
Jebaition Nation Pixelmon 802 Server

Jul 17th, 2020
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  1. Interested in joining Polar's modded Minecraft Pixelmon server? Well here's a whole "How to" guide for setup!
  2. The server is completely open to anyone to join, no white-list or anything. Feel free to invite anyone you want!
  3. Join the Discord server to get access to the Minecraft chat to talk with your fellow users on the server! You'll also be upto date on any server maintenance that may occur.
  4. Discord server: https://discord.gg/T5GTpbj
  7. 1. Download MultiMC and install/unzip it to a secure location. MultiMC Download: "https://files.multimc.org/downloads/mmc-stable-win32.zip"
  9. 2. Log into MultiMC using your Minecraft/Mojang account.
  11. 3. Click "Add Instance" at the top, go to "Import from zip" and in the "http://" address, post this link: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0jo8yjna2c9q5gg/Jebaition-Nation-Pixelmon-802-v1.0.zip?dl=0" then click "OK" to install.
  12. (OPTIONAL): Included in the .zip file is a file named "pixelmon_icon.png", you can use that image to change the icon of the installed Modpack in MultiMC
  14. 4. Once installed, just double click and you're ready to go.
  15. (OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED): Before you launch the game, right click on "Jebaition-Nation-Pixelmon-802-v1.0" and click "Edit Instance" one it opens, click on "Settings" and check the little box that says "Memory". It is highly recommended that you use 4096MB+ to play the mod-pack. The minimum requirement to run the mod-pack is 2048MB. Next I also reccomend checking "Java arguments", removing whatever is listed there and using these arguments instead: "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M"
  17. 5. Once the game is open, click on the "Multiplayer" tab and the server should be there. If not, you can direct connect using the IP: "jebaition-nation.serveminecraft.net:25565"
  19. If you're having RAM trouble, you can also try following this guide on Reddit to try and get some more performance!
  20. https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/as6p87/java_vms_and_you_how_to_reduce_your_ram_and_cpu/
  22. Have fun and I hope you invite all your friends to come play!
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