
End of Day One in Equestria pt 5

Dec 7th, 2012
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  1. >hello
  2. What?
  3. >You awake to a familiar voice, in an unfamiliar part of your mind.
  4. >You have a throbbing headache, and the taste of cider is still prevalent in your mouth
  5. >There's another taste or two in there as well, but you can't place them.
  6. >It matters little.
  7. >You look outside your window, and see that it has gone dark.
  8. How long was I out?
  9. >Not too long, just over 4 hours, it feels like about 9 pm to you
  10. Well I'm glad we're here, but it feels like there's a small blender attempting to liquify a few nails in my head, and I doubt that there's any aspirin in this "Equestria".
  11. >You get up, heedless to the pain in your head, and go in search of water, or medicine, or even better both.
  12. >As you get to the door of the room you've been unconscious in, you hear a bit of noise coming towards you.
  13. >You step back a bit just in time to avoid getting a door to the face.
  14. >Standing in the doorway, is a majestic and rather large unicorn with wings , and a mane that billows in the non-existent wind. She has kindness and undeniable strength in her eyes, and as your eyes meet hers, you feel a mixture of fear, and happiness deep inside.
  15. >Instinctively you bow your head, and wait for her to address you.
  17. 1/?
  19. >"Ah hello, you must be Anonymous. Twilight has told me much about you, and has shared her memories of you with me. I trust her completely, but you'll have to forgive me if I'm not so trusting of you."
  20. >The winged unicorn taps her horn to your head, and you are filled with a feeling of intense warmth, as well as the feeling that she now knows you better than you yourself do.
  21. >"I am impressed Anon, there are few who can retain consciousness through one of my probings. Even the other anonymous was out for a day before I had the chance to communicate with him.
  22. >You may still be conscious, but it feels like your head is literally splitting in two, and as the princess addresses you, you can hear little more than tinny noise coming from her general direction.
  23. >You drop to your knees, and begin to hack and cough. Specks of blood drip from your nose, as you begin to black out.
  25. 2/?
  27. >The princess has other ideas though, and taps your chest with her horn a-glow.
  28. >You feel a shock, and jolt back into consciousness. The best image you can imagine to describe how you feel is how you felt after you got hit by a truck going thirty MPH. That impact left you in the hospital for over a month, and your arm was in a cast for at least half a year longer.
  29. >You are definitely awake now though, and although everything is blurred, you can hear again, and you hear what the Princess has to say to you.
  30. >"I have no means to be gentle with you, and I apologize for the pain you are likely undergoing as we speak, but I need to keep my student, and my subjects, safe. If you harm any of them on purpose, or through accident, I will know, and you will be punished accordingly."
  31. >Celestia places you on the bed, and once more taps her glowing horn to your head. You go out like a candle.
  32. 3/?
  34. >You are now Twilight Sparkle.
  35. >The conversation with the princess did not go over nearly as smoothly as you had hoped.
  36. >Things began swimmingly, with you delivering a letter on your most recent friendship lesson to her by hand.
  37. >You gave a bit of a report on how your friends were doing, and finally you showed your teacher your newest spell, sharing memories.
  38. >This was when things began to go slightly sour.
  39. >The princess inquired as to how you found the memory spell, and you told her how you'd been practicing it for a while , but only really solidified it as an effective spell after trying it out on the first bad-anon.
  40. >She asked you to share the memories you copied from him
  41. >Lots of darkness in those, but your most recent attempt at the spell was much brighter, and was a major selling point of yours in trying to convince Celestia to allow Anon to stay.
  42. >She was not convinced as thoroughly as you'd hoped, but then you told her about his speech, and his winning over the town's forgiveness.
  43. >She did seem impressed with that.
  44. >Things seemed fine, not perfect as you'd hoped, but it definitely seemed as though Anon would be allowed to stay with you, in Ponyville.
  45. 4/?
  47. >You woke a while later, to the sound of pain, and the faint smell of Celestia
  48. >It was coming from down the hall, where anon was sleeping.
  49. >Perhaps he had fallen out of bed as she observed his sleeping habits.
  50. >Perhaps he had injured his head in the fall.
  51. >You cautiously head down the hall to Anon's room, and peer through the crack in the doors to see The princess touch her horn to Anon's head, and him shoot out of consciousness faster than was likely natural.
  52. >In fear, you take a step back, but this was your friend, and you had to know what was happening.
  53. >You enter the room, and Celestia looks over at you, calmly.
  54. >"He fell over, and bumped his head, and from the looks of it he may have injured his nose. Fetch the royal healer Twilight, I was just about to myself, but I think I'll stay here to make sure that he doesn't worsen.
  55. >Why would Celestia lie to you?
  56. >Perhaps you are merely tired, and you just imagined what you saw through the door.
  57. >You tell yourself that must have been it, but deep inside, you know something is wrong.
  58. >The next day saw Celestia up at the crack of dawn, and her two guests up soon afterwards.
  59. >Goodbyes were said, assignments were given from teacher to student, and the princess announced that Anon was hereby a citizen of Equestria.
  61. 5/?
  63. >You are Anon again.
  64. >Your head hurts and you don't really remember any of your time in Canterlot. The last thing you remember "clearly" is being victorious in your drink-off against the barkeep on the train, and some fuzzy memories about medicine late at night.
  65. >Thankfully, your drunkenness did not jeopardize your potential citizenship, and you've been accepted as an honorary citizen of the nation.
  66. >The Two of you board the train back to Ponyville, and find some seats for the long ride.
  67. Thanks Twilight, for bringing me and for getting the princess to accept me. Sorry I was out of it the entire time we were here though.
  68. >"Don't mention it, i'm just glad things all worked out in the end." She blushes a bit at your thanks, and puts her head down for a well earned nap.
  69. >After a while you stumble off towards the bathroom, and relieve yourself once more. The trip is long and relatively uneventful, so you decide you might as well shut your eyes and hum a bit to pass the time
  71. >As your humming comes to a close, you smell that odd flower smell from before, and before you get a chance to sniff around for the source, the train pulls to a stop, and everyone is told that they've arrived at Ponyville Station.
  72. >You wake Twilight, and as you're exiting the train, you're tackled down by a bright pink pony with a mane like cotton candy, and eyes the color of energy.
  73. >"Welcome to Ponyville! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I never got to say hello, and i missed your big speech, but now we're going to have a party, and it'll be just great!"
  74. 6/6
  75. End of part 5.
  76. End of day One
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