
Loose Change log

Jul 1st, 2016
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  1. [23:23] <Overcity-Mall> (kk, once Jran be set then)
  2. [23:24] <Jran-Kri> ((Here.))
  3. [23:27] <Overcity-Mall> The bustling, busy mall that was the Overcity Mall was once again booming, as usual, 24/7. Customers and other various mallgo'ers were running about to and fro, and where the girls would enter from, would be the common nexus portal to it. One of several, it seems, as currerntly it was basically a row of them by a wall. Nearby was a directory... though, a timer above stating it would update
  4. [23:27] <Overcity-Mall> clicked to zero, and the shape of the entire mall indeed did change, except the central portion in which the girls were standing at, next to it with posters and advertisements for various things, from a 2 on 2 tournament going on, to a strange advertisement calling for magical girls, will pay, to a few 'have you seen' posters and so on... The sections, from the rather limited observations of
  5. [23:27] <Overcity-Mall> the scrolling directory, seemed to be the central was normal, red was a red light district or worse, blue was a monster or non-human based shopping district, and the teal... well, the teal had even less theme'ing than the central mall area, which was basically what one might find in a normal mall. There also was another area but it was covered up with a few papers saying "Under Construction",
  6. [23:27] <Overcity-Mall> which indeed, shifted and re-shaped once the timer clicked to zero, tape and all...
  7. [23:27] <Overcity-Mall> . . . They could head basically anywhere, but wandering about aimlessly would also probably turn up something
  8. [23:32] <Tangent> A slender but tall girl in her midteens, whose frame is only partially bulked up by the mantle and mail she wears as an outfit, wanders through the overcity. She's holding hands with a shorter girl, and seems to constantly glance over to her- slightly more than would be expected. She has the look of someone who's used to being absolutely sure of herself but suddenly finds herself adrift. Someone brittle. She stops to look at a poster for a moment- the 2v2.
  9. [23:33] <Tangent> She shakes her head after a moment's consideration, her eyes lingering on the magical girl advertisment posters.
  10. [23:33] <Tangent> * She stops to look at a poster for a moment- the 2v2.
  11. [23:34] == flashdrive [] has joined #Overcity
  12. [23:36] <Jran-Kri> The shorter, bespecled girl follows along closely, her bright red mantle flicking around her ankles as she walks. The red garment is complemented by a frilly, light pink blouse, neither of which help to bulk up the slight girl. Her gaze constantly swivels around in wonderment at their surroundings, an almost ecstatic fascination on her face. She follows the other girl's gaze to the adverts, blinking owlishly. "Oh my.
  13. [23:36] <Jran-Kri> M-mercenary work?"
  14. [23:37] <Overcity-Mall> Seems they came in a few varieties. From simple ones with a sale for magical tools and weapon modifications, to small jobs about the overcity to inquire within, to a few asking for other odd simple things such as asking for new models, and there was one that even had both a job and also offered making sculptures and various weapon modifications... As for the poster, it simply had the location,
  15. [23:37] <Overcity-Mall> and a few tabs to rip off from the poster. It was conveniently slated for today, though, looking close to the poster, it would simply be that the date keeps getting written over or otherwise. Still, seemed it hasn't started quite yet, and the rules were basically none save for no killing or ill lasting effects to linger after the tournament. The tabs also would lead you to the location, hence
  16. [23:37] <Overcity-Mall> why they seem to be missing quite a few.
  17. [23:38] == FredBox [] has joined #Overcity
  18. [23:38] <Tangent> "Yeah..." the other girl nods. She seems...less enthusiastic. Almost...dull as she looks around, like her fire's been put out. "Yeah, maybe not..." Her gaze lingers on "no killing"... "Come on, there's got to be more to see here..."
  19. [23:39] <Tangent> She can't quite bring herself to sound thrilled about it.
  20. [23:40] <Jran-Kri> Her grip on her companion's hand tightens as she continues to peer at the posters. She doesn't seem too thrilled by the whole idea of the tournament, peering curiously at the other posters. "Yes, yes, of course. Um. This is a mall. Care to, ah.. do some shopping?"
  21. [23:40] == Fredward [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  22. [23:41] <Overcity-Mall> There were advertisements everywhere and the map itself and it's scrolling sort of directory basically showed that shopping indeed was the most probable thing people would do here.
  23. [23:43] <Tangent> Amelia nods. "I...still have some coins." She offers, looking to Alexa and seeming to perk up a bit for the first time in a while at the sight of her friend. "Hey, Alexa, what'd you want?" She seems a bit keen to get Alexa away from the posters, actually gently tugging at her friend- the hand she's holding onto her with has bare fingers.
  24. [23:44] <Tangent> If not for Alexa, she wouldn't be sure what to do now that she's...woken up from her previous state. Without that sense of purpose, of drive...Alexa's the only reminder she has that she matters to someone. That she's done something good.
  25. [23:44] <Jran-Kri> Alexa smiles at Amelia, partially relieved. She squeezes Amelia's hand again before peering back at the directory. "W-well, um, ah -- Kreimhild recommended I look into some, um, literature. Perhaps there's a bookstore around here somewhere."
  26. [23:45] == Alicious has changed nick to Kaht
  27. [23:46] <Tangent> Amelia's grip tightens for a moment at the mention of Kreim, but she bobs her head, managing a smile. "Okay, sure, bookstore! Sounds good. Let's go find one!"
  28. [23:47] <Tangent> And with that she starts walking, not letting go of Alexa's hand as she strides towards the first open door or map board she sees...or just in a random direction if there isn't one.
  29. [23:50] <Jran-Kri> Alexa allows herself to be dragged along, grinning like a loon. Despite having a stated goal, she swivels her head this way and that, fascinated by everything of even remote interest that they pass. "But, um, you know. If-if you see anything you want, ah -- don't hesitate!"
  30. [23:50] <Overcity-Mall> Well, that depends? All the biggest ones seemed to be over at the Teal Section, but many more, still probably large book stores were all around the place, even at the central mall area, and the closest ones would be there indeed, infact there's one right over there to the right!
  31. [23:51] <Tangent> "Sure!" Amelia smiles back at Alexa, slowing her pace a bit. She waits a while for Alexa to stop gawking- if she does- before nudging her friend and pointing at the bookstore.
  32. [23:52] == SkinnyNecro [~Prime@5CA3802D:488834C7:45A37BD4:IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  33. [23:53] <Jran-Kri> Alexa turns to Amelia before following her gaze. Face lighting up, she nods eagerly, immediately heading for the bookstore. This time, she tries to pull her taller friend along, practically skipping over to the storefront.
  34. [23:54] <Tangent> Amelia actually giggles at her friend's eagerness, for the first time in a while. "Still a bookworm, hmm?" Her smile fades a bit. "So...what're you looking for, anyway?"
  35. [23:58] <Overcity-Mall> Said bookstore seemed to look... normal? It had it's fair share of books, and a downstairs and upstairs floor even for it. Around here you could see the usual, fiction, nonfiction, science, academic, magical, beastaries, cursed, divine... uh, okay, so maybe there were more sections than normal. A lot more, at that....
  36. [00:00] <Jran-Kri> Adjusting her glasses on her head, Alexa waves her free hand dismissively. "Oh, nothing in particular -- Kreimhild recommended some old works on, ah, rituals and the like, for the less... directly magical inclined, some work on magical creatures, and she said I should look for an English copy of Emma Kaufmann's work on Magical Girl strategy -- she only has it in German," she rattles of brightly. She swans into the bookstore,
  37. [00:00] <Jran-Kri> taking a deep breath. Moving slowly, she stops to peruse the sections curiously, though her eventual target is the magical books, with a stop towards the beastiary.
  38. [00:02] <Tangent> "Oh. Neat." Amelia relaxes just a bit, but tags along with Alexa rather than wander off on her own. A bit unlike her to be quite so clingy...
  39. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> The book store indeed had quite a few things, rituals, both labeled in "Superstition" and "Confirmed Results", to beastaries on said magical critters... but annoyingly the only coppy of that one specific book she's looking for seems to be either in french or spanish versions only. The pricing was surprisingly not too much, and taking normal currency, and about as much as one would expect for
  40. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> a book to cost... even if that might be for some of these, perhaps too expensive or cheap.
  41. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> ...A small mouse'ish girl, as in, quite literally with oversized mouse ears, seems to be reading through one of the ritual books, squatting down to read and somewhat stay out of peoples way, muttering and whispering to herself as she intently seemed to read through.
  42. [00:12] <Jran-Kri> Despite her concern, Alexa is certainly not complaining about how close Amelia is sticking to her. Despite her attempts at finding Kaufmann's book in a comprehensible language being frustrated -- "Perhaps I should just learn German," she grumbles to Amelia -- she is nonetheless quite excited by the section on rituals. While she takes an academic interest in the superstition, she makes a beeline for the books on confirmed
  43. [00:12] <Jran-Kri> results, curious about what, exactly, can be accomplished with such magic. She is almost as curious about the mouse girl, peering at her occasionally and straining her ears in an attempt to hear her.
  44. [00:14] <Tangent> Amelia pats Alexa on the arm comfortingly. "There's got to be some way to translate it...Magic, maybe...or we could just get a dictionary. I'll help." She offers. The mouse girl gets a slightly suspicious first glance, but not a second.
  45. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> She seems to be reciting back the words in the book, her book listed as dark curses and many misfortunes. As for the other rituals, they were further catagorized by type of those that could cast magic, divine rituals, rituals for magical schools from conjuration to transfiguration, and probably the cases she would be interested, general, low magic, and even a small section for non-magical
  46. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> rituals. Considerably small, but regardless.
  47. [00:16] <Jran-Kri> "Ah yes, what a lovely idea!" Alexa perks up at this, smiling gratefully at Amelia. She returns to the ritual books fascinatedly, though the mousegirl's own book takes her interest for a moment. She rifles through the books on conjuration, taking an interest in this topic seemingly at random.
  48. [00:23] <Overcity-Mall> The muttering from the small girl, seems to now speak upon who she wants to curse, specifically that of a 'certain bitch at school', as for what, unknown. She certainly doesn't feel of corruption or otherwise, and her expression seems too shy/worried over these words or looking through it to figure her as the type anyway. As for the conjuration books, there were a fair bit on summoning rituals
  49. [00:23] <Overcity-Mall> actually, it was the biggest section by far it seemed. From summoning animals, demons, spiritual creatures, familiars and their similar binding rituals, and more, typically they weren't the biggest of books, but still fairly wordy... and most of them seeming to be single spell, if not single function for a spell such as only summoning ONE creature, as to a type of them. There also was some
  50. [00:23] <Overcity-Mall> stuff about healing rituals and magics, for however much you might want or need those.
  51. [00:26] <Tangent> Amelia looks over as she catches a brief mutter, taking more of an interest in the stranger. She glances back to Alexa as she happily skims, biting down hard on her lip.
  52. [00:26] <Tangent> In the end, she keeps an ear on the mouse girl without moving.
  53. [00:27] <Jran-Kri> "Aaah, perfect," Alexa takes a book on summoning familiars and spiritual creatures to hook under her arm, though she eyes the rest of them enviously. It's clear she would make off with the whole section if she could. She glances back at Amelia to report success before seeing her disconcerted expression. Looking over at the mouse girl again, she clears her throat, but clearly wants to leave any intervention on that account to
  54. [00:27] <Jran-Kri> Amelia. She pads through the bookshelves, taking an idle peek at the superstition section out of mere academic curiosity.
  55. [00:28] <Tangent> Amelia reaches out with her arm as Alexa slips away, but lowers it, glancing to Alexa for a moment before standing where she is.
  56. [00:29] <Overcity-Mall> The superstition section was meanwhile, divided into confirmed false, likely false, plausible, and debated, and they ranged to, well, both those that were normal spells, to various strange or odd rituals and otherwise, and so on.
  57. [00:30] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl didn't seem to react to a cough, instead seeming to mutter and focus it seemed on this 'bitch who will get what she deserves'
  58. [00:32] <Jran-Kri> With yet another concerned glance over at the mouse girl, Alexa forces herself to focus on finding something on weather manipulation, working her way from plausible back into the less so.
  59. [00:34] <Overcity-Mall> Plausible had some "alternative" spell methods, which would involve that of controling weather, to primative rain dances of various cultures, and so on so forth.
  60. [00:37] <Tangent> Amelia frowns at that, then furrows her brow in concentration and strides over, trying to summon some of her...old certainty as she calls out.
  61. [00:37] <Tangent> "Hey there."
  62. [00:37] <Tangent> She folds her arms, looking down at the mouse-eared girl.
  63. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse eared girl jumps, yelping as she turns, and points her hand at Amelia frantically!(roll vs a magic attack~)
  64. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> !ex 7 v 7 Totally not a curse
  65. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  66. [00:39] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 70 [61%] :: Results [4, 10, 1, 9, 10, 5, 4] ::
  67. [00:40] == Eprlide [~Eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  68. [00:42] <Overcity-Mall> (. . . And if not transformed, just uh, roll as if you were for this one)
  69. [00:43] <Tangent> !ex 6 v 7 Amelia cannot into mag
  70. [00:43] <Tangent> .d 6d10
  71. [00:43] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 60 [51%] :: Results [4, 4, 7, 1, 7, 8] ::
  72. [00:44] <Overcity-Mall> The wave of magic seems to hit Amelia, as a strange tingle runs through her body. She seems and feels mostly fine, though, the mouse girl drops the book worriedly. "A-ah! S-sorry, i'm sorry I didn't mean to- oh god did I just..." she said worriedly, ashamed and afraid.... backing away from Amelia cautiously. Before she would break out into a full on run if not stopped or otherwise.
  73. [00:45] <Tangent> Amelia glares. Then she takes two steps forward, reaching for the mousegirl's wrist.
  74. [00:46] == IWBTG [] has quit []
  75. [00:46] <Jran-Kri> "God in Heaven!" Alexa exclaims at the outburst of magic, dropping her books as her staff springs into existence with a flash of light. Her attention is all on Amelia as her magic envelopes her, in an effort to mend any ill effects. [Miracle Worker, 3 Mana: Healed to next threshold]
  76. [00:46] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d10
  77. [00:46] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 20 [50%] :: Results [2, 8] ::
  78. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> (oh wow she acutally got a success... not that I think she'll escape getting grabbed, roll some physical stat IDK?)
  79. [00:47] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  80. [00:47] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 80 [52%] :: Results [8, 10, 2, 8, 2, 3, 6, 3] ::
  81. [00:49] <Overcity-Mall> Yea, she's very much grabbed, as she squeaks and squirms "IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY I DIDNT MEAN IT AH!" she yelped loudly, frightened and afraid... Amelia didn't feel much healed, but it wasn't like the spell hurt her in any way shape or form at that.
  82. [00:50] <Tangent> "Hey, stop that." Amelia grumbles. "I'm not going to hurt you, okay?"
  83. [00:50] <Tangent> Even if she'd gotten zapped...It's not like she's not used to taking hits...
  84. [00:53] <Jran-Kri> Alexa wrings her hands, hooking her staff into the crook of her arm. Though she's breathing heavily, she takes Amelia's cue and attempts to calm down. "Y-y-yes, yes, it's okay, it's okay, calm down we're very sorry for startling you yes of course."
  85. [00:55] <Tangent> Amelia glances to Alexa- even with the other girl literally in hand, she almost seems more worried about reassuring Alexa...
  86. [00:56] == DanTheUnchanging [] has joined #Overcity
  87. [00:58] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse indeed calms down a bit, nodding franitcally. "B-but I mean, I just cursed you and I totally didn't mean to, I ment it on this bitch of a girl at school who's totally out to ruin a whole bunch of people's lives and stuff but I got distracted and now you're hit by it and oh god what do I do I don't know how to actually uncurse or fix curse stuff!" she said frantically.
  88. [00:59] == SkinnyNecro [~Prime@5CA3802D:488834C7:45A37BD4:IP] has joined #Overcity
  89. [00:59] == CensorshipChan [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria]
  90. [01:00] <Tangent> "I'm fine. Really. I...It's just a stupid curse. Don't worry." Amelia declares, certainly. After her magic's turned her soul into mincemeat, not like a curse'd do much worse, right? "Deep breaths, okay? I'll let you go if you promise not to run off."
  91. [01:01] <Tangent> " shouldn't do that." Amelia frowns disapprovingly. "Seriously, cursing people?"
  92. [01:01] <Jran-Kri> "Um! Um! Alright, alright, um -- wh-what d-does the c-curse do?" Alexa stammers, though she opens her palms placatingly. "P-p-perhaps i-it's in the b-book you were just reading?"
  93. [01:01] <Tangent> "It's okay, Alexa..." Amelia murmurs reassuringly.
  94. [01:02] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh. Yes. Well. At the moment. These can take a while to take affect," Alexa points out dourly.
  95. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> "Right right... u-um, and uh... well, yes it is in the book, it was going to turn her into a frog... or pig." she said, nodding as she kneeled a bit to try reaching for the book if not let go, before grabbing and checking. "Um... Yea. Frog- wait, or pig. Maybe...? Did I do it wrong...?" she muttered, worriedly.
  96. [01:03] <Tangent> "Wait, WHAT?"
  97. [01:03] <Jran-Kri> "Well. Um. She... does not appear to be either of those," Alexa murmurs, staring at Amelia contemplatively. "But, um... That's still... very bad. Yes. Don't do that -- though can I see that when you're done please and thank you."
  98. [01:03] == Eprlide_ [~Eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has joined #Overcity
  99. [01:03] <Tangent> Amelia's got quite a set of lungs when she shouts- and she isn't used to nervousness. "Um. I take it back. Yeah, uh, give it to Alexa?"
  100. [01:05] == Eprlide_ [~Eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has quit []
  101. [01:05] <Overcity-Mall> She nodded, frantically handing it off to Alexa. On the left was a ritual and cursing enchantment to transform a human into a frog, and on the right, was the pig spell, this one limited to girls but, well, that's not going to help here. However, she can also tell, it wasn't too hard to mistake the incantation on each page as part of the same line... so, if she casted both sides? Who knows
  102. [01:05] <Overcity-Mall> what will happen...
  103. [01:05] <Overcity-Mall> . . . Or how to cure it, at that, as they seemed to have different methods to fix it
  104. [01:06] <Tangent> Amelia bites her lip nervously, now all but pacing in place. She glowers at the mouse girl...but doesn't say anything.
  105. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> The left seemed to require the blood of someone of divine nobility, enough to coat a frog in... so, a pint at most in modern terms. The right side however, required a truffle potion, and would become permanent after a week. Again though, if she read both of these, this might not help. At all.
  106. [01:08] <Tangent> "Um, so...any luck?" She asks Alexa, trying not to sound nervous.
  107. [01:08] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh, Christ, lord of Heaven and Earth," Alexa mumbles, ever so subtly crossing herself. She looks at the two spells with mounting unease. "W-well. Um... Excuse me, um... girl. I... These spells require, um, materials. I... guess you don't have these on you? So... the spell, um, wouldn't work without them?"
  108. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> "Huh? Uh, no... I mean, the enchantments had some blood ritual cost, but I kinda prepared that." she said, reaching into her purse and pulling out two water bottles, empty and see through, but with a light brown tinting of residue, that of dried blood. "...It should've only taken one of these at most so... uh, that's a bad sign I think." she muttered.
  109. [01:10] <Tangent> "What're you doing running around with stuff like that, anyway? That's abusing your magic!"
  110. [01:10] <Tangent> Amelia's falling back on old habits in her nervousness, pointing at the mousegirl and voice raised. "What the heck'd justify CURSING someone, anyway?"
  111. [01:12] <Jran-Kri> "Our father, who art in Heaven..." Alexa begins, one eye twitching behind her glasses. She stares at the water bottles incredulously. "Yes. Um. Well. I-I can... I think I know where she's coming from. Some people need taking down a peg." Her gaze darkens ever so slightly.
  112. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I'm still learning how to use magic I'm new to it and stuff and I didn't want my tutor to learn I was using this spell so I looekd at her book but I needed to go find it somewhere else and here it is and she's REALLY REALLY BITCHY!" the mouse franitcally whined, backing away worriedly.
  113. [01:13] <Tangent> Amelia frowns at Alexa, but doesn't contradict her friend...She scowls at the mousegirl. "Yeah, when this is over, you and I are going to have a long, long talk. You don't use your magic like that, got it? It's just not right. You're supposed to keep people safe, not just use it because you don't LIKE someone."
  114. [01:14] <Tangent> She can't help but pace nervously even as she's trying to give a lecture. Damnit, she's actually starting to MISS being fearless right now...
  115. [01:15] <Jran-Kri> Whatever connection Alexa thought she held with this girl dissolves. "Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come..." She continues, closing her eyes and reciting a few lines. "Okay. Okay. That's bad -- Yes, not right at all. Okay. That established," she closes the book, holding it in the crook of her arm and placing her staff in her hands. "Let's, um... Try the obvious," she flicks the staff and the red crystal orb on the end
  116. [01:15] <Jran-Kri> lights up, coating Amelia in light. [Panacea, Cleanse]
  117. [01:15] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa, hopefully. "Thanks, Alexa...Um, did it work, or..."
  118. [01:16] == FredBox [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  119. [01:17] <Overcity-Mall> The light falls upon Amelia... you can't much tell if that fixed it. Though... looking really close, Amelia might find that there were a few small, black speckles starting to line the sides of her arms, starting at the fingers and slowly starting to spread, very, very slowly.... but noticable on her hands if she looked.
  120. [01:17] <Tangent> "Uh, Alexa?" Amelia gulps. "I...I can see spots on my...arms. That's not good."
  121. [01:18] <Tangent> "What the HECK did you do?" She demands of the mousegirl.
  122. [01:18] <Jran-Kri> "Oooh dear. Okay. Yes. Um. Figured that'd be too easy," Alexa wrings her hands again, swapping the staff out for the book again and cracking it open worriedly. "Um. Um. Um. Okay. Um. She kind of... cast half of two spells at once. So, um. Half of each solution? Oh, Christ alive."
  123. [01:19] <Tangent> ...Maybe if she uses her mag...No. She's not going to do that. She's never actually cleansed anything- let alone something that isn't corruption, and between the curse and her magic...she's not sure which one she trusts less right now.
  124. [01:19] <Tangent> "I...Um, tell me the good news, Alexa?" Amelia blurts.
  125. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> "I-just-read-the-curse-thinking-that-was-it-and-trying-to-long-range-focus-the-curse-on-her-with-scrying-then-you-distracted-me-please-don't-hurt-me-i'm-sorry!" she stammered rather quickly, trembling at this and taking a few steps back, as if preparing to run away.
  126. [01:22] <Tangent> "Hmmph. That's no excuse." Amelia scowls, arms folded. She keeps shooting glances to Alexa, and down at herself, dreading what'll happen every time she does.
  127. [01:23] <Tangent> At least she's probably not turning into a pig...She hopes. Not that the other option's much better...Or anything, really...
  128. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> She might notice the black spots are starting to work their way up her arms, though, they're fairly small and scattered out still.
  129. [01:23] <Tangent> She's not even sure who or what she is right now, she doesn't want to have to figure everything out as some kind of animal. "...Crap. It's spreading..."
  130. [01:24] <Tangent> Experimentally, she tries flaring up her magic, just a bit. Maybe that'll help if she just lets it...out near her arms?
  131. [01:24] <Tangent> After all, fire's...supposed to burn away corruption, right? Even if there's no way she'd ever turn herself back into what she was becoming before she...reformed herself...
  132. [01:24] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I um, we can ask master! She's very good at magic! And she's my aunt so she won't be that mad I mean!" she said worriedly, frantically. As for helping? The black spots grow. Faster. Feeding the flames of this curse seems to be the worst option.
  133. [01:25] == Mira [~Mira@CCA34701:B6069D76:A7716222:IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  134. [01:25] <Overcity-Mall> They slow down back to the absurdly slow rate once she stops though.
  135. [01:25] == Mira [~Mira@BDAD727D:DC69A273:A7716222:IP] has joined #Overcity
  136. [01:25] <Jran-Kri> Alexa doesn't respond to Amelia immediately, taking a moment to recite another passage of scripture, screwing her eyes shut. "For he will deliver you from the snare of the flower and from the deadly pestilence..." Opening her eyes, she grins nervously at Amelia, turning back to the book and looking at the remedies for each individual spell. "Okay, um... Bugger. Let's... Yes please ask your bloody master for God's sake! I
  137. [01:25] <Jran-Kri> don't want to guess at this!"
  138. [01:26] <Tangent> "Oh god BAD IDEA BAD IDEA." Amelia blurts, waving her arms frantically as though trying to backpedal in place. "Right, let's go. Now." She snaps, glancing to Alexa. "Ah, guess the trip's...cancelled. Sorry..." She tries to joke, but she sounds worried anyway.
  139. [01:26] <Tangent> She reaches out and pats Alexa comfortingly, again. At least she still has hands to do it with...for now.
  140. [01:26] <Tangent> How much has it spread now?
  141. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> "K-Kay... uh, leave the book please, we're not supposed to browse them without buying... though uh, I'll buy that book later anyway, when mom gives me more allowance..." she said, twiddling her fingers, before shaking her head. "W-we need to go to the teal section of the mall, she should be working there. Just uh, lets... not take the shortcut though. It'll only take a day longer to get
  142. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> there!" she said worriedly.
  143. [01:27] <Overcity-Mall> It's not even to her elbows, for refrence
  144. [01:27] <Overcity-Mall> But her hands are disproportionately more spotty than her fore-arms due to this attempt
  145. [01:27] <Tangent> Amelia groans. "Oops..."
  146. [01:27] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  147. [01:27] <Tangent> "A DAY?!"
  148. [01:28] <Tangent> "Why, what's wrong with the shortcut? That sounds pretty good right now!"
  149. [01:28] <Jran-Kri> Sighing, Alexa places the books back into their sections, before doing a double take at the mention of 'a day.' "A day?!" She echoes incredulously. "Yes, God in Heaven, girl! We don't have a bloody day!"
  150. [01:29] <Overcity-Mall> "Th-these curses are ment to take a week or longer to finish, we'll have time!" she said frantically. "Plus it's way safer, the shortcut's through the construction stuff and that's all dark, scary, creepy and master says not to take it or else she'll probably end up finding me dead or as something to hang on the wall." she said in a frightened tone. "I really don't know what's there but master
  151. [01:29] <Overcity-Mall> says to never go through the construction work, she stayed at her shop for a year because of that construction stuff once... even though she also is realy into it for some reason." she added.
  152. [01:31] == Mira [~Mira@BDAD727D:DC69A273:A7716222:IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  153. [01:31] <Jran-Kri> Despite the clear urgency in her demeanour, Alexa sees the logic in this. Sighing heavily, she nonetheless glares at the girl. "Fine. Fine. Okay. We'll take the long way. But I swear, if Amelia is a pig or a frog or a-a pig-frog by the time we get there...!" Alexa trails off, scrunching her face up and waggling a finger.
  154. [01:31] == Mira [~Mira@BDAD727D:DC69A273:A7716222:IP] has joined #Overcity
  155. [01:32] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I mean, if we took the shortcut we can get there in like, maybe three hours instead of a day and a half? But master makes it sound REALLY really dangerous, even fo rher...." she said in a frightened expression.
  156. [01:32] <Tangent> "I...I have no idea what I...I'm turning into, but...I don't think it's a pig..."
  157. [01:32] <Tangent> Amelia hesitates. For a long, long moment. Her gaze stops at Alexa...then she shakes her head.
  158. [01:32] <Tangent> "No. You're right. Long way it is."
  159. [01:33] <Jran-Kri> "Frog! Okay, we're leaning towards frog! Lovely!" Alexa throws up her arms. "As much as I bloody want to, we can take the long way if you're so damn scared!"
  160. [01:33] <Jran-Kri> ((BRB, <10 minutes))
  161. [01:33] <Tangent> "Alexa, it's okay..." Amelia murmurs, reaching out and...patting Alexa's hair? Oh, she's tall enough to do that now...For now, anyway.
  162. [01:34] <Tangent> "Don't worry. It's...safer, and she'll know the way.'
  163. [01:34] <Tangent> Amelia glares at mousegirl. "You. Mousegirl. You *do* know the way, right?"
  164. [01:34] <Tangent> She grates, voice definitely annoyed. Who can blame her, though?
  165. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> She sighed in some relief. "I-I don't think it's pig either, usually that apperantly starts with the nose, or uh, you'd maybe be fatter...? I dunno, master always does her spells so quick." she sighed, before nodding. "U-uh, anyway, lets go...." she said, shuffling over to put the book away, before meekly squeaking. "M-mostly. The map changes all the time but that shouldn't be too much of a
  166. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> problem, uh, so long as my cell phone has batteries." she said, holding it up. For the record, the cellphone's charge was at only 8% it seemed.
  167. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> As to how long 8% lasts for magical phones
  168. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> Who knows.
  169. [01:36] <Tangent> Amelia facepalms. "You're kinda shit at planning. You, uh, know that right? What's your name, anyway? If someone screws me over like this, least I should know is their name, right?"
  170. [01:36] == Mira [~Mira@BDAD727D:DC69A273:A7716222:IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  171. [01:36] == Mira [~Mira@BDAD727D:DC69A273:A7716222:IP] has joined #Overcity
  172. [01:37] <Overcity-Mall> "Raspberry, um, nice to meet you... a-also sorry, I know I'm not that smart." she said dejectedly, sighing to the two.
  173. [01:39] <Tangent> "You can say that again." Amelia huffs. Sure, it's mean, but under the circumstances, she feels she deserves it. "What the heck're you doing, throwing around random magic like that? You shouldn't use magic if you don't MEAN it! And don't you have anyone to tell you..."
  174. [01:39] <Tangent> Oh. Right. Amelia DID. And the Puuchu did that to her anyway.
  175. [01:39] <Tangent> She trails off, shaking her head.
  176. [01:39] <Tangent> "...never mind." She grumbles. "Thanks. Thanks for nothing..."
  177. [01:40] <Tangent> She looks down at her arms instead, slightly nervously.
  178. [01:40] == Shavyla [~Shavyla@D0B1B6F6.C4FA2A50.21EB1DF5.IP] has joined #Overcity
  179. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> "I totally ment to use it on that bitch of a girl, she's seriously ruining the life of everyone at school! I even spent all that time draining my own blood for this... now I gotta start it all over again." she sighed, "U-uh, after we fix you though, of course! Or, make it stop changing you, maybe nothing'll need to actualy be fixed by the time we're done or and stuff! It shouldn't be that
  180. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> long." she said enthusiastically.
  181. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> ...Also her arms were still arms. Yep.
  182. [01:42] <Overcity-Mall> Those are human arms alright.
  183. [01:42] <Tangent> "No."
  184. [01:42] <Tangent> Amelia snaps.
  185. [01:42] <Tangent> "You're going to leave her alone, understood? No matter what. You don't use magic for that. Ever."
  186. [01:43] <Tangent> She actually stares the other girl down. "That's wrong. That's a WASTE of magic. You use it to help people and stop evil. Not....schoolgirls."
  187. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> "Th-then what do I do, I mean, the last person who tried to stand up to her got turned into her chair!" she said frantically and worriedly. "She's totally evil and stuff!"
  188. [01:44] <Tangent> "...What." Amelia shakes her head. "Okay, change of plans. You fix this mess YOU made...and I help you stop her. Because yeah, that's evil."
  189. [01:44] <Tangent> "...Why didn't you say that FIRST?!" She adds a second later.
  190. [01:47] <Overcity-Mall> "Um, cause I kinda figured you knew I was a magical student, I mean, the outfit and all...?" she said. For the record, her clothes were.... a rather bland set of robes. Generic as hell, and at most, a tiny little insignia of the school's on the chest to the right. Which was usually covered by her being defensive, or reading.
  191. [01:48] <Jran-Kri> "That is, um... slightly... beyond the scope of, um... normal b-bullying," Alexa agrees, blinking owlishly. "Yes. Yes. Um. Under the circumstances -- completely proportionate response. But, well, um, magical student doesn't n-necessarily mean magical bullying though um in hindsight I guess that would follow."
  192. [01:48] <Tangent> "...Oh. There's...magic school? That's a thing?" Amelia shakes her head. "Never mind, let's GO already!"
  193. [01:49] == therecorder [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  194. [01:49] <Overcity-Mall> "I mean, yes, there's a lot of bitchy folks, but they usually will go and only do temporary stuff or taunt people, because curses on others tend to draw ire from others, but she cursed that girls' whole family too after they came after her, so she's totally strong too and all... and everyone's too scared to do something about it so I had to do something." she said with a sigh, before nodding.
  195. [01:49] <Overcity-Mall> "R-right, this way then..." she said, starting to lead them along...
  196. [01:50] <Overcity-Mall> ...Before stopping and gettting distracted as she looked a bit longingly at a nutmeg donut at the local bakery shop, right next to one of many generic mall pretzel shops. This might be part of why it takes a day and a half to get to her destination....
  197. [01:50] <Tangent> "...Okay, we'll deal with that after...after this...But yeah, she's got to! Hey! I'M RIGHT HERE!"
  198. [01:50] <Tangent> Amelia stamps her foot, and a little gust of flame shoots up from her shoe. Oops...
  199. [01:51] <Tangent> "...Didn't mean to do that." She mumbles.
  200. [01:51] <Jran-Kri> Alexa follows along silently, no longer commenting on this strange matter despite her clear interest in the prospect of magical school. She is nonplussed by Amelia's outburst, merely prodding Raspberry in the back when she stops.
  201. [01:52] <Overcity-Mall> The girl yelps at this, before nodding. "R-Right sorry! But uh, can I stop at the next bakery to pick up a bag of sunflower seeds for the road?" she chimed in a bit optimistically.
  202. [01:52] <Tangent> "NO."
  203. [01:52] <Tangent> Amelia has her hands on her hips, and is scowling.
  204. [01:53] <Overcity-Mall> She sighed as she hung her head in defeat, as they hurried along... it seemed fairly uneventful. Besides the fact that the mall just kept going and going and going....
  205. [01:53] <Tangent> "Gahh..." Amelia's distracting herself by focusing on the road...but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere...
  206. [01:54] == Raincoat has changed nick to RaincoatZZZ
  207. [01:54] <Overcity-Mall> ...Amelia could see the sign saying that teal wing was to the right, but she kept going on straight, following her phone. And it was going somewhere, after all: It was going to more stores. As stores lined the left and right. Welcome to the infinite world of a mall!
  208. [01:54] <Tangent> "Stupid overcity rules...stupid curse...stupid magic..." She grumbles. She pulled out her sword and is tossing it from hand to hand to distract herself. "Wait, we just went past it..." She comments, not sounding convinced. "You're sure this is the right way?"
  209. [01:55] <Tangent> "I kinda don't want to find out what you did..."
  210. [01:55] <Overcity-Mall> "Th-that's one of the shortcuts! I mean, I'm pretty sure, aunt only warned me about the one close by her place but they're kinda everywhere..." she said, worriedly and looking to it, then to her phone. "Y-yea it says keep going this way."
  211. [01:56] <Tangent> Amelia doesn't look entirely convinced, but glances to Alexa. "Hmm."
  212. [01:57] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grumbles at this, clearly sorely tempted by this shortcut -- but, remembering her earlier warning, just makes a dismissive gesture and keeps following along.
  213. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl shyly looked as if she really was scared of the idea of taking this shortcut... but if the girls wanted. Otherwise, she'd continue along the basic path.
  214. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d6
  215. [01:57] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 6 [33%] :: Results [2] ::
  216. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> (don't mind that roll~)
  217. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Though
  218. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  219. [01:57] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 80 [47%] :: Results [10, 8, 3, 6, 1, 1, 7, 2] ::
  220. [01:57] <Tangent> Amelia takes Alexa's hand and shrugs, clearly unhappy about it.
  221. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Also don't mind that. Probably.)
  222. [01:58] <Overcity-Mall> .d 4d10
  223. [01:58] <Internets> :: Total 35 / 40 [87%] :: Results [8, 10, 10, 7] ::
  224. [01:58] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl would continue along. Constantly ignoring those "Teal Wing" paths and arrows... if anything she seems to be heading to the blue wing as she followed her phone.
  225. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> And infact
  226. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> They'd be continuing along for over an hour of just walking
  227. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia's spots meanwhile've progressed to her shoulders, if she's been checking
  228. [02:00] <Tangent> She hasn't, which is why she makes a strangled noise when she remembers to. "Oh, crap." She blurts.
  229. [02:00] <Overcity-Mall> ...Infact, she has them now all over her body, though, more on the sides than flatly on her person, as the middle parts such as her belly or backside, or the palm and backhand of her arms were similarly still normal.
