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  1. Monster Girl City College Panty Raid Guide.
  3. Introduction
  5. If you have received this, then you are enrolling in MGCC next year and have become the best candidate for the new leader of the Panty Raid Club. Monster Girl panty raiding is an ancient and honored tradition. During the day you may suffer flirting and rape, but by night you exact revenge. Any form of violent coercion doesn't seem to affect most Monster Girls. So the best way to humiliate them was to steal their underwear. It's a sign of weakness to them and makes them feel uncomfortable and timid. Effectively taming them until they get more underwear.
  7. This is a guide compiling a list of all the different Monster Girl dorms, often one for each species, and how to successfully pull of a panty heist, based on information gathered last year. The list will be alphabetical. It will feature a difficulty rating of 1 to 10 stars. Where 1 star is where they will be practically giving them away and 10 stars is something that should not be tempted without a lot of planning, practice and praying. Also included for each dorm will be a list of extra necessary tools, outside of standard items like lock-picks, rope and so on.
  9. Another note is that our last heist of our year went horribly wrong, and this guide fell into the hands of the College Dean. Luckily (thanks to a member in our group, who's grandfather was a Paladin) we were able to enchant the guide in a way that stopped her from destroying it. That hasn't stopped her from scattering the pages across the campus. Waiting to be found. We can only hope that you can recover them in your year.
  11. Always be vigilant for the Dean, the staff and the Campus Security. As your raids continue, they will try harder to put a stop to you.
  13. It's always best to start with easier dorms and work your way up. As you can probably imagine the consequences for a failed panty heist. Good luck, and good raiding.
  15. PAGE 1
  19. Rating: ☆☆☆☆
  21. Extra Tools: -Unwashed clothes (The more, the better)
  22. -Unwashed Male Volunteer as bait.
  24. You may have seen Akaname on campus already, often hanging outside male bathrooms and changing rooms. If you've paid attention during your MG Encyclopedia classes in High School. Then you'll know they have a fixation on 'cleaning' men with their tongues.
  25. Their dorm room is nothing special, though many Akaname students have their own collection of used clothing from male students, some of which you may recognize as your own.
  26. Akaname can have a very keen sense for smelling out men, while this would normally make raiding next to impossible to do without being detected. Luckily it is also their weakness.
  27. Previous heists have been possible by dumping a pile of used clothes on the dorm's doorstep, or a remote corner of the building.
  28. Another tactic is, if there's someone brave enough, having someone not wash for several days to act as bait.
  29. Both tactics are ways to overload their senses, so that the raiding party's presence goes unnoticed.
  30. The raiding party itself of course should be as clean as possible, firm scrubbing to remove as much 'filth' as possible. (Remember to scrub behind the ears and under the nails). You won't be able to get rid of it all and you will most likely sweat during the heist, but it helps your chances of the bait working considerably.
  31. After waiting for the bait to be taken (it should draw away the majority of the Akaname, seeing as how they can't physically resist) make a move on their clothing drawers, being careful to not exert yourself too much, to avoid sweating.
  32. There are many cases of raids failing due to the raiding party exerting themselves too much and giving off a scent that eventually overpowers the bait. Akaname luckily don't feature any superhuman strength or magic other than their longue tongue. So it's possible to fight off any retaliation that might incur, provided you don't become too isolated or outnumbered.
  33. If you do manage to be caught however, you'll probably be used as the dorm's 'Salt lick' for a good while.
  34. If successful you'll come away with the Akaname's sticky and transparent panties.
  35. In conclusion, this heist is difficult to pull off. Requiring you to act fast, especially during a hot summer. However Akaname aren't much of a threat, making it somewhat safer than most.
  38. PAGE 2
  40. ALICE
  42. Rating: ☆☆
  44. Extra Tools: -Wererabbit volunteer
  46. The Alice dorm is fairly out of the way, being quite small as there are not many of them on campus. They're completely submissive and like a Dormouse rely on forcing a man to make the move.
  47. For this reason, all members of the raid need to stay in observation of each other and in a position where the others can subdue them. While it normally takes a while for an Alice to lure a man, there are cases of it happening rapidly, members abandoning the raid to go rape an Alice.
  48. While this isn't enough to put an end to the operation, it can lead to some awkward moments for their victims. Waking up in the pink frilly bed with someone who has the appearance of a child is concerning for some people.
  49. Alices might protest at their panties being taken from them, but they will do little to stop it. Maybe yelling out that 'Onii-chan is a pervert!' and such.
  50. If for whatever reason the heist is still too difficult to pull off (Sometimes campus security will step up a little and make things harder) getting a Wererabbit to help distract the Alices is a good way to avoid being undetected completely.
  51. Alices really like Wererabbits for some reason.
  52. If successful you'll come away with the Alice's cute, childish underwear.
  53. In conclusion, the Alice dorm is not a bad place to start, risk is low and so is the difficulty. It makes for a good team-building exercise, having to rely on each other to stop themselves from being lured by an Alice.
  55. PAGE 3
  57. ALP
  59. Rating: ☆
  61. Extra Tools: None
  63. There is truly no dorm easier to steal panties from, than the Alp dorm. They practically give them away, insisting they don't mind. If caught stealing they'll actually be flattered and will see it as a sign of reaching womanhood.
  64. Some raiders may find raiding them questionable, as their gender will generally be up in the air, so it might be difficult to get them to follow along, oath or not.
  65. The Alp dorm is perfect to practice on, there are no consequences for being caught, however they might bat their eyelashes and try to flirt with you.
  66. They're too submissive to put up any resistance and aren't physically strong either. Don't expect them to report to campus security either.
  67. There's even cases of novice raiders struggling to find panties, falling to the ground about to give up, when an Alp would approach them shyly and give them a pair so they 'don't feel bad'.
  68. Truly it is very hard to fuck up an Alp dorm raid.
  69. If successful you'll come away with the Alp's varying panties, boxers or even hilarious training bras.
  70. In conclusion, this is a perfect dorm to start with and a good way to practice technique for later, harder dorms.
  72. PAGE 4
  76. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  78. Extra Tools: -Gas masks or Scuba Gear
  80. The Alraune dorm lies in the Plant Girl area. A collection of large greenhouses with just the right humidity and temperature for the Plant Girls to relax in.
  81. They need wheelchairs and such to move around campus, but they shouldn't be underestimated, their dorms are their home turf which they are very good at defending.
  82. First things first. Alraune continually put out a powerful fragrance that men cannot resist. Outside the greenhouse it is often benign and barely noticeable.
