Guest User


a guest
Mar 15th, 2017
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text 259.78 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Array.prototype.insert = function(index, item) {
  2. this.splice(index, 0, item);
  3. };
  5. function pad(str, max) {
  6. str = str.toString();
  7. return str.length < max ? pad("0" + str, max) : str;
  8. }
  10. function phraser(phrase) {
  11. if (lang[phrase] == null || lang[phrase] == undefined) {
  12. return phrase;
  13. }
  14. return lang[phrase];
  15. }
  17. function copyToClipboard(text) {
  18. var $temp = $("<input>");
  19. $("body").append($temp);
  20. $temp.val(text).select();
  21. document.execCommand("copy");
  22. $temp.remove();
  23. }
  25. function getRotationDegrees(obj) {
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  27. if (matrix !== 'none') {
  28. var values = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(',');
  29. var a = values[0];
  30. var b = values[1];
  31. var angle = Math.round(Math.atan2(b, a) * (180 / Math.PI));
  32. } else {
  33. var angle = 0;
  34. }
  35. return (angle < 0) ? angle + 360 : angle;
  36. }
  38. function needCredits() {
  39. $.ajax({
  40. type: "GET",
  41. url: "/user_credits.php",
  42. success: function(text) {
  43. swal({
  44. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  45. html: phraser('NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITS') + text + " Credits.</b>",
  46. type: 'error',
  47. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  48. });
  49. $("#credits").html(parseFloat(text).toFixed(2));
  50. }
  51. });
  52. }
  54. function updateCredits(value) {
  55. var newCredits = (parseFloat($("#credits").html()) + parseFloat(value)).toFixed(3);
  56. if (newCredits < 0) {
  57. newCredits = 0;
  58. }
  59. $("#credits").html(newCredits);
  60. }
  62. function addCredits(data) {
  63. if (data.user_id == userID) {
  64. $.growl.notice({
  65. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  66. message: phraser('CREDITS_ADDED') + " <b>" + data['value'] + "</b> Credits"
  67. });
  68. updateCredits(data.value);
  69. }
  70. }
  72. function removeCredits(data) {
  73. if (data.user_id == userID) {
  74. $.growl.notice({
  75. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  76. message: phraser('CREDITS_REMOVE') + " <b>" + data['value'] + "</b> Credits"
  77. });
  78. updateCredits(-1 * data.value);
  79. }
  80. }
  82. function moveElement(e, target) {
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  95. function handle_dragging(e) {
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  110. function handle_mouseup(e) {
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  112. }
  113. $('body').on('mouseup touchend touchcancel', handle_mouseup).on('mousemove touchmove', handle_dragging);
  114. }
  116. function adminCredits(data) {
  117. if (data.value > 0) {
  118. $.growl.notice({
  119. title: "Admin",
  120. message: phraser('YOU_HAVE_RECEIVED') + " <b>" + data.value + "</b> Credits"
  121. });
  122. } else {
  123. $.growl.error({
  124. title: "Admin",
  125. message: phraser('YOU_HAVE_RECEIVED') + " <b>" + data.value + "</b> Credits"
  126. });
  127. }
  128. updateCredits(data.value);
  129. }
  131. function sendCreditsNotification(data) {
  132. $.growl.notice({
  133. title: phraser('USER_SENT'),
  134. message: phraser('YOU_HAVE_RECEIVED') + " <b>" + data.value + "</b> Credits " + phraser('FROM') + " <b>" + data.fromUser + "</b>"
  135. });
  136. updateCredits(data.value);
  137. }
  139. function validateTradeURL(tradeURL) {
  140. if (!tradeURL.match(/steamcommunity\.com\/tradeoffer\/new\/\?partner=[0-9]*&token=[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/i)) {
  141. return false;
  142. }
  143. return true;
  144. }
  146. function changeText(Otext, cont, speed) {
  147. var Ocontent = Otext.split("");
  148. var i = 0;
  150. function show() {
  151. if (i < Ocontent.length) {
  152. cont.append(Ocontent[i]);
  153. i = i + 1;
  154. }
  155. }
  156. var Otimer = setInterval(show, speed);
  157. }
  160. var navbarGiveawayCounter;
  161. var navbarCount;
  162. var navbarStartSeconds;
  163. var navbarStartTime;
  165. function navbarStartTimer() {
  166. navbarGiveawayCounter = setInterval(navbarGiveawayTimer, 100);
  167. navbarCount = $("#navbar_giveaway_timer").html().replace("d", "").replace("h", "").replace("m", "").replace("s", "").split(" ");
  168. navbarStartSeconds = parseInt(navbarCount[0]) * 24 * 60 * 60 + parseInt(navbarCount[1]) * 60 * 60 + parseInt(navbarCount[2]) * 60 + parseInt(navbarCount[3]);
  169. navbarStartTime = new Date().getTime();
  170. }
  172. function navbarGiveawayTimer() {
  173. var timeElapse = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - navbarStartTime) / 1000);
  174. var totalSeconds = navbarStartSeconds - timeElapse;
  175. var days = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60 / 60 / 24);
  176. var seconds = totalSeconds - days * 24 * 60 * 60;
  177. var hours = Math.floor(seconds / 60 / 60);
  178. seconds = seconds - hours * 60 * 60;
  179. var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
  180. seconds = seconds - minutes * 60;
  181. days = pad(days, 2);
  182. hours = pad(hours, 2);
  183. minutes = pad(minutes, 2);
  184. seconds = pad(seconds, 2);
  185. $("#navbar_giveaway_timer").html(days + "d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s");
  186. if (totalSeconds <= 0) {
  187. $("#navbar_giveaway_timer").html(days + "d " + hours + "h " + minutes + "m " + seconds + "s");
  188. $("#navbar_giveaway").fadeOut();
  189. clearInterval(navbarGiveawayCounter);
  190. }
  191. }
  193. function handleSkinGiveaway(data) {
  194. $(".giveaway_small_image_navbar").attr('src', data.item_image);
  195. $("#navbar_giveaway_timer").html(data.d + "d " + data.h + "h " + data.m + "m " + data.s + "s ");
  196. $("#navbar_giveaway").show();
  197. navbarStartTimer();
  198. }
  199. var boxGiveawayCounter;
  200. var boxCount;
  201. var boxStartSeconds;
  202. var boxStartTime;
  204. function boxStartTimer() {
  205. boxGiveawayCounter = setInterval(boxGiveawayTimer, 100);
  206. boxCount = $(".chat_giveaway_box_timer").html().replace("m", "").replace("s", "").split(" ");
  207. boxStartSeconds = parseInt(parseInt(boxCount[0]) * 60 + parseInt(boxCount[1]));
  208. boxStartTime = new Date().getTime();
  209. }
  211. function boxGiveawayTimer() {
  212. var timeElapse = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - boxStartTime) / 1000);
  213. var totalSeconds = boxStartSeconds - timeElapse;
  214. var minutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60);
  215. var seconds = totalSeconds - minutes * 60;
  216. minutes = pad(minutes, 2);
  217. seconds = pad(seconds, 2);
  218. $(".chat_giveaway_box_timer").html(minutes + "m " + seconds + "s");
  219. if (totalSeconds <= 0) {
  220. $(".chat_giveaway_box_timer").html(minutes + "m " + seconds + "s");
  221. clearInterval(boxGiveawayCounter);
  222. }
  223. }
  225. function handleGiveaway(data) {
  226. if (data.start == 1) {
  227. $("#chat_giveaway_box").addClass("chat_giveaway_box_live");
  228. $(".chat_giveaway_box_timer").hide();
  229. $(".chat_giveaway_box_info").show();
  230. $("#chat_giveaway_box_type").html(data.type);
  231. $("#chat_giveaway_box_hint").html(data.hint);
  232. $("#chat_giveaway_box_value").html(data.value);
  233. if (data.system == 1) {
  234. $(".chat_giveaway_box_timer").html("15m 00s");
  235. boxStartTimer();
  236. }
  237. }
  238. if (data.stop == 1) {
  239. if (data.winner_user_id == userID) {
  240. updateCredits(data.value);
  241. }
  242. $(".chat_giveaway_box_timer").show();
  243. $("#chat_giveaway_box").removeClass();
  244. $(".chat_giveaway_box_info").hide();
  245. }
  246. }
  248. function jukeBoxToken(data) {
  249. if (userID == data.user_id) {
  250. $("#jukebox_tokens b").html((parseInt($("#jukebox_tokens b").html()) + 1));
  251. $.growl.notice({
  252. title: 'Jukebox',
  253. message: phraser('YOU_RECEIVED_JUKEBOX_TOKEN')
  254. });
  255. }
  256. }
  257. var jukeboxTimer;
  259. function jukeBoxLoad() {
  260. $.ajax({
  261. type: "GET",
  262. url: "/jukebox.php",
  263. data: {
  264. load: true
  265. },
  266. success: function(text) {
  267. if (text != 'none') {
  268. var trackInfo = text.split(";");
  269. jukeBoxPlay(trackInfo[0], trackInfo[1], trackInfo[2], trackInfo[3], trackInfo[4], trackInfo[5], trackInfo[6], trackInfo[7]);
  270. }
  271. }
  272. });
  273. }
  275. function jukeBoxStop() {
  276. $("#jukebox_current").hide();
  277. $("#jukebox_form").show();
  278. $("#jukebox_title").hide();
  279. $("#jukebox_volume").hide();
  280. $("#jukebox_available").show();
  281. youtubePlayer.stopVideo()
  282. clearTimeout(jukeboxTimer);
  283. }
  285. function jukeBoxPlay(track_id, title, artwork, duration, remaining, url, user, avatar) {
  286. youtubePlayer.loadVideoById(track_id, Math.floor(duration - remaining)).playVideo();
  287. $(".now_playing").html('<img src="' + artwork + '"> ' + title);
  288. $("#jukebox_title").show();
  289. $("#jukebox_volume").show();
  290. $("#jukebox_available").hide();
  291. $("#jukebox_current").css('background-image', 'url(' + artwork + ')').html('<img class="tool" src="' + avatar + '" title="' + user + '"><span class="jukebox_current_blur" style="background-image: url(' + artwork + ')"></span><span class="jukebox_current_content"><i>Current Track:</i><br><a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">' + title + '</a></span>').show();
  292. $("#jukebox_form").hide();
  293. jukeboxTimer = setTimeout(function() {
  294. $("#jukebox_current").hide();
  295. $("#jukebox_form").show();
  296. $("#jukebox_title").hide();
  297. $("#jukebox_volume").hide();
  298. $("#jukebox_available").show();
  299. youtubePlayer.stopVideo()
  300. }, remaining * 1000);
  301. }
  303. function saveJukeboxVolume(vol) {
  304. setTimeout(function() {
  305. if (youtubePlayer.getVolume() == vol) {
  306. $.ajax({
  307. type: "GET",
  308. url: "/jukebox.php",
  309. data: {
  310. volume: vol
  311. },
  312. success: function(text) {}
  313. });
  314. }
  315. }, 3000);
  316. }
  318. function barrelRoll() {
  319. $("body").addClass('barrel_roller');
  320. setTimeout(function() {
  321. $("body").removeClass('barrel_roller');
  322. }, 4100);
  323. }
  325. function recruitsNew(data) {
  326. $.growl.notice({
  327. title: 'Recruits',
  328. message: phraser("YOU_JUST_RECRUITED") + " <b>" + data.persona + "</b>"
  329. });
  330. updateCredits(0.05);
  331. }
  332. var revolverCountdownTimer;
  334. function revolverCountdown() {
  335. var startVal = $("#revolver_countdown span").html().replace("s", "").replace(" ", "").split("m");
  336. var startSec = parseInt(startVal[0]) * 60 + parseInt(startVal[1]);
  337. var startTime = new Date().getTime();
  338. clearInterval(revolverCountdownTimer);
  339. timeouts.push(revolverCountdownTimer = setInterval(function() {
  340. var timeElapse = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000);
  341. var seconds = startSec - timeElapse;
  342. var minutes = 0;
  343. if (seconds <= 0) {
  344. seconds = 0;
  345. clearInterval(revolverCountdownTimer);
  346. }
  347. minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
  348. seconds = seconds - minutes * 60;
  349. minutes = pad(minutes, 2);
  350. seconds = pad(seconds, 2);
  351. $("#revolver_countdown span").html(minutes + "m " + seconds + "s");
  352. }, 1000));
  353. }
  355. function revolverBet(data) {
  356. if ($("#revolver_background").length == 0 || $(".revolver_player[data-id='" + + "']").length > 0) {
  357. return;
  358. }
  359. $(".blop").trigger('play');
  360. $("#revolver_players").append('<div class="revolver_player" data-id="' + + '" data-time="' + + '"><span><b>' + + '</b> Credits</span><a show-profile="' + data.user.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.user.avatar + '"></a></div>');
  361. if ( == 1) {
  362. revolverKing(, data.user.avatar, 0);
  363. }
  364. $('#revolver_players').find('.revolver_player').sort(function(a, b) {
  365. return parseInt($(a).attr('data-time')) - parseInt($(b).attr('data-time'));
  366. }).prependTo('#revolver_players');
  367. }
  369. function revolverKing(revolver_bet_id, avatar, profit) {
  370. var kingBet = $("#revolver_user_king").attr('data-id');
  371. if (kingBet != undefined) {
  372. $("#revolver_players div[data-id='" + kingBet + "']").remove();
  373. }
  374. $("#revolver_user_king").attr('src', avatar).attr('data-id', revolver_bet_id).show();
  375. $("#revolver_hat_king").show();
  376. $("#revolver_king_profit").show();
  377. $("#revolver_king_profit b").html(profit);
  378. }
  380. function revolverPlayer(user) {
  381. $("#revolver_list").hide();
  382. $("#revolver_blood_player, #revolver_blood_king").hide();
  383. $("#revolver_hat_player").show();
  384. $("#revolver_user_player").attr('src', user.avatar).show();
  385. }
  387. function revolverLoad(chamber) {
  388. $(".revolver_load").trigger('play');
  389. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  390. $("#cylinder").css('transform', 'rotate(0deg)');
  391. $("#cylinder").stop(true, true).addClass('cylinder_spin');
  392. $(".revolver_spin").trigger('play');
  393. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  394. $("#cylinder").removeClass('cylinder_spin');
  395. $(".revolver_spin").trigger('pause');
  396. $(".revolver_spin").prop("currentTime", 0);
  397. }, 2000));
  398. }, 500));
  399. }
  401. function revolverNewRound(data) {
  402. if (typeof data.king !== 'undefined' && typeof data.king.user !== 'undefined' && data.king.user.user_id == userID) {
  403. updateCredits(;
  404. $.growl.notice({
  405. title: 'Revolver',
  406. message: phraser('YOU_JUST_WON') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits!"
  407. });
  408. }
  409. if ($("#revolver_background").length == 0) {
  410. return;
  411. }
  412. $("#revolver_blood_player, #revolver_blood_king").hide();
  413. $("#revolver_hat_player").hide();
  414. $("#revolver_user_player").attr('src', '').hide();
  415. $("#revolver_king_profit b").html('0');
  416. $("#revolver_players .revolver_player").first().remove();
  417. $("#revolver_countdown span").html("3m 00s");
  418. revolverCountdown();
  419. if (data.player != null) {
  420. revolverKing(, data.player.user.avatar, 0);
  421. } else {
  422. $("#revolver_user_king").hide();
  423. $("#revolver_king_profit").hide();
  424. $("#revolver_hat_king").hide();
  425. }
  426. $("#revolver_list_player_bet").html(;
  427. $("#revolver_list_player_profit").html(parseFloat(;
  428. $("#revolver_list_player_kills").html(;
  429. $("#revolver_list_player_survived").html(;
  430. $(".revolver_list_player a").attr('show-profile', data.wanted.user.user_id);
  431. $(".revolver_list_player a img").attr('src', data.wanted.user.avatar);
  432. $("#revolver_list").show();
  433. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  434. $("#revolver_list").hide();
  435. }, 30000));
  436. $(".revolver_theme").trigger('play');
  437. setTimeout(function() {
  438. $(".revolver_theme").trigger('pause');
  439. $(".revolver_theme").prop("currentTime", 0);
  440. }, 18 * 1000);
  441. }
  443. function revolverDuelHandle(data) {
  444. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  445. if (data.winner.user_id == userID) {
  446. updateCredits(data.winner.won);
  447. $.growl.notice({
  448. title: 'Revolver',
  449. message: phraser('YOU_JUST_WON') + " <b>" + data.winner.won + "</b> Credits!"
  450. });
  451. }
  452. }, 1200 * (data.chamber.number) + 3000));
  453. if ($("#revolver_background").length == 0) {
  454. return;
  455. }
  456. revolverPlayer(data.player.user);
  457. revolverLoad(data.chamber.number);
  458. var kingChance = parseFloat( / (parseFloat( + parseFloat( * 100;
  459. $("#revolver_king_chance b").html((kingChance).toFixed(2) + '%');
  460. $("#revolver_player_chance b").html((100 - kingChance).toFixed(2) + '%');
  461. $("#revolver_king_chance, #revolver_player_chance").show();
  462. $("#revolver_hash b").html(data.hash);
  463. $("#revolver_hash").show();
  464. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  465. revolverDuel(data.chamber.number, 1);
  466. }, 2000));
  467. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  468. if (data.chamber.number % 2 != 0) {
  469. $("#revolver_king_profit b").html(data.winner.profit);
  470. $("#revolver_players div[data-id='" + + "']").remove();
  471. } else {
  472. revolverKing(, data.player.user.avatar, data.winner.profit);
  473. }
  474. var effectText = '';
  475. if (data.chamber.number == 1) {
  476. effectText = '<i class="fa fa-crosshairs"></i> ONE TAP';
  477. } else if ( >= 1 && data.chamber.number % 2 != 0) {
  478. effectText = '<i class="fa fa-link"></i> COMBO X' + (parseInt( + 1);
  479. } else if ( > 1 && data.chamber.number % 2 == 0) {
  480. effectText = '<i class="fa fa-chain-broken"></i> COMBOBREAKER';
  481. } else if (data.chamber.number == 6) {
  482. effectText = '<i class="fa fa-bullseye"></i> LAST BULLET';
  483. }
  484. if (effectText != '') {
  485. $("#revolver_duel_holder").prepend('<div class="revolver_shot_effect">' + effectText + '</div>');
  486. setTimeout(function() {
  487. $(".revolver_shot_effect").remove();
  488. }, 2000);
  489. }
  490. $("#revolver_blood_player, #revolver_blood_king").hide();
  491. $("#revolver_hat_player").hide();
  492. $("#revolver_user_player").hide();
  493. $("#revolver_king_chance, #revolver_player_chance, #revolver_hash").hide();
  494. $("#revolver_king_chance b, #revolver_player_chance b").html('0%');
  495. $("#revolver_hash b").html('');
  496. }, 1200 * (data.chamber.number) + 3000));
  497. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  498. $("#cylinder_chambers div:nth-of-type(" + data.chamber.number + ")").append('<span class="bullet"></span>');
  499. }, (data.chamber.number) * 1200 + 2100));
  500. }
  502. function revolverDuel(chamber, shots) {
  503. if (chamber >= 1) {
  504. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  505. revolverShoot(chamber, 1);
  506. }, 1 * 1200));
  507. }
  508. if (chamber >= 2) {
  509. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  510. revolverShoot(chamber, 2);
  511. }, 2 * 1200));
  512. }
  513. if (chamber >= 3) {
  514. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  515. revolverShoot(chamber, 3);
  516. }, 3 * 1200));
  517. }
  518. if (chamber >= 4) {
  519. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  520. revolverShoot(chamber, 4);
  521. }, 4 * 1200));
  522. }
  523. if (chamber >= 5) {
  524. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  525. revolverShoot(chamber, 5);
  526. }, 5 * 1200));
  527. }
  528. if (chamber >= 6) {
  529. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  530. revolverShoot(chamber, 6);
  531. }, 6 * 1200));
  532. }
  533. }
  535. function revolverShoot(chamber, shot) {
  536. if (shot % 2 != 0) {
  537. $("#revolver_pistol_king").show();
  538. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  539. $("#revolver_pistol_king").stop(true, true).addClass('revolver_recoil_king');
  540. }, 500));
  541. } else {
  542. $("#revolver_pistol_player").show();
  543. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  544. $("#revolver_pistol_player").stop(true, true).addClass('revolver_recoil_player');
  545. }, 500));
  546. }
  547. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  548. $("#revolver_pistol_king, #revolver_pistol_player").removeClass('revolver_recoil_king').removeClass('revolver_recoil_player').hide();
  549. }, 900));
  550. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  551. if (chamber == shot) {
  552. $("span.bullet").fadeOut(200);
  553. $(".revolver_shot").trigger('play');
  554. setTimeout(function() {
  555. $(".revolver_shot").trigger('play');
  556. }, 600);
  557. if (shot % 2 != 0 && $("#revolver_user_player").is(':visible')) {
  558. $("#revolver_blood_player").show();
  559. } else if ($("#revolver_user_player").is(':visible')) {
  560. $("#revolver_blood_king").show();
  561. }
  562. } else {
  563. $(".revolver_dry").trigger('play');
  564. setTimeout(function() {
  565. $(".revolver_dry").trigger('play');
  566. }, 400);
  567. }
  568. $("#cylinder").css('transform', 'rotate(' + (getRotationDegrees($("#cylinder")) + 60) + 'deg)');
  569. }, 450));
  570. }
  572. function casesNew(data) {
  573. var testSpin = '';
  574. if (data.item.test == 1) {
  575. testSpin = ' (Test)';
  576. }
  577. $("#cases_latest_title").after('<div class="cases_list_item tool" title="<b>' + + '</b><br>' + data.item.value + ' Credits' + testSpin + '"><div class="item_color" style="background: ' + data.item.color + ';"></div><a show-profile="' + data.user.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.user.avatar + '" class="cases_list_item_user"></a><img src="' + + '" class="cases_list_item_case_image"><img src="' + data.item.image + '" class="cases_list_item_image"></div>');
  578. $('.cases_list_item').not('.cases_list_item:lt(24)').remove();
  579. }
  581. function casesOpen(case_id, case_price, testSpin, button, buttonHTML) {
  582. $.ajax({
  583. type: "GET",
  584. url: "/cases_bet.php",
  585. data: {
  586. case_id: case_id,
  587. user_token: $("#user_token").val(),
  588. test: testSpin
  589. },
  590. success: function(text) {
  591. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  592. needCredits();
  593. button.prop('disabled', false).html(buttonHTML);
  594. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  595. swal({
  596. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  597. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  598. type: 'error',
  599. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  600. });
  601. button.prop('disabled', false).html(buttonHTML);
  602. } else {
  603. if (parseInt($("#case_tokens span").html()) == 0 && !testSpin) {
  604. updateCredits(-1 * case_price);
  605. } else if (!testSpin) {
  606. $("#case_tokens span").html(parseInt($("#case_tokens span").html()) - 1);
  607. }
  608. text = text.split(";");
  609. $.ajax({
  610. type: "GET",
  611. url: "/cases_load.php",
  612. data: {
  613. spinner: true,
  614. case_id: case_id,
  615. case_item_id: text[0]
  616. },
  617. success: function(resp) {
  618. $(".case_buttons").hide();
  619. $("#round_draw_pointer").show();
  620. $(".case_spinner").removeClass('case_spinner_filter').html(resp).css('padding-left', ($(".case_spinner_holder").width() / 2 + 20 - (Math.floor(Math.random() * 110) + 10)) + 'px').addClass('case_spinner_animate');
  621. $(".case_open_sound").trigger('play');
  622. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  623. $(".case_open_sound").trigger('pause');
  624. $(".case_open_sound").prop("currentTime", 0);
  625. }, 8000));
  626. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  627. $("#round_draw_pointer").hide();
  628. $("#case_item_win").removeClass('background_flow').addClass('background_master').css('border', '2px solid #fad733');
  629. }, 7100));
  630. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  631. $("#case_item_win .case_item_wear").show();
  632. $("#case_item_win .case_item_price").show();
  633. $(".woosh").trigger('play');
  634. setTimeout(function() {
  635. $(".woosh").trigger('pause');
  636. $(".woosh").prop("currentTime", 0);
  637. }, 300);
  638. }, 7800));
  639. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  640. $("#case_item_win .case_item_wear").html(text[1]);
  641. $("#case_item_win .case_item_price").html(text[2]);
  642. $(".woosh").trigger('play');
  643. setTimeout(function() {
  644. $(".woosh").trigger('pause');
  645. $(".woosh").prop("currentTime", 0);
  646. }, 300);
  647. }, 8300));
  648. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  649. button.prop('disabled', false).html(buttonHTML);
  650. $(".case_buttons").show();
  651. $(".case_spinner").css('padding-left', '0').removeClass('case_spinner_animate').addClass('case_spinner_filter');
  652. }, 10000));
  653. if (!testSpin) {
  654. setTimeout(function() {
  655. $.growl.notice({
  656. title: 'Cases',
  657. message: phraser("YOUR_CASE_CONTAINED") + " <b>" + text[3] + "</b>. " + phraser("YOUR_ITEM_IS_WORTH") + " <b>" + text[2] + "</b> Credits!"
