
The Justicars (Lore)

Nov 17th, 2014
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  1. The Justicars
  3. Though in present day the title of mage is only held by unicorns, throughout history there have been several groups formed by the other tribes that bear the same title. One of the most colorful and interesting examples of this is in the Justicars, an order of crystal mages who took the crystal pony's natural affinity form emotion-magic and refined it to a degree that has yet to be recreated.
  4. The justicars began life as several different organizations prior to the unification of the tribes, though all were essentially ponies who focused on magic fuelled by emotion. Eventually these organizations discovered each other, eventually converging into a single order, complete with a unique philosophy and traditions.
  6. The core of Justicar beliefs can be simplified to three key concepts:
  7. The Steady Heart, representing the idea of being in control of your emotions, rather than letting them control you.
  8. The Black Void; though often thought to be a sign of dark magic, the idea of the Black Void is actually referring to the darkness created when you close your eyes; it is symbolic of shutting out the distractions and temptations of the world, focusing inward rather than outward.
  9. Finally, the Just Cause. This is the most difficult to summarize; suffice to say it is an idea of finding and following the path that will make the world a better place. This is a poor summary, but deeper explanation would require more thorough studies than we can cover in this summary.
  11. Though formed pre-Unification, it was after the Unification that the Justicars became prominent in what would become the Crystal Empire. Originally hired as mercenaries to root out Windigo infestations that had grown entrenched, it quickly became evident that mages who could weaponize the very thing the creatures required for sustenance made them unparalleled in removing such infestations whenever they were deployed. In light of this, they were officially made a branch of the Empire's military.
  13. Some accounts have portrayed the Justicars as ruthless, annihilating entire settlements in the pursuit of their icy prey. However, this is a result of flawed information. It is true that when they deployed to combat an outbreak of Windigoes, there were often no survivors from the settlement, but this is not a result of their admittedly-destructive methods. Rather, the lack of an efficient communications system meant that word of windigo attacks would have to be relayed by runner, a matter of weeks if the attack came in winter as they often did. Combined with the time it would take for their forces to reach the settlement, and the grim reality is that in most instances, there would simply be nothing left to save.
  14. The Justicars were not saviors. They were exterminators, sent not to rescue victims, but to stop the spread of an infection.
  16. This consistent lack of bystanders to worry about led to them developing an extremely destructive method of operation that is still used today, as a tactic known as "scorched earth." To ensure no windigoes were hiding nearby, the Justicars would summon flames to melt away all the snow within a large radius of the affected settlement, then burning anything underneath the snow to ensure it was not simply an illusion. When their duties would eventually shift to law enforcement, their battlecry of "The End has come!" proved an accurate summary of their role in any conflict; when the Justicars showed up, the conflict ended. one way or another.
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