  83. However inside the greenhouse, it's very concentrated, the instant the air inside is inhaled it will take effect.
  84. Obviously this means that respiratory protection is mandatory, whether from gas masks, or scuba gear with oxygen tanks. This should not be attempted without them unless you can hold you breath for one hour.
  85. Once everyone is inside, navigation can be tricky, as everything is covered in plants. It wasn't even sure if they even had panties to steal until a brave member in '05 managed to confirm.
  86. The best advantage you have is that Alraune are heavy sleepers and are immobile.
  87. In the event of a gas mask failing or being removed, another 2 members are to restrain and remove him from the dorm. Both for his own good and to prevent alerting the Alraune.
  88. In the event of an Alraune awakening, it's strongly recommended to abort. They control strong vines capable of binding and incapcitating men and removing their masks.
  89. If the raiding party acts quickly, ensnared victims can be freed if everyone helps, the vines are strong, but not impossible to remove.
  90. An active Alraune dorm is not too difficult to escape from, provided you keep out of the proximity of the Alraune students.
  91. Should you allow them time to slowly, but surely, block the exits then the raid has failed.
  92. If you do manage to be caught, you'll end up as involuntary dakimura and the fragrance may hypnotize you, causing you to help them get around campus until it wears off.
  93. If successful you'll come away with the Alraune's unique panties, maid entirely out of entwining vines, flowers and leaves. Very pretty to look at, and they don't decompose like most plant matter.
  94. In conclusion, The Alraune dorm is a challenge and requires no fuck ups. As long as the respiratory protection holds and the Alraune are not awakened, it's easy to pull off. You may get lost in the interior jungle, but be patient, don't rush and you'll be fine.
  96. PAGE 5
  100. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  102. Extra Tools: -A fast-talking con-artist
  104. The Amazoness dorm is quite large and holds more than one tribe within it's walls. These tribes compete with one another during campus activities on occasion to keep themselves strong.
  105. As you might imagine, Amazoness are faster, stronger and larger than the average man. Combined with all sorts of martial experience, it's very difficulty to go toe-to-toe with them.
  106. Even as a group, one Amazoness will be a challenge to subdue, so obviously they are to be avoided at all costs. The best thing is to run away.
  107. The Amazoness are alert and light sleepers, making a raid very difficult and the threat very high.
  108. A lot of Amazoness dorm raids in the past have not gone well, the Amazoness are just too cunning. Not to mention the 'victory snu-snu' they perform with any caught raiders, many tragically spending weeks in the infirmary afterwards.
  109. In rare cases, some raids have gone without a hitch. In these cases a convincing person in your raiding party might be able to find a way to play the different tribes against one another.
  110. One such case far back in '84. One such member casually mentioned that the Iron Thighs tribe can only defeat men after their loss to the Red Chest tribe in a recent football match.
  111. This progressed until an all out tribal brawl broke out in the campus, and in the confusion the raiders were able to make off with a good haul.
  112. If successful you'll come away with the Amazoness's generously sized loincloths, often adorned in tribal markings or accented with beads.
  113. In conclusion, unless you have an opportunity to cause friction between the tribes, an Amazoness dorm raid will be very difficulty and would only be recommended to the experts or the very brave.
  115. PAGE 6
  117. ANGEL
  119. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  121. Extra Tools: -Flight assistance
  122. -Become 'pure of heart'
  124. If you haven't found the Angel dorm on campus yet, you can hardly be blamed, the dorm itself resides on top of a heavenly cloud high above the college.
  125. For most it has always been out of reach. Which is why you need some form of air transport to reach it. Whether you hire a helicopter or persuade a Monster Girl to give you a lift.
  126. Once you reach the cloud you will notice that the door will not open to those who are not 'pure of heart'. What this is, is debatable, technically no raider should be able to set foot in it. After all, we ARE stealing underwear.
  127. However certain individuals (often very dense members) will be able to pass through without trouble. From that point on, they are alone to walk the calm, extravagant halls.
  128. Angels aren't particularly strong or very alert. They rarely get intruders who make it this far so there's a very strong element of surprise. If you listen closely to their conversations you might even learn what Heaven itself is like.
  129. Should you be caught however, the Angels can call upon miracles and divine magic to stop you. Claiming you were lost obviously won't work, and god help you if you have panties in your possession.
  130. If caught, you won't be raped, rather you'll be punished for being a panty stealing thief, it's best to repent as soon as you get the opportunity. They will show mercy if you do it convincingly.
  131. This will also happens to be good practice for breaking into Heaven sometime in the future, maybe to see old family members?
  132. If successful you'll come away with the Angel's incredibly rare, celestial underwear. Light as a feather, always a perfect white sheen that emits golden rays.
  133. In conclusion, this is a legendary heist that is rarely pulled off. While the threat level isn't high, the difficulty is. Unless you can find someone 'pure of heart' as well as a mode of transport it will be impossible, but an Angel's panties is a trophy worthy of any cabinet you will agree.
  135. PAGE 7
  139. Rating: ☆☆☆☆
  141. Extra Tools: -Spelunking equipment
  142. -Giant Ant aid
  144. Ant Arachne share the same dorm with Giant Ants, a sprawling underground tunnel system that is surprisingly well-furnished.
  145. Ant Arachne are generally college bums, where the Giant Ants might be working towards some sort of construction or engineering degree, Ant Arachne are just there to get laid.
  146. They rarely leave the dorm, skipping most classes and lectures, holding onto whatever frat boy is being passed around the dorm at the current time.
  147. Under normal circumstances, raiding the dorm would be tricky, with winding tunnels and vigilant Giant Ants
  148. However it's no secret that Giant Ants don't share any love for their lazy Arachne cousins. Who just freeload and hog the men.
  149. Hence it can be easily arranged for them to turn a blind eye, while you find the Ant Arachne part of the dorm.
  150. Once located and assuming they're asleep, it should be fairly easy to steal the goods. Being lazy and heavy sleepers.
  151. (You may be tempted to cut loose some of the men, who will look at you with pleading eyes hoping to be rescued, but know that doing so means only causing them to change hands. The Giant Ants will allow you to take Ant Arachne panties to humiliate them, but not leave with their men. Escaping with captives will elevate the danger rating considerably, and the protection granted by the Giant Ants will be void, meaning the raiding party will be open game. This is not a decision to be made lightly and on the spot.)
  152. Meanwhile, Ant Arachne when active can be quite a threat, not as deadly as an Arachne, but they're physically stronger than men and able to subdue victims with silk.
