Guest User

Quester local file v0.5.5

a guest
Sep 6th, 2012
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  1. MSG_ONLY_PLAYER: This command can only be run by player.
  2. MSG_PROFILES_SAVE: Profiles saved.
  3. MSG_AUTOSAVE_DISABLED: AutoSaving is disabled in config.
  4. MSG_AUTOSAVE_STARTED: 'Saving started. Interval: %intervalm'
  5. MSG_AUTOSAVE_RUNNING: Saving already running.
  6. MSG_AUTOSAVE_STOPPED: Saving Stopped.
  7. MSG_AUTOSAVE_NOT_RUNNING: Saving not running.
  8. MSG_CONFIG_RELOADED: Quest configs reloaded.
  9. MSG_PERMS: You don't have permission for this.
  10. MSG_Q_STARTED: You have started quest %q
  11. MSG_Q_COMPLETED: Quest %q completed.
  12. MSG_Q_CANCELLED: Quest %q cancelled.
  13. MSG_Q_DEACTIVATED: Your current quest hes been deactivated.
  14. MSG_OBJ_COMPLETED: You completed a quest objective.
  15. INFO_NAME: Name
  16. INFO_DESCRIPTION: Description
  17. INFO_LOCATION: Location
  18. INFO_WORLDS: Worlds
  19. INFO_FLAGS: Flags
  20. INFO_CONDITIONS: Conditions
  21. INFO_OBJECTIVES: Objectives
  22. INFO_REWARDS: Rewards
  23. INFO_EVENTS: Events
  24. INFO_FIRST_OBJECTIVE: First objective
  25. INFO_QUEST_LIST: Quest list
  26. INFO_QUEST_INFO: Quest info
  27. INFO_PROGRESS: '%q progress'
  28. INFO_PROGRESS_HIDDEN: Quest progress hidden
  30. INFO_PROFILE_POINTS: Quest points
  31. INFO_PROFILE_RANK: Quester rank
  32. INFO_PROFILE_CURRENT: Current quest
  33. INFO_PROFILE_COMPLETED: Completed quests
  34. INFO_PROFILE_NOT_EXIST: '%p does not have profile.'
  35. HELP_SECTION_USE: Quester help
  36. HELP_SECTION_MODIFY: Modify help
  37. HELP_SECTION_MODIFY_SELECTED: Applies only to selected quest
  38. HELP_SECTION_ADMIN: Admin help
  39. HELP_HELP: '- this'
  40. HELP_LIST: '- displays quest list'
  41. HELP_SHOW: '- shows info about quest'
  42. HELP_START_PICK: '- starts a quest'
  43. HELP_START_RANDOM: '- starts random quest'
  44. HELP_CANCEL: '- cancels current quest'
  45. HELP_DONE: '- completes current quest'
  46. HELP_PROGRESS: '- shows current quest progress'
  47. HELP_PROFILE_USE: '- displays your quester profile'
  48. HELP_PROFILE_MOD: '- shows player''s profile'
  49. HELP_CREATE: '- creates a quest'
  50. HELP_REMOVE: '- removes the quest'
  51. HELP_SELECT: '- selects the quest'
  52. HELP_TOGGLE: '- toggles state of the quest'
  53. HELP_INFO: '- shows detailed info about the quest'
  54. HELP_NAME: '- changes the name'
  55. HELP_DESC: '- quest description manipulation'
  56. HELP_WORLD: '- world restriction manipulation'
  57. HELP_FLAG: '- quest flag manipulation'
  58. HELP_CONDITION: '- condition manipulation'
  59. HELP_OBJECTIVE: '- objective manipulation'
  60. HELP_EVENT: '- event manipulation'
  61. HELP_REWARD: '- reward manipulation'
  62. HELP_STARTSAVE: '- starts scheduled profile saving'
  63. HELP_STOPSAVE: '- stops scheduled profile saving'
  64. HELP_SAVE: '- saves profiles'
  65. HELP_RELOAD: '- reloads config and local file'
  66. USAGE_LABEL: 'Usage: '
  67. USAGE_FLAG_AVAIL: 'Available flags: '
  68. USAGE_SHOW: '%cmd show [quest_name].'
  69. USAGE_INFO_USER: '%cmd info [quest_name].'
  70. USAGE_INFO_MOD: '%cmd info [quest_ID*].%n* - optional if selected'
  71. USAGE_CREATE: '%cmd create [quest_name].'
  72. USAGE_REMOVE: '%cmd remove [quest_ID].'
  73. USAGE_SELECT: '%cmd select [quest_ID].'
  74. USAGE_NAME: '%cmd name [new_name].'
