
[Hotshot] Sacrifice and Bonding (Spitfire/Anon)

Jun 28th, 2013
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  1. You’re awakened in the early predawn hours by a gentle rustling beside your head. Donning a small smile, you reach your hand out blindly and rest it on your partner’s cheek. Spitfire gives a hoarse laugh, a low, dry sound, thick with the remnants of a good night’s sleep before kissing your cheek. Managing to crack open one of your eyes, you grin up at the already seated Wonderbolt Captain. You speak in a hushed tone, to avoid waking the kids.
  3. “Mm… good morning.”
  5. >“Good morning, to you too…”
  7. The coy smile your spouse wears is enough to blind you to the fact that her mane is a complete catastrophe, the hairs unable to decide if they want to hang down or keep up the traditional windswept appearance. But, you’re quite sure that you aren’t in line to win any awards for what you look like fresh out of bed either. With a little squirming, Spitfire works herself down into your waiting arms. The two of you enjoy a few quiet moments spooning together as the gentle pink of dawn kisses the horizon just outside the window.
  9. >“I have to get going soon. We’ve got a fresh batch of wannabes coming in today, and I need to get my game face on.”
  11. An all too brief closed mouth kiss and she’s out of the bed and on her hooves, moving with a mother’s practiced silence as she prepares her dress uniform. Propping yourself up on the bed, you watch her for a few moments, before quietly clearing your throat to grab her attention. The gold pegasus quirks an eyebrow, unable to talk around the hook of the coat hanger in her mouth.
  13. “Have you thought anymore about what we talked about?”
  15. Spitfire sighs and shakes her head as she hangs her uniform on the bedpost, inspecting the clothing for obvious signs of wear and tear. Satisfied, she glances back at you as she walks towards the dresser.
  17. >“A little bit, but I’m not really sure that it’s time. Being the Captain of the Wonderbolts, that’s not something you just retire from when you’re in your prime, especially to start riding a desk.”
  19. “I can understand that, but your work takes you away for almost half the year. And then when you are here, you’re stuck training recruits, which you hate and leaves you out until all hours of the night.”
  21. There’s a quiet laugh from your spouse as she finds what she’s looking for, a pair of metallic aviators. She carries them over to the bed, placing them alongside the uniform before turning to you.
  23. >“It is a little tough, but that doesn’t mean that I want to leave it. Besides, think of how much fun Ace is having at school, telling all her friends that her mother is THE acting Captain of the Wonderbolts!”
  25. Striking a pose, your wife grins in your direction. Her expression falters a little when she realizes what a mess she looks like and works her way into the bathroom. The shower kicks on, but Spitfire leaves the door open, allowing you to continue your conversation.
  27. “That’s part of why I’m bringing this up. I know we agreed that it would be best for Ace to attend Cloudsdale Academy, but I feel like I’ve been cut out of this part of her life. I mean, it’s not like I can just walk up to Cloudsdale whenever I like, you know?”
  29. There’s another laugh, accompanied quickly by a satisfied sigh as Spitfire lets the water roll down her body. You chance a glance into the bathroom, noting her silhouette stretched back on her hind legs as the Wonderbolt Captain washes herself. As though sensing your wandering gaze, the shadowed Spitfire’s head turns in your direction.
  31. >“It’s an adjustment for all of us. Up until now you’ve been taking care of Ace and Hotshot together, and now that she’s out of the house you feel like you can’t manage her life any more. I know that it’s a big change, but believe me, it’s for the best.”
  33. “But the school is so far out of the way. To be honest, I’d feel better if she was attending one of the local school houses.”
  35. The water cuts off suddenly as Spitfire sticks her head out from around the curtain. She’s wearing an incredulous expression that might put you off under normal circumstances, but the fact that her mane is soaked and clinging to her cheeks serves as an ample distraction to let the gold mare explain herself.
  37. >“What? Not a chance. The schools in Cloudsdale are the only places where our children can get the training and supervision they need to be top notch fliers. By the time she moves on to Cloudsville Prep, Ace is going to be a lean, mean, flying machine.”