  153. They aim to immobilize and disarm men's limbs with a lower quality but very strong silk and while lazy, when an entire group of men comes all the way to them, they'll hardly pass on the opportunity.
  154. If alerted, it's best to retreat into the relative safety of the Giant Ant section.
  155. If caught, it can be days or even weeks before you're finally let out of the Ant Arachne's clutches and the marathon of sex can easily break a man.
  156. If successful you'll come away with the Ant Arachne's rough, but strong spider silk panties, often worn multiple times before a newer pair is woven due to their laziness.
  157. In conclusion, think of an Ant Arachne raid as an easier Giant Ant raid, it's difficult to mess up with the Giant Ant's help, but getting caught is a heavy price to pay for the victims.
  159. PAGE 8
  161. ANUBIS
  163. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  165. Extra Tools: None
  167. If you've walked a bit around campus, you may have noticed the gated area, which is some kind of 'Little Egypt'. Here, all the dorms for Egyptian MGs can be found.
  168. The Pharaohs and their families paid for everything beyond the gates and the Anubi serve as their right hands.
  169. The Anubis dorm is the 2nd largest and is quite a sight, adorned with hieroglyphs and blue and gold. It's very pretty to look at.
  170. It should be noted that the Anubis are very strict. If you have one in one of your lectures you can tell they're a bit of a control freak.
  171. Once you've reached the dorm after getting past any Sphinx guards, navigation should be easy, the Anubi keep everything tidy and ordered, however they're both incredibly smart and vigilant.
  172. If they know a raid is coming, things can be very difficult. They might not even wait for you to start, marching up to you in the campus and taking you away for just suspicion.
  173. While in public Anubi act in a refined, serious manner. In private they're actually very kinky and quite depraved, the male student 'laborers' working for them as a part-time job are sexually harassed and played with on a regular basis.
  174. If caught you will be expected to work for the Pharaoh as punishment for trespassing and theft. Part of this means wearing nothing but a linen loincloth, cleaning the dorms, the exterior of the area and massages for any high-ranking Egyptian MGs.
  175. The worst offenders will be assigned to 'dick throne' duty. Where you'll be tied to a chair and used by any passing Anubis as some kind of living dildo. A sacred tradition apparently.
  176. It's also known that Anubi practice curse magic. While they won't use it in public, in the dorm they won't hesitate to afflict you with the 'mummy's curse'. Which can make you vulnerable in whatever interrogation they might have planned. They will expect the names of other members, don't expect them to release you if you give them either.
  177. If there's one weakness to these uptight Wolf Girls. It's that they don't have much in the way of superhuman strength, they may have good reflexes, but if you take them by surprise you'll find they're easily overpowered.
  178. If successful you'll come away with any king of lewd underwear the Anubi wear under their clothes. Such as a thin black thong tied to an ankh.
  179. In conclusion, the Anubi are smart, almost too smart. They won't hold back on any 'thieves' either. There's no real way to sway them from their duty. You need to rely on stealth almost purely.
  181. PAGE 9
  183. APOPHIS
  185. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  187. Extra Tools: -Aid of the Pharaohs.
  189. The Apophis dorm can be seen as a rival sorority to the Pharaoh dorm. Where they live in some composite version of the Egyptian dorms. Right across the street actually.
  190. This makes the raid even more dangerous as within the walls exists corrupt Egyptian MGs, all lewder and more corrupt versions of their counterparts.
  191. Whether it's the Anubi, Sphinxes, Sandworms and more. They are all much more of a threat if you find yourself captured.
  192. Support can be gained from the Pharaohs if you come to them claiming that you will steal the Apophis' panties and humiliate them with her aid and blessing.
  193. Here a temporary alliance can be made and the MGs of the Pharaoh's kingdom will do battle with the MGs of the Apophis' kingdom. At least until campus security comes over and breaks it up.
  194. This will provide enough of a distraction, and will lighten the Apophis dorm's security.
  195. The dorm itself is very impressive, a temple to hedonism and depravity, braziers burn with purple flames and just being inside has an unnerving effect.
  196. If you should run into an Apophis you must do everything to avoid being bitten. They possess an unholy strength and speed, but their venom is extremely potent and can even change a man into an incubus.
  197. Such a fate should be avoided at all costs, be careful and patient, if the battle is causing enough of a distraction you should have a strong element of surprise.
  198. If caught, you'll likely become another addition to the Apophis' harem, catering to their whims as they go about their malicious schemes to overthrow the Pharaohs of the rival sorority.
  199. It should also be noted that if you fail to obtain panties, but escape unscathed, the Pharaohs will be very displeased. Having put their subjects at risk, they will say something along the lines of 'You have failed me for the last time'. Before coming up with a suitable punishment, one of which might be handing you over to the Apophis' and their ilk.
  200. You have one shot at this, make it count.
  201. If successful you'll come away with panties made of the finest silk, inlaid with silver and incredibly valuable gems, it could be sold and pay for your student loans for years, but as a trophy it's even more invaluable. The Pharaoh will allow you to keep them, they can be trusted to honor your agreement.
  202. In conclusion, going for the Apophis means an assault on their kingdom. This is an 'end all' raid. Something to end the year with. Alliances need to be made and the raiding party should be highly experienced at this point. There's no going back after this has started.
  204. PAGE 10
  206. ARACHNE
  208. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  210. Extra Tools: -Fire source
  212. The Arachne dorm looks normal on the outside, but the interior is lined with all sorts of sticky web and silk.
  213. The exterior of the dorm features no obstacles, but once inside through either a window or boldly through the front door, the challenge begins.
  214. You need to watch your step, if you become stuck in a web, the others can help pull you out. Being Stuck alone however will be a struggle to escape.
  215. Arachne are both cunning and strong and if active will be able to outmaneuver you in the web-lined interior.
  216. Luckily they avoid fire, whether it's a lantern or a lighter, just a small amount will make them hesitate.
  217. Best to be careful not to set fire to the dorm, we're panty raiders, not serial arsonists.
  218. It might not be surprising if any members with Arachnophobia aren't up for this raid. This is only fair, as Arachnophobia is a massive turn on for Arachne that might catch them.
  219. If active, Arachne will try to ensnare and immobilize you with web, which they handle with ease. It's possible to ward them off with fire while you free the ensnared member, but they will form a circle around you.
  220. Should the fire go out, immediately run and don't look back, it will take too long to free ensnared members. It's hard, but you will have to leave them behind. Escape immediately.
  221. If caught, it's best to not struggle, seeing you struggle only turns them on and fuels their sadism. They enjoy toying with their prey. You will have to spend many days tied in silk and experiencing very rough sex.