  75. USAGE_DESC: '%cmd desc [set|add] [quest_description].'
  76. USAGE_LOC_SET: '%cmd location set {location} [range].'
  77. USAGE_LOC: '%cmd location [set|remove].'
  78. USAGE_FLAG: '%cmd flag [add|remove] [flag_1]... .'
  79. USAGE_WORLD: '%cmd world [add|remove] [world_name or ''%this''].'
  80. Q_CREATED: Quest created and selected.
  81. Q_REMOVED: Quest removed.
  82. Q_SELECTED: Quest selected.
  83. Q_RENAMED: Quest name changed to '%q'.
  84. Q_DESC_SET: Quest description set.
  85. Q_DESC_ADDED: Quest description added.
  86. Q_LOC_SET: Quest location set.
  87. Q_LOC_REMOVED: Quest location removed.
  88. Q_FLGS_ADDED: Flags added.
  89. Q_FLGS_REMOVED: Flags removed.
  90. Q_ACTIVATED: Quest activated.
  91. Q_DEACTIVATED: Quest deactivated.
  92. Q_WORLD_ADDED: Quest world added.
  93. Q_WORLD_REMOVED: Quest world removed.
  94. REW_ADDED: '%type reward added.'
  95. REW_REMOVED: Reward %id removed.
  96. REW_USAGE_AVAILABLE: 'Available reward types: '
  97. REW_USAGE_REMOVE: '%cmd reward remove [id_number].'
  98. REW_USAGE: '%cmd reward [add|remove] [reward_type] [args].'
  99. REW_EFF_TYPE: Effect
  100. REW_EFF_UNKNOWN: Unknown effect.
  101. REW_EFF_NUMBERS: Duration and power must be >= 0.
  102. REW_EFF_ARGS: All arguments must be >= 0, first can be name.
  103. REW_EFF_USAGE: '%cmd reward add effect [effect_id/name] [duration_secs] [power].'
  104. REW_ITEM_TYPE: Item
  105. REW_ITEM_USAGE: '%cmd reward add item [item_id/name][:data*] [amount*] {ench1*}...
  106.   .%n{ench} - [enchantment_id/name]:[level] ; * - optional'
  107. REW_MONEY_TYPE: Money
  108. REW_MONEY_USAGE: '%cmd reward add money [amount].'
  109. REW_EXP_TYPE: Experience
  110. REW_EXP_USAGE: '%cmd reward add exp [amount].'
  111. REW_POINT_TYPE: Point
  112. REW_POINT_USAGE: '%cmd reward add point [amount].'
  113. OBJ_ADD: '%type objective added.'
  114. OBJ_ADD_AVAILABLE: 'Available objective types: '
  115. OBJ_REMOVE: Objective %id removed.
  116. OBJ_REMOVE_USAGE: '%cmd objective remove [id_number].'
  117. OBJ_SWAP: Objectives %id1 and %id2 swapped.
  118. OBJ_SWAP_USAGE: '%cmd objective swap [id_1] [id_2].'
  119. OBJ_BAD_ID: Objective ID must be number.
  120. OBJ_DESC_ADD: Description to objective %id added.
  121. OBJ_DESC_ADD_USAGE: '%cmd objective desc add [obj_ID] [description*].%n* - %r = remaining
  122.   amount, %t = total required amount'
  123. OBJ_DESC_REMOVE: Description of objective %id removed.
  124. OBJ_DESC_USAGE: '%cmd objective desc [add|remove] [obj_ID].'
  125. OBJ_USAGE: '%cmd objective [add|remove|swap|desc] [args].'
  126. OBJ_BREAK_TYPE: Break
  127. OBJ_BREAK_USAGE: '%cmd objective add break [block_id/name][:data*] [amount] [hand*].%n*
  128.   - optional'
  129. OBJ_PLACE_TYPE: Place
  130. OBJ_PLACE_USAGE: '%cmd objective add place [block_id/name][:data*] [amount].%n* -
  131.   optional'
  132. OBJ_ITEM_TYPE: Item
  133. OBJ_ITEM_USAGE: '%cmd objective add item [item_id/name][:data*] [amount*] {ench1*}...
  134.   .%n{ench} - [enchantment_id/name]:[level] ; * - optional'
  135. OBJ_COLLECT_TYPE: Collect
  136. OBJ_COLLECT_USAGE: '%cmd objective add collect [block_id/name][:data*] [amount].%n*
  137.   - optional'
  138. OBJ_ENCH_TYPE: Enchant
  139. OBJ_ENCH_NUMBERS: Amount must be > 0.
  140. OBJ_ENCH_USAGE: '%cmd objective add ench [item_id/name] [amount*] {ench1*}... .%n{ench}
  141.   - [enchantment_id/name]:[level] ; * - optional'