  39. Even though she’s usually naked, there’s something about your spouse when she steps out of the shower. A part of you tells you that you should look away out of the sake of modesty, but seeing her soaked clean through has a strange power over you. Modesty eventually wins out and you look away. With a few shakes of your head, you manage to untangle your tongue, listening to the sudden whirlwind building up in the bathroom as Spitfire races around in a small circle to dry herself.
  41. “But is it really necessary? I mean, like you said, you’re the acting Captain of the Wonderbolts, you could teach them more in a month than they could in Cloudsdale in a year. Besides, you didn’t have any fancy schooling, and look how you turned out.”
  43. >“Really, you’re going to try and flatter me?”
  45. With a small chuckle, Spitfire stalks out of the bathroom, her hair swept back in its usual style. She pauses in front of a mirror, giving herself a once over before smiling at you.
  47. >“I was a foreign-born filly with an easily mocked accent who just so happened to be talented, dedicated and attractive enough that I caught the right eyes at the right time. I had to work my tail off to get ahead and even then a lot of my success is due to nothing but luck. I want our kids to have a better life than that, to be able to make connections and rub wings with the future who’s who of Cloudsdale.”
  49. It’s obvious that you’re not going to get anywhere with her this morning. Offering her a small smile, you shrug and do your best to hide your disappointment.
  51. “All right, I understand. But I still worry that something might go wrong and Ace ends up in trouble. If you weren’t around, I don’t know if I would know what to do.”
  53. >“The same thing you do whenever you want to win me over.”
  55. Spitfire hovers over to the bed and plants another kiss on your lips. As she pulls away, there’s a playful twinkle in her eyes.
  57. >“Think on your feet. But really, you’re concerned that our little Ace is going to get herself in trouble? You worry too much.”
  59. You chuckle a little and rub at the back of your neck, reluctantly ending that line of thought. Spitfire spends a few moments more adjusting the fit of her dress uniform before finally seeming satisfied. With a few quick flicks of her head, she settles the aviator glasses down on her snout and gives you an expectant smirk.
  61. >“Well, do I look ready to bust some Wannabebolt flank?”
  63. “Almost.”
  65. You lick your thumb and slide a stray bit of her mane back up into an upright position. Giving a throaty laugh, the gold mare averts her eyes and shakes her head.
  67. >“You’re something else, you know that? I’ll see you this evening.”
  69. As she trots towards the door, you make one last appeal to her.
  71. “Do you ever think how things might be different, if we hadn’t settled down and just kept doing what we were doing?”
  73. Spitfire doesn’t turn around, but she does pause, setting all four hooves on the ground as she stares at the door. After a moment, she sighs and you can see her sag a little under a sudden, invisible weight.
  75. >“We said we wouldn’t talk about that any more. It was just a phase for both of us where we were avoiding our responsibilities. We both had to make some concessions before Ace was born.”
  77. “Yeah, we did, but some of my fondest memories are from the time I spent traveling across Equestria with you.”
  79. That got a twitch of movement out of her. Spitfire’s body goes taut as you bring up the days before your children; time spent out wilderness, going anywhere the wind took you. Just the two of you together, exploring the world and one another. Clearing your throat, you smile and shrug.
  81. “I guess what I’m saying is that I was scared, during the pregnancy. I didn’t know if I was ready to take on the responsibilities of being a father. But, at some point, it just clicked, and I knew I would do whatever it took to care for you and our children.”
  83. Again, your spouse refuses to say anything. There’s a slight twitch in her neck, almost as if she’s resisting the urge to turn and face you, but it’s very apparent from her profile that she’s scowling, her lips set into a thin, unbreakable line. Looks like you may have pushed things a little too far this morning.
  85. “Just, think about it.”
  87. >“…I’m going to wake up Ace. You and Hotshot have a good day.”
  89. Well, that’s that. You sigh a little and move towards the bathroom, going through your morning routine in an attempt to make yourself presentable. Taking a few moments to inspect yourself in the mirror afterwards, you have to say that you did a fairly good job this morning, a solid seven out of ten.
  91. Taking time to splash some water on your face, you dress and move down to the kitchen, just in time to see Spitfire’s cutie mark wiggle out the door. Not even a good bye? Yeah, she’s still a bit upset.
  93. >“Poppa!”