  222. If successful you'll come away with spider-silk panties, which are very delicate and light as a feather made with the care of an Artisan.
  223. In conclusion, Arachne dorm raids aren't to difficult if you're able to deter them with fire. However the threat is quite high, as Arachne play rough, especially with 'little flies caught in their web'.
  225. PAGE 11
  227. ARCH IMP
  229. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
  231. Extra tools: -Childish distraction
  233. The Arch Imp dorm exists within the Demonic Monster Girl section, and obviously, should not be mistaken for regular Imps.
  234. Arch Imps are far more powerful, even more than Succubi when it comes to magic, they're more of a threat than they look.
  235. Reaching the dorm should be no real problem, as the exterior is not guarded by them.
  236. Once you've snuck inside, you need to keep track of several things.
  237. First, Arch Imps are able to charm men through magic very easily, if someone is charmed he needs to be restrained and removed until it wears off.
  238. This is more potent than say, an Alice's charm, the victim is capable of attacking you if the Arch Imp orders him too.
  239. Secondly, Arch Imps just like Imps, will act like children and will be distracted by anything that would distract a child.
  240. This means something like an ice cream, lollipop or maybe a kitten will hold their attention and they might even forget about you.
  241. Arch Imps are physically weak however, if you can take one by surprise and subdue it, it should no longer be a threat. It all depends on whether you let it cast magic or not.
  242. If caught you will be at their mercy, along with the obvious rape that will follow, their charm magic will pour into you and make you an unwilling playmate.
  243. If successful you'll come away with the petit, demonically-tainted panties. Which need to be cleaned of any residual demonic magic in order to be safe.
  244. In conclusion, the Arch Imp dorm is of course more difficult than the Imp dorm to raid. If you've practiced raiding the Alice dorm, then this can be seen as a harder, more advanced raid.
  246. PAGE 12
  250. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  252. Extra tools: -Help of their older brothers
  254. The leaders of the Sabbath and demons, greater demons with unholy strength and great magic power.
  255. Baphomet are incredibly powerful despite their appearance and their dorm lies deep within the campus 'realm' of the Lilim along with all the Imps and Succubi.
  256. If the raid group is very brave, or very foolish. You can sneak past any Demonic MGs hanging around outside and enter the terrifying dorm.
  257. Once inside there are a few things to remember.
  258. First is that Baphomet regularly host Cult Parties. Where Witch and male members of the Sabbath convene to commit depraved acts.
  259. This can be helpful as it might hold the Baphomet's attention, though they might detect your presence in the dorm anyway, like a candle at night to them.
  260. Second, some of the Baphomet have already found their 'Big Brothers' men who they adore. If they can be convinced to help you, they can always provide more of a distraction. Seeing their Big Brothers come visit them at campus makes them incredibly happy and very occupied.
  261. If the Baphomet spot you, it's likely over. Their unholy strength and speed means you can't fight them and their magic is almost limitless, the dorm itself might shift and mutate to resemble hell itself as you run through the corridors, never to find the exit. Escape is impossible at this point.
  262. If caught you will be either dragged to the current Cult party, where you'll be passed around between Witches and other Demons. Or you will be taken up to one of their bedrooms and raped. The result of either has a high chance of turning a man into a lolicon.
  263. If successful you'll come away with tiny childlike, panties tainted heavily with demonic magic. Said to drive anyone exposed to it for too long to lolicon acts. Hence it should be sealed somewhere safe. A frightening trophy that has a presence long after it has been stolen.
  264. In conclusion, the difficulty is relentless. You need to be undetected and the Baphomet need to be distracted. If either of these fail, you are doomed. The fate of failing is a gruesome one, broken until you become a mindless Cult follower, or a Baphomet's lolicon-addicted plaything. This is not a recommended raid.
  266. PAGE 13
  270. Rating: ☆☆
  272. Extra tools: -Nose pegs
  274. A strange, new addition to the plant section of campus, Barometz have their own dorm like any other Plant Monster Girl and like most they are close to immobile.
  275. Both inside and outside of their dorm, they give off an attractive fragrance. While this fragrance does nothing to the mind, it is still very nice.
  276. The smell of the scent has been debated frequently. Barometz either produce their own flavor, or they produce a flavor that can attract anyone and is different to each person. The dorm is still new, so maybe you'll be the one to come up with a definitive answer?
  277. Of course inside the dorm, the scent is stronger, but still not much of a threat. As long as you resist and make sure other raiders do the same, you will be fine.
  278. You might also invest in ways to block your nose, either pegs, a mask or just pinching it shut. If only to keep you focused.
  279. Barometz can do little to stop you, even if they manage to catch you. They might protest and try to shuffle over, but they are physically weak and possess no magic.
  280. However, should a member not be able to resist the scent and goes so far as to enter the Barometz's fruit. It is exceedingly difficult to remove him and puts others at risk of becoming stuck as well.
  281. The flesh of the fruit is rubbery and thick and any kind of escape attempt results in them bouncing back and forth between the Barometz, accidentally copulating with them in most cases.
  282. If caught, you'll find yourself paired with a Barometz for quite a while and may even begin to become addicted to the juice they produce.
  283. If successful you'll come away with wool panties, stained heavily in the Barometz's juices. Giving of a powerful, pleasing scent.
  284. In conclusion, Raiding the Barometz dorm is exceedingly easy and unless someone WANTS to be caught, there's little to no risk as well. An easy starting raid, maybe even good practice for some of the more dangerous plant dorms, like Alraune.
  286. PAGE 14
  290. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  292. Extra tools: -Fly repellent
  293. -Cleaniness
  294. -Bait
  296. Another addition to the Demonic MG area, Beelzebub are numerous and quite dangerous, not afraid to attack a man in public if his scent is strong enough.
  297. The Beelzebub dorm can be considered a harder version of the Akaname dorm. As while it's difficult to say who's sense of smell is strongest, the Beelzebub are a lot more of a threat.
  298. The Beelzebub dorm is hard to miss, it's effectively a garbage dump. Containing discarded clothes, food, drink and unfortunate frat boys who didn't remember to shower.
  299. The prerequisite for any Beelzebub raid is to wash yourselves thoroughly, to again hide as much of your scent as possible to increase your chances.
  300. Again like with the Akaname, bait is necessary, Human bait may be too cruel though. Since the Beelzebub will continue to torment him long after the raid and are difficult to shake off.