  230. [02:00] <Overcity-Mall> Besides these spots though? Nothing seems out of place.
  231. [02:00] <Tangent> "Hey. You. What's your name...You're SURE you got it right this time?" Amelia demands.
  232. [02:00] <Tangent> "Spots...What even has spots..."
  233. [02:00] <Overcity-Mall> "I'm sure it's still right! It's always right!"
  234. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> She's going past another teal wing path and down the path to "red and blue wings"
  235. [02:01] <Jran-Kri> "... I'm pretty sure some frogs have spots," Alexa points out, though she continues to stare at the mouse girl. "YOU had better be right."
  236. [02:01] <Tangent> "And if it's wrong, I'm going to be useless! Something usel..." She shakes her head, grip on Alexa's hands tightening.
  237. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> That teal wing path even seems to have light at the end of the path unlike most which looked more like going into a dark alleyway somewhat at times.
  238. [02:02] <Tangent> "Okay. If it's always right...It's always right..."
  239. [02:02] <Tangent> Amelia takes a deep breath and continues more calmly. "Trusting you here, mouse girl...My...being me's in your hands..."
  240. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> She continues along... and the crowds are thinning it seems, not as many people this deep into the mall, as hour three passes by... and a girl seems to run past the next corner ahead, not seeming ot look where she's going and heading straight headlong into the others!
  241. [02:03] <Tangent> At least she can't see the latest spots under her outfit...though if they're on her face, Alexa might...
  242. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl dodges, however for the others?
  243. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> (Roll Agi or Luck to evade!)
  244. [02:03] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  245. [02:03] <Internets> :: Total 17 / 20 [85%] :: Results [7, 10] ::
  246. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> (Either that or some other thing to stop the girl from running into you. Also yes, she has the slightest set of spots lining her neck.)
  247. [02:05] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  248. [02:05] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 40 [32%] :: Results [1, 2, 6, 4] ::
  249. [02:05] <Tangent> Amelia's too distracted by running her hands over her arms and exposed skin as though that'll stop it to even notice. She's even let go of Alexa's hand for the moment.
  250. [02:06] <Overcity-Mall> Still, Amelia would, by it dumb luck or otherwise, end up evading the girl as she let go, only for Alexa to be hit dead on by the clutzy girl, whom fell on top of Alexa then rolled off with a small "Oof, sorry miss! Super totally in a hurry though!" she said, standing up and looking to the others if they were going to stop her or something.
  251. [02:07] <Tangent> "Hey, watch where you're going!" Amelia grumbles. "You ran into Alexa!"
  252. [02:07] <Tangent> Even with her imminent frog-hood, she still seems briefly more worried abour her friend as she rushes over. "You okay?"
  253. [02:08] <Overcity-Mall> "What's an Alexa? Oh, wait, her, uh, sorry there Alexa! Super sorry! But in a super big rush, so see ya!" she called, is anyone stopping her?
  254. [02:08] <Jran-Kri> Alexa yelps, toppling over like a sack of potatoes. She scrambles back to her feet, brushing herself off and staring at the girl. "Wh-where are you going?!" She huffs.
  255. [02:08] <Tangent> "Jeez, what's her...WAIT!" Amelia yells.
  256. [02:08] <Tangent> "STOP!"
  257. [02:08] <Overcity-Mall> "Gotta super go, there's a super big sale going on and I need to get to it, pronto!" she said, waving, stopping for a moment at the call to wait. "What! It's super important!" she said, turning back and running back to the others.
  258. [02:09] <Overcity-Mall> (By the way, I forgot, but roll perception)
  259. [02:09] <Tangent> "Where's the teal section? THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT!"
  260. [02:09] <Tangent> (what's the baseline for per?)
  261. [02:09] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, I just came from it." she said, pointing down the way they were already heading. "Can I, like, super get going now?"
  262. [02:09] <Overcity-Mall> (roll 1d20 is the simple way)
  263. [02:09] <Overcity-Mall> (Awareness and Third eye grant bonuses)
  264. [02:10] <Tangent> "Wait, no- what way? Just there? No tricks?" Amelia demands.
  265. [02:10] <Tangent> 1d20
  266. [02:10] <Tangent> .d 1d20
  267. [02:10] <Internets> :: Total 12 / 20 [60%] :: Results [12] ::
  268. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> "No tricks, but it's really super far away!"
  269. [02:10] <Tangent> "...Damnit!"
  270. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d20+5
  271. [02:10] <Internets> :: Total 15 / 25 [60%] :: Results [10] ::
  272. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa? Your roll?)
  273. [02:13] <Jran-Kri> .d 1d20
  274. [02:13] <Internets> :: Total 5 / 20 [25%] :: Results [5] ::
  275. [02:13] == flashdrive_ [] has joined #Overcity
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  278. [02:17] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs heavily, waving a dimissive hand. "Alright. Neat. Thank you. Carry on," she grumbles testily, eye twitching spastically.
  279. [02:18] <Overcity-Mall> She nods, waving before running off rather quickly, even moreso than she was before....
  280. [02:18] <Tangent> "...Thanks." Amelia echoes. She looks meaningfully at the mousegirl. "Let's go! Raspberry?"
  281. [02:19] <Overcity-Mall> ...And soon after, some monsters (not with corruption in the slightest) and a human, all in mall cop uniforms run past, the human following a beeping device, who stops at Alexa, "Miss, have you seen a small girl run by here?" "Wait hold up, device is pinging her, miss can I check your bag real fast now?" The monster then the human spoke.
  282. [02:20] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry meanwhile looks a bit worried, and confused...
  283. [02:21] <Tangent> "...Wait, hang on...Alexa hasn't done anything!" Amelia says, alarmed. "I was with her the whole time."
  284. [02:21] <Tangent> She steps forward, protectively standing in front of her friend.
  285. [02:21] <Tangent> "A girl just ran that way, yeah...Why?"
  286. [02:22] <Jran-Kri> Alexa blinks owlishly, nearly leaping out of her skin. Nonetheless, she waves Amelia off, stepping forward. "Y-yes, o-o-officer, a-a girl just b-bumped into me -- she went that'a way," she gestures in the direction the girl fled. A moment later, she offers up her handbag.
  287. [02:22] <Tangent> Amelia bites her lip, looking worried. It's not that she doesn't trust the law- even if they have monsters- it's...worry for Alexa as much as her own situation.
  288. [02:24] <Overcity-Mall> The mall cop guy looks in, then opens it up and pulls out what seems to be a shiny idol's head. "Well, here... and...." he said, fishing around a bit, before shaking his head and handing it back to her. "Damnit, just a ruse, after her you two!" "Roger!" the monsters called, as he sternly sighs, looking to the girl. "Ma'am, I'm going to need you to come with me for a bit, till we check security
  289. [02:24] <Overcity-Mall> footage and I've asked a few questions of you." He said simply, and sternly. "W-wait uh, how long does that take?" "Shouldn't take more than a couple've hours, unless that girl's caught sooner than that." He stated simply. "Just need to make sure you're also not one of her many fences or an accomplice."
  290. [02:25] <Tangent> "I've never met her! Sir, We...I... don't have *time*. There's an...accident, and...and I'm turning into a FROG or something!"
  291. [02:25] <Tangent> "...Look, I promise, I swear, on my honor as a magical girl, I've never seen her before. WE'VE never seen her before. I didn't know she was a thief."
  292. [02:26] <Tangent> Amelia hesitates. "Hey, sir...You just need to watch us, right?"
  293. [02:27] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's eye twitches spastically, turning a bright red shade. "Sir, yes, we really don't have TIME -- you must understand, I would LOVE to help you but we really need to stop my friend here from turning into a bloody FROG, and I will catch that little rat MYSELF if it would speed this whole thing up!"
  294. [02:27] <Tangent> "Do you know how to get to the teal section fast? We really, really need to get there before...before it's too late...You us all the way there? Like...if you have a radio or some-" Amelia has to pause for breath.
  295. [02:28] <Tangent> Amelia's stammering now. That knot in her stomach...that worry...She's almost forgotten what fear felt like.
  296. [02:31] <Overcity-Mall> "It won't take too long, and you can keep on your way miss, we only need to question this little lass here." He stated simply, the mouse girl worriedly looking back and forth to everyone. "And I can't take the risk of her running off on her own." he stated, sternly. "Unfortunatly beyond that, I can't bend the rules any more, I should be taking all three of you in on principle of witnesses,
  297. [02:31] <Overcity-Mall> but I'll bend it that much if you're in that much of a hurry."
  298. [02:32] <Overcity-Mall> "Also you can take a shortcut through the construction zones, just mind the workers and their mess, duck away into a shop or something before it comes by."
  299. [02:32] <Jran-Kri> "God in Heaven," Alexa huffs, waving a dismissive hand at Amelia. "Fine. Go off, get yourself fixed up -- I'll go with these fine gentlemen. Meet you at home."
  300. [02:33] <Tangent> "Damnit..." She shakes her head, looking to Alexa. "What about when you're done with your stupid questions? She's free to go?" Amelia asks the mall cop.
  301. [02:33] <Overcity-Mall> "Once we check the security footage too, yes." "U-uh, Amelia was it? I um, you won't turn into a frog for at least four days, I think? So we should have time if we need to slow down here." she whispered.
  302. [02:35] <Tangent> Amelia scowls. "Just like I was going to turn into a pig?" She shoots back, arms folded. "Damnit, damnit, damnit..." She looks to Alexa. Frog or not, she's not leaving her friend. "Fine. We're going with her then. But you're wasting your time." She shakes her head angrily.
  303. [02:35] <Tangent> She reaches out and takes Alexa's hand with a bit more force than necessary. They're sticking together. "Okay, officer. Let's get this over with."
  304. [02:36] <Tangent> She sheathes her sword, freeing her other hand, which she rests on her hip with a decidedly grumpy air.
  305. [02:37] <Overcity-Mall> "Probably, but this theif's been plaguing the mall for quite some time now, and any ends to cut her off, we need to take it." he said sternly, as the mouse girl sighed, looking to Amelia. "Um, we can at least maybe go and get food real quick though, I'm getting hungry and it's like, dinner time isn't it?" she said, checking the clock, it indeed was about seven. "We can pick food up for your
  306. [02:37] <Overcity-Mall> friend too."
  307. [02:37] == Magical_Girl_Violet [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  308. [02:37] <Tangent> "If I turn into a frog because you got the munchies..." Amelia gripes, then shakes the head. "Yeah, yeah..."
  309. [02:37] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs heavily, squeezing Amelia's hand. "Yes, yes. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear except crushing boredom," she groans. "Oh well I do apologize if you've been INCONVENIENCED BY CURSING MY FRIEND," Alexa barks at Raspberry. "But fine. Yes. Food. Let's just be off."
  310. [02:39] <Tangent> Amelia squeezes back.
  311. [02:39] <Tangent> "Maybe we should get a fish tank while we're at it..." She tries to joke, but her throat's gone dry from nervousness.
  312. [02:39] <Overcity-Mall> "Sorry, sorry sorry, sorry... sorry!" she said meekly, shaking her head, as the officer lead her along, to one of the many information kiosks they seemed to pass on the way here, and entering it and opening a door in back, labeled "Employees Only". "Ask one of the guys at these stalls to send you to Officer McRultz's office if you need, girls. She'll be exiting from here otherwise." he said,
  313. [02:39] <Overcity-Mall> before urging her in once the hug is ended.
  314. [02:40] <Tangent> "Wait, no, I'm going with her." Amelia states stubbornly.
  315. [02:40] <Overcity-Mall> ...Meanwhile, tehre's a bunch of food places. The generic pretzel store to a bakery to a sandwich shop to chinese and more. It probably doesn't matter where they go, but the mouse's sweet tooth is eyeing the candy store instead of somewhere, you know, with proper food.
  316. [02:41] <Overcity-Mall> (And yes do pick a food place, it very slightly (or very majorly) does matter.)
  317. [02:41] <Tangent> (Amelia mayyy want to go with Alexa tho but ye)
  318. [02:41] <Overcity-Mall> (Well, you can opt for that too)
  319. [02:42] <Overcity-Mall> (And then Raspberry will get food)
  320. [02:42] <Overcity-Mall> (...or, 'food'.)
  321. [02:42] <Tangent> (Alexa as voice of reason orrrr)
  322. [02:42] <Tangent> "You going to be okay?" Amelia asks Alexa, more quietly.
  323. [02:42] <Overcity-Mall> (Also, yes. The main 'hazard' I will admit for the long way?)
  324. [02:43] <Overcity-Mall> (Time. )
  325. [02:43] <Overcity-Mall> (Prepare for stalling~)
  326. [02:43] <Tangent> (oh dear)
  327. [02:43] == Kaht has changed nick to Alicious
  328. [02:43] <Jran-Kri> "... Yes. Fine. I'll be fine. You... go make sure this rat doesn't fetch poison," Alexa waves a dismissive hand, following the officer's. "I feel like Chinese all of a sudden." Shrugging, she strides into the Employees Only section, peering at the stalls.
  329. [02:44] <Tangent> "Okay..." Amelia watches her go, anxiously. "Right. Raspberry. Let's go shopping. You're buying...Sounds good? Good."
  330. [02:45] <Overcity-Mall> The employee's only section was more like a back alleyway of sorts, with all sorts of other odd things... the doors also all shimmering, if they have windows, with trippy psychadelic portals it seemed.... to which the officer arrived at the one labeled "Mall Security" and opened it, the door simply leading to a portal which he stepped through and would lead Alexa in through as well... or,
  331. [02:45] <Overcity-Mall> she could try booking it after he entered.
  332. [02:46] <Jran-Kri> As sorely tempted as she is to run for the hills, she believes in the rule of law, and so steps right through after him, albeit after taking a deep breth.
  333. [02:47] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nodded a bit. "Yea, uh, unless it's magic stuff. That stuff's really expensive." she said simply, as she leaed them along for chinese. It had, well, every chinese recipie you could imagine and more, the menu was more like one of those amusement park maps that unfolded like twenty times. And was double sided. At the cash register, sat a small puppy who seemed to be napping at the
  334. [02:47] <Overcity-Mall> moment, it's tounge sticking out as it napped...
  335. [02:47] <Overcity-Mall> ...The menu was about normal, except the bottom right. It seemed the very bottom right of it had a magic menu
  336. [02:47] <Tangent> "...Yeah, NO magic. Nope." Amelia shakes her head.
  337. [02:47] <Overcity-Mall> And the costs for those, were not in typical currency rates
  338. [02:47] <Tangent> "Why the heck would you EAT magic anyway?"
  339. [02:47] <Overcity-Mall> But instead in copper coins.
  340. [02:48] <Overcity-Mall> They promised special benefits, health, vitalitiy, magical benefits, for up to two days.
  341. [02:48] <Tangent> No curse breaking? Nope nope nope NOT TODAY THANKS.
  342. [02:48] <Tangent> Amelia skims right past.
  343. [02:48] <Overcity-Mall> ...Does Amelia want to try getting one of the specials, or stick to any of the more mundane kinds that the mouse can actually afford. And no, nothing for breaking curses.
  344. [02:48] <Tangent> She's not feeling adventurous. Not with her makeover in progress.
  345. [02:49] <Overcity-Mall> SPEAKING OF WHICH: Is she wearing pants or a skirt?
  346. [02:49] <Tangent> Yeah, the general tso's chicken is about as much as she's experimenting right now.
  347. [02:49] <Tangent> Pants. It's her outfit, and what feels right to her.
  348. [02:49] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse nods, as she orders a bit, and asks what Alexa wanted.
  349. [02:49] <Tangent> Amelia hesitates, then names Alexa's usual preferred food, or what she thinks comes closest.
  350. [02:50] <Tangent> ( Jran-Kri ~)
  351. [02:50] <Overcity-Mall> Also, she can feel a bit of a slight odd tightness, rather, otherwise, the source of discomfort... from her tailbone. Oh, this probably wasn't good... but wait, it wasn't a small curly tail, that ment she wasn't becoming a pig at least? Right? RIGHT?
  352. [02:50] <Overcity-Mall> Meanwhile back to Alexa
  353. [02:50] <Tangent> Amelia reaches for her backside. "Oh, DAMNIT!"
  354. [02:50] <Tangent> She shakes her head.
  355. [02:51] <Tangent> "Make that a double of the General Tso...She loves that stuff..."
  356. [02:51] <Overcity-Mall> She's lead to a rather bland looking white interrogation room... with the center desk being an office desk. He sits on the other side, and waves to one of the many chairs, "Go on, sit... Just gonna run through the basic questions, name, occupation, where you've been the past day or so, why you're here and all if any reason, stuff like that." he said...
  357. [02:51] <Overcity-Mall> ...And this stuff would be admitably generic
  358. [02:51] <Overcity-Mall> So it'll be basically glanced over unless you want to purposefully say something amusing or possibly incriminating
  359. [02:51] <Tangent> "I swear to god if I end up eating flies, I'll find a way to set you on fire..." Amelia grumbles, more to herself than the mousegirl.
  360. [02:52] <Tangent> She doesn't sound sincere about it.
  361. [02:52] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I don't want to be on fire! But you won't eat flies!" she said worriedly, as the mouse took out a small handpurse of pesos and left them out, the dog waking and barking as they slowly picked up each coin and bill one by one with their mouth, sorting them, then giving change, also one by one... it was very, VERY slow
  362. [02:52] <Overcity-Mall> Good thing they had nowhere to go for now.
  363. [02:53] <Tangent> "Ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."
  364. [02:53] <Overcity-Mall> And soon enough, they had the food!
  365. [02:53] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl looked back, "So uh, should we meet her back at the office then to eat...?"
  366. [02:53] <Tangent> "Fan-frikking tastic. YES. Lessgo!"
  367. [02:54] <Overcity-Mall> She nodded, as they headed back... one bored puchuu lazily buzzing and letting them in, leading them to the office, then exiting later, the party would no longer be split for dinner! Also there was space to eat...
  368. [02:54] <Tangent> Amelia yanks Raspberry by the sleeve, grabbing the bag. "Jeez, I'm starting to wonder what the heck they teach at you think that sort of thing's a good idea..." Amelia grumbles as they run back.
  369. [02:54] <Tangent> Amelia gives the puuchu a wary glance but leaves it alone- her lip curling at the sight though.
  370. [02:54] <Tangent> (Alexa's there?)
  371. [02:55] <Overcity-Mall> . . . Nothing particularly exciting happened, but in total, this wasted about four hours. And Amelia's tail was certainly growing a bit now, if she had a skirt she could probably wiggle it a bit on it's own. "U-uh I mean, they don't suggest that, but master was trying to teach me magic we'll learn in a few years so.... uh, I tried a bit. It worked it seems though?"
  372. [02:55] <Tangent> "Congratulations. I'm happy for you." Amelia snarks, gesturing to herself.
  373. [02:55] <Tangent> "This really sucks, by the way." She gestures to her tail. "Ow."
  374. [02:57] <Overcity-Mall> "U-uh, I do know a bit of magic to modify clothing... it turns back unless something's blocking it, but uh, if you have a tail now that won't be a problem." she whispered meekly.
  375. [02:57] <Jran-Kri> Alexa ogles Amelia's tail, astonished and horrified. "Oh my. Oh my. What kind of tail even if that? I didn't know frogs had tails. And it's not a pig tail -- Oh God."
  376. [02:57] <Tangent> "Great." Amelia hesitates, then shakes her head. "Actually, let's not..."
  377. [02:57] <Overcity-Mall> "Um... but what if it keeps getting bigger...?"
  378. [02:58] <Tangent> "I have no idea. Freaking great..." She grumbles. "I have no idea."
  379. [02:58] <Tangent> "Fine. Hit me. If I end up as a pair of talking pants, it won't be much WORSE...."
  380. [02:58] <Tangent> She folds her arms unhappily.
  381. [02:59] <Tangent> "Alexa, if I die, there's General Tso's on the table."
  382. [02:59] <Tangent> Amelia comments, deadpan.
  383. [02:59] <Overcity-Mall> She nodded, simply waving her hand... and a convenient hole for the tail to immidiately slip through was formed. It was still normal skin, for now, and very stubby. But still, a tail. Amelia had a tail.
  384. [02:59] <Tangent> "This feels really, really weird." The now-tailed girl complains. And sure enough the tail moves.
  385. [02:59] <Overcity-Mall> ...You don't feel like you'er suddenly turning into a fashionable set of pants though, unless you think polkadots are fashionable.
  386. [03:00] <Tangent> They're not. They're REALLY not.
  387. [03:00] <Tangent> "Spots...Tail...What the heck did you do..." Amelia shakes her head. "Okay, I'm fine...Ish." She reassures Alexa.
  388. [03:00] <Tangent> ...wait, wait
  389. [03:00] <Overcity-Mall> Anyway, the time clicks to 11 by the time he lets you all go... once you want to skip ahead to that that is.
  390. [03:00] <Tangent> She's not turning into a monstergirl, RIGHT/
  391. [03:00] <Tangent> ?
  392. [03:00] <Overcity-Mall> Nope, no sensation of corruption
  393. [03:00] <Overcity-Mall> Not even in the slightest
  394. [03:00] <Tangent> She really couldn't deal with that. Whew. Small mercies...Probably.
  395. [03:01] <Tangent> She paces. A lot. Which is a bit...harder with a tail that seems to move whenever she even thinks about it.
  396. [03:01] <Jran-Kri> Alexa can't stop staring at the tail. It's weirdly mesmerizing.
  397. [03:01] <Tangent> "My face is up here, Alexa." Amelia grumbles after the upetenth time.
  398. [03:02] <Tangent> She's checking herself every so often, running her hands over herself. And yes, that includes touching her tail, gingerly.
  399. [03:02] <Overcity-Mall> Once it is 11 and they have left, the mouse simply sighs... "U-uh, we can go a bit longer, but before we get to teal section... we really should stay somewhere for the night. It costs way more to stay the night at the teal section than it does the normal section of the mall." she remarked towards them.
  400. [03:03] <Tangent> "...Why not just keep going overnight?"
  401. [03:03] <Tangent> Amelia asks, with the tone of someone who can guess the answer.
  402. [03:03] <Jran-Kri> Clearing her throat, Alexa blushes slightly, nodding. "Right. Right. Um. Sorry, just... interested," shaking her head, she turns to Raspberry. She nods in agreement with Amelia.
  403. [03:03] <Tangent> "It's okay." She reassures her friend, then looks to Raspberry.
  404. [03:03] <Tangent> "...Why not just keep going overnight?"
  405. [03:03] <Tangent> Amelia asks, with the tone of someone who can guess the answer.
  406. [03:06] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, we could but it'd be really tiring... a-also I think by phone won't last that long, and it's all dangerous at night int he teal district. Kinda.... I never saw what it was and it might have been master just being all paranoid cause mom headed out the few times she left just fine, but... uh, yea." she shrugged.
  407. [03:07] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa. "Fine..." She says reluctantly. Then she realizes something.
  408. [03:07] <Tangent> "Wait, can't you CALL your mom from here?"
  409. [03:07] <Jran-Kri> Alexca seems all set to once again laboriously agree before Amelia raises her point. She perks up curiously.
  410. [03:07] <Tangent> Amelia's touching her tail again, gingerly. "Urgh...This stupid thing's a pain in the ass..."
  411. [03:07] <Overcity-Mall> "No, my mom doesn't have a phone... and Master will be sleeping right now. With the phone on silent. And she'll just say to take us to her anyway." she sighed.
  412. [03:08] == Fredward [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  413. [03:08] <Tangent> "...Great. Tick tock..." She sighs. "So...normal mall...Wunderbar."
  414. [03:08] <Overcity-Mall> It also is more or less cone shaped, instead of like a monkey's tail or otherwise.
  415. [03:08] <Jran-Kri> "Fine!" Alexa throws up her arms, resuming her earlier script. "Alright, fine. We'll find something. Jesus."
  416. [03:09] <Overcity-Mall> She nodded, sighing a bit with a "Sorry, sorry sorry sorry sorry...", as she lead them along....
  417. [03:09] <Tangent> "Right. Let's get this over with..." Amelia stalks along, a bit awkwardly...
  418. [03:09] <Overcity-Mall> ...At least they got in two hours of walking again before they reached the border between teal and normal, as seen by ahead being no stores, and the painting getting a teal border lining to it, just besides was the "Last Stop Inn". It was a generic place to sleep... do you want to stay the night as she suggests?
  419. [03:10] <Tangent> Amelia sighs. "Damnit. I really want to make you pay for the teal inn, but..."
  420. [03:10] <Overcity-Mall> "I won't be able to afford it, they take magic coins." she said simply.
  421. [03:10] <Tangent> She shakes her head. "We're leaving first thing tomorrow. Got it?"
  422. [03:11] <Overcity-Mall> "Yea, I know." she nodded.
  423. [03:11] <Tangent> Amelia squeezes Alexa's hand. "Hey...Alexa...Mind if we share a room tonight?" She says quietly.
  424. [03:11] <Tangent> She never done that before.
  425. [03:11] <Tangent> *She's
  426. [03:12] <Jran-Kri> Alexa shakes her head just a bit too eagerly, smiling at Amelia. "Of course not. Don't worry -- I can pay. Everything'll be quite alright in the morning."
  427. [03:13] <Tangent> She looks at her friend with her earnest, eyes. "I'll pay. My curse, my coins..."
  428. [03:13] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I can sleep in the bathroom to stay out of the way." Raspberry obliviously and meekly chimed in, raising a hand.
  429. [03:13] <Tangent> Amelia sighs, and facepalms. "Don't be silly. We're getting two rooms."
  430. [03:14] <Tangent> "But you're paying Alexa back for her side of this when this is over, got it?"
  431. [03:14] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh, uh, yea sure." she meekly sqeuaked, "I'll pay for it now even."
  432. [03:14] <Overcity-Mall> ...For some reason the rooms were oddly cheap, as in, hardly five bucks a room.
  433. [03:14] <Tangent> "You might need the money."
  434. [03:14] <Jran-Kri> "Nonsense, this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't -- " Alexa stops short, thinking for a moment. Eventually, however, she sighs and nods. "Yes, yes, thank you, that will be quite appreciated."
  435. [03:15] <Tangent> "...right, sure." Amelia backpedals at Alexa's words.
  436. [03:15] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl returns with their keys, "I'll be in the room right next to you two!"
  437. [03:15] <Tangent> "...That'" Amelia shakes her head. "Hey, check the bed...Does Overcity have fleas or bedbugs or something?"
  438. [03:15] <Tangent> *check the beds
  439. [03:16] <Jran-Kri> "You had better," Alexa grumbles at the mouse girl. "I'm sure they're fine, Amelia. Fine-ish. Acceptable."
  440. [03:16] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, as in, two numbers up next to. Not like, to the right or left cause I dunno but uh... y-yea. Night!" she called, before turning back. "Huh? Oh, no, it's just cause they always have vacancies. They used to have to move your room back and forth but now the room just shifts itself over somehow." she said happily.
  441. [03:16] <Tangent> ""
  442. [03:16] <Tangent> "...Magic." Amelia shakes her head. She dimly remembers thinking magic was just awesome...
  443. [03:17] <Tangent> "Awesome." She echoes with a lot more sarcasm than joy.
  444. [03:17] <Tangent> *just awesome, once, back before...
  445. [03:17] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stops to consider this for a moment, but it is plain to see that she truly doesn't care as much as her orange-eyed companion. Orange-eyed? "Christ alive, Amelia -- now your eyes are going," she grumbles. "I better not wake up to horns..."
  446. [03:18] <Tangent> "H-huh?" Amelia rubs at her eyes. "I...didn't feel anything...What happened?"
  447. [03:18] <Overcity-Mall> ...Well, she scampers off to her room and heads to it uncerimoniously. The girls have their room ,room 331- wait no, 333. 335. Back to 333... ugh, welp....
  448. [03:18] <Tangent> She blanches, alarmed, turning in circles to no avail.
  449. [03:18] <Tangent> Her tail spins with her.
  450. [03:18] <Overcity-Mall> ...The stairs to go up are just to the left.
  451. [03:19] <Jran-Kri> "Your eyes are -- no, don't..." Alexa sighs wearily, squeezing Amelia's hand and dragging her up and into their room. "Your eyes are orange. Orange. What a lovely colour. Like William of Orange -- God rest his soul."
  452. [03:21] <Tangent> Amelia blanches. "Great..." She squeezes Alexa's hand...but once she gets into the room she quickly rushes to the mirror to make sure she hasn't grown scales or something.
  453. [03:24] <Jran-Kri> Alexa remains by the bed -- Amelia's paranoia drives her to start fiddling with the covers and the mattress, now afraid of magical bedbugs and the like. That would just be the icing on the cake.
  454. [03:25] <Tangent> Amelia stumbles back out of the bathroom, looking relieved. "Nothing new...Just the same old..."
  455. [03:25] <Tangent> "Get some sleep, Alexa..." She gestures. "You should rest..."
  456. [03:25] <Tangent> *gestures to the bed
  457. [03:27] <Jran-Kri> "Yes, same old everything except the tail," Alexa grumbles, still fiddling with the covers. At last, however, she removes her mantle with a sigh, all but collapsing on top of the bed. "Well, this could have been worse."
  458. [03:27] <Tangent> "How?" Amelia grumbles, then shakes her head. "Yeah...Goodnight, Alexa..."
  459. [03:28] <Tangent> She tries to sit on the edge of the bed, but keeps fidgeting.
  460. [03:28] <Tangent> In the end, she sprawls on her side, facedown instead. It's squashing her chest, but not her longer tail...
  461. [03:28] <Tangent> "Yeah, I'm just going to wait it out tonight...Gotta stay up..." She yawns.
  462. [03:28] <Tangent> "Night, Alexa...Hit the lights?"
  463. [03:29] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs in nothing short of furious exasperation. She shifts over slightly on the bed, wrapping her arms around Amelia without comment. Equally silently, a bright red barrier manifests around the light switch. It is inelegantly mashed against it until the switch is flicked.
  464. [03:30] <Tangent> Amelia eeps, but returns the hug after a moment. It's just a hug overnight, or until Alexa falls asleep...
  465. [03:30] <Tangent> She's going to stay up anyway, she has all the time in the-
  466. [03:31] == Indigo [~Indigo@B687EE9.D8C10921.E16C3A43.IP] has joined #Overcity
  467. [03:31] <Tangent> Amelia's eyes flutter closed and she grasps Alexa a little tighter as she's out like the light switch.
  468. [03:34] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs again, wearily. She slithers right up to Amelia, shutting her eyes. It doesn't take long for her breathing to slow as she falls asleep.
  469. [16:22] <Overcity-Mall> Good morning Overcity Mall! Rather, to the adventuring mahou and their mouse-companion guide and/or hinderance. The time now is about 9:30 and the sun is shining down from the windows. Windows that were letting in sun from the windows above. Still bright and cheerful morning, complete with a few chirping birds outside... As for Amelia's changes she'll find, her face has grown somewhat stretched
  470. [16:22] <Overcity-Mall> horizontally, that is, her eyes spread further and her mouth wider, and even her neck has grown a bit thicker at that. In addition, and probably the most stark difference, is the simple fact her skin, while feeling the same, is entirely blue, and her tail has grown to one foot in length.
  471. [16:24] <Overcity-Mall> Also thankfully despite the discount rate, the beds and everything seem to be fine. So at least you got a good night's sleep?
  472. [16:26] <Tangent> Amelia stirs as she feels the sun on her back, stretching slightly. Something doesn't feel quite right, but she's pleasantly warm and drowsy, and she's hugging something soft and warm...Right now, still slipping into wakefulness, she's happy to just lie here on the nice, comfortable bed with...Alexa?
  473. [16:28] <Tangent> Amelia jolts upright as she remembers everything- the curse, the overcity, the hotel room. "A-Alexa, wake-" She starts to say and then she catches sight of her hand. "Oh god, what the HELL?!" She's not quiet about it either, and she's right next to Alexa. The room, somehow.
  474. [16:28] <Jran-Kri> Alexa wakes up slowly. The most blissful part of the day arrives as her brain begins booting up, and her eyes open without her remembering a thing about how she got here. Then she lays eyes on Amelia's blue skin, and it all comes rushing back to her. Groaning, she stirs, creeping away. "A-Amelia...? How do you feel?"
  475. [16:29] <Tangent> "I...I'm blue. Why am I BLUE. Oh god, oh god...I'm turning into a smurf or something?" That seems to be a definite "not feeling well"...
  476. [16:29] <Tangent> And she hasn't even noticed her tail yet, despite the way she keeps hitting the bed with it in her agitation as she sits up.
  477. [16:31] <Tangent> Amelia looks around, staring back at Alexa. "Um. Yeah...Not feeling too good about this right now..." She waves her hand. A glance to the bathroom door then back to Alexa. " bad is it?" She asks, more calmly.
  478. [16:31] <Tangent> Right now, the overnight hugs are the last thing on her mind. Perhaps thankfully.
  479. [16:32] <Overcity-Mall> For the record: Besides the weird new body? Nothing wrong. Yet.
  480. [16:32] <Jran-Kri> "That, um, well, that -- that would be... something," Alexa mumbles, scrambling to her feet. She swings out of the bed, brushing herself off. "Well! It's not too bad. Um. Could be worse. You've just... actually, your face looks a little, um... different. Ah. Got your features all jumbled around." Alexa twirls a finger before marching over the door. "Let's go get our guide, shall we?"
  481. [16:33] <Tangent> Amelia groans. "I'll...I'll take your word for it." She follows Alexa anxiously, more worried about what her friend thinks than what kind of freakshow she looks like. "Do I...I don't want to know. Right. Let's wake the mouse up."
  482. [16:33] <Tangent> With that she marches up to's room. "Hey! Raspberry!" She shouts, pounding on the door. She's...not in a mood to be polite.
  483. [16:34] <Tangent> Damnit, that tail's definitely starting to get in the way.
  484. [16:34] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry answers after some dawdling, yawning as she was wearing a comically tiny night cap on her head. "Morning..." she said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.
  485. [16:35] <Tangent> Amelia sighs at the night cap. "Get dressed." She grumbles, folding her arms and trying not to glare. "Your stupid spell turned me blue. We've got to go."
  486. [16:35] <Jran-Kri> Alexa lets Amelia take the lead, mainly so she can continue staring at her tail. It really is fascinating -- in any other circumstance this whole thing would be really interesting. "Yes yes good morning. Slept well? Good." Alexa claps her hands together. "We should be going now."
  487. [16:36] <Overcity-Mall> She looked to Amelia, and jumped with a yelp. "O-oh. Y-yea, right. Um, you're fine besides being blue though right... give me a second to change also." she added, pulling the nightcap off. "Kay, ready."
  488. [16:37] <Tangent> "...Right." Amelia shakes her head, then turns around, beckoning impatiently.
  489. [16:38] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nodded, brushing her black hair out of her face before hurrying along, to wait outside for the duo.
  490. [16:39] <Tangent> Amelia sighs, then takes Alexa's hand and follows.
  491. [16:39] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stomps after her, summoning her staff with a flick of the wrist. She grinds her teeth audibly, squeezing Amelia's hand.
  492. [16:40] <Tangent> Everything looks just a bit...different. And not in a good way. She really, really wants to fix this soon, and not just because she can feel her tail with every step she takes.
  493. [16:41] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nodded, as they got out, and pointed out to teal district. "Uh, it shoulnd't be too far, we should be there before we need to sleep again and stuff!" she said meekly, to the duo, before starting off.
  494. [16:42] <Jran-Kri> "Wonderful," Alexa seethes, smiling thinly. She marches obediently after Raspberry, though her attention drifts this way and that with a mix of curiosity and paranoia.
  495. [16:43] <Tangent> Amelia shakes her head, but follows with Alexa- perhaps moving just a bit ahead. Can't be too careful in the Overcity, after all, and better her than Alexa...
  496. [16:45] <Overcity-Mall> The girls head along... which, roll perception
  497. [16:45] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d5
  498. [16:45] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 5 [40%] :: Results [2] ::
  499. [16:48] <Tangent> (.d 1d20?)
  500. [16:49] <Overcity-Mall> (yup)
  501. [16:50] <Jran-Kri> .d 1d20
  502. [16:50] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 20 [10%] :: Results [2] ::
  503. [16:50] <Tangent> .d 1d20
  504. [16:50] <Internets> :: Total 12 / 20 [60%] :: Results [12] ::
  505. [16:51] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d20
  506. [16:51] <Internets> :: Total 6 / 20 [30%] :: Results [6] ::
  507. [16:52] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa seems to be paying too much attention to her blue companion, but Amelia notices a certain something. Specifically, a candy store being robbed, by what seems to be another magical girl, holding her staff to a person like, well, a gun! It's probably going to be sidetracking but... well, a robbery in place!