  658. });
  659. updateCredits(text[2]);
  660. $(".cases_hash span").html(text[4]);
  661. }, 10000);
  662. } else {
  663. setTimeout(function() {
  664. $(".cases_hash span").html(text[4]);
  665. }, 10000);
  666. }
  667. }
  668. });
  669. }
  670. }
  671. });
  672. }
  674. function BezierCubicXY(p0, p1, p2, p3, t) {
  675. var ret = {};
  676. var coords = ['x', 'y'];
  677. var i, k;
  678. for (i in coords) {
  679. k = coords[i];
  680. ret[k] = Math.pow(1 - t, 3) * p0[k] + 3 * Math.pow(1 - t, 2) * t * p1[k] + 3 * (1 - t) * Math.pow(t, 2) * p2[k] + Math.pow(t, 3) * p3[k];
  681. }
  682. return ret;
  683. }
  685. function getMultiplierFromBezier(bezierCurve, durationPercent, maxMultiplier) {
  686. var p1 = {
  687. x: 0,
  688. y: 0
  689. };
  690. var p2 = {
  691. x: bezierCurve[0],
  692. y: bezierCurve[1]
  693. };
  694. var p3 = {
  695. x: bezierCurve[2],
  696. y: bezierCurve[3]
  697. };
  698. var p4 = {
  699. x: 1,
  700. y: 1
  701. };
  702. var val = BezierCubicXY(p1, p2, p3, p4, durationPercent);
  703. return val.y * maxMultiplier + 1;
  704. }
  706. function getWidthFromMultiplier(bezierCurve, durationPercent, maxMultiplier) {
  707. var p1 = {
  708. x: 0,
  709. y: 0
  710. };
  711. var p2 = {
  712. x: bezierCurve[0],
  713. y: bezierCurve[1]
  714. };
  715. var p3 = {
  716. x: bezierCurve[2],
  717. y: bezierCurve[3]
  718. };
  719. var p4 = {
  720. x: 1,
  721. y: 1
  722. };
  723. var val = BezierCubicXY(p1, p2, p3, p4, durationPercent);
  724. return val.x * maxMultiplier + 1;
  725. }
  727. function crashBetAdd(data) {
  728. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  729. return;
  730. }
  731. $("#crash_list").append('<tr data-id="' + + '" data-handled="false"><td class="crash_list_user"><a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '" class="crash_list_img"></a>' + data.player.persona + '</td><td></td><td>' + + '</td><td class="crash_list_profit">---</td></tr>');
  732. $(".blop").trigger('play');
  733. }
  735. function crashBetRemove(data) {
  736. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  737. return;
  738. }
  739. var listItem = $("#crash_list tr[data-id='" + + "']");
  740. $("#crash_list tr[data-id='" + + "']").remove();
  741. listItem.insertAfter('#crash_list .crash_list_titles').css('color', '#27c24c').attr('data-handled', 'true');
  742. $("#crash_list tr[data-id='" + + "'] td.crash_list_profit").html(parseFloat(;
  743. if (data.player.user_id == userID) {
  744. $("#crash_form_cashout").fadeOut();
  745. updateCredits(;
  746. $.growl.notice({
  747. title: 'Crash',
  748. message: phraser('WON_A_TOTAL_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat( + "</b>" + phraser('CREDITS_ON') + " Crash."
  749. });
  750. }
  751. }
  752. var crashCountdownTimer;
  754. function crashCountdown(text) {
  755. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  756. return;
  757. }
  758. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").html('');
  759. for (y = 11; y >= 1; y--) {
  760. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").prepend('<div class="crash_graph_y" data-value="' + y + '" style="bottom:' + ((y - 1) * 10) + '%;"><span>' + y + '</span><i></i></div>');
  761. }
  762. $("#crash_overlay").height('100%');
  763. $("#triangle_gradient_color").attr('stop-color', '#0cb6e7');
  764. $("#crash_amount").fadeOut(100);
  765. $("#crash_countdown").html(text).fadeIn(100);
  766. var startSec = parseInt(text);
  767. var startTime = new Date().getTime();
  768. timeouts.push(crashCountdownTimer = setInterval(function() {
  769. var timeElapse = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000);
  770. var sec = startSec - timeElapse;
  771. if (sec <= 0) {
  772. sec = 0;
  773. clearInterval(crashCountdownTimer);
  774. }
  775. $("#crash_countdown").html(sec);
  776. }, 1000));
  777. }
  779. function crashStart(instant_crash, durationPercent) {
  780. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  781. return;
  782. }
  783. clearInterval(crashCountdownTimer);
  784. $("#crash_countdown").fadeOut(100);
  785. $("#crash_form_cashout button").prop('disabled', false)
  786. if (instant_crash == 0) {
  787. $("#crash_amount").css('color', '#fff').fadeIn(100);
  788. crashAnimationStart(durationPercent);
  789. } else {
  790. $("#crash_amount").css('color', '#b75552').fadeIn(100);
  791. crashAnimationStop(0.01);
  792. }
  793. }
  795. function crashStop(data) {
  796. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  797. return;
  798. }
  799. if (data.old_round.instant_crash == 0) {
  800. crashAnimationStop(data.old_round.multiplier);
  801. }
  802. $("#crash_hash").html(phraser('HASH') + ': ' + data.new_round.hash);
  803. $("#crash_round").html(phraser('ROUND_L') + ': ' + data.new_round.crash_id);
  804. $("#crash_list tr[data-id]").remove();
  805. $("#crash_latest_list").prepend('<span class="tool-top" title="<b>' + phraser('ROUND_L') + ':</b><br>' + data.old_round.crash_id + '<br><br><b>' + phraser('WIN_PERCENTAGE') + ':</b><br>' + data.old_round.percentage + '<br><br><b>' + phraser('HASH') + ':</b><br>' + data.old_round.hash + '">' + data.old_round.multiplier + '<i class="fa fa-times"></i></span>');
  806. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  807. if (crashAutoBet) {
  808. $("#crash_form").submit();
  809. }
  810. }, 3000));
  811. }
  812. var crashAutoBet = false;
  813. var crash_percentage = "";
  814. var crashAnimation;
  816. function crashAnimationStart(durationPercent) {
  817. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  818. return;
  819. }
  820. if (durationPercent == 0) {
  821. $(".load").trigger('play');
  822. setTimeout(function() {
  823. $(".load").trigger('pause');
  824. $(".load").prop("currentTime", 0);
  825. }, 1000);
  826. }
  827. var durationFull = 60 * 8;
  828. var maxMultiplier = 1000;
  829. var curve = [.35, .01, .37, .1];
  830. var startTime = new Date().getTime();
  831. crashAnimation = $({
  832. value: 0
  833. }).animate({
  834. value: maxMultiplier
  835. }, {
  836. duration: durationFull * 1000,
  837. easing: 'linear',
  838. step: function(now, fx) {
  839. var multiplier = getMultiplierFromBezier(curve, fx.pos + durationPercent, maxMultiplier).toFixed(2);
  840. if (multiplier > 11) {
  841. $("#crash_overlay").css('height', '0%');
  842. if ($(".crash_graph_y").length < 11) {
  843. var y = parseInt($(".crash_graph_y").first().attr('data-value')) + 1;
  844. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").prepend('<div class="crash_graph_y" data-value="' + y + '" style="bottom:150%;"><span>' + y + '</span><i></i></div>');
  845. }
  846. $(".crash_graph_y").each(function() {
  847. var y = $(this).attr('data-value');
  848. if (y < multiplier - 10) {
  849. $(this).remove();
  850. } else {
  851. $(this).css('bottom', (y - multiplier + 10) * 10 + '%');
  852. }
  853. });
  854. } else {
  855. $("#crash_overlay").css('height', (100 - (multiplier - 1) * 10) + '%');
  856. }
  857. var r = 12 + Math.round(multiplier * 7.5 * 9);
  858. var g = 182 - Math.round(multiplier * 1.2 * 9);
  859. var b = 231 - Math.round(multiplier * 2.4 * 9);
  860. $("#triangle_gradient_color").attr('stop-color', 'rgb(' + r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b + ')');
  861. $('#crash_amount').text(multiplier + 'x');
  862. $(".crash_profit_label b").html((parseFloat($(".crash_profit_label").attr('data-value')) * multiplier - parseFloat($(".crash_profit_label").attr('data-value'))).toFixed(2));
  863. if (multiplier % 5 == 0 || multiplier == 1) {
  864. crashParticles();
  865. }
  866. }
  867. });
  868. }
  870. function crashAnimationStop(endMultiplier) {
  871. $(".cork").trigger('play');
  872. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  873. $(".cork").trigger('pause');
  874. $(".cork").prop("currentTime", 0);
  875. }, 2000));
  876. $(crashAnimation).stop(true, false);
  877. $(crashParticleAnimation).stop(true, false);
  878. $("#crash_form_cashout button").prop('disabled', true);
  879. $("#crash_form_cashout").fadeOut();
  880. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  881. var stopHeight = 100 - (endMultiplier - 1) * 10;
  882. if (endMultiplier < 1 || stopHeight > 100) {
  883. stopHeight = 100;
  884. }
  885. $("#crash_amount").stop(true, false).css('color', '#b75552').text(phraser('CRASHED_AT') + ' ' + endMultiplier + 'x');
  886. $("#crash_overlay").css('height', stopHeight + '%');
  887. if (endMultiplier > 11) {
  888. $("#crash_overlay").css('height', '0%');
  889. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").html('');
  890. for (y = Math.floor(endMultiplier); y >= Math.floor(endMultiplier) - 10; y--) {
  891. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").prepend('<div class="crash_graph_y" data-value="' + y + '" style="bottom:' + ((y - endMultiplier + 10) * 10) + '%;"><span>' + y + '</span><i></i></div>');
  892. }
  893. } else {
  894. $("#crash_overlay").css('height', stopHeight + '%');
  895. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").html('');
  896. for (y = 11; y >= 1; y--) {
  897. $("#crash_graph_y_holder").prepend('<div class="crash_graph_y" data-value="' + y + '" style="bottom:' + ((y - 1) * 10) + '%;"><span>' + y + '</span><i></i></div>');
  898. }
  899. }
  900. }, 100));
  901. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  902. crashCountdown(10);
  903. }, 3000));
  904. }
  905. var crashParticleAnimation;
  907. function crashParticles() {
  908. if ($("#crash_graph_holder").length == 0) {
  909. return;
  910. }
  911. $(crashParticleAnimation).stop(true);
  912. $("#crash_amount").css('color', 'rgb(255, 215, 0)');
  913. crashParticleAnimation = $({
  914. someValue: 0
  915. }).animate({
  916. someValue: 255
  917. }, {
  918. duration: 1000,
  919. easing: 'linear',
  920. step: function() {
  921. var g = 215 + Math.round((this.someValue / 255) * (255 - 215));
  922. var b = 0 + Math.round(this.someValue);
  923. $("#crash_amount").css('color', 'rgb(255, ' + g + ', ' + b + ')');
  924. },
  925. complete: function() {
  926. $("#crash_amount").css('color', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
  927. }
  928. });
  929. $("#graph_particles").explosion({
  930. origin: {
  931. x: $("#graph_particles").width() / 2,
  932. y: $("#graph_particles").height() / 2
  933. }
  934. });
  935. }
  937. function safeboxBet(data) {
  938. if (data.answer == 'correct') {
  939. $("#safe_box_log .round_bet").remove();
  940. $(".safe_box_empty").show();
  941. $("#safe_box_pot span").text("1000");
  942. return;
  943. }
  944. var oldValue = $("#safe_box_pot span").text();
  945. var newValue = parseFloat(oldValue) + 0.25;
  946. $("#safe_box_pot span").text(newValue);
  947. $("#safe_box_pot").prepend('<div class="safe_box_add"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></div>');
  948. $(".safe_box_add").fadeOut(2000);
  949. $('<div class="round_bet"><span class="safe_box_tries">' + data.number + '</span><a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '"></a> <b>' + data.player.persona + '</b></div>').hide().prependTo("#safe_box_log").fadeIn(1000);
  950. $(".safe_box_empty").hide();
  951. }
  952. var scratchy_finished = false;
  954. function scratchyEnd(arg) {
  955. scratchy_finished = true;
  956. document.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
  957. $('#scratchy_pad').wScratchPad('enable', false).wScratchPad('clear');
  958. arg = arg.split(";");
  959. result = arg[0];
  960. $("#scratchy_hash").html("<b>" + phraser('HASH') + ":</b> " + arg[1]);
  961. if (result > 3) {
  962. var chestWinnings = [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 10, 50, 100, 300, 1000];
  963. updateCredits(chestWinnings[result]);
  964. $.growl.notice({
  965. title: 'Scratchy',
  966. message: phraser("TICKET_RESULTED_IN") + result + " " + phraser("CHESTS") + phraser("SCRATCHY_YOU_WON") + chestWinnings[result] + " Credits."
  967. });
  968. } else {
  969. $.growl.error({
  970. title: 'Scratchy',
  971. message: phraser("TICKET_RESULTED_IN") + result + " " + phraser("CHESTS") + phraser("SCRATCHY_YOU_DIDNT_WIN")
  972. });
  973. }
  974. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  975. $('#scratchy_pad').wScratchPad('reset').wScratchPad('destroy').remove();
  976. $("#scratchy_holder").prepend('<div id="scratchy_pad"></div>');
  977. $("#scratchy_form").show();
  978. scratchyStart();
  979. }, 5000));
  980. }
  982. function scratchyStart() {
  983. scratchy_finished = false;
  984. $("#scratchy_pad").wScratchPad({
  985. size: 30,
  986. bg: site + '/images/scratchy_1_1.png?load',
  987. fg: site + '/images/scratchy_clear.png?load',
  988. cursor: 'url("' + site + '/images/scratch-coin-small.png") 10 10, default',
  989. realtime: true,
  990. scratchDown: null,
  991. scratchUp: null,
  992. scratchMove: function(e, percent) {
  993. if (percent > 50 && !scratchy_finished) {
  994. scratchy_finished = true;
  995. scratchyEnd($("#scratchy_result").html());
  996. }
  997. }
  998. }).wScratchPad('enable', false);
  999. }
  1001. function raceSort() {
  1002. $('#dragrace_listings').find('.dragrace_list').sort(function(a, b) {
  1003. if ($(b).attr('data-status') == $(a).attr('data-status')) {
  1004. return parseInt($(b).attr('data-sort')) - parseInt($(a).attr('data-sort'));
  1005. }
  1006. return parseInt($(a).attr('data-status')) - parseInt($(b).attr('data-status'));
  1007. }).prependTo('#dragrace_listings');
  1008. }
  1010. function raceAdd(data) {
  1011. if ($("#race_" + == 0) {
  1012. $("#dragrace_listings").append('<div class="dragrace_list" id="coin_' + + '" data-sort="' + + '" data-status="0"><span class="dragrace_list_status_join" data-id="' + + '" data-value="' + + '"><i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i> ' + phraser('CHALLENGE') + '</span><span class="dragrace_list_status_view" data-id="' + + '"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></span><span class="dragrace_list_value">' + + '<br>Credits</span><a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '" class="dragrace_list_avatar"></a></div>');
  1013. raceSort();
  1014. }
  1015. }
  1017. function raceJoin(data) {
  1018. $("#race_" +'<a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '" class="dragrace_list_avatar"></a>');
  1019. if ($("#dragrace_game_" + > 0) {
  1020. $("#race_track_cars").append('<img data-player="' + data.player.position + '" src="' + site + '/images/race_smoke_v2.gif" class="race_track_smoke race_track_car_' + data.player.position + '"><img data-player="' + data.player.position + '" src="' + site + '/images/race_car' + data.player.car_image + '.png" class="race_track_car race_track_car_' + data.player.position + '">');
  1021. $(".race_player[data-player='" + data.player.position + "'").html('<img src="' + site + '/images/race_car' + data.player.car_image + '.png" class="race_player_car"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '" class="race_player_avatar" data-player="' + data.player.position + '">');
  1022. if ( == '1') {
  1023. raceStart(;
  1024. }
  1025. }
  1026. if ( == '1') {
  1027. raceEnd(data);
  1028. }
  1029. }
  1031. function raceEnd(data) {
  1032. $("#race_" +'data-status', '1');
  1033. $("#race_" + + " .dragrace_list_status_join").removeClass('dragrace_list_status_join dragrace_list_status_join_final').addClass('dragrace_list_status_finished').html(phraser('FINISHED'));
  1034. raceSort();
  1035. if ( == userID || data.mid.user_id == userID || data.player.user_id == userID) {
  1036. setTimeout(function() {
  1037. if ( == userID) {
  1038. $.growl.notice({
  1039. title: 'Drag Race',
  1040. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('WIN') + "</b>."
  1041. });
  1042. updateCredits(2.95 *;
  1043. } else {
  1044. $.growl.error({
  1045. title: 'Drag Race',
  1046. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>."
  1047. });
  1048. }
  1049. }, 9200);
  1050. }
  1051. if ($("#dragrace_game_" + > 0) {
  1052. raceStart(;
  1053. }
  1054. }
  1056. function raceLoad(type, dragrace_id) {
  1057. $("#race_res").hide();
  1058. $("#race_loader").show();
  1059. $.ajax({
  1060. type: "GET",
  1061. url: "/dragrace_load.php",
  1062. data: {
  1063. type: type,
  1064. dragrace_id: dragrace_id
  1065. },
  1066. success: function(text) {
  1067. $("#race_loader").hide();
  1068. $("#race_res").html(text).show();
  1069. }
  1070. });
  1071. }
  1073. function raceStart(winner_position) {
  1074. var winner = 1;
  1075. if (winner_position == 'mid') {
  1076. winner = 2;
  1077. }
  1078. if (winner_position == 'bot') {
  1079. winner = 3;
  1080. }
  1081. var animation = [0, Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1];
  1082. animation[winner] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 4;
  1083. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1084. $("[data-light='1']").attr('src', site + '/images/race_light_orange.png');
  1085. $(".race_count").trigger('play');
  1086. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1087. $(".race_count").trigger('pause');
  1088. $(".race_count").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1089. }, 4000));
  1090. }, 1000));
  1091. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1092. $("[data-light='2']").attr('src', site + '/images/race_light_orange.png');
  1093. }, 2000));
  1094. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1095. $("[data-light='3']").attr('src', site + '/images/race_light_orange.png');
  1096. $(".race_track_smoke").fadeIn(1000);
  1097. }, 3000));
  1098. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1099. $(".race_crowd, .race_crowd2").removeClass('race_crowd_bg').addClass('race_crowd_move_bg');
  1100. $("[data-light='4']").attr('src', site + '/images/race_light_green.png');
  1101. $(".race_track_car[data-player='top'], .race_track_smoke[data-player='top']").addClass('car_animate_' + animation[1]);
  1102. $(".race_track_car[data-player='mid'], .race_track_smoke[data-player='mid']").addClass('car_animate_' + animation[2]);
  1103. $(".race_track_car[data-player='bot'], .race_track_smoke[data-player='bot']").addClass('car_animate_' + animation[3]);
  1104. $(".race_sound_fx").trigger('play');
  1105. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1106. $(".race_sound_fx").trigger('pause');
  1107. $(".race_sound_fx").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1108. }, 8000));
  1109. }, 4000));
  1110. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1111. $(".race_crowd, .race_crowd2").removeClass('race_crowd_move_bg').addClass('race_crowd_bg');
  1112. $(".race_track_smoke").fadeOut(1000);
  1113. $(".race_player[data-player='" + winner_position + "']").append('<img src="' + site + '/images/race_winner.png" class="race_player_winner">');
  1114. $(".race_player_avatar[data-player='" + winner_position + "']").css('border', '1px solid #FAD733').css('box-shadow', '0px 0px 5px #FAD733');
  1115. }, 9500));
  1116. }
  1118. function bettingEnd(data) {
  1119. if ( == 'draw') {
  1120. $.growl.warning({
  1121. title: 'Match Betting',
  1122. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('DRAW') + "</b>."