  301. Which brings us to the next point. Beelzebub possess an unholy speed, which they use to both avoid any attacks and to tackle their victims at high speed to knock them down.
  302. It is very difficult to shake them off if they've spotted you and they will dive-bomb you the moment you allow an opening. As a group you might be able to protect each other, but you will be outnumbered eventually.
  303. For this reason, surprisingly , fly repellent seems to work on them. They'll recoil at the smell and while it won't protect you forever it will buy time to safely escape.
  304. If caught, you'll be passed around between the many Beelzebub in the dorm. Even if you escape at that point, they'll easily track you down. While they might not drag you back, they will buzz around you relentlessly for days or weeks.
  305. If successful you'll come away with The Beelzebub panties which are quite pungent, dark in color and usually adorned with a cute little skull on the front.
  306. In conclusion, this is a raid you don't want to be caught in, while it's not disastrous. Beelzebub will hound you for a while and are hard to avoid. Practice on Akaname first before this.
  308. PAGE 15
  310. BICORN
  312. Rating: ☆☆☆
  314. Extra tools: None
  316. As you may know Bicorns are Unicorns that had sex with a non-virgin, or their husbands cheated on them.
  317. While the Unicorns are pure, the Bicorns are the opposite and are incredibly lustful.
  318. This does not mean they are dangerous however. While Bicorn might wield magic and be quite imposing in size, they do not assault men, they only tempt them.
  319. The Bicorn dorm is a polar opposite of the Unicorn dorm. Which is appropriate because they're on the opposite side of a road on campus.
  320. Needless to say they have no love for each other, but do not think you can extend an olive branch to the Unicorns for help in your raid. They would only find the act of stealing panties repulsive.
  321. The Bicorn dorm is easy to enter and it's easy to hear Bicorn coming. They do not shy away from group sex, so they may be taking part in that and will allow you to slip by unnoticed.
  322. If spotted, they will turn on their charm, which is surprisingly difficult to resist. They can be very lewd and depraved. So restraining other raiders may be necessary.
  323. If 'caught' you'll find yourself indulging in an orgy with other Monster Girls as well as Bicorn, this can be dangerous if one of the Lilim themselves decides to attend.
  324. If successful you'll come away with the Bicorn's black leather erotic underwear, both the bras and the panties are very pretty to look at.
  325. In conclusion, the Bicorn can be considered a 'passive' Monster Girl, not capable of rape and not a major threat. The raid itself should hence be easy. However, ending up in one of their orgies can be very dangerous depending on the guests.
  327. PAGE 16
  331. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  333. Extra tools: -climbing gear
  334. -Quiet flight assistance
  336. Black Harpies look similar to Harpies in size and shape, but the similarities end there.
  337. Black Harpies are more aggressive, more cunning and take after magpies in that they like to steal things. Obviously they all have jet black feathers.
  338. Their dorm lies in a small section for Avian Monster Girls. All of these dorms are effectively large tree houses or giant nests.
  339. Therefore the raiding party will need to either climb up the tree or obtain flight assistance that is quiet enough to not disturb them, such as a Monster Girl with flight.
  340. Once inside you'll find many trinkets and shiny things among the discarded black feathers. Feel free to help yourselves to these, as they were probably stolen anyhow.
  341. While Black Harpies show kindness towards their husbands and families, strange men breaking into their dorm to steal their underwear will get no such treatment.
  342. If spotted they will throw themselves at you in a flurry of talons in an attempt to wound or subdue you. They do not place nice.
  343. They will also alert the rest of the Black Harpies with a screech. Where at that point it's recommended to commence your escape.
  344. If you came up by climbing, descending with Black Harpies dive-bombing you can be very difficult, if a Monster Girl flew you there however, escape will be much safer.
  345. If caught you'll likely be roughed up a bit and interrogated. The Black Harpies will decide what to do with you as a community. Usually the answer is letting any Black Harpy in the dorm have her way with you.
  346. If successful you'll come away with black lace panties, lain with downy black feathers for comfort.
  347. In conclusion, the Black Harpies cannot be outsmarted as easily as normal Harpies and their punishment of intruders is not pretty. Yet reacquiring stolen loot on the side is nice and stealth is not too difficult as long as you're careful.
  349. PAGE 17
  351. BLUE ONI
  353. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  355. Extra tools: None
  357. The Blue Oni dorm lies within the Demonic MG section, alongside the Red Oni dorm, who they get along with well and regularly throw drinking parties together.
  358. The Blue Oni are more calm, reasonable and intelligent than Red Oni, and don't forcibly rape men. However that is only true when they are sober.
  359. When drunk they become incredibly lewd and any reason and restraint leaves them entirely. The more drunk they are, the worse this gets.
  360. It's up to you whether to raid the dorm when they're drunk or sober.
  361. If sober they'll be a bit more on their feet, but their lack of lust means punishment might just be a stern talking to and a grope at your crotch before throwing you out.
  362. If drunk they'll probably be too engaged in their drinking, often with Red Oni visitors, and therefore should you be caught there will be no restraint and the following drunken group rape will not be gentle.
  363. Their dorm is surprisingly tidy. Their alcohol stash is neatly sorted and the dorm is well kept.
  364. If you happen to be spotted, you should know that all Oni are incredibly strong and larger than the average man. This doesn't change if they're sober or drunk. Though if they're drunk they might be a bit slower to raise the alarm.
  365. If caught the worst is that you'll be kept to be passed around at the next drinking party depending on how much they like you. Blue Oni can be bargained and reasoned with if sober, but if they're drunk there's no hope.
  366. If successful you'll come away with the loincloth they like to wear, often some kind of animal skin, but Blue Oni keep theirs washed and in good condition.
  367. In conclusion, there's a lot of variances for punishment for Blue Oni. It's not too hard to sneak past them if they're drunk and they're easier to raid than their thuggish Red Oni friends.
  369. PAGE 18
  373. Rating: ☆☆☆☆
  375. Extra tools: -Hazard suit or orifice protection
  376. -Light source
  378. Bubble Slime are a sub-species that undergo a continuous chemical reaction, this results in the odor they produce and this would make them deadlier than normal Slimes if they weren't slower.
  379. The Bubble Slime dorm exists in the Slime section, an isolated part of campus with plenty of moisture to allow Slimes to flourish. A lot of pure water vats and such are scattered inside and outside the dorms here.
  380. The dorm itself is modeled to be like a dark cave, with some more modern furnishings. Things can be dark so light may be needed.
  381. When walking around the dorm, be sure to watch your step, Bubble Slime's slime is full of powerful aphrodisiacs and other chemicals that can incapacitate you.
