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  2. Session Start: Fri Sep 10 23:29:35 2010
  3. Session Ident: #blastic
  4. [23:29] * Now talking in #blastic
  5. [23:29] * Earthflame is now known as Morveren_Killigrew
  6. [23:30] * Josephine_Fournier ( has joined #blastic
  7. [23:30] * Thinik is now known as Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny
  8. [23:31] * macrophage ( has joined #blastic
  9. [23:31] * macrophage is now known as Rajesh_Chandrasekhar
  10. [23:34] <@Blast> Josephine you've been taken out of your very structured daily routine; instead of doing synch tests, you're being taken somewhat aside to the Eva cages themselves. You're being escorted by a tech that you don't know too well, and isn't very talkative. He walks slowly through the twisting hallways and staircases of the mountain base.
  11. [23:37] <@Blast> You arrive in the cages. The room is roughly square, 50m each way, an Eva sealed off by blast doors and other protective measures in each corner; usually, anyway. Today, two of the four Evas are revealed. Your own, and another.
  12. [23:38] * Josephine_Fournier stares at the unfamiliar Eva
  13. [23:40] <@Blast> Morveren you're with a fairly friendly scientist, Dr Jones. She's a young woman with a nice smile and a very legible Welsh accent. She's explained to you why you're being taken to the cages; to see your Eva, cybernetic constructions completed for the first time, and to meet the rather famous Josephine Fournier, known worldwide as the ace pilot who defeated six Angels solo.
  14. [23:43] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  15. [23:44] * Dagoth5577 is now known as Josephine_Fournier_
  16. [23:44] * Josephine_Fournier_ runs a hand through her short cropped, dirty blonde hair, gazing at the familiar red and white form of her Eva
  17. [23:45] <@Blast> Blast doors, on the other side of the room to Josephine and her minder, open. Mrs Jones bends down and talks softly into your ear.
  18. [23:45] * Josephine_Fournier_ is drawn, as ever, to the eyes. Three soulless, black compound holes in either side of the Eva's faceplate
  19. [23:45] <@Blast> "She's over there. Go and say hi!"
  20. [23:45] * Josephine_Fournier ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  21. [23:45] * Josephine_Fournier_ is now known as Josephine_Fournier
  22. [23:46] <@Blast> She gives you a friendly push in her direction.
  23. [23:49] * Morveren_Killigrew grins, striding over to Josephine. She has short strawberry blonde hair, bright brown eyes and slightly tanned skin, wearing a pair of navy shorts and a light blue T-shirt with sandals and no socks. She gives a friendly wave "Heya Jose! Nice to finally meet ya. I guess we'll be Pards, proper like?"
  24. [23:50] <@Blast> Josephine's tech stands fairly disinterested. He wanders over to Dr Jones as Morveren comes to take over the babysitting.
  25. [23:51] * Josephine_Fournier turns towards the newcomer. Her fair skin and green eyes establish quite a contrast with the girl's before her. Smiling, she walks towards her, she has quite a stride thanks to her height
  26. [23:52] <Josephine_Fournier> "You're one of the new pilots, eh? What's your name?"
  27. [23:54] * Morveren_Killigrew grins, offering a hand "Morveren, but call me Ver, its easier". She looks up at her, raising an eyebrow "Proper lanky maid, aint'cha?"
  28. [23:58] * Josephine_Fournier takes her hand. "I grew fast. Not from around here, are you? Hope my english is ok."
  29. [23:59] * Morveren_Killigrew cackles "Its right, mate. Better'n mine, considerin'". She shakes with great enthusiasm.
  30. Session Time: Sat Sep 11 00:00:02 2010
  31. [00:01] * Josephine_Fournier turns away from the walk way, gazing at the new eva. "This is yours, then?"
  32. [00:04] <Morveren_Killigrew> Compared to the complete form of Josephine's Eva, Morveren's machine seems rather less developed. And, come to mention it, rather more mechanical. Its a lot smaller and thinner, like an adolescent compared to a grown man, and its limbs are obviously mostly mechanical, steel and ceramics compensating for and augmenting an underdeveloped musculature.