  1123. });
  1124. updateCredits(;
  1125. } else if ( == 'loss') {
  1126. $.growl.error({
  1127. title: 'Match Betting',
  1128. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>."
  1129. });
  1130. } else {
  1131. $.growl.notice({
  1132. title: 'Match Betting',
  1133. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('WIN') + "</b>."
  1134. });
  1135. updateCredits(;
  1136. }
  1137. }
  1139. function coinSort() {
  1140. $('#coinflip_listings').find('.coinflip_list').sort(function(a, b) {
  1141. if ($(b).attr('data-status') == $(a).attr('data-status')) {
  1142. return parseInt($(b).attr('data-sort')) - parseInt($(a).attr('data-sort'));
  1143. }
  1144. return parseInt($(a).attr('data-status')) - parseInt($(b).attr('data-status'));
  1145. }).prependTo('#coinflip_listings');
  1146. }
  1148. function coinAdd(data) {
  1149. if ($("#coin_" + == 0) {
  1150. $("#coinflip_listings").append('<div class="coinflip_list" id="coin_' + + '" data-sort="' + + '" data-status="0"><span class="coinflip_list_status_join" data-id="' + + '" data-value="' + + '"><i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i> ' + phraser('CHALLENGE') + '</span><span class="coinflip_list_status_view" data-id="' + + '"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></span><img src="' + site + '/images/' + data.creator.side + '.png" class="coinflip_list_side"><span class="coinflip_list_value">' + + '<br>Credits</span><a show-profile="' + data.creator.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.creator.avatar + '" class="coinflip_list_avatar"></a><div class="coinflip_list_avatar_vs">VS</div><div class="coinflip_list_avatar_empty">X</div></div>');
  1151. coinSort();
  1152. }
  1153. }
  1155. function coinEnd(data) {
  1156. $("#coin_" +'data-status', '1');
  1157. $("#coin_" + + " .coinflip_list_status_join").removeClass('coinflip_list_status_join coinflip_list_status_join_final').addClass('coinflip_list_status_finished').html(phraser('FINISHED'));
  1158. $("#coin_" + + " .coinflip_list_avatar_empty").remove();
  1159. $("#coin_" +'<a show-profile="' + data.challenger.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.challenger.avatar + '" class="coinflip_list_avatar"></a>');
  1160. coinSort();
  1161. if (data.creator.user_id == userID || data.challenger.user_id == userID) {
  1162. setTimeout(function() {
  1163. if (data.winner.user_id == userID) {
  1164. $.growl.notice({
  1165. title: 'Coin Flip',
  1166. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('WIN') + "</b>."
  1167. });
  1168. updateCredits(1.95 *;
  1169. } else {
  1170. $.growl.error({
  1171. title: 'Coin Flip',
  1172. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>."
  1173. });
  1174. }
  1175. }, 8500);
  1176. }
  1177. $("#coinflip_amount_" +$("#coinflip_amount_" + + 1);
  1178. if ($("#coinflip_game_" + > 0) {
  1179. $("#coinflip_secret").html(;
  1180. $("#coinflip_percent").html(;
  1181. $("#coinflip_winner_persona").html(data.winner.persona);
  1182. $("#coinflip_waiting").remove();
  1183. $("#coinflip_hidden_user").prepend('<a class="coinflip_player" show-profile="' + data.challenger.user_id + '" data-side="' + data.challenger.side + '"><img src="' + site + '/images/' + data.challenger.side_pic + '.png" class="coinflip_player_side"><img src="' + data.challenger.avatar + '" class="coinflip_player_avatar"></a>');
  1184. coinFlip(;
  1185. }
  1186. }
  1188. function coinLoad(type, coinflip_id) {
  1189. $("#coinflip_content").html('<div id="coinflip_loader" class="loader_small"></div>');
  1190. $.ajax({
  1191. type: "GET",
  1192. url: "/coinflip_load.php",
  1193. data: {
  1194. type: type,
  1195. coinflip_id: coinflip_id
  1196. },
  1197. success: function(text) {
  1198. $("#coinflip_content").html(text);
  1199. }
  1200. });
  1201. }
  1203. function coinFlip(side) {
  1204. clearTimeouts();
  1205. $("#coin .both-text").html('5');
  1206. var seconds = 0;
  1207. var timer = setInterval(function() {
  1208. seconds++;
  1209. $("#coin .both-text").html(function(i, html) {
  1210. if ($("#coinflip_table_holder").length == 0 || (parseInt(html) == 0 && seconds == 10)) {
  1211. clearTimeout(timer);
  1212. return "";
  1213. } else if (seconds == 10) {
  1214. seconds = 0;
  1215. return parseInt(html) - 1;
  1216. }
  1217. });
  1218. }, 100);
  1219. $("#coin .both-timer").stop(true).animate({
  1220. 'top': '0px',
  1221. 'opacity': '1',
  1222. }, 6000, "easeInQuad");
  1223. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1224. $(".flip").trigger('play');
  1225. setTimeout(function() {
  1226. $(".flip").trigger('pause');
  1227. $(".flip").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1228. }, 2300);
  1229. $('#coin .both').remove();
  1230. $('#coin').addClass('animate' + side);
  1231. $(".coinflip_player, .coinflip_winner").not("#coinflip_winner, #coinflip_info").css('opacity', '0.5');
  1232. }, 6000));
  1233. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1234. var borderColor = "#ffd700";
  1235. if (side == 'CT') {
  1236. borderColor = "#0cb6e7";
  1237. }
  1238. $("#coinflip_winner b").css('border-color', borderColor);
  1239. $("[data-side='" + side + "']").css('opacity', '1');
  1240. $("[data-side='" + side + "'] .coinflip_player_side, [data-side='" + side + "'] .coinflip_player_avatar, #coin .front, #coin .back").css('border', '1px solid ' + borderColor).css('box-shadow', '0px 0px 5px ' + borderColor);
  1241. $("#coinflip_winner").css('opacity', '1');
  1242. $("#coinflip_info div").show();
  1243. }, 8000));
  1244. }
  1246. function slotSpin(that, i) {
  1247. var step = 85;
  1248. that.css('margin-top', '0px');
  1249. that.animate({
  1250. marginTop: (-39 * 85) + 'px',
  1251. }, i * 600 + 1000, "easeOutQuad");
  1252. }
  1254. function slotSpinAll() {
  1255. var i = 0;
  1256. $(".slot_child_content").each(function() {
  1257. slotSpin($(this), i);
  1258. i++;
  1259. });
  1260. }
  1262. function slotFill() {
  1263. var fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'blueberry', 'cherry', 'pear', 'treasure'];
  1264. $(".slot_child_content").each(function() {
  1265. $(this).html('')
  1266. for (var i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
  1267. var fruit = fruits[Math.floor(Math.random() * fruits.length)];
  1268. $(this).append('<img src="' + site + '/images/' + fruit + '.png">');
  1269. }
  1270. });
  1271. }
  1273. function blackJackEnd(data) {
  1274. if (data.player.user_id == userID) {
  1275. var value =;
  1276. var credits =;
  1277. var choiceText =;
  1278. var oppText =;
  1279. setTimeout(function() {
  1280. if (data.player.busted) {
  1281. $.growl.error({
  1282. title: 'Blackjack',
  1283. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(value).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_GOT_BUSTED')
  1284. });
  1285. } else if (data.winner.state == 'draw') {
  1286. $.growl.warning({
  1287. title: 'Blackjack',
  1288. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(value).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('DRAW') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_GOT') + choiceText + phraser('DEALER_GOT') + oppText + "."
  1289. });
  1290. updateCredits(credits);
  1291. } else if (data.winner.state == 'win') {
  1292. $.growl.notice({
  1293. title: 'Blackjack',
  1294. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(value).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('WIN') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_GOT') + choiceText + phraser('DEALER_GOT') + oppText + "."
  1295. });
  1296. updateCredits(credits);
  1297. } else {
  1298. $.growl.error({
  1299. title: 'Blackjack',
  1300. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(value).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_GOT') + choiceText + phraser('DEALER_GOT') + oppText + "."
  1301. });
  1302. }
  1303. }, * 1000 - 1000);
  1304. }
  1305. }
  1307. function blackJackDeal(cards) {
  1308. var cardArr = cards.split(";");
  1309. var cardOne = cardArr[0].split(",");
  1310. var cardTwo = cardArr[1].split(",");
  1311. var cardThree = cardArr[2].split(",");
  1312. $("#deal_shuffle").hide();
  1313. $("#hit_double_stand").show();
  1314. blackJackAddCard(cardOne[0], 1, cardOne[1], false);
  1315. setTimeout(function() {
  1316. blackJackAddCard(cardThree[0], 1, cardThree[1], true);
  1317. }, 1000);
  1318. setTimeout(function() {
  1319. blackJackAddCard(cardTwo[0], 2, cardTwo[1], false);
  1320. }, 2000);
  1321. setTimeout(function() {
  1322. if (parseInt(cardTwo[1]) != 21) {
  1323. $(".blackjack_double").removeClass('disabled');
  1324. $(".blackjack_hit").removeClass('disabled');
  1325. $(".blackjack_stand").removeClass('disabled');
  1326. } else {
  1327. blackJackStand();
  1328. }
  1329. }, 3000);
  1330. }
  1332. function blackJackHit(card, doubled) {
  1333. card = card.split(",");
  1334. blackJackAddCard(card[0], card[1], card[2], false);
  1335. if (card[3] == 'bust' || doubled) {
  1336. setTimeout(function() {
  1337. $(".blackjack_hit").addClass('disabled');
  1338. blackJackStand();
  1339. }, 1000);
  1340. } else {
  1341. setTimeout(function() {
  1342. $(".blackjack_hit").removeClass('disabled');
  1343. }, 1000);
  1344. }
  1345. if (parseInt(card[2]) == 21 && !doubled) {
  1346. setTimeout(function() {
  1347. blackJackStand();
  1348. }, 1000);
  1349. }
  1350. }
  1352. function blackJackAddCard(card, card_number, sum, dealer) {
  1353. var card_id = "card_p" + card_number;
  1354. var card_color = "card_black";
  1355. var card_icon = "&clubs;";
  1356. var card_value = card.substring(1)
  1357. if (card.charAt(0) == "H") {
  1358. card_color = "card_red";
  1359. card_icon = "&hearts;";
  1360. } else if (card.charAt(0) == "D") {
  1361. card_color = "card_red";
  1362. card_icon = "&diams;";
  1363. } else if (card.charAt(0) == "S") {
  1364. card_icon = "&spades;";
  1365. }
  1366. var degVal, topVal, leftVal, topAlign, playerType, valueType, cardsType;
  1367. degVal = topVal = leftVal = 0;
  1368. if (dealer) {
  1369. topAlign = -1;
  1370. playerType = "#blackjack_dealer";
  1371. valueType = "#blackjack_value_number_dealer";
  1372. cardsType = "#blackjack_dealer";
  1373. } else {
  1374. topAlign = 1;
  1375. playerType = "#blackjack_player";
  1376. valueType = "#blackjack_value_number_player";
  1377. cardsType = "#blackjack_player";
  1378. }
  1379. var leftMargin = $("#blackjack_table").width() / -5 + 30 * (card_number - 1);
  1380. var topMargin = 127 - 5 * card_number;
  1381. topAlign = topMargin * topAlign;
  1382. $("#blackjack_deck").prepend('<div class="card card_90 card_back" id="card_spinning_' + card_id + '" style="z-index:20"></div>');
  1383. $({
  1384. deg: 90,
  1385. top: 0,
  1386. left: 0
  1387. }).animate({
  1388. deg: 360,
  1389. top: topAlign,
  1390. left: leftMargin
  1391. }, {
  1392. duration: 300,
  1393. step: function(now, fx) {
  1394. if (fx.prop == "deg") {
  1395. degVal = now;
  1396. } else if (fx.prop == "top") {
  1397. topVal = now;
  1398. } else if (fx.prop == "left") {
  1399. leftVal = now;
  1400. }
  1401. $("#card_spinning_" + card_id).css({
  1402. top: topVal + 'px',
  1403. left: leftVal + 'px',
  1404. transform: 'rotate(' + degVal + 'deg) scaleX(-1)'
  1405. });
  1406. },
  1407. complete: function() {
  1408. $("#card_spinning_" + card_id).css({
  1409. top: topAlign + 'px',
  1410. left: leftMargin + 'px',
  1411. transform: 'rotate(0deg) scaleX(-1)'
  1412. });
  1413. }
  1414. });
  1415. $(".deal").prop("currentTime", 0.1).trigger('play');
  1416. setTimeout(function() {
  1417. $(".deal").trigger('pause');
  1418. $(".deal").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1419. }, 900);
  1420. setTimeout(function() {
  1421. $("#card_spinning_" + card_id).remove();
  1422. $(playerType).append('<div id="' + card_id + '" class="card_flipper"><div class="card card_back"></div><div class="card ' + card_color + '"><div class="card_top">' + card_icon + ' ' + card_value + '</div><div class="card_mid">' + card_icon + '</div><div class="card_bot">' + card_icon + ' ' + card_value + '</div></div></div>');
  1423. setTimeout(function() {
  1424. $("#" + card_id).addClass('card_flip');
  1425. }, 100);
  1426. setTimeout(function() {
  1427. $(valueType).html(sum);
  1428. }, 300);
  1429. }, 300);
  1430. }
  1432. function blackJackStand() {
  1433. $("#hit_double_stand button").addClass('disabled');
  1434. $(".blackjack_stand").prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  1435. $.ajax({
  1436. type: "GET",
  1437. url: "/blackjack_bet.php",
  1438. data: {
  1439. stand: true,
  1440. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  1441. },
  1442. success: function(text) {
  1443. $(".blackjack_stand").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('STAND'));
  1444. if (text == 'errorCards' || text == 'errorGameID' || text == 'errorFinished') {
  1445. swal({
  1446. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  1447. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  1448. type: 'error',
  1449. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  1450. });
  1451. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  1452. swal({
  1453. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  1454. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  1455. type: 'error',
  1456. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  1457. });
  1458. } else {
  1459. var cardArr = text.split(";");
  1460. if (cardArr[0] != "bust" && cardArr[0] != "blackjack") {
  1461. var i = 0;
  1462. var card = cardArr[i].split(",");
  1463. blackJackAddCard(card[0], (i + 2), card[1], true);
  1464. i++;
  1465. var cardInterval = setInterval(function() {
  1466. if (i == cardArr.length - 1 || i > cardArr.length - 1) {
  1467. clearInterval(cardInterval);
  1468. } else {
  1469. var card = cardArr[i].split(",");
  1470. blackJackAddCard(card[0], (i + 2), card[1], true);
  1471. i++;
  1472. }
  1473. }, 1000);
  1474. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1475. $("#blackjack_player").html('').hide();
  1476. $("#blackjack_dealer").html('');
  1477. $("#blackjack_better").show();
  1478. $(".blackjack_block").hide();
  1479. $(".blackjack_controls").hide();
  1480. $(".blackjack_game_value").html('0 Credits').hide();
  1481. }, (i + 4) * 1000));
  1482. } else {
  1483. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1484. $("#blackjack_player").html('').hide();
  1485. $("#blackjack_dealer").html('');
  1486. $("#blackjack_better").show();
  1487. $(".blackjack_block").hide();
  1488. $(".blackjack_controls").hide();
  1489. $(".blackjack_game_value").html('0 Credits').hide();
  1490. }, 1500));
  1491. }
  1492. }
  1493. }
  1494. });
  1495. }
  1497. function addRouletteBet(data) {
  1498. var betHTML = '<div class="roulette_bets" id="r' + + '" data-user="' + data.player.user_id + '" data-choice="' + + '"><div class="roulette_bets_value">' + + ' Credits</div><div class="roulette_bets_user"><a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '"></a> ' + data.player.persona + '</div></div>';
  1499. if ($(".roulette_table").length > 0 && !$(".roulette_bets_holder #r" + {
  1500. if ( == 1) {
  1501. startTimer('roulette');
  1502. }
  1503. var betContainer = '#roulette_green';
  1504. if ( == 2) {
  1505. betContainer = '#roulette_red';
  1506. } else if ( == 3) {
  1507. betContainer = '#roulette_black';
  1508. }
  1509. $(betContainer).prepend(betHTML);
  1510. var old_val = parseFloat($("#value").html());
  1511. var new_val = (old_val + parseFloat(;
  1512. $("#value").html(new_val.toFixed(2));
  1513. $('.progress_value').stop(true);
  1514. $({
  1515. someValue: old_val
  1516. }).animate({
  1517. someValue: new_val.toFixed(2)
  1518. }, {
  1519. duration: 200,
  1520. easing: 'swing',
  1521. step: function() {
  1522. $('.progress_value').text(this.someValue.toFixed(2));
  1523. },
  1524. complete: function() {
  1525. $('.progress_value').text(new_val.toFixed(2));
  1526. }
  1527. });
  1528. setTimeout(function() {
  1529. $('.progress_value').stop(true).text(new_val.toFixed(2));
  1530. }, 250);
  1531. var newColorVal = Math.round((parseFloat($(betContainer + "_total").html().replace(" Credits")) + parseFloat( * 100) / 100;
  1532. $(betContainer + "_total").html(newColorVal + " Credits");
  1533. document.title = new_val.toFixed(2) + ' - Roulette | CSGOSpeed';
  1534. $(".blop").trigger('play');
  1535. }
  1536. if (data.player.user_id == userID && !$("#global_roulette_bets #r" + {
  1537. $("#global_roulette_bets").append(betHTML);
  1538. }
  1539. }
  1541. function startRouletteAnimation(data) {
  1542. if ($(".roulette_table").length > 0) {
  1543. var number = data.roulette.winner_number;
  1544. var targetColor = '';
  1545. if (number == 0) {
  1546. targetColor = 'green';
  1547. numberCalc = 0;
  1548. } else if (number > 10) {
  1549. targetColor = 'black';
  1550. numberCalc = 2 * (number - 10);
  1551. } else {
  1552. targetColor = 'red';
  1553. numberCalc = 2 * (number) - 1;
  1554. }
  1555. var numberMargin = 60 * numberCalc;
  1556. var randPos = Math.floor(Math.random() * 52) + 6
  1557. var centerMargin = -21 * 60 + 60 * 7 + $("#page_content").width() / 2;
  1558. var startMargin = centerMargin - numberMargin - randPos;
  1559. $("#round_draw_pointer").show();
  1560. $(".roulette_table").css('left', startMargin + 'px').addClass('roulette_animate');
  1561. $(".click").trigger('play');
  1562. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1563. $(".click").trigger('pause');
  1564. $(".click").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1565. }, 5200));
  1566. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1567. endRouletteAnimation(data);
  1568. }, 11000));
  1569. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1570. calcRouletteBets(targetColor);
  1571. $(".roulette_table").css({
  1572. transform: 'translate(-1680px, 0)'
  1573. });
  1574. }, 8000));
  1575. }
  1576. setTimeout(function() {
  1577. checkRouletteWin(data);
  1578. }, 8000);
  1579. }
  1581. function calcRouletteBets(color) {
  1582. $(".roulette_choice_bets").each(function() {
  1583. var that = $(this);
  1584. var thatTotal = 0;
  1585. var thatSign = '-';
  1586. var thatClass = 'losses';
  1587. var thatColor = that.attr("id").replace('roulette_', '');
  1588. that.find(".roulette_bets .roulette_bets_value").each(function() {
  1589. thatTotal += parseFloat($(this).text());
  1590. });
  1591. thatTotal = (Math.round(thatTotal * 100) / 100)
  1592. if (thatColor == color) {
  1593. thatSign = '+';
  1594. thatClass = 'winnings';
  1595. if (color == 'green') {
  1596. thatTotal = thatTotal * 15;
  1597. } else {
  1598. thatTotal = thatTotal * 2;
  1599. }
  1600. }
  1601. $('#roulette_' + thatColor + '_total').addClass(thatClass);
  1602. $({
  1603. someValue: 0
  1604. }).animate({
  1605. someValue: thatTotal.toFixed(2)
  1606. }, {
  1607. duration: 300,
  1608. easing: 'swing',
  1609. step: function() {
  1610. $('#roulette_' + thatColor + '_total').text(thatSign + " " + this.someValue.toFixed(2) + " Credits");
  1611. },
  1612. complete: function() {
  1613. $('#roulette_' + thatColor + '_total').text(thatSign + " " + thatTotal.toFixed(2) + " Credits");
  1614. }
  1615. });
  1616. });
  1617. }
  1619. function endRouletteAnimation(data) {
  1620. $(".roulette_bets_total span").html('0 Credits').removeClass('winnings').removeClass('losses');
  1621. $("#round_draw_pointer").hide();
  1622. $(".roulette_table").css('left', '0').removeClass('roulette_animate').css({
  1623. transform: 'translate(0, 0)'
  1624. });
  1625. $(".roulette_choice_bets").html('');
  1626. document.title = '0 - Roulette | CSGOSpeed';
  1627. $(".progress_value").html('0');
  1628. $("#value").html('0');
  1629. $("#progress_load_holder_roulette").stop(true).animate({
  1630. width: "0%"
  1631. }, 1000);
  1632. $("#timer_seconds_roulette").html('30');
  1633. $("#timer_minutes_roulette").html('0');
  1634. $(".load").trigger('play');
  1635. setTimeout(function() {
  1636. $(".load").trigger('pause');
  1637. $(".load").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1638. }, 1000);
  1639. $(".roulette_id").html(data.roulette.new_roulette_id);
  1640. var bgColor = '';
  1641. if (data.roulette.winner_number == 0) {
  1642. bgColor = '#5FAE63';
  1643. } else if (data.roulette.winner_number >= 11) {
  1644. bgColor = '#1b1e27';
  1645. } else {
  1646. bgColor = '#bc5652';
  1647. }
  1648. if ($("#rr" + data.roulette.roulette_id).length == 0) {
  1649. $(".roulette_results_holder").prepend('<div class="roulette_result" id="rr' + data.roulette.roulette_id + '" style="background: ' + bgColor + '">' + data.roulette.winner_number + '</div>');
  1650. }
  1651. }
  1652. var checkingRouletteWin = false;
  1654. function checkRouletteWin(data) {
  1655. if (!checkingRouletteWin) {
  1656. checkingRouletteWin = true;
  1657. var total = 0;
  1658. $("#global_roulette_bets .roulette_bets[data-user='" + userID + "']").each(function() {
  1659. var betChoice = $(this).attr("data-choice");
  1660. if ((betChoice - 1) * 10 >= data.roulette.winner_number && (betChoice - 1) * 10 - 9 <= data.roulette.winner_number) {
  1661. var times = 2;
  1662. if (betChoice == 1) {
  1663. times = 15;
  1664. }
  1665. total += parseFloat($(this).find('.roulette_bets_value').html()) * times;
  1666. }
  1667. });
  1668. if (total > 0) {
  1669. updateCredits(total);
  1670. $.growl.notice({
  1671. title: 'Roulette',
  1672. message: phraser('WON_A_TOTAL_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(total).toFixed(2) + "</b>" + phraser('CREDITS_ON') + " Roulette."