  142. OBJ_EXP_TYPE: Experience
  143. OBJ_EXP_USAGE: '%cmd objective add exp [amount].'
  144. OBJ_LOC_TYPE: Location
  145. OBJ_LOC_USAGE: '%cmd objective add loc {location} [range*].%n{location} - [X];[Y];[Z];[world
  146.   or ''this''] // * - optional'
  147. OBJ_DEATH_TYPE: Death
  148. OBJ_DEATH_USAGE: '%cmd objective add death [amount] {location*} [range*].%n{location}
  149.   - [X];[Y];[Z];[world or ''%this''] , * - optional'
  150. OBJ_WORLD_TYPE: World
  151. OBJ_WORLD_USAGE: '%cmd objective add world [world or ''%this'']'
  152. OBJ_MOBKILL_TYPE: Mob kill
  153. OBJ_MOBKILL_USAGE: '%cmd objective add mobkill [amount] [entity_id/name*]* - optional'
  154. OBJ_KILL_TYPE: Player kill
  155. OBJ_KILL_USAGE: '%cmd objective add kill [amount] [player_name*]* - optional'
  156. OBJ_CRAFT_TYPE: Craft
  157. OBJ_CRAFT_USAGE: '%cmd objective add craft [item_id/name][:data*] [amount].%n* - optional'
  158. OBJ_SMELT_TYPE: Smelt
  159. OBJ_SMELT_USAGE: '%cmd objective add smelt [item_id/name][:data*] [amount].%n* - optional'
  160. OBJ_SHEAR_TYPE: Shear
  161. OBJ_SHEAR_USAGE: '%cmd objective add shear [amount] [color_id/name*].%n* - optional'
  162. OBJ_FISH_TYPE: Fish
  163. OBJ_FISH_USAGE: '%cmd objective add fish [amount].'
  164. OBJ_MILK_TYPE: Milk
  165. OBJ_MILK_USAGE: '%cmd objective add milk [amount].'
  166. OBJ_TAME_TYPE: Tame
  167. OBJ_TAME_USAGE: '%cmd objective add tame [amount] [entity_id/name*]* - optional'
  168. OBJ_MONEY_TYPE: Money
  169. OBJ_MONEY_USAGE: '%cmd objective add money [amount].'
  170. CON_ADD: '%type condition added.'
  171. CON_ADD_AVAILABLE: 'Available condition types: '
  172. CON_REMOVE: Condition %id removed.
  173. CON_REMOVE_USAGE: '%cmd condition remove [id_number].'
  174. CON_BAD_ID: Condition ID must be number.
  175. CON_DESC_ADD: Description to condition %id added.
  176. CON_DESC_ADD_USAGE: '%cmd condition desc add [con_ID] [description*].%n* - %amt =
  177.   amount, %id = item id, %data = data, %perm = permission, %qst = quest'
  178. CON_DESC_REMOVE: Description of condition %id removed.
  179. CON_DESC_USAGE: '%cmd condition desc [add|remove] [con_ID].'
  180. CON_USAGE: '%cmd condition [add|remove|desc] [args].'
  181. CON_QUEST_TYPE: Quest
  182. CON_QUEST_USAGE: '%cmd condition add quest [quest_name]'
  183. CON_QUESTNOT_TYPE: QuestNot
  184. CON_QUESTNOT_USAGE: '%cmd condition add questnot [quest_name]'
  185. CON_PERM_TYPE: Permission
  186. CON_PERM_USAGE: '%cmd condition add perm [quest_name]'
  187. CON_MONEY_TYPE: Money
  188. CON_MONEY_USAGE: '%cmd condition add money [amount]'
  189. CON_ITEM_TYPE: Item
  190. CON_ITEM_USAGE: '%cmd condition add item [item_id/name][:data*] [amount]'
  191. CON_POINT_TYPE: Point
  192. CON_POINT_USAGE: '%cmd condition add point [amount]'
  193. EVT_ADD: '%type event added.'
  194. EVT_ADD_AVAILABLE: 'Available event types: '
  195. EVT_ADD_USAGE: '%cmd event add [event_type] {occasion} [delay] [args].%n{occasion}
  196.   - -1:START, -2:CANCEL, -3:DONE,  >=0:GIVEN OBJECTIVE'
  197. EVT_REMOVE: Event %id removed.
  198. EVT_REMOVE_USAGE: '%cmd event remove [id_number] [objective_number*].%n* - omit if
  199.   not objective event'
