
bluh bluh contest post

Feb 16th, 2011
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  1. Alright, Cabal, listen up.
  3. First of all I'm well aware that this contestation is technically illegal under our current laws- Dai not having been in for quite two years yet, and me not having been a secretary or whatnot for a while now. I also think, however, that these particular laws, in this case, will prove to be detrimental to the Cabal if followed. Take that as you will.
  5. I'm not coming out to fling mud and say that Dai is incompetent or a bad person or any of the other usual lines spun by people making a power grab. The real issue here is a simple matter of experience.
  7. Sapience is coming under trying times. I'm sure you lot have heard of the Aalen Bloom by now, and if you haven't you soon will. The Cabal is currently the spearhead for research into that matter, at least where Spinesreach is concerned, but there's a long way to go before we have a cure, and if we're to be effective in this venture we are going to need a leader who has a steady hand and the experience to succeed.
  9. Some of you might not know me- and if you don't, I heartily invite you to come and say hello. To give a bit of information and perhaps refresh some memories, my name is Eleanor Junakutz-Lionheart, and I've been of the Cabal from the day I came of age. I've seen glorious times and troubling times, the rise and fall of great and terrible Conduits, seen the Cabal at its peak and endured with it when it was at its lowest. I've served in a number of secretarial positions, including a very long term as Seven-hand during which I designed and implemented the Academy of Cabalist Arts as we know it.
  11. Now, I don't promise to be the guildmistress that will be with the Cabal for the rest of its days. In fact, I believe it's healthy to move all those titles around once in awhile. What I do promise, however, is that if you should happen to vote me in, I'll guide the Cabal straight and true to the best of my ability, and do my part to nurture Cabalists who will make excellent guildmasters and mistresses when it's time for me to step aside.
  13. Whether you choose to elect me or not, Cabal, I have faith that we can rise again and make something magnificent, of ourselves and of the world around us. We've been quiet too long- it's about time we stood up and made a mark.
  15. In service,
  16. Eleanor Junakutz-Lionheart.
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