  1673. });
  1674. }
  1675. setTimeout(function() {
  1676. checkingRouletteWin = false;
  1677. }, 5000);
  1678. }
  1679. $("#global_roulette_bets").html('');
  1680. }
  1682. function sortHeadsup() {
  1683. $('#headsup_bets').find('.headsup_thumb').sort(function(a, b) {
  1684. return parseInt($(b).attr('data-sort')) - parseInt($(a).attr('data-sort'));
  1685. }).prependTo('#headsup_bets');
  1686. }
  1688. function addHeadsup(data) {
  1689. if ($("#h" + == 0) {
  1690. $("#headsup_bets").append('<div class="headsup_thumb" id="h' + + '" data-sort="' + + '"><div class="headsup_thumb_info"><span>' + + '</span> Credits<a class="headsup_go"><i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i></a></div><img src="' + data.creator.avatar + '"></div>');
  1691. sortHeadsup();
  1692. }
  1693. }
  1695. function endHeadsup(data) {
  1696. $("#h" +;
  1697. if (data.creator.user_id == userID) {
  1698. var credits =;
  1699. var choiceText = '';
  1700. var oppText = '';
  1701. if (data.creator.choice == 1) {
  1702. choiceText = phraser('ROCK');
  1703. } else if (data.creator.choice == 2) {
  1704. choiceText = phraser('PAPER');
  1705. } else if (data.creator.choice == 3) {
  1706. choiceText = phraser('SCISSOR');
  1707. }
  1708. if (data.challenger.choice == 1) {
  1709. oppText = phraser('ROCK');
  1710. } else if (data.challenger.choice == 2) {
  1711. oppText = phraser('PAPER');
  1712. } else if (data.challenger.choice == 3) {
  1713. oppText = phraser('SCISSOR');
  1714. }
  1715. if ( == '0') {
  1716. $.growl.warning({
  1717. title: 'Heads Up',
  1718. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(credits).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('DRAW') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_CHOSE') + choiceText + phraser('OPPONENT_CHOSE') + oppText + "."
  1719. });
  1720. updateCredits(0.95 * credits);
  1721. } else if ( == '2') {
  1722. $.growl.notice({
  1723. title: 'Heads Up',
  1724. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(credits).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('WIN') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_CHOSE') + choiceText + phraser('OPPONENT_CHOSE') + oppText + "."
  1725. });
  1726. updateCredits(1.95 * credits);
  1727. } else if ( == '1') {
  1728. $.growl.error({
  1729. title: 'Heads Up',
  1730. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(credits).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_CHOSE') + choiceText + phraser('OPPONENT_CHOSE') + oppText + "."
  1731. });
  1732. }
  1733. }
  1734. }
  1736. function sortUsers() {
  1737. $('.round_players_holder').find('.round_player').sort(function(a, b) {
  1738. return $(b).attr('data-sort') - $(a).attr('data-sort');
  1739. }).prependTo('.round_players_holder');
  1740. }
  1742. function sortDeposits() {
  1743. $('.round_bets_holder').find('.round_bet').sort(function(a, b) {
  1744. return parseInt($(b).attr('data-sort')) - parseInt($(a).attr('data-sort'));
  1745. }).prependTo('.round_bets_holder');
  1746. }
  1748. function addBet(data) {
  1749. if (!$("#r" + data.deposit.deposit_id).length && $("#round_draw_spinner").length) {
  1750. if (data.deposit.timer_start == 1) {
  1751. startTimer('jackpot');
  1752. }
  1753. $("#round_items_empty").hide();
  1754. $("#round_players_empty").hide();
  1755. $("#round_deposits_empty").hide();
  1756. if (!$("#round_player_" + data.player.user_id).length) {
  1757. $(".round_players_holder").prepend('<a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '" class="round_player tool" data-sort="' + data.deposit.value + '" id="round_player_' + data.player.user_id + '" title="' + data.player.persona + '"><span class="round_player_chance" id="val_' + data.deposit.value + '">' + data.deposit.chance + '%</span><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '"></a>');
  1758. } else {
  1759. var new_player_value = parseFloat($("#round_player_" + data.player.user_id).attr('data-sort')) + parseFloat(data.deposit.value);
  1760. var new_player_chance = parseFloat($("#round_player_" + data.player.user_id).find('.round_player_chance')) + parseFloat(data.deposit.chance);
  1761. $("#round_player_" + data.player.user_id).attr('data-sort', new_player_value);
  1762. $("#round_player_" + data.player.user_id).find('.round_player_chance').attr('id', 'val_' + new_player_value).html(new_player_chance + '%');
  1763. }
  1764. $(".round_bets_holder").prepend('<div class="round_bet" id="r' + data.deposit.deposit_id + '" data-sort="' + + '"><a show-profile="' + data.player.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.player.avatar + '"></a> <b>' + data.player.persona + '</b> ' + phraser('DEPOSITED') + ' ' + data.deposit.value + ' Credits</div>');
  1765. sortUsers();
  1766. sortDeposits();
  1767. var old_val = parseFloat($("#value").html());
  1768. var new_val = (old_val + parseFloat(data.deposit.value));
  1769. $("#value").html(new_val.toFixed(2));
  1770. $('.progress_value').stop(true);
  1771. $({
  1772. someValue: old_val
  1773. }).animate({
  1774. someValue: new_val.toFixed(2)
  1775. }, {
  1776. duration: 200,
  1777. easing: 'swing',
  1778. step: function() {
  1779. $('.progress_value').text(this.someValue.toFixed(2));
  1780. },
  1781. complete: function() {
  1782. $('.progress_value').text(new_val.toFixed(2));
  1783. }
  1784. });
  1785. setTimeout(function() {
  1786. $('.progress_value').stop(true).text(new_val.toFixed(2));
  1787. }, 250);
  1788. document.title = new_val.toFixed(2) + ' - Jackpot | CSGOSpeed';
  1789. $(".round_player_chance").each(function() {
  1790. var new_chance = $(this).attr('id');
  1791. var total_val = $("#value").html();
  1792. if (new_chance != undefined) {
  1793. new_chance = new_chance.replace('val_', '');
  1794. new_chance = (parseFloat(new_chance) / total_val) * 100;
  1795. $(this).text(new_chance.toFixed(2) + "%");
  1796. }
  1797. });
  1798. $(".blop").trigger('play');
  1799. }
  1800. }
  1802. function drawWinner(data) {
  1803. if ($("#round_draw_spinner").length) {
  1804. $(".tipsy").remove();
  1805. var randPos = ($("#page_content").width() / 2) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 112) + 6;
  1806. $("#round_draw_players").css('margin-left', (randPos - 840) + 'px').html(data.spinner.html);
  1807. $("#round_draw_players").addClass('jackpot_animate');
  1808. $("#round_draw_pointer").fadeIn();
  1809. $("#round_holder").fadeOut(300);
  1810. $("#round_draw_holder").fadeIn(300);
  1811. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1812. $(".click").trigger('play');
  1813. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1814. $(".click").trigger('pause');
  1815. $(".click").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1816. }, 5200));
  1817. }, 500));
  1818. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1819. $("#round_draw_players").css({
  1820. transform: 'translate(-2280px, 0)'
  1821. });
  1822. $("#round_draw_pointer").fadeOut();
  1823. $(".win_pic").addClass('winning_picture');
  1824. $("#round_draw_winner").html("<span id='type_winner_persona'><i class='fa fa-user'></i> </span><div class='round_info_title'><i class='fa fa-info-circle'></i> " + phraser('DETAILS') + "</div><table class='round_draw_winner_table waiting_table' style='margin:20px auto 0;'><tr><td>" + phraser("ROUND_L") + "</td><td>#" + data.round.round_id + "</td></tr><tr><td>" + phraser("VALUE") + "</td><td><b class='navi-color-yellow'>" + parseFloat(data.round.value).toFixed(2) + " Credits</b></td></tr><tr><td>" + phraser("CHANCE") + "</td><td><b>" + parseFloat(data.round.winner_chance).toFixed(2) + "%</b></td></tr><tr><td>" + phraser("WINNER_PERCENTAGE") + "</td><td>" + data.round.winner_percentage + "%</td></tr></table>").fadeIn('slow');
  1825. changeText(data.round.winner_persona, $("#type_winner_persona"), (data.round.winner_persona.length - 10) * -5 + 120);
  1826. }, 7300));
  1827. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  1828. newRound(data);
  1829. }, 11 * 1000));
  1830. }
  1831. setTimeout(function() {
  1832. if (data.round.winner_user_id == userID) {
  1833. updateCredits(data.round.value * data.round.winner_take);
  1834. $.growl.notice({
  1835. title: 'Jackpot',
  1836. message: phraser('WON_A_TOTAL_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(data.round.value * data.round.winner_take).toFixed(2) + "</b>" + phraser('CREDITS_ON') + " Jackpot."
  1837. });
  1838. }
  1839. }, 7000);
  1840. }
  1842. function newRound(data) {
  1843. $(".tipsy").remove();
  1844. timerStarted = false;
  1845. $(".round_players_holder").html('');
  1846. $(".round_items_holder").html('');
  1847. $(".round_bets_holder").html('');
  1848. $("#round_items_empty").show();
  1849. $("#round_players_empty").show();
  1850. $("#round_deposits_empty").show();
  1851. $(".round_info_extra").find('.round_old_player:first').remove();
  1852. $(".round_info_extra").prepend('<a show-profile="' + data.round.winner_user_id + '" class="round_old_player tool-top" title="<b>' + phraser('ROUND_L') + ':</b><br>' + data.round.round_id + '<br><br><b>' + phraser('WIN_PERCENTAGE') + ':</b><br>' + data.round.winner_percentage + '<br><br><b>' + phraser('HASH') + ':</b><br>' + data.round.hash + '"><span class="round_old_chance"><b>' + data.round.value + '</b> Credits<br>@ <b>' + data.round.winner_chance.toFixed(2) + '%</b></span><img src="' + data.round.winner_avatar + '"></a>');
  1853. $(".round_info_extra").prepend('<a class="round_old_player tool-top" title="<b>' + phraser('ROUND_L') + '</b>:<br>' + data.new_round.round_id + '<br><br><b>' + phraser('HASH') + ':</b><br>' + data.new_round.hash + '"><span class="round_old_chance"><b>TBD</b><br>TBD</span><img src="' + site + '/images/no_user.jpg"></a>');
  1854. $("#round_draw_holder").hide(500);
  1855. $("#round_holder").show(500);
  1856. $("#round_draw_players").html('').removeClass('spinner_animate').css({
  1857. transform: 'translate(0, 0)'
  1858. });
  1859. $("#round_draw_winner").html('').hide();
  1860. $("#progress_load_holder_jackpot").animate({
  1861. width: "0%"
  1862. }, 1000);
  1863. $("#value").html('0');
  1864. $(".progress_value").text("0");
  1865. document.title = '0 - Jackpot | CSGOSpeed';
  1866. $("#timer_seconds_jackpot").html('30');
  1867. $("#timer_minutes_jackpot").html('0');
  1868. $(".load").trigger('play');
  1869. setTimeout(function() {
  1870. $(".load").trigger('pause');
  1871. $(".load").prop("currentTime", 0);
  1872. }, 1000);
  1873. }
  1874. var ongoingTimerInterval;
  1876. function ongoingTimer() {
  1877. clearInterval(ongoingTimerInterval);
  1878. var counter = parseInt($(".round_draw_ongoing_timer").html());
  1879. ongoingTimerInterval = setInterval(function() {
  1880. counter--;
  1881. if (counter < 0) {
  1882. $(".round_draw_ongoing").fadeOut();
  1883. clearInterval(ongoingTimerInterval);
  1884. } else {
  1885. $(".round_draw_ongoing_timer").html(counter);
  1886. }
  1887. }, 1000);
  1888. }
  1889. timerStarted = false;
  1890. timerFinishedPage = false;
  1892. function startTimerTick(type, text) {
  1893. var tMin = Math.floor(parseInt(text) / 60);
  1894. var tSec = parseInt(text) - tMin * 60;
  1895. var progTime = text * 1000;
  1896. var progWidth = 100 * ((30 - text) / 30);
  1897. if (tSec < 10) {
  1898. tSec = "0" + tSec;
  1899. }
  1900. if (text < -20) {
  1901. tSec = "30";
  1902. tMin = "0";
  1903. } else if (text <= 0) {
  1904. tSec = "00";
  1905. tMin = "0";
  1906. }
  1907. var startTime = new Date().getTime();
  1908. var startSec = parseInt(text);
  1909. $("#timer_seconds_" + type).html(tSec);
  1910. $("#timer_minutes_" + type).html(tMin);
  1911. $("#timer_counter_" + type).show();
  1912. $("#timer_loader_" + type).hide();
  1913. if (text > -20) {
  1914. $("#progress_load_holder_" + type).animate({
  1915. width: progWidth + '%'
  1916. }, 500, 'linear');
  1917. setTimeout(function() {
  1918. $("#progress_load_holder_" + type).animate({
  1919. width: '100%'
  1920. }, progTime, 'linear');
  1921. }, 500);
  1922. }
  1923. if (!timerStarted && text > 0) {
  1924. timerStarted = true;
  1925. var countTimer = setInterval(function() {
  1926. var timeElapse = Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - startTime) / 1000);
  1927. var timerNow = startSec - timeElapse;
  1928. var min = Math.floor(timerNow / 60);
  1929. var sec = timerNow - min * 60;
  1930. if (min < 0) {
  1931. timerStarted = false;
  1932. sec = 0;
  1933. min = 0;
  1934. clearInterval(countTimer);
  1935. } else if (sec == 0 && min > 0) {
  1936. sec = 59;
  1937. min = min - 1;
  1938. } else if (sec > 0) {
  1939. sec = sec - 1;
  1940. } else if (sec == 0 && min == 0) {
  1941. timerStarted = false;
  1942. clearInterval(countTimer);
  1943. }
  1944. if (sec < 10) {
  1945. sec = "0" + sec;
  1946. }
  1947. $("#timer_seconds_" + type).html(sec);
  1948. $("#timer_minutes_" + type).html(min);
  1949. if (timerFinishedPage) {
  1950. $("#progress_load_holder_" + type).stop(true).width('0%')
  1951. $("#timer_seconds_" + type).html('30');
  1952. $("#timer_minutes_" + type).html('0');
  1953. timerStarted = false;
  1954. timerFinishedPage = false;
  1955. clearInterval(countTimer);
  1956. }
  1957. }, 1000);
  1958. }
  1959. }
  1961. function startTimer(type, attempt) {
  1962. setTimeout(function() {
  1963. $("#timer_loader_" + type).show();
  1964. $("#timer_counter_" + type).hide();
  1965. attempt = attempt || 0;
  1966. finishRoundExec = false;
  1967. $.ajax({
  1968. type: "GET",
  1969. url: "/" + type + "_timer.php",
  1970. success: function(text) {
  1971. if ($("." + type + "_hidden_value").length) {
  1972. timerFinishedPage = false;
  1973. startTimerTick(type, text);
  1974. }
  1975. },
  1976. error: function() {
  1977. if (attempt <= 1) {
  1978. startTimer(type, attempt + 1);
  1979. } else {
  1980. swal({
  1981. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  1982. html: phraser('PLEASE_TRY_AGAIN'),
  1983. type: 'error',
  1984. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  1985. });
  1986. }
  1987. }
  1988. });
  1989. }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 400) + 1);
  1990. }
  1992. function docTitle(string) {
  1993. return (string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)).replace(".php", "");
  1994. }
  1995. var timeouts = [];
  1997. function clearTimeouts() {
  1998. for (var i = 0; i < timeouts.length; i++) {
  1999. clearTimeout(timeouts[i]);
  2000. clearInterval(timeouts[i]);
  2001. }
  2002. timeouts = [];
  2003. timerFinishedPage = true;
  2004. }
  2006. function stopAnimations() {
  2007. $(".audio_file").each(function() {
  2008. $(this).trigger('pause').prop("currentTime", 0);
  2009. });
  2010. $(".roulette_table, .progress_load_holder").stop(true);
  2011. $("#crash_overlay").css('height', '100%');
  2012. $(crashAnimation).stop(true, false);
  2013. $(crashParticleAnimation).stop(true);
  2014. clearTimeouts();
  2015. crashAutoBet = false;
  2016. }
  2017. freeToLoad = true;
  2019. function loadPage(page, type) {
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  2032. success: function(resp) {
  2033. document.title = docTitle(page) + ' | CSGOSpeed';
  2034. $("#page_content").html(resp);
  2035. if (thisPage != page.replace(".php", "")) {
  2036. window.history.pushState("", "", '/' + page.replace(".php", "") + extrasURL);
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  2038. setTimeout(function() {
  2039. freeToLoad = true;
  2040. }, 100);
  2041. },
  2042. error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
  2043. setTimeout(function() {
  2044. freeToLoad = true;
  2045. }, 100);
  2046. swal({
  2047. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2048. html: phraser('PLEASE_TRY_AGAIN'),
  2049. type: 'error',
  2050. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2051. });
  2052. }
  2053. });
  2054. }
  2056. function loadSupport(statsType, ticketID) {
  2057. ticketID = ticketID || '';
  2058. $("#user_stats_response").hide();
  2059. $("#user_stats_loader").show();
  2060. $.ajax({
  2061. type: "GET",
  2062. url: "/support_stats.php",
  2063. data: {
  2064. stats: statsType,
  2065. ticket_id: ticketID
  2066. },
  2067. success: function(text) {
  2068. $("#user_stats_response").html(text);
  2069. $("#user_stats_loader").hide();
  2070. $("#user_stats_response").show();
  2071. }
  2072. });
  2073. }
  2075. function loadUserStats(statsType) {
  2076. $("#user_stats_response").hide();
  2077. $("#user_stats_loader").show();
  2078. var user_id = 0;
  2079. if ($("#stats_user_id").length > 0) {
  2080. user_id = $("#stats_user_id").html();
  2081. }
  2082. $.ajax({
  2083. type: "GET",
  2084. url: "/user_stats.php",
  2085. data: {
  2086. stats: statsType,
  2087. user_id: user_id
  2088. },
  2089. success: function(text) {
  2090. $("#user_stats_loader").hide();
  2091. $("#user_stats_response").html(text).show();
  2092. }
  2093. });
  2094. }
  2096. function loadTopList(chosenDate, chosenType) {
  2097. $("#players_result").hide().html('');
  2098. $("#players_load").show();
  2099. $.ajax({
  2100. type: "GET",
  2101. url: "/players_stats.php",
  2102. data: {
  2103. date: chosenDate,
  2104. type: chosenType
  2105. },
  2106. success: function(text) {
  2107. $("#players_load").hide();
  2108. $("#players_result").html(text).show();
  2109. }
  2110. });
  2111. }
  2113. function addNotice(data) {
  2114. $(".admin_notice_message").html(data.message);
  2115. $(".admin_notice").fadeIn(300);
  2116. }
  2118. function removeNotice(data) {
  2119. $(".admin_notice").hide();
  2120. }
  2122. function ticketResponse(data) {
  2123. $.growl.warning({
  2124. title: phraser('SUPPORT'),
  2125. message: phraser('TICKET_ANSWERED')
  2126. });
  2127. }
  2130. function removeChatMessage(data) {
  2131. $(".tipsy").remove();
  2132. $('.chat_message[data-user="' + data.user_id + '"]').remove();
  2133. }
  2135. function addChatMessage(data) {
  2136. var muted_users = $("#chat_mutes").html().split(";");
  2137. if (muted_users.indexOf(data.user_id) > -1) {
  2138. return;
  2139. }
  2140. var scrolled = false;
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  2143. scrolled = true;
  2144. }
  2145. var usrMod = [];
  2146. if (data.level == 3) {
  2147. usrMod[data.user_id] = 'chat_message_admin';
  2148. } else if (data.level == 2) {
  2149. usrMod[data.user_id] = 'chat_message_mod';
  2150. } else if ( == 1) {
  2151. usrMod[data.user_id] = 'chat_message_bot';
  2152. } else {
  2153. usrMod[data.user_id] = '';
  2154. }
  2155. var mute = [];
  2156. if (userID != 0 && usrMod[data.user_id] == '') {
  2157. mute[data.user_id] = '<a class="mute_user tool-left" data-id="' + data.user_id + '" title="Mute"><i class="fa fa-user-times"></i></a>';
  2158. } else {
  2159. mute[data.user_id] = '';
  2160. }
  2161. var chatModLink = [];
  2162. if (chatMod && usrMod[data.user_id] == '') {
  2163. chatModLink[data.user_id] = '<a sID="' + data.steamID + '" class="chat_ban" data-title="' + data.persona + '"><i class="fa fa-ban"></i></a>';
  2164. } else {
  2165. chatModLink[data.user_id] = '';
  2166. }
  2167. var level = [];
  2168. if ( == 1) {
  2169. level[data.user_id] = '<span class="chat_user_level">999</span>';
  2170. } else {
  2171. level[data.user_id] = '<span class="chat_user_level">' + data.user_level + '</span>';
  2172. }
  2173. $("#chat_cell").append('<div class="chat_message" data-user="' + data.user_id + '"><div class="chat_message_title ' + usrMod[data.user_id] + '">' + chatModLink[data.user_id] + mute[data.user_id] + level[data.user_id] + '<a show-profile="' + data.user_id + '"><img src="' + data.steamPic + '"></a>' + data.steamName + '</div><div class="chat_message_text">' + data.message + '</div></div>');
  2174. if (!scrolled) {
  2175. elem.stop(true).animate({
  2176. scrollTop: elem[0].scrollHeight
  2177. }, 100);
  2178. }
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  2181. }
  2182. }
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  2187. isTrusted = true;
  2188. }
  2189. if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.which == 13) {
  2190. isTrusted = true;
  2191. }
  2192. if (!isTrusted) {
  2193. $.ajax({
  2194. type: "POST",
  2195. url: "/chat_message.php",
  2196. data: {
  2197. illegal: true
  2198. },
  2199. success: function(text) {}
  2200. });
  2201. return;
  2202. }
  2203. if ($("#chat_message_textarea").val().length == 0) {
  2204. return;
  2205. }
  2206. var messageVal = $("#chat_message_textarea").val();
  2207. $("#chat_message_textarea").val('');
  2208. $("#chat_message_send").prop('disabled', true).css("background-color", "#2d2d2d");
  2209. var cmdTitle = "";
  2210. var cmdText = "";
  2211. if (messageVal.replace(/^(?=\n)$|^\s*|\s*$|\n\n+/gm, "") == '/help') {
  2212. cmdTitle = "COMMANDS";
  2213. cmdText = '/help to show all commands<br>/rules to show chat rules<br>/recruits to get link to enter code<br>/hint to see the current chat giveaway hint';
  2214. } else if (messageVal.replace(/^(?=\n)$|^\s*|\s*$|\n\n+/gm, "") == '/rules') {
  2215. cmdTitle = "CHAT RULES";
  2216. cmdText = 'Do not beg.<br>Do not post links.<br>Do not advertise.<br>Speaking english is preferred.<br>Treat people how you want to be treated yourself.';
  2217. } else if (messageVal.replace(/^(?=\n)$|^\s*|\s*$|\n\n+/gm, "") == '/recruits') {
  2218. cmdTitle = "RECRUITS";
  2219. cmdText = 'Go to <a class="menu_item" data-page="recruits.php">Recruits</a>';
  2220. }
  2221. if (cmdText != "" && cmdTitle != "") {
  2222. $("#chat_cell").append('<div class="chat_message" data-user="21"><div class="chat_message_title chat_message_bot"><span class="chat_user_level">999</span><a show-profile="21"><img src=""></a>Chat BOT</div><div class="chat_message_text"><center><b>[' + cmdTitle + ']</b></center>' + cmdText + '</div></div>');
  2223. $("#chat_cell").stop(true).animate({