  95. Two small arms wrap themselves snuggly around your leg as you turn towards the voice. Beneath a mess of orange and yellow half-curls, your daughter’s cinnamon colored eyes peer up at you, Ace’s smile enhanced by a vacant gap where one of her incisors should be. With a small grunt, you heave your six year old daughter from the ground up into a tight hug, noting that her baggy shirt actually smells like it had been washed recently. One less thing to worry about. Ace squeals and wraps her arms around your neck as she settles into your arms, before planting a kiss on your cheek.
  97. “How are you this morning, kiddo?”
  99. >“I’m good. I think I have another loose tooth!”
  101. Feigning surprise, you smile and give a low whistle.
  103. “Is that so? Can you show me?”
  105. With an enthusiastic nod of her head, Ace pushes herself back an arm’s length and grins up at you again. You can see her tongue through the opening in her otherwise immaculate smile and, sure enough, she’s wiggling another one of her incisors. Making a small sound of discomfort, Ace quickly snaps her lips down and furrows her brow.
  107. >“Ouch, I think I bit myself…”
  109. “Well then, I guess it’s not quite ready to come out yet.
  111. Ace gives a dejected nod as she puffs out her cheeks and scowls down at the ground. Not wanting to send both your girls off in a sour mood, you quickly move to improve your daughter’s day.
  113. “But I could still try if you like…”
  115. As your daughter looks up, you bare your own teeth in a teasing sneer, making a pinching motion with your thumb and forefinger in the direction of her mouth. Clapping her hands over the bottom half of her face, Ace yelps in delight and is quick to escape your grip, dropping down to the ground and rushing the door. You laugh and continue the chase, pinching the air the whole while as her equine legs pound against the floor, a stream of giggles and squeals escaping your daughter’s mouth as she continues to glance back over her shoulder the entire way to the door.
  117. Once free of the frame, Ace’s wings flare out and she’s quick to take to the sky. You chase her out into the yard, but eventually stop and put your hands on your hips. Resting in the assurance that she’s safely out of range, the half-human filly turns in the air, smiling and flicking her tooth at you once more for good measure.
  119. >“Nice try, Poppa, but you can’t get me up here!”
  121. “Just you wait until this afternoon, kiddo. You’re mine!”
  123. You make a show of clamping your fingers together again before dropping your hand to your side and laughing. Ace giggles, but before she can fire back, her mother’s voice cuts through the air.
  125. >“C’mon Ace, I’ve got to get to work.”
  127. >“Coming! Bye, Poppa, I love you!”
  129. “I love you too, Ace!”
  131. Exchanging waves with your daughter, you watch as she streaks off to join her mother, already a good clip away. As the filly catches up to your spouse, the sky all but flares to life as the two of them make their way towards Cloudsdale, trails entwining with flashes of flame from Spitfire. With a sad smile, you make your way back inside and make preparations for your son to awaken. As you walk though the door, there’s a shout from above.
  133. >“Poppa!”
  135. Well, that kind of kills the idea of prep time. A quick glance up confirms that Hotshot is wide awake, which means the games have officially begun. He stands on the outside edge of the balcony on the second floor, his small arms threaded between the wooden slats that would keep someone from falling. Giggling, Hotshot leans forward, looking as though he’s about to fall, before using his arms to pull his back against the slats again. Your heart begins to thud in your chest.
  137. “Shot! Get down from there!”
  139. >“Nu-uh!”
  141. With an excited shake of his head, the half-colt with wavy auburn hair can only grin and laugh as he goes through the motion again. He stretches himself out a little further than before, making a surprised expression with his lips before giggling and pulling himself back to safety. Then, he smiles wider than ever and you can see the tip of his tongue slip out from between his teeth.
  143. >“Oh no Poppa, I’m gonna fall! You gotta catch me!”
  145. The world slows to a crawl as you watch your son lean forward again, this time releasing his grip on the slats. His arms slide free and Hotshot begins his rapid descent. Your legs carry you towards him, arms raised up high, running on instinct as you attempt to save your son. But as you approach, you see laughter in those large brown eyes, and just as he’s falling by your head, his wings flare out and allow the young boy to buzz right by your ear, cackling in delight as he careens off into another room.