  508. [16:53] <Tangent> Amelia's eyes go wide. She lets go of Alexa's hand, and draws her sword. "Over there!" She yells, and takes off, sword in hand and streaking like a slightly-bluer than usual comet towards the scene. "Stop right there!" She yells.
  509. [16:53] <Tangent> Frog or not, she can't just ignore something like that! It wouldn't be right.
  510. [16:55] <Jran-Kri> Caught completely off guard by Amelia's sudden departure, Alexa jolts in place, scurrying to follow her on reflex. When she sees what's got her going, something about the situation makes Alexa sigh melodramatically. With a backwards glance at Raspberry, Alexa drags herself after Amelia.
  511. [16:58] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl looks back, and slightly follows, but keeps her distance the moment she notices the robbery, she's not abandoning you folks but don't expect the coward to join in soon. "Right, so we're agreed then, you'll stop selling these accursed chocolate bites and gummy worms for my fantastical cheeses!" the magical girl threatened. "But that doesn't even go with the the-" "Shut it or
  512. [16:58] <Overcity-Mall> you're joining the display rack, woman!" the girl said to the baker-looking lady who was frightened, only for Amelia to barge in. "Ah great, magical girls, well, no matter! Allow me to demonstrate what will happen if you don't listen to my demands, wench!" the magical girl called out, smiling with a bit of a slasher smile.
  513. [16:59] <Overcity-Mall> Roll initiative! Alexa is far, Amelia is close, to this yellow mahou.
  514. [16:59] <Tangent> (Stupid question what's intiative again? Just agi/Luck?)
  515. [16:59] <Overcity-Mall> (Agility or Luck yes)
  516. [16:59] <Jran-Kri> !ex 4 v 7 AGI
  517. [17:00] <Jran-Kri> ((Oh, right, whoops.))
  518. [17:00] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  519. [17:00] <Internets> :: Total 17 / 40 [42%] :: Results [10, 3, 3, 1] ::
  520. [17:00] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  521. [17:00] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 20 [50%] :: Results [2, 8] ::
  522. [17:00] <Overcity-Mall> .d 4d10
  523. [17:00] <Internets> :: Total 24 / 40 [60%] :: Results [1, 9, 5, 9] ::
  524. [17:02] <Jran-Kri> Reacting quickly for once in her life, Alexa's staff springs to life, forming a bright red barrier around both her and Amelia's armour, further reinforcing it! [Divine Aegis, 4 Mana: +4 Soak]
  525. [17:03] <Jran-Kri> .d 9d10
  526. [17:03] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 90 [58%] :: Results [2, 6, 8, 10, 3, 3, 10, 5, 6] ::
  528. [17:03] <Jran-Kri> ((Oh, and it lasts for 4 turns, for the record.))
  529. [17:07] <Overcity-Mall> The magical girl smirks, before she twirls her staff towards Amelia, shooting off a stream of yellow goop at her!
  530. [17:07] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  531. [17:08] <Internets> :: Total 45 / 80 [56%] :: Results [8, 8, 6, 5, 7, 7, 2, 2] ::
  532. [17:08] <Overcity-Mall> (Magic attack)
  533. [17:08] <Tangent> (Sunder this time heh)
  534. [17:08] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  535. [17:08] <Internets> :: Total 49 / 90 [54%] :: Results [9, 7, 5, 7, 3, 9, 2, 1, 6] ::
  536. [17:08] == Ralphone has changed nick to Eina
  537. [17:09] <Tangent> "Give up." Amelia snaps, sword raised...and doing her best to keep up a proper posture even with her tail getting in the way. Stupid thing. Stupid CURSE.
  538. [17:09] == Indigo7 [] has joined #Overcity
  539. [17:09] <Tangent> She'd look a lot more dignified if she wasn't blueberry blue.
  540. [17:12] <Overcity-Mall> The attack indeed fails as she deflects it off effortlessly... as it flies by, well, it smells of cheese. Literally... "Gah! Damnit!" she yelled, leaving herself somewhat open... Your turn, Amelia!
  541. [17:12] == Indigo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  542. [17:14] == Indigo7 has changed nick to Indigo
  543. [17:15] <Tangent> Amelia reflexively draws on her magic, just a bit...never mind how it could burn her...and her worries about if she just...lets it out again, she just needs to stop this girl as fast as she can so they can get going! So she's going to get grilled a bit... [Power overwhelming, all out attack]
  544. [17:16] <Tangent> (15/16 HP, 11/7 soak, 10/12 MP)
  545. [17:16] == BlindChoir [~AndChat15@C8787700.A5F7E229.D5E9B7D9.IP] has joined #Overcity
  546. [17:17] <Tangent> .d 10d10
  547. [17:17] <Internets> :: Total 70 / 100 [70%] :: Results [9, 5, 10, 6, 10, 6, 1, 7, 10, 6] ::
  548. [17:17] <Overcity-Mall> .d 5d10
  549. [17:17] <Internets> :: Total 28 / 50 [56%] :: Results [6, 10, 5, 4, 3] ::
  550. [17:17] <Tangent> (5 damage per success, per all out attack with P.O...Uh.)
  551. [17:17] <Overcity-Mall> (What's power overwelming's bonus?)
  552. [17:17] <Overcity-Mall> (oh, +2 damage right?)
  553. [17:18] <Tangent> (+2 dice and +2 damage but it's scalingly suicidal to use)
  554. [17:18] <Tangent> (Also it uh probably counts as magic for purposes of curse lol)
  555. [17:18] <Tangent> (Like, it's pretty much the definition of internal magic)
  556. [17:19] <Overcity-Mall> The girl winces, as she narrowly forms a block of cheese to block. Which is simply cleaved through and melted like, well, a hot knife through butter, as her outfit narrowly protects her from harm, ever so barely, though, seeing how it now is practically in ashes, it's unlikely to do that again. (-5 soak)
  557. [17:19] <Tangent> Amelia scowls at her- slightly easier than usual with the way her face looks. "Are you going to give up yet? I don't have TIME for you being stupid."
  558. [17:22] <Overcity-Mall> "Why the hell would I do that when I'm just getting started!" she yelled back.
  559. [17:22] <Tangent> "Okay." Amelia sighs. "Grilled moron it is then."
  560. [17:24] <Tangent> She glances to Alexa, reassured by her friend watching her back.
  561. [17:24] <Jran-Kri> Alexa snarls, eye twitching spastically as her staff glows again. With a flick, a bright red vortex manifests just behind the burglar, pulling her back. [Concave Vortex, 2 Mana: Enemy loses 2 offensive dice for one turn]
  562. [17:24] <Jran-Kri> .d 9d10
  563. [17:24] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 90 [44%] :: Results [7, 3, 6, 9, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4] ::
  564. [17:24] <Jran-Kri> .d 9d10
  565. [17:24] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 90 [44%] :: Results [7, 3, 6, 9, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4] ::
  566. [17:27] <Overcity-Mall> (sry, sister keeps bugging me)
  567. [17:27] <Tangent> (no worries)
  568. [17:27] <Overcity-Mall> (Also I don't think you need to roll for flat buffs)
  569. [17:29] <Jran-Kri> ((Well, it's a debuff in this case, but I think you're right.))
  570. [17:30] <Overcity-Mall> Gritting her teeth, she twirls her wand, before a wave shoots out, rolling out of the shop and even aiming for Alexa now!
  571. [17:30] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  572. [17:30] <Internets> :: Total 33 / 60 [55%] :: Results [3, 7, 8, 2, 5, 8] ::
  573. [17:30] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  574. [17:30] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 60 [71%] :: Results [4, 10, 8, 9, 6, 6] ::
  575. [17:31] <Overcity-Mall> (Amelia/Alexa's rolls vs mag)
  576. [17:32] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  577. [17:32] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 80 [51%] :: Results [8, 2, 8, 2, 5, 1, 6, 9] ::
  578. [17:32] == Flamy|FireAway has changed nick to Flamy
  579. [17:33] <Jran-Kri> .d 8d10
  580. [17:33] <Internets> :: Total 55 / 80 [68%] :: Results [10, 8, 4, 4, 7, 5, 9, 8] ::
  581. [17:34] <Overcity-Mall> The wave hits Amelia, and while some seems to just continue going, she finds there's shackles. Made of what seems to be cheese wheels of cheddar, that rapidly solidified upon her person! She has to break out, quick! (Considered pinned, can resist as normal)
  582. [17:34] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia, you're up!
  583. [17:35] <Tangent> Amelia struggles against her cheesy cheddar chains!
  584. [17:35] <Tangent> (Does -2 apply to the escape roll?)
  585. [17:36] <Overcity-Mall> (Nope)
  586. [17:36] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  587. [17:36] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 90 [43%] :: Results [5, 3, 7, 2, 2, 8, 6, 5, 1] ::
  588. [17:37] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  589. [17:37] <Internets> :: Total 47 / 80 [58%] :: Results [2, 2, 9, 6, 6, 2, 10, 10] ::
  590. [17:37] <Overcity-Mall> Unfortunatly they seem to be really strong, and instead just dig into your wrists and legs, you can still act though!
  591. [17:38] <Tangent> "Gahhh! Get back here!"
  592. [17:38] <Tangent> Amelia flails angrily, her sword leaving traces of fire in the air.
  593. [17:38] <Tangent> [Cast Fiery Enhancement, lasts three turns]
  594. [17:39] <Overcity-Mall> Back to the top of the order, Alexa, you're up it seems!
  595. [17:40] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  596. [17:41] <Jran-Kri> Alexa yelps in shock as, though her shield keeps her safe, Amelia is less so. She rounds on her companion, flicking her staff and attempting to dispel the delicious chains! [Panacea, 1 Mana: Remove negative status effect]
  597. [17:42] <Tangent> [Oh yeah, she regenerated 1 HP last turn]
  598. [17:42] <Tangent> [totes a good idea when your magic is acting up amirite]
  599. [17:42] <Overcity-Mall> The spell focuses, as it forms a thin knife to slice the way out for Amelia, to which the magical girl frowns. "Damn you, stop getting in the way!" She called out, twirling her staff and shooting off a solid wheel of cheese to attempt to run over Alexa!
  600. [17:42] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10 With FP
  601. [17:42] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  602. [17:42] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  603. [17:42] <Internets> :: Total 37 / 80 [46%] :: Results [3, 1, 1, 10, 1, 8, 10, 3] ::
  604. [17:42] <Tangent> "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!"
  605. [17:42] <Overcity-Mall> (7 successes)
  606. [17:44] <Jran-Kri> .d 8d10 FP
  607. [17:44] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  608. [17:44] <Jran-Kri> .d 8d10
  609. [17:44] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 80 [53%] :: Results [1, 5, 10, 7, 1, 6, 9, 4] ::
  610. [17:44] <Jran-Kri> ((6 successes.))
  611. [17:45] <Tangent> (;;)
  612. [17:45] <Tangent> (good thing she cast that soak buff)
  613. [17:45] <Overcity-Mall> The girl is hit by the wheel... It's not particularly damaging, but it continues to roll as Alexa sticks onto it, before crashing into a wall a ways away. (1 soak damage, knocked to Very Far range)
  614. [17:46] <Overcity-Mall> (in addition: You are considered 'grappled' to it, so you must escape it to return back to the fight)
  615. [17:46] <Tangent> "Alexa!" The blue girl doesn't seem very happy about that at all. "You'll pay for that! You stupid thug!"
  616. [17:47] <Tangent> (Amelia goes?)
  617. [17:48] <Overcity-Mall> (Yep)
  618. [17:49] <Tangent> [Regen triggers again. 1 MP restored, still at full health.]
  619. [17:49] <Tangent> Amelia slashes at the girl, furiously!
  620. [17:49] <Tangent> [Piercing attack, fiery enhancement is still active]
  621. [17:49] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  622. [17:49] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 80 [66%] :: Results [5, 5, 8, 9, 4, 8, 8, 6] ::
  623. [17:50] <Overcity-Mall> (What's firey enhancement do, I can't find it)
  624. [17:51] <Overcity-Mall> .d 5d10
  625. [17:51] <Internets> :: Total 30 / 50 [60%] :: Results [6, 7, 10, 1, 6] ::
  626. [17:51] <Tangent> (Description: Coat one's weapon in flames. The caster deals 2 more Fire damage on successful Soak penetration, cost of applying Ignite is reduced by 1 (but not less than 1) while this is active, but their Parry and Dodge dice are reduced by 1. When the caster successfully defends with a Parry, an additional Wound is dealt. )
  627. [17:51] <Tangent> (3 Turns, 1 Mag cost)
  628. [17:51] <Tangent> (pretty sure it doesn't stack with power overwhelming not that I've ever used both at once)
  629. [17:52] <Overcity-Mall> "Hah, that's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you, you... okay what ARE you, anywa- GAH ITS HOT!" she said back to Amelia, yelping as it punctures her armor and, while the hit is shallow, the burning power in her blade transfers as a small fire starts on her chest. "OW OW OW!"
  630. [17:52] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa! You're up, roll to escape your cheesey doom. Well, okay less doom, more just stuck a bit awkwardly on a sticky cheese wheel.
  631. [17:52] <Jran-Kri> ((Quick question: is the grapple physical or magical?))
  632. [17:52] <Tangent> "I'm Flaming Ace Pal...Flaming Ace Amelia! I'm a magical girl, and I'm kicking your BUTT!" Amelia crows.
  633. [17:53] <Tangent> "So you can just give up now!"
  634. [17:53] <Overcity-Mall> (Since it's a magical cheese wheel, I'll say Magical)
  635. [17:53] <Tangent> *we're kicking
  636. [17:53] <Overcity-Mall> "Never!" she just as dramatically yelled back.
  637. [17:53] <Jran-Kri> .d 8d10
  638. [17:53] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 80 [38%] :: Results [5, 10, 3, 1, 4, 2, 2, 4] ::
  639. [17:53] <Tangent> "Fine! Have it your way!"
  640. [17:54] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  641. [17:54] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 80 [47%] :: Results [1, 7, 3, 4, 7, 2, 10, 4] ::
  642. [17:54] <Overcity-Mall> She seems kinda stuck.
  643. [17:54] <Jran-Kri> Alexa makes an effort at escaping the cheese the old fashioned way, but it doesn't quite work out. Frustrated, she flicks her staff and summons another knife of hard-light to cut herself out. [Panacea, Cleanse: remove negative status effect]
  644. [17:54] <Tangent> Amelia can't look to see if Alexa's gotten free...She just has to hope this weirdo didn't hurt her best friend...
  645. [17:55] <Overcity-Mall> The larger knife of hardlight this time finds it better to go spatula, and prys the caster off quite easily with a small 'pop'.
  646. [17:56] <Overcity-Mall> She winces, as she truggles to put out the fire, barely doing so, before waving her staff to Amelia, the entire staff exploding into a slice of cheese
  647. [17:56] <Overcity-Mall> .d 9d10
  648. [17:56] <Internets> :: Total 36 / 90 [40%] :: Results [1, 5, 1, 2, 3, 9, 1, 10, 4] ::
  649. [17:56] <Overcity-Mall> (Mag)
  650. [17:57] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  651. [17:57] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 80 [57%] :: Results [6, 4, 9, 7, 7, 4, 5, 4] ::
  652. [17:57] <Tangent> (wait, derp, wrong number but meh)
  653. [17:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Why wrong number?)
  654. [17:57] <Tangent> (was 9 since >sunder)
  655. [17:57] <Tangent> (But eh)
  656. [17:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Ah. Well, defender wins anyway)
  657. [17:58] <Overcity-Mall> The block of cheese is similarly cleaved through, as she winces. "Gah, okay so maybe you're a bit tough...."
  658. [17:58] <Tangent> "What's with you and cheese...Are you going to talk now or what?" Amelia demands.
  659. [17:58] <Overcity-Mall> "I-It's my magic, why is your fire blue huh?" she said, backing away a bit as she now seemed disarmed.
  660. [17:59] <Tangent> Amelia blinks. "Um. I...I'm actually not quite sure..." She admits. "Good question. I think it's something to do with how I..."
  661. [17:59] <Tangent> She shakes her head. "Hey! Stop changing the subject! Surrender already!"
  662. [18:00] <Overcity-Mall> "I totally need to, she's gonna run my place outta buisness!" she said annoyedly, pointing to the candy store woman, who was hiding behind the counter.
  663. [18:00] <Tangent> "That's no excuse to bully her! You can find other ways to sell your goods without threatning to turn her into cheese!"
  664. [18:01] <Tangent> "I mean, come on, that's just abusing your magic!"
  665. [18:01] <Overcity-Mall> "I can, but this is WAY more effective!" she said, proudly with a grim smile.
  666. [18:01] <Tangent> Amelia takes the chance to glance for Alexa.
  667. [18:01] <Tangent> "Well, it's wrong! And you need to stop!"
  668. [18:01] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa is perfectly fine, besides maybe her hair a little ruffled.
  669. [18:01] <Tangent> "Otherwise you're going to get grilled. By us. So give up already and we can work this out. Fast."
  670. [18:02] <Overcity-Mall> "Or what, you whatever-you-are? I haven't even gotten started..." She said, menacingly...
  671. [18:02] <Tangent> "Don't give me that." Amelia grumbles. "I don't want to hurt you. Besides, I TOLD you, I'm a magical girl."
  672. [18:02] <Overcity-Mall> "But I'll cut you this, you back off and let me do my work, and hey, I'll not bother to hold a grudge. Good?" she said, despite being the only one who was even remotely hurt, besides Amelia's self burning...
  673. [18:03] <Tangent> Amelia shakes her head. "Not gonna happen. You promise me you'll stop this and I'll help you find some other way to sell your stuff."
  674. [18:03] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grumbles, her pleasure at being freed of her cheesy prison overshadowed by the stench. She calls over into the stop. "Oh for God's sake, just beat her up!"
  675. [18:03] <Tangent> "But I can't let you threaten people with mag-" Amelia looks over. "Alexa! You're..." She sniffs.
  676. [18:03] <Tangent> "Um, you're okay, right?"
  677. [18:04] <Jran-Kri> "Oh, fine! Just wonderful!" Alexa throws up her hands in frustration. "I'd be better if we could be on our bloody way!"
  678. [18:04] <Jran-Kri> ((BRB))
  679. [18:04] == Jran-Kri has changed nick to Jran-Away
  680. [18:04] <Overcity-Mall> "Fine, then lets have some fun shall we?" she said, giggling a bit insane as she reached aside... and pulled out something. Showing it between her fingers as it seemed to disolve... It's a black coin! Well, that and a few others in her hand, but the corruption starting to spread through her and clouding her person is quite evident. At this finally the store woman yelps, "G-Get out of the
  681. [18:04] <Overcity-Mall> store, fight outside if anything!" she said, frantically pulling out a giant broom and slapping everyone out... It didn't hurt thankfully.
  682. [18:05] <Overcity-Mall> Still, the currently corruption cheese coccoon was forming there... Still technically Amelia's turn though!
  683. [18:05] <Tangent> Amelia's eyes widen. "Oh god, no, wait!"
  684. [18:05] <Tangent> (Amelia's gifted gives her access, barely, to By Fire Be Purged)
  685. [18:05] <Tangent> (Fire's only purification spell.)
  686. [18:06] <Tangent> (Are you okay with her trying it?)
  687. [18:06] <Overcity-Mall> (Yep, swing away if you want)
  688. [18:06] <Tangent> Amelia lunges, not even trying to pull her blow as she frantically lunges. Black coins? NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  689. [18:07] <Tangent> (She uses a luck point)
  690. [18:07] <Overcity-Mall> (Roll for it~)
  691. [18:07] <Tangent> (With or without the +2?)
  692. [18:07] <Tangent> (2 is added on top of her roll, right?)
  693. [18:08] == SkinnyNecro [] has joined #Overcity
  694. [18:08] <Overcity-Mall> (Uh, for which buff?)
  695. [18:08] <Overcity-Mall> (If you're power overwhelming, then yea, if not,then I don't think so)
  696. [18:08] <Tangent> d. 6d10 (not a buff)
  697. [18:08] <Tangent> .d 6d10
  698. [18:08] <Internets> :: Total 32 / 60 [53%] :: Results [8, 4, 2, 3, 10, 5] ::
  699. [18:08] <Overcity-Mall> (it just deals a massive 8 wounds and ignores soak if you can beat their success by 3)
  700. [18:08] <Tangent> And 2 more successes from her luck point
  701. [18:08] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  702. [18:08] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 70 [61%] :: Results [8, 7, 7, 10, 1, 3, 7] ::
  703. [18:09] <Tangent> (Guessing she can't try and purify her yet?)
  704. [18:09] <Overcity-Mall> You can roll for it indeed, and I'm telling you to roll now before I say what happens or not
  705. [18:09] == Indigo7 [] has joined #Overcity
  706. [18:09] == Skinny_Necro [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  707. [18:09] <Tangent> (Roll mag or stat of choice?)
  708. [18:10] <Overcity-Mall> (Stat of choice)
  709. [18:10] <Overcity-Mall> (As she gets taht too. IDK. It's a bit ambigiuous but I see no reason why not to just say screw it and do this)
  710. [18:10] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  711. [18:10] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 70 [54%] :: Results [7, 3, 2, 8, 3, 6, 9] ::
  712. [18:10] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  713. [18:10] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 80 [51%] :: Results [10, 5, 6, 5, 2, 1, 2, 10] ::
  714. [18:12] <Overcity-Mall> The cleaving blow strikes into the corruption, and sets it ablaze it seems as blood splatters out... the corruption quickly fades away, as the girl stumbles out, a deep gash in her chest from that strike, but not fatal... however, she looks distinctly... half melted by the process being interrupted mid way. "Gaaaahhhhh da...damn iiit..." she said, lethargically, as her half melted right leg
  715. [18:12] <Overcity-Mall> lobsidedly shambled with the still mostly normal left leg, as she reached out for Amelia in anger. "What did... you... dooooo....?!"
  716. [18:13] == Indigo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  717. [18:13] <Tangent> Amelia blances. "Oh god. Oh godddddd... What...What happened..." That...wasn't what she had in mind. That wasn't it at all.
  718. [18:13] <Tangent> "I..." She blanches, not thinking to raise her sword.
  719. [18:13] <Overcity-Mall> . . . Alexa, your up! And since the fight was brought outside, you're only far distance now
  720. [18:15] <Tangent> ...Not that her going pale is all that noticeable with her skin the way it is, but she definitely looks like she wants to be sick.
  721. [18:15] == Jran-Away has changed nick to Jran-Kri
  722. [18:15] <Overcity-Mall> (WB Jran, just in time)
  723. [18:17] <Jran-Kri> "Jesus living Christ!" Alexa yelps, her fascination turning to shock and horror. She pales several shades as she stares at the mangled girl. "Um. Um! H-h-hold on, um, I can fix this!" She waves her staff, a healing glow suffusing over the girl, trying to put her back together -- or whatever passes for it now. [Miracle Worker, 3 Mana: Target healed to next threshold]
  724. [18:18] <Tangent> She didn't know her magic would do THAT...She thought she was just stopping corruption...Amelia seems to have gone catatonic, staring in utter guilty horror. "I...I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She's shaking.
  725. [18:19] == Raincoat has changed nick to RaincoatDoingThings
  726. [18:19] <Overcity-Mall> And the healing magic actually indeed, fixed her. As in, more than just the gash in her chest, but the whole... half melted issue too
  727. [18:19] <Overcity-Mall> She still looked beaten and bruised, but thankfully the melting was not some permanent defect
  728. [18:20] <Tangent> Amelia sighs in relief. "T-thanks, Alexa...I..I thought..."
  729. [18:20] == Neemoose [] has joined #Overcity
  730. [18:20] <Tangent> She hugs her friend. Tightly.
  731. [18:20] <Overcity-Mall> Unfortunatly, she doesn't seem to take this kindness in mind in the slightest, as she yells out and screams at Amelia, still trying to take her down... although, her attacks considerably more feeble as she is at most throwing small blocks of cheese at Amelia, yelling frantically.
  732. [18:20] <Overcity-Mall> .d 5d10
  733. [18:20] <Internets> :: Total 28 / 50 [56%] :: Results [3, 1, 6, 10, 8] ::
  734. [18:21] <Tangent> In her distraction, Amelia doesn't notice until the last second.
  735. [18:21] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  736. [18:21] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 90 [42%] :: Results [4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 5, 5, 9, 2] ::
  737. [18:21] <Tangent> "Hey!" Amelia glares, sword reflexively batting away the cheese.
  738. [18:21] <Overcity-Mall> The blocks hit her square on the head and, well, the rest of her really. They... actually aren't that damaging.
  739. [18:21] <Tangent> *disregard this line
  740. [18:21] <Overcity-Mall> (2 damage, not pen'ing soak, 1 wound/success)
  741. [18:21] <Tangent> (kk)
  742. [18:22] <Tangent> (9/7 soak now then lol?)
  743. [18:22] <Tangent> "Just...give up?" Amelia asks. "You...Is it really worth it?"
  744. [18:22] <Tangent> give up.
  745. [18:23] <Tangent> She feels drained- though not the same way she was in past fights. She's still...trying to use her magic less, even if...she wound up drawing on a lot more of it than she meant to.
  746. [18:23] <Jran-Kri> Her relief at the girl no longer being a horror to behold turns to shock and rage. "C-can you not just... go?! What is WRONG with you?!"
  747. [18:24] <Overcity-Mall> She clenches her fists, gritting her teeth, as she frowns to her. "Give up... no, I can't! That shop belonged to mama! I can't go and lose it!" she said frantically... rushing the two. And feebly trying to beat at Amelia now, if they weren't going to stop her. (You two can go first if you want, otherwiseeeee)
  748. [18:24] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d10
  749. [18:24] <Internets> :: Total 5 / 10 [50%] :: Results [5] ::
  750. [18:24] <Overcity-Mall> (. . . Melee.)
  751. [18:24] <Tangent> Amelia reaches out, one hand touching Alexa's arm comfortingly. "Yeah, come on...Just...Let's-"
  752. [18:25] <Tangent> Amelia's eyes go wide and she reflexively parries, barely remembering to draw her blow at the last second.
  753. [18:25] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  754. [18:25] <Internets> :: Total 55 / 90 [61%] :: Results [1, 9, 2, 9, 7, 7, 3, 9, 8] ::
  755. [18:25] <Overcity-Mall> For the record: She's basically akin to just throwing a wimpy temper tantrum at this point for her fighting, her hands meekly banging on the armor or anything she's defending with.
  756. [18:25] <Tangent> Okay, yeah, then Amelia just uses her arm, not her sword.
  757. [18:26] <Overcity-Mall> She looks to the two with teary eyes as she continues her meek flailing. "I gotta I gotta I gottaaaaaa!" she whines.
  758. [18:27] <Tangent> She puts her hand on the other girl's shoulder. "Come on...Let's talk." Amelia tries to be as comforting as an armored, blue-faced knightgirl can be.
  759. [18:27] <Tangent> She glances to Alexa, then back to the girl. "Hey. What's your name?"
  760. [18:27] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's eye twitches spastically as she watches the girl. Taking a deep breath, she pushes up her glasses to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Yes yes fine let's help the girl who tried to kill us."
  761. [18:28] <Tangent> Amelia bites her lip. "Sorry..." She says to Alexa, hesitantly, then looks back to the girl.'
  762. [18:28] <Overcity-Mall> The girl sniffles as she falls to her knees. "Kase." she said in defeat, puffing a cheek at Alexa's remark. "And I wouldn'tve killed you, just kinda turned you into cheese for a bit. You'd turn back eventually, probably."
  763. [18:30] <Tangent> "That's...You're going to...not do that, okay, Kase? No turning people into cheese. Rule one. Rule two." And here Amelia goes very serious. "Don't use a black coin. Ever. They're...they're horrible things. Evil."
  764. [18:30] <Tangent> "Okay? I...I'll try and help you, but you have to agree to those."
  765. [18:31] <Overcity-Mall> "Mama used one, and the glowy red gem thing gave me it if I needed it. He said it would make me stronger, and I felt it..." she muttered, holding her arm weakly. "I don't care if it's evil, I can't mess this up..."
  766. [18:32] <Tangent> "...Oh god." Amelia shakes her head. "Where...where's your mother?" She asks, hesitantly. "You said...that shop there was hers?"
  767. [18:32] <Jran-Kri> "Yes, well, power -- that part is true, obviously," Alexa hooks her staff into her arm, wringing her hands. "But, ah -- Well, look, I -- Yes, is your mother...?"
  768. [18:32] <Tangent> Amelia exchanges a look with Alexa. There's a worried look in her eyes. Or maybe that's just them being orange.
  769. [18:33] <Overcity-Mall> "No, that woman just kept taking away buisness from our shop, so I had to deal with that. I don't really hate her or anything but mama said she was the enemy before." she said flatly, and oddly... innocently, as she sniffled.
  770. [18:33] <Tangent> She has a bad feeling about this.
  771. [18:33] <Overcity-Mall> (For the record: She's probably 7 or 8 at most by the looks of it. Then agian looks may be decieving.)
  772. [18:33] <Tangent> Amelia hadn't noticed just how...young she looks in the fighting. Not really.
  773. [18:34] <Overcity-Mall> "...And mama died a few months ago. I've been trying to manage the store but nobody really shows up..." she added.
  774. [18:34] <Tangent> "Oh..." Amelia hesitates, then reaches out to touch the younger girl, not quite a hug, but...
  775. [18:35] <Tangent> "We can help." Amelia declares.
  776. [18:35] <Tangent> ...She has to think about how to do that.
  777. [18:35] <Jran-Kri> Alexa ducks her head, sighing as her suspicions are confirmed. A deep grimace carves its way down her face. "Well. Sorry, but that- that doesn't give you the right to -- We can?" She stares at Amelia, shocked.
  778. [18:35] <Overcity-Mall> "Y-you can? Uh, I mean, how... what uh, will you do? I mean uh, I can show you the shop or something...?" she said, looking a bit more energetic now.
  779. [18:35] <Tangent> "...Hey, Kase, did anyone ever tell you about...the Wand and Circlet?" She doesn't quite make eye contact with her.
  780. [18:35] <Tangent> " could sell stuff there?" She tries, coming up with things on the spot.
  781. [18:36] <Tangent> Damnit, she should've thought this through.
  782. [18:36] <Tangent> "Or we could talk to the shop owner..."
  783. [18:36] <Tangent> "Maybe she just doesn't...know you're in trouble?"
  784. [18:36] <Tangent> "And...yeah, sure..."
  785. [18:36] <Tangent> She shrugs apologetically at Alexa.
  786. [18:36] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I dunno, I mean, I have to watch the shop still..." she muttered, shaking her head. "J-just uh, you two are smarter or somethings, so like, I'll just show you two! C'mon, you'll see for certain the shop is the best there is!" she said frantically , trying to lead them down an offshoot from what seemed to be the main 'hall' down.
  787. [18:37] <Overcity-Mall> . . . For the record, Raspberry is still watching from afar.
  788. [18:37] <Tangent> Amelia bites her lip. "Sorry." She mumbles to Alexa. "But...she needs help."
  789. [18:37] <Overcity-Mall> She waves if anyone even looks.
  790. [18:37] <Tangent> "Hey, mousegirl! Get over here!"
  791. [18:37] <Jran-Kri> "... Look, maybe it's just a problem of advertising," Alexa points out, clearly not liking the way this is going. Nonetheless, she makes to follow the girl -- though she rounds on Raspberry a moment later. "You. Get over here. We're taking a detour."
  792. [18:37] <Overcity-Mall> "B-but I'm lactose intolerant and she smells like cheese!" she whined.
  793. [18:38] <Tangent> "She's like...eight." Amelia says, unhappily, to Alexa, then she sighs at Raspberry. "Well no one's asking you to EAT her! Come on, you can wait outside or something..."
  794. [18:38] <Tangent> She doesn't have time to check herself for changes...there's someone in need of help.
  795. [18:38] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse sighs and follows, though, keeping her distance still just incase.
  796. [18:39] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa, then goes on the detour...again.
  797. [18:39] <Jran-Kri> "Well you don't have to bloody buy anything," Alexa grumbles, padding after Amelia with undisguised frustration.
  798. [18:40] <Overcity-Mall> The small girl meanwhile leads them along... there seems to be construction going on here, specifically on one shop, "H-hey wait! What's going on!?" "Loan wasn't paid, we're reposessin' the place." "B-but I still have like, a week left! You're from Brinwar right?" "Wha- no, Predatory Loans, kid. Though those folks're pretty brutal, better stay away if they're lookin' for ya here." the gruff
  799. [18:40] <Overcity-Mall> rhino-man with a rather generic construction worker attire said, before going back to overseeing the project as Kase simply fell to her knees in shock.
  800. [18:42] <Tangent> "Hey! Hold up!" Amelia storms up to the rhino-man. Even if he isn't corrupted, her nose wrinkles slightly at the sight. She's still not really used to people that aren't human...
  801. [18:42] <Tangent> "This is her home. How much is the, um, loan?"
  802. [18:43] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stares at this in shock for some time, the gears in her head almost audibly whirring as she tries to come to grips with this new development. When Amelia moves forward, however, she starts after her, albeit with a melodramatic sigh.
  803. [18:43] <Tangent> She glances to Alexa, then fixes the rhino with her glare again- despite their height difference..
  804. [18:44] <Overcity-Mall> The rhino guy looks back. "Yes little miss's, can I help ya?" he said, sounding gruff and rough, and his expression seemed annoyed, but he shrugged indifferently and answered regardless. "About fourty silver coins worth by nows. That an' about a hundred thousand dubloons at that." he said flatly, uncaring of the height difference, or even if she had a weapon.
  805. [18:45] <Overcity-Mall> "An' while I much can't say is that good to take the home away, her mother left the debt to her. I'll leave out the whole kid's alive thing if the other debt collectors are lookin' to cash in on the debt, this lady apperantly racked up a lot everywhere." he said, Kase simply flopping over now in defeat at hearing this.
  806. [18:45] <Jran-Kri> "... We do not have that kind of money," Alexa hisses to Amelia. Straightening up to her full, quite insubstantial height, she claps her hands together and grins crookedly up at the rhino. "Now, sir, ah -- Well now, um, I think what we have here is a dreadful misunderstanding. Sir, I can assure you -- our client is fully capable of paying the loan, she simply needs more time!"
  807. [18:46] <Tangent> "I...I know." Amelia mumbles back. Damnit, this kid's mother...As if black coining wasn't bad enough...
  808. [18:47] <Overcity-Mall> "I... u-um, how much would the other loans probably... be?" "About as much as this. Maybe more. We're conservative, an' didn't go and give her more or give more time. S'why we got here first. It works out well like this." he said gruffly. "Gives first pick before divying it to everyone else." "...I-I don't think I could pay all of that more than once..." she meekly whispered back to Alexa
  809. [18:47] <Overcity-Mall> and Amelia.
  810. [18:48] <Jran-Kri> "Well!" Alexa is already visibly sweating, one eye twitching behind her glasses. She adjusts the round spectacles. "Perhaps we can n-negotiate s-some k-kind of... payment by installments! I have it on good authority that-that this shop will, um, be turning a much greater profit very soon, a-and the, um, debtor can absolutely make good on any investments!"
  811. [18:49] <Tangent> "You d-" Amelia clues in and shuts up, giving her friend an encouraging nod.
  812. [18:51] <Tangent> (maybe pause in a bit btw?)
  813. [18:51] <Overcity-Mall> "S'already the plan, but ladies, I'll be frank, this woman's got a reputation, an' the folks that didn't get to collect will be wantin' in on it here too. Lettin' the little lass disappear from this inheritance s'for the best, like it or not." he said simply, his giant head reaching down to gently pat the unresponsive cheese mahou on the head, before turning back to the construction as the
  814. [18:51] <Overcity-Mall> shop seemed to 'sink' into the ground. "Now we're wrappin' up here, so s'cuse me ladies." "Oi, who'ya talkin' too? That the girl we need't find?" "Nah, some lookalike, keep workin we'll look later." he called, leaving the group...
  815. [18:51] <Overcity-Mall> (And sure sure if y'gotta)
  816. [18:52] <Tangent> "...Damnit." Amelia bites her lip. At least he didn't rat the girl out...
  817. [18:53] <Overcity-Mall> "M-maybe we should get her out of here before anyone else notices." The mouse girl muttered to the others, still keeping her distance from the other mahou.
  818. [18:54] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stares at the shop, visibly deflating. Shaking her head, she turns back to Amelia and the girl. "I tried," she says primly, shoulders slumped. She nods at Raspberry. "Yes. We... we should go."