  2224. scrollTop: $("#chat_cell")[0].scrollHeight
  2225. }, 100);
  2226. $("#chat_message_send").prop('disabled', false).css("background-color", "#e69b23");
  2227. return;
  2228. }
  2229. $.ajax({
  2230. type: "POST",
  2231. url: "/chat_message.php",
  2232. data: {
  2233. message: messageVal
  2234. },
  2235. success: function(text) {
  2236. if (text == "errorSpam") {
  2237. swal({
  2238. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2239. html: phraser('SPAMMING_CHAT'),
  2240. type: 'error',
  2241. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2242. });
  2243. } else if (text == "errorSlowMode") {
  2244. swal({
  2245. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2246. html: phraser('SLOW_MODE'),
  2247. type: 'error',
  2248. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2249. });
  2250. } else if (text == "errorModMode") {
  2251. swal({
  2252. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2253. html: phraser('MOD_MODE'),
  2254. type: 'error',
  2255. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2256. });
  2257. } else if (text.indexOf("errorBanned") > -1) {
  2258. swal({
  2259. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2260. html: text.replace("errorBanned", ""),
  2261. type: 'error',
  2262. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2263. });
  2264. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  2265. swal({
  2266. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2267. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  2268. type: 'error',
  2269. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2270. });
  2271. }
  2272. $("#chat_message_send").prop('disabled', false).css("background-color", "#e69b23");
  2273. },
  2274. error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
  2275. swal({
  2276. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2277. html: phraser('PLEASE_TRY_AGAIN'),
  2278. type: 'error',
  2279. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2280. });
  2281. $("#chat_message_send").prop('disabled', false).css("background-color", "#e69b23");
  2282. }
  2283. });
  2284. }
  2286. function loadSteamStatus() {
  2287. $("#steam_status_text").hide();
  2288. $("#steam_status_progress").hide();
  2289. $("#steam_status_loader").show();
  2290. $.ajax({
  2291. type: "GET",
  2292. url: "/steamstatus.php",
  2293. success: function(text) {
  2294. var statusPercent = 0;
  2295. var statusClass = '';
  2296. switch (text) {
  2297. case 'Normal':
  2298. statusPercent = 100;
  2299. statusClass = 'progress-bar-success';
  2300. break;
  2301. case 'Inventory Delayed':
  2302. statusPercent = 60;
  2303. statusClass = 'progress-bar-warning';
  2304. break;
  2305. case 'Sessions Delayed':
  2306. statusPercent = 50;
  2307. statusClass = 'progress-bar-warning';
  2308. break;
  2309. case 'Inventory Critical':
  2310. statusPercent = 35;
  2311. statusClass = 'progress-bar-warning';
  2312. break;
  2313. case 'Going Down':
  2314. statusPercent = 20;
  2315. statusClass = 'progress-bar-danger';
  2316. break;
  2317. case 'Session Surge':
  2318. statusPercent = 15;
  2319. statusClass = 'progress-bar-danger';
  2320. break;
  2321. case 'Sessions Surge':
  2322. statusPercent = 15;
  2323. statusClass = 'progress-bar-danger';
  2324. break;
  2325. case 'No Session':
  2326. statusPercent = 10;
  2327. statusClass = 'progress-bar-danger';
  2328. break;
  2329. case 'WebAPI Offline':
  2330. statusPercent = 5;
  2331. statusClass = 'progress-bar-danger';
  2332. break;
  2333. default:
  2334. statusPercent = 90;
  2335. statusClass = 'progress-bar-success';
  2336. break;
  2337. }
  2338. $("#steam_status_text").show();
  2339. $("#steam_status_progress").show();
  2340. $("#steam_status_loader").hide();
  2341. $("#steam_status").html(text);
  2342. $("#steam_status_percentage").html(statusPercent + "%");
  2343. $("#steam_status_bar").removeClass().addClass('progress-bar ' + statusClass).width(statusPercent + '%');
  2344. }
  2345. });
  2346. }
  2347. deals_bot_loading = false;
  2348. botDealsPage = 1;
  2350. function loadBotDeals(more, min, max) {
  2351. if (!more) {
  2352. $('#withdraw_result').html('<div class="loader_small"></div>');
  2353. $("#withdraw_empty").show();
  2354. $("#withdraw_choose").html('').hide();
  2355. $('#withdraw_bot_chosen').html('');
  2356. $('#item_pot_value_bot').html('0 Credits');
  2357. } else {
  2358. $('#withdraw_result').append('<div class="withdraw_clear" style="clear: both;"></div><div class="loader_small"></div>');
  2359. }
  2360. if (!deals_bot_loading) {
  2361. deals_bot_loading = true;
  2362. $.ajax({
  2363. type: "GET",
  2364. url: "/withdraw_deals.php?min=" + min + "&max=" + max + "&page=" + botDealsPage,
  2365. success: function(text) {
  2366. deals_bot_loading = false;
  2367. if (!more) {
  2368. $('#withdraw_result').html(text);
  2369. } else {
  2370. $('#withdraw_result .loader_small, #withdraw_result .withdraw_clear').remove();
  2371. $('#withdraw_result').append(text);
  2372. $("#withdraw_choose .inventory_item").each(function() {
  2373. var itemID = $(this).attr('id');
  2374. $("#withdraw_result #" + itemID).remove();
  2375. });
  2376. }
  2377. }
  2378. });
  2379. }
  2380. }
  2381. inventory_bot_loading = false;
  2382. botInventoryPage = 1;
  2384. function loadBotInventory(more, search) {
  2385. var order = $("#withdraw_order").val();
  2386. var name = $("#withdraw_search").val();
  2387. var min = $("#withdraw_min").val();
  2388. var max = $("#withdraw_max").val();
  2389. if (!more && !search) {
  2390. $('#withdraw_result').html('<div class="loader_small"></div>');
  2391. $("#withdraw_empty").show();
  2392. $("#withdraw_choose").html('').hide();
  2393. $('#withdraw_bot_chosen').html('');
  2394. $('#item_pot_value_bot').html('0 Credits');
  2395. } else if (search) {
  2396. $('#withdraw_result').html('<div class="loader_small"></div>');
  2397. } else {
  2398. $('#withdraw_result').append('<div class="withdraw_clear" style="clear: both;"></div><div class="loader_small"></div>');
  2399. }
  2400. if (!inventory_bot_loading) {
  2401. inventory_bot_loading = true;
  2402. $.ajax({
  2403. type: "GET",
  2404. url: "/withdraw_load.php?order=" + order + "&name=" + name + "&min=" + min + "&max=" + max + "&page=" + botInventoryPage,
  2405. success: function(text) {
  2406. inventory_bot_loading = false;
  2407. if (!more && !search) {
  2408. $('#withdraw_result').html(text);
  2409. } else {
  2410. $('#withdraw_result .loader_small, #withdraw_result .withdraw_clear').remove();
  2411. $('#withdraw_result').append(text);
  2412. $("#withdraw_choose .inventory_item").each(function() {
  2413. var itemID = $(this).attr('id');
  2414. $("#withdraw_result #" + itemID).remove();
  2415. });
  2416. }
  2417. }
  2418. });
  2419. }
  2420. }
  2422. inventory_loading = false;
  2424. function loadInventory() {
  2425. $('#inventory_result').html('');
  2426. $("#inventory_load").show();
  2427. if (!inventory_loading) {
  2428. inventory_loading = true;
  2429. $.ajax({
  2430. type: "GET",
  2431. url: "/deposit_load.php?load",
  2432. success: function(text) {
  2433. inventory_loading = false;
  2434. $('#inventory_result').html(text);
  2435. $("#inventory_load").hide();
  2436. $('#inventory_result').find('.inventory_item').sort(function(a, b) {
  2437. return $(b).attr('data-sort') - $(a).attr('data-sort');
  2438. }).prependTo('#inventory_result');
  2439. }
  2440. });
  2441. }
  2442. }
  2443. inventory_refresh = false;
  2445. function refreshInventory(attempt) {
  2446. if (!inventory_refresh && !inventory_loading) {
  2447. inventory_refresh = true;
  2448. $('#inventory_attempt').html(phraser('ATTEMPT') + ' #' + (attempt + 1));
  2449. $('#inventory_attempt').show();
  2450. $("#inventory_load").show();
  2451. $('#inventory_result').html('');
  2452. $('#pot_result').html('');
  2453. $("#item_pot_value_user").text("0 Credits");
  2454. $("#pot_empty").show();
  2455. $("#pot_result").hide();
  2456. $.ajax({
  2457. type: "GET",
  2458. url: "/deposit_load.php?refresh",
  2459. success: function(text) {
  2460. if (text == 'success') {
  2461. $('#inventory_attempt').hide();
  2462. inventory_refresh = false;
  2463. loadInventory();
  2464. } else {
  2465. if (attempt >= 49) {
  2466. inventory_refresh = false;
  2467. $('#inventory_attempt').hide();
  2468. $("#inventory_load").hide();
  2469. $('#inventory_result').html('<div id="inventory_empty" style="display: block;padding-top: 35px;">' + phraser('COULDNT_GET_INVENTORY') + '</div>');
  2470. } else {
  2471. inventory_refresh = false;
  2472. refreshInventory(attempt + 1);
  2473. }
  2474. }
  2475. }
  2476. });
  2477. }
  2478. }
  2480. function tradeOfferStatus(type, attempt) {
  2481. attempt = attempt || 0;
  2482. $.ajax({
  2483. type: "GET",
  2484. url: "/" + type + "_response.php",
  2485. data: {
  2486. trade_offer_id: $("#waiting_deposit_id").attr('data-id')
  2487. },
  2488. success: function(text) {
  2489. var response = text.split(";");
  2490. if (response[0] == 'success') {
  2491. $("#waiting_deposit_id").hide();
  2492. $("#accept_link_browser").prop('href', '' + response[1] + '/');
  2493. $("#accept_link_steam").prop('href', 'steam://url/ShowTradeOffer/' + response[1] + '/');
  2494. $(".accept_link").show();
  2495. } else if (response[0] == 'error' || attempt >= 60 * 5) {
  2496. if (response[1] == 'not_found' || response[1] == 'inventory') {
  2497. swal({
  2498. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2499. html: phraser('COULDNT_FIND_ALL_ITEMS_' + type.toUpperCase()),
  2500. type: 'error',
  2501. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2502. });
  2503. } else if (response[1] == 'inventory') {
  2504. swal({
  2505. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2506. html: phraser('COULDNT_SEND_OFFER_INVENTORY'),
  2507. type: 'error',
  2508. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2509. });
  2510. } else if (response[1] == 'trade_url') {
  2511. swal({
  2512. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2513. html: phraser('COULDNT_SEND_OFFER_URL'),
  2514. type: 'error',
  2515. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2516. });
  2517. } else if (response[1] == 'escrow') {
  2518. swal({
  2519. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2520. html: phraser('COULDNT_SEND_OFFER_ESCROW'),
  2521. type: 'error',
  2522. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2523. });
  2524. } else if (response[1] == 'no_slots') {
  2525. swal({
  2526. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2527. html: phraser('COULDNT_SEND_OFFER_SLOTS'),
  2528. type: 'error',
  2529. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2530. });
  2531. } else if (response[1] == 'steam_error' || attempt >= 60 * 5) {
  2532. swal({
  2533. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  2534. html: phraser('COULDNT_SEND_OFFER'),
  2535. type: 'error',
  2536. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  2537. });
  2538. }
  2539. loadPage(type + '.php');
  2540. } else {
  2541. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  2542. tradeOfferStatus(type, attempt + 1);
  2543. }, 1500));
  2544. }
  2545. },
  2546. error: function() {
  2547. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  2548. tradeOfferStatus(type, attempt + 1);
  2549. }, 1000));
  2550. }
  2551. });
  2552. }
  2553. $(function() {
  2554. $(window).bind('popstate', function(e) {
  2555. var newPage = document.location.pathname.replace("/", "");
  2556. if (newPage.length > 1) {
  2557. loadPage(newPage + '.php');
  2558. }
  2559. });
  2560. if (isMobile) {
  2561. $("#chat_cell").height($('body').height() - 75 - 125 - 50);
  2562. }
  2563. $("#chat_cell").scrollTop(999999999, 0);
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  2566. html: true,
  2567. gravity: 's'
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  2571. gravity: 'e'
  2572. });
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  2980. }
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  2999. left: potionOffset.left + 90,
  3000. height: '40px'
  3001. }, 400).fadeOut(200, function() {
  3002. $(this).remove();
  3003. });
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  3006. setTimeout(function() {
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  3008. $(".fill").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3009. }, 300);
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  3011. $('#flask_wave').css('fill', 'rgb(' + fruitColor + ')');
  3012. } else {
  3013. var potionColor = $('#flask_wave').css('fill').replace("rgb(", "").replace(/\ /g, "").replace(")", "").split(",");
  3014. var newColorR = (potionColor[0] * fruitColors[0]) / 255 + 30;
  3015. var newColorG = (potionColor[1] * fruitColors[1]) / 255 + 30;
  3016. var newColorB = (potionColor[2] * fruitColors[2]) / 255 + 30;
  3017. $('#flask_wave').css('fill', 'rgb(' + Math.round(newColorR) + ',' + Math.round(newColorG) + ',' + Math.round(newColorB) + ')');
  3018. }
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  3020. height: (blenderColors * 40) + 'px'
  3021. }, 300, 'easeOutBack');
  3022. $("#blender_potion_content").append(fruit + ';');
  3023. }, 200);
  3024. setTimeout(function() {
  3025. blenderColorAvailable = true;
  3026. }, 300);
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  3030. html: phraser('FULL_BOTTLE_TEXT'),
  3031. type: 'warning',
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  3033. });
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  3037. $('body').on('submit', '#blender_form', function(e) {
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  3044. $.ajax({
  3045. type: "POST",
  3046. url: "/blender_blend.php",
  3047. data: {
  3048. credits: bet_value,
  3049. color_order: $("#blender_potion_content").html(),
  3050. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3051. },
  3052. success: function(text) {
  3053. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  3054. needCredits();
  3055. blenderAvailable = true;
  3056. blenderColorAvailable = true;
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  3059. swal({
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  3061. html: phraser('MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_BET'),
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  3063. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
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  3066. blenderColorAvailable = true;
  3067. $("#blender_submit").show();
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  3070. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3071. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3072. type: 'error',
  3073. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3074. });
  3075. blenderAvailable = true;
  3076. blenderColorAvailable = true;
  3077. $("#blender_submit").show();
  3078. } else {
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  3080. updateCredits(-1 * bet_value);
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  3083. $(".shake").trigger('pause');
  3084. $(".shake").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3085. }, 1500);
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  3089. distance: 15
  3090. }, 1300);
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  3094. }, {
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  3098. '-moz-transform': 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)',
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  3100. 'transform': 'rotate(' + now + 'deg)'
  3101. });
  3102. },
  3103. duration: 'slow'
  3104. }, 1000);
  3105. }, 1000);
  3106. setTimeout(function() {
  3107. if (text == 'won') {
  3108. updateCredits(bet_value * 1.95);
  3109. $.growl.notice({
  3110. title: 'Blender',
  3111. message: phraser('POTION_APPROVED') + "<b>" + parseFloat(bet_value * 1.95).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits."
  3112. });
  3113. } else {
  3114. $.growl.error({
  3115. title: 'Blender',
  3116. message: phraser('BAD_POTION')
  3117. });
  3118. }
  3119. $("#blender_form").hide();
  3120. $("#blender_submit").show();
  3121. $("#blender_potion_content").html('');
  3122. $("#flask_fill").height('0px');
  3123. $('#flask_wave').css('fill', 'rgb(255,255,255)');
  3124. blenderAvailable = true;
  3125. blenderColorAvailable = true;
  3126. }, 2000);
  3127. }
  3128. }
  3129. });
  3130. }
  3131. });
  3132. $('body').on('click', '.headsup_new', function(e) {
  3133. $("#headsup_create").toggle(250);
  3134. $("#headsup_challenge").hide(250);
  3135. $("#headsup_create").find(".headsup_form_choices a").removeClass('chosen');
  3136. $("#headsup_value").val('');
  3137. $("#headsup_value").focus();
  3138. });
  3139. $('body').on('click', '.headsup_form_choices a', function(e) {
  3140. $(this).parent().parent().find(".headsup_form_choices a").removeClass('chosen');
  3141. $(this).addClass('chosen');
  3142. $("#headsup_value").focus();
  3143. });
  3144. var headsupAvailable = true;
  3145. $('body').on('submit', '#headsup_form', function(e) {
  3146. e.preventDefault();
  3147. var choice = $("#headsup_form").find("a.chosen").attr('data-choice');
  3148. var credits = $("#headsup_value").val();
  3149. if (headsupAvailable) {
  3150. headsupAvailable = false;
  3151. $("#headsup_form").hide();
  3152. $("#headsup_create_loader").show();
  3153. if (choice == undefined) {
  3154. swal({
  3155. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3156. html: phraser('NEED_TO_CHOOSE_OPTION'),
  3157. type: 'error',
  3158. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3159. });
  3160. headsupAvailable = true;
  3161. $("#headsup_form").show();
  3162. $("#headsup_create_loader").hide();
  3163. } else {
  3164. if (credits >= 0.001) {
  3165. $.ajax({
  3166. type: "GET",
  3167. url: "/headsup_bet.php",
  3168. data: {
  3169. choice: choice,
  3170. credits: credits,
  3171. create: true,
  3172. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3173. },
  3174. success: function(text) {
  3175. text = text.split(";");
  3176. if (text[0] == 'success') {
  3177. $(".woosh").trigger('pause').prop("currentTime", 0).trigger('play');
  3178. $("#headsup_create").toggle(250);
  3179. updateCredits(-1 * text[1]);
  3180. } else if (text[0] == 'errorCredits') {
  3181. needCredits();
  3182. } else if (text[0] == 'errorAction') {
  3183. swal({
  3184. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3185. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3186. type: 'error',
  3187. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3188. });
  3189. }
  3190. headsupAvailable = true;
  3191. $("#headsup_form").show();
  3192. $("#headsup_create_loader").hide();
  3193. }
  3194. });
  3195. } else {
  3196. swal({
  3197. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3198. html: phraser('MINIMUM_BET_SMALL'),
  3199. type: 'error',
  3200. confirmButtonText: phraser('ERROR')
  3201. });
  3202. headsupAvailable = true;
  3203. $("#headsup_form").show();
  3204. $("#headsup_create_loader").hide();
  3205. }
  3206. }
  3207. }
  3208. });
  3209. $('body').on('click', '.headsup_thumb', function(e) {
  3210. var newID = $(this).attr('id').replace("h", "");
  3211. var newVal = $(this).attr('data-sort');
  3212. $("#headsup_challenge").find(".headsup_form_choices a").removeClass('chosen');
  3213. $("#headsup_challenge").find('#headsup_challenge_value').html(newVal + " Credits");
  3214. $("#headsup_challenge").attr('data-id', newID).show(250);
  3215. $("#headsup_create").hide(250);
  3216. });
  3217. var headsupChallengeAvailable = true;
  3218. $('body').on('click', '#headsup_challenge_button', function(e) {
  3219. e.preventDefault();
  3220. var choice = $("#headsup_challenge").find("a.chosen").attr('data-choice');
  3221. var gameID = $("#headsup_challenge").attr('data-id');
  3222. var credits = $("#headsup_challenge").find('#headsup_challenge_value').html().replace(" Credits", "");
  3223. var choiceText = '';
  3224. if (choice == 1) {
  3225. choiceText = phraser('ROCK');
  3226. } else if (choice == 2) {
  3227. choiceText = phraser('PAPER');
  3228. } else if (choice == 3) {
  3229. choiceText = phraser('SCISSOR');
  3230. }
  3231. if (headsupChallengeAvailable) {
  3232. $("#headsup_challenge_loader").show();
  3233. $("#headsup_challenge_button").hide();
  3234. headsupChallengeAvailable = false;
  3235. if (choice == undefined) {
  3236. swal({
  3237. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3238. html: phraser('NEED_TO_CHOOSE_OPTION'),
  3239. type: 'error',
  3240. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3241. });
  3242. headsupChallengeAvailable = true;
  3243. $("#headsup_challenge_loader").hide();
  3244. $("#headsup_challenge_button").show();
  3245. } else {
  3246. $.ajax({
  3247. type: "GET",
  3248. url: "/headsup_bet.php",
  3249. data: {
  3250. choice: choice,
  3251. headsup_id: gameID,
  3252. challenge: true,
  3253. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3254. },
  3255. success: function(text) {
  3256. text = text.split(";");
  3257. if (text[0] == 'success') {
  3258. $(".woosh").trigger('pause').prop("currentTime", 0).trigger('play');
  3259. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  3260. var oppText = '';
  3261. if (text[2] == 1) {
  3262. oppText = phraser('ROCK');
  3263. } else if (text[2] == 2) {
  3264. oppText = phraser('PAPER');
  3265. } else if (text[2] == 3) {
  3266. oppText = phraser('SCISSOR');
  3267. }
  3268. if (text[1] == '0') {
  3269. $.growl.warning({
  3270. title: 'Heads Up',
  3271. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(credits).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('DRAW') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_CHOSE') + choiceText + phraser('OPPONENT_CHOSE') + oppText + "."