  147. >“Gotcha!”
  149. Taking a moment to slow your heart, you groan and bring a hand to your face, letting your palm rest against your eye as you shake your head. You should have known better than to let his mother name him Hotshot, in a world where names tend to dictate talents. This boy was going to make you go grey before your time. From the other room, you hear the steady beat of wings in the air, and the loud cackle from your son.
  151. >“Poppa, it’s time to play! C’mon!”
  153. With your heart still pounding away in your chest, you shake your head and devote much of the morning to an elaborate hybrid game of chase and hide and go seek. It ends up stretching throughout much of the house, over book cases, under the sofa and around sharp corners. On more than one occasion you’re sure that you have him cornered, only for the satyr to take to the air or dive between your legs, renewing the chase.
  155. The game continues into the late morning. You find yourself up in the darkened attic, creeping around as best you can with the floorboards creaking under your weight. Closing your eyes, you hear the labored breathing of your son and smile. Moving on the balls of your feet, you approach the silhouette of a flimsy looking stack of boxes, listening as Hotshot’s breathing stops abruptly.
  157. Letting him sweat it out for a moment, you wait, moving your hand into position. As your son finally takes a breath again, you strike. Your hand strikes downward, fingers quickly finding the gentle touch of a shirt and grasping onto it. The squeal of terror from your son is enough to bring a broad smile to your face, and you reel him in, despite Hotshot’s continued attempts to thrash out of your grip. Holding the boy out at an arm’s length, you march down the stairs and bring your free hand to your lips, making a trumpeting sound behind a closed fist.
  159. “Once again, Poppa, is, the victor!”
  161. >“Phooey.”
  163. Hotshot sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry as he crosses his arms over his chest. You give a deep laugh as you finally get a good look at the boy, covered in dust and even a few scrapes from his continued attempts at evasion. You make your way towards the bathroom, making sure to adjust your grip for maximum hold as you lay out the plan for the couple of hours.
  165. “Well, you put on a good show today, squirt. Let’s get you washed up…”
  167. With a squeal, Hotshot interrupts you and begins thrashing anew, his wings flapping violently as he kicks in futility at the air beneath his hooves. Seeing that his attempts to escape have already been thwarted, the young colt grunts and works his upper body from side to side, twisting himself so that he can face you and attempt to plead his case.
  169. >“No! I just had a bath last night!”
  171. Chuckling, you smile and continue.
  173. “And then we’ll see about getting some lunch, okay?”
  175. In an instant, Hotshot goes still, though his previous thrashing is still sending him twisting from one side to another as he hangs from your grip. After a moment of thought, he twists his head towards you and grins.
  177. >“Grilled cheese?”
  179. Bingo. Dropping the boy to the floor, you kneel and smile right back at him.
  181. “And tomato soup, too. Plus, if we can avoid any spills, we won’t have to take another bath afterwards.”
  183. >“Yes!”
  185. Hotshot pumps his arm in excitement and hurries off to the bathroom, shedding his shirt along the way. Before walking into the bathroom, you make your way down to the kitchen and set up the stove to bring the liquid to a slow boil, giving you ample time to wash your son. As you sit on the edge of the tub and run the washcloth between his wings, you can’t help but notice that, despite Hotshot’s physically adept nature, he seems significantly smaller than his sister at the same age.
  187. Granted, he’s only the second satyr you’ve ever seen but he seems more birdlike when compared to his sister, lacking the powerful legs and longer, thicker arms Ace seemed to have since the day she was born. Not that that stops him from flying circles around her, much to your daughter’s chagrin. Still, he seems to be doing just fine, so you decide not to worry about it for the time being, filing it away to ask at his next physical. After draining the tub and giving your son a quick towel down, you and Hotshot make your way downstairs.
  189. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
  191. >“Baths are still dumb.”
  193. You laugh and wiggle the two fingers that he has wedged in his ironclad grip.
  195. “Maybe so, but don’t you feel fresh and clean?”
  197. Hotshot opens his mouth to respond, but something gives him pause, his eyes seeming to become unfocused as he stares into the kitchen. You wait a moment for your usually forthright son to say his piece, before you follow his gaze. The soup pot is bubbling violently, ready to flow out onto the stove top. Before you can let out a curse, your teeth instinctively snap down on your tongue, reminding you of your son’s presence.
