

Aug 28th, 2014
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  1. [X] 5 A Crow. With feathers as black as night, and eyes that shined like starlight.: (Drakebane, Tempest, MrGazzer, codeRR, Plotvitalnpc)
  2. [X] 1 A Dog. Big, the sandy color of the desert, teeth bared. Ready.: (minuseven)
  3. [X] 3 A Red-tailed Hawk, intense and uncompromising, diving for prey.: (mc2rpg, Pipeman, DeAnno)
  4. [X] 1 A Snake. A Black Mamba, coils of darkly scaled muscle tensing to strike. Ready to pass on all that it was to the next.: (Galeiam)
  5. [X] 2 An artificial beast, a manmade monstrosity. Of silversteel hide and gunmetal scales, bristling with roaring heads and piercing stings, crawling on its own belly, crushing all obstacles in its way...: (Grosstoad, Odysseus2099)
  6. [X] 1 An whale, giant and slow but steady in its movement, immeasurable strength contained in a gentle greatness.: (Heaven Canceler)
  7. [X] 5 Blood in my eyes... red and sweet. The crunch of my knuckles Visceral against his smug teeth.: (Drakebane, minuseven, codeRR, Grosstoad, Odysseus2099)
  8. [X] 1 Fuck it, I didn’t care anymore my stomach ached, I’d probably be fired for eating it all... but it tasted so good.: (Heaven Canceler)
  9. [X] 7 I was tired, hungry... but I had to keep going. They were depending on me, and I had to keep going. Not to stop until I was done, sore and hurting, but I kept on going.: (Drakebane, mc2rpg, Pipeman, codeRR, DeAnno, Grosstoad, Odysseus2099)
  10. [X] 2 My name... I shouldn’t forget my name...: (MrGazzer, Plotvitalnpc)
  11. [X] 4 My name... Jack Daniels: (Drakebane, minuseven, Heaven Canceler, codeRR)
  12. [X] 1 My name... Jack Napier: (Galeiam)
  13. [X] 2 My name... Pamela Claywright: (Grosstoad, Odysseus2099)
  14. [X] 3 My name... Tobias Fangor: (mc2rpg, Pipeman, DeAnno)
  15. [X] 1 My name... Vincent Benediction: (Tempest)
  16. [X] 4 People seemed to not look at him, walk by as the old man struggled. How could I not help take up his burden?: (Tempest, Heaven Canceler, MrGazzer, Plotvitalnpc)
  17. [X] 9 The fuck I’m still man right?: (Drakebane, minuseven, Tempest, Heaven Canceler, mc2rpg, Galeiam, Pipeman, codeRR, DeAnno)
  18. [X] 4 The fuck I’m still woman right?: (MrGazzer, Grosstoad, Odysseus2099, Plotvitalnpc)
  19. [X] 2 The last of my money. Rent day was tomorrow... but she needed it more. I’d survive, I’d figure something out, but without this she would not. I’ve been cold before. I could endure.: (minuseven, Galeiam)
  20. [X] 7 Writhing, moaning, the taste of other; penetrate, pierce. Slipped in as the world slips away. We shouldn’t... but it felt so good.: (Tempest, mc2rpg, Galeiam, Pipeman, MrGazzer, DeAnno, Plotvitalnpc)
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