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Nov 12th, 2018
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  1. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] Configuration file location: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
  2. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] Server Version: 1.3.1
  3. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] Server Levels: &{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}
  4. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Default CA configuration, if necessary, will be used to replace missing values for additional CAs: {Version:0.1 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:undercroft Keyfile: Certfile:ca-cert.pem Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc000327080 CSR:{CN:Undercroft Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[localhost] KeyRequest:0xc000485e00 CA:0xc000485e80 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:* hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1]  }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****@<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }}  } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }}  } CSP:0xc0004845a0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName:  } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509  }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
  5. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Additional CAs to be started: [/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml]
  6. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] Loading CA from /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
  7. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] CA configuration after checking for missing values: &{Version:0.1 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:undercroft Keyfile: Certfile:ca-cert.pem Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc0003992c0 CSR:{CN:Undercroft Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[localhost] KeyRequest:0xc0003a5120 CA:0xc0003a4f00 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:* hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1]  }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****@<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }}  } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }}  } CSP:0xc000337f20 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName:  } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509  }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
  8. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Init CA with home /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server and config {Version:0.1 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:undercroft Keyfile: Certfile:ca-cert.pem Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc0003992c0 CSR:{CN:Undercroft Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[localhost] KeyRequest:0xc0003a5120 CA:0xc0003a4f00 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.Registrar.Attributes:* hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1]  }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****@<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }}  } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }}  } CSP:0xc000337f20 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName:  } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509  }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
  9. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] CA Home Directory: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server
  10. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Checking configuration file version '0.1' against server version: '1.3.1'
  11. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP: &{ProviderName:SW SwOpts:0xc00039c120 PluginOpts:<nil>}
  12. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP with software options &{SecLevel:256 HashFamily:SHA2 Ephemeral:false FileKeystore:0xc0003990a0 DummyKeystore:<nil>}
  13. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initialize key material
  14. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Making CA filenames absolute
  15. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [WARNING] &{69 The specified CA certificate file /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/ca-cert.pem does not exist}
  16. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Root CA certificate request: {CN:Undercroft Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[localhost] KeyRequest:0xc0003a5e00 CA:0xc0003a4f00 SerialNumber:}
  17. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] generating key: &{A:ecdsa S:256}
  18. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] generate key from request: algo=ecdsa, size=256
  19. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] encoded CSR
  20. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] validating configuration
  21. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  22. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  23. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] signed certificate with serial number 387030215742568423145846630084446316158023069984
  24. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] The CA key and certificate were generated for CA undercroft
  25. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] The key was stored by BCCSP provider 'SW'
  26. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [INFO] The certificate is at: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/ca-cert.pem
  27. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initializing DB
  28. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initializing 'sqlite3' database at '/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db'
  29. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Using sqlite database, connect to database in home (/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db) directory
  30. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating SQLite database (/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db) if it does not exist...
  31. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating users table if it does not exist
  32. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating affiliations table if it does not exist
  33. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating certificates table if it does not exist
  34. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating credentials table if it does not exist
  35. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating revocation_authority_info table if it does not exist
  36. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating nonces table if it does not exist
  37. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating properties table if it does not exist
  38. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Successfully opened sqlite3 DB
  39. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Checking database schema...
  40. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Update SQLite schema, if using outdated schema
  41. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Upgrade identities table
  42. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating users table if it does not exist
  43. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Upgrade affiliation table
  44. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating affiliations table if it does not exist
  45. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Upgrade certificates table
  46. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Creating certificates table if it does not exist
  47. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initializing identity registry
  48. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Initialized DB identity registry
  49. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] DB: Get properties [identity.level affiliation.level certificate.level]
  50. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Checking database levels 'map[certificate.level:0 identity.level:0 affiliation.level:0]' against server levels '&{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}'
  51. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Loading identity table
  52. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Loading identity 'admin'
  53. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
  54. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] Max enrollment value verification - User specified max enrollment: 0, CA max enrollment: -1
  55. 2018/11/12 22:59:42 [DEBUG] DB: Add identity admin
  56. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Successfully added identity admin to the database
  57. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Registered identity: { Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:-1 Attrs:map[hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:*]  }
  58. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded identity table
  59. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Loading affiliations table
  60. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org2
  61. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org2' added
  62. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org2.department1
  63. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org2.department1' added
  64. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1
  65. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1' added
  66. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department1
  67. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department1' added
  68. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department2
  69. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department2' added
  70. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded affiliations table
  71. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Checking and performing migration, if needed
  72. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Migrating user 'admin' to level 1
  73. 2018/11/12 22:59:43 [DEBUG] Updating database level to &{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}
  74. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] Initialized sqlite3 database at /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db
  75. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing enrollment signer
  76. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] validating configuration
  77. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  78. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  79. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  80. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  81. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  82. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  83. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] CA initialization successful
  84. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing Idemix issuer...