  382. Therefore any kind of skin or orifice protection is recommended, it's not good to get Bubble Slime on your skin, and it's even worse if it enters the body.
  383. Bubble Slime themselves are slow both physically and mentally, easy to outsmart and outrun, that being said you should watch the ceiling to make sure they don't drop on top of you.
  384. In the event where a raider becomes effected by the Bubble Slime toxins, it's best to take him outside to allow him to recover.
  385. If it was only a small amount, he should recover in time. If it was a generous amount, he will need medical help to flush it out of his system.
  386. If spotted by a Bubble Slime, they will singe-mindedly start moving towards you. It'll be easy to outrun them, but if you trip on a rock or something and they catch up to you, you must avoid getting any Slime inside of you.
  387. They will usually try to force your mouth open and pour it in with a kiss. So facial protection is good to prevent this.
  388. If caught you'll likely be subjected to Bubble Slime toxins for a long time, while this won't physically damage the body. You will become chemically addicted to the Slime and will probably need a good amount of therapy and rehab to shake the habit.
  389. If successful you'll be come away with whatever panties the Bubble Slime wear over their bodies, usually Slime-proof to an extent. Though these might vary, they do carry Bubble Slime toxins, so handle them with care.
  390. In conclusion, properly prepared you can avoid tragedy and addiction when raiding this dorm. It's hard for things to go wrong, but on the low chance that they do, it can be very dangerous. Stay focused and you'll be fine, usually only the careless will struggle.
  392. PAGE 19
  394. CANCER
  396. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆
  398. Extra tools: -Hazard suit or skin protection
  400. Cancer are the crab like MGs you might see scuttling around, particularly at the campus beach they hang out at. In appearance are part woman part crab.
  401. Their dorm is close to the beach and isn't anything special except for the amount of sand they might track in.
  402. Entering the dorm should prove no issue. However your timing may be important.
  403. Every now and then, Cancer carry out a 'Courtship Dance' as it's called. They practice in the dorm before they go out into the center of campus and try to lure male students.
  404. This is strangely effective, likely caused by the amount of demonic energy they give off as bubbles. Which can lead to a man being charmed easily. So some form of skin protection is recommended.
  405. On top of this, Cancer are both physically strong, able to overpower and pin men with their crab half. As well as being able to scuttle quite fast, again with the help of the crab half.
  406. Cancer however are not very bright and are easy to outsmart.
  407. If spotted by a Cancer, they will not go out of their way to alert others and will try to overpower you, single-mindedly. If a member is pinned, it's difficult to free him and the Cancer's claws can ensnare you easily.
  408. If bubbles foam out from the cancer and coat the man, he will start to be overwhelmed by the Cancer's demonic energy. If he isn't freed soon at this point and isn't wearing full skin protection he will be charmed completely and would sabotage the raiding party if freed.
  409. If caught you'll be cleaned thoroughly by the Cancer who chose you. Cancer students don't like to share men, being quite possessive and keeping partners to themselves. It will be difficult to pry yourself away the more demonic energy is dumped in.
  410. If successful you'll come away with panties made from a flexible chitin, like soft shell from a crab, don't worry it'll grow back and you'll have something to remind you of Cancer.
  411. In conclusion, while Cancer can be easy to sneak by with their lack of intelligence, their strength and speed makes escape difficult and the punishment somewhat severe. Plan around the Cancer's mating ritual and you should be fine. As always with risky raids, be patient and be careful.
  413. PAGE 20
  415. CENTAUR
  417. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
  419. Extra tools: None
  421. Centaurs are quite a common species of Monster Girl, hence they have a very large dorm to accommodate both their size and their numbers.
  422. While all Centaurs have the same half-Horse, half-Human characteristics. A lot of them vary in shape in size, usually based on the horse half.
  423. This leads in a range of sizes, from large, aggressive Warhorse Centaurs to small Shetland Pony girls no taller than the average man.
  424. Their dorm is not difficult to enter, the halls and doorways are large to allow Centaurs of all shapes and sizes to pass through and move around easily.
  425. Centaur are every bit as smart as a man, and their horse half gives them great speed and strength. Their only downside is that indoors they might have trouble maneuvering.
  426. If spotted by a Centaur, their reaction can be predicted based on their sub-species. A small Pony Centaur might meekly ask for you to stop, or she'll call the campus security.
  427. While you might be tempted to pat her on the head and re-assure her that you're the official 'panty inspectors', hold back on doing so, even just patting a Centaur on the head can unleash any repressed lust they might have.
  428. If it's a Warhorse Centaur that's spotted you, it's bet to run as they will try to bring you to 'justice' and are far less meek. Many have martial training of some kind and while they won't try to wound or kill you, they might rough you up a bit.
  429. If caught you'll be brought before the rest of the Centaurs for a suitable punishment for a thief. While they might have normal punishments in mind at first, they will quickly become more sexual in nature. It's worth noting that Centaurs have two vaginas. One at the front on their Human half and another at the rear of their Horse half.
  430. If successful you'll come away with special, custom made underwear for Centaurs, along with the bras to go with. The average Warhorse Centaur bra is an impressive I cup.
  431. In conclusion, Centaur offer a wide range of panties to choose from thanks to sub-species, and the risk is modest. The Centaur will have their way with you if caught, then let you go, unless you become married to one of them.
  433. PAGE 21
  437. Rating: ☆☆☆☆
  439. Extra tools: -Scuba gear
  441. Charybdis, like most immobile MGs, need the help of specially designed wheelchairs to get around and to attend lectures.
  442. They're pretty much just barnacles and while they might look nonthreatening and harmless, in the water they are more of a challenge. Being able to create strong whirlpools.
  443. Their dorm lies deep in the Aquatic Monster Girl section. A large body of water where all the dorms are submerged.
  444. Scuba gear will be needed, as you'll be going underwater for a good while, so some diving lessons might be needed.
  445. Once you've swam your way inside, success depends heavily whether you can avoid or out-swim the whirlpools Charybdis create. Either grabbing onto something sturdy to hold on until they tire, or just swimming quietly until you find one deep asleep.
  446. Another thing to note, is that the Scylla dorm regularly steals men from the Charybdis. It's best to raid this dorm when the Scylla are preoccupied, or you might have some unexpected visitors who are much more difficult to out-swim.
  447. If spotted there's little they can do to chase you, as long as you keep your distance and leave before they can start a whirlpool you should be fine, they can also have trouble alerting overs. Again due to their immobility.