  200. EVT_NUMBERS: Occasion must be > -4. Delay must be >= 0.
  201. EVT_SPECIFY: Specify occasion and delay.
  202. EVT_USAGE: '%cmd event [add|remove] [args]'
  203. EVT_MSG_TYPE: Message
  204. EVT_MSG_USAGE: '%cmd event add msg {occasion} [delay] [message*]%n* - supports ''&''
  205.   colors and ''\n'' newline'
  206. EVT_QUEST_TYPE: Quest
  207. EVT_QUEST_USAGE: '%cmd event add quest {occasion} [delay] [quest_name]'
  208. EVT_TOGGLE_TYPE: Toggle
  209. EVT_TOGGLE_USAGE: '%cmd event add toggle {occasion} [delay] [quest_ID]'
  210. EVT_OBJCOM_TYPE: Objective complete
  211. EVT_OBJCOM_USAGE: '%cmd event add objcom {occasion} [delay] [objective_ID]'
  212. EVT_CANCEL_TYPE: Cancel
  213. EVT_CMD_TYPE: Command
  214. EVT_CMD_USAGE: '%cmd event add cmd {occasion} [delay] [command*]%n* - without ''/'''
  215. EVT_EXPL_TYPE: Explosion
  216. EVT_EXPL_USAGE: '%cmd event add explosion {occasion} [delay] {location} [range*] [damage*]%n*
  217.   - optional, default range = 0, default damage = false'
  218. EVT_LIGHT_TYPE: Lightning
  219. EVT_LIGHT_USAGE: '%cmd event add lightning {occasion} [delay] {location} [range*]
  220.   [damage*]%n* - optional, default range = 0, default damage = false'
  221. EVT_TELE_TYPE: Teleport
  222. EVT_TELE_USAGE: '%cmd event add tele {occasion} [delay] {location}'
  223. EVT_BLOCK_TYPE: Block
  224. EVT_BLOCK_USAGE: '%cmd event add block {occasion} [delay] [block_id/name][:data*]
  225.   {location}%n* - optional; location ''here'' means block you are looking at'
  226. ERROR_CUSTOM: Something is wrong.
  227. ERROR_CMD_BAD_ID: Quest ID must be number.
  228. ERROR_CMD_RANGE_INVALID: Invalid range.
  229. ERROR_CMD_WORLD_THIS: World '%this' requires player context.
  230. ERROR_CMD_WORLD_INVALID: Invalid world.
  231. ERROR_CMD_ITEM_UNKNOWN: Unknown item.
  232. ERROR_CMD_BLOCK_UNKNOWN: Unknown block.
  233. ERROR_CMD_BLOCK_LOOK: You are not looking at a block.
  234. ERROR_CMD_ITEM_NUMBERS: Amount must be > 0. Data must be >= 0.
  235. ERROR_CMD_ENCH_LEVEL: Enchantment level must be > 0.
  236. ERROR_CMD_ENCH_INVALID: Invalid enchantment.
  237. ERROR_CMD_ENCH_CANT: One or more enchantments cannot be applied to specified item.
  238. ERROR_CMD_AMOUNT_GENERAL: Amount must be number.
  239. ERROR_CMD_AMOUNT_POSITIVE: Amount must be positive number.
  240. ERROR_CMD_LOC_INVALID: Invalid location.
  241. ERROR_CMD_LOC_HERE: Location '%here' requires player context.
  242. ERROR_CMD_COORDS_INVALID: Invalid coordinates.
  243. ERROR_CMD_ENTITY_UNKNOWN: Unknown entity.
  244. ERROR_CMD_ENTITY_NUMBERS: Amount must be > 0. Id must be number or valid entity name.
  245. ERROR_CMD_COLOR_UNKNOWN: Unknown color.
  246. ERROR_CMD_ARGUMENTS_UNKNOWN: Unknown arguments. Type %cmd help.
  247. ERROR_Q_EXIST: Quest already exists.
  248. ERROR_Q_NOT_EXIST: Quest does not exist.
  249. ERROR_Q_NOT_SELECTED: No quest selected.
  250. ERROR_Q_CANT_MODIFY: Modification of active quests is not allowed.
  251. ERROR_Q_NONE: No quest available.
  252. ERROR_Q_NONE_ACTIVE: No quest active.
  253. ERROR_Q_ASSIGNED: Other quest already assigned.
  254. ERROR_Q_NOT_ASSIGNED: No quest assigned.
  255. ERROR_Q_CANT_CANCEL: This quest cannot be cancelled.
  256. ERROR_Q_NOT_COMPLETED: One or more objectives are not completed.
  257. ERROR_Q_BAD_WORLD: Quest cannot be completed in this world.
  258. ERROR_Q_NOT_CMD: Quest cannot be started or completed by command.
  259. ERROR_CON_NOT_MET: One or more conditions are not met.
  260. ERROR_CON_NOT_EXIST: Condition does not exist.
  261. ERROR_OBJ_NOT_EXIST: Objective does not exist.
  262. ERROR_OBJ_CANT_DO: Not enough resources to complete objective.
  263. ERROR_OCC_NOT_EXIST: Occasion does not exist.
  264. ERROR_REW_NOT_EXIST: Reward does not exist.
  265. ERROR_REW_CANT_DO: Not enough space to recieve quest rewards.
  266. ERROR_EVT_NOT_EXIST: Event does not exist.
  267. ERROR_WHY: Why would you want to do this ?
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