  85. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] The issuer key was successfully stored. The public key is at: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/IssuerPublicKey, secret key is at: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/msp/keystore/IssuerSecretKey
  86. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Intializing revocation authority for issuer 'undercroft'
  87. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initialize Idemix issuer revocation key material
  88. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] Idemix issuer revocation public and secret keys were generated for CA 'undercroft'
  89. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] The revocation key was successfully stored. The public key is at: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/IssuerRevocationPublicKey, private key is at: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/msp/keystore/IssuerRevocationPrivateKey
  90. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Intializing nonce manager for issuer 'undercroft'
  91. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Making server filenames absolute
  92. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing default CA in directory /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server
  93. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Init CA with home /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server and config {Version:0.1 Cfg:{Identities:{AllowRemove:false} Affiliations:{AllowRemove:false}} CA:{Name:undercroft Keyfile: Certfile:ca-cert.pem Chainfile:ca-chain.pem} Signing:0xc000327080 CSR:{CN:Undercroft Names:[{C:US ST:North Carolina L: O:Hyperledger OU:Fabric SerialNumber:}] Hosts:[localhost] KeyRequest:0xc000485e00 CA:0xc000485e80 SerialNumber:} Registry:{MaxEnrollments:-1 Identities:[{ Name:**** Pass:**** Type:client Affiliation: MaxEnrollments:0 Attrs:map[hf.AffiliationMgr:1 hf.Registrar.Roles:* hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles:* hf.Revoker:1 hf.IntermediateCA:1 hf.GenCRL:1 hf.Registrar.Attributes:*]  }]} Affiliations:map[org2:[department1] org1:[department1 department2]] LDAP:{ Enabled:false URL:ldap://****:****@<host>:<port>/<base> UserFilter:(uid=%s) GroupFilter:(memberUid=%s) Attribute:{[uid member] [{ }] map[groups:[{ }]]} TLS:{false [] { }}  } DB:{ Type:sqlite3 Datasource:fabric-ca-server.db TLS:{false [] { }}  } CSP:0xc0004845a0 Client:<nil> Intermediate:{ParentServer:{ URL: CAName:  } TLS:{Enabled:false CertFiles:[] Client:{KeyFile: CertFile:}} Enrollment:{ Name: Secret:**** CAName: AttrReqs:[] Profile: Label: CSR:<nil> Type:x509  }} CRL:{Expiry:24h0m0s} Idemix:{IssuerPublicKeyfile: IssuerSecretKeyfile: RevocationPublicKeyfile: RevocationPrivateKeyfile: RHPoolSize:1000 NonceExpiration:15s NonceSweepInterval:15m}}
  94. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] CA Home Directory: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server
  95. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Checking configuration file version '0.1' against server version: '1.3.1'
  96. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP: &{ProviderName:SW SwOpts:0xc0002f71a0 PluginOpts:<nil>}
  97. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing BCCSP with software options &{SecLevel:256 HashFamily:SHA2 Ephemeral:false FileKeystore:0xc000326330 DummyKeystore:<nil>}
  98. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initialize key material
  99. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Making CA filenames absolute
  100. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] The CA key and certificate already exist
  101. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] The key is stored by BCCSP provider 'SW'
  102. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [INFO] The certificate is at: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/ca-cert.pem
  103. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Loading CN from existing enrollment information
  104. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing DB
  105. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing 'sqlite3' database at '/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db'
  106. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Using sqlite database, connect to database in home (/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db) directory
  107. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating SQLite database (/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db) if it does not exist...
  108. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating users table if it does not exist
  109. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating affiliations table if it does not exist
  110. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating certificates table if it does not exist
  111. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating credentials table if it does not exist
  112. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating revocation_authority_info table if it does not exist
  113. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating nonces table if it does not exist
  114. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Creating properties table if it does not exist
  115. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Successfully opened sqlite3 DB
  116. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Checking database schema...
  117. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Update SQLite schema, if using outdated schema
  118. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initializing identity registry
  119. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Initialized DB identity registry
  120. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Get properties [identity.level affiliation.level certificate.level]
  121. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Checking database levels 'map[affiliation.level:1 certificate.level:1 identity.level:1]' against server levels '&{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}'
  122. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Loading identity table
  123. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Loading identity 'admin'
  124. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Getting identity admin
  125. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Identity 'admin' already registered, loaded identity
  126. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded identity table
  127. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Loading affiliations table
  128. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org2
  129. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org2' already exists
  130. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org2.department1
  131. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org2.department1' already exists
  132. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1
  133. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1' already exists
  134. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department1
  135. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department1' already exists
  136. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] DB: Add affiliation org1.department2
  137. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Affiliation 'org1.department2' already exists
  138. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Successfully loaded affiliations table
  139. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Checking and performing migration, if needed
  140. 2018/11/12 22:59:44 [DEBUG] Updating database level to &{Identity:1 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}
  141. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO] Initialized sqlite3 database at /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server.db
  142. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] Initializing enrollment signer
  143. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] validating configuration
  144. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  145. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  146. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  147. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  148. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] validate local profile
  149. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] profile is valid
  150. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] CA initialization successful
  151. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] Initializing Idemix issuer...
  152. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO] The Idemix issuer public and secret key files already exist
  153. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO]    secret key file location: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/msp/keystore/IssuerSecretKey
  154. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO]    public key file location: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/IssuerPublicKey
  155. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] Intializing revocation authority for issuer 'undercroft'
  156. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] Initialize Idemix issuer revocation key material
  157. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO] The Idemix issuer revocation public and secret key files already exist
  158. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO]    private key file location: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/msp/keystore/IssuerRevocationPrivateKey
  159. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [INFO]    public key file location: /home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/IssuerRevocationPublicKey
  160. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] Intializing nonce manager for issuer 'undercroft'
  161. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [DEBUG] Closing server DBs
  162. 2018/11/12 22:59:45 [FATAL] Initialization failure: CA name 'undercroft' is used in '/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml' and '/home/paradox/hyperledger/fabric/undercroft/fabric-ca/server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml'
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