  819. [18:54] <Tangent> "...Thanks, Alexa. You...Yeah." She nods, looking unhappy but grateful.
  820. [18:55] <Tangent> "Kase?" Amelia murmurs gently, if reluctantly. A glance to the girl's house. Or where it used to be. "We...we'll fix this, okay? I promise. You'll be okay."
  821. [18:56] <Tangent> Bold words from a girl who burnt her soul into a crisp and is turning into some kind of frog.
  822. [18:56] == Flamy has changed nick to Super_Fortress-Randoru-kun
  823. [18:56] <Tangent> "But you need to come with us, okay?"
  824. [18:56] <Overcity-Mall> The girl just laid there. Someone probably needed to carry her. She still nodded though.
  825. [18:56] <Tangent> "We could try that shop?" Amelia whispers to Alexa.
  826. [18:57] <Tangent> Then she kneels, her balance slightly awkward, and she scoops Kase up. She's not heavy with Amelia's magical strength...but she holds her a bit awkwardly.
  827. [18:57] <Jran-Kri> "... Try what?" Alexa seems genuinely confused, narrowing her eyes testily at Amelia. "Pick up where the damn cheesemonger left off?"
  828. [18:58] <Tangent> "She's just a kid. Maybe the shopkeeper'd let her stay there?" Amelia shrugs helplessly. "Damnit, there's got to be SOMETHING we can do..."
  829. [18:58] <Tangent> "Worst comes to the worst...the Wand has rooms, remember?"
  830. [18:59] <Jran-Kri> Alexa resumes grinding her teeth. The faint noise testifies to the layer of calcium being scraped off. "It's worth a try. Let's go."
  831. [18:59] <Tangent> (yeah gtg now)
  832. [19:00] <Jran-Kri> ((Alright, we'll pick up later. See you.))
  833. [19:00] <Tangent> Amelia reaches out. Shouldernudges Alexa. "You did the right thing back there." She says quietly.
  834. [19:00] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I dunno? I mean, master doesn't really talk about having other apprentices or something but maybe? I won't know..." she sighed. (And kay, we end off on this cliffhanger then, cya~)
  835. [19:00] <Jran-Kri> "Tried," Alexa testily corrects. "I tried to do the right thing."
  837. [22:59] <Tangent> Amelia looks over to Alexa, only tilting her neck slightly to do it. "Yeah. You *tried*." Amelia echoes, smiling broadly at Alexa, warmth obvious despite her face being slightly stretched and her blue skin. "That's what counts, and I'm proud you did." She'd give her a thumbs up but her hands are full.
  838. [23:04] <Jran-Kri> Alexa smiles thinly back at Amelia, clearly enjoying Amelia's praise despite the seriousness of the situation. The aforementioned situation catches up to her after a moment. Clearing her throat, she nods back at Kase. "Well. I suppose the best we can do right now is hope that the other cheesemonger doesn't bear any hard feelings."
  839. [23:05] <Overcity-Mall> "...She sells candy actually." she muttered flatly.
  840. [23:05] <Overcity-Mall> Also who's carrying her... or is she still just laying there on the ground.
  841. [23:05] <Tangent> Amelia hasn't dropped her! Yet!
  842. [23:05] <Tangent> "Have you, um, met her" Amelia asks, as tactfully as she can manage. "What's she like?"
  843. [23:06] <Tangent> "Oh, and, um, do you know her name?"
  844. [23:06] <Jran-Kri> "Oh. Well. Candywoman, then," Alexa nods briskly, grinning crookedly.
  845. [23:06] <Overcity-Mall> "Y-yea. Not often. Mom had me help harrass her with her ideas every now and then." she muttered. "I dunno her name though. I don't think mom did either."
  846. [23:06] <Tangent> Amelia frowns. The more she hears about this girl's mother...She shakes her head.
  847. [23:07] <Overcity-Mall> "S-she was serious on her being the enemy though, mama was that is."
  848. [23:07] <Tangent> "Okay, well, we're going back there first, okay? Can you tell her you're sorry? She might be able to help you."
  849. [23:08] <Overcity-Mall> "Y-yea. I will..." she muttered, nodding with a somewhat dead look to her eyes.
  850. [23:08] <Tangent> "Okay." She tightens her grip. "Good girl. This...I told you I'd make things right, and I'll find a way to do it, okay?"
  851. [23:09] <Tangent> There's a determined look to her as she says it.
  852. [23:11] <Tangent> Amelia glances to Alexa and Raspberry as they walk back.
  853. [23:11] <Overcity-Mall> She nods... once the group arrives back, the candy store is mostly cleaned up it seems, the woman managing the broom, who looks up to the group with a somewhat sigh, expecting more trouble, but not shooing them away much as it stands. And Raspberry... just lags behind at a decent distance.
  854. [23:13] <Jran-Kri> Alexa takes a deep breath, stepping inside of the shop with her customary crooked grin. "Ah, hello! Um. We believe your, um... little friend would like to apologize."
  855. [23:15] <Tangent> Amelia nods, looking to Kase after putting her down.
  856. [23:16] <Overcity-Mall> Kase sighs with a nod, as she pushes away and hops out of Amelia's arms. "Um... yea. Sorry, miss candy lady..." she said worriedly, the woman sighing a bit and crossing her arms. "Well, then what brought about the change of heart, little one?" "...I kinda... have nowhere else to go." she muttered. "M-mama died recently and uh... I tried to keep doing stuff at the store but it's, um, gone
  857. [23:16] <Overcity-Mall> now." "That woman, so reckless and pointlessly harrassing... And I see she got you all wrapped up in that mess, coming over here and making threats so often, having me sell some of your items for you..." she said in a somewhat scolding manner, as Kase teared up a bit, standing there simply.
  858. [23:18] <Tangent> Amelia winces, but holds off for the moment. She does move up and gently rest her hand on Kase's shoulder in what's meant as a gesture of comfort...but waits for the woman to finish.
  859. [23:18] <Jran-Kri> Alexa merely wrings her hands, looking between the woman and the girl with a resting grin that belies her nervousness.
  860. [23:19] <Overcity-Mall> The woman sighs a bit as she sees the scene there, gently patting the girl on the head, before looking to the others. "She doesn't have anywhere left to go now, does she?"
  861. [23:21] <Tangent> Amelia shakes her head.
  862. [23:21] <Jran-Kri> Shaking her head, Alexa grimaces at the woman. "No. Nowhere. She r-really d-didn't deserve t-to get mixed up in this..."
  863. [23:23] <Overcity-Mall> "...Well, then I can't just turn you away now, can I little one." she said, kneeling down as the girl winced and held her arms up defensively, only to be gently hugged, a look of confused surprise on her face as she looked to the others worriedly, as if this was bad or something. "Well, I'll look past your dreadful little behavior before then, but you'll have to be good and listen now, little
  864. [23:23] <Overcity-Mall> one, alright?" "U-uh... Kay?"
  865. [23:24] <Tangent> "Thank you, ma'am." Amelia sighs in relief. She gives Kas an encouraging smile and a thumbs up.
  866. [23:25] <Jran-Kri> "Wonderful, wonderful," Alexa nods briskly, clasping her hands together and grinning. "Well, I think our work here is done. Let's be off. Right now."
  867. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> Kase looked with teary eyes to the woman, and returned the hug cautiously, embraced and gently weeping as she was gently picked up, the woman looking to the others. "You girls seemed in quite a hurry, but let me at the least give a small gift, for helping this little one, come in and take a quick pick at the candies, there's surely something good there.
  868. [23:27] <Overcity-Mall> (You both can go and get a magic candy, it'll boost a respective stat by +2, and heal you for 4 mana 2 hp 1 soak when eaten. It's duration is about an hour... but it expires in about two months. So make sure to eat it before then!)
  869. [23:28] <Tangent> "Oh, um, thanks, but..." Amelia glances down at her arms, nervously, then nods and grabs a candy before standing in the doorway. "We...we probably should get going...thanks for the candy and for...taking care of her. Um, we'll tell everyone to try your shop, okay? Mrs..."
  870. [23:30] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh it's no problem, take care now, girls... and come now, little one, lets get you cleaned up." she said, urging Kase inside who took her hand and followed with big, still watery eyes...
  871. [23:30] <Overcity-Mall> ...Raspberry smiled a bit, though, still keeping afar. "W-well, that's good... um, we didn't spend too long here anyway, so, it should be fine."
  872. [23:31] <Jran-Kri> Alexa snatches up a candy, nodding brusquely and grinning at the woman before stepping outside. "Yes yes wasn't that lovely good job," Alexa rattles off, striding over to Raspberry and gesturing invitingly. "Let's be off."
  873. [23:33] <Tangent> "Right. Well, at least she'll be okay now. I guess we can come back for sweets when all this is over with?"
  874. [23:33] <Tangent> Amelia shrugs. "Um, Alexa, you don't see, right?" She asks worriedly.
  875. [23:35] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nodded, as she started to lead the group back off, there was quite a few sights, and otherwise an- "O-oh no, I forgot to charge the batteries...." she meekly whined, as she checked the phone. Which was now dead... "U-um, I mean, we're close'ish anyway, like uh, probably four or five hours... I think?" she said... Amelia's changes meanwhile, werent' much different. Just progression
  876. [23:35] <Overcity-Mall> of what already has happened. Her eyes moving about a bit. Her mouth widening... and her face seeming a little more stretched out now. Just a bit. Still, there was one noticable thing, in that her legs were.... starting to get awkward to move with. And her feet felt really weird, dare she check what's up?
  877. [23:36] <Tangent> Amelia winces. "Damnit...I think my legs are cramping up...Hang on..."
  878. [23:36] <Tangent> She's not going to let this curse SCARE her. She's not.
  879. [23:37] <Tangent> She checks.
  880. [23:37] <Jran-Kri> "Hm? Oh, yes, no, nothing new at all, just, you know, everything," Alexa waves a dismissive hand, her attention focused on Raspberry. She follows along with increasing fury.
  881. [23:37] <Overcity-Mall> Her feet have changed somewhat drastically, that is, they're starting to be more like HANDS than feet...
  882. [23:37] <Overcity-Mall> They're wider. And longer toes, but shorter rest of foot....
  883. [23:38] <Overcity-Mall> ...This explains why walking's starting ot be awkward...
  884. [23:38] <Tangent> "Oh god what." Amelia blurts. "Damnit, what the HELL am I turning into..."
  885. [23:38] <Overcity-Mall> (-1 dice to agility. Unless you walk on all fours, but then you can't use your weapon!)
  886. [23:38] <Tangent> She's going to walk. On her own TWO feet, damnit!
  887. [23:39] <Tangent> She shakes her head furiously, forcing her boots back on and storming onwards without even waiting for the other two.
  888. [23:39] <Tangent> "Damnit, damnit, damnit..."
  889. [23:40] <Tangent> She mumbles through a too-wide mouth.
  890. [23:42] <Overcity-Mall> "U-uh, you okay?" The mouse girl said, as she looked ahead and yelped
  891. [23:42] <Overcity-Mall> A fork in the road!
  892. [23:42] <Overcity-Mall> "W-wait, uh, both should take us there but um... one will take longer. Probably... uhhh...." she sighed, tilting her head. "I know I had to take left somewhere but I forget where, the store always changes..."
  893. [23:43] <Tangent> Amelia's gone stilll as Raspberry mumbles. "No! I'm not okay! I'm turning into a...a thing! A frog or SOMETHING! What the hell good am I if I'm some kind of PET!" Amelia yells, shaking now as she glares at Raspberry. "Damnit, damnit..."
  894. [23:43] <Overcity-Mall> "U-Uh I mean... magical creatures tend to be familiars or otherwise, so you'll be effective for magical use and companionship but uh, I mean..." she said, trying to be optimistic here.
  895. [23:44] <Tangent> "Oh, THANKS! That's a GREAT help! Flaming ace familiar Amelia, yep, that's really worth everything..." Amelia snaps, shaking her head. "Never mind. Where?"
  896. [23:45] <Tangent> She sighs. "I don't even know anymore. Alexa?"
  897. [23:46] <Overcity-Mall> "Th-they-usually-cost-a-silver-or-two-for-elemental-types-I'm-just-trying-to-sound-optimistic-sorry-sorry-sorry-sorry!" she sqeuaked out worriedly, backing away.
  898. [23:46] <Tangent> *Which way...I don't even
  899. [23:46] <Jran-Kri> Alexa breathes heavily, her eye twitching as she stares at Raspberry. "I don't care. I don't care. Just. Move. Somewhere," she gestures sharply towards the left. "Let me put it this way: if we don't get there in time, you won't, ever."
  900. [23:47] <Overcity-Mall> The girl meekly squeaks and gulps, before heading to the left... you chose poorly. Or did you? Actually it probably won't matter...
  901. [23:47] <Overcity-Mall> (...Actually fuck I forgot to roll this)
  902. [23:47] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d4
  903. [23:47] <Tangent> "Oh, great. Thanks for the discount." Amelia shakes her head, then looks at Alexa. "Alexa...don't. It''s not worth it. She didn't mean to...It was an accident. A stupid accident."
  904. [23:47] <Internets> :: Total 3 / 4 [75%] :: Results [3] ::
  905. [23:47] <Overcity-Mall> (. . . Ok yea poorly kinda.)
  906. [23:47] <Tangent> She reaches out, taking Alexa's hand. She feels shame- she'd actually forgotten Alexa'd be worried about her too.
  907. [23:48] <Jran-Kri> "All the more reason to fix you," she grinds her teeth, eye continuing to twitch ever so often. She squeezes Amelia's hand just a bit too tightly. At length, she sighs. "Sorry. Sorry. I'm under a bit of stress."
  908. [23:48] <Overcity-Mall> It leads along... it's a straight path. Well, straight as a winding, twisting, occasionally having to go up an escalator, then down one later, path could get... They didn't get side tracked by anything, unless Amelia really wanted to check out that "New amazing sword that shoots fire AND lightning" deal at that one shop.
  909. [23:48] <Tangent> ...maybe later.
  910. [23:48] <Overcity-Mall> Figured.
  911. [23:49] <Overcity-Mall> They finally however, come to another set of turns.... the mouse sighing. "U-uh, one more turn.... unless we turned too early, I mean, if we did then we'll miss the shop a bit, but if we didnt' well be there.... uh..." she said, looking to the two again.
  912. [23:49] <Tangent> "...Are we lost?" Amelia asks bluntly. A reassuring squeeze of Alexa's hand. May as well do this before her fingers drop off or something.
  913. [23:50] <Tangent> "Okay, let's get this over with..."
  914. [23:50] <Overcity-Mall> "I don't think we're that lost! Really! And uh, if we turned too early, then we'll be fine on one of the ways anyway... I think."
  915. [23:51] == Alicious [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  916. [23:51] == Alicious [] has joined #Overcity
  917. [23:51] == mode/#Overcity [+o Alicious] by }o{
  918. [23:51] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to glare daggers at the girl. "Okay. Okay. Let's just... keep going. And we'll see."
  919. [23:51] <Overcity-Mall> Left or right?
  920. [23:51] <Tangent> Amelia sighs, tugging at Alexa's hand. "Okay, let's go...left?"
  921. [23:52] <Jran-Kri> "Sure. Left. Fine. I feel good about left," Alexa continues grinding her teeth.
  922. [23:52] <Tangent> Amelia leans in closer to Alexa. A gentle nudge.
  923. [23:53] <Tangent> Her feet are killing her.
  924. [23:53] <Jran-Kri> Alexa glances sharply over at Amelia. She glares at her friend for a half second before her gaze softens. She looks down at her feet. "... Do you want me to carry you?"
  925. [23:54] <Tangent> Amelia winces. "I...I'm okay. Thanks. Besides, I'm a bit tall for that..." She tries to joke.
  926. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> The path continues as she continues left... and it seems to get darker around. A glacne up, yea, the sun is starting to set, it's orange in the sky, turning purple just ever so slightly.... the girl looks around worriedly. "U-uh... right. If this is the right way, then it should only be a few more hours." she said in an encouraging tone.
  927. [23:56] <Tangent> Amelia hobbles along, as much tugging on Alexa as holding her hand. "Great. Just peachy." She grumbles.
  928. [23:58] <Overcity-Mall> ...The group then comes across a dead end after about thirty more minutes of walking. "O-oh no, we took a wrong path..." she sighed, and looked around a bit, yelping. "O-Oh no, scaffolding!" she said, pointing... yep, that was common construction scaffolding.
  929. [23:59] <Tangent> "Great. We took a wrong turn. So let's go back."
  930. [23:59] <Jran-Kri> "Oh," Alexa says dully. She stares at Raspberry, barely casting the scaffolding a sideways glance. "Well then I guess we'd better turn around." She speaks with a strangely dead tone of voice, her glare uncomfortable muted.
  931. [00:00] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa, brow furrowing in concern.
  932. [00:00] <Overcity-Mall> She sighed, nodding, as they started back... though, ten minutes in? An odd thing was seen
  933. [00:00] <Overcity-Mall> Rather, it could be more than seen.
  934. [00:01] <Tangent> What happened? Not like things could get any WORSE?
  935. [00:01] <Overcity-Mall> It was COMPLETELY obstructing their way, a new wall was dead in their path, of plywood, labeled "Please go around, we apologize for the temporary detour!". It apperantly wanted you all to go back the way you came. You know, to the dead end. "O-oh no... uh, we need to obey that thing...." she said, worriedly. The sound of construction could be heard on the other side of this wall.
  936. [00:02] <Overcity-Mall> (Also for the record: Every shop around here seems closed)
  937. [00:02] <Overcity-Mall> (At least, as you come back, they are)
  938. [00:02] <Tangent> "Goddamnit!" Amelia glares. "Stupid overcity, who the hell even BUILDS stuff here?!"
  939. [00:03] <Overcity-Mall> "I-Its the construction of this area! The mall tends to keep changing and stuff like this happens when you go the wrong way!" she said worriedly... "C-come on, if we're lucky we can get out from the other way we ca- ooooohh...." she said... they could see, down the way, about five minutes back?
  940. [00:03] <Overcity-Mall> It now was no longer a dead end. It now was even closer, yet another one of those construction plywood walls...
  941. [00:04] <Overcity-Mall> ". . . U-uhm.... we might have to wait this out..."
  942. [00:04] <Tangent> "...Shit." Amelia says eloquently. "Or what?"
  943. [00:04] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh," Alexa says dully, looking at both of the new walls. She takes her sweet time, swivelling her head to stare at the two of them. At last, she turns on Raspberry. "I don't know if you noticed, but you've put us on a BIT OF A BLOODY CLOCK!" Her voice raises all at once as she seems to explode, a series of angry twitching racking her body.
  944. [00:05] <Overcity-Mall> "Or uh, we go through the construction. Which master says is the worst thing you can do if you want to still continue life as you know it... she also likes watching people go through it and says it's really rare for someone to even survive." she added, looking down.
  945. [00:05] <Tangent> Amelia actively tugs on Alexa. "Alexa, we'll...we'll wait it out. It'll be okay. I hope."
  946. [00:05] <Tangent> "Uh, your master sounds like a jerk. This is the person we're going to?"
  947. [00:06] <Jran-Kri> "Good. GOOD!" A grin rips across Alexa's face. She pays no heed to Amelia, continuing to stare at Raspberry. She wheezes in what might have been supposed to be laughter as she points at the wall they initially intended to pass through. "Lead the way, RAT!"
  948. [00:06] <Tangent> "Alexa!" Amelia barks. "Let's...let's wait."
  949. [00:06] <Overcity-Mall> She jumped back from Alexa. "I-I'm sorry I know but she'll be fine I mean I'm pretty sure at least there really shouldn't be a deadline on when she's fixed she just will have to be an animal for a bit and these shouldn't take that long master said the longest lasting one in a specific area only took half a day!" she said frightened, shaking her head.
  950. [00:06] <Overcity-Mall> . . . Also, they might notice
  951. [00:06] <Overcity-Mall> The wall got... closer.
  952. [00:07] <Tangent> "That....Just get us there, okay?" Amelia sighs, her attention on Alexa.
  953. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> Just a bit
  954. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> Not that much. A few meters at most
  955. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> But it was closer.
  956. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I can't, there's no way around! Do you see one cause I don't!"
  957. [00:07] <Tangent> Amelia just sighs.
  958. [00:07] <Tangent> "Alexa...please?" Amelia puts her other hand on Alexa's shoulder, looking into her friend's eyes.
  959. [00:08] <Tangent> "I...It'll be okay. It's not worth risking you, and her, over too, okay? I mean, I'm cursed, that's bad enough, but if it's that bad...I don't want you to get hurt over...just me being cursed."
  960. [00:08] <Jran-Kri> Alexa breathes heavily, continuing to glare daggers at the mouse girl. At length, Amelia's better judgement prevails. Sighing wearily, Alexa deflates, pushing up her glasses to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Fine. So be it. We will wait."
  961. [00:08] <Tangent> Amelia hugs Alexa, tightly. "Thanks, Alexa..."
  962. [00:09] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl sighed in some relief...
  963. [00:10] <Tangent> "We'll just need to wait for that to...finish?" Amelia points to the wall, then blinks.
  964. [00:10] <Tangent> "Uh...Guys?"
  965. [00:10] <Overcity-Mall> The wall doesn't seem to 'move' so much... but if you compare it from where it was? Compare it tothe closed stores? Yea. It's closing in. A glance down, the other one is too... "U-ummmm....?"
  966. [00:11] <Tangent> "It's a trap." Amelia says flatly. "I, um, think we should run."
  967. [00:11] <Tangent> She's still a fighter, but she's not going to fight a WALL. Not now, anyway.
  968. [00:12] <Jran-Kri> "... Well, on second thought, perhaps we don't have that luxury," Alexa says grimly, staring at the wall. She looks again at Raspberry, and gestures grandly towards the wall. "As I said. Lead the way."
  969. [00:12] <Overcity-Mall> "R-run where! We're between the two!"
  970. [00:12] <Tangent> Amelia looks at the stores. "Maybe we could break in?"
  971. [00:12] <Tangent> She lets go of Alexa long enough to draw her sword.
  972. [00:12] <Overcity-Mall> "W-we'll have to deal with the whole construction mess if you even open that!"
  973. [00:12] == ThePandaKnight [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  974. [00:12] <Tangent> "...Or not." Amelia gulps.
  975. [00:13] <Jran-Kri> "I'm not opening anything," Alexa says primly, a smirk tugging at her grimace. "You are."
  976. [00:13] <Tangent> "Alexa, not helping..."
  977. [00:13] <Tangent> Amelia mutters.
  978. [00:13] <Tangent> (btw did Raspberry mean the stores?)
  979. [00:13] <Overcity-Mall> "It'll go and cover us all from what master said! Even if I open it or someone else does, it'll be REALLY bad!"
  980. [00:13] <Overcity-Mall> (no, she ment the 'closed, please take detour' walls)
  981. [00:13] <Tangent> "Even the STORES?"
  982. [00:14] <Tangent> "What if we break into THAT store?" Amelia repeats, keeping her calm- almost strangely so.
  983. [00:14] <Overcity-Mall> "...Uh, I dunno about them actually, but we'll be tresspassing, which could mean whatever depending on the store... I dunno how that will be."
  984. [00:14] <Tangent> "Right, screw it. We're going in there." She points at the nearest store. "Alexa, come on..."
  985. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> It's a... mattress store? At least it's comfy looking, but it's a bit early for bed time.
  986. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> It does however, have a distinct advantage of having no metal-gate'ing covering it's doors
  987. [00:15] <Tangent> Amelia stabs at the lock!
  988. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> It does however, have glass doors. That probably will break if you break in.
  989. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> Still stabbing?
  990. [00:16] <Jran-Kri> "Christ alive -- Fine!" She rounds to follow Amelia, shaking her head like a dog breaking a rabbit's neck. With a flick of her staff, she summons a pane of hard light to smash the door down.
  991. [00:16] <Jran-Kri> Or, rather, the glass pane, at least.
  992. [00:16] <Overcity-Mall> Smash!
  993. [00:16] <Overcity-Mall> ...Hey, at least there's no alarm going off
  994. [00:16] <Overcity-Mall> You can enter in.
  995. [00:16] <Tangent> "...That was...easy..."
  996. [00:17] <Overcity-Mall> "Y-yea but I mean, it's still tresspassing...."
  997. [00:17] <Tangent> Amelia stumbles inside. "Alexa, can you, um, do something?"
  998. [00:17] <Tangent> "We can say sorry later." Amelia grumbles. "You're the one that said how bad the construction was..."
  999. [00:17] <Jran-Kri> "Too easy. Something is going to go wrong when we step inside," Alexa comments, stepping in after Amelia. Once Raspberry is inside as well, she summons another pane of light, filling in the opening with a bright red barrier.
  1000. [00:17] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl sighed. "Y-yea, I know...." she said, indeed even going into the store itself.
  1001. [00:18] <Overcity-Mall> She rather tresspass than deal with the stories.
  1002. [00:18] <Tangent> "Hello?" Amelia calls out once she's inside.
  1003. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> And almost IMMIDIATELY as she calls out hello, a humanoid robot glides over, hovering, and very round shaped. "Greetings! Welcome to Fluffico Matress Emporium, home of all you will ever need for bedding, for this life and the next! Allow me to show you girls around!" it said, reaching out to grab their hands
  1004. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> (. . . Roll vs a melee attack if you really don't want to be grabbed)
  1005. [00:20] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1006. [00:20] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 40 [47%] :: Results [4, 2, 5, 8] ::
  1007. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d6-1
  1008. [00:20] <Internets> :: Total 3 / 5 [60%] :: Results [4] ::
  1009. [00:21] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1010. [00:21] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 90 [42%] :: Results [2, 3, 9, 5, 3, 6, 3, 2, 5] ::
  1011. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> Both girls fail to escape it's ridiculously fast grasp, as it drags them along, sprouting two more arms, but one also dragging along Raspberry's arm. "Here we have the deluxe super memory foam comfort plus, Mark 7! Try her out, she's complete with fluffle cotton pillows and comforter, as well as solar drider silk, for maximum comfort and durability for up to 10,000,000,000 years, guarenteed!"
  1012. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> the robot stated, dragging all three girls onto the bed... it was very comfy, at least.
  1013. [00:24] <Tangent> "No! Let go!"
  1014. [00:25] <Jran-Kri> "Yes well thank you I think we're quite alright--!" Alexa yelps as they are unceremoniously thrown onto the bed. "Eep!"
  1015. [00:26] <Overcity-Mall> "I will release after the demonstration has been completed, ma'am, until then, enjoy maximum comfort!" he stated, as the robotic face of theirs turned into a timer. "Comfort shall end and next demonstration piece will be displayed in 30 seconds."
  1016. [00:26] <Overcity-Mall> ...You have a chance to try escaping the bindings again now.
  1017. [00:27] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1018. [00:27] <Internets> :: Total 57 / 90 [63%] :: Results [6, 7, 4, 4, 8, 9, 3, 6, 10] ::
  1019. [00:27] <Overcity-Mall> (Also, just cause my head can't help but do it, this robot's voice is probably the same as a Claptrap)
  1020. [00:28] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa, your roll to resist~
  1021. [00:28] <Overcity-Mall> (it's a melee grapple, if you're wondering)
  1022. [00:29] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1023. [00:29] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 40 [25%] :: Results [4, 3, 2, 1] ::
  1024. [00:31] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia frees herself! Only for the robot to zoom across the store without her, dragging Alexa and Raspberry along, stopping oddly suddenly and gently to lay them upon the next thing, a set of twin bunk beds. "Here we have the economy family sibling duo of binding plus four! Now with cupholder additions!" he stated, as the two could see a cup holder indeed swivvel around the right-top leg of
  1025. [00:31] <Overcity-Mall> the bed and rest next to their head. "Comfort shall end and next demonstration product will be displayed in 30 seconds.".
  1026. [00:32] <Tangent> Amelia charges right at it with an angry scream! "LET HER GO!"
  1027. [00:32] <Overcity-Mall> ...Amelia, you're at a very, very far range (2 turns to get there). Alexa, you can get another chance to escape here again
  1028. [00:32] <Overcity-Mall> And yes, the 'rounds' are 30 seconds for this case.
  1029. [00:32] <Tangent> Amelia hobbles angrily...stumbling and dropping onto her hands.
  1030. [00:32] <Tangent> Her hands.
  1031. [00:32] <Tangent> Damnit.
  1032. [00:32] <Tangent> She dismisses her sword...and runs.
  1033. [00:32] == NotPoplartree [~androirc@57EF6E43.D7CEE602.DE6D5023.IP] has joined #Overcity
  1034. [00:33] <Overcity-Mall> It is certainly disconcerning how natural this now feels.
  1035. [00:33] <Tangent> Whatever the hell she's turning into, she has to get there NOW. If that means running on her hands and feet, so be it.
  1036. [00:34] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa, resisting the grapple again?)
  1037. [00:34] <Tangent> "I'M COMING, ALEXA!" Amelia yells. "Hang in there!"
  1038. [00:36] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1039. [00:36] <Internets> :: Total 29 / 40 [72%] :: Results [6, 10, 8, 5] ::
  1040. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> (Also just state if it is getting too late, Jran, since I can move us to a cliffhanger suitable if need be~)
  1041. [00:36] == ThePandaKnight [] has joined #Overcity
  1042. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> She escapes this binding! However... another seems to shoot out, right as she finishes
  1043. [00:36] <Jran-Kri> ((I am a little tired, but I can keep going.))
  1044. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> (Roll vs another melee, Alexa)
  1045. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d8
  1046. [00:36] <Internets> :: Total 6 / 8 [75%] :: Results [6] ::
  1047. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> (...well shit. I mean, add a -1 to that but still.... well shit)
  1048. [00:37] <Tangent> Amelia runs, desperate to help her friend before...whatever goes wrong does.
  1049. [00:37] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1050. [00:37] <Internets> :: Total 25 / 40 [62%] :: Results [1, 5, 9, 10] ::
  1051. [00:37] <Tangent> Well...scuttles?
  1052. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> A set of belts snap onto her right as the timer hits zero. "And here we have the maximum comfort security set! To keep people safely in place, be they loved ones, dangerous criminals, or otherwise! While I am on the subject, I cannot help but have noticed, we are past closing hours and you have vandalized our premesis! I now state that as part of my programming, compensation protocol has
  1053. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> already been activated! Have fun girls, your friend shall join you in the compensation chambers soon!" The robot cheerfully stated, as a hatch opened below the beds, and the girls would freefall in, strapped to the beds, only to land upon what seemed to be a dark area... on a conveytor belt? This was probably not good....
  1054. [00:40] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa: You have 3 rounds of attempting to break out of the bindings. After 2 rounds, I'll describe the danger if you're still stuck.)
  1055. [00:40] <Overcity-Mall> Also Amelia: You've closed in to far range from the bot, who turns his attention to you now.
  1056. [00:41] <Tangent> Amelia just screams and scuttles forwards on all fours, seeing red as her friends disappear.
  1057. [00:41] <Overcity-Mall> Also meanwhile: Raspberry whines. "Oooohhh... U-uh, sorry Alexa, I'll try helping but um, I'ma have to run if this is too dangerous!" she said, as a glance down the conveytor could see... she poofed. And a small rat made a hop from their bed to hers, as she started to nibble at the bindings...
  1058. [00:41] <Tangent> She just wants to tear this thing apart right now.
  1059. [00:42] <Tangent> [Amelia goes first, or...]
  1060. [00:42] <Overcity-Mall> (On the 2nd/3rd rolls, get a +1 dice for the mouse's aid.)
  1061. [00:42] <Overcity-Mall> As for initiative: The bot will go last. Customer service ensured!
  1062. [00:42] <Overcity-Mall> So yes, feel free to attack, you are currently far range.
  1063. [00:42] <Tangent> [Flame On triggered for 1 mag. Amelia Dashes with two more die.]
  1064. [00:42] <Tangent> [Does -1 ag apply if she's on all fours?]
  1065. [00:42] == flashdrive_ [] has joined #Overcity
  1066. [00:43] <Overcity-Mall> (Nope)
  1067. [00:43] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  1068. [00:43] <Internets> :: Total 22 / 40 [55%] :: Results [9, 9, 2, 2] ::
  1069. [00:43] <Tangent> [dash attack]
  1070. [00:43] <Overcity-Mall> (You do however, have to use fist attacks. No bonus applied)
  1071. [00:43] <Tangent> [Ah.]
  1072. [00:43] <Tangent> [Heh.]
  1073. [00:44] <Tangent> [Okay, do I reroll, or...]
  1074. [00:44] <Tangent> [Also I turn on Scald. Close attacks to Amelia automatically do 2 wounds to the attacker]
  1075. [00:45] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1076. [00:45] <Overcity-Mall> The robot is punched, metal plating flying off. "Dear customer and/or robber and/or tresspasser, I regret to inform you that you have violated rules of entry and are on company property out of buisness hours! I am obligated to inform you that I am programmed with a mastery of comfort-quarters-combat, and shall begin to utilize this now, prepare to join subjects in the compensation chamber!"
  1077. [00:45] <Overcity-Mall> they stated, moving to seem to grab at Amelia once more.
  1078. [00:45] == flashdrive_ has changed nick to flashdrive
  1079. [00:45] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d5-1
  1080. [00:45] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 4 [50%] :: Results [3] ::
  1081. [00:45] <Overcity-Mall> (Melee)
  1082. [00:46] <Tangent> The air around Amelia starts to ripple from sheer heat. [Robot takes 2 wounds, maybe bypassing soak, when it makes a close attack this turn]
  1083. [00:46] <Tangent> [From scald]
  1084. [00:46] <Overcity-Mall> (yep)
  1085. [00:46] <Tangent> !ex .d 9d10 the amelia salt is real
  1086. [00:46] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1087. [00:46] <Internets> :: Total 50 / 90 [55%] :: Results [9, 8, 9, 8, 6, 1, 3, 3, 3] ::
  1088. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> It misses, and burn marks score at the arms.
  1089. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia's turn again!
  1090. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> (Also is Jran passed out?)
  1091. [00:47] <Tangent> Amelia brings up one blue hand, and a silvery blade appears in it. She hacks away with an angry scream.
  1092. [00:47] <Tangent> [think jran is here]
  1093. [00:47] <Tangent> [Power overwhelming, all out attack. Amelia is not holding back despite her recent resolutions lol]
  1094. [00:48] <Jran-Kri> ((Nah, I'm here.))
  1095. [00:48] <Tangent> The fire FLARES up around Amelia, such a bright blue it's almost white, and the cursed magical girl brings her sword crashing down with great force!
  1096. [00:48] <Tangent> .d 10d10
  1097. [00:48] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 100 [41%] :: Results [5, 5, 1, 8, 3, 8, 1, 3, 1, 6] ::
  1098. [00:49] <Overcity-Mall> (While this is going on: You get 3 shots to try escaping bindings again. Attempt vs melee bindings. Rolls 2 and 3 get +1 dice to escape)
  1099. [00:49] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d3
  1100. [00:49] <Internets> :: Total 1 / 3 [33%] :: Results [1] ::
  1101. [00:49] == ThePandaKnight has changed nick to Sleepanda
  1102. [00:49] <Tangent> (+2 to damage on hits as well from PO BTW)
  1103. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1104. [00:49] <Internets> :: Total 20 / 40 [50%] :: Results [6, 5, 3, 6] ::
  1105. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> .d 5d10
  1106. [00:49] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 50 [76%] :: Results [8, 10, 6, 5, 9] ::
  1107. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> .d5d10
  1108. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> .d 5d107
  1109. [00:49] <Internets> :: Total 226 / 535 [42%] :: Results [49, 56, 66, 18, 37] ::
  1110. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> ((wait shit fuck))
  1111. [00:50] <Jran-Kri> .d 5d10
  1112. [00:50] <Internets> :: Total 29 / 50 [58%] :: Results [1, 9, 10, 5, 4] ::
  1113. [00:50] <Overcity-Mall> The bot autoamtically evades a bit. And the fire flares up and burns it anyway. "Dear customer, please refrain for utilizing fire on the demonstration floor!" They state simply
  1114. [00:50] <Tangent> "SHUT UP!"
  1115. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa: Meanwhile, you struggle to break free... clang, clang, in the distance, you hear stuff beating down... as you close in, you can see it, gigantic presses aiming to, well, crush and ram down on you, upon this converyor belt. There's nowhere to evade even off the belts, they're solid walls, but if you can just break free, evading the falling presses might be at the least possible! In the
  1116. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> nick of time, you break free, as the mouse that is Raspberry hops off with you and scampers onto a rather tiny side-railing... you're on your own for this, but as you look back to see what used to be the bed, it's flat as a pancake. What might be your fate if you're hit by this... Incoming presses!