  3272. });
  3273. updateCredits(0.95 * credits);
  3274. } else if (text[1] == '1') {
  3275. $.growl.notice({
  3276. title: 'Heads Up',
  3277. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(credits).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('WIN') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_CHOSE') + choiceText + phraser('OPPONENT_CHOSE') + oppText + "."
  3278. });
  3279. updateCredits(1.95 * credits);
  3280. } else if (text[1] == '2') {
  3281. $.growl.error({
  3282. title: 'Heads Up',
  3283. message: phraser('THE_GAME_OF') + " <b>" + parseFloat(credits).toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits" + phraser('ENDED_AS') + "<b>" + phraser('LOSS') + "</b>. " + phraser('YOU_CHOSE') + choiceText + phraser('OPPONENT_CHOSE') + oppText + "."
  3284. });
  3285. }
  3286. } else if (text[0] == 'errorCredits') {
  3287. needCredits();
  3288. } else if (text[0] == 'errorUser') {
  3289. swal({
  3290. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3291. html: phraser('CANNOT_PLAY_YOURSELF'),
  3292. type: 'error',
  3293. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3294. });
  3295. } else if (text[0] == 'errorGameID') {
  3296. swal({
  3297. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3298. html: phraser('GAME_SNATCHED'),
  3299. type: 'error',
  3300. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3301. });
  3302. } else if (text[0] == 'errorAction') {
  3303. swal({
  3304. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3305. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3306. type: 'error',
  3307. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3308. });
  3309. }
  3310. $("#headsup_challenge_loader").hide();
  3311. $("#headsup_challenge_button").show();
  3312. headsupChallengeAvailable = true;
  3313. $("#headsup_challenge").hide(250);
  3314. }
  3315. });
  3316. }
  3317. }
  3318. });
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  3322. $(this).removeClass('active');
  3323. });
  3324. clickedThis.parent('li').addClass('active');
  3325. loadSupport($(this).attr('data-page'));
  3326. });
  3327. $('body').on('click', '.support_open_ticket', function() {
  3328. loadSupport('user_ticket', $(this).attr('data-id'));
  3329. });
  3330. $('body').on('click', '.support_mark[data-type]', function() {
  3331. var mark = $(this).attr('data-type');
  3332. var ticketID = $(".support_replies").attr('data-id');
  3333. if (mark == 'solved') {
  3334. mark = 1;
  3335. $(this).attr('data-type', 'unsolved').html('<i class="fa fa-thumbs-down"></i> ' + phraser('MARK_AS_UNSOLVED'));
  3336. } else {
  3337. mark = 0;
  3338. $(this).attr('data-type', 'solved').html('<i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i> ' + phraser('MARK_AS_SOLVED'));
  3339. }
  3340. $.ajax({
  3341. type: "GET",
  3342. url: "/support_save.php",
  3343. data: {
  3344. mark: mark,
  3345. ticket_id: ticketID
  3346. },
  3347. success: function(text) {
  3348. loadSupport('user_ticket', ticketID);
  3349. }
  3350. });
  3351. });
  3352. $('body').on('submit', '.support_write', function(e) {
  3353. e.preventDefault();
  3354. if ($("#support_answer").val().length > 5) {
  3355. var reply = $("#support_answer").val();
  3356. var ticketID = $(".support_replies").attr('data-id');
  3357. $("#support_answer").val('');
  3358. $.ajax({
  3359. type: "POST",
  3360. url: "/support_save.php",
  3361. data: {
  3362. reply: reply,
  3363. ticket_id: ticketID
  3364. },
  3365. success: function(text) {
  3366. if ($("#admin_loader").length == 0) {
  3367. loadSupport('user_ticket', ticketID);
  3368. } else {
  3369. $("#admin_response").hide();
  3370. $("#admin_loader").show();
  3371. $.ajax({
  3372. type: "GET",
  3373. url: "/admin_pages.php",
  3374. data: {
  3375. page: 'tickets',
  3376. ticket_id: ticketID
  3377. },
  3378. success: function(text) {
  3379. $("#admin_loader").hide();
  3380. $("#admin_response").html(text).show();
  3381. }
  3382. });
  3383. }
  3384. }
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  3390. type: 'error',
  3391. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3392. });
  3393. }
  3394. });
  3395. $('body').on('submit', '#support_new', function(e) {
  3396. e.preventDefault();
  3397. var text = $("#support_new_textarea").val();
  3398. var subject = $("#support_new_subject").val();
  3399. $("#support_new").hide();
  3400. $("#support_new_loader").show();
  3401. $.ajax({
  3402. type: "POST",
  3403. url: "/support_save.php",
  3404. data: {
  3405. text: text,
  3406. subject: subject
  3407. },
  3408. success: function(text) {
  3409. console.log(text);
  3410. $("#support_new").show();
  3411. $("#support_new_loader").hide();
  3412. if (text == 'errorLength') {
  3413. swal({
  3414. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  3421. $(this).removeClass('active');
  3422. });
  3423. $("#support_menu li").first().addClass('active');
  3424. loadSupport('user_ticket', text);
  3425. }
  3426. }
  3427. });
  3428. });
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  3430. $(".taxi_level").removeClass('selected');
  3431. $(this).addClass('selected');
  3432. $("#taxi_chance b").html($(this).attr('data-chance') + "%");
  3433. $("#taxi_multiplier b").html("~" + $(this).attr('data-multiplier') + "x");
  3434. });
  3435. $('body').on('submit', '#taxi_create', function(e) {
  3436. e.preventDefault();
  3437. $("#taxi_create button").prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 2px auto;"></div>');
  3438. var credits = parseFloat($("#taxi_value").val());
  3439. var level = $(".taxi_level.selected").attr('data-level');
  3440. $.ajax({
  3441. type: "GET",
  3442. url: "/taxi_bet.php",
  3443. data: {
  3444. value: credits,
  3445. create: true,
  3446. level: level,
  3447. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3448. },
  3449. success: function(text) {
  3450. $("#taxi_create button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('CREATE'));
  3451. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  3452. needCredits();
  3453. } else if (text == 'errorAmount') {
  3454. swal({
  3455. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3456. html: phraser('MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_BET'),
  3457. type: 'error',
  3458. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3459. });
  3460. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  3461. swal({
  3462. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3463. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3464. type: 'error',
  3465. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3466. });
  3467. } else {
  3468. $(".taxi-start").trigger('play');
  3469. setTimeout(function() {
  3470. $(".taxi-start").trigger('pause');
  3471. $(".taxi-start").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3472. }, 4000);
  3473. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  3474. $(".taximeter_big span").html('0');
  3475. $(".taximeter_big b").html(credits);
  3476. $("#taxi_hash").html('<b>' + phraser('HASH') + ':</b> ' + text);
  3477. $("#taxi_fuel, #taxi_fuel_bg").toggle(250);
  3478. }
  3479. }
  3480. });
  3481. });
  3482. var taxiChoiceAvailable = true;
  3483. $('body').on('click', '.route-enabled', function(e) {
  3484. var that = $(this);
  3485. var choice = that.attr('data-choice');
  3486. if (!taxiChoiceAvailable) {
  3487. return;
  3488. }
  3489. taxiChoiceAvailable = false;
  3490. $('.route-enabled').each(function() {
  3491. $(this).removeClass('route-enabled').addClass('route-disabled');
  3492. });
  3493. var newTaxi = $("<div>", {
  3494. class: "taxi_car"
  3495. });
  3496. newTaxi.html('<img src="' + site + '/images/taxi.png">').appendTo("body").css({
  3497. 'top': that.offset().top - 10 + 'px',
  3498. }).animate({
  3499. left: that.offset().left + 25
  3500. }, 400, 'easeOutQuad').fadeOut(700, function() {
  3501. $(this).remove();
  3502. });
  3503. $.ajax({
  3504. type: "GET",
  3505. url: "/taxi_bet.php",
  3506. data: {
  3507. choice: choice,
  3508. bet: true,
  3509. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3510. },
  3511. success: function(text) {
  3512. taxiChoiceAvailable = true;
  3513. text = text.split(";");
  3514. var value = parseFloat(text[0]);
  3515. var row = text[1];
  3516. var options = text[2].split(",");
  3517. var robbed = text[3];
  3518. $(".route[data-row='" + row + "']").each(function() {
  3519. var content = options[$(this).attr("data-choice") - 1];
  3520. if (content == "R") {
  3521. content = '<img src="' + site + '/images/customer6.png" style="opacity: 1;">';
  3522. }
  3523. $(this).html(content);
  3524. });
  3525. if (robbed == 1) {
  3526. $(".taxi-crash").trigger('play');
  3527. setTimeout(function() {
  3528. $(".taxi-crash").trigger('pause');
  3529. $(".taxi-crash").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3530. }, 2000);
  3531. $.growl.error({
  3532. title: 'Taxi',
  3533. message: phraser('PICKED_UP_CRIMINAL')
  3534. });
  3535. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  3536. $(".route[data-row='1']").removeClass('route-disabled').addClass('route-enabled');
  3537. $(".route").each(function() {
  3538. $(this).css('color', '').html('<img src="' + site + '/images/customer' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1) + '.png">');
  3539. });
  3540. $(".taximeter_big span, .taximeter_big b").html('0');
  3541. $("#taxi_fuel, #taxi_fuel_bg").toggle(250);
  3542. }, 3000));
  3543. } else {
  3544. $(".taxi-horn").trigger('play');
  3545. setTimeout(function() {
  3546. $(".taxi-horn").trigger('pause');
  3547. $(".taxi-horn").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3548. }, 500);
  3549. $({
  3550. someValue: parseFloat($(".taximeter_big span").html())
  3551. }).animate({
  3552. someValue: value
  3553. }, {
  3554. duration: 400,
  3555. easing: 'swing',
  3556. step: function() {
  3557. $('.taximeter_big span').text(this.someValue.toFixed(1));
  3558. },
  3559. complete: function() {
  3560. $('.taximeter_big span').text(value.toFixed(2));
  3561. }
  3562. });
  3563. setTimeout(function() {
  3564. $(".taximeter_big span").html(value)
  3565. }, 450);
  3566. that.css('color', 'gold');
  3567. if (row < 5) {
  3568. $(".route[data-row='" + (parseInt(row) + 1) + "']").each(function() {
  3569. $(this).removeClass('route-disabled').addClass('route-enabled');
  3570. });
  3571. } else {
  3572. updateCredits(value);
  3573. $.growl.notice({
  3574. title: 'Taxi',
  3575. message: phraser('SUCCESSFULLY_DROVE') + " <b>" + value.toFixed(2) + "</b> Credits"
  3576. });
  3577. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  3578. $(".route[data-row='1']").removeClass('route-disabled').addClass('route-enabled');
  3579. $(".route").each(function() {
  3580. $(this).css('color', '').html('<img src="' + site + '/images/customer' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1) + '.png">');
  3581. });
  3582. $(".taximeter_big span, .taximeter_big b").html('0');
  3583. $("#taxi_fuel, #taxi_fuel_bg").toggle(250);
  3584. }, 3000));
  3585. }
  3586. }
  3587. }
  3588. });
  3589. });
  3591. $('body').on('click', '.mute_user', function(e) {
  3592. var mThis = $(this);
  3593. swal({
  3594. title: phraser('ARE_YOU_SURE'),
  3595. text: phraser('RECOVER_IN_SETTINGS'),
  3596. type: 'warning',
  3597. showCancelButton: true,
  3598. confirmButtonText: phraser('YES'),
  3599. cancelButtonText: phraser('CANCEL')
  3600. }, function() {
  3601. $.ajax({
  3602. type: "GET",
  3603. url: "/chat_mute.php",
  3604. data: {
  3605. muted_user_id: mThis.attr('data-id'),
  3606. add: true
  3607. },
  3608. success: function(text) {
  3609. $(".tipsy").remove();
  3610. $('.chat_message[data-user="' + mThis.attr('data-id') + '"]').remove();
  3611. $("#chat_mutes").html(text);
  3612. }
  3613. });
  3614. });
  3615. });
  3616. $('body').on('click', '.unmute_user', function(e) {
  3617. var mThis = $(this);
  3618. $.ajax({
  3619. type: "GET",
  3620. url: "/chat_mute.php",
  3621. data: {
  3622. muted_user_id: mThis.attr('data-id'),
  3623. remove: true
  3624. },
  3625. success: function(text) {
  3626. mThis.parent().parent().remove();
  3627. $("#chat_mutes").html(text);
  3628. }
  3629. });
  3630. });
  3632. $('body').on('submit', '#withdraw_form', function(e) {
  3633. e.preventDefault();
  3634. botInventoryPage = 1;
  3635. loadBotInventory(false, true);
  3636. });
  3637. $('body').on('contextmenu', '#withdraw_result .inventory_item', function(e) {
  3638. if (parseInt(userID) > 2) {
  3639. return;
  3640. }
  3641. if ($(this).find('.withdraw_giveaway_item').length == 0) {
  3642. e.preventDefault();
  3643. }
  3644. $(".withdraw_giveaway_item").remove();
  3645. var item_id = $(this).attr('data-id');
  3646. var item_price = $(this).find('.round_item_price span').text();
  3647. $(this).prepend('<a class="withdraw_giveaway_item">GIVEAWAY</a>');
  3648. });
  3649. $('body').on('click', '#withdraw_result .inventory_item', function(e) {
  3650. if ($(this).find('.withdraw_giveaway_item').length) {
  3651. return;
  3652. }
  3653. var old_pot = $(".item_pot_value").text().replace(" Credits", "");
  3654. var new_val = $(this).find(".round_item_price span").text();
  3655. var new_pot = parseFloat(old_pot) + parseFloat(new_val);
  3656. if ($("#withdraw_choose .inventory_item").length >= 10) {
  3657. swal({
  3658. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3659. html: phraser('MAXIMUM_ITEMS_PER_TRADE_WITHDRAW'),
  3660. type: 'error',
  3661. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3662. });
  3663. return;
  3664. }
  3665. if (new_pot > parseFloat($("#credits").html())) {
  3666. swal({
  3667. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3668. html: phraser('WALLET_EXCEEDED'),
  3669. type: 'error',
  3670. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3671. });
  3672. return;
  3673. }
  3674. $(".item_pot_value").text(new_pot.toFixed(2) + " Credits");
  3675. if (new_pot >= 1) {
  3676. $(".pot_deposit").removeClass("pot_deposit_disabled");
  3677. }
  3678. $("#withdraw_empty").hide();
  3679. $("#withdraw_choose").show();
  3680. $(this).appendTo("#withdraw_choose");
  3681. });
  3682. $('body').on('click', '#withdraw_choose .inventory_item', function() {
  3683. var old_pot = $(".item_pot_value").text().replace(" Credits", "");
  3684. var new_val = $(this).find(".round_item_price span").text();
  3685. var new_pot = parseFloat(old_pot) - parseFloat(new_val);
  3686. $(".item_pot_value").text(new_pot.toFixed(2) + " Credits");
  3687. if ($("#withdraw_choose .inventory_item").length == 1) {
  3688. $("#withdraw_empty").show();
  3689. $("#withdraw_choose").hide();
  3690. $("#withdraw_bot_chosen").html('');
  3691. $("#withdraw_result .inventory_item").each(function() {
  3692. $(this).fadeTo(100, 1);
  3693. });
  3694. }
  3695. if (new_pot < 1) {
  3696. $(".pot_deposit").addClass("pot_deposit_disabled");
  3697. }
  3698. $(this).insertBefore("#withdraw_result .withdraw_clear");
  3699. });
  3700. $('body').on('click', '.item_inspect, .item_inspect_instant', function(e) {
  3701. e.stopPropagation();
  3702. });
  3703. $('body').on('click', '.item_inspect_instant', function() {
  3704. var url = $(this).attr('data-link');
  3705. swal({
  3706. title: phraser('INSTANT_INSPECT'),
  3707. html: '<video width="100%" height="100%" controls autoplay loop><source src="' + url + '" type="video/mp4">Video not found</video>',
  3708. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3709. });
  3710. });
  3711. $('body').on('click', '.item_search', function(e) {
  3712. e.stopPropagation();
  3713. $("#withdraw_search").val($(this).attr('data-name'));
  3714. $("#withdraw_min, #withdraw_max").val('');
  3715. $("#withdraw_order").val('price_desc');
  3716. $("#withdraw_form").submit();
  3717. $(".tipsy").remove();
  3718. });
  3719. $('body').on('click', '#withdraw_deposit', function() {
  3720. var withdrawItems = '';
  3721. var withdrawPrices = '';
  3722. var numberOfItems = 0;
  3723. var arr = [];
  3724. $('#withdraw_choose').children('.inventory_item').each(function() {
  3725. var itemID = $(this).attr('data-id');
  3726. if (!arr.indexOf(itemID) != -1) {
  3727. arr.push(itemID);
  3728. withdrawItems = withdrawItems + itemID + ',';
  3729. withdrawPrices = withdrawPrices + $(this).attr('data-price') + ',';
  3730. numberOfItems += 1;
  3731. }
  3732. });
  3733. if (numberOfItems > 0 && numberOfItems <= 50 && parseFloat($(".item_pot_value").html().replace(" Credits", "")) >= 1) {
  3734. $(".accept_link").hide();
  3735. $("#bot_inventory_holder").slideUp();
  3736. $("#user_withdraw").slideDown();
  3737. $("#waiting_pot_value").text($(".item_pot_value").text());
  3738. $.ajax({
  3739. type: "GET",
  3740. url: "/withdraw_save.php",
  3741. data: {
  3742. items: withdrawItems,
  3743. prices: withdrawPrices
  3744. },
  3745. success: function(text) {
  3746. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  3747. needCredits();
  3748. } else if (text == 'errorLevel') {
  3749. setTimeout(function() {
  3750. swal({
  3751. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3752. html: phraser('ERROR_LEVEL_TOO_LOW'),
  3753. type: 'error',
  3754. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3755. });
  3756. }, 500);
  3757. } else if (text == 'errorValue') {
  3758. setTimeout(function() {
  3759. swal({
  3760. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3761. html: phraser('MAXIMUM_ITEMS_PER_TRADE_WITHDRAW'),
  3762. type: 'error',
  3763. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3764. });
  3765. }, 500);
  3766. } else if (text == 'errorCreditsPlayed') {
  3767. setTimeout(function() {
  3768. swal({
  3769. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3770. html: phraser('PLAYED_FOR_EXCEEDED'),
  3771. type: 'error',
  3772. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3773. });
  3774. }, 500);
  3775. } else if (text == 'errorToken') {
  3776. setTimeout(function() {
  3777. swal({
  3778. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3779. html: phraser('COULDNT_SEND_OFFER_URL'),
  3780. type: 'error',
  3781. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3782. });
  3783. }, 500);
  3784. } else if (text.indexOf('success') !== -1) {
  3785. var response = text.split(";");
  3786. $("#waiting_pot_value").text($(".item_pot_value").text());
  3787. $("#waiting_code").text(response[1]);
  3788. $("#waiting_deposit_id").attr('data-id', response[2]);
  3789. $("#waiting_bot").text(response[3]);
  3790. updateCredits(-1 * parseFloat($(".item_pot_value").text()));
  3791. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  3792. tradeOfferStatus('withdraw');
  3793. }, 1000));
  3794. } else {
  3795. swal({
  3796. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3797. html: phraser('UNKNOWN_ERROR') + "<br><br>#" + text,
  3798. type: 'error',
  3799. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3800. });
  3801. }
  3802. if (text.indexOf('success') == -1) {
  3803. $("#bot_inventory_holder").slideDown();
  3804. $("#user_withdraw").slideUp();
  3805. }
  3806. }
  3807. });
  3808. } else {
  3809. swal({
  3810. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3811. html: phraser('MAXIMUM_ITEMS_PER_TRADE'),
  3812. type: 'error',
  3813. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3814. });
  3815. }
  3816. });
  3818. $('body').on('click', '.items_information_withdraw', function() {
  3819. $("#withdraw_played").fadeOut(100);
  3820. $("#withdraw_played_bg").fadeOut(100);
  3821. $(".background_blaze").css('overflow-y', 'auto');
  3822. if ($("#first_time").length > 0) {
  3823. swal({
  3824. title: "Trade URL",
  3825. html: $("#first_time").html(),
  3826. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3827. }, function() {
  3828. loadPage("settings.php");
  3829. });
  3830. }
  3831. });
  3832. $('body').on('submit', '#recruit_code_form', function(e) {
  3833. e.preventDefault();
  3834. var code = $("#recruit_code").val();
  3835. $("#recruit_code_form").html('<div class="loader_small"></div>');
  3836. $.ajax({
  3837. type: "GET",
  3838. url: "/recruits_save.php",
  3839. data: {
  3840. code: code
  3841. },
  3842. success: function(text) {
  3843. if (text == 'success') {
  3844. updateCredits(0.05);
  3845. loadPage("recruits.php");
  3846. } else {
  3847. loadPage("recruits.php");
  3848. swal({
  3849. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3850. html: phraser('RECRUIT_' + text.toUpperCase()),
  3851. type: 'error',
  3852. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3853. });
  3854. }
  3855. }
  3856. });
  3857. });
  3858. $('body').on('click', '.withdraw_view_more', function() {
  3859. var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
  3860. $(".withdraw_view_more").remove();
  3861. $(".withdraw_clear").remove();
  3862. if (type == 'withdraw') {
  3863. botInventoryPage = botInventoryPage + 2;
  3864. loadBotInventory(true, false);
  3865. }
  3866. if (type == 'deals') {
  3867. botDealsPage = botDealsPage + 2;
  3868. loadBotDeals(true, $(".withdraw_deal.selected").attr('data-min'), $(".withdraw_deal.selected").attr('data-max'));
  3869. }
  3870. });
  3872. $('body').on('submit', '#search_round_form', function(e) {
  3873. e.preventDefault();
  3874. var round_type = $(this).attr('data-type');
  3875. var round_id = $("#search_round_text").val();
  3876. $("#search_round_result").show();
  3877. $("#search_round_result").html('<div class="loader_small"></div>');
  3878. $.ajax({
  3879. type: "GET",
  3880. url: "/" + round_type + "s_search.php",
  3881. data: {
  3882. round_id: round_id
  3883. },
  3884. success: function(text) {
  3885. $("#search_round_result").html(text);
  3886. }
  3887. });
  3888. });
  3890. $('body').on('submit', '#blackjack_create_form', function(e) {
  3891. e.preventDefault();
  3892. var credits = parseFloat($("#blackjack_bet_value").html());
  3893. credits = Math.round(credits * 100.0) / 100.0;
  3894. $("#blackjack_create_form button").prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  3895. var chips = '';
  3896. $("#blackjack_chips_container div").each(function() {
  3897. chips = chips + $(this).attr('data-val') + ";";
  3898. });
  3899. $.ajax({
  3900. type: "POST",
  3901. url: "/blackjack_bet.php",
  3902. data: {
  3903. create: true,
  3904. credits: credits,
  3905. chips: chips,
  3906. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3907. },
  3908. success: function(text) {
  3909. $("#blackjack_create_form button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser("CREATE"));
  3910. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  3911. needCredits();
  3912. } else if (text == 'errorMin' || text == 'errorMax') {
  3913. swal({
  3914. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3915. html: phraser('MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_BET'),
  3916. type: 'error',
  3917. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3918. });
  3919. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  3920. swal({
  3921. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3922. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3923. type: 'error',
  3924. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3925. });
  3926. } else {
  3927. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  3928. $(".blackjack_hash").html("<b>" + phraser("HASH") + ":</b> " + text);
  3929. $(".blackjack_block").show();
  3930. $("#blackjack_player").show();
  3931. $("#blackjack_better").hide();
  3932. $("#deal_shuffle").show();
  3933. $("#blackjack_value_number_player").html('0');
  3934. $("#blackjack_value_number_dealer").html('0');
  3935. $(".blackjack_game_value").html(credits + ' Credits').show();
  3936. $("#blackjack_chips_container_ongoing").html($("#blackjack_chips_container").html());
  3937. $(".stand").trigger('play');
  3938. setTimeout(function() {
  3939. $(".stand").trigger('pause');
  3940. $(".stand").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3941. }, 900);
  3942. }
  3943. }
  3944. });
  3945. });
  3946. $('body').on('click', '.blackjack_deal', function(e) {
  3947. var button = $(this);
  3948. button.prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  3949. $.ajax({
  3950. type: "GET",
  3951. url: "/blackjack_bet.php",
  3952. data: {
  3953. deal: true,
  3954. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3955. },
  3956. success: function(text) {
  3957. if (text == 'errorCards' || text == 'errorGameID' || text == 'errorAction') {
  3958. swal({
  3959. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3960. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3961. type: 'error',
  3962. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3963. });
  3964. } else {
  3965. blackJackDeal(text);
  3966. }
  3967. button.prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('DEAL'));
  3968. }
  3969. });
  3970. });
  3971. $('body').on('click', '.blackjack_shuffle', function(e) {
  3972. var button = $(this);
  3973. button.prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  3974. $.ajax({
  3975. type: "GET",
  3976. url: "/blackjack_bet.php",
  3977. data: {
  3978. shuffle: true,
  3979. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  3980. },
  3981. success: function(text) {
