

Mar 8th, 2017
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  1. Chat
  2. SimplyDavina has joined the chat
  3. AlucardDellucci has joined the chat
  4. IslaSamara has joined the chat
  5. IslaSamara: -She seen the woman lean forward and she smiled a bit as this was amusing.....since they did not disclose the type of business they do and isla's father loved to spring surprises on her, she grew bored quickly. either they were hiring or they were not. Money was not a concern for her as she never knew a day without it. She merely sought the experience but it seemed no reciprocity given here so she simply smiled to the woman and stood to her full 5'8.-"Well, it seems my father was mistaken." "It happens"-she smiled lifting her bad and moving to the door. she smiled to the guard who watched her...she stopped and moved towards him and looking him in the eye unzipped her purse showing a 9mm caliber.- " You umm..forgot to check my bag."-she smiled to him then turned back to the woman-"That's a pity....I would think with this top notch security here that you would be right to decline"...."Are you sure?"
  6. SimplyDavina: (Welcome, Midhat. Once loaded, please post an entrance.)
  7. Midhat: [Thank you, can I have the room settings? ]
  8. SimplyDavina: (The room you are in, is located behind a dive bar on a strip mall. Looks like just a normal dive bar, but when you speak to the tender, he allows passage to here.)
  9. Midhat: [ Should I RP the tender ?]
  10. SimplyDavina: (It's easier if you do.)
  11. Midhat: [Posting]
  12. SimplyDavina: (Take your time.)
  13. SimplyDavina: -She watched as the woman stood and shook her head, clapping.- You play the game very well. -continuing to clap, she herself stood up. Walking, well more like, sauntering towards the guard, she shakes her head. Smacking the male across the face, she looks to the woman.- Tell me, are you any better than this idiot? -Her eyes shifted up then down the woman, thinking there is definitely potential for her here, should she be truly interested.-
  14. IslaSamara: "Awww don't be too hard on him. He can be trained.-she laughed and handed Him the gun then pulled back-"tut tut"-she took the cartride out and and handed both to him and laughed soflty, her nose wrinkling a bit. He took both pieces and muttered-"I work more alone....sniper....explosives expert and all around temptress" -Isla giggled and moved back to the couch taking a seat-"So where does a girl get a drink?"
  15. IslaSamara: (holy crap you smacked him..i love it!)
  16. SimplyDavina: -Watching the interaction between the guard and the woman she smirked before walking herself back to take a seat on the couch as well. Hearing her words, she snaps her fingers and the butler comes to her side.- We have a fully stocked bar, tell our man here what you would like, and he will be more then happy to get it for you. -Tapping her finger to her chin, she appears to be thinking for a moment. After some silence, she speaks once again.- Hmm... so, I was correct in my assumption. There is more to what meets the eye about you. Do you see how easily things go when you're upfront about yourself? Now that I know your past is more than likely, checkered, we can converse a little more, frankly. How do you feel about mercenary work? As in, a hit for hire, or a sweeper of sorts? -she raises an eyebrow, awaiting the woman's response. While waiting, she asks the butler for a rum and coke, no ice.-
  17. SimplyDavina: (Davina is, no-nonsense.)
  18. IslaSamara: (lmao)
  19. IslaSamara: -she seen the butler come over and she looked to him about to order when she heard the woman's words about being upfront....she put her her finger to the butler before he attempted to speak and she looked back to the woman-"In my line of extra curriclar activities it is not wise to just let all out of the bag."-she smiled then turned her gaze to the butler once again-"Ah yes my good man. How about a shot of Crown with a coke back no ice." -she smiled and winked to Him as he spoke-"Very good Miss"-isla then leaned back to the couch and looked to the woman-"You chuckled when I called you "Mrs" . You are not?"
  20. Midhat: [Should I post now?]
  21. SimplyDavina: (Of course, any time.)
  22. Midhat: And as if earth was inhabited with anything funny he walked in the streets as if it was a robot; emotionless with no regard of that surrounded him of simple things that can make a man feel live he walked with a face made of stone covered by flesh. Midhat was Unattached to the world around him even on the simplest ways as his mind functioned on total different realm. He was in his fixed suit with fine dimmed gold color tie in unusual trinity knot that could catch the eye from the 1st glance at it. He looked sophisticated but he also seemed to easily approach. He passed through the strip mall as the spring playful wind would pass upon the grass; he took steady, simple steps with confidence making hs way to the dive bar and his figure and dressing gave him an easy enter to the bar, but with no distraction he went right away to the tender with only simple eye contact and courtesy nod to him he said “A friend is expecting me inside” His voice came clam yet carried a tad of growl that have been formed by years of nasty habit of smoking and drinking, even he left these behind him he still carries its effects on him till today. There was no one expecting him inside, but as he said the lie everyone believed it even though it was utter bullshit; If there was a man able to twist the facts and fake the truths it was Midhat, he was called the Father of Lies for a reason. He targeted the nearest empty table to the door and directed his at as he let the atmosphere of the place consume his mind to gain some clarity. He sat down unbutton his suit jacket and relaxing in his seat as his switch blade glow in the inside pocket of the left side of him, not that he needed it but it was always carried and to be placed on him.
  23. IslaSamara: (ooo)
  24. Midhat: [ Something wrong? ]
  25. IslaSamara: (no that rocked)
  26. Midhat: [ Thank you, I have my moments. ]
  27. SimplyDavina: -She was about to respond to Isla, when she noticed the once again, lack of security the dumbass gentleman at the front offered, for now, someone had just waltz right in and sat down across the room. Standing, she smoothed out her dress carefully before crossing the long space between two seated areas. Her heels offer clicks as they meet the glossy floor beneath them. Turning her attention to the woman, she speaks over her shoulder.- Please, join me, as, I am interesting in hearing more of what you have to say. -When finally reaching the male, Davina motions for him to stand so that she may pat him down in search of any weapons he might be carrying.- So nice to see we have an opening in the security department. -As she speaks, she looks to the male at the door, then back to Midhat who should hopefully be standing at this point.-
  28. SimplyDavina: (I offer my apologies. Tis been sooo long since we had anyone who knew how to post more then a line, I have become rusty!)
  29. IslaSamara: -isla followed seeing a gentleman across the room...she giggled softly to herself as He just breezed in. As she passed the guard she shook her head with a soft-"tsk tsk"-she smiled to herself and continued behind the woman softly...she sat down across from the male and took Him in . She smiled softly and said her hellos to Him as the butler brought what she was truly after, her shot and back. She took it and downed the shot then sipped the coke. she sat quietly as the woman patted him down and then proceeded to speak to Him-
  30. AlucardDellucci: (bk and caught up sorry )
  31. SimplyDavina: (Welcome back, Alu.)
  32. IslaSamara: (wb)
  33. Midhat: "How can I help you?" He said, he uttered, he merely sang as he spoke this words. He glanced up to her as he even relaxed in his seat out inner reasons as he was seeking for answers that hovered in his mind. Not of the for the lack of understanding, he didn't stand was merely out test for the reactions of her being and the nature of the place. his eyes scanned her from head to toe as if he was x-raying her studying every curve of her body to see what she had on her that may pose a threat, surely aside of her fair figure.
  34. AlucardDellucci: (thankyou and ty)
  35. Midhat: [ It's not about the size of the post most of the time. Welcome back Dracula. ]
  36. IslaSamara: (ha he said it backwards...i like him lmao)
  37. Midhat: [If that is the case, you may love me naked then. Ha!]
  38. IslaSamara: (lmao)
  39. AlucardDellucci: ~He would raise an eyebrow as he would cough as if clearing his throat noticing his eyes and where there looking. he would pay attention to what is going on around him. he would lean forward~Can i help you?~He would say to the man, still being weary of what is going on. he leans over and whispers to his love~
  40. AlucardDellucci: (ty)
  41. IslaSamara: -once the shot was finished she looked to the butler who tried to turn to leave...she pulled his nice starched coattail-"Not so fast."-she smiled seductively to Him-"Just one?" "I am sure you know better." -Yes Miss he said blushing. She turned back to the conversation at hand-
  42. SimplyDavina: You may help me, by disclosing weapons upon your person, either by my hands patting you down and taking them. Or, by your own personal disclosure. -Tapping her foot, she once again motioned for the male to stand.- Or perhaps you are not understanding my words, due to my accent. Hold on, let me speak to you in less, British terms. -she does her best American accent.- Stand up, and disclose your weaponary, bro. -She looks to Alu and nods softly before turning her attention back to Midhat, awaiting his response.-
  43. AlucardDellucci: (repost for me sorry didnt realize she was standing ugh)
  44. SimplyDavina: (Way to "read up" Alu. :p)
  45. IslaSamara: -isla almost spit her coke out of her mouth as she heard the woman call him "bro". -she had to admit, she liked this brit. She had fire...not the Latina sort as she herself possessed but fire still-
  46. AlucardDellucci: ~he would watch the exchange as he coughs almost clearing his throat as he would lean forward. his face showing he wasnt amused as he stayed quiet letting his love handle it~
  47. AlucardDellucci: (sorry eating to lol)
  48. Midhat: [ Happy feast mate. ]
  49. AlucardDellucci: (you gonna respind to davina?.........mate >.<)
  50. Midhat: [ Lad, Mate, Friend, man, sod.................. o_- ]
  51. SimplyDavina: (Fellow, gent.... )
  52. SimplyDavina: (Fella)
  53. Midhat: [ Bruh ]
  54. Midhat: [Homie]
  55. SimplyDavina: (Brohiem)
  56. Midhat: [ Fam ]
  57. SimplyDavina: (Famillia)
  58. SimplyDavina: (Annnnnd scene)
  59. Midhat: [ Can someone shuve a cupcake in her mouth to make her stop, FUCKEN Please. ]
  60. AlucardDellucci: (i would suggest you dont be rude in here ok)
  61. IslaSamara: -the butler returned gratefully as isla took the second shot then placed the shot glass to the tray. She sipped the coke and placed it to the tray then fixed her hazel eyes to the man across from her-"So......what brings you here to warm these good people's couch?"-her cuban accent was a thick but he knew what she meant-
  62. Midhat: His eyes hovered for a second seeing whatever is between everyone in this room. “For 1st I wasn’t aware we are siblings, secondly you can’t touch me due the fact you aren’t that special…….” He paused for a second looking at the man who stood beside her in protective manner “Yet!” He reached with his hand inside his jacket to pick up his switch blade sliding the safety lock on and placing it in front of her on a table that was in place before him “ This the only weapon I can un-surgically remove from my being” If only the devil can smile so bright as he did when he said that.
  63. Midhat: [ Sorry for the lazy posting, the bed is consuming my being now]
  64. IslaSamara: "My my so touchy in the presence of a Don"
  65. Midhat: [ Alucard, I have two words for your future suit creator "GoodLife" and "Invictus" ]
  66. Whispering to
  67. Stop whisper
  69. Send
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