
Promotional The Skid

Jul 12th, 2018
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  1. This is the beginning of your direct message history with @promotional.
  2. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:43 AM
  3. Like I was saying, I'm a blackhat, I've been hacking since 08 and jacking DB's via SQLi is easy
  4. I can teach you shit
  5. but you have to be willing to learn
  6. Shit you can't learn from YouTube or shitty wikis
  7. promotional - Today at 2:44 AM
  8. :thumbup::skin-tone-1:
  9. Lizard squad is literally full of skids, denial of service blaaa
  10. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:47 AM
  11. Not really
  12. Some of them specialized in DDoSing
  13. You've got to remember, they were an organized team
  14. Each member had their own qualifications and part in the team
  15. promotional - Today at 2:48 AM
  16. I don't flex and I'm not saying I'm good at anything because you interrupt so much I say wrong but
  17. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:48 AM
  18. You came in flashcarding :joy:
  19. promotional - Today at 2:48 AM
  20. I sql injection websites and got shells (I'm sure you know what shells are) a shells botnet with a python script I can send for proof and hit offline and
  21. I didn't write script
  22. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:48 AM
  23. That's false :joy:
  24. promotional - Today at 2:48 AM
  25. I don't code
  26. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:49 AM
  27. I can explain to you how a botnet works LOL
  28. promotional - Today at 2:49 AM
  29. I know bro
  30. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:49 AM
  31. And how it gets bot
  32. Do you
  33. because what you said is 100% false
  34. :joy:
  35. promotional - Today at 2:49 AM
  36. Explain how
  37. Shells botnet
  38. I was using servers pretty much
  39. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:49 AM
  40. LOL you're retarded
  41. promotional - Today at 2:49 AM
  42. To hit shit off
  43. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:49 AM
  44. Ok let me explain this to you kid
  45. promotional - Today at 2:49 AM
  46. Not bots
  47. I haven't done this shit for 3 years
  48. But you scan em insert and used script with pullback
  49. It was all shells.
  50. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:52 AM
  51. Let's start off with qBot and then we'll move to Mirai. So a Qbot uses a method to get bots called Scanning which you give it an IP or a range and It'll scan for any and all IP(s) on that range via SSH and or Telnet and tries to bruteforce it. IF successful it puts infectes bins onto the machine that generates a wget that then is sent back to the CNC server and tells it that that bot is successfully connected (do keep in mind that that bots leave and join due to many reasons), now to move on to Mirai. The Mirai works by using something called the Echo Loader which is used by doing into the directory called loader and doing cat ListHere.txt | ./loader and the format for the servers in the list (that have already been bruted) is Server:Port Username:Password and it loads it into memory and adds the bot via the same way qBot does, and IRC is sort-of similar in a way.
  52. promotional - Today at 2:53 AM
  53. A web shell is a script that can be uploaded to a web server to enable remote administration of the machine. Infected web servers can be either Internet-facing or internal to the network, where the web shell is used to pivot further to internal hosts.
  54. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:53 AM
  55. I know what a web shell is you fucktard
  56. But that's not how botnets work
  57. promotional - Today at 2:53 AM
  58. yes
  59. Global Hell ~IsisSec~ - Today at 2:53 AM
  60. nor can you exactly DDoS that way
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