  3982. if (text == 'errorAction' || text == 'errorGameID') {
  3983. swal({
  3984. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  3985. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  3986. type: 'error',
  3987. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  3988. });
  3989. } else {
  3990. $(".blackjack_hash").html("<b>" + phraser("HASH") + ":</b> " + text);
  3991. $(".stand").trigger('play');
  3992. setTimeout(function() {
  3993. $(".stand").trigger('pause');
  3994. $(".stand").prop("currentTime", 0);
  3995. }, 900);
  3996. }
  3997. button.prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('SHUFFLE'));
  3998. }
  3999. });
  4000. });
  4001. $('body').on('click', '.blackjack_hit, .blackjack_double', function(e) {
  4002. if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
  4003. var button = $(this);
  4004. button.prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  4005. $(".blackjack_hit").addClass('disabled');
  4006. $(".blackjack_double").addClass('disabled');
  4007. var doubled = false;
  4008. var buttonString = phraser('HIT');
  4009. if ($(this).hasClass('blackjack_double')) {
  4010. doubled = true;
  4011. updateCredits(-1 * parseFloat($(".blackjack_game_value").html().replace(' Credits', '')));
  4012. buttonString = phraser('DOUBLE');
  4013. }
  4014. $.ajax({
  4015. type: "GET",
  4016. url: "/blackjack_bet.php",
  4017. data: {
  4018. hit: true,
  4019. doubled: doubled,
  4020. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4021. },
  4022. success: function(text) {
  4023. if (text == 'errorCards' || text == 'errorGameID' || text == 'errorTotal') {
  4024. swal({
  4025. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4026. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4027. type: 'error',
  4028. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4029. });
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  4031. swal({
  4032. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4033. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4034. type: 'error',
  4035. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4036. });
  4037. } else if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4038. $(".blackjack_hit").removeClass('disabled');
  4039. needCredits();
  4040. } else {
  4041. blackJackHit(text, doubled);
  4042. if (doubled) {
  4043. $("#blackjack_chips_container_ongoing").html($("#blackjack_chips_container_ongoing").html() + ' ' + $("#blackjack_chips_container_ongoing").html());
  4044. }
  4045. }
  4046. button.prop('disabled', false).html(buttonString);
  4047. }
  4048. });
  4049. }
  4050. });
  4051. $('body').on('click', '.blackjack_stand', function(e) {
  4052. if (!$(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
  4053. blackJackStand();
  4054. }
  4055. });
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  4057. $("#refresh_steam_info").prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  4058. $.ajax({
  4059. type: "POST",
  4060. url: "/settings_save.php",
  4061. data: {
  4062. refresh_steam: true
  4063. },
  4064. success: function(text) {
  4065. $("#refresh_steam_info").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('REFRESH'));
  4066. swal({
  4067. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  4068. html: phraser('SETTINGS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED'),
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  4073. }, function() {
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  4075. });
  4076. }
  4077. });
  4078. });
  4079. $('body').on('click', '#blackjack_better .chip', function(e) {
  4080. var chip = $(this).clone();
  4081. var bet_val = parseFloat($("#blackjack_bet_value").html());
  4082. if ($(this).parent().attr('id') == 'blackjack_chips') {
  4083. $("#blackjack_chips_container").prepend(chip);
  4084. bet_val += parseFloat(chip.attr('data-val'));
  4085. } else {
  4086. $(this).remove();
  4087. bet_val -= parseFloat(chip.attr('data-val'));
  4088. }
  4089. bet_val = Math.round(bet_val * 100) / 100;
  4090. $("#blackjack_bet_value").html(bet_val)
  4091. $(".blackjack_bet_value").html(bet_val + ' Credits');
  4092. });
  4093. var slot_available = true;
  4094. $('body').on('click submit', '#slot_spin, #slot_bet', function(e) {
  4095. e.preventDefault();
  4096. if ($(this).attr('id') == "slot_bet" && e.type == 'click') {
  4097. return;
  4098. }
  4099. if (slot_available) {
  4100. slot_available = false;
  4101. var credits = parseFloat($("#slot_bet_credits").val());
  4102. $("#slot_spin").addClass('slot_spin_disabled');
  4103. $("#slot_winner").removeClass('slot_winner_highlight');
  4104. $(".slot_legend_result").removeClass('slot_legend_highlight');
  4105. $.ajax({
  4106. type: "GET",
  4107. url: "/slot_bet.php",
  4108. data: {
  4109. credits: credits,
  4110. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4111. },
  4112. success: function(text) {
  4113. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4114. needCredits();
  4115. $("#slot_spin").removeClass('slot_spin_disabled');
  4116. slot_available = true;
  4117. } else if (text == 'errorMin' || text == 'errorMax') {
  4118. swal({
  4119. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4120. html: phraser('MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_BET_10'),
  4121. type: 'error',
  4122. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4123. });
  4124. $("#slot_spin").removeClass('slot_spin_disabled');
  4125. slot_available = true;
  4126. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  4127. swal({
  4128. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4129. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4130. type: 'error',
  4131. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4132. });
  4133. } else {
  4134. $(".spin").trigger('play');
  4135. setTimeout(function() {
  4136. $(".spin").trigger('pause');
  4137. $(".spin").prop("currentTime", 0);
  4138. }, 900);
  4139. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  4140. var fruits = text.split(";");
  4141. var i = 0;
  4142. slotFill();
  4143. $(".slot_child_content").each(function() {
  4144. $(this).append('<img src="' + site + '/images/' + fruits[i] + '.png">');
  4145. $(this).append('<img src="' + site + '/images/' + fruits[(i + 1)] + '.png">');
  4146. i += 2;
  4147. });
  4148. slotSpinAll();
  4149. setTimeout(function() {
  4150. $("#slot_spin").removeClass('slot_spin_disabled');
  4151. slot_available = true;
  4152. if (fruits[7] == 'win') {
  4153. if (fruits[0] == 'treasure' || fruits[0] == 'blueberry') {
  4154. $(".win_big").trigger('play');
  4155. setTimeout(function() {
  4156. $(".win_big").trigger('pause');
  4157. $(".win_big").prop("currentTime", 0);
  4158. }, 1500);
  4159. } else {
  4160. $(".win_normal").trigger('play');
  4161. setTimeout(function() {
  4162. $(".win_normal").trigger('pause');
  4163. $(".win_normal").prop("currentTime", 0);
  4164. }, 1500);
  4165. }
  4166. updateCredits(fruits[6]);
  4167. $("#slot_winner").addClass('slot_winner_highlight');
  4168. $("#" + fruits[0]).addClass('slot_legend_highlight');
  4169. setTimeout(function() {
  4170. $("#slot_winner").removeClass('slot_winner_highlight');
  4171. $("#" + fruits[0]).removeClass('slot_legend_highlight');
  4172. }, 2000);
  4173. }
  4174. }, 2500);
  4175. }
  4176. }
  4177. });
  4178. }
  4179. });
  4180. $('body').on('submit', '#jukebox_form', function(e) {
  4181. e.preventDefault();
  4182. $("#jukebox_form").hide();
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  4184. $.ajax({
  4185. type: "GET",
  4186. url: "/jukebox.php",
  4187. data: {
  4188. create: true,
  4189. track_url: $("#track_url").val()
  4190. },
  4191. success: function(text) {
  4192. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4193. needCredits();
  4194. } else if (text == 'errorURL') {
  4195. swal({
  4196. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4197. html: phraser('JUKEBOX_URL_ERROR'),
  4198. type: 'error',
  4199. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4200. });
  4201. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  4202. swal({
  4203. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4204. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4205. type: 'error',
  4206. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4207. });
  4208. } else if (text == 'errorAvailable') {
  4209. swal({
  4210. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4211. html: phraser('JUKEBOX_AVAILABLE_ERROR'),
  4212. type: 'error',
  4213. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4214. });
  4215. } else {
  4216. $("#track_url").val('');
  4217. var jukeboxTokens = parseInt($("#jukebox_tokens b").html());
  4218. if (jukeboxTokens == 0 && !chatMod && !userVIP) {
  4219. updateCredits(-1);
  4220. } else if (jukeboxTokens > 0) {
  4221. $("#jukebox_tokens b").html((jukeboxTokens - 1));
  4222. }
  4223. }
  4224. $("#jukebox_form").show();
  4225. $("#jukebox_loader").hide();
  4226. }
  4227. });
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  4319. });
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  4363. var credits = that.find(".betting_value").val();
  4364. var team_id = that.find(".betting_selected").attr('data-id');
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  4373. team_id: team_id,
  4374. credits: credits,
  4375. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4376. },
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  4385. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  4389. });
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  4396. });
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  4401. type: 'error',
  4402. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4403. });
  4404. } else {
  4405. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  4406. loadPage('betting.php');
  4407. }
  4408. }
  4409. });
  4410. }
  4411. });
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  4424. },
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  4454. value = 0;
  4455. }
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  4476. $('body').on('click', '.coinflip_list_status_join_final', function(e) {
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  4479. var buttonHTML = $(this).html();
  4480. var button = $(this);
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  4482. coinflip_challenge_available = false;
  4483. button.html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 15px auto;"></div>');
  4484. $.ajax({
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  4487. data: {
  4488. challenge: true,
  4489. coinflip_id: coinflip_id,
  4490. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4491. },
  4492. success: function(text) {
  4493. coinflip_challenge_available = true;
  4494. button.html(buttonHTML);
  4495. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4496. needCredits();
  4497. } else if (text == 'errorGameID') {
  4498. swal({
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  4501. type: 'error',
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  4503. });
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  4505. swal({
  4506. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4507. html: phraser('CANNOT_PLAY_YOURSELF'),
  4508. type: 'error',
  4509. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4510. });
  4511. } else if (text == 'errorAvailable') {
  4512. swal({
  4513. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4514. html: phraser('JUKEBOX_AVAILABLE_ERROR'),
  4515. type: 'error',
  4516. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4517. });
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  4520. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4521. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4522. type: 'error',
  4523. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4524. });
  4525. } else {
  4526. updateCredits(-1 * value);
  4527. coinLoad("game", coinflip_id);
  4528. }
  4529. }
  4530. });
  4531. }
  4532. });
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  4536. });
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  4538. loadPage("coinflip.php");
  4539. });
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  4548. var choice = $(".coinflip_selected").attr('data-side');
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  4550. type: "GET",
  4551. url: "/coinflip_bet.php",
  4552. data: {
  4553. create: true,
  4554. credits: value,
  4555. choice: choice,
  4556. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4557. },
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  4565. html: phraser('MINIMUM_BET_SMALL'),
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  4567. confirmButtonText: phraser('ERROR')
  4568. });
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  4571. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  4573. type: 'error',
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  4575. });
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  4577. swal({
  4578. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4579. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4580. type: 'error',
  4581. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4582. });
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  4585. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4586. html: phraser('TOO_MANY_BETS'),
  4587. type: 'error',
  4588. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4589. });
  4590. } else {
  4591. updateCredits(-1 * value);
  4592. }
  4593. }
  4594. });
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  4599. });
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  4603. var value = $(this).parent().attr('data-value');
  4604. var choice = $(this).attr('data-choice');
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  4608. $.ajax({
  4609. type: "GET",
  4610. url: "/dragrace_bet.php",
  4611. data: {
  4612. challenge: true,
  4613. dragrace_id: dragrace_id,
  4614. choice: choice,
  4615. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4616. },
  4617. success: function(text) {
  4618. dragrace_challenge_available = true;
  4619. $("#dragrace_challenge_loader").hide();
  4620. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4621. needCredits();
  4622. } else if (text == 'errorGameID') {
  4623. swal({
  4624. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4625. html: phraser('GAME_SNATCHED'),
  4626. type: 'error',
  4627. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4628. });
  4629. } else if (text == 'errorUser') {
  4630. swal({
  4631. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4632. html: phraser('CANNOT_PLAY_YOURSELF'),
  4633. type: 'error',
  4634. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4635. });
  4636. } else if (text == 'errorAvailable') {
  4637. swal({
  4638. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4639. html: phraser('JUKEBOX_AVAILABLE_ERROR'),
  4640. type: 'error',
  4641. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4642. });
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  4644. swal({
  4645. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4646. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4647. type: 'error',
  4648. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4649. });
  4650. } else {
  4651. updateCredits(-1 * value);
  4652. raceLoad("game", dragrace_id);
  4653. }
  4654. }
  4655. });
  4656. }
  4657. });
  4658. $('body').on('click', '.dragrace_list_status_view', function(e) {
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  4661. });
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  4663. loadPage("dragrace.php");
  4664. });
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  4675. var choice = $(".dragrace_selected").attr('data-choice');
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  4677. $("#dragrace_create").hide();
  4678. $.ajax({
  4679. type: "GET",
  4680. url: "/dragrace_bet.php",
  4681. data: {
  4682. create: true,
  4683. credits: value,
  4684. choice: choice,
  4685. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4686. },
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  4689. $("#dragrace_create_loader").hide();
  4690. $("#dragrace_create").show();
  4691. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4692. needCredits();
  4693. } else if (text == 'errorMin') {
  4694. swal({
  4695. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4696. html: phraser('MINIMUM_BET_SMALL'),
  4697. type: 'error',
  4698. confirmButtonText: phraser('ERROR')
  4699. });
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  4701. swal({
  4702. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4703. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4704. type: 'error',
  4705. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4706. });
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  4708. swal({
  4709. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4710. html: phraser('TOO_MANY_BETS'),
  4711. type: 'error',
  4712. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4713. });
  4714. } else {
  4715. updateCredits(-1 * value);
  4716. }
  4717. }
  4718. });
  4719. }
  4720. });
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  4722. $(this).html('<div class="loader_small" style="margin-top: 0;"></div>');
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  4724. type: "GET",
  4725. url: "/giveaway_bet.php",
  4726. data: {
  4727. winner: true
  4728. },
  4729. success: function(text) {
  4730. if (text == 'errorNotFound') {
  4731. swal({
  4732. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4733. html: phraser('PLEASE_TRY_AGAIN'),
  4734. type: 'error',
  4735. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4736. });
  4737. } else if (text == 'errorName') {
  4738. swal({
  4739. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4740. html: phraser('GIVEAWAY_NEED_NAME'),
  4741. type: 'error',
  4742. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4743. });
  4744. } else {
  4745. updateCredits(text);
  4746. loadPage("giveaway.php");
  4747. }
  4748. }
  4749. });
  4750. });
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  4753. var new_text = $("#answer_" + $(this).val()).text();
  4754. $("#support_answer").val(new_text);
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  4759. $(".sweet-overlay").hide();
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  4778. data: {
  4779. user_id: user_id,
  4780. credits: credits,
  4781. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4782. },
  4783. success: function(text) {
  4784. $(".loader_small_dark").hide();
  4785. $("#send_credits_form").show();
  4786. if (text == 'errorValue') {
  4787. swal({
  4788. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4789. html: phraser('DAILY_SEND_LIMIT_NEW'),
  4790. type: 'error',
  4791. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4792. });
  4793. } else if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4794. needCredits();
  4795. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  4796. swal({
  4797. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4798. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4799. type: 'error',
  4800. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4801. });
  4802. } else if (text == 'errorLevel') {
  4803. swal({
  4804. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4805. html: phraser('ERROR_LEVEL_TOO_LOW'),
  4806. type: 'error',
  4807. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4808. });
  4809. } else if (text == 'errorAmount') {
  4810. swal({
  4811. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4812. html: phraser('SEND_ERROR_AMOUNT'),
  4813. type: 'error',
  4814. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4815. });
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  4817. swal({
  4818. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4819. html: phraser('COULD_NOT_FIND_USER'),
  4820. type: 'error',
  4821. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4822. });
  4823. } else if (text == 'errorDeposit') {
  4824. swal({
  4825. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4826. html: phraser('SEND_NEED_DEPOSIT'),
  4827. type: 'error',
  4828. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4829. });
  4830. } else {
  4831. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  4832. $("#user_profile_links").show();
  4833. $("#send_credits").hide();
  4834. swal({
  4835. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  4836. html: phraser('CREDITS_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT'),
  4837. type: 'success',
  4838. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4839. });
  4840. }
  4841. }
  4842. });
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  4847. });
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  4851. $("#scratchy_form").hide();
  4852. var oldTokens = parseInt($(".amount_tokens b").html());
  4853. var newTokens = oldTokens - 1;
  4854. if (newTokens < 0) {
  4855. newTokens = 0;
  4856. }
  4857. $.ajax({
  4858. type: "GET",
  4859. url: "/scratchy_bet.php",
  4860. data: {
  4861. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4862. },
  4863. success: function(text) {
  4864. $("#scratchy_loader").hide();
  4865. $("#scratchy_form").show();
  4866. $(".amount_tokens b").html(newTokens);
  4867. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  4868. needCredits();
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  4870. swal({
  4871. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4872. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4873. type: 'error',
  4874. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4875. });
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  4878. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4879. html: phraser('CANNOT_SEND_YOURSELF'),
  4880. type: 'error',
  4881. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4882. });
  4883. } else {
  4884. $("#scratchy_form").hide();
  4885. $('#scratchy_pad').wScratchPad('enable', true);
  4886. var result = text.split(";");
  4887. var chestResult = result[0].split("_");
  4888. $('#scratchy_pad img').attr('src', site + '/images/scratchy_' + result[0] + '.png');
  4889. $("#scratchy_result").html(chestResult[0] + ";" + result[1]);
  4890. if (oldTokens == 0) {
  4891. updateCredits(-3);
  4892. }
  4893. }
  4894. }
  4895. });
  4896. });
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  4906. $(".beep").prop("currentTime", 0);
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  4910. newCode = 'CODE';
  4911. } else {
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  4913. }
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  4918. newCode = button;
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  4921. } else {
  4922. newCode = code;
  4923. }
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  4925. }
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  4927. if (code.length == 4 && code != 'CODE') {
  4928. var oldTokens = parseInt($(".amount_tokens b").html());
  4929. var newTokens = oldTokens - 1;
  4930. if (newTokens < 0) {
  4931. newTokens = 0;
  4932. }
  4933. safebox_available = false;
  4934. $.ajax({
  4935. type: "GET",
  4936. url: "/safebox_bet.php",
  4937. data: {
  4938. code: code,
  4939. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  4940. },
  4941. success: function(text) {
  4942. $(".amount_tokens b").html(newTokens);
  4943. safebox_available = true;
  4944. text = text.split(";");
  4945. if (oldTokens == 0) {
  4946. updateCredits(-0.5);
  4947. }
  4948. if (text[0] == 'errorCredits') {
  4949. setTimeout(function() {
  4950. needCredits();
  4951. }, 100);
  4952. } else if (text[0] == 'errorAction') {
  4953. setTimeout(function() {
  4954. swal({
  4955. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  4956. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  4957. type: 'error',
  4958. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  4959. });
  4960. }, 100);
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  4963. updateCredits(parseFloat(text[2]));
  4964. $("#safe_box_circle").addClass('safe_circle_green');
  4965. $(".win_big").trigger('play');
  4966. setTimeout(function() {
  4967. $(".win_big").trigger('pause');
  4968. $(".win_big").prop("currentTime", 0);
  4969. }, 1500);
  4970. } else {
  4971. $("#safe_box_circle").addClass('safe_circle_red');
  4972. $(".error").trigger('play');
  4973. setTimeout(function() {
  4974. $(".error").trigger('pause');
  4975. $(".error").prop("currentTime", 0);
  4976. }, 1500);
  4977. }
  4978. }
  4979. timeouts.push(setTimeout(function() {
  4980. $('#safe_box_pin_code').text('CODE');
  4981. $("#safe_box_circle").removeClass();
  4982. }, 500));
  4983. }
  4984. });
  4985. }
  4986. }
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  4993. $.ajax({
  4994. type: "GET",
  4995. url: "/perks_claim.php",
  4996. data: {
  4997. perk_id: perk_id
  4998. },
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  5000. that.replaceWith(phraser("CLAIMED"));
  5001. }
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  5008. var input = $(that.attr('data-input'));
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  5010. var max = that.attr('data-max');