  1117. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> .d 9d10
  1118. [00:52] <Internets> :: Total 55 / 90 [61%] :: Results [9, 9, 1, 9, 3, 2, 9, 8, 5] ::
  1119. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> (Melee attacks, all of these.)
  1120. [00:52] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1121. [00:52] <Internets> :: Total 15 / 40 [37%] :: Results [7, 5, 2, 1] ::
  1122. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> "I am programmed not to shut up indeed!" It stated, trying to re-capture at Amelia meanwhile
  1123. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d5-1
  1124. [00:52] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 4 [50%] :: Results [3] ::
  1125. [00:53] <Overcity-Mall> (...Also u-uh.. .what's your soak, Jran)
  1126. [00:53] <Tangent> "ALEXA!" Amelia yells, her fire flaring up again even as she's attacked.
  1127. [00:53] <Jran-Kri> ((3))
  1128. [00:53] <Overcity-Mall> (...Ow.)
  1129. [00:53] <Tangent> [2 more wounds on it because lolscald]
  1130. [00:53] <Tangent> [...Oh god.]
  1131. [00:54] <Tangent> [Did the bot attack Amelia again btw? Roll defense?]
  1132. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> Roll here, dodge here, an- WHAM. The third press slams down, as does the fourth before Alexa can escape away, she's feeeling.... oddly flat, Standing can confirm, her very form has been now deformed out of shape, but thankfully not to a point she can't move, and ebtter yet, not a bloody mess like what should have happened without magic... still, this is not good. Ahead seem to be steam pumps...
  1133. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> you have two rounds to heal or buff for the incoming onslaught.
  1134. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> (Also the bot indedd attempts to grab at you again)
  1135. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> (With 2 on it's attempted grab.)
  1136. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> (So yes, it got auto-attacked by scald)
  1137. [00:55] <Tangent> !ex 8 vs 7
  1138. [00:55] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  1139. [00:55] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 80 [50%] :: Results [1, 7, 2, 3, 6, 10, 8, 3] ::
  1140. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d3
  1141. [00:55] <Internets> :: Total 1 / 3 [33%] :: Results [1] ::
  1142. [00:55] <Tangent> (...Also if that's parry, Amelia does 2 more wounds because she's kinda a parrymonster)
  1143. [00:56] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  1144. [00:56] <Overcity-Mall> And cleave! Off goes it's head... "Dear customer! I regret to inform you I am no longer functional! Please act accordingly in terms of store management, thank you and have a nice day!" it stated. Before falling over flat on the ground....
  1145. [00:56] <Overcity-Mall> ...You can look down and see a conveyor belt.
  1146. [00:56] <Overcity-Mall> But no Alexa. No beds. Nothing.
  1147. [00:56] <Tangent> Amelia doesn't wait for a witty remark. She just throws herself down.
  1148. [00:56] <Tangent> She lands on her hands and feet.
  1149. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Oh god)
  1150. [00:57] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's first thought is a desperate desire to murder that little scum-sucking rat. Self-preservation pushes it to the side a moment later as she tries to put herself back together. [Panacea, Cleanse: Remove negative status effect (flatness)]
  1151. [00:57] <Tangent> [...Did she do the dumb?]
  1152. [00:57] <Tangent> [She did the dumb didn't sheee]
  1153. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Probably, I mean, she was totally safe)
  1154. [00:57] <Tangent> [It's Amelia.]
  1155. [00:57] <Jran-Kri> After that, she tries to huddle up behind a series of barriers. [Divine Aegis]
  1156. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> (You then jumped into the death trap gauntlet anyway)
  1157. [00:57] <Tangent> [Call it IC but I didn't even have to think twice about what Amelia would do]
  1158. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> You can see ahead... nothing. Then a turn happens. Oh crap, that's a gigantic press, abunch of them
  1159. [00:57] <Tangent> "Alexa! Where are you?"
  1160. [00:57] <Tangent> "Alexa!"
  1161. [00:57] <Tangent> Amelia screams.
  1162. [00:57] <Tangent> "Raspberry!"
  1163. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> Incoming, block, dodge, SOMETHING Amelia!
  1164. [00:58] <Tangent> Amelia raises her sword as something comes at her!
  1165. [00:58] <Overcity-Mall> .d 9d10
  1166. [00:58] <Internets> :: Total 45 / 90 [50%] :: Results [3, 8, 8, 4, 4, 9, 2, 2, 5] ::
  1167. [00:58] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1168. [00:58] <Internets> :: Total 57 / 90 [63%] :: Results [1, 10, 6, 9, 1, 10, 5, 8, 7] ::
  1169. [00:58] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia fares far better, as she actually holds her own against the rather heavy looking presses, while she can't hope to break them back, she holds each one she can't quite dodge off long enough to move aside. That, or until they start lifting once more....
  1170. [00:59] <Tangent> "A-" Amelia smashes. "ALEXA!" She yells in between swings.
  1171. [00:59] <Tangent> "P-please...please be okay..."
  1172. [00:59] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa: Meanwhile, you are cleansed... only to find that you have broken bones, OW. FUCK. You no longer look silly but your health is still... down to 2.
  1173. [00:59] <Tangent> "I don't care what happens, just please...please be okay..."
  1174. [00:59] <Overcity-Mall> Also
  1175. [01:00] <Jran-Kri> "A-A-Amelia!" Alexa calls back, cringing behind her barriers as she desperately tries to put herself back together. She whimpers in pain.
  1176. [01:00] <Overcity-Mall> You can see Amelia down the way, as can Amelia see you, about to soon go through the scalding steam jets it seems....
  1177. [01:00] <Tangent> [How far is Amelia?]
  1178. [01:01] <Overcity-Mall> (Very far.)
  1179. [01:02] <Tangent> [...I just noticed rocket propulsion. May I?]
  1180. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> (You haev 2 turns to prepare, but if you want to close the distance some, you'll give them both up technically.)
  1181. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> ...And I'd have to say that's risky
  1182. [01:02] <Tangent> [I'm okay with that if you don't want her to use what I've just realized is a gap closer power with ridiculous range]
  1183. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> because you're in such a close area
  1184. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> But if you want to attempt it
  1185. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> I won't stop you
  1186. [01:02] <Tangent> [Hmm? Penalty or...]
  1187. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> It might work. Or might make things worse.
  1188. [01:03] <Tangent> [Ah. Amelia just closes to Alexa's side then.]
  1189. [01:03] <Tangent> [She doesn't practice rocket jumping anyway]
  1190. [01:03] <Tangent> [So yeah she spends her turns scrabbling to Alexa.]
  1191. [01:04] <Tangent> Amelia scrambles along, fingers and boots digging into the paths as she THROWS herself towards her friend, heedless of the danger.
  1192. [01:04] <Overcity-Mall> You scuttle along, while it may not look graceful or good, your form currently is actually really handy for something like a conveyor belt... unfortunatly, you aren't quite there yet, as Alexa has to fend for herself at least one round.
  1193. [01:04] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa, roll vs Mag attack
  1194. [01:04] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  1195. [01:04] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 70 [61%] :: Results [8, 8, 3, 10, 9, 3, 2] ::
  1196. [01:04] <Jran-Kri> .d 8d10
  1197. [01:04] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 80 [48%] :: Results [9, 2, 7, 1, 6, 6, 7, 1] ::
  1198. [01:05] <Overcity-Mall> (...a-actually wait)
  1199. [01:05] <Overcity-Mall> (I derped, you didn't take the 2nd turn to prepare I think)
  1200. [01:05] <Overcity-Mall> (So uh, whatever buff/heal you want to apply, we'll factor that in first)
  1201. [01:06] <Overcity-Mall> (Also just so I have frame of refrence, Amelia, what's your hp/soak at)
  1202. [01:06] <Overcity-Mall> (also also, similarly roll vs mag for yourself)
  1203. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  1204. [01:07] <Internets> :: Total 37 / 70 [52%] :: Results [1, 6, 4, 9, 7, 6, 4] ::
  1205. [01:07] <Jran-Kri> ((She cast Divine Aegis, giving her 4 extra soak. Would have been a heal, but didn't know health until afterwards.))
  1206. [01:07] <Tangent> (HP 16/16, Soak 7/7)
  1207. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> (You can change to a heal if you rather)
  1208. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> (Since I kinda did forget to state the damage it dealt)
  1209. [01:08] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1210. [01:08] <Internets> :: Total 45 / 90 [50%] :: Results [6, 4, 1, 5, 5, 8, 4, 9, 3] ::
  1211. [01:09] <Jran-Kri> ((Nah, what's done is done.))
  1212. [01:09] <Tangent> Amelia barrels onwards, fire crackling around the madly scuttling cursed girl. Come on, come on...
  1213. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> The scalding jets of steam spray upon them both! They seem to be wearing away, melting Alexa's hardlight shield... and it's only getting stronger as they go in, but Amelia's power, fire or otherwise, keeps them save as she scuttles along
  1214. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia is now in close range to Alexa, if you want to cover.
  1215. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> I am not responsible if you lose an arm.
  1216. [01:09] <Tangent> [It's fire damage, right?]
  1217. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> (Nope, water)
  1218. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> (Just very hot water. And magic water.)
  1219. [01:10] <Tangent> [Ah.]
  1220. [01:10] <Tangent> [Yeah, Amelia covers.]
  1221. [01:10] == Fredward [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1222. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> (...Well ok actually it shoul dbe water/fire like the pokemon scald is but uh, that's awkawrd and doesn't matter too much anyhaps at this point
  1223. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d10
  1224. [01:10] <Internets> :: Total 14 / 20 [70%] :: Results [5, 9] ::
  1225. [01:10] <Tangent> Amelia THROWS herself onto Alexa, grabbing her friend.
  1226. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> erm
  1227. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> wait
  1228. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  1229. [01:10] <Internets> :: Total 45 / 80 [56%] :: Results [4, 5, 4, 10, 9, 4, 8, 1] ::
  1230. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> .d 10d10
  1231. [01:10] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 100 [43%] :: Results [9, 4, 7, 7, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 6] ::
  1232. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> Vs those two, both Mag
  1233. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> (the 2d10+8d10 for one roll)
  1234. [01:11] <Overcity-Mall> (so 5/3 success attacks)
  1235. [01:11] <Tangent> [I only roll once or twice? And Luck only applies to one right?]
  1236. [01:11] <Tangent> .d 9d10 with luck, first attack
  1237. [01:11] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  1238. [01:11] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1239. [01:11] <Internets> :: Total 35 / 90 [38%] :: Results [4, 5, 7, 1, 4, 1, 3, 6, 4] ::
  1240. [01:11] <Tangent> that had luck for 2 more
  1241. [01:12] <Tangent> and the second defense
  1242. [01:12] <Tangent> .d 9d19
  1243. [01:12] <Internets> :: Total 121 / 171 [70%] :: Results [7, 18, 19, 10, 13, 19, 18, 5, 12] ::
  1244. [01:12] <Tangent> oops
  1245. [01:12] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1246. [01:12] <Internets> :: Total 61 / 90 [67%] :: Results [10, 8, 10, 3, 9, 8, 1, 9, 3] ::
  1247. [01:12] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  1248. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> Burning jets barrage Amelia, as they melt at her armor... thankfully, no harm fully done, as the steam jets seem to end... thankfully.
  1249. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> Ahead however
  1250. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> Is a bit concerning perhaps
  1251. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> Weaving needles and arms swing two and fro rapidly, dangerously
  1252. [01:13] <Tangent> Amelia pants, scrambling off Alexa. "H-hey...A-Alexa..Please be okay..."
  1253. [01:13] <Tangent> No sign of Raspberry, but that doesn't matter. Alexa's okay...
  1254. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> ...You two have one round to prepare for this
  1255. [01:14] <Tangent> [Overcity-Mall did Amelia lose any soak?]
  1256. [01:14] <Jran-Kri> Alexa is decidedly not okay, barely functioning with her broken limbs. Fortunately, this is the one thing she is capable of fixing, as her magic knits her back together. [Miracle Worker, 6 Mana: Heal 2 Wound Thresholds]
  1257. [01:15] <Overcity-Mall> (Uh, sorry, yes)
  1258. [01:15] <Overcity-Mall> (She lost 4 soak)
  1259. [01:15] <Tangent> [k]
  1260. [01:15] <Tangent> [her magic regenerated 1 mp last turn since >every other turn]
  1261. [01:15] <Overcity-Mall> Anyway, Amelia
  1262. [01:15] == fox_de_lumine_ [] has joined #Overcity
  1263. [01:16] <Overcity-Mall> Got any buff or otherwise you want to use in the face of these needles
  1264. [01:16] <Overcity-Mall> Or no
  1265. [01:16] == Dana_Brandt [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  1266. [01:17] == fox_de_lumine_ has changed nick to Dana_Brandt
  1267. [01:17] <Tangent> [Power Overwhelming?]
  1268. [01:17] <Tangent> Amelia lets her magic flare up, putting her worries- her knowledge of what that could do to her over time- aside.
  1269. [01:18] <Tangent> Right now Alexa's hurt. She just wants these things to burn.
  1270. [01:18] <Tangent> [wait, can she declare cover now?]]
  1271. [01:18] <Overcity-Mall> Yes you can declare cover now
  1272. [01:18] <Tangent> [If so, she Covers Alexa instead for next turn.]
  1273. [01:18] <Tangent> She steps...or rather scrambles, in front of Alexa.
  1274. [01:18] <Overcity-Mall> Kay. Since power overwelming is +offence not +defense
  1275. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> Speaking of which, here come the needles, stabbing, pecking, tearing.... magically enchanted, to sew you into the finest of materials....
  1276. [01:19] <Tangent> "I'm here..." She murmurs to Alexa, almost soothingly. "I'm here..."
  1277. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> Roll vs agi, here
  1278. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  1279. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 48 / 80 [60%] :: Results [6, 7, 6, 9, 7, 7, 2, 4] ::
  1280. [01:19] <Tangent> [Welp RIP Amelia]
  1281. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  1282. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 80 [66%] :: Results [10, 3, 7, 7, 10, 7, 7, 2] ::
  1283. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> (>mfw on that last roll
  1284. [01:19] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  1285. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 11 / 20 [55%] :: Results [3, 8] ::
  1286. [01:19] <Jran-Kri> ((LIkewise.))
  1287. [01:19] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  1288. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 20 [65%] :: Results [4, 9] ::
  1289. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> (No luck defense?)
  1290. [01:19] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1291. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 40 [77%] :: Results [9, 9, 6, 7] ::
  1292. [01:19] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  1293. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 16 / 20 [80%] :: Results [8, 8] ::
  1294. [01:19] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1295. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 25 / 40 [62%] :: Results [10, 7, 2, 6] ::
  1296. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> (or is that also 2 dice. Also nah)
  1297. [01:19] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  1298. [01:19] <Internets> :: Total 12 / 20 [60%] :: Results [4, 8] ::
  1299. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa 's being covered)
  1300. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> (That's why rip... now uh
  1301. [01:19] <Tangent> She tried to cover for Alexa twice, then rolled for her own twice.
  1302. [01:19] <Jran-Kri> ((Oh right fug))
  1303. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> (Let me just figure out the damages...)
  1304. [01:19] <Jran-Kri> ((This was a terrible fucking idea))
  1305. [01:19] <Jran-Kri> ((I could have stopped this.))
  1306. [01:20] <Tangent> [Amelia's full health. Maybe?]
  1307. [01:20] <Overcity-Mall> (What's her soak?)
  1308. [01:20] <Overcity-Mall> (on Amelia)
  1309. [01:20] <Tangent> [Was 7]
  1310. [01:20] <Overcity-Mall> (after taking the 4 soak damage from the steam right?)
  1311. [01:20] <Tangent> [...oh shit, 3]
  1312. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> (Ummm.... yea gimme a sec to calculate)
  1313. [01:21] <Tangent> [How many turns ago was steam? 1 or 2?[
  1314. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> (Technically 2 I'd say)
  1315. [01:21] <Tangent> [Cause she has 4 if it was 2]
  1316. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> (So 4?)
  1317. [01:21] <Tangent> [Ya.]
  1318. [01:21] <Tangent> [It means there'll be enough for a funeral..]
  1319. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> Sew, stitch, rip, stictch.... Alexa ducking and covering thankfully is safe. Only because Amelia literally shielded her with her body... and checking the damage now, it's clear what it was, as Amelia now resembled more of a plushie than a person, stitch marks holding together a new, silky blue layer of 'skin' around her body, and a gentle fabric covering most of her features. Still, Amelia's
  1320. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> face, while still distorted, was untouched, and while this HURT to be stabbed about seven hundred and fourty six times in the span of six seconds, she's alive a nd still breathing.... There seems to be a gate ahead of sorts, as well as odd magical arm-devices.
  1321. [01:24] <Overcity-Mall> You have two rounds to heal back up. Amelia is at 1 soak and 4/16 wounds left.
  1322. [01:24] <Tangent> Amelia gurgles. "A-ah..."
  1323. [01:24] <Overcity-Mall> (And no, you don't need to panacea her)
  1324. [01:24] <Tangent> [She triggers regeneration both rounds for 2 HP/round. -4 MP]
  1325. [01:24] <Overcity-Mall> She'll hav ehealed to 8/16 wounds and 2 soak, not factoring in what Alexa does.
  1326. [01:25] <Tangent> Dimly, there are charred patches on the...thing that Amelia resembles...As her magic slowly burns through.
  1327. [01:25] <Tangent> Dimly, she clutches at her friend.
  1328. [01:26] <Jran-Kri> "Christ alive!" Alexa exclaims, her staff glowing brightly. "Oh God, oh God, why did you do that," she mutters feverishly as she tries to put Amelia back together. [Miracle Worker, 3 Mana: healed to next Wound Threshold]
  1329. [01:27] <Overcity-Mall> And a soothing sensation covers Amelia, as the threading and silk are removed and lay flat beside them.
  1330. [01:27] <Overcity-Mall> ...You still have another round to cast something, if you can/want, Alexa.
  1331. [01:27] <Tangent> "S-sorry..." Amelia gurgles. "Didn't...didn't...want y-" She breaks off into a scream.
  1332. [01:27] <Tangent> "Y-you...are y-you...okay..."
  1333. [01:27] <Tangent> She can breathe again, with some of the silk tugged away.
  1334. [01:28] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d3
  1335. [01:28] <Internets> :: Total 5 / 6 [83%] :: Results [3, 2] ::
  1336. [01:28] <Overcity-Mall> (Welp, this'll be interesting)
  1337. [01:28] <Tangent> [Oh god.]
  1338. [01:28] <Overcity-Mall> (Anyway, the buff if Alexa wants, and then I'll detail the terror or otherwise~)
  1339. [01:29] <Jran-Kri> Alexa casts another dose of [Divine Aegis], barriers springing up around the two of them. "Yes yes fine for GOD's sake, just pull yourself together." [+4 Soak]
  1340. [01:30] <Tangent> "Trying." Amelia gestures feebly, her warped face twisting into a strange looking smile.
  1341. [01:30] <Overcity-Mall> And as she does this, they pass through the gate, which a "BRRRRRRT." buzzer sounds, followed by a monotone robotic "Compensation not reached. Please stand down and comply to compensation." it stated, as the arms whirred to life, threatening both the girls as they spread, sparked, and glowed...
  1342. [01:30] <Overcity-Mall> ...You can't really tell what this thing will do
  1343. [01:30] <Overcity-Mall> But it's probably going to suck
  1344. [01:31] <Overcity-Mall> (Amelia, you covering, or you going to let Alexa fend for herself as you both now have aegis defenses)
  1345. [01:32] <Tangent> [The latter]
  1346. [01:33] <Tangent> Amelia feebly raises her sword. "S-sorry..." She mumbles to Alexa.
  1347. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa: Defend vs Melee
  1348. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia: Defend vs Agi
  1349. [01:34] <Tangent> [Oh god.]
  1350. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa then Amelia's rolls)
  1351. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> .d 11d10
  1352. [01:34] <Internets> :: Total 67 / 110 [60%] :: Results [4, 9, 10, 1, 9, 10, 1, 2, 2, 10, 9] ::
  1353. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> .d 11d10
  1354. [01:34] <Internets> :: Total 67 / 110 [60%] :: Results [7, 4, 9, 3, 6, 10, 7, 3, 5, 7, 6] ::
  1355. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> (Hence why I said "Well this will be interesting". They both happened to be your weaknesses...)
  1356. [01:35] <Tangent> (Dice pool can't drop below 2, right?)
  1357. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (You're fully healed as is Alexa anyway)
  1358. [01:35] <Tangent> [Uh, my count has 8/16 but okay :D)
  1359. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (or, actually wait, Alexa is 8/10... She's above her first threshhold anyway so yea s'fine there)
  1360. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (Nah, Alexa healed you 3/4 hp)
  1361. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (...Which translates to 16/16)
  1362. [01:36] <Tangent> [Burn luck]
  1363. [01:36] <Overcity-Mall> (in addition you have a +4 soak bubble. Alexa's is +2)
  1364. [01:36] <Tangent> .d 2d10
  1365. [01:36] <Internets> :: Total 10 / 20 [50%] :: Results [9, 1] ::
  1366. [01:36] <Tangent> And then 2 autosuccesses
  1367. [01:36] <Tangent> [1/4 luck left]
  1368. [01:36] <Tangent> [Amelia is at 6/7 soak before the attack hits, right?]
  1369. [01:36] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  1370. [01:36] <Internets> :: Total 13 / 40 [32%] :: Results [7, 2, 1, 3] ::
  1371. [01:37] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia... actually fends off from the needles, mostly because they kept getting stuck in the hardlight aegis, but regardless, she's surprisingly totally fine! Well, okay, her bubble is broken and she got poekd a bit but... still, wound wise, fine.
  1372. [01:37] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa meanwhile...
  1373. [01:40] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia... actually fends off from the needles, mostly because they kept getting stuck in the hardlight aegis, but regardless, she's surprisingly totally fine! Well, okay, her bubble is broken and she got poekd a bit but... still, wound wise, fine.
  1374. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> )
  1375. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> <Tangent> [jran forgot to luck]
  1376. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> <Overcity-Mall> (...Well shit :x)
  1377. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> ...Isnt' so fine, as the many arms pressure and tinker with her.... by the time they pass the next gate, and exit, Alexa is... well, certianly not human shaped anymore. Her face was recognizable, and she could speak weakly, but....well, she was reshaped and molded into a rather comfy and fluffy, warm pillow... oh dear. That certainly isn't good. (1/3 soak + 2 from aegis, 8 hp. Hit by a 4 w/s
  1378. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> 0 soak pen., with 8 successes... she got pancaked, and even FP wouldn't help her vs 8 successes at that point.)
  1379. [01:41] <Jran-Kri_> ((Oh yeah, she's deader than disco.))
  1380. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> (Nah)
  1381. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> (Not dead)
  1382. [01:41] <Tangent> Amelia screams. "Alexa! Oh god, oh god..."
  1383. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> (But she's a pillow~)
  1384. [01:41] == Jran-Kri [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1385. [01:42] <Jran-Kri_> ((Really? I thought she had 8/10, but you're the GM, and I won't complain!))
  1386. [01:42] == Jran-Kri_ has changed nick to Jran-Kri
  1387. [01:42] <Overcity-Mall> (8/10 hp or soak?)
  1388. [01:42] <Jran-Kri> ((8/10 HP.))
  1389. [01:42] <Overcity-Mall> (*if I'm wrong on that calculation of soak/wounds please state*)
  1390. [01:42] <Jran-Kri> ((Jesus, if she had 10 Soak I wouldn't be in this position.))4
  1391. [01:42] <Jran-Kri> ((No, nevermind. You're absolutely correct. Carry on.))
  1392. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> (But yea, 8 successes vs a +1 damage auto attack. For the record, the needles were +1 damage armor piercings, and the magic was +1 soak breaking magic 1 w/s)
  1393. [01:43] <Tangent> "Please...please say something...A-A..." Amelia's voice is a low, tortured whwiner.
  1394. [01:43] <Tangent> *whimper
  1395. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> ...And eys, she can speak.
  1396. [01:43] <Tangent> Her fingers tremble as she reaches for her friend....or her friend's body.
  1397. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> She just can't really... you know. Move.
  1398. [01:44] <Jran-Kri> Alexa merely lets out a little whimper. "... Oops," she says, and wheezes. It might have been intended to be laughter. It is then followed by a series of sobs.
  1399. [01:44] <Tangent> "Oh...Y-you''re...alive..." Amelia sounds relieved and horrified. "We'll fix this, we'll fix it, you'll be okay, no matter what...."
  1400. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> ...The moment is cut short. Another buzzer. "Continued failiure to comply to compensation. Termination protocols activated."
  1401. [01:44] <Tangent> "SHUT UP!"
  1402. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> ...The path ahead seems to change
  1403. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> A giant set of buzz saws form
  1404. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> ...And there still is no 'dodging' room here.
  1405. [01:45] <Overcity-Mall> ...This is really, really not good, for the record.
  1406. [01:45] <Tangent> Amelia throws herself in front of Alexa, hobbling on her feet. She won't let ANYTHING hurt Alexa again as long as she's alive.
  1407. [01:46] <Overcity-Mall> ...They're getting closer.
  1408. [01:46] <Overcity-Mall> A sword might not cut it.
  1409. [01:46] <Overcity-Mall> Rather, the sword is probably going to be cut.
  1410. [01:46] <Overcity-Mall> Then a girl. Then a pillow....
  1411. [01:47] <Tangent> But a fireball might if there's no way off or back.
  1412. [01:47] <Overcity-Mall> ....Before suddenly? the conveyor and saws both start to slow down.... the conveyor stops. The saws are still slowing, but are shuffled away. "Process canceled." as a platform replaces it
  1413. [01:47] <Overcity-Mall> ..."Y-You two alright or was I too late...?" Raspberry called down ahead.
  1414. [01:47] <Tangent> Amelia makes a muffled noise.
  1415. [01:48] <Jran-Kri> Alexa makes a vaguely strangled noise that's somewhere between pain and rage.
  1416. [01:49] <Tangent> A giggle. A titter. And then she starts to sob. "Y-you...You're j-just...fine...aren't you...Always just...fine." She spits. She looks to Alexa, fingers almost touching her friend. "Shh...Sh..."
  1417. [01:49] <Tangent> "You." Amelia spits. "Here. Now."
  1418. [01:49] <Tangent> *spits at Raspberry.
  1419. [01:50] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry pokes her head out. "S-sorry! There were so many levers and stuff and I don't think they did much till that last one opened the door..." she said worriedly, sighing and drooping her head in shame. "U-um... wait where's Alexa..."
  1420. [01:50] <Tangent> "Guess." Amelia snaps. "Okay, you listening?"
  1421. [01:51] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1422. [01:51] <Tangent> *How do we FIX her?
  1423. [01:51] <Overcity-Mall> "Y-yes?" she meekly squeaked.... "U-um, what... what happened?"
  1424. [01:51] <Overcity-Mall> She clearly doesn't notice that the rectangle there is Alexa.
  1425. [01:51] == CensorshipChan [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria]
  1426. [01:51] <Tangent> "This...this place..." Amelia slumps. It was her idea.
  1427. [01:51] <Tangent> "It..turned her into...this."
  1428. [01:52] <Tangent> "Who can turn her back?" Amelia asks, tone flat.
  1429. [01:52] == flashdrive [] has joined #Overcity
  1430. [01:52] <Overcity-Mall> "U-uhhh... I um, I'm pretty sure plenty of people can! Maybe master! No, probably master... or uh, if not, she'll have to know someone who can." she said confidently. "I-I'm sure she'll fix everything!"
  1431. [01:53] <Tangent> "Okay. But if she can't...If YOUR stupid curse makes me...makes me a THING...You're going to fix her. Got that?"
  1432. [01:53] <Tangent> "You. Fix. Her." She snarls.
  1433. [01:53] <Jran-Kri> "... Medic," Alexa groans weakly, wriggling in place.
  1434. [01:54] <Tangent> Amelia...touches her. Not quite a hug. She doesn't have a hand to hold. "Shhh. It'll be okay, it'll be okay, we'll fix you..."
  1435. [01:54] <Tangent> Amelia wants to be sick between her worry, horror, and guilt.
  1436. [01:55] <Tangent> "S-sorry, Alexa..." She tries to move her friend, as gently as she can...
  1437. [01:55] <Jran-Kri> Alexa, being in no fit state to resist, allows herself to be dragged along.
  1438. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> "I know I know! I'll help you both out, it'd be wrong to just leave you two after this stuff!" she said apologetically.... frowning to the poor pillow....
  1439. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> ....Also, Alexa, as the pain ever so slightly subsides?
  1440. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> Good news!
  1441. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> You still have your magic
  1442. [01:56] <Tangent> Amelia's carrying Alexa in a parody of a bridal carry, hobbling along as her tail thrashes behind her in her agitation.
  1443. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> ...Though, it's been weakned down. Similar to how your body's been weakened to a fluffy, rectangular version.
  1444. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> (You can now heal 1 hp, 1 mp, or 1 soak every round, on a target.)
  1445. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> (...This also includes yourself if you want to stop hurting.)
  1446. [01:58] <Tangent> "Let's...let's get out of here..." Amelia murmurs, looking down at Alexa's face. "I-it'll all be...everything'll be okay...We'll fix you...And we'll go home..."
  1447. [01:58] <Jran-Kri> Alexa does, indeed, cast it on herself at the earliest opportunity.
  1448. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> ...It's probably not all to comforting, but... well
  1449. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa is a very fluffy thing to hug
  1450. [01:59] <Tangent> Amelia's never going to look at a pillow quite the same way again. She still hugs Alexa.
  1451. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> As in, the softest pillow ever. Still, probably.... more concerning than comforting.
  1452. [01:59] <Tangent> "We'll fix this..." She insists. "You'll be okay..."
  1453. [02:00] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse girl meanwhile leads them along frantically, before they find a back exit... and then the back exit to lead out to the stores, "H-Hey! I know where we are!" she said happily. "Master's shop is really, really close too!"
  1454. [02:00] <Tangent> "GO."
  1455. [02:01] <Tangent> Amelia shouts, almost tamping her foot. Glaring back as they leave, she considers throwing a fireball in through the doorway...
  1456. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> She nods, not even noticing the threat in this tone, as she leads them along, it hardly takes five minutes till she enters. "Hmm? Ah, Raspberry, you're home early." the woman calls... however... as Amelia closes in?
  1457. [02:01] <Tangent> Then decides it's not worth it.
  1458. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> She can sense... a L O T of corruption.
  1459. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> Like
  1460. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> Dear god that's a lot.
  1461. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> All coming from that one store.
  1462. [02:01] <Tangent> Amelia freezes, her former santification and her own magic screaming at her to run away.
  1463. [02:01] <Tangent> She holds Alexa just that bit tighter. She's worried about how quiet she's gone...
  1464. [02:02] <Tangent> Then she storms forwards anyway. Anything to save Alexa.
  1465. [02:03] <Tangent> Her hands are gentle around Alexa even as she runs, clumsily, on her feet.
  1466. [02:04] <Overcity-Mall> The store reeks of corruption. And while a lot is int he items and otherwise, and the store itself, the witch hatted red haired woman at the counter seems to be the source of it. "Oh dear, what terrible fates have befallen you two girls?" she said worriedly... "U-uhm, I kinda... botched a curse. Then I got us lost and stuff..." "Raspberry." "I know Master." she sighed, as the woman sternly
  1467. [02:04] <Overcity-Mall> looked to her, beckoning her over as Raspberry sat on the counter with a guilty look...
  1468. [02:05] <Tangent> Amelia wants to be sick. She really does. She wants to pull out her sword and burn everything...But this woman isn't threatening her. And might be there only hope.
  1469. [02:05] <Tangent> "Your...student? She cursed me. But never mind that. Please. Help my friend. She...The factory...Please turn her back."
  1470. [02:05] == Molbot [] has joined #Overcity
  1471. [02:06] <Tangent> Amelia's voice is low. Soft. Begging. She's still holding Alexa in her arms.
  1472. [02:06] <Tangent> "I don't care how much it costs. Whatever you want for it. Just help her."
  1473. [02:07] <Overcity-Mall> "...While I really, truely hate those sanctified and beacon girls, there's no reason you should have cursed her without a good reason." "I-I didn't mean to curse her, I ment someone else." "And I'm proud you managed to cast it, but that's no excuse little missy. I'll be asking you which curse you used, but for now, time out." She stated, pointing to the mouse girl, as she shrunk down to a
  1474. [02:07] <Overcity-Mall> mouse again, "Consider your human privlages revoked for the rest of the day, little missie... your mom's on the wheel I think." she said, moving her over to a rather... absurdly large mouse cage. And oddly the only thing that isn't really eminating much if any corruption.
  1475. [02:07] <Tangent> Her magic screams at her to burn this place down. She viciously shoves that impulse down.
  1476. [02:08] <Tangent> Amelia's brow furrows. Despite herself, she doesn't...doesn't ask. She hates herself for it. But she cares more about Alexa.
  1477. [02:08] <Overcity-Mall> She then however looks back to Amelia. "Also lets not worry about costs, this is my niece's fault so I'll worry about you two first." She said sternly, sighing and waving them over. "Now, come over here... I'll get to you too. But right, we'll start with your friend, what dreadful case befell her?"
  1478. [02:08] <Overcity-Mall> (Also, Jran, is it too late and should we pause now/soons?)
  1479. [02:09] <Tangent> "The...the bed factory. The one nearby...We...It pushed her onto the assembly line..." One or two stitches in Amelia's blue skin burn up even as Amelia talks.
  1480. [02:09] <Tangent> "It was the...compensation..."
  1481. [02:09] <Jran-Kri> ((Are we not nearing the end?))
  1482. [02:09] <Overcity-Mall> (Nnnnope, more like the half way point.)
  1483. [02:09] <Tangent> (As long as Alexa's fixed, Amelia'll be okay~)
  1484. [02:09] <Jran-Kri> ((In that case, we absolutely should pause. Turns out I have to get up earlier than I thought.))
  1485. [02:09] <Overcity-Mall> (Hence why if you want to sleep, we can pause fo rnow yea)
  1486. [02:10] <Tangent> (Aw okay, night- we good tomorrow?)
  1487. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> The lady nods, tilting her head curiously, as she gently reaches to look to her... "Hmm, a remodeling and reforging spell then. Quite a dreadful thing to use on a person...." she said, observing her... or it, carefully....
  1488. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> (And yep, now we are pause~0
  1489. [02:10] <Tangent> "Can you help her?"
  1490. [02:10] <Tangent> Amelia blurts anxiously.
  1491. [02:11] <Overcity-Mall> She sticks a finger over Amelia's mouth, observing still. This will take some time. For next episode.
  1492. [02:11] <Tangent> Amelia twitches but says nothing.
  1494. ===
  1495. [15:21] <Overcity-Mall> (Beep boop)
  1496. [15:21] <Tangent> (ready)
  1497. [15:22] <Jran-Kri> ((Yeah, yeah.))
  1498. [15:23] <Overcity-Mall> Running their fingers along Alexa as a gentle wisp of corruption trailed her fingertips, she tilted her head. Apause. A few moments, and she fished around the back for a magnifying glass, continuing to observe her, as well as giving a glance or two to Amelia through this magnifying glass with a 'tch'... "Hmm...mmm. Right. Well, the good news is that her physical pressence isn't missing, she's
  1499. [15:23] <Overcity-Mall> just been compressed and altered, so her physical form is possible to be returned." she said simply with a reassuring smile. "The downside, of course, is the methods to do so, if I was to just remove what magic ticks upon her, well... she would be knotted inside out and her survival wouldn't last longer than a few seconds." The witch woman stated bluntly. "However, there's plenty of ways to
  1500. [15:23] <Overcity-Mall> solve this issue worry not... Though, considering the state you're in, you're bound tonot like them any. Still, since this is my niece's fault, I'll be dealing with this less as the buisness woman I've become, and more as a responsible lady, so hear me out all the way, alright girls?" she stated to start.
  1501. [15:27] <Tangent> Amelia's been watching the whole time. Despite herself, she visibly twitches at the visible corruption, looking extremely uneasy. Or maybe that's just how her face's supposed to look. "Okay, can you help her? Without...knotting?" She blurts.
  1502. [15:29] <Tangent> Guilt gnaws at her. Alexa's only like this because of HER, she wasn't GOOD enough to keep her safe in the deathtrap after it was HER idea that they hide there...She can't even stop herself from screwing up and getting Alexa hurt. Alexa, who was so worried about her...
