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- :: Incomplete project idea. Setup to allow unconventional methods of passwording tamper detection w/o encryption. Meant to be light & lean when it use.
- :: conceptually transferable to other programming languages & somewhat universal.
- @echo off
- set VAL=A
- set NUM=%1
- set MAT=0
- set FMAT=0
- set DGC=0
- set MLC=2
- set CTL=0
- set HLD=2
- set CHK=0
- set CNT=0
- If %NUM% GTR 1 set CHK=1
- if %NUM% EQU 1 (set VAL=%VAL%1&& goto Derp)
- if %NUM% EQU 0 (set VAL=%VAL%0&& goto Derp)
- if %NUM% LSS 0 (goto OOF&& echo Invalid input)
- :Big
- set /a CNT=%CNT%+1
- if %NUM% GTR %HLD% (set /a HLD=%HLD%*2&& goto Big)
- if %NUM% EQU %HLD% set MAT=1
- if %NUM% LSS %HLD% set /a HLD=%HLD%/2
- if %MAT% EQU 1 goto MLoop
- :Loop
- set VAL=%VAL%1
- set /a NUM=%NUM%-%HLD%
- :Zed
- set /a HLD=%HLD%/2
- if %HLD% GTR %NUM% (set VAL=%VAL%0&& goto Zed)
- if %NUM% EQU 1 (set VAL=%VAL%1&& goto Derp)
- if %NUM% EQU 0 (set VAL=%VAL%0&& goto Derp)
- if %HLD% LSS %NUM% goto Loop
- :MLoop
- set /a DGC=%DGC%+1
- if %MLC% LSS %NUM% (set /a MLC=%MLC%*2&& goto MLoop)
- :DLoop
- if %FMAT% EQU 0 (set VAL=%VAL%1) else (set VAL=%VAL%0)
- set /a MLC=%MLC%/2
- set FMAT=1
- if %MLC% EQU 1 (set VAL=%VAL%0&& goto Derp)else (goto DLoop)
- :Derp
- set VAL=%VAL:~1%
- echo %VAL%
- :OOF
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