  448. If caught you'll be held firmly in place with surprising strength and begin to be affected by demonic energy. While they'll release you for your need for air, the demonic energy will have you coming back unless you can shake that addiction.
  449. If successful you'll come away with the soaked, petit panties they wear. Usually a side-tie custom made for them.
  450. In conclusion, a Charybdis raid will require a lot of stamina and diving/swimming practice before hand. Out-swimming any whirlpools that are set up can be exhausting. Might want to test the waters by starting with Sea Slimes first.
  452. PAGE 22
  456. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  458. Extra tools: -Rope or some means of navigation
  459. -Philosophy or Psychology Major
  461. Cheshire Cats are perhaps the most deserving of a panty raid. With that permanent smug grin they wear and the students they torment/bully/molest.
  462. They're Werecats that are surprisingly intelligent, have the ability to turn any and all parts of their body invisible. Along with some form of teleportation that has yet to be explained. And of course they all have purple and violet fur and smell like lavender.
  463. Their dorm resides in the small, but odd, Wonderland section. On the outside the purple-colored dorm looks completely normal. The interior however is more like an M.C. Escher painting.
  464. It is very easy to get lost, with stairs leading nowhere and doors that might have looked normal-sized from far away are actually only small enough for a mouse to fit through.
  465. Therefore it's very recommended to bring some kind of navigation device, or even a rope to trail behind you to keep track of where you've been and how to find your way back.
  466. With any luck, you're raiding this dorm when the Cheshire Cats are napping and asleep. However should one discover you there's little ways to deal with it.
  467. If spotted, there's a few things to keep in mind. First, it's very difficult to catch a Cheshire Cat, even if they're not terribly strong physically. They will probably just reappear behind you, press their breasts into your back and whisper lewd things into your ear.
  468. You cannot outrun Cheshire Cats again for the fore-mentioned teleportation. Even if it looks like you have, they will be invisible and watching you silently.
  469. The only confirmed way to deal with these flamboyant cats is to engage it in conversation, hopefully you have a member majoring is Psychology or Philosophy.
  470. At this point they'll enter a long discussion, the Cheshire Cat attempting to warp and break the logic of whoever she is talking to. Should enough pressure be put onto her, she may become so focused, she won't notice someone sneaking up behind her.
  471. Simply pinching the nape of her neck, yes just like a cat, can cause her body to go limp. She'll be unable to teleport or go invisible and you'll be able to subdue her. Difficult and risky to pull off, but there's little other options.
  472. If there's more than one at a time, it can be difficult to keep all of their attention. It not even be possible.
  473. If caught the Cheshire Cats will harass you as you wander to dorm halls for a way out, toying with you like a cat. Once you're broken mentally you'll be at the mercy of whatever lewd activity they have in mind for you.
  474. If successful you'll come away with the colorful, purple panties they wear. Smelling strongly of lavender with a hole for their tail to poke through.
  475. In conclusion, a Cheshire Cat raid may be tempting, but it can be very risky. Supposing you don't become lost in the dorm, Cheshire Cats are as smart as they are cruel. If stealth is broken, there's a small window of opportunity to escape or keep going, but you'll only have one shot.
  477. PAGE 23
  479. CHIMERA
  481. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  483. Extra tools: None
  485. Chimera are a very strange hybrid Monster Girl. Featuring traits and mannerisms of a Lion, Dragon, Goat and a Snake. Where each one comes through as it's own personality.
  486. Chimera are as strong as a Dragon, have the magical capacity of a Baphomet, cunning and dexterous, and feature a powerful venom. They are the ultimate raping machine.
  487. Their dorm is large and ominous, made up of four different sections, each representing an aspect of the Chimera. Whatever Chimera you find in one of these sections will have the personality corresponding to it at that time. In other words, Chimera in the Snake part, follow the Snake's personality.
  488. This allows you to pick your poison. So to speak.
  489. Choosing the Lion section means dealing with aggressive and dominant Chimera, who will have a powerful hunting instinct and skill. Though their impulsiveness means they will not be using the full capacity of their intelligence.
  490. Choosing the Dragon section means dealing with Chimera who walk and talk like a haughty Dragon Girl would. They even wield Dragon Fire. This would be dealing with a Dragon Girl raid that's even harder if that's possible.
  491. Choosing the Goat section means dealing with unbelievably intelligent Chimera. They will be the friendliest but will use both magic and wit to bind and eventually control you.
  492. Choosing the Snake section means dealing with secretive and cunning Chimera. In this state they are very possessive and highly likely to use their venom. They will desire you with a great intensity and will dump as much venom into your system as possible to flush out any doubt you have in your mind.
  493. It should also be noted that even should you prepare for one aspect, it could change at any time. Stealth is next to impossible with all the heightened senses. They best you can do is act quick and leave just as quickly.
  494. If spotted you'll be dealing with the full brunt of whatever aspect they are currently in. They aren't likely to call for others help, believing they don't need it, and they're right. One Chimera is more than enough to wipe out even the most experienced raiding party.
  495. If caught your fate lies in the whims of the four dangerous personalities. Chimera don't like to share, but with four personalities it will feel like you're being passed around anyway. Your only hope is bargaining with the Dragon. Her nobility may lead to mercy, but don't hold your breath.
  496. If by some fucking miracle you're successful you'll come away with panties that reflect all 4 aspects, like some piece of high art it's captivating to look at and having such a piece is guaranteed to make you a legend.
  497. In conclusion, the Chimera are insanely powerful for a Monster Girl and unpredictable on top of that. This makes raids exceedingly risky, you WILL lose members and this is a raid that's not recommended at all. This is for the sexually suicidal or some panty-stealing messiah.
  499. PAGE 24
  503. Rating: ☆☆☆
  505. Extra tools: None
  507. Chochin-Obake are very strange in nature, literally Monster Girl personifications of paper lanterns. They prefer to take night classes and can be seen flying about at night slowly from your dorm room window.
  508. They are not physically strong and possess no magic. Though they are capable of flight they are not terribly fast, but are still capable of dive-bombing you.
  509. Their dorm lies in the Zipangu section and shares the same oriental-sytled building design. Entrance should be no issue.
  510. Once inside there are a few things to keep in mind, most of them positive.
  511. First, if you're raiding the dorm at night, the flames burning inside the Chochin should give away their position, however it also means it's harder to stay hidden in the shadows when they drift past and illuminate you.
  512. Second, as mentioned before they prefer to be out at night, so the dorm should be relatively empty, but be prepared for any who might be returning.