  1503. [15:31] <Overcity-Mall> "I can indeed, otherwise I wouldn't be telling you two to listen and have nothing to say but to find her a good pillow case. The first and 'easiest' way, is I can spread my powers of corruption to her, and the powers involved shall transform her into what many refer to as a monster, or, monster girl. And while I won't question or argue against you purifying her later, corruption's not so easy
  1504. [15:31] <Overcity-Mall> to remove as people figure. Yes, there are many ways to remove it, and many ways to alter or otherwise... but there are also many parts many people won't know or see until it's too late." she said, pushing off the counter and pulling out a scroll, unrolling it and showing them, simply put, it's a diagram with generic looking souls... though, some worse for wear than others. "The soul is a
  1505. [15:31] <Overcity-Mall> complex little thing, and I'm far from an expert, but I can tell you the simple basics that you'll need to know when it comes to corruption. And you pay attention too, since this does have parts to do with you." she added to Amelia, as she started at the start. "The soul is a mass of magical energy, and in many cases, have their own looks, potential and otherwise. Corruption will twist, bind,
  1506. [15:31] <Overcity-Mall> warp and otherwise that soul, especially to those untrained in managing it, many simply see it as a simple form of power, and that's the worst way to take it. It is a power and otherwise, yes, but the key is to not allow it to control you, as it will simply worm into your being, warp it, until the corruption is more you than you are... and similarly, goes for you, girl. That beacon group of
  1507. [15:31] <Overcity-Mall> yours does quite the similar thing, just with a force that will reprogram you into a crazed warrior and savior archetype." she stated, looking at Amelia with her magnifying glass simply. "The feeling of corruption and that sanctification can go both ways, once you know it." she stated simply, bluntly. "It seems to be mostly dead or inactive, but that portion that it changed will linger quite
  1508. [15:31] <Overcity-Mall> some time probably. Or, leave quite the gaping hole if you were to be corrupted..." she said sternly.
  1509. [15:31] <Kajiya> (...That was longer than I thought it was.
  1510. [15:32] <Overcity-Mall> "...Short version, if you weren't much paying attention though, we can start by simply making her a monster girl, and that will run it's course to solve her situation. But corruption, and your sanctification, aren't the best things to simply accept for power or a solution, without proper preparation or mindset."
  1511. [15:34] <Tangent> Amelia listens, slumping. Every word this woman says...It hits her hard. "I...I know what my soul is." She says simply. "That doesn't matter. If...If that's the best way to help Alexa..." Amelia swallows, looking to her friend. This...this is her worst nightmare, and there isn't a coin she can throw away this time.
  1512. [15:35] <Jran-Kri> The pillow is silent for a moment, taking this in with all the blankness of an actual inanimate object. After a little while, however, her whole form starts trembling, and a truly unfortunate noise worms its way out. It is, eventually, recognizable as laughter.
  1513. [15:36] <Tangent> "You said there were plenty-" Amelia starts, then stares at the pillow in her arms. "A-Alexa..." She whispers. "What...What's wrong?"
  1514. [15:37] <Tangent> *at the pillow, rushing over.
  1515. [15:38] <Jran-Kri> Alexa attempts to shake her head, but this is stymied on account of her no longer having a head to shake, or a neck, or much of anything. Instead the whole pillow sort of shimmies this way and that. "Funny," it wheezes out.
  1516. [15:39] <Overcity-Mall> "Now, as to the risks, beyond what I've just said? It's not as simple as purification, removal of corruption, everything is fine. The soul won't just instantly heal, going back to it's old state, they're oddly fragile whilst highly malleable things, it will take time, lots of time if it resonates with her soul rather effectively, even moreso with stress or otherwise, to return to a more
  1517. [15:39] <Overcity-Mall> stable, uniform state. An eroding of a soul, in a way." she said sternly. "The amount varies for everyone... and in some cases, to compensate for this risk, the soul latches on far more strongly to the corruption, and they become inseparable by most any means. It's not the most common reaction, but it is as it is. So, don't feel this is just the 'best' way out. Even if it is the quickest."
  1518. [15:39] <Overcity-Mall> she said sternly, shaking her head. The other solution to your predicament, requires a rather specific problem solver, quite the expensive piece of hardware, and unless you girls have a gold or two to spare, I don't think we'll be getting one for here. Instead however, is the other half of the solution. That is, you bring the poor girl to one of those 'magical extraction printers' and have
  1519. [15:39] <Overcity-Mall> it fix her, as if in reverse of what has happened to her. They're rather sophisticated pieces of work, removing her current state should be easy. Well, unless this takes over a month, as by then, the magic will settle more down to her soul than her physical being and well... she'll be fixable, just it won't be even as 'easy' as this." she stated initially, sighing and crossing her arms with
  1520. [15:39] <Overcity-Mall> a sigh.
  1521. [15:41] <Tangent> Amelia listens, going very still. Eroding? *Alexa*'s soul? The image of Alexa twisted, of her being stuck as some inhuman monster because Amelia wasn't good enough...Never. She resolves.
  1522. [15:42] <Tangent> "How do they work? Where do we go?" She asks. "Don't worry, Alexa..." She adds. "We can fix this...It'll be okay..."
  1523. [15:46] <Jran-Kri> The pillow seems to sigh at this, receding inward slightly. Her amusement tapers off, and she resumes her previous passive state, not having much ability to force the issue.
  1524. [15:46] <Overcity-Mall> "Of course, the part you probably won't like with your end of things? Clearly things so expensive aren't so offered to the public. If at all... it wouldn't be impossible to find someone who would be willing to let you use theirs, but it would certainly take quite a few coins. And given your situation, I don't think you have the time to amass a small fortune." she stated flatly. "So, you're
  1525. [15:46] <Overcity-Mall> going to have to resort to less than savoury things. Breaking in and perhaps forcing your way to using their device. Stealing it outright perhaps. Naturally, considering their price, nobody's going to just leave it out so easily, though... you'll have quite the challenge ahead if you're to do this. And I'll have to ask around a bit, it shouldn't take too long, and if you were willing to wait
  1526. [15:46] <Overcity-Mall> I could even perhaps find someone to let you use it for a relatively small favor, but we both can tell you also have your own time limit as it is." she sighed. "...Or, there is always simply leaving it as such, your friend won't die nor suffer much ill effects if she stays as such. But that option I'm only saying because it is as it is, I don't expect that to be your answer, is it, child?"
  1527. [15:46] <Overcity-Mall> she asked to finish. (And uh, brb a bit. Will leave you two to discuss things amongst yourselves for a bit~)
  1528. [15:50] <Tangent> Amelia listens then shakes her head. "Damnit..." Breaking in? Right now that doesn't matter one bit to her where Alexa's concerned. Forcing...That...doesn't sound right. Stealing less so. But if it means helping Alexa.
  1529. [15:51] <Jran-Kri> This business of possibly staying as she is is the only option that Alexa seems openly displeased with; the pillow jerks and bounces in place, twisting angrily.
  1530. [15:52] <Tangent> She shakes her head. "No. I HAVE to help Alexa. As soon as I can. It's my fault she's...she's like this, and if...I'm running out of time..." She reaches out and touches Alexa. "Don't worry..." She tries to calm her friend.
  1531. [15:55] <Overcity-Mall> (Back... and uh, slightly bad news. I'll have to switch to phone mode at best, and prolly have to pause later still. G2G in about 30 minutes or so, which'll leave me at mobile state)
  1532. [15:55] <Jran-Kri> ((Dang.))
  1533. [15:56] <Tangent> " long would it...take to find someone? Who...who'd have the printers, and...would they, um, maybe be willing to talk too? And, um, how long do I have before...?" Amelia looks uneasy. Guilty. Worried. Her gaze darts from the woman to Alexa.
  1534. [15:56] <Tangent> *Who else'd have
  1535. [15:58] <Tangent> (and no worries)
  1536. [15:58] <Overcity-Mall> "So I figured. Well, those are the options for her... and for the record, seeing as how simply loading her with corruption and turning her into a monster is a bit, you know, impulsive, I won't do that today even if that's what you want. When I have the locations in mind for you, then I'll give you the choice on that option... you'll need time to think it over." she said seriously to the duo,
  1537. [15:58] <Overcity-Mall> with a sigh. "Meanwhile, lets change our focus for a few moments, shall we, Raspberry, which curse did you put upon her..." she asked, looking to the mouse cage, a bit of squeaking, and she reached over to pull the book, flipping through... "Oh, these shouldn't be like this, this is horrible formatting for this book..." she said, as she looked up. "As for how fast I can find someone? I'll
  1538. [15:58] <Overcity-Mall> say over the night at most, as for how long it will take to find someone who will let you with a simple favor? A week. At earliest." she said simply with a sigh, looking through the curses and tilting her head, muttering things about magical theory and alchemical formula.
  1539. [15:58] <Overcity-Mall> (Can still continue at least a bit on mobile till needing to AFK for the thing. Hopefully won't be out too long.)
  1540. [15:59] == Rawriful [] has joined #Overcity
  1541. [15:59] == Rawriful [] has quit []
  1542. [15:59] == Rawriful [] has joined #Overcity
  1543. [16:01] <Tangent> "I...We don't have a week." Amelia can't even bring herself to be distrustful of this woman. Things are too bad right now. Any port in a storm, even if that port's screaming for her to run away or burn it down on her magical senses. Amelia bites her lip. "Um, Raspberry did...both frog and pig." She says, distractedly, looking to Alexa. "Hey. We're fixing you, no matter what, okay?" She tells her friend. "So don't worry. You'll be okay..."
  1544. [16:01] <Jran-Kri> Alexa once again visibly sighs at this outright dismissal of the easiest solution to her current predicament, audibly grumbling. She remains otherwise inert.
  1545. [16:01] <Tangent> "Just like it never happened..." Amelia says, trying to convince herself as much as Alexa. She can't let her friend get turned into a monstergirl, especially with what this woman's said, but...but she's like THIS and...
  1546. [16:03] <Tangent> "A-Alexa?" Amelia says, sounding worried. "Are you...there? Say something?" She's leaning over her friend, looking almost panicky.
  1547. [16:05] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, that won't turn you into a frog or a pig, thankfully. Instead it's more of a newt... not quite standard though. The solution is fairly similar, but it needs a material component now. A kiss from divine mandated nobility, a pinch of wortweed which I have, but the difficult part is a few drops of solar terminator silvershine... There is a place you can get that naturally, but you'll have
  1548. [16:05] <Overcity-Mall> to do it tonight. Or, have someone else help... and well, that part might not be the most possible at the moment." she said simply.
  1549. [16:05] <Jran-Kri> The pillow merely sighs, sagging in on itself again. However much effort it takes her to audibly express herself, it's clearly more than she's willing to put out right now.
  1550. [16:12] <Tangent> Amelia stares down at her friend, looking worried. "A...newt? Urgh. Goddamnit..."She thinks, and her expression hardens. "Okay, fine. That can wait. If Alexa's okay, we can look into that. I...I need directions to the first place with one of those magical printers. She...I need to help Alexa while I can. And corruption...Her soul? No. Not if there's any other way. I can get silvershine or whatever when Alexa's okay."
  1551. [16:13] <Tangent> Alexa going through having her soul shredded? Corrupted? Not a chance. It's not even about disliking corruption at this point, not entirely. But she...remembers what sanctification was doing to her, just days before...and she's not okay with that for Alexa.
  1552. [16:14] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grumbles, the pillow jerking back to life with some insistent wobbling. "You. First," she hisses.
  1553. [16:16] <Tangent> Everything this woman told her about sanctification? She's preaching to the choir. (Ha.) Amelia knows what it was doing to her now. Some part of her might have done it anyway, to be someone that mattered- a part that she suspects isn't as much of her as it used to be. But she'd never be okay with doing that to Alexa if there was anything she could do to stop it.
  1554. [16:18] == Mira [~Mira@BDAD727D:DC69A273:A7716222:IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  1555. [16:19] <Overcity-Mall> "That part is for you, and while you can steal it sooner, that might be a tad risky... and the natural means of gathering, well, tonight will be your only shot at this rate." she stated sternly, sighing as she looked through the book. "Her case will have to be tommorow, and you should have enough time, get her to one of the printers and it can do it's work rather easily." she added. "...I'll
  1556. [16:19] <Overcity-Mall> tell you your options for your case though. At the stroke of midnight tonight, will be a ceremony, tis a good time of the month for gathering, the moon's just in the right situation and alignment. You won't be alone, and while it's not particularly dangerous, you'll have quite a bit to compete against to gather it first... the alternative is to steal it, and I wouldn't dare there, the alchemists
  1557. [16:19] <Overcity-Mall> would gang up upon you, instead from a store, I do know one alchemist. An incompotent fool of one, but he has his share of issues and twisted ways... and I admit, it might be fairly dangerous in it's own right. And of course, for you, stealing. Can't feel too good." she added flatly. "...That'll have to happen at night too, your best bet to break in compared to now, those are your options,
  1558. [16:19] <Overcity-Mall> child." she said gently with a small sigh and shrug.
  1559. [16:24] == Rawriful [] has quit [Quit: disappears into the night whoooooo~]
  1560. [16:25] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  1561. [16:25] == Eprlide [~Eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has joined #Overcity
  1562. [16:29] == MobileKajiya [] has joined #Overcity
  1563. [16:30] <MobileKajiya> (Mobile mode in 10 minutes)
  1564. [16:35] <Overcity-Mall> (...uh...?)
  1565. [16:35] <Tangent> Amelia listens intently as the woman explains. "So...for this," She gestures to herself. "It's...tonight or nothing, no matter what? Damnit, damnit, damnit..." She frowns. "What do you mean, twisted?" She does her best to ignore the jibe about stealing. "I...It doesn't feel right to fix myself before she's okay..." She mutters, looking to Alexa. "But...why can't I get her to the printers now?"
  1566. [16:35] <Tangent> (sorry, bit confused OOC and trying to think of what's IC to write)
  1567. [16:36] <Tangent> *before you're
  1568. [16:38] <Tangent> The thought that there's an easier way- standing right there- to help Alexa flashes through her mind and she shakes her head, distractedly. No. Corruption, what it'd do to ALEXA's soul...It'd hurt her.
  1569. [16:40] <Overcity-Mall> "I have to look up where there are some, I'd have at best a vague, uninformed guess as to what might have some to use." she said gently with a sigh. "As for twisted, well... he's a rather terrible alchemist, and obsessed with money as the end goal. He'd sell a small child if it came to it... and they're sloppy in their work. It's unrefined, unproper, and quackery at best, so I wouldn't feel
  1570. [16:40] <Overcity-Mall> too bad dealing with him. Still... he's an enigma, I can't tell how he's survived this long. But there's got to be something..."
  1571. [16:44] <Tangent> Amelia listens, nodding. Listening to her depict this man as awful and a greedy cheat...It makes it easier to consider...robbing him. A twist of self-disgust, but...she'd have a good reason...And if she had to, it'd mean Alexa still needed help too afterwards. "Okay. If I get to this...ceremony or get some silvershine... somehow...I'd be able to help Alexa first thing tomorrow, no problem, right?" It's quiet. Too quiet. It's like Alexa isn't even there...
  1572. [16:44] <Tangent> "No...catches or delays, or anything? I can just...get her in there, and she'd be okay?"
  1573. [16:45] <Tangent> Please don't say she'd have to wait to save Alexa. Please don't let her be stuck like that.
  1574. 17:00] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, yes and no. Yes, in that you can help her out tommorow once you're back, I'll figure things out, but your cure will take a little longer of course. A little longer, in that I'd need to also take you along to my friend, she's of royal blood even though she has no inheritance to it, thus she should work just fine for the final required component. Once we did that, then you would be cured
  1575. [17:00] <Overcity-Mall> and free of that persistant curse upon you... She'd have to stay as such for a bit longer, but that's probably the safest option. If you can get the portion of the cure." She stated, pointedly. "...Your case also would be able to simply be purified off, once it has fully run it's course, but your sentience is likely not going to last the week, so... well, while it will return after as such,
  1576. [17:00] <Overcity-Mall> it's probably embaressing on a personal level. Not to mention her case... though, the option of corruption will be up to your friend of course." she stated simply.
  1577. [17:00] <Overcity-Mall> (Now I need to switch to mobile, but yea)
  1578. [17:00] == Overcity-Mall [] has quit []
  1579. [17:04] <Tangent> (btw uh you lost me a bit at "she'd have to stay as such")
  1580. [17:04] <Tangent> (oh nvm)
  1581. [17:08] == Eprlide [~Eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
  1582. [17:09] <MobileKajiya> (But yea, your options, you two~)
  1583. [17:09] <Tangent> [bit confused OOC]
  1584. [17:09] <Tangent> [She's saying that the printer would take time to fix Alexa?]
  1585. [17:10] <MobileKajiya> (No, you)
  1586. [17:10] == Mira [~Mira@B456AD8B:84226049:A7716222:IP] has joined #Overcity
  1587. [17:10] <Tangent> [What does she'd have to stay as such refer to btw?]
  1588. [17:10] <MobileKajiya> (Your cure will need said kiss, and while she can take you there, Alexa will still be pillow)
  1589. [17:11] <MobileKajiya> (Not that it changes much since her case isn't progressing, but yea)
  1590. [17:12] <MobileKajiya> (As for options to lay them out: Amelia will need to either steal a thing, or get thing at ceremony tonight. Or, if Alexa is cured, she can)
  1591. [17:13] <Tangent> [Right, but what's the other option?]
  1592. [17:13] <Tangent> [Ohhh it's Alexa being corrupted or not?]
  1593. [17:13] <MobileKajiya> (Alexa needs either monsterification, or the device)
  1594. [17:14] <Tangent> "I...My sentience? "I'm going to...Lose my mind?!" Amelia shakes her head frantically, posture stiffening slightly. Not even KNOWING that Alexa needs her help... That knot in her stomach's starting to twist a bit as she tries to make sense of the older woman's...advice. Always something going wrong. "I...No. If your friend's not going anywhere...I'm getting Alexa to that printer first." She says firmly. Alexa's not staying like that a second more than she has to.
  1595. [17:14] <Tangent> "I...I have a week, right?"
  1596. [17:15] <MobileKajiya> (And the 'bad' options are to leave you a newt for a month to fix after. Which by then Alexa will probably take the corruption)
  1597. [17:16] <MobileKajiya> "Well, your mind does... I expect your form will be set in its final sort of form after tommorow midnight though, so a deadline for you to do something is, well, that."
  1598. [17:16] <Jran-Kri> Alexa immediately resumes thrashing angrily, bouncing up and down in place. She shakes emphatically, growling. The sound of a pillow growling is highly unfortunate. "No. You. First."
  1599. [17:16] == Rawriful [] has joined #Overcity
  1600. [17:20] <Tangent> "Y-you're a PILLOW, Alexa! I CAN'T just leave you like that..." She shakes her head, looking to the woman bleakly. "And...that's it? The cure wouldn't work afterwards, or..."
  1601. [17:21] <Tangent> [IC Amelia didn't quiteee get the memo about what was meant]
  1602. [17:22] <Jran-Kri> Alexa nonetheless continues to writhe angrily, shaking her upper section. "Not. Getting. More pillowy," she hisses angrily.
  1603. [17:29] <Tangent> Amelia looks frantic. "I'd have the silvershine. I'd just have to get back here afterwards, and you'd be *okay*. It'd fix *you*." Amelia touches Alexa, gently. "If I can just get you in there...*then* we can worry about my cure. It's not like I can't still fight like this..."
  1604. [17:30] <MobileKajiya> "Well, hers has a deadline of about a month, but it's not like the corruption option won't go away if we are left without any others. She's right though, she'll be fine. You on the other hand, your cure can take years if you really wanted, but your last meaningful bits of humanity will be gone tommorow midnight, and your mind in a week." She said simply.
  1605. [17:30] <Jran-Kri> The pillow outright bounces in place, its corners kicking like a set of arms and legs. She growls again. "You. Are. Becoming. A newt," she hisses angrily. "Time. Sensitive."
  1606. [17:31] <MobileKajiya> "She is right, though, similar to newt. You might be a bit better off. Magical probably. Hardly any consolation."
  1607. [17:36] <Tangent> [Hmm? Cure can take years? OOC confused.]
  1608. [17:37] <MobileKajiya> (You won't run out of time
  1609. [17:38] <MobileKajiya> (Basically don't worry about time limit besides your newtification though)
  1610. [17:38] <Tangent> (IC though, they're screwed after tomorrow evening as far as they know?)
  1611. [17:39] == Shavyla [~Shavyla@2D30F09B.3D78CD0.21EB1DF5.IP] has quit [Quit: Shavyla retreats coolly]
  1612. [17:41] <Tangent> [or is "if you want to put off your cure" what's meant by 'can take years'?]
  1613. [17:41] <Tangent> [the wording was ambiguous to me a bit]
  1614. [17:42] <MobileKajiya> (Afk
  1615. [17:47] <MobileKajiya> (K back)
  1616. [17:47] <MobileKajiya> (Basically Amelia has no time limit to when she can be cured)
  1617. [17:47] <Tangent> Amelia doesn't care if she's turing into a puuchu wearing a mascot hat- that's not what matters right now. "But it's my fault!" Amelia bursts out, shaking slightly. "I...You first, Alexa. Then we can worry about...the other thing." She gulps. "Like she said...years, right..."
  1618. [17:48] <MobileKajiya> (Just omit all the time stuff basically I guess it just is kinda confusing for no reason :x)
  1619. [17:48] <Tangent> *you're stuck!
  1620. [17:48] == Wanderphone2 [] has joined #Overcity
  1621. [17:49] <Jran-Kri> Alexa doesn't seem to buy this assertion, once again emphatically twisting and shaking in place. Lacking any ability to further express herself, she just writhes around disgustingly.
  1622. [17:49] <Tangent> [Basically Amelia's going into irrational panicmode because Alexa being hurt is one of her hot-button issues- makes sense?]
  1623. [17:49] <MobileKajiya> Yep)
  1624. [17:49] <Tangent> "Please...I'm...I'm sorry, Alexa. You can yell at me all you want when you're okay..." Amelia shakes her head.
  1625. [17:49] == Wanderphone [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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  1627. [17:49] == mode/#Overcity [+qo Wanderphone Wanderphone] by }o{
  1628. [17:50] <MobileKajiya> (And the interaction between the newting Amelia against the mostly immobile Alexa shall be amusing as they insist to save the other~)
  1629. [17:50] <Tangent> [>That awkward moment when she newts with Alexa on the wrong side of a glass door to the printer.]
  1630. [17:51] <Tangent> She's actually wringing her hands, confidence more or less in tatters.
  1631. [17:52] == Wanderphone2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1632. [17:53] <Jran-Kri> Alexa begins hopping up and down in place, an incoherent screech of rage, muffled by her plush interior, leaving the pillow.
  1633. [17:53] <Tangent> "Sorry..."
  1634. [17:54] <Tangent> Amelia looks and sounds miserable.
  1635. [17:55] <Tangent> "I'm sorry, Alexa..."
  1636. 17:56] <Jran-Kri> Refusing to accept this apology, Alexa continues to huff and writhe angrily.
  1637. [17:56] <MobileKajiya> "...Lets drop the anger and who will save who first, and think on this a bit rationally, come, it's late and you probably are hungry... Well, she is." She said, glancing to the pillow apologetically as they don't much need food now... "She should have some magical power, as will you, so it isn't as if the other must run off on their own." She said, as she
  1638. [17:56] <MobileKajiya> switched the door sign, locking the door, as she waved for them to come in the back.
  1639. [17:57] <Tangent> Amelia winces, but seems determined to go through with it. She tries to gently pick Alexa up. A nod to the lady- she's almost, almost able to ignore how she makes her feel with everything else going on...
  1640. [17:58] <Jran-Kri> Alexa, fortunately, calms down when Amelia picks her up, though she continues to audibly grumble.
  1641. [17:59] <Tangent> Amelia keeps mumbling apologies for a few steps...but doesn't seem about to change her mind. She'll take all the yelling Alexa has to do...once she has the lungs to do it with.
  1642. [18:00] == IWBTG [] has joined #Overcity
  1643. [18:01] <MobileKajiya> The corruption would fade as they entered, a simple, quaint apartment home as they would ascend the steps, the only corruption being the lady herself now, as she waved them to the living room, a simple couch with TV and coffee table with a bunch of assorted junk, a table along the way with a school backpack and textbooks and magical books. "Take a seat,
  1644. [18:01] <MobileKajiya> dinner should be ready in a bit." She called with a small smile.
  1645. [18:02] <Tangent> "...Thanks." Amelia mumbles, glancing around. "Um, where'd you want to...sit, Alexa?" She asks her friend, a bit awkwardly.
  1646. [18:02] <Tangent> Is this where...Raspberry usually stays? When she's not being...punished?
  1647. [18:03] <Tangent> [Amelia is under the impression she's normally a person and not a mouse~]
  1648. [18:05] <Jran-Kri> The pillow sighs. By nature, she is, herself, the thing to be sat on. So it clearly doesn't matter much to her.
  1649. [18:06] <MobileKajiya> "Apologies for the mess, Raspberry doesn't much bring over friends, if at all. Though, I do hope any other friends of hers don't have similar issues befall them." She called, the smell of a stew brewing.
  1650. [18:09] == POJO [~quassel@PO.JO] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1651. [18:11] <Tangent> Amelia gently puts her down of the other cushions. On the sofa. And sits next to her. "So...we can go back and get that book-" Amelia tries to prompt Alexa to reply, awkwardly, then jumps a bit. "Oh...Uh. It's okay...She's your...niece, right?" Amelia thinks to the girl turning into a mouse...who got 'punished' with magic... Who, now that she thinks about it...did save their lives. She kind of feels bad about yelling at her so much, but...
  1652. [18:11] <Tangent> She DID turn her into a newt. And Alexa
  1653. [18:11] <Tangent> 's a pillow because of her, partially...
  1654. [18:18] <MobileKajiya> "Mm? Yes, my sweet little niece. If your wondering if I'm being too harsh, it's not that way, she and her mother were born mice, her mother my first familiar, this is hardly punishment as it is, more to keep her from causing much trouble." She said simply... "She's a nice little one. She has 8 older brothers and an older sister, they all took in corruption
  1655. [18:18] <MobileKajiya> for power, and have gone off in the world seeking more, I can only hope for the best... But she didn't want to, and is taking the long way there. Weak, and powerless... I'm proud of her for keeping to the proper way, instead of simple shortcuts." She said with a wide smile as she brought over a cauldron with purple, bubbling soup, as she set out bowls and
  1656. [18:18] <MobileKajiya> spoons.
  1657. [18:21] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grumbles distastefully at this.
  1658. [18:22] == SkinnyNecro [] has quit [Quit: Sorry]
  1659. [18:25] == FredBox [] has joined #Overcity
  1660. [18:27] == Fredward [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1661. [18:28] <Tangent> "...Oh." Amelia says quietly. "Yeah, she's pretty nice..." A guilty twinge, that goes away when she looks at her blue arms. She touches Alexa's side- not like she can hold her hand... "But..." Amelia starts to blurt, then catches herself. "Thanks." She mumbles at the spoon. She looks at Alexa, guiltily...She shouldn't eat in front of her when she's like this. She looks up instead. "What do you mean by the proper way?" She asks instead. This woman...She's not really
  1662. [18:29] <Tangent> She's not really what Amelia expected from someone that corrupted. Neither was Kreimhild, really...Well. Some of the time, anyway.
  1663. [18:29] <Tangent> Part of her flashes back to her time split into Amy. When Kreimhild was saying she was a thing. She shudders slightly.
  1664. [18:33] <Tangent> She looks at Alexa instead. Even if they save her from this, no, WHEN they save her from this...Alexa still has something about her that needs fixing. The beast. According to Kreimhild, anyway.
  1665. [18:34] <Tangent> [Spoilers: Amelia's a guillible idiot.]
  1666. [18:34] == Indigo [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  1667. [18:35] == SkinnyNecro [] has joined #Overcity
  1668. [18:39] <MobileKajiya> "The way that isn't so quick, or single minded. To go towards corruption or otherwise for more immidiate, innate power instead of learning and growing on your own, to master and control over succumb to corruption and power... You seem as if something is on your mind, is my presence still all too displeasing to you, or something else amiss?" She asked simply,
  1669. [18:39] <MobileKajiya> taking a bite of the perhaps oddly somewhat sweet stew. Not as if loaded with sugar, but as if instead of potato and tomato, it was yams and pudding.
  1670. [18:41] <Jran-Kri> Sighing in place, Alexa fidgets against the other pillow, her fabric grinding against it. "Don't. Always. Have. Time," the pillow grumbles.
  1671. [18:42] <Tangent> "I...No. Yes. Not really, it's just..." Amelia shakes her head. "Sorry.'re not what I expected from...well, you." Amelia gestures vaguely. "I mean, corruption, just hurts people. Makes them into something they're...not, but you seem...fine. And you're helping us..."
  1672. [18:43] <Tangent> "Raspberry said you like watching construction storms." She mentions, seemingly out of the blue. Amelia seems reluctant to take a bite, though it seems more for Alexa's sake than distrusting the food.
  1673. [18:44] <Tangent> [back in a few minutes, dinner]
  1674. [18:46] <Jran-Kri> ((Actually, same. BRB.))
  1675. [18:46] == Jran-Kri has changed nick to Jran-Away
  1676. [18:54] <MobileKajiya> "Well, I wouldn't be speaking of control if I wasn't much in my own case of control... Not to say I don't indulge in something rather cruel for amusement, but not something I am much for causing." She said simply. "...and cool your head, child, if you let yourself simply act off emotions alone, then anything such as corruption would twist you about so
  1677. [18:54] <MobileKajiya> easily... Still, it is your decision if you will take the 'quick' way out, I won't stop you."
  1678. [18:55] == BlindChoir [] has joined #Overcity
  1679. [19:05] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa. The woman's admission of cruelty for fun makes her frown- Amelia's an open book, and that book's emotions are clearly telegraphed. "I wouldn't use corruption." She says certainly. Perhaps less furiously than she would have just a few days before, when she'd been...driven. "And...power only matters if you're using it for something worthwhile. So I don't think I would." She glances to Alexa, still worried by her friend's quietness.
  1680. [19:09] <Jran-Kri> Alexa resumes grumbling, but under her breath. If what she has now can even really be called breathe. Nonetheless, she has little ability to press the issue.
  1681. [19:15] <MobileKajiya> "Well, this'll be one way or another, I don't much seek to make you like me, simply guide you." She said gently. "At that though, have you decided what you will do as it is? The ritual, a break in, or to simply rest up to prepare for your friend?"
  1682. [19:20] == Rawriful [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.3]
  1683. [19:25] == Rally [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  1684. [19:27] <Tangent> Amelia lets out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She thinks. Sorry, Alexa... "...The ritual. No sense making things harder for later, right? And I can handle two trips, no problem..." An awkward pause. "Uh...and thanks for the help."
  1685. [19:28] == BlindChoir [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  1686. [19:28] <Tangent> She's calmer now that there's a way to fix things. Relieved, slightly. She won't truly be okay with things until Alexa's back to her normal self. Oh, and herself too.
  1687. [19:33] <MobileKajiya> The woman nodded, as she thumbed through a handbook, before tearing out a page and scribbling in corruption, before offering it to her, it said both the directions, as well as simply gave a 'this is the way' guidance for the girl. "Well, then here you go, feel free to take your friend, she should still be able to help with her magical power, even if
  1688. [19:33] <MobileKajiya> weakened." She said simply... "I mean, I feel I would not make much interesting company, but if you wish."
  1689. [19:36] <Tangent> Amelia doesn't wince this time. At least the way the page feels means she's not going to lose it. "Thanks...And...If you're okay with coming, we could probably use the help..." Her pride's taking second place to the big, pillow-shaped problem.
  1690. [19:37] <Tangent> She realizes she doesn't have any pockets. She frowns. "Uh, just let me drop the transformation..."
  1691. [19:37] <Tangent> She has a hoodie on. That has pockets...
  1692. [19:37] <Tangent> She stands up, and concentrates on the familiar feeling of detransforming...
  1693. [19:38] <Tangent> *Untransformed, she knows she has a hoodie on. That has pockets...
  1694. [19:39] <Tangent> *pockets to put the paper in.
  1695. [19:44] <MobileKajiya> "That ritual gets wonky with too much corruption in place, I can't much come help deal with it there, child. That scrap of power won't interfere, worry not, and it will guide you back here after midnight... Or, you likely can find your way back." She said confidently... Also of note though, her attempt to revert... Failed. She can perhaps notice, her hands
  1696. [19:44] <MobileKajiya> and boots were tighter, and more... Smoothed. Height wise, she was about four feet now, and her tail two feet. And her looks were slowly but surely losing the last traces of humanity... Still, it wasn't getting in the way more than it used to already. For now.
  1697. [19:45] <Tangent> Amelia nods, frowning as she tries to detransform again. She looks up at her. Wait, up?
  1698. [19:46] <MobileKajiya> Nothing. "...something amiss?"
  1699. [19:48] <Tangent> She swallows. Her outfit suddenly feels too tight. Something's very wrong and she hasn't noticed until now. "I...Hang on a sec..." She mumbles. "Do, have a mirror..." She tugs at her right gauntlet. The one that's normally a bit lighter, with the way it doesn't cover her fingers...
  1700. [19:49] <Tangent> *looser
  1701. [19:50] <Tangent> She looks down at her own outfit. It'd changed with the rest of her last week, when she'd remerged into herself. Boots, a blue uniform, a red mantle, lightweight chainmail, and a pair of metallic knightly gauntlets...
  1702. [19:50] <MobileKajiya> She nodded, getting up and leading her along, pointing to the bathroom. The gauntlet was stuck, she could feel it more as if pulling against her hand itself...
  1703. [19:52] <Tangent> Amelia stumbles after her. She...She's looking UP at the woman. Not that she isn't used to being short- she was about 5'0 until last week, but...this is off. Even for her. She's...shrinking away.
  1704. [19:53] <Tangent> And that DAMNED tail keeps hitting the ground as she...waddles after the woman.
  1705. [19:56] == DanTheUnchanging [] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
  1706. [19:56] <MobileKajiya> Fortunately, or, unfortunately, it would be a full body mirror for Amelia to check...
  1707. [19:56] <Tangent> ...Definitely unfortunately.
  1708. [20:05] <MobileKajiya> Her features were... Newtlike, more now a newt that was vaguely human, her face was warped and hardly recognizable as her own, her face stretched and elongated, wider similar as her neck was nearly gone too, longer, wider, her hands a long round bulb ended set of fingers, and the feet while hidden in webbed toe like boots, she could feel were quite the same.
  1709. [20:05] <MobileKajiya> The cause for her waddling was from her body changed, now in the shape for skittering, than walking on two feet... And she is shorter. Again.
  1710. 20:26] <Tangent> ...There's some kind of weird newt thing looking at her the mirror, Amelia thinks first. Her mind catches up a moment later. She gapes. "Uh. Oh. Um..." The newt's gaping at her. She's gasping for breath. Not good, not good, she's this...thing... Desperately, she tries tugging at her gauntlet- the same way she had as Amy- then at her face...Even opening and closing her mouth feels OFF now that she actually noticed how her face's a...snout. Oh god...
  1711. [20:27] <Tangent> She stumbles away on stubby legs- and she can actually feel the ground through her boots now- and runs. Three steps in, she stumbles, falls onto her hands and knees and keeps scrambling for a good three seconds before she remembers to stand up on two feet again. She calms down halfway down the hall, coming to a stop. Okay, it's...bad. She can fix this. She just has to get the cure, fix Alexa, and RUN.
  1712. [20:28] <Tangent> *hands and keeps scrambling on all four feet for a good three seconds
  1713. [20:28] <Tangent> "Okay..." She mumbles. "Not good..."
  1714. [20:29] <MobileKajiya> The woman simply looked to her, tilting her head. "Well, your regeneration is fending it off it seems, but I take it your looks aren't much to your liking?" She asked simply?
  1715. [20:36] == Wanderphone2 [] has joined #Overcity
  1716. [20:36] <Tangent> She...hadn't noticed. Any of it. It'd just...been at the back of her mind, and there'd been so much else going on...She shakes her head. "...Uh. No." Fending it off? Morbidly, part of her notes that her magic's saved her again. Kind of. "I..." She's...looking up at the woman. A lot. A shake of her head- and even that feels off. "Damnit, it''s my magic all over again..." Only this time her MIND's just fine...
  1717. [20:36] <Tangent> For the rest of the week, anyway.