  33. [00:04] <Morveren_Killigrew> Its black shell is rather sorry looking, and the bright gold is almost comedic in contrast. Its even lacking one of the common wing hardpoints, with only its Left shoulder carrying one. Stranger still, on its head, an unpainted steel plate is apparently bolted over one of the Eva's eyes, without obvious reason.
  34. [00:04] * Morveren_Killigrew nods "Aye, that's my chariot"
  35. [00:08] <Josephine_Fournier> Josephine's eva is heavier, more thickly built, the overall design more curved and organic, save for the armor about the head, which is blocky and seems to clash with the smoother lines below the neck. Three black compound eyes stare vacantly from the side of its head, darker even than the red paint surrounding it, which has the rather unpleasant shade of dried blood. The white about the...
  36. [00:08] <Josephine_Fournier> ...arms and wings seems almost blinding by comparison
  37. [00:10] * Morveren_Killigrew looks up at Josephine's Eva's head in thought "Wasson with the Fizzog?". A moment later, she realises she isn't in Cornwall, and asks "What's wrong with its head?"
  38. [00:12] * Josephine_Fournier shrugs. "Can't say. I didn't design it, I just ride the thing." She grins. "Like the eyepatch, by the way."
  39. [00:14] * Morveren_Killigrew chuckles "Its a nice touch, too right. Proper piratical". She glances between the two "Howsit t'fight in one on these great monsters? Y've got the experience, after all"
  40. [00:16] <Josephine_Fournier> "Ehhh...hard to describe really. You get used to the controls pretty fast. Hardly takes any thought. Sometimes you can hardly even tell its there."
  41. [00:17] * Morveren_Killigrew nods "I think I understand that. I surf, y'see. Long time through, the board feels more like yer feet than yer feet do!"
  42. [00:18] <@Blast> Dr Jones is quite swifly in your vicinity. She's smiling broadly.
  43. [00:21] <@Blast> "I don't want to interrupt, but... could we do some tests in a while? The other two pilots are getting here in..."
  44. [00:22] <@Blast> She checks her wrist. There's no watch on it, so she checks the other, which there is a watch on.
  45. [00:22] <@Blast> "Three or four hours."
  46. [00:22] <@Blast> She's the least intimidating person ever and her silly accent compounds this.
  47. [00:23] * Morveren_Killigrew nods "Right by me, I'll proper louster!"
  48. [00:23] * Josephine_Fournier turns to look at Morveren. "Tests. I swear we spend more time in the plug doing nothing than fighting angels."
  49. [00:23] * Morveren_Killigrew shrugs "I like the plug. Its balmy nice"
  50. [00:24] <@Blast> Dr Jones looks faux-sternly at Morveren.
  51. [00:24] <@Blast> "I wish you spoke proper English."
  52. [00:25] * Morveren_Killigrew cackles "I'm Cornish, not english! Giss on, y'welsh prisky"
  53. [00:25] * Josephine_Fournier glances between the two of them nervously
  54. [00:25] <@Blast> She rubs her forehead and hisses a laugh.
  55. [00:26] <@Blast> "You're in the company of an important lady, right?"
  56. [00:26] <@Blast> She looks at Josephine for a moment and grins, and then looks back to Morveren.
  57. [00:26] <Josephine_Fournier> "I wouldn't say that. The job's important, not me."
  58. [00:27] * Morveren_Killigrew shrugs "Important, ess. Point bein'?"
  59. [00:28] <@Blast> She speaks up after considering her next words. "It's just a certain degree of poli..."
  60. [00:28] <@Blast> She trails off and stops talking.
  61. [00:28] <@Blast> "Tell me when you're done."
  62. [00:29] <@Blast> She backs off and makes her way over to the tech, who is smoking a cigarette as far away from the girls as possible.
  63. [00:30] * Morveren_Killigrew cackles "Zackley!"
  64. [00:35] * Morveren_Killigrew glances at Josephie "'So, what d'yeh folks get up to 'round here?"
