip the sex scenes
  80. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  81. I am aware
  82. But I also don't know the man at all, as I don't listen to his music. I also have issues with trying to impersonate someone for the sake of rp
  83. As well as in execution
  84. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  85. you don't have to know him i can tell you what you need to know ok?
  86. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  87. I personally prefer to keep to my own made characters.
  88. I apologize but I don't feel as if this will work.
  89. I hope you understand
  90. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  91. i just wish people would give things a try for my sake
  92. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  93. I am sorry
  94. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  95. that's ok
  96. Dresden Ondava - 11/08/2017
  97. I hope you understand
  98. Melissa - 11/08/2017
  99. it's fine
  100. November 13, 2017
  101. Melissa - Last Monday at 8:19 AM
  102. hey
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