  1718. [20:36] == Wanderphone [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  1719. [20:37] == Wanderphone [] has joined #Overcity
  1720. [20:37] == mode/#Overcity [+qo Wanderphone Wanderphone] by }o{
  1721. [20:37] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  1722. [20:37] <Tangent> "...Alexa first. Then this." She mutters.
  1723. [20:38] <Tangent> She tries to detransform one more time, mostly just out of spite rather than seriously expecting it to work. Or help.
  1724. [20:38] == Wanderphone [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  1725. [20:38] <Tangent> *"...Fix Alexa first. Then this." She mutters to herself.
  1726. [20:39] == FredBox [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1727. [20:40] <Tangent> She looks back to the room. She kind of just ditched Alexa on her own there...
  1728. [20:40] == Wanderphone2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1729. [20:41] <Jran-Kri> Alexa bounces in place. She deeply misses legs. In fact, all of her extremities.
  1730. [20:42] == Wanderphone [] has joined #Overcity
  1731. [20:42] == mode/#Overcity [+qo Wanderphone Wanderphone] by }o{
  1732. [20:42] <MobileKajiya> It did nothing. "Right, well, at any rate, getting the solar terminator silverlight for you should be first, you should have a bit of time to spare if you go now. And feel free to take your friend with, she should perhaps be able to help.
  1733. [20:42] <Tangent> Amelia's going to get them back! And then fix her own...well, everything! ASAP! Amelia trundles back in- well, more like waddles. "...Sorry I ran off." She mumbles to Alexa, as much as she can. "Hey, um, want to come, right? If something goes'd be safer here. Probably."
  1734. [20:43] <Tangent> ...She dropped the sheet of paper in her hurry. She picks it up now.
  1735. [20:43] <Jran-Kri> Alexa makes another little emphatic hop towards Amelia, bobbing in place. The hacking, squeezing noise that passes for laughter leaves her at the sight of the newt.
  1736. [20:43] <Tangent> "Not funny!" Amelia grumbles.
  1737. [20:44] <Tangent> The effect's somewhat ruined by her expression. Very newty.
  1738. [20:45] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to laugh.
  1739. [20:45] <Tangent> Amelia looks to the older woman. "Um, can I take a backpack?" She glances to Alexa.
  1740. [20:46] <Tangent> "Do you WANT to ride upside down?" she grumbles at her best friend.
  1741. [20:47] <Jran-Kri> This makes Alexa stop, though not for the reason one might think. She seems to consider this concept. "Direction. Irrelevant," she hypothesises.
  1742. [20:47] <MobileKajiya> "...oh that would work huh. Yes, here, Raspberry won't mind." She said, unpacking her backpack and helping Amelia put it on. It would snugly fit the pillow.
  1743. [20:48] <Tangent> "...Alright then." Amelia grumbles to Alexa- that she needs to adjust the straps to fit her doesn't help. "Thanks...Okay, Alexa, let's go!"
  1744. [20:49] <Jran-Kri> Alexa hums agreeably.
  1745. [20:51] <Tangent> Amelia hesitates as she and Alexa start to head off- the backback unzipped enough for Alexa's face to poke out. "...Um, and tell Raspberry thanks for...the assembly line, I guess... She, um, she knows why."
  1746. [20:52] <Tangent> She bobs her head- the gesture a bit harder to notice than normal given her current status...and waddles away. Rather slowly.
  1747. [20:52] <Tangent> "...Goddamnit."
  1748. [20:53] <Jran-Kri> "... Still. Think. You first," Alexa points out sullenly.
  1749. [20:53] <Tangent> Amelia drops onto all fours and starts running. She can't hate Raspberry after the girl DIDN'T run off, and did save their lives...but it's still her fault she's on all fours. "You first." She'd shake her head but she's running.
  1750. [20:54] <MobileKajiya> "Will do, take care, don't stray from the path for your own safety though girls!" She called out to the newt and pillow duo.
  1751. [20:55] <Tangent> Amelia's following the path, paper carefully held between two...front toes as she runs.
  1752. [20:56] <MobileKajiya> ( brb home in a bit)
  1753. [20:59] == MobileKajiya [] has quit []
  1754. [21:00] <Kajiya> (Am back)
  1755. [21:01] == Overcity-Mall [] has joined #Overcity
  1756. [21:01] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia follows the guidance of the paper's magic, correct?
  1757. [21:01] <Overcity-Mall> Or does she take that convenient looking shortcut?
  1758. [21:01] <Tangent> She's desperate, not crazy. NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  1759. [21:02] <Tangent> Of course she doesn't even think about how she's put their lives in the hands of a corrupt witch's corrupted note...She's just trying to cover ground.
  1760. [21:03] <Overcity-Mall> Her skittering is rewarded after about an hour of hurrying, she's about twenty minutes early it seems, and a wide variety of alchemists and otherwise seem to be gathered, all seeming to murmur or pay attention to the sky, which, was a dark night sky with the stars and light abound, and infact the window was a wider one than the rest of the mall thus far has been. There is a large magical
  1761. [21:03] <Overcity-Mall> circle in which those participating are supposed to enter... as says on the note. Amelia can ask around a bit if she wants to find out, but they seem to be handing out... bottles? The kind one might expect from, you know, legend of Zelda type. Complete with cork-top.
  1762. [21:04] <Tangent> "Bottle please." Amelia blurts, skittering over.
  1763. [21:05] <Overcity-Mall> They hand her a bottle! You can hold it up above your air, but it's not going to spin on it's own.
  1764. [21:05] <Overcity-Mall> ...You still also don't have a clue as to what's going on, she did kinda forget to mention that huh.
  1765. [21:05] <Tangent> Amelia holds it up, looking at it in the dim light- Alexa can see it from her perch, then rushes over to the circle. No time no time...
  1766. [21:06] <Tangent> "What do we do?" She asks the nearest person. probably, almost certainly a lot taller...
  1767. [21:06] <Tangent> At least it's easy to look up with her face like this...
  1768. [21:07] <Overcity-Mall> The figure actually is shorter, but that only puts him a foot below her, a long eared fuzzy creature. Who speaks out incoherantly, more like 'Yark yark yark' as he spoke...
  1769. [21:07] <Overcity-Mall> ...He might not realize you can't understand him.
  1770. [21:07] <Tangent> "Right, sorry." Amelia tries the next person. "Hey, can you help?"
  1771. [21:08] <Overcity-Mall> The figure seems to be now a dark, brooding gentleman, with a skull mask and skulls adorning their person. With a butterfly net. "Help with what, my dear young lasses?" he asked, in a voice that quite did not fit his looks or attire.
  1772. [21:11] <Tangent> ...Seems legit. "So, um, can you tell me how...this thing works, please?" She really really wishes Alexa was here as herself right now... "First time here, kind of a matter of life and death...Well, not death, but...Yeah, could use some help..."
  1773. [21:12] <Tangent> ...Maybe she should've tried someone who wasn't going for the gothic or headhunter look. Just maybe...
  1774. [21:14] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh, dear me a first timer? Well, it would be simply criminal to leave you gal's in the dark. I do assume it is gal's apologies if I am wrong, my eyes are not as they used to be." he said, waving a hand daintily. "You see, once this magic circle's spell is complete, it shall temporarily shatter the sky and rain down upon us. The figments and materials will be alive, echos of their selves and
  1775. [21:14] <Overcity-Mall> quite active, and it is first come first serve, grabbing and securing what they can get. Darkness of space, the north star, you name it! Just do keep in mind, one bottle hardly will be enough to grab anything but what you are seeking for, here, lass's. This shoul dbe enough between you two." he said, handing Amelia another bottle, and Alexa... dropping two bottles in front of her, which simply
  1776. [21:14] <Overcity-Mall> flopped onto the ground and rolled in small semi-circles.
  1777. [21:14] <Overcity-Mall> "Have fun! Though, do know, many of us are quite actively trying to pluck what we can, this event only happens once a week and it is quite the blast!"
  1778. [21:18] <Tangent> "Thanks, thanks so much...Once a week?" Well, if this goes badly, at least Alexa could...She shakes her head." Amelia scoops up the bottles. "I owe you one." She feels ashamed of her earlier temptation to just steal the material. "...Um, thanks again...but do you know where to...get 'solar terminator silvershine'?"
  1779. [21:23] == MobileKajiya [] has joined #Overcity
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  1781. [21:24] == MagicalKyrie [~Mango@B69D28F3:205712CE:A0CAEE3D:IP] has joined #Overcity
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  1783. [21:25] == Kajiya [~Mango@DDEC5357:D32FAF3D:A0CAEE3D:IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1784. [21:25] == MagicalKyrie has changed nick to Kajiya
  1785. [21:25] <Overcity-Mall> "Ah, that thing? Quite a rare commodity, but luckily, not all too many people need it, it is typically only for curses and cures! Look there, to the moon, do you see that small brightness between the dark and the light?" he asked, kneeling and pointing up dramatically. "That, the middle portion, is what you shall seek, it is the least available amount, and quite elusive, you will have quite
  1786. [21:25] <Overcity-Mall> a chase if that is your goal, but I still wish you luck, as anyone who is seeking that must truely need it! I on the other hand, shall unfortunatly be of no aid, as I am after the most numerous material, the dark of space, as I need it for the finest of attire, such as my personal clothing!" he said, posing somewhat flamboyantly, "As my studies and wife have told me, the dark and black look
  1787. [21:25] <Overcity-Mall> is quite in fashion with the ladies it seems, much as yourself, come by my store any time and I can show you two around all of the greatest products of the blackest of nights!" he said, posing one more... still with a butterfly net in hand.
  1788. [21:25] <Overcity-Mall> (repost if need be)
  1789. [21:27] <Tangent> Amelia follows his instructions carefully. "I...Yeah, if this works out, definitely." She's never been fussed about what she wears, not really, but after this, the least she can do is buy something off this guy. "Thanks. Really." She swallows. "Ready, Alexa?" She murmurs.
  1790. [21:27] <Tangent> The newtgirl's on all fours. Ready to run. Damnit, Alexa's always been the better runner...
  1791. [21:28] <Jran-Kri> The pillwo grumbles vaguely agreeably.
  1792. [21:31] <Overcity-Mall> "Ah, right, I almost forgot ladies, you've only about five minutes to capture your target, as the spell shall end after that!" He called flamboyantly, before waving, and preparing, as soon the magical circle glowed with a brighter green glow... and the sky. The sky, itself, seemed to shatter, and rain down... the moon, stars, everything, started to fall immidiately... changing. Shifting.
  1793. [21:31] <Overcity-Mall> Constolations into warriors and animals, The moon into a rabbit of black and white, and the piece they were seeking, a tiny, vaguely rabbit, but more as if a puchuu shape, seemed to zip off of it, and zipping around, somewhere between the shape of liquid and solid, as it frantically moved, people quickly beginning the frantic scramble for, well, everything!
  1794. [21:32] <Overcity-Mall> (You have... 10 rounds? Yea sure lets go with 10 rounds, give or take, to capture it. Capturing it will be to hit it with a melee attack from the bottle. There will probably be hazards and things in the way. It is currently at a very far distance.)
  1795. [21:32] <Tangent> [Can I use a fire gap closer to get into range?]
  1796. [21:32] <Overcity-Mall> (Yep!)
  1797. [21:32] <Tangent> Amelia takes off, desperation...and more than a little fire, lending her speed!
  1798. [21:32] <Tangent> "Hang on!" She yells- or as much as she can yell- to Alexa.
  1799. [21:33] <Overcity-Mall> (Which spell was that agian?)
  1800. [21:34] <Overcity-Mall> (As a reminder by the way: You can passively heal 1 mp, 1 hp, or 1 soak for Amelia per round, Alexa.)
  1801. [21:35] <Tangent> [She has Rocket Propulsion, barely, since 12 magic+gifted]
  1802. [21:35] <Tangent> [If it sets the other people on fire to use it, she won't]
  1803. [21:35] <Overcity-Mall> (She has enough space. Thankfully.)
  1804. [21:37] <Overcity-Mall> Like a rocket ship, she flies through the sky to the moon... or, that light that came off the moon, which looked to Amelia with a little "Eep!" and zipped away frantically, meanwhile the crowd continued to push and shove somewhat frantically, people bumping into others was common, and some flew in the air as well, one threatening to crash into Amelia!
  1805. [21:37] <Overcity-Mall> (Roll vs Melee)
  1806. [21:37] <Overcity-Mall> .d 4d10
  1807. [21:37] <Internets> :: Total 32 / 40 [80%] :: Results [6, 6, 10, 10] ::
  1808. [21:40] <Overcity-Mall> (...Tangent? Roll defense?)
  1809. [21:41] <Tangent> [No penalty?]
  1810. [21:41] <Overcity-Mall> (Not unless you're dodging as your defense)
  1811. [21:42] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1812. [21:42] <Internets> :: Total 48 / 90 [53%] :: Results [10, 4, 6, 9, 1, 10, 4, 3, 1] ::
  1813. [21:42] <Overcity-Mall> She stands through the person coliding just fine, and makes it on course to her target. Somewhat. Seems it's currently at far distance now... 9 turns left!
  1814. [21:43] <Tangent> Amelia winces, but scrambles up and keeps skittering along after landing! "Come on, come on..."
  1815. [21:43] <Tangent> [can she fly again or...]
  1816. [21:44] <Overcity-Mall> It's more crowded here. You might set a guy on fire. If you want to though, jump for it?
  1817. [21:44] <Overcity-Mall> Otherwise it IS in range of a dash attack. But the odds of that happening as you are...
  1818. [21:45] <Tangent> ...DAMNIT. She skitters instead, all thoughts of dignity forgotten. "thanks...raspberry..." She snarls, toes digging into pavement and feeling completely ridiculous.
  1819. [21:45] <Overcity-Mall> (Dashing, or ujst moving?)
  1820. [21:45] <Tangent> [Moving since >loldash]
  1821. [21:46] <Overcity-Mall> To her consolation, there are others also walking on all fours. Or all sixes. Or no legs... Amelia doesn't look out of place.
  1822. [21:46] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d3
  1823. [21:46] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 3 [66%] :: Results [2] ::
  1824. [21:46] <Tangent> That's not the point! She's a magical girl!
  1825. [21:46] <Overcity-Mall> The figure tries to run away, but someone sees it and attempts to catch it, as it jumps backwards to evade, this is your chance! 8 turns left!
  1826. [21:47] <Tangent> [Melee range]
  1827. [21:47] <Tangent> [?]
  1828. [21:47] <Overcity-Mall> Yes. Close range.
  1829. [21:47] <Overcity-Mall> ...Also, I'll warn you now
  1830. [21:47] <Overcity-Mall> Power Overwhelmning might cook the thing you need
  1831. [21:47] <Overcity-Mall> And it's unclear if that will ruin it or not
  1832. [21:47] <Overcity-Mall> I'll let you take the risk if you want, but yea.
  1833. [21:49] <Tangent> Amelia almost instinctively activates her magic, her burning fire...but remembers she has Alexa, very very flammable Alexa on her back. And that she wants this thing to be...useable. "DAMNIT." She rises up onto her legs instead, sword already in hand and swinging.
  1834. [21:49] <Tangent> [All out attack]
  1835. [21:49] <Overcity-Mall> ...You might want to swing the bottle
  1836. [21:50] <Overcity-Mall> You know
  1837. [21:50] <Overcity-Mall> To catch it
  1838. [21:50] <Overcity-Mall> Instead of cleave it in half
  1839. [21:50] <Tangent> ...Oh god.
  1840. [21:50] <Overcity-Mall> I'll let Amelia realize "WAIT FUCK" and swing that instead.
  1841. [21:50] <Overcity-Mall> And the bottle 'attack' doesn't have to be typed
  1842. [21:50] <Overcity-Mall> It just is capturing
  1843. [21:51] <Tangent> Amelia drops her sword mid-motion. Damnit, BAD HABIT. She has to get her head in the game, or it's all over for her and Alexa.
  1844. [21:51] == Rally [] has quit [Quit: I'm gonna go hate myself for a few hours]
  1845. [21:51] <Tangent> She fumbles with the bottle...and swings!
  1846. [21:51] <Overcity-Mall> (Roll it~)
  1847. [21:52] <Tangent> !ex 8 v 7
  1848. [21:52] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  1849. [21:52] <Internets> :: Total 32 / 80 [40%] :: Results [3, 1, 5, 5, 2, 4, 6, 6] ::
  1850. [21:52] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10+1
  1851. [21:52] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 81 [51%] :: Results [3, 3, 6, 10, 3, 2, 7, 7] ::
  1852. [21:53] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d3
  1853. [21:53] <Internets> :: Total 1 / 3 [33%] :: Results [1] ::
  1854. [21:53] <Tangent> [I swear those screw-ups were completely accidental rather than LOL BAD END. I legitimately did not think thoes two things through.]
  1855. [21:53] <Overcity-Mall> The figment skirts circles around poor Amelia and Alexa, you can see it pause a breif moment to stick a tounge out at the duo, before zipping away once more, damnit! 7 rounds left, it is now far again.
  1856. [21:53] <Tangent> ...Crap!
  1857. [21:54] <Tangent> ...It's safe to use her fire here, right? Right?!
  1858. [21:54] <Tangent> [Flame on for +2 dash dice, -1 from agi penalty, 2 base dice?]
  1859. [21:55] <Overcity-Mall> ...Maybe? You don't have much time to check.
  1860. [21:55] <Overcity-Mall> Dare use it anyway?
  1861. [21:55] <Tangent> ...She's an awful dasher anyway and she doesn't have time to learn precision. She RUNS.
  1862. [21:56] <Overcity-Mall> The crowd is getting thicker it seems... Roll against melee, and roll perception.
  1863. [21:57] <Overcity-Mall> In that order.
  1864. [21:57] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1865. [21:57] <Internets> :: Total 55 / 90 [61%] :: Results [3, 10, 7, 2, 6, 10, 5, 4, 8] ::
  1866. [21:57] <Overcity-Mall> .d 10d10
  1867. [21:57] <Internets> :: Total 54 / 100 [54%] :: Results [6, 3, 4, 2, 8, 5, 5, 5, 10, 6] ::
  1868. [21:57] <Tangent> (1d20 for perception, and does Alexa see anything?)
  1869. [21:57] <Tangent> (?)
  1870. [21:57] <Overcity-Mall> (Roll the d20 for perception yes)
  1871. [21:57] <Tangent> .d 1d20
  1872. [21:57] <Internets> :: Total 3 / 20 [15%] :: Results [3] ::
  1873. [21:57] <Overcity-Mall> (And no Alexa doesn't roll for this)
  1874. [21:58] <Overcity-Mall> You scamper over... and it seems the wisp is LAUGHING at something. At you! It's not evading though, 6 rounds, hurry up!
  1875. [21:59] <Tangent> Gah! Die!
  1876. [21:59] <Tangent> ...Or rather, get caught!
  1877. [21:59] <Tangent> [melee attack?]
  1878. [21:59] <Overcity-Mall> Yep, she's at close
  1879. [21:59] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  1880. [21:59] <Internets> :: Total 35 / 80 [43%] :: Results [1, 3, 2, 3, 10, 10, 2, 4] ::
  1881. [21:59] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10+1
  1882. [21:59] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 81 [49%] :: Results [7, 3, 5, 2, 9, 6, 3, 4] ::
  1883. [21:59] <Tangent> [THESE DICE]
  1884. [22:00] <Tangent> "Oh god, oh god..."
  1885. [22:00] <Overcity-Mall> She got her! It! Whatever! She... wait, what? It was still there, a quick glance and she finds her bottle is filled with a black void, it seems something got in the way at the last moment!
  1886. [22:00] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d3
  1887. [22:00] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 3 [66%] :: Results [2] ::
  1888. [22:00] <Overcity-Mall> It tries to scamper away as it just was, you know
  1889. [22:01] <Overcity-Mall> Almost caught
  1890. [22:01] <Overcity-Mall> But people keep getting in it's way, just as they have been for you
  1891. [22:01] <Overcity-Mall> Another shot! 5 rounds!
  1892. [22:01] <Tangent> ...Amelia has another bottle! Again!
  1893. [22:01] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  1894. [22:01] <Internets> :: Total 49 / 80 [61%] :: Results [2, 10, 3, 4, 7, 10, 4, 9] ::
  1895. [22:02] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10+2
  1896. [22:02] <Internets> :: Total 59 / 82 [71%] :: Results [3, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 6, 10] ::
  1897. [22:02] <Overcity-Mall> .d 1d3
  1898. [22:02] <Internets> :: Total 2 / 3 [66%] :: Results [2] ::
  1899. [22:02] <Overcity-Mall> It evades! Narrowly, and as it tries to get away, they bump frantically into others, which is good, but unfortunatly, others seem to be similarly shoving and nudging into Amelia now!
  1900. [22:03] <Overcity-Mall> Roll vs Melee!
  1901. [22:03] <Overcity-Mall> .d 10d10
  1902. [22:03] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1903. [22:03] <Internets> :: Total 60 / 100 [60%] :: Results [3, 10, 9, 4, 2, 6, 2, 8, 7, 9] ::
  1904. [22:03] <Internets> :: Total 56 / 90 [62%] :: Results [1, 1, 10, 9, 7, 5, 6, 8, 9] ::
  1905. [22:03] <Overcity-Mall> She keeps her footing as she shoves back, it's still in close range, you still have time, 4 rounds!
  1906. [22:03] <Tangent> No! She's not letting Alexa stay trapped like this! She's not going to be trapped like this! Not because of some THING!
  1907. [22:04] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  1908. [22:04] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 80 [51%] :: Results [4, 8, 8, 5, 8, 6, 1, 1] ::
  1909. [22:04] <Overcity-Mall> .d 8d10
  1910. [22:04] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 80 [50%] :: Results [7, 3, 6, 5, 6, 2, 2, 9] ::
  1911. [22:04] <Overcity-Mall> Hah! This time she has caught it, and with time to spare, perhaps she can pick up a glowy star for a souvenier of how she saved Alexa and... wait. Now that you mention it... where IS alexa, she's no longer in the backpack...
  1912. [22:04] <Tangent> ...She's going to buy that skull guy's entire store stock for this.
  1913. [22:04] <Overcity-Mall> ...there's 3 rounds left of this mess.
  1914. [22:05] <Tangent> ...Wait. Her bag.
  1915. [22:05] <Tangent> ALEXA.
  1916. [22:05] <Tangent> "Alexa!" Amelia screams.
  1917. [22:05] <Overcity-Mall> Also you just narrowly see her, while her bag is empty, you see a pillow fly up in the crowd.
  1918. [22:05] <Overcity-Mall> She's currently far away.
  1919. [22:05] <Tangent> ...Amelia rocket dashes.
  1920. [22:06] <Overcity-Mall> Another incoming random person, damnit!
  1921. [22:06] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  1922. [22:06] <Internets> :: Total 49 / 70 [70%] :: Results [2, 7, 9, 7, 5, 9, 10] ::
  1923. [22:06] <Overcity-Mall> Roll against Melee.
  1924. [22:06] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  1925. [22:06] <Internets> :: Total 58 / 90 [64%] :: Results [4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9, 6] ::
  1926. [22:07] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia is a bit scuffled, but fortunatly, not nearly enough, as she collides and catches her pillowfied friend mid air. She now has the thing she came for, and her friend... you still have 2 rounds if you want to get souveniers.
  1927. [22:07] <Tangent> ...Somehow Amelia's more in the mood for therapy. She hugs Alexa. "Sorry..."
  1928. [22:07] <Tangent> " okay?"
  1929. [22:09] <Tangent> The scene'd be beautiful any other time, but right now...she doesn't care.
  1930. [22:09] <Overcity-Mall> . . . As if to ruin the moment, someone bumps into Amelia again. Okay, maybe it might be best to save this moment for after you get out of the busy crowd. Beautiful maybe, if it wasn't for a moshpit of people frantically scrambling to grab up the picturesque night sky.
  1931. [22:09] <Jran-Kri> Alexa is silent.
  1932. [22:10] <Overcity-Mall> The thing is ending though, and the clock has passed midnight... you can follow the way home now, if you wanted, nothing says you had to stay.
  1933. [22:10] <Tangent> Amelia stumbles out, not letting go of Alexa. "Alexa? Come on...answer me...please..."
  1934. [22:10] <Overcity-Mall> (Erm, not so much home but to the corruption shop, but uh, semantics shush)
  1935. [22:10] <Tangent> If Alexa's...hurt. She tries to look at her friend's face.
  1936. [22:11] <Tangent> What if Alexa was hurt?
  1937. [22:11] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's pillow-face is twisted into a shocked, appalled grimace. "Just. Go," she hisses.
  1938. [22:13] <Tangent> "R-right..." And the newtgirl hesitantly picks her way back towards the shop after carefully replacing her friend in the backpack. Alongside the flasks...
  1939. [22:14] <Tangent> It's a quiet, scuttling trip back in the dark.
  1940. [22:15] <Overcity-Mall> And fortunately, a safe one. The door is open and the lights are on in the front, the way to the back open too. The small mouse gets up from beside the considerably fatter one, going over to the side of the cage and waving with a few squeaks.
  1941. [22:15] <Tangent> "...Hey, Raspberry..." Amelia waves back, tiredly. "I think."
  1942. [22:15] <Tangent> She's too tired to even put much thought to the corruption oozing from the metaphorical and literal walls.
  1943. [22:16] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse nods a bit, simply sitting in the cage and watching as they pass by. The door would lock behind them and the lights dimming behind as well... this would be spooky, if not for the fact they probably know who's doing it anyway.
  1944. [22:16] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@EB1160DE.D472C8D0.DE6D5023.IP] has joined #Overcity
  1945. [22:16] <Overcity-Mall> The witch seems to be upstairs, lounging on the couch and thumbing through a magic book.
  1946. [22:19] == NotPoplartree [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1947. [22:19] <Tangent> "We got it. Just the printer now..." Amelia mumbles, stumbling in on her legs. She gently shrugs off her backpack, opening it up with clumsy fingers and moving Alexa out as carefully as she can. She's about half as long as she's tall now...
  1948. [22:21] <Overcity-Mall> She said, looking over to her and tilting her head. "Oh? How much, let me check." she urged, waving her along over. "Also well, for you, this is what you need, we just need a kiss from that of noble blood to finish it... unfortunatly I can't seem to contact the friend I was trying to call, she probably abandoned that cheese shop mess of things as she tends to skip out on things." The woman
  1949. [22:21] <Overcity-Mall> said with a distainful sigh.
  1950. [22:22] <Tangent> "" Amelia repeats slowly. "Uh."
  1951. [22:22] <Tangent> "Did she...have a daughter?" Amelia asks, looking down at Alexa- who she's holding in her arms.
  1952. [22:23] <Overcity-Mall> "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a way to contact her. And she did mention having a little one, and I was promised she would be my god daughter but that woman, never coming over or anything with her..." the witch sighed, shaking her head.
  1953. [22:24] <Tangent> "...I...Was she your friend?" Amelia asks. Slowly. With a faintly sick look on her face.
  1954. [22:24] <Tangent> Good thing newts have amazing poker faces.
  1955. [22:25] <Tangent> [...derp, ignore that line]
  1956. [22:25] <Tangent> *"Were you...close?"
  1957. [22:27] <Overcity-Mall> "Mmmhmm, we go back quite a ways. Back around the time we graduated from magical academic school, us two got into a little buisness of running fraud and tricking debtors left and right. In an infinite expanse, it was easy. Too easy, perhaps... still, one wrong turn and it could come toppling down. And then my familiar wished for children... and well, I couldn't go and have her raise them in
  1958. [22:27] <Overcity-Mall> such conditions. So I forbid her from as such... while I cleaned up my little mess. Tried to convince her to get out of it too, but she just built more and more up. I cleaned up my lose ends, be it be slaughtering loan sharks, or paying it back desperately, so I'm content to stay here, but, well, as you can see, she runs about quite a bit. Oh well, she's certainly a slippery one, she's
  1959. [22:27] <Overcity-Mall> certainly fine." she nodded with a confident smile.
  1960. [22:30] <Tangent> Amelia bites her lip more and more as she listens. Which feels weird. But it's not the point. The silence stretches out. "I...I'm sorry, but...she's dead." She lets it slip. "We...ran into her daughter. She was...going after another person's shop because she couldn't pay off her mother's debts. We stopped her, but they took her mother's house. The shop owner let her stay with her, so she's okay, but...I'm sorry."
  1961. [22:30] <Tangent> She deserves to know. She was her friend.
  1962. [22:31] <Tangent> ...There goes her cure too. Amelia notes dimly. She's going to be *stuck* and then...
  1963. [22:31] <Tangent> Well. She can still fix Alexa.
  1964. [22:31] <Tangent> But...
  1965. [22:32] <Overcity-Mall> "...Wha..." she said, blinking in some surprise... "No no, that can't be. I mean, there's an infinite sort of shops, it'd be a coincidence." she said sternly, with a smile. "I've heard from her about a few months ago even, she'll call again." she said, dismissing the idea... though, a concerned look running on her face after a few moments, shaking her head. "...I take it things went well.
  1966. [22:32] <Overcity-Mall> Show me, how much of that material did you get?"
  1967. [22:35] <Tangent> Amelia gulps, but she doesn't press the issue. First this, then Alexa, THEN the woman. "Yeah...In here..." She puts Alexa down on the couch, face-up, then scuttles back for the flasks.
  1968. [22:37] <Overcity-Mall> (Just to check, Jran you theres?)
  1969. [22:37] <Tangent> Alexa's so quiet, it's like she's not even there...And that thought makes Amelia rush back to the couch with the flasks in her rounded fingers. Toes. Whatever.
  1970. [22:39] <Tangent> "Alexa?" Amelia tries, looking over the couch at her friend.
  1971. [22:40] <Overcity-Mall> She looks to it... before tilting her head. "Huh. This is actually more than I expected... a lot more. Hum, well, since we have some to spare..." she said, uncorking it, and daintily scooping a bit out upon a spoon from dinner, blowing it as it gently sprayed at Alexa and Amelia... to the newt, it seemed to have no effect as it is, but to Alexa, she could feel... well, as if she could breathe
  1972. [22:40] <Overcity-Mall> proper now. Talk proper, instead of in such short segments... and her magic far more returned. (Alexa's status has been improved to having 1/2 her mana, and able to cast spells at her full mag power)
  1973. [22:41] <Overcity-Mall> "There, if nothing else, that should ease her case over the night... and I'll just save the rest of this here..." she muttered, closing it back up and putting it on a high away shelf, then closing the shelf, then locking it securely.
  1974. [22:42] <Tangent> Amelia sighs in relief. "Are you feeling better?" she anxiously asks her friend.
  1975. [22:43] <Jran-Kri> Alexa brightens up considerably, perking up on the couch. A long, low sigh of relief leaves the pillow. She even does a little hop, almost slipping onto the ground. "B-b-better. M-m-much b-b-better," she stammers. Though she has her voice back, there's still a bit of the listlessness in it from earlier. "S-s-still th-think w-we s-should have s-stared w-w-with you."
  1976. [22:44] <Tangent> The newtgirl's looking over the side of the couch at Alexa, hoping for any signs of recovery... "Oh, thank god." She blurts. "You had me so worried..." She shakes her head- the gesture looking utterly ridiculous with the way it looks. "Not a chance. You'll be up and about before you know it. Promise."
  1977. [22:45] <Overcity-Mall> "...Well, nothing except her stubbornness says we can't start by looking for someone of noble blood." she said flatly, a worried look still upon her face. "Still, as it is, if that's as she wants, then we can continue with that plan... for now though, it's late, and you two should get a bit of rest. I still have to figure out good locations to look through. I mean, unless you rather run the
  1978. [22:45] <Overcity-Mall> risk of instead being stuck a piece of jewelery, which that one I certainly can't promise you can return to normal from that." she said flatly. "Guest room's upstairs, on the right." she said, pointing to the next set of stairs visible from the living room.
  1979. [22:46] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs again, though this time it's in disappointment more than anything. "A-a-a-and y-y-you'll b-b-be d-d-down on all fours," she hisses dourly. "B-but wh-whatever. Wh-wh-what's d-d-done i-i-is d-done."
  1980. [22:46] <Tangent> "J-jewelery?" Amelia blurts, then winces at Alexa's rebuke...and with more than a flicker of fear. "As long as you're okay." She says firmly.
  1981. [22:47] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I c-c-can't i-i-imagine jew-jewelry is w-worse than being a p-p-pillow," Alexa grumbles. She peers over at Amelia. At least, as best a pillow can peer at anyone. "B-b-bit l-l-late for that."
  1982. [22:47] <Tangent> "Thanks..." She tells the woman, and looks back at her friend. "You'll be okay." She promises.
  1983. [22:48] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grunts again.
  1984. 22:48] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grunts again.
  1985. [22:49] == SkinnyNecro [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  1986. [22:49] <Overcity-Mall> "Your form can be reverted because you still have most of your body-mass still. That case... you wouldn't. Unless the idea of ahaving the rest of your body ripped away violently and being stuck with at most the mass of a hand. No? Then lets not go with that option... I'll keep looking, you two go rest." she suggested, sighing.
  1987. [22:49] == SkinnyNecro [] has joined #Overcity
  1988. [22:51] <Tangent> Amelia blanches. "...Right. Good night... Alexa?" She reaches out.
  1989. [22:51] <Jran-Kri> "Ah. Th-th-that w-w-would b-be u-u-unfortunate," Alexa stammers, blanching. She jerks in Amelia's direction. "Y-y-yes, th-thank you."
  1990. [22:52] <Tangent> The odd duo staggers up the stairs towards the guest room.
  1991. [22:54] == NotPoplartree [] has joined #Overcity
  1992. [22:55] <Overcity-Mall> ...It's a quaint guest room
  1993. [22:55] <Overcity-Mall> We can move along to the morning when you two want, just say so~
  1994. [22:56] <Tangent> "...Uh. Good night, Alexa..." Amelia mumbles, after carefully placing Alexa on the bed with a bit of effort. She...isn't all that keen on going to sleep, since so far that...hasn't worked out well for her.
  1995. [22:56] <Overcity-Mall> (brb for a bit)
  1996. [22:57] <Jran-Kri> "G-g-g-goodnight," Alexa stammers, her body collapsing onto the bed with a light 'thump.' "F-f-f-feel f-f-free t-t-to rest y-y-your head on me." It is an attempt at a joke, judging by her tone.
  1997. [22:58] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@EB1160DE.D472C8D0.DE6D5023.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  1998. [22:58] <Tangent> Amelia tries to laugh, but it comes out decidedly forced. " wouldn't...hurt you or something?" She scrambles onto the bed next to Alexa, resting on her stomach as she looks to her friend's face.
  1999. [23:00] <Tangent> *anxiously to her friend's face. She really wishes Alexa could speak normally...even if it was to yell at her...
  2000. [23:03] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stops to consider this, staring straight ahead. "P-p-p... I-I-I h-h-have n-no i-idea," she admits, shifting in place in what might be supposed to be a shrug.
  2001. [23:04] <Tangent> "Well, it won't matter tomorrow." Amelia says firmly. She reaches out, touching her friend's side with her misshappen fingers.
  2002. [23:05] == MobileKajiya [] has quit []
  2003. [23:05] <Tangent> "...Today, actually."
  2004. [23:05] <Tangent> *Or today,
  2005. [23:06] <Overcity-Mall> (K back, but yea, poke in when you want to transition to the morning~)
  2006. [23:06] <Jran-Kri> "... H-h-hopefully," Alexa says simply, shifting back over to Amelia. She falls silent.
  2007. [23:06] <Tangent> It's a quiet, anxious night and it takes a long time for Amelia to drift off. She doesn't move away from Alexa, as though wanting to make sure she's still there. Even if she's a pillow.
  2008. > ...Once morning comes, and once Amelia awakens, she'll find... well, things seem bigger. Not starkly bigger, but... well, she can go observe the damages. Her face and features are that of a newt entirely now, only somewhat resembling humanoid features than a human that resembled a newt, down to her hair even having receeded back into her person... walking, or even holding things normally,
  2009. [23:11] <Overcity-Mall> was not going to be easy anymore. as her tail dominated a third of her body now, and arms and legs both much more stubby, far from being suitable to carry or otherwise someone... she didn't have much time, as all that was left for her body now, was not to change, but to instead shrink. (You now have a -1 penalty to everything, if you are not scuttling around. This means no using weapons, if
  2010. [23:11] <Overcity-Mall> you're actually carrying Alexa in hands the debuff is applied, and so on.) The woman seems to be downstairs, in the living room, looking at a tablet in one hand and a wine glass in the other... an exhausted look on her face as her once more youthful womanly look of mid-early twenties was gone to one befitting a woman in their fifties perhaps, and a concerned sort of expression on her face as
  2011. [23:11] <Overcity-Mall> she focused on the tablet it seemed... you'd have to interupt her to get much a response.