  65. [00:35] <Josephine_Fournier> "Honestly...not much. I'm a very boring person. And between tests and training..."
  66. [00:36] <Josephine_Fournier> "Like I said, I'm not very interesting. What about you?"
  67. [00:37] * Morveren_Killigrew chuckles "I used to surf wi' me mehds, and then chip in for a bottle o'scrumpy and get wankered". She glances around, and sighs "Only, I'm wi'out mates and wi'out scrumpy, and there aint bliddy anywhere t'surf..."
  68. [00:38] <Josephine_Fournier> " english is failing me here. I recognized 'surf'."
  69. [00:38] * Josephine_Fournier blushes
  70. [00:39] * Morveren_Killigrew sighs "Surfin with friends, gettin drunk on strong cider. Only, got no friends and got no cider. Ya follow?"
  71. [00:40] * Josephine_Fournier sighs "Sorry. I've never actually been to the ocean. Or drunk. Lucky."
  72. [00:41] * Morveren_Killigrew chuckles "S'alright Jose, we can't all live the nice life. I'll miss the sea though. Backalong, I'd always wake to the salty breeze and the cries o'gulls...". She stares for a moment, smiling at happy memories
  73. [00:42] <Josephine_Fournier> "Call me Josephine, if you don't mind. It's what I'm used to."
  74. [00:43] * Morveren_Killigrew gives her an odd look "Its a bother to say! Joe-seh-phine. Can't you shorten it a smidge?"
  75. [00:44] * Josephine_Fournier pauses for a moment. "....alright."
  76. [00:45] * Morveren_Killigrew chuckles "So, whaddya like? Jose? Josie? Joe? Y've got a lot of options wi'that name"
  77. [00:46] <Josephine_Fournier> "Jose is fine I guess."
  78. [00:48] * Morveren_Killigrew nods "Aight then!". She pauses, and then glances back to the technicians "Eh... Is there anything we're meant t'be doin? Or y'd like t'do? Or, shall we get that dobeck doctor to start the tests?"
  79. [00:48] <Josephine_Fournier> "Dobek?"
  80. [00:48] <@Blast> Dr Jones is now smoking a cigarette too and clearly flirting with the technician.
  81. [00:49] * Morveren_Killigrew winks at her "Idiot"
  82. [00:50] * Josephine_Fournier furrows her brow. "Oh. She's nice, really. Except for the tests. Guess we might as well get it over with."
  83. [00:50] * Morveren_Killigrew nods "Lets get on then!"
  84. [00:53] <@Blast> Scene skip!
  85. [00:56] <@Blast> Rajesh, you're just checking out of the train at Calais. There's a bald man in a plain but sharp suit holding a sign with "Chandraskehar" on it outside the station. He's standing by an equally smart SUV with tinted windows; the type drug dealers and celebrities own.
  86. [00:59] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> Huh. They spelled it right. A dark kid who looks robust, but kind of short steps off the train, and gets his luggage, a FUCKHUGE trunk on wheels. He's struggling with it. He'll walk up to the man, one hand leaving the heavy handle, going up to tangle in vaguely unkempt hair. "Hey, I'm Rajesh.", hand extends to the man. Can you help me load this?", a teddy bear's hand peeks out, smashed partially
  87. [00:59] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> in the overstuffed trunk.
  88. [01:00] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar blinks at the sign a second time...wait a minute....GODDAMN INDIAN NAMES THAT NOT EVEN INDIANS CAN REMEMBER!
  89. [01:01] <@Blast> He nods, takes the briefcase, and moves out of the way of the door.
  90. [01:01] <@Blast> "Yessir. Good to see you, sir."
  91. [01:02] <@Blast> He moves around to the back of the Chelsea tractor and hefts the luggage into the back, after opening the door.
  92. [01:02] <@Blast> Seraphine, you've been waiting in the car by yourself for at least half an hour, on top of the travel time from the airport.
  93. [01:03] <@Blast> The door opens and reveals Rajesh. You know what his job is, and what his name is, but very little else.
  94. [01:05] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar lets this guy handle the overstuffed trunk...briefcase is a hilarious understatement. He'll step inside. "So we're going to the, uhh...NERV base?"
  95. [01:06] <@Blast> The car shifts down a little at the rear with Rajesh's massive suitcase put in. The driver moves around to the front of the car and gets in the driver's seat.
  96. [01:06] <@Blast> Driver: "<Are you alright back there?>"
  97. [01:06] <@Blast> He speaks French.
  98. [01:07] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar stumbles..."I, ah...I don't speak french....erm, parley voos anglais?"
  99. [01:07] <@Blast> "Oh, sorry sir. Are you comfortable?"
  100. [01:08] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar nods. "Yeah, yeah...I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me. Besides, if I'm gonna be piloting a killer robot, the cockpit's gonna be less comfy than this, right?"
  101. [01:09] <@Blast> He looks slightly nervous.
  102. [01:09] <@Blast> "Of course, sir. Madame?"
  103. [01:09] <@Blast> He looks to Seraphine.
  104. [01:10] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar then realizes he's not alone in here. "Hey, I'm Rajesh.", he smiles, looking just perhaps a -little- too pleased with himself.
  105. [01:16] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "I'm Seraphine Francoise de Savigny! Pleased to meet you!" - a pretty blond girl in an extremely fancy outfit flashes a bright smile. Then she turns to a driver - "I hope we can drive now?" - impatience, boredom and irritation are mixed in her commanding tone.
  106. [01:17] <@Blast> He starts the car.
  107. [01:17] <@Blast> "Oui, madame."
  108. [01:17] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> Huh. Well she's nice enough to him, now isn't she? He supposes the train ran late. He doesn't know. Doesn't care. "Might as well get going...I wanna check out this badass machine I'm supposed to be piloting."
  109. [01:18] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Good." - She stops paying attention to driver immediately. -
  110. [01:19] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "I assume you are quite happy about piloting... Rajeesh?" - she makes a little pause, as attempting to remember his name.
  111. [01:19] <@Blast> The driver sets off..
  112. [01:21] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "Rajesh. Rajesh Chandrasekhar. Call me Raj.", he flashes another broad smile, because well, this is pretty awesome. "Are you a pilot, too?"
  113. [01:23] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Yes, I'm a pilot!" - french girl sounds really enthusiastic. - "I'm glad to meet a fellow enthusiast, who is rather happy about our fate... our quest, I would even say. I wonder, what other pilots think about it..."
  114. [01:24] * Josephine_Fournier ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  115. [01:24] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "Hah! No you know how many others there are?", their That's a bit wierd.
  116. [01:25] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  117. [01:25] * Dagoth5577 is now known as Josephine_Fournier
  118. [01:27] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "I'm not sure. I haven't been on the base yet. I've only heard some rumours about my... machine, they told me that I will be certainly pleased by it in every aspects. This is good."
  119. [01:29] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "They've been pretty mum about just what I'm gonna be doing other than fighting monsters and saving the world. Guess...I'll have to see it myself when I get there. Suppose we'll be working together, eh?"
  120. [01:31] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "I guess so. Working, fighting... saving the world, yes. I like how it sounds. Like fun... and like a way to express yourself. To help people, to protect them... and to be extremely amazing. We will be heroes!"
  121. [01:32] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "Right. Something like that. Your parents with NERV?"
  122. [01:35] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> French girl giggles. "Ah, no. My father is... he could just be de Savigny, that alone would be enough. But... he happens to be a businessman, and a rather successful one. You can read about him in Forbes, or something like that, if you're interested."
  123. [01:37] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar sort of blanks out..he'll then raise the question that others will probably eventually ask. "You...bought your way into this program?", he looks more confused than anything, face warping slightly. That's...what if she sucks?
  124. [01:40] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "I didn't bought it. I asked for it. Because I know that I'm good enough for it, Rajeesh." - girl flashes a confident smile. - "In a modern world, it's impossible to express youself if you want to protect people with a sword and shield in your hands. In a modern world, life is boring, battles are unimpressive, and weapons are ugly as sin and... dishonest. ...
  125. [01:41] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> Although I've been told that in Evangelion programm all of this is entirely different. And that is the reason why I suit for this position, why I am a person who is ideal to find a holy Grail of saving of the world in this desperate situation!"
  126. [01:43] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. "All I know is that I was chosen, like, at random or something.", he shrugs. He really can't be bothered with whatever the hell she's taking about.
  127. [01:45] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Well, I assume that your suspicion cannot be proved meaningless until you see me in action." - Seraphine is completely undaunted by Rajeesh's reaction. - "But then... then you'll understand. I can make an oath about it!" - she giggles again.
  128. [01:47] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar least she's not pissed about what was probably a rude accusation. "Wonder if they're still gonna make us do stuff like school, or pay us or something for this."
  129. [01:49] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Pay?" - Seraphine seems interested. - "Does it matter for you? As for educational matters... I think if you'll find yourself in such a need, it will be provided to you. As for me, I don't find it necessary or amusing."
  130. [01:52] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "Just wondering. I've got no idea what's going to happen now. Hell, I didn't even know my dad worked on these kinds of things...he always told me he was a 'government scientist', and then...this. And apparently my mom knew about it, was kinda sudden, you know?"
  131. [01:54] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "I have no idea too, except for being introduced to our Evangelions and having some training... Sudden, you say? How did it happen? Was it an interruption of your peaceful life or what?"
  132. [01:57] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar shrugs. "It was like, we used to have like, doctors from my dad's department do like genetic screening and testing for diseases for like, their health plan or something, but I think they were doing other stuff, because there were a lot of wierd tests, like what they claimed was an MRI, but my dad didn't remove his watch or anything...and won't it like tear one of those off and shoot it
  133. [01:57] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> across the room like a grenade or something?", he shrugs. "Anyways, my parents get all upset and start fighting, and I ask why, and my dad tells me that I'm like, being strongly encouraged, whatever that means, to pilot...and yeah.", that's the short version.
  134. [01:57] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar shakes his head. "Did you have to do training?"
  135. [01:58] * Josephine_Fournier ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  136. [02:01] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Yes, I had a lot of training in the mansion. I'm highly capable in..." - she makes a little dramatic pause - "Swordfighting. I assume that was a reason why I was chosen to became a pilot - there aren't many candidacies in the world, and there are even less of them who are already a trained warrior."
  137. [02:02] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar frowns a bit. "Maybe I've just got natural piloting aptitude or something. I mean, I've watched robots smash each other to bits for years."
  138. [02:06] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Well, everyone has his own inspirational tales" - indulgently agrees Seraphine. - "Maybe... watching robots smashing guided your spirit to the greatness and raised it to the knightly heights. Our value to humanity will be decided only in a real battle." But her confident, even smug look leaves no place to doubt, what does she think about her value to humanity.
  139. [02:08] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar tries not to laugh at she some kind of wierd nerd, or is this a result of poor English? "We'll find out, I suppose, right?"
  140. [02:09] * Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny nods. "As I said, yes."
  141. [02:09] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "Wonder just where we're going exactly..."
  142. [02:10] * Morveren_Killigrew ( Quit (Excess Flood)
  143. [02:11] * Josephine_Fournier ( has joined #blastic
  144. [02:11] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Where are we going?" - Seraphine asks the driver demandingly. - "How long will it take?"
  145. [02:11] * Morveren_Killigrew ( has joined #blastic
  146. [02:14] <@Blast> He looks around.
  147. [02:15] <@Blast> "<The airport is another ten minutes away, miss.>"
  148. [02:15] <@Blast> "<Then the flight, I believe, is an hour or so.>"
  149. [02:17] <@Blast> He swerves a little, not paying attention to the road.
  150. [02:17] * Retrieving #blastic modes...