  199. “Drat.”
  201. Wrenching your fingers free, you sprint your way to the stove, quickly moving the pot off the burner and pulling the lid off. You watch as the soup burbles a few more times before an enormous bubble bursts and showers your shirt and arms in boiling tomato soup. Behind you, there’s the telltale slap of hands to mouth as Hotshot begins to cackle, wobbling back and forth on his hooves.
  203. Grabbing a dishrag, you wipe your arms off as quickly as you can before turning back to your son. The two of you exchange stares for a moment, before Hotshot removes his hands from his mouth and grins, pointing towards you.
  205. >“Now -you- need a bath!”
  207. After a brief silence, you feel your frustration at the situation dissipate. With a shake of your head, you move towards the laundry room, calling over your shoulder to your son.
  209. “All right smart guy, why don’t you pull up a chair and wait for me while I take care of this shirt and then we’ll get started on your grilled cheese?”
  211. >“Grilled cheese!”
  213. There’s the excited screech of wooden legs against the floor as Hotshot leaps into action, his hooves clacking against the wooden supports in excitement as you treat your shirt and then toss it into the wash. There’s a rather ragged looking replacement shirt that could probably use a washing as well, but for the time being it will have to do. You walk back into the kitchen, pulling it over your head as you move to the stove.
  215. “All right squirt, are you ready to grill up some CHEESE?”
  217. That’s all your son needs to hear. The chair screeches again, leaving you grinding your teeth as the oblivious Hotshot leaps to his hooves and rushes across the floor, undoubtedly thrusting his arms into the air in excitement.
  219. >“Yeah!”
  221. “All right, what are we going to need?”
  223. You bring a finger to your chin in thought, tapping it a few times as you stare off into space. Seconds into your faux thought process, Hotshot’s hooves begin to clop against the floor as he bounces in place. With a tired sigh, you glance down at your son and try not to laugh as you frown at him.
  225. “Gee squirt, I can’t remember what we need for grilled cheese sandwiches.”
  227. Just like his sister, Hotshot is more than willing to play along with your silly games, clapping his hands a few times before pointing to the breadbox and the refrigerator.
  229. >“Bread’n’cheese!”
  231. “Oh, of course, how could I forget?”
  233. Hotshot laughs and proceeds to follow you around like a shadow as you get out the necessary ingredients, forcing you to make long strides to avoid catching him underfoot. Your son’s sandwich is going to be relatively straightforward, bread, butter, mayo and a whole lot of cheese. You also get out some basil for yourself, as well as a few slices of tomato. As you set up the stove top again, you glance down at your little buddy.
  235. “How many sandwiches are you going to want?”
  237. Grinning, the satyr holds up his hand, all five fingers extended. You laugh and reach down, wrapping your hand around is and pressing all but his thumb and forefinger into his palm in the process.
  239. “Why don’t we start there and if you’re still hungry after that then I can make you some more?”
  241. Though he puffs up his cheeks in righteous fury, Hotshot is more than willing to take what he can get. As you begin to prepare the sandwiches, you can feel the ever present hovering form of your son dodging from left to right behind you as he sneaks peeks over your shoulders. With three sandwiches ready for grilling, you grunt and snatch him out of the air.
  243. >“Ahhh! I just wanted to see!”
  245. “I know that.”
  247. You laugh a little and nod to the spatula resting on the counter top.
  249. “I just thought you might want to help me flip them.”
  251. Reaching out, his still fingers wrap around the piece of plastic cookware, taking the time to feel the yielding material beneath his fingers. With wonder in his eyes, Hotshot glances up at you, too stunned to smile.
  253. >“Can I really?”
  255. “You sure can. Quick, take a look.”
  257. In an instant, your son’s head jerks back to the stovetop, eyes searching without knowing what it is that he’s looking for. You suppress a laugh and nod at one of the sandwiches.
  259. “See that one, at the top? That’s one of yours. It’s ready to be flipped, so take your spatula and work it underneath the bread.”
  261. Hotshot narrows his eyes, and you can see his knuckles begin to go white as he clutches at the cooking implement in an awkward sideways grip. He takes a few experimental stabs at the bread, spilling a fair amount of oozing cheese out in the process, before he finally gets the instrument into place.
  263. “All right, now carefully lift the spatula up…”
  265. For a few seconds, it seems your son forgets to breathe as he hefts the mighty cheese sandwich from the pan, eyeing the recently toasted side with the true gaze of a grilled cheese connoisseur.
  267. “And now, twist your wrist… there we go!”
  269. The sandwich plops back down into the pan with a hiss and sizzle, the excited laughter of your son echoing through the kitchen as he quickly moves onto the next, and finally onto yours. In the end, they’re all a little more well-done than either of you might have liked, but Hotshot doesn’t complain as he crunches away at his pair of sandwiches.
  271. “Your Poppa’s knows his way around a grilled cheese, eh squirt?”
  273. >“Mhmmf!”
  275. Grunting in approval, Hotshot makes a show of pulling his sandwich away from his lips, showcasing the enormous strand of melted cheese that hangs between his mouth and the bread. You laugh as the string snaps without warning, sending your son scrambling after it as he eats his way back up to the crust.
  277. Thankfully, there are no more problems with the soup, despite the satyr’s insistence that he dunk his sandwich into the red liquid, sending it splattering all over the table, and his desire to slurp up every last drop once he finished his meal. As you had guessed, two was more than enough for the little boy, allowing yourself a small smile as Hotshot pushes himself away from the table and pats his stomach.
  279. “Good stuff?”
  281. Another nonverbal reply, only this time the sound of agreement is cut off by an enormous yawn that Hotshot works around by simply nodding his head. Your eyes light up a little at the sight. Moving quietly, you clear the table and gently place the dishes in the sink with a quiet clatter. Taking the time to run some water over them, you glance over to your son.
  283. “Well, glad you liked it. You did a great job helping out too.”
  285. >“Yup. Thanks, Poppa…”
  287. His head is bobbing a little bit, eyes fluttering as Hotshot’s stomach tries to process the relatively enormous amount of food that was just consumed. Cutting off another yawn, a bleary-eyed Hotshot glances up at you as you approach, smiling a little.
  289. >“Is it time to play again?”
  291. Reaching down, you lift the boy into your arms. He gives a small squirm of discomfort before finding a place to rest his head, with his cheek pressing into your collar bone. Giving him a firm pat on the back, you make your way towards the stairs.
  293. “Not just yet, squirt. I think it’s about time for a little midday nap.”
  295. >“Bu’ I’m not tired.”
  297. You smile as your boy slurs his words together, unable to even lift his head as he attempts to continue his protest at being put down for a nap.
  299. >“’m too old for naps.”
  301. “Oh, you’re never too old for naps, Hotshot. I take naps too.”
  303. >“Momma doesn’t.”
  305. “And that’s why your Momma’s cranky when she comes home from work.”
  307. >“Hu hu hu…”
  309. Hotshot gives a throaty, incredibly goonish laugh, clutching at your shirt as he sighs and shifts his head a little. Despite his protests, he is more than willing to be laid out on his bed, his fingers sliding around a blanket as you run your own fingers through his hair.
  311. “All right, sleep tight. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
  313. The gentle breathing of your son is the only response that you receive. For that matter, it’s the only one that you would really want. Making it out into the hall, you let out an exhausted groan and drop your hands to your knees, massaging the sore joints behind them.
  315. “That boy is going to be the death of me. I shouldn’t feel this old.”
  317. Standing, you pop your back and make your way downstairs. A few minutes of cleaning later and you drop into a chair in the living room with a thump. Your body aches in ways that you didn’t think were possible ten years ago, just another sign that you’re getting older. Or that your children are secretly sapping your strength in order to grow up big and strong. As you stare up at the ceiling, you allow yourself a small smile at the thought of your children.
  319. “If it’s for them, it’s all right.”
  321. The chair squeaks a little as you stretch out in it, giving a large yawn as you close your eyes. Considering that a trip to town was in order today, it might be a good idea to take a nap yourself. Hotshot will certainly wake you up when he’s ready to go, so you may as well enjoy the peace and quiet while you can.
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