
Crock the 1st

Dec 22nd, 2013
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  1. Name: Crock Ignitus Dile the 1st
  3. Age: 53
  5. Appearance: An old man. Human. He has a broad stature, with squared set of shoulders and a stone set jaw. Built good for his age with moderate daily exercise keeping him from losing shape. What was originally black, short cropped hair was now turning white at most places but retaining a bit of gray here and there from parts of his hair short to get the memo. He rarely keep's up with his beard so at the moment it's probably un-shaven and quite unruly looking. Gold Rimmed, round spectacles perched on his somewhat long nose. Thin lips, sly fox like eyes with grey irises. Wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. Vein's more evident under his skin.
  7. Weapon(s): He's an old man for gods sake what do you want. He carries a .45 caliber pistol on his right hip. A smaller round semi-automatic smaller handgun in the back of his waist, and then in a shoulder holster on his left side a six round powerful revolver, all concealed mind you
  9. Clothing: My nigga doesn't wear the same set of clothes all day, but he usually walks around in a well tailored suit. Coats are common, sometimes just vests over a button up, other times ties/bowties are available. Not one much for casual clothes, it's unprofessional.
  11. Cybertech: I'll give him one. His eyes. Both eyes have have been augmented through a very experimental and risky operation done by a close companion. At the cost of a lot of his eye sight, his eyes can record, track, and save at certain occasions. When they stumble across text, a picture, other technology (augmentations) and even over a face. While Crock may not be able to shift through all the things his eyes picks up as they pick it up, later on he's able to recall all of it precisely and record it down himself to the T. Put's a serious strain on his health which explains his aging hair and features long before they should be aging.
  13. Other equipment: Two Rings on his right hand. One for his late wife, large rounded stone on his wedding finger, another gold band around his middle finger with the words "Diles live forever" engraved. He usually doesn't carry food on him, if anything he often walks around with a briefcase carrying his workstuffs for the day. Most of his belongings can be found at his manor. Actually he always carys a notebook and a pen at all times as well as his phone. As well as a pocket watch that opens up to display a timezone that's not in accordance to Bellwich's. On the outside the Castle In The Lake is engraved. And he usually carries a pack of cigars and a lighter.
  15. Background: I hate the whole manastream idea btw. But anyway, Crock the First grew up with humble beginnings. In an orphanage way back when and his best friend is another kid named Ale. Al Gator. Well you see, Crock and Al grew up surrounded by poverty and gang violence. They both were lively pick pockets, cons men, and street fighters by 13. By 18 when they were finally sent out of the orphanage they considered themselves typical gangsters. Spending the next five years doing various illegal activities and making cheap money with quick get rich schemes they both determined that this was not the life they were meant to live. Al happened to somewhat of a quick genius, usually the brains of the operation between the two. Because of this, he began to pick up an interest in the quickly growing trade of cybertech learning from the sell out guys. The ones who never went anywhere with their augmentations. Crock never paid much of an interest, and in turn got deeper into gang activity, making a few bad decisions and putting him and AL in poorer places.
  17. They both eventually ended up living in the streets, specifically in a junkyard. There Al had enough resources to start actively putting together his own little cybertech scheme offering it to anyone who was interested. He started with low things such as, adding a fork to someone's finger or something gay like that, and thanks to Crock's connections he became quite the big shit with some of the gangs Crock was affiliated with. And so for the first time in their lives, they prospered. Al managed to use the money he was getting for his cybertech to go to proper school and get proper equipment. Crock managed the business as well as the black-market side of their job as well. Thing's were going pretty good, Crock managed to find a girlfriend (Lani) and Al was becoming a respected name in Bellwich. Then Al decided to go clean. Cut the black market side of the deal off. You see Al never wanted to be a thug. He believed in the greater scheme of things. He and Crock were like in their 20's by now and Al started to look more up to the government. Started talking about change and getting things back on track. This didn't go well with the baddies that he and Crock had been supplying all this time. And so someone sent him a message. What was suppose to be just a beating turned into a shoot out with Crock arriving to find Al's home in shambles with dead bodies everywhere. He found Al in his study, clutching bloody wrapped wounds as he prepared for some kind of medical procedure.
  19. Explaining with no time to spare, Al gifted Crock a set of eyes. Eyes that would help Crock continue Al's dream. Eye's that would be able to get Crock away from the corruption to start a place where the old ideals could blossom. The first kind of eyes of their kind. And after the surgery, instead of going to the doctors and risking the corrupt military getting involves and going after Crock, Al died. With his new eyes however, Crock was able to not only learn but exceed Al's expertise on cybertech. The next few years, with his eyes Crock managed to outplay his old gang buddies and deftly avoid assassination after assassination attempt while using his now growing singly owned cybertech business to employ enough allies and assistance that he and his family could live leisurely even within Bellwich's shitty corrupted state.
  21. Recently however he hit the point of wealth which he had been waiting for. He had bought some land in an oversea's country and had it cleared and sanctioned from the country it was in. In this land was a massive lake. Only a year ago he had finally sent his wife and his first born son overseas to this new state that he had claimed as his. Already, people were lined up wanting to buy their own property in his land while agreeing to accept him as their 'land-owning king'. He had sold it off as a place free of corruption and free of gangs while it was still in development. Now he was just waiting to finish up a few last jobs in Bellwich. A few more contacts to be made and cut. A few more developments to be made in his never ending research. Then he too would be off to meet his family in their new Castle In The Lake. All in the name of Al
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