  2012. [23:11] <Overcity-Mall> ...Also: Alexa is sure a pillow. (No change~)
  2013. [23:16] <Tangent> Amelia stirs, uneasily. Then jolts awake, flailing wildly. No way for her to miss what's hapened- she doesn't even want to know how much of her's left at this point. She has to hurry. "Alexa!" She squeaks. It's still her voice, just... a bit off. "Alexa, wake up!" The newtgirl actually shakes Alexa, a bit. She gulps. They're out of time. Fixing Alexa isn't just about her friend anymore, it's about having someone with working LEGS...
  2014. [23:18] <Tangent> Great. She's a talking, giant (comparatively) newt. She has to get Alexa to safety in one piece, fast...NOW. "Come on, Alexa...Wake up..."
  2015. [23:19] <Tangent> She shakes her friend more roughly, panicking.
  2016. [23:19] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I a-a-am a-a-awake," Alexa stammers, though there's no major physical change. "I-i-i-it's h-h-hard t-t-to g-get comfy like this." She twists slightly in place in an attempt to stare at Amelia. "B-b-but I-I s-see y-you're h-h-having m-m-m-more t-trouble."
  2017. [23:20] <Tangent> "Y-yes..." Amelia stammers squeakily, then tries to pick Alexa up. With her stubby arms, it's easier said than done. "Come on..."
  2018. [23:20] <Tangent> And with that the newt and pillow stumble their way down.
  2019. [23:20] <Overcity-Mall> The woman still seems highly focused.
  2020. [23:20] <Jran-Kri> Alexa attempts to shift her weight to make this easier on her, but this doesn't amount to much. "I-I-I TOLD you y-y-you sh-should have g-g-gone first..."
  2021. [23:21] <Tangent> "L-later!" Amelia scrambles over, nearly tripping more than one. "H-hey! Mrs...Um..." She winds up nudging the store owner instead.
  2022. [23:21] <Tangent> *once
  2023. [23:21] <Tangent> *once
  2024. [23:26] <Tangent> ...She doesn't feel her hair against her back anymore. She really doesn't want to think about that. "Hey! Listen!" She tries again, desperately.
  2025. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> "Eiditina. Sorry... sorry." she said, sighing and relaxing, as her expression and complexion returned to their more youthful state. "Right. I'll just cut the longwinded stuff, and just list your options. To start, we can corrupt your friend there, and she'll have a body fully able to be of use... of course, that could go poorly just as well, in a permanence or damage to her being. Secondly,
  2026. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> there is to... look into the idea that if that was my friend that died indeed, then her daughter, she still would fit the criteria, you can go track her down, get a kiss, and you'll be fixed. I'll need to make you the potion of course. Lastly, locations, I found three.. one close, one somewhat far, and one that would be pressing on your time limit rather hard. The closest one is a clock store,
  2027. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> it doesn't sound too dangerous but that just means it is almost certainly the most risky there is. You'll have time though. Lots of it. Pun not intended, next, is a loan shark office... They're assholes, and really, that device is probably going to sap the magical girl part of you two, and leave you object and animal if you fail. Certainly dangerous. And the last one, well, that one is actually
  2028. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> one that is owned by a charity group. I mean, I feel bad for breaking into their place, but the security there should be light. The problem is of course, it's the farthest away... and you're going to have to cross a construction zone just to make it in time. And even then that would be rather stretching it." she said flatly...
  2029. [23:29] <Tangent> Amelia listens solemnly, and cringes, hard, at the loan shark office."No corruption." She says firmly. "...Alexa?" She asks. "Clocks or charity? They both sound pretty much as bad. We can go back to that shop after you're okay. You know the place..."
  2030. [23:30] <Overcity-Mall> "For the record, you'll have to come back for that potion. It doesn't last long at all, so either bring her here, or you'd have a day to make it to her. If that's her even." she said flatly. "It's a pick one case, more or les sall around... and the corruption or not is her choice, not yours, child."
  2031. [23:30] <Jran-Kri> "... Wh-wh-wh-what an a-a-awful idea," Alexa declares immediately, shifting in place. "G-G-God, I-I -- W-w-we've b-b-been doing too much r-r-r-running around. Y-y-you d-d-don't have m-m-much more t-t-time. L-l-let's j-just take the e-e-easiest route."
  2032. [23:36] <Overcity-Mall> "...Easiest does not mean the best. I know you're stressed in that form... but consider this. You can be cured fairly easily and with no ill effects. This? This could twist your very being, if your mind is not ready. And possibly, latch on, permanently, until your soul finally is to burn out... You'll be taking quite a sacrifice if you're just wanting to keep your friend out of danger. And,
  2033. [23:36] <Overcity-Mall> in truth, no matter how dangerous you two PROBABLY will survive..." she muttered flatly to the pillow.
  2034. [23:36] <Tangent> Amelia winces at the rebuke, but doesn't seem to change her mind. "Damnit, Alexa, y-you heard what it could do to you! Please, don't...don't do that to yourself." She's breaking down. Visions of the black coin dance in front of her eyes. "I'd rather just DIE than have you get hurt because of me!" She blurts out, floodgates opening. "You...I just want you to be yourself again. You...You don't deserve all this...and it's my fault, every time..."
  2035. [23:37] == Wanderphone2 [] has joined #Overcity
  2036. [23:37] == Wanderphone [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  2037. [23:38] <Tangent> every time...I...I just keep screwing up, and you keep getting hurt, and I d-don't want you to...turn into...into another ME." Amelia seems to be mid-breakdown. "Please. Please don't do that to your soul."
  2038. [23:41] <Jran-Kri> "G-G-God in Heaven -- I-I-I'm s-s-sure m-my im-immortal s-soul w-will manage," she hisses, wriggling angrily in place. She shakes herself emphatically. Nonetheless, Amelia's performance stirs her. She seems to crinkle into herself, twisting away. "... A-A-Amelia, th-th-this i-i-isn't y-y-your f-fault. I-I-It was m-m-my i-i-impatience, b-b-breaking i-i-into that p-p-place... A-and I... s-s-suppose I'm b-b-being the same now."
  2039. [23:41] <Jran-Kri> She sighs laboriously, shuddering. "F-f-f-fine. F-f-for y-your s-s-sake. We d-d-don't h-have t-time f-for the charity -- i-it'll h-have t-to b-b-be the c-c-clock sh-shop."
  2040. [23:44] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, more specifically, you'll have thirty minutes to get in and do the process, actually. Given a decent walking pace, running would get you there a bit faster, but then again hazards too would be in place." she said flatly. "Still, clock shop, correct?"
  2041. [23:46] <Tangent> Amelia looks utterly terrified by Alexa's dismissial- she KNOWS better than Alexa about just what it was doing to her. She remembers being Amy, and Mila... And it was her idea to break into the mattress shop... She manages to nod to the woman, not quite coherent enough for speech yet.
  2042. [23:47] <Jran-Kri> "C-c-correct," Alexa says grimly, wriggling in place nervously. Her focus remains on Amelia. "L-l-let's g-g-go. Now. W-w-we've d-d-delayed t-too l-long a-already."
  2043. [23:47] <Overcity-Mall> If Raspberry was awake and human, she would indeed confirm it was Amelia. Meekly. In the background.
  2044. [23:48] <Overcity-Mall> "Right, well, here, coordinates there, and to get back rip it in half and tie the two papers together." she said, ripping out another page of the handbook and holding it out to the girls. "You'll find it's close, hardly ten minutes away from here... good luck." she said simply with a gentle sigh.
  2045. [23:49] <Tangent> Amelia nods wordlessly, stumbling towards the backpack...paper in hand. She gives the woman, and the shop a last glance with Alexa safely- and firmly- nestled in place...and scuttles out.
  2046. [23:49] <Tangent> "Sorry..." She mumbles some time later as she runs. She isn't even sure if Alexa can hear her.
  2047. [23:50] <Overcity-Mall> (As in, did she ditch the backpack/Alexa, or did she take it with?)
  2048. [23:51] <Tangent> [take with, sorry for ambiguity]
  2049. [23:51] <Overcity-Mall> (k)
  2050. [23:51] <Overcity-Mall> (Just checking in)
  2051. [23:52] <Overcity-Mall> The duo head off! And it is indeed close. At least, compared to all the other shit they had to do... If Amelia was trying to waddle her way around, it was even more awkward than before, perhaps awkward even to stand... but they would make it to the clock shop. Always open 24/7!
  2052. [23:52] <Tangent> She's make it. She has to.
  2053. [23:54] <Jran-Kri> "I-i-it's n-n-not your f-fault," Alexa mutters before Amelia heads off. Besides that, she falls silent, even if Amelia feels like arguing the point on the way over.
  2054. [23:54] == Poplartree has changed nick to AFKtree
  2055. [23:54] <Tangent> She'll fix Alexa. And then it'll be okay. It'll all be okay.
  2056. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> You're at the clock shop. An ol' man seems to be manning the counter...
  2057. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> ...The paper instructs you that you need to slip into the employee's only part
  2058. [23:55] <Overcity-Mall> And uh, he's kinda standing right infront of it
  2059. [23:55] <Tangent> [brb 15 minutes]
  2060. [23:55] <Tangent> [But first]
  2061. [23:57] == Fredward [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2062. [23:57] <Tangent> Amelia gulps. She needs to get in there, but...she doesn't want to attack someone innocent...especially not if she's stealing some helpless old man's stuff. She takes a deep breath.
  2063. [23:57] <Tangent> "A-Alexa...hold your breath, okay?"
  2064. [23:58] <Tangent> She isn't even sure if Alexa needs to breathe anymore, but...she wants to be sure.
  2065. [23:58] <Tangent> She puffs herself up a bit...and focuses.
  2066. [23:58] <Tangent> Fire makes smoke. Lots of it.
  2067. [23:58] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@47E849.5BBB2250.DE6D5023.IP] has joined #Overcity
  2068. [23:58] <Tangent> Billowing clouds of it. That make it damned hard to see...
  2069. [23:58] <Overcity-Mall> "What in blazes?! Fire?!" he yelled, leaving his post and hurrying off for a fire extinguisher.
  2070. [23:59] <Overcity-Mall> Now's probably your chance.
  2071. [23:59] <Tangent> Amelia runs like her life depends on it. Which it does. And Alexa's...
  2072. [23:59] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@47E849.5BBB2250.DE6D5023.IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  2073. [23:59] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@47E849.5BBB2250.DE6D5023.IP] has joined #Overcity
  2074. [00:00] <Overcity-Mall> The employee's only area isn't locked, as you slip in... it seems to be a dark hallway. A very dark hallway lit by the occasional light bulb. The ticking of clocks, synchronized to the tick, rings in this hallway... but looking around?
  2075. [00:00] <Overcity-Mall> This thing's a messy maze.
  2076. [00:01] <Overcity-Mall> Or, so it seems, why else would they have a dead end tot he left that curves into as such....
  2077. [00:01] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh my," Alexa says after they've slipped inside, exhaling. "G-g-good thinking."
  2078. [00:01] == Fredward [] has joined #Overcity
  2079. [00:01] <Overcity-Mall> ...There's a clock on the wall to the right. And the only way that isn't currently a dead end.
  2080. [00:01] <Tangent> ...Amelia is worried that she has made a dreadful mistake. "T-thanks...I...hope..."
  2081. [00:01] == NotPoplartree [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2082. [00:02] <Tangent> Amelia hesitantly strides over to the right, wary with everything at stake...
  2083. [00:03] <Overcity-Mall> The clock ticked faster and faster, a doppler effect as if you approached... Amelia's caution was well met though, as she can tell there's magic to it, roll against a mag attack!
  2084. [00:03] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10 with 1 auto fail
  2085. [00:03] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  2086. [00:03] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2087. [00:03] <Internets> :: Total 60 / 120 [50%] :: Results [7, 6, 5, 5, 1, 2, 7, 4, 2, 4, 7, 10] ::
  2088. [00:04] <Tangent> (-1 dice or no?)
  2089. [00:04] <Tangent> (and does she have her luck points recharged?)
  2090. [00:04] <Overcity-Mall> (Nope, but you don't get your weapon to use. Also your FP is indeed recharged after that night's rest... even if it wasnt much rest)
  2091. [00:05] <Overcity-Mall> (If you want your weapon, you'll need to start taking the -1 auto fail. It's not -dice, it's an automatic failiure to go against your success rate~)
  2092. [00:05] <Tangent> (...Can't sunder without str weapon?)
  2093. [00:06] <Overcity-Mall> (You can punch it. Or, newt headbutt it.)
  2094. [00:06] <Overcity-Mall> (Just don't factor the +str from your weapon.)
  2095. [00:06] <Overcity-Mall> (or enhancement)
  2096. [00:07] == Eprlide [~eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has joined #Overcity
  2097. [00:10] <Tangent> (Just Amelia gets hit?)
  2098. [00:11] <Jran-Kri> ((Can I aid her defense?))
  2099. [00:12] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@87FA06DD:8D1E17E3:7049B3F2:IP] has joined #Overcity
  2100. [00:12] <Overcity-Mall> (Uhh... no to defense, but you CAN sunder, yes)
  2101. [00:12] <Overcity-Mall> (erm, no to aid*)
  2102. [00:12] <Jran-Kri> ((Nope!))
  2103. [00:12] <Overcity-Mall> (You can apply buffs as you want/debuffs on targets if you see any though, Jran)
  2104. [00:12] <Jran-Kri> ((So noted.))
  2105. [00:14] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2106. [00:14] <Internets> :: Total 51 / 80 [63%] :: Results [5, 3, 4, 6, 6, 10, 9, 8] ::
  2107. [00:14] <Tangent> (and luck)
  2108. [00:16] == SkinnyNecro has changed nick to SkinnyAWAY
  2109. [00:17] <Tangent> (...Newt headbutt success?)
  2110. [00:18] <Tangent> (and uh that was WEAPON enhancement that got devalued, right?)
  2111. [00:18] <Overcity-Mall> (K back sorry)
  2112. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> Weapon enhancement and the bonus stats, so for melee, +str/vit gets removed.
  2113. [00:19] <Tangent> (ya, counted that)
  2114. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> So, if your str goes 16 to 15, your sunder goes down to 7
  2115. [00:19] <Tangent> (uniform enhancement saved her)
  2116. [00:19] <Tangent> (Defender)
  2117. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> (Kays~) Fortunatly, nothing seems to happen
  2118. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> As you arrive at the clock, it ticks normally
  2119. [00:20] <Tangent> Amelia remembers to breath again.
  2120. [00:20] <Tangent> *breathe
  2121. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> Down the way, you can see a fork in the road
  2122. [00:20] <Tangent> "Oh no..."
  2123. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> There is one single clock straight ahead again
  2124. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> ...Your path?
  2125. [00:20] <Tangent> ...Amelia seriously considers throwing a fireball.
  2126. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> The clock ticks patiently in response to this time of considration.
  2127. [00:21] <Tangent> Time. She needs more time...She's running out of time...
  2128. [00:21] <Overcity-Mall> She has about 17 hours 30 minutes, actually.
  2129. [00:21] <Tangent> ...Oh, that's alright then.
  2130. [00:21] <Overcity-Mall> At least, that's what the clock says, with it being 6:34
  2131. [00:22] <Tangent> Overcity Standard Time?
  2132. [00:22] <Overcity-Mall> Ok 17 hours 26 minutes. Probably Overcity Standard Time, who knows. And that's only if she was right about this being midnight or otherwise.
  2133. [00:22] <Overcity-Mall> Anyway, this clock certainly isn't reacting either way, fireball or not
  2134. [00:23] <Tangent> (Oh, so fireball would flop? Did flop?)
  2135. [00:23] <Overcity-Mall> Did you throw a fireball?
  2136. [00:23] <Tangent> She does.
  2137. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> The fireball explodes upon the wall, and burns the clock. The clocks all ring, as if it struck the hour mark, then once more.... then stop.
  2138. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> ...Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
  2139. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> No clock ahead of you
  2140. [00:24] <Tangent> "..." That isn't good. She moves.
  2141. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> The wall is even blown up, there's a path ahead and 2 more paths to take
  2142. [00:24] <Overcity-Mall> Well, rather, 2 more paths of left or right... and then a path ahead leading to a dead end.
  2143. [00:24] <Tangent> She keeps going down the path ahead, then stops. She puts her hand against the wall of the dead end.
  2144. [00:25] <Overcity-Mall> Fireball shortcuts seem to work, joy.
  2145. [00:25] <Overcity-Mall> As she goes away from the clock she was at, the reverse doppler effect happens, as it ticks slower and slower... Roll against magic again
  2146. [00:25] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2147. [00:25] <Internets> :: Total 76 / 120 [63%] :: Results [9, 5, 7, 2, 10, 10, 7, 3, 4, 9, 6, 4] ::
  2148. [00:25] <Overcity-Mall> (1 auto fail)
  2149. [00:25] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2150. [00:25] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 80 [52%] :: Results [5, 7, 3, 8, 3, 7, 3, 6] ::
  2151. [00:26] <Overcity-Mall> That is not enough, as Amelia can feel it, feel herself... slowing down. Stopping. Frozen.... She's frozen in time physically. A human- no, a newt statue. Fortunatly this ends after a few seconds, and she is instantly freed... but this certainly spells an issue and danger of leaving the area of a clock.
  2152. [00:27] <Tangent> "Alexa?" She mumbles as she's free. No clock bashing. Got it.
  2153. [00:27] <Jran-Kri> "... Wh-wh-what was th-th-that?" Alexa asks, clearly frightened.
  2154. [00:27] <Overcity-Mall> As she passes by, going past the two halls, she sees that the two turns to the left both have clocks at the end of the hall, though, the second one's left end is quite a bit farther away. The left closer is closer, the left farther is way down, about three times as far as the last two clocks were... and to the right, similar right then left turns, but no clock.
  2155. [00:28] <Overcity-Mall> For the record also
  2156. [00:28] <Overcity-Mall> The dead end is just a dead end
  2157. [00:28] <Overcity-Mall> Take of that what you will.
  2158. [00:29] <Tangent> "I...I'm not sure...No more clockbreaking though...It'll be okay...It'll be okay..." Amelia stammers back.
  2159. [00:29] <Jran-Kri> "... R-r-right. Of course. L-l-l-let's j-just f-f-find the th-thing a-and g-g-go," Alexa mumbles uncertainly, squirming on Amelia's back.
  2160. [00:31] <Tangent> Amelia can't see her. She wishes she could see her so much right now...Instead the newt keeps going, taking a...left? Down the far road, in a desperate gamble...
  2161. [00:35] <Overcity-Mall> As she approaches the clock, it once more, clicks faster and faster, not even half way she's finding the need to resist...
  2162. [00:35] <Tangent> Being meguca was a mistake.
  2163. [00:35] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2164. [00:35] <Internets> :: Total 43 / 80 [53%] :: Results [1, 7, 5, 10, 6, 3, 6, 5] ::
  2165. [00:35] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10 2 auto fail
  2166. [00:35] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  2167. [00:35] <Tangent> Luck.
  2168. [00:35] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2169. [00:35] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 120 [44%] :: Results [2, 7, 1, 7, 5, 3, 3, 2, 6, 10, 1, 6] ::
  2170. [00:35] <Overcity-Mall> She seems fine
  2171. [00:35] <Overcity-Mall> You're half way there...
  2172. [00:35] <Tangent> Run on those stumpy little legs, Amelia.
  2173. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> Again, click click click click
  2174. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2175. [00:36] <Internets> :: Total 60 / 120 [50%] :: Results [3, 2, 3, 6, 3, 10, 6, 9, 3, 7, 7, 1] ::
  2176. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> 1 autofail
  2177. [00:36] <Tangent> Luck and
  2178. [00:36] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2179. [00:36] <Internets> :: Total 42 / 80 [52%] :: Results [3, 8, 3, 3, 7, 7, 5, 6] ::
  2180. [00:36] <Tangent> (last point of luck...)
  2181. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> (oh, you mean you've been FP'ing)
  2182. [00:36] <Overcity-Mall> (kay)
  2183. [00:37] <Tangent> (...Yeah, but I mean that's autosuccess on top of your rolls right?)
  2184. [00:38] <Overcity-Mall> (You mean auto success for your rolls? Cause the auto fails are for the clock's rolls)
  2185. [00:38] <Overcity-Mall> (I.E. that 1 autofail is that I take away a success from the clock's roll)
  2186. [00:38] <Tangent> (Right, but Amelia's been lucking for the last two out preemptively...)
  2187. [00:38] <Overcity-Mall> (kk)
  2188. [00:38] <Tangent> (Regret.jpg)
  2189. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> Down the hall, seems to be a single clock, tick'ing away peacefully, and a turn to the right... and I'm gonna give you a basic scribble of the current known's of this
  2190. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> You are currently at the bottom right'ish area
  2191. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> Each oval is a clock.
  2192. [00:39] <Overcity-Mall> Anyway, that's where you currently are.
  2193. [00:40] <Tangent> (does red mean anything?)
  2194. [00:40] <Overcity-Mall> That red is the wall you kinda blew up
  2195. [00:41] <Overcity-Mall> And the clock(s)
  2196. [00:41] <Tangent> ...Oops.
  2197. [00:41] <Overcity-Mall> To be fair, it worked
  2198. [00:41] <Overcity-Mall> You can clearly blow up walls.
  2199. [00:41] <Overcity-Mall> Anyway
  2200. [00:41] <Overcity-Mall> Where to, Amelia, the clocks are ticking.
  2201. [00:42] <Overcity-Mall> (Also Jran: Any buff or debuffs you want to be casting?)
  2202. [00:43] == SkinnyAWAY has changed nick to SkinnyNecro
  2203. [00:43] <Jran-Kri> ((Actually, yes!))
  2204. [00:44] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's pillow glows faintly as she fills Amelia with additional energy! [Blessing of the Pristine Warden: +1 defensive dice to next defensive roll]
  2205. [00:44] <Tangent> "...Alexa? If this doesn't work..." Amelia gulps, the newt seeming to be teetering on the brink. "N-never...never mind." Then she puffs herself up and launches a fireball at the wall...Just to her left?
  2206. [00:45] <Tangent> If she can't blow up the clocks, maybe she can get past this deathtrap through the walls.
  2207. [00:45] <Jran-Kri> "... W-w-wait wh-what a-are you--?" Alexa squeaks, a noise similar to someone jumping onto a fluffed pillow. She cringes against Amelia.
  2208. [00:46] <Overcity-Mall> The one that's down the hall then to her now, right?
  2209. [00:46] <Tangent> "If...If I get through the walls..." Amelia sounds frantic. "The maze...the clocks...If this d-doesn't work, I-I'm s-sorry..."
  2210. [00:47] <Tangent> The one WITHOUT a clock on it.
  2211. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> Oh, so
  2212. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> Down the way she came then?
  2213. [00:47] <Tangent> ...Amelia may be a little directionally confused right now.
  2214. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> as in, all the way back down the hall... or uh
  2215. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> or, wait
  2216. [00:47] <Overcity-Mall> The wall to her left, as in, directly to the left)?
  2217. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> "... W-w-worth a t-t-try! Um. I... k-kind of c-can't s-see from up h-here, s-s-so... good luck!" Alexa squeals again.
  2218. [00:50] <Overcity-Mall> (Well imgur is broke, so time to use alternative image hosting site.
  2219. [00:50] <Tangent> (ouch)
  2220. [00:50] <Overcity-Mall> (Amelia is the blue thing. Tell me north/east/south/west)
  2221. [00:51] <Tangent> cast fireball at south east between the clocks
  2222. [00:51] <Overcity-Mall> (also nah, not owch, I like boonce. Just I feel bad for using it for stuff like this since I can't delete it)
  2223. [00:51] <Overcity-Mall> So, the wall that's down that hall, but not blowing up a clock?
  2224. [00:52] <Tangent> Yep. She's not pulling that trick again.
  2225. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> She blows it up! And.. well, there's another hallway. It looks the exact damn same as the rest of these hallways. The clocks all chime once... and then silence. Ominous.
  2226. [00:52] <Tangent> Probably.
  2227. [00:52] <Tangent> "..."
  2228. [00:52] <Tangent> "What time is it?"
  2229. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> 6:40
  2230. [00:52] <Tangent> Amelia didn't mean to ask out loud in her squeakier voice, but she's spooked.
  2231. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> Not a lot of time has passed it seems, but
  2232. [00:52] <Overcity-Mall> That time freeze certainly took a bit
  2233. [00:52] <Tangent> ...Maybe the magic froze with it? Maybe?
  2234. [00:53] <Tangent> ...She goes down the new hallway, worried and footsteps light.
  2235. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> The clock behind her slows down, the clock ahead speeds up...
  2236. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> (clock ahead)
  2237. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2238. [00:55] <Internets> :: Total 80 / 120 [66%] :: Results [6, 3, 9, 6, 6, 4, 8, 3, 7, 9, 10, 9] ::
  2239. [00:55] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2240. [00:55] <Internets> :: Total 41 / 80 [51%] :: Results [6, 2, 3, 9, 6, 7, 7, 1] ::
  2241. [00:55] <Tangent> LAST LUCK
  2242. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> (Clock behind)
  2243. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2244. [00:55] <Internets> :: Total 59 / 120 [49%] :: Results [8, 9, 2, 2, 5, 3, 9, 2, 2, 7, 8, 2] ::
  2245. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> 2 auto fail on that clock
  2246. [00:55] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2247. [00:55] <Internets> :: Total 34 / 80 [42%] :: Results [8, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 6, 2] ::
  2248. [00:56] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia can feel herself shrinking, rapidly, as if the curse was...accelerated. Oh, that's what it does. And similarly, behind her, the clock has frozen her, as the clock ahead ticks fast still...
  2249. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2250. [00:57] <Internets> :: Total 66 / 120 [55%] :: Results [1, 2, 7, 6, 7, 1, 2, 9, 10, 9, 5, 7] ::
  2251. [00:57] <Tangent> "Nooooooooooo!" She scrambles.
  2252. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> 3 auto fail
  2253. [00:57] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2254. [00:57] <Internets> :: Total 34 / 80 [42%] :: Results [2, 7, 3, 7, 4, 3, 4, 4] ::
  2255. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> She continues to shrink, as time resumes, and she makes it... and she is a fair bit smaller
  2256. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> A look behind, and that clock still says 6:41
  2257. [00:57] <Overcity-Mall> The clock above... 10:41
  2258. [00:58] <Overcity-Mall> . . . It seems you're now quite literally fighting against the clock here...
  2259. [00:58] <Tangent> "A-Alexaaa!" She yells, heart pounding in terror. She's...Just how much time has she lost?
  2260. [00:58] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa meanwhile is still fine. She's a pillow.
  2261. [00:58] <Tangent> Can...can she still make it with Alexa?
  2262. [00:59] <Jran-Kri> "... I-I-I'm f-f-fine! I-I-I'm as p-p-pillowy as I'm g-going to get! See, I TOLD you y-you should have g-gone first!" Alexa whines.
  2263. [00:59] <Overcity-Mall> To the west is a turn, it's just a turn.... no clocks, no nothing, It goes back to the right. Zig zaggy...
  2264. [00:59] <Tangent> "Y-you were right..." Amelia squeaks, terrified. "Y-you can tell me all about it...but let's...let's fix you, okay? You'll be fixed and then you can tell me what an idiot I am..."
  2265. [00:59] <Overcity-Mall> Despite if you succeed or fail against going against the clock, you wouldn't have to deal with anything it seems. But going BACk the way you came will prove a challenge....
  2266. [01:00] <Jran-Kri> "G-g-g-gladly," Alexa mutters darkly. "J-j-just f-f-figure this out!"
  2267. [01:02] <Tangent> Alexa's still in place...She can still get her there...Amelia the newt scampers along, the backpack now as big as she is. She's now smaller than Alexa...
  2268. [01:02] <Tangent> (Actually bit confused about placement)
  2269. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> To the west, to the east (through the hole in the wall she made) or to the north back the way she came?
  2270. [01:02] <Overcity-Mall> (Trying to get imgur working. It isn't. So I might have to re-upload on the alternative site)
  2271. [01:03] <Tangent> She...she can't risk going back anymore. There won't be any of her LEFT to get Alexa there if she does...
  2272. [01:04] <Overcity-Mall>
  2273. [01:04] == fox_de_lumine_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  2274. [01:05] <Tangent> She takes a breath to draw her course, then darts for the hole...
  2275. [01:05] <Tangent> *draw her courage
  2276. [01:06] <Overcity-Mall> ...Despair might sink in as she finds the path, seemingly, only seems to go back the way she came.... If she didn't blow up the hallway, this went all the way around, to here, it seems.
  2277. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> There's one clock to her right, closer by
  2278. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> And the way allllllllll the way back without a clock.
  2279. [01:07] <Tangent> ...
  2280. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> ...To be at least kind though
  2281. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> She can take this way back, maybe there won't be a clock in the awy
  2282. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> There'll certainly be less clocks that way considering she just went away from one, and has to re-approach it. Then another.
  2283. [01:08] <Overcity-Mall> This path? Probably only one...
  2284. [01:09] <Tangent> (Any pics?)
  2285. [01:09] <Tangent> She...can't give up. She has to keep going. No matter how much of a screw up she is, no matter how badly she messes up...Alexa's counting on her. She can just crawl into a hole, like the worthless failure she really is, when Alexa's safe. Guilt, despair, and panic war with sheer bloody-mindedness. Bloodymindedness wins.
  2286. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> (Trying to get a pic, not working)
  2287. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall>
  2288. [01:12] == DanTheUnchanging [] has joined #Overcity
  2289. [01:13] <Tangent> (Is Amelia still at blue?)
  2290. [01:14] == SkinnyNecro has changed nick to SkinnyAWAY
  2291. [01:15] <Overcity-Mall> ( If you two can connec tot this, I can easier show here, thank panda for the site)
  2292. [01:15] <Tangent> (I can see ty)
  2293. [01:16] <Overcity-Mall> (Blue triangle is Amelia. And yes.)
  2294. [01:17] <Overcity-Mall> (You should be able to move it as such)
  2295. [01:17] <Tangent> (Is the white space to the middle->right an unknown or a loop back?)
  2296. [01:18] <Overcity-Mall> I'll draw a red line of your path thus far
  2297. [01:18] <Tangent> Alright
  2298. [01:18] <Overcity-Mall> I dunnno if that answers your question, but yea.
  2299. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> The clock is ticking, Amelia.
  2300. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> The one you can see easiest down to the right, says it is currently 6:51
  2301. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> Which for you, might mean 10:51
  2302. [01:20] <Tangent> It seems to loom over her like a reaper.
  2303. [01:20] <Tangent> Amelia takes another deep breath. As deep as she can. Then keeps going. "Alexa?" She says quietly, without slowing her pace. "Remember that time we went for ice cream?"
  2304. [01:20] <Overcity-Mall> Where's she heading?
  2305. [01:20] <Tangent> Straight south.
  2306. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> Tick tick tick tick!
  2307. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2308. [01:21] <Internets> :: Total 78 / 120 [65%] :: Results [9, 6, 3, 7, 7, 5, 8, 5, 3, 9, 8, 8] ::
  2309. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> 2 auto fail
  2310. [01:21] <Tangent> *R-remember...remember that time...
  2311. [01:21] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2312. [01:21] <Internets> :: Total 52 / 80 [65%] :: Results [9, 6, 3, 10, 9, 10, 3, 2] ::
  2313. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> She's safe. For now.
  2314. [01:22] <Overcity-Mall> There's a turn
  2315. [01:22] <Overcity-Mall> It goes down that way. No clock, so no real risk.
  2316. [01:23] <Tangent> Oh, thank god. She keeps going, her little heart pounding.
  2317. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> She sees nothing all too new, just it confirming that's exactly where she just came from basically.
  2318. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> Down the way is a turn right, which takes her where she just was
  2319. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> And a turn left
  2320. [01:23] <Overcity-Mall> No idea what's down that way
  2321. [01:24] <Jran-Kri> Alexa is silent for a moment, mildly confused as to where exactly this is going. "Y-y-yes? Do... d-d-do y-you w-want to... d-do that again? After this?"
  2322. [01:25] <Tangent> She...doesn't continue speaking for a while. Alexa's silence...She takes a long time to reply. "y-yeah.." She says, clearly changing her mind about what she was going to say. At least for now. "T-that...that' good, wouldn't it..." She doesn't deserve to be her friend.
  2323. [01:25] <Tangent> No sense going back. Only way is forwards. And then left.
  2324. [01:25] <Overcity-Mall> (Which way~)
  2325. [01:26] <Tangent> (ye there)
  2326. [01:26] <Tangent> She sees another clock up ahead and her mouth goes dry. Metaphorically.
  2327. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> One clock. Yep...
  2328. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> Just a turn down the hall it seems.
  2329. [01:27] <Overcity-Mall> Advance?
  2330. [01:27] <Tangent> "I...I...wish I'd been a better deserve better..." Amelia continues, voice starting to shake. "Just...When they...they fix you from m-my...mistake..." She keeps going. "Just...just forget about me, okay? I'm...I'm not worth..." Her voice is trembling.
  2331. [01:27] <Tangent> Stupid. Stupid. All her fault. Her fault.
  2332. [01:28] <Tangent> She doesn't stop. She keeps going.
  2333. [01:28] <Tangent> She doesn't stop. She keeps going.
  2334. [01:29] <Overcity-Mall> Tick tock tick tock!
  2335. [01:29] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2336. [01:29] <Internets> :: Total 91 / 120 [75%] :: Results [1, 6, 8, 8, 9, 8, 8, 10, 9, 5, 10, 9] ::
  2337. [01:29] <Overcity-Mall> (1 auto fail)
  2338. [01:29] <Overcity-Mall> (...and jesus the dice)
  2339. [01:30] <Jran-Kri> "... Sh-shut up. I-i-it'll be okay. We'll be okay. Alright? I-i-i-it'll be f-f-fine. W-w-we got i-into th-this mess t-together, and w-we'll get out together!" Alexa declares, voice half-full of confidence she doesn't feel.
  2340. [01:30] <Tangent> (...Any buffs, Alexa?)
  2341. [01:30] <Overcity-Mall> (Will indeed allow it as if Alexa casted a buff yes ._. )
  2342. [01:31] <Jran-Kri> As if for good measure, she slaps Amelia with another bit of magical energy. [Pristine Warden: +1 defensive dice]
  2343. [01:31] <Jran-Kri> ((Sorry, that's the best one I can give.))
  2344. [01:31] <Tangent> "I-I'm sorry..." Amelia whispers. The magical energy jolts through the shrinking newt-thing...
  2345. [01:31] <Tangent> .d 9d10
  2346. [01:31] <Internets> :: Total 51 / 90 [56%] :: Results [6, 5, 3, 6, 6, 10, 7, 2, 6] ::
  2347. [01:32] <Overcity-Mall> And shrink she does. violently so... dwindling down in size. Smaller than a foot now, at 11 inches, Amelia would have trouble carrying Alexa if she wasn't, you know, a magically super strong newt. How long that magical strenght lasts... is unknown.
  2348. [01:32] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@87FA06DD:8D1E17E3:7049B3F2:IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2349. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> . . . The clock reads, 5:53. She just lost 7 hours on this one alone.
  2350. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> And there's... a LOT of clocks ahead.
  2351. [01:34] <Tangent> No. Not yet. Damnit, not yet. The hallway's a cavern. The only sign Amelia's there is...something tiny tugging on the strap, awkwardly, but supernaturally strong.
  2352. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> Three of them. Two together on the very far end, and one far away...
  2353. [01:34] <Tangent> The tiny newt tugs, feet skittering on the ground as it *pulls*...
  2354. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> Continuing down the hall?
  2355. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> A chorus of clocks ticking ring...
  2356. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2357. [01:35] <Internets> :: Total 79 / 120 [65%] :: Results [6, 5, 6, 1, 10, 4, 8, 5, 10, 6, 10, 8] ::
  2358. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (7 auto fails)
  2359. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2360. [01:35] <Internets> :: Total 67 / 120 [55%] :: Results [8, 6, 5, 1, 6, 5, 5, 2, 10, 4, 6, 9] ::
  2361. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (6 auto fails)
  2362. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2363. [01:35] <Internets> :: Total 71 / 120 [59%] :: Results [4, 9, 2, 1, 9, 6, 5, 5, 3, 9, 8, 10] ::
  2364. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (5 auto fails)
  2365. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2366. [01:35] <Internets> :: Total 67 / 120 [55%] :: Results [8, 5, 6, 2, 5, 2, 9, 5, 2, 9, