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a guest
Dec 7th, 2018
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  1. image: starefossen/ruby-node:2-8
  3. stages:
  4. - test
  6. cache:
  7. key: libs
  8. paths:
  9. - vendor/bundle
  10. - vendor/apt
  12. before_script:
  13. - export LANG=C.UTF-8
  14. - export LANGUAGE=C.UTF-8
  15. - export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
  16. - echo $RAILS_ENV
  17. - mkdir -p vendor/apt
  18. - apt-get update -qq && apt-get -o Dir::Cache::Archives="vendor/apt" install -y build-essential -qq libpq-dev cmake ghostscript libmagic-dev openssh-client
  19. - ruby -v && node -v
  20. - which ruby
  21. - gem install bundler:1.16.2 rake --no-doc
  22. - bundle install --deployment --without production --jobs $(nproc) "${FLAGS[@]}"
  24. test:
  25. stage: test
  26. services:
  27. - postgres:10.1
  28. - redis:4.0.2
  29. tags:
  30. - docker
  31. variables:
  32. RAILS_ENV: test
  33. RACK_ENV: test
  34. POSTGRES_DB: dashboard_test
  35. POSTGRES_USER: runner
  37. script:
  38. - find ./config -name "*.yml.sample" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%.yml.sample}.yml"' _ {} ;
  39. - bundle exec rake db:reset --trace
  40. - bundle exec rspec spec -f d -t ~js
  42. $ bundle exec rake db:reset --trace
  43. ** Invoke db:reset (first_time)
  44. ** Invoke db:drop (first_time)
  45. ** Invoke db:load_config (first_time)
  46. ** Execute db:load_config
  47. ** Invoke db:check_protected_environments (first_time)
  48. ** Invoke environment (first_time)
  49. ** Execute environment
  50. ** Invoke db:load_config
  51. ** Execute db:check_protected_environments
  52. ** Execute db:drop
  53. ** Invoke db:drop:_unsafe (first_time)
  54. ** Invoke db:load_config
  55. ** Execute db:drop:_unsafe
  56. ** Invoke db:setup (first_time)
  57. ** Invoke db:schema:load_if_ruby (first_time)
  58. ** Invoke db:create (first_time)
  59. ** Invoke db:load_config
  60. ** Execute db:create
  61. ** Invoke environment
  62. ** Execute db:schema:load_if_ruby
  63. ** Invoke db:structure:load_if_sql (first_time)
  64. ** Invoke db:create
  65. ** Invoke environment
  66. ** Execute db:structure:load_if_sql
  67. ** Invoke db:structure:load (first_time)
  68. ** Invoke environment
  69. ** Invoke db:load_config
  70. ** Invoke db:check_protected_environments
  71. ** Execute db:structure:load
  72. Dropped database 'dashboard_test'
  73. Created database 'dashboard_test'
  74. rake aborted!
  75. failed to execute:
  76. psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -q -f /builds/zakaria-fatahi/dashboard/db/structure.sql dashboard_test
  78. Please check the output above for any errors and make sure that `psql` is installed in your PATH and has proper permissions.
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