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  5013. value = 0;
  5014. }
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  5016. newValue = '';
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  5021. } else if (id == "bet_half") {
  5022. newValue = value / 2;
  5023. } else if (id == "bet_double") {
  5024. newValue = value * 2;
  5025. } else if (id == "bet_max") {
  5026. newValue = parseFloat($("#credits").html());
  5027. }
  5028. if (newValue > max) {
  5029. newValue = max;
  5030. }
  5031. if (newValue > parseFloat($("#credits").html())) {
  5032. newValue = parseFloat($("#credits").html());
  5033. }
  5034. input.val(newValue);
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  5038. copyToClipboard(text);
  5039. $(this).html(phraser('COPIED'));
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  5044. }
  5045. this.value = this.value.replace(",", ".");
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  5047. this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1);
  5048. }
  5049. var newValue = $(this).val();
  5050. var maxValue = parseFloat($("#credits").html());
  5051. if (newValue > maxValue) {
  5052. newValue = maxValue;
  5053. }
  5054. this.value = newValue;
  5055. var newBitcoins = newValue * 1 / $("#bitcoins_rate").html() - 0.00060;
  5056. if (newBitcoins < 0) {
  5057. newBitcoins = 0;
  5058. }
  5059. $("#bitcoins_amount").html(newBitcoins.toFixed(6));
  5060. });
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  5064. var credits = $("#credits_amount").val();
  5065. $.ajax({
  5066. type: "GET",
  5067. url: "/withdraw_request.php",
  5068. data: {
  5069. address: $("#address").val(),
  5070. credits: $("#credits_amount").val(),
  5071. save_address: $("#save_address").prop('checked'),
  5072. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  5073. },
  5074. success: function(text) {
  5075. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  5076. needCredits();
  5077. } else if (text == 'errorBlocked') {
  5078. swal({
  5079. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5080. html: phraser('WITHDRAW_ADDRESS_BLOCKED'),
  5081. type: 'error',
  5082. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5083. });
  5084. } else if (text == 'errorBitcoin') {
  5085. swal({
  5086. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5087. html: phraser('BITCOIN_VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5088. type: 'error',
  5089. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5090. });
  5091. } else if (text == 'errorCreditsPlayed') {
  5092. swal({
  5093. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5094. html: phraser('PLAYED_FOR_EXCEEDED'),
  5095. type: 'error',
  5096. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5097. });
  5098. } else if (text == 'errorMin') {
  5099. swal({
  5100. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5101. html: phraser('MINIMUM_WITHDRAW'),
  5102. type: 'error',
  5103. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5104. });
  5105. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  5106. swal({
  5107. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5108. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5109. type: 'error',
  5110. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5111. });
  5112. } else if (text == 'errorPerform') {
  5113. swal({
  5114. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5115. html: phraser('WITHDRAW_ACTION_ERROR'),
  5116. type: 'error',
  5117. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5118. });
  5119. } else if (text == 'success') {
  5120. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  5121. $("#user_profile_links").show();
  5122. $("#send_credits").hide();
  5123. swal({
  5124. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  5125. html: phraser('CREDITS_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT'),
  5126. type: 'success',
  5127. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY'),
  5128. allowOutsideClick: false,
  5129. allowEscapeKey: false
  5130. }, function() {
  5131. loadPage('withdraw.php');
  5132. });
  5133. } else {
  5134. swal({
  5135. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5136. html: text,
  5137. type: 'error',
  5138. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5139. });
  5140. }
  5141. $("#withdraw button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('WITHDRAW_TITLE'));
  5142. }
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  5149. type: "POST",
  5150. url: "/login_request.php",
  5151. data: {
  5152. email: $("#email").val(),
  5153. password: $("#password").val()
  5154. },
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  5157. if (text == 'errorCredentials') {
  5158. swal({
  5159. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5160. html: phraser('LOGIN_ERROR'),
  5161. type: 'error',
  5162. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
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  5166. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5167. html: phraser('LOGIN_ERROR_SPAM'),
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  5185. email: $("#email").val()
  5186. },
  5187. success: function(text) {
  5188. $("#forgot_form button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('LOG_IN'));
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  5198. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5199. html: phraser('FORGOT_ERROR'),
  5200. type: 'error',
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  5206. html: phraser('FORGOT_ERROR_TOO_SOON'),
  5207. type: 'error',
  5208. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5209. });
  5210. } else {
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  5212. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  5213. html: phraser('FORGOT_SUCCESS'),
  5214. type: 'success',
  5215. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5216. });
  5217. }
  5218. }
  5219. });
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  5226. url: "/reset_request.php",
  5227. data: {
  5228. password: $("#password").val(),
  5229. password_again: $("#password_again").val()
  5230. },
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  5234. swal({
  5235. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  5242. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  5244. type: 'error',
  5245. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
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  5255. }, function() {
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  5258. });
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  5263. type: 'error',
  5264. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5265. });
  5266. }
  5267. }
  5268. });
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  5274. type: "POST",
  5275. url: "/settings_save.php",
  5276. data: {
  5277. register: true,
  5278. email: $("#email").val(),
  5279. password: $("#password").val(),
  5280. password_again: $("#password_again").val()
  5281. },
  5282. success: function(text) {
  5283. $("#add_login_form button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('SAVE'));
  5284. if (text == 'errorEmail') {
  5285. swal({
  5286. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  5296. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
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  5300. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5301. html: phraser('REGISTER_ERROR_PASSWORD_STRENGTH'),
  5302. type: 'error',
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  5304. });
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  5309. type: 'error',
  5310. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
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  5313. swal({
  5314. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  5315. html: phraser('SETTINGS_SUCCESSFULLY_SAVED'),
  5316. type: 'success',
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  5318. allowOutsideClick: false,
  5319. allowEscapeKey: false
  5320. }, function() {
  5321. window.location.reload();
  5322. });
  5323. } else {
  5324. swal({
  5325. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5326. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
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  5331. }
  5332. });
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  5338. type: "POST",
  5339. url: "/settings_save.php",
  5340. data: {
  5341. change_password: true,
  5342. password_old: $("#password_old").val(),
  5343. password: $("#password").val(),
  5344. password_again: $("#password_again").val()
  5345. },
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  5350. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  5352. type: 'error',
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  5354. });
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  5356. swal({
  5357. title: phraser('ERROR'),
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  5359. type: 'error',
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  5363. swal({
  5364. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5365. html: phraser('REGISTER_ERROR_PASSWORD_AGAIN'),
  5366. type: 'error',
  5367. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5368. });
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  5376. allowEscapeKey: false
  5377. }, function() {
  5378. window.location.reload();
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  5396. url: "/settings_save.php",
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  5398. change_email: true,
  5399. email: $("#email").val()
  5400. },
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  5402. console.log(text);
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  5425. allowEscapeKey: false
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  5435. });
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  5437. }
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  5459. var cashout = parseFloat($('#crash_cashout').val())
  5460. var auto = $("#crash_auto").prop('checked');
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  5462. if (auto && (isNaN(cashout) || cashout < 1)) {
  5463. swal({
  5464. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5465. html: phraser('AUTO_BET_NEEDS_AUTO_CASHOUT'),
  5466. type: 'error',
  5467. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5468. });
  5469. $("#crash_form button").prop('disabled', false).html(btnText);
  5470. return;
  5471. }
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  5473. $(".crash_cashout_label").html(phraser('NO_AUTO_CASHOUT'));
  5474. } else {
  5475. $(".crash_cashout_label").html(phraser('AUTO_CASHOUT_LABEL') + cashout);
  5476. }
  5477. $.ajax({
  5478. type: "POST",
  5479. url: "/crash_bet.php",
  5480. data: {
  5481. credits: credits,
  5482. cashout: cashout,
  5483. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  5484. },
  5485. success: function(text) {
  5486. $("#crash_form button").prop('disabled', false).html(btnText);
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  5488. needCredits();
  5489. } else if (text == 'errorValue') {
  5490. swal({
  5491. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5492. html: phraser('MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_BET'),
  5493. type: 'error',
  5494. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5495. });
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  5497. swal({
  5498. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5499. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5500. type: 'error',
  5501. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5502. });
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  5505. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5506. html: phraser('TOO_MANY_BETS_ONE'),
  5507. type: 'error',
  5508. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5509. });
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  5512. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5513. html: phraser('ROUND_IN_PROGRESS'),
  5514. type: 'error',
  5515. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5516. });
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  5519. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5520. html: phraser('CASHOUT_MIN_MAX'),
  5521. type: 'error',
  5522. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5523. });
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  5525. $(".crash_profit_label").attr('data-value', credits);
  5526. $(".crash_profit_label b").html('0');
  5527. $("#crash_form_cashout").fadeIn();
  5528. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  5529. if (auto && !crashAutoBet) {
  5530. $("#crash_form_auto_stop").fadeIn();
  5531. }
  5532. crashAutoBet = auto;
  5533. }
  5534. }
  5535. });
  5536. });
  5537. $('body').on('submit', '#crash_form_cashout', function(e) {
  5538. e.preventDefault();
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  5540. $.ajax({
  5541. type: "POST",
  5542. url: "/crash_bet.php",
  5543. data: {
  5544. cashout_action: true,
  5545. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  5546. },
  5547. success: function(text) {
  5548. $("#crash_form_cashout button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('CASHOUT'));
  5549. if (text == 'errorAction') {
  5550. swal({
  5551. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5552. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5553. type: 'error',
  5554. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5555. });
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  5557. swal({
  5558. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5559. html: phraser('YOU_WERE_TOO_LATE'),
  5560. type: 'error',
  5561. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5562. });
  5563. } else if (text == 'errorBets') {
  5564. swal({
  5565. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5566. html: phraser('NO_BETS_IN_ROUND'),
  5567. type: 'error',
  5568. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5569. });
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  5571. swal({
  5572. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5573. html: phraser('TOO_EARLY_FOR_CASHOUT'),
  5574. type: 'error',
  5575. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5576. });
  5577. } else if (text == 'success') {
  5578. $("#crash_form_cashout").fadeOut();
  5579. crashAutoBet = false;
  5580. $("#crash_form_auto_stop").hide();
  5581. $(".crash_profit_label").attr('data-value', 0);
  5582. $(".crash_profit_label b").html('0');
  5583. }
  5584. }
  5585. });
  5586. });
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  5590. $("#crash_form_auto_stop").fadeOut();
  5591. $(".crash_profit_label").attr('data-value', 0);
  5592. $(".crash_profit_label b").html('0');
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  5598. var newValue;
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  5600. value = 0;
  5601. }
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  5603. newValue = '';
  5604. } else if (id == "crash_one") {
  5605. newValue = value + 1;
  5606. } else if (id == "crash_five") {
  5607. newValue = value + 5;
  5608. } else if (id == "crash_ten") {
  5609. newValue = value + 10;
  5610. } else if (id == "crash_half") {
  5611. newValue = value / 2;
  5612. } else if (id == "crash_double") {
  5613. newValue = value * 2;
  5614. } else if (id == "crash_max") {
  5615. newValue = parseFloat($("#credits").html());
  5616. }
  5617. if (newValue > 300) {
  5618. newValue = 100;
  5619. }
  5620. if (newValue > parseFloat($("#credits").html())) {
  5621. newValue = parseFloat($("#credits").html());
  5622. }
  5623. $('#crash_bet').val(newValue);
  5624. });
  5627. $('body').on('click', '.resend_withdraw_user', function() {
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  5629. that.text('...');
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  5633. data: {
  5634. security_code: $(this).attr('data-code'),
  5635. user_id: $(this).attr('data-user')
  5636. },
  5637. success: function(text) {
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  5639. swal({
  5640. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5641. html: text,
  5642. type: 'error',
  5643. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5644. });
  5645. that.text(phraser('RESEND'));
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  5650. type: 'success',
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  5652. });
  5653. that.text(phraser('DONE')).removeClass('resend_withdraw_user');
  5654. }
  5655. }
  5656. });
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  5660. $("#send_credits_steam button").prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
  5661. var credits = $("#send_steam_credits").val();
  5662. var steam_id = $("#send_steam_id").val();
  5663. $.ajax({
  5664. type: "GET",
  5665. url: "/send_credits.php",
  5666. data: {
  5667. steam_id: steam_id,
  5668. credits: credits,
  5669. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  5670. },
  5671. success: function(text) {
  5672. $("#send_credits_steam button").prop('disabled', false).html(phraser('SEND'));
  5673. if (text == 'errorValue') {
  5674. swal({
  5675. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5676. html: phraser('DAILY_SEND_LIMIT_NEW'),
  5677. type: 'error',
  5678. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5679. });
  5680. } else if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  5681. needCredits();
  5682. } else if (text == 'errorAction') {
  5683. swal({
  5684. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5685. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5686. type: 'error',
  5687. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5688. });
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  5690. swal({
  5691. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5692. html: phraser('SEND_ERROR_AMOUNT'),
  5693. type: 'error',
  5694. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5695. });
  5696. } else if (text == 'errorUser') {
  5697. swal({
  5698. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5699. html: phraser('COULD_NOT_FIND_USER'),
  5700. type: 'error',
  5701. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5702. });
  5703. } else if (text == 'errorDeposit') {
  5704. swal({
  5705. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5706. html: phraser('SEND_NEED_DEPOSIT'),
  5707. type: 'error',
  5708. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5709. });
  5710. } else {
  5711. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  5712. $("#user_profile_links").show();
  5713. $("#send_credits").hide();
  5714. swal({
  5715. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  5716. html: phraser('CREDITS_SUCCESSFULLY_SENT'),
  5717. type: 'success',
  5718. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5719. });
  5720. }
  5721. }
  5722. });
  5723. });
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  5727. $(this).addClass('selected');
  5728. if (type == 'withdraw') {
  5729. $("#withdraw_form").show();
  5730. $("#withdraw_form_deals").hide();
  5731. botInventoryPage = 1;
  5732. loadBotInventory(false, false);
  5733. }
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  5735. $("#withdraw_form").hide();
  5736. $("#withdraw_form_deals").show();
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  5738. $(".withdraw_deal").first().addClass('selected');
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  5741. }
  5742. });
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  5744. var min = $(this).attr('data-min');
  5745. var max = $(this).attr('data-max');
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  5747. $(this).addClass('selected');
  5748. botDealsPage = 1;
  5749. loadBotDeals(false, min, max);
  5750. });
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  5752. var that = $(this);
  5753. that.prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
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  5755. type: "GET",
  5756. url: "/recruits_save.php",
  5757. data: {
  5758. pick_reward: true,
  5759. prize_id: that.attr('data-prize')
  5760. },
  5761. success: function(text) {
  5762. if (text != 'success') {
  5763. swal({
  5764. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5765. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5766. type: 'error',
  5767. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5768. }, function() {
  5769. window.location.reload();
  5770. });
  5771. return;
  5772. }
  5773. swal({
  5774. title: phraser('SUCCESS'),
  5775. html: phraser('RECRUIT_REWARD_SAVED'),
  5776. type: 'success',
  5777. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY'),
  5778. allowOutsideClick: false,
  5779. allowEscapeKey: false
  5780. }, function() {
  5781. window.location.reload();
  5782. });
  5783. }
  5784. });
  5785. });
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  5790. type: "GET",
  5791. url: "/cases_load.php",
  5792. data: {
  5793. case_id: $(this).attr('data-id')
  5794. },
  5795. success: function(text) {
  5796. $("#case_holder").html(text);
  5797. }
  5798. });
  5799. });
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  5802. $("#case_list_holder").show();
  5803. loadPage('cases.php');
  5804. });
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  5806. var testSpin = false;
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  5812. casesOpen(case_id, case_price, testSpin, button, buttonHTML);
  5813. });
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  5816. var button = $(this);
  5817. var buttonHTML = button.html();
  5818. var case_id = button.attr('data-id');
  5819. var case_price = button.attr('data-price');
  5820. button.prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;"></div>');
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  5822. });
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  5831. var choice = $(".roulette_choice_select").attr('data-color');
  5832. var credits = parseFloat($('.roulette_form_value').val());
  5833. button.prop('disabled', true).html('<div class="loader_small loader_small_dark" style="width: 18px;height: 18px;margin: 0 auto;display:block;"></div>');
  5834. $.ajax({
  5835. type: "GET",
  5836. url: "/roulette_bet.php",
  5837. data: {
  5838. credits: credits,
  5839. choice: choice,
  5840. user_token: $("#user_token").val()
  5841. },
  5842. success: function(text) {
  5843. button.prop('disabled', false).html(buttonHTML);
  5844. if (text == 'errorCredits') {
  5845. needCredits();
  5846. } else if (text == 'errorValue') {
  5847. swal({
  5848. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5849. html: phraser('MINIMUM_MAXIMUM_BET'),
  5850. type: 'error',
  5851. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5852. });
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  5854. swal({
  5855. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5856. html: phraser('ACTION_NOT_AVAILABLE'),
  5857. type: 'error',
  5858. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5859. });
  5860. } else if (text == 'errorBets') {
  5861. swal({
  5862. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5863. html: phraser('TOO_MANY_BETS'),
  5864. type: 'error',
  5865. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5866. });
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  5868. swal({
  5869. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5870. html: phraser('TIMER_IS_CLOSING'),
  5871. type: 'error',
  5872. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5873. });
  5874. } else if (text == 'errorLastRound') {
  5875. swal({
  5876. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5877. html: phraser('LAST_ROUND_NOT_FINISHED'),
  5878. type: 'error',
  5879. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5880. });
  5881. } else if (text == 'errorChoiceMultiple') {
  5882. swal({
  5883. title: phraser('ERROR'),
  5884. html: phraser('ERROR_CHOICE_MULTIPLE'),
  5885. type: 'error',
  5886. confirmButtonText: phraser('OKAY')
  5887. });
  5888. } else if (text == 'success') {
  5889. updateCredits(-1 * credits);
  5890. }
  5891. }
  5892. });
  5893. });
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  5895. $(this).hide();
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  5901. var thisRow = $(this).parent();
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  5908. $.ajax({
  5909. type: "GET",
  5910. url: "/betting_load.php",
  5911. data: {
  5912. game_id: game_id
  5913. },
  5914. success: function(text) {
  5915. table.after(text);
  5916. }
  5917. });
  5918. });
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  5924. loadPage("betting.php");
  5925. return;
  5926. }
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  5928. $(".betting_matches_table[data-type='" + type + "']").show();
  5929. });
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  6119. if (text == 'errorFinished') {
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  6196. });
  6197. } else {
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  6199. }
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  6213. });
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