  151. [02:17] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar shifts around uncomfortably, wondering if this exchange in french is going to cause NERV to lose two pilots in an accident that will undoubtedly be called 'tragic'
  152. [02:17] * Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny sighs. "Thank you" - she thanks the driver with a smile and memorized, automatical politeness.
  153. [02:19] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "We're going to airport!" - Seraphine translates to Rajeesh. - "Then we'll have another flight, probably a hour long. Guess we're taken to a remote, safe location where the mysterious fortress base is situated."
  154. [02:19] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "An Airport, wait, really?", rajesh is a bit confused. "Whoah."
  155. [02:21] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Roads to unusual places are never trivial." - Seraphine explains it as an obvious thing. - "Thank your fate that there will be no trials or guardians on it. No riddles to solve, no giants to defeat."
  156. [02:22] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar is starting to get really freaked out by this. Maybe she -is- some kind of nerd. "Read a lot of...uhh, fairy tales or something, huh?"
  157. [02:26] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "Not fairy tales. Legends. Arthurian ones, for example. And European epics too. This is a part of classic literature, not childish tales." - Seraphine sounds a bit instructive. - "I can tell you a lot about their influence on modern culture, or about their great symbolism, but I guess you are not interested. They are... not for everyone."
  158. [02:27] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar shrugs. "I guess. I mean I've read some of it in school, but...I guess not like you did.", what he secretly means is NERD, but well, he won't say it outright.
  159. [02:28] * Josephine_Fournier ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  160. [02:29] <Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny> "As I said, everyone has his own tastes, preferences, and a place in life..." - she delievers this line as dropping it in the mid-sentence, losing interest to conversation.
  161. [02:29] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  162. [02:30] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar shrugs, and decides to stop talking and look out the window...where are they, exactly?
  163. [02:32] <@Blast> You're passing through the French countryside. The airport is close, but it's rather small. There's a control tower, and a small check in area, but not built up like you might expect.
  164. [02:33] <Rajesh_Chandrasekhar> "Shoulda got something to eat..", straight onto the plane? Great.
  165. [02:33] * Dagoth5577 ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dagoth5577_)))
  166. [02:34] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  167. [02:36] <@Blast> The car doesn't head round to the check in desk. It heads straight through a gate and onto the tarmac. There's a small jet 70m or so away. The bald man opens up Seraphine's door, and then Rajesh's.
  168. [02:38] * Dagoth5577 ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dagoth5577_)))
  169. [02:38] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  170. [02:38] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar exits..."Is there anything to eat on that thing?", he tries not to sound -too- whiny.
  171. [02:38] * Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny jumps swiftly from the car.
  172. [02:39] <@Blast> The man fetches your gratuitous luggage and leads on towards the jet.
  173. [02:39] <@Blast> "<If you would like to come this way.>"
  174. [02:42] <@Blast> There's a staircase folded from the jet. He moves ahead of you and piles the luggage into a hatch in the back.
  175. [02:43] * Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny looks at the jet, trying to understand, is it fancier than Daddy's or not. Probably not.
  176. [02:43] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar just gets on. At least he got to stretch his legs a bit.
  177. [02:44] <@Blast> The jet isn't very nice really. It's an old one; it doesn't look unsafe at all, but it's not a new model.
  178. [02:50] * Morveren_Killigrew is now known as Earthflame
  179. [02:50] * Rajesh_Chandrasekhar is now known as macrosleep
  180. [02:50] * Seraphine_Francoise_de_Savigny is now known as Thinik
  181. [02:50] * Earthflame ( Quit
  182. [02:56] * Dagoth5577 ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Dagoth5577_)))
  183. [02:56] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  184. [03:03] * Dagoth5577 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  185. [03:06] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  186. [03:28] * Dagoth5577 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  187. [03:30] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  188. [04:09] * Thinik is now known as Kirill_Soldatov
  189. [04:10] * Blast is now known as BlastOff
  190. [04:24] * Dagoth5577 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  191. [04:27] * Dagoth5577 ( has joined #blastic
  192. [04:42] * macrosleep is now known as macrophage
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