  513. If spotted, their aggressiveness and speed depends on the size of their flame. A small flame will mean it's easy to outrun them and they will have something of a gentler dispostion. Conversely, a large flame means you can expect very determined attempts to tackle and rape you. While one alone isn't much of a threat, multiple Chochin-Obake can overpower a lone raider in time.
  514. If caught, you will be ridden by any Chochin who wants to increase the size of her flame, getting lewder and more fiery as she continues, making your member swell up inside them.
  515. If successful you'll come away with delicate panties made from the same material to make paper lanterns, very delicate but in a beautiful Zipangu design.
  516. In conclusion, Chochin-Obake are almost to ridiculous to be a threat, but one with a large flame shouldn't be underestimated. Not a difficult raid to pull off and the threat isn't high either.
  518. PAGE 25
  522. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
  524. Extra tools: None
  526. Cockatrice are small, even for Harpies, and are a cross between Avian and Reptile traits. They're chicken-hearted so to speak and will run away from men and tougher Monster Girls.
  527. They feature two powers, the first is the scent they give off when fearful. Similar to what an Alice would use, but it causes the victim to run after the Cockatrice, raping her when he catches up.
  528. The second is their ability to petrify their victims with their eyes. While this would make them a threat, it goes against their cowardly instinct to use it. Only when that instinct is broken will they be capable of it.
  529. The dorm lies in Avian section, but is still ground-dwelling as Cocktrice can only fly off the ground for short distances.
  530. Once you've broken into the dorm, you need to be very careful not to disturb any Cockatrice, if one becomes alerted it can cause chaos.
  531. If spotted, the Cockatrice will squeal and run off down the corridors, if this happens every member will get the urge to chase and rape her. Those that resist need to subdue those who don't before they wake up the rest by crashing down the hallway.
  532. Once a raider has begun having sex with a Cockatrice it will use petrification to prevent him from leaving. There's little to do at this point. You have to leave him to the fate he chose.
  533. This gets trickier if there's multiple Cockatrice, they will act the same way and so will your raiders.
  534. If caught you'll end up spending the entire night chasing after and raping Chicken Girls. One by one being locked in place with petrification and being at their mercy in some sort of reverse-reverse rape.
  535. If successful you'll come away with red panties lined with soft, downy Cockatrice feathers.
  536. In conclusion, as far as temptation goes, unless you can control your party members just one running off can ruin it. While the Cockatrice aren't a threat unless you give in, if you do it can quickly spiral into chaos.
  538. PAGE 26
  542. Rating: ☆☆☆☆
  544. Extra tools: -Climbing Gear
  545. -Quiet Flight assistance
  547. Crow Tengu are very intelligent for Harpies, but do not share their aggressiveness. They will still go out of their way to hit on nice men, while ignoring bad boys.
  548. Many will be attending college to study shunzuuriki as well as various kinds of literature. Shunzuuriki is a method of pleasing men, but they don't have much physical experience in doing so.
  549. Their dorm is high up in a gigantic Bonzai tree, lying within the Zipangu section. You'll find them sitting inside, reading books and talking about handsome and noble boys they like.
  550. Once you've managed to climb up the tree, or fly up with the assistance of a flying Monster Girl, and entered quietly. It's time to get to work.
  551. If spotted, the Crow Tengu will realize you're trespassing and use what martial training the Tengu possess to deal with you. Usually with no intention with rape, but they will alert the others and can be difficult to fight off.
  552. However, if you start flirting with them and trying to seduce them, they might lose their composure and focus. This will cause them to now attempt to rape you, but in that moment of confusion, you can subdue them before they alert the rest.
  553. If caught depending on how you acted in their eyes, your punishment can vary. If you didn't flirt with them they'll simply rough you up and dump you at the base of their bonzai tree. If you did flirt with them they will have the urge to mate with you, after that if they've determined your character as 'good' they might keep you as a boyfriend. Otherwise you'll be left at the base of the Bonzai tree again.
  554. If successful you'll come away with Crow Tengu's modest Zipangu undergarments, nothing lewd, but seeing them flying around campus blushing because they have nothing under their robes is moe.
  555. In conclusion, Crow Tengu are book-smart, but not very street-smart. An area in which you can beat them, the threat of being caught depends on your actions. Making this a somewhat safe dorm to practice on before moving onto their aggressive cousins.
  557. PAGE 27
  559. CYCLOPS
  561. Rating: Common: ☆
  562. Mountain: ☆☆☆☆☆
  563. Cave: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  565. Extra tools: None
  567. Cyclops come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There's the Common Cyclops which is no different in size and strength than a Human, but of course features a single eye. Known to have a thing for being bullied/dominated by Human men.
  568. The blue-skinned, single-horned Mountain Cyclops, who tower over the average man as giants with prodigious strength but sharing the meek personality of their common cousins. Known to have an interest in blacksmithing
  569. The purple-skinned, double-horned Cave Cyclops who share the same size as Mountain Cyclops, but unlike other species of Cyclops are much more aggressive. These are the ones to look out for.
  570. The Cyclops dorm has been divided up between these species, a regular looking dorm for Common Cyclops and a large metalworking factory for the rest attached at the back.
  571. Depending on what part of the dorm you raid depends on your rating.
  572. Raiding the Common Cyclops dorm is a breeze. They're easy to sneak by, intimidate if spotted by them and are virtually no threat. They may even get off on being bullied and having their underwear stolen, so it's a win-win.
  573. However, if you're aiming for the larger Cyclops. Things will be much different.
  574. As you might imagine the inside of the on-campus factory is incredibly hot. The Cyclops working on their craft day and night, their rooms can be found somewhere inside.
  575. If spotted by a Mountain Cyclops, she will simply try to catch you and throw you outside with a light warning. If you evade capture she'll alert the others. They would react differently if you were stealing their metalwork, but luckily that's not what we do.
  576. If spotted by a Cave Cyclops you need to run, metalworking all day gets them hot, bothered and very lusty. They will see you as a method of convenient relief and take you up to her room for some snu-snu.
  577. If caught you can explain you were here just to steal panties and not metalwork, but that will only persuade the Mountain Cyclops to let you off easily. The Cave Cyclops will be tired, sweaty and aching for a sex-break.
  578. If successful you'll come away with either Common Cyclops panties which are no different from a Humans, the plus-sized Mountain Cyclops panties, or the lewd loincloths the Cave Cyclops like to wear.
  579. In conclusion, Common Cyclops make for a very good first raid, but the larger Cyclops should be left until you're more experienced as Cave Cyclops sex can often leave you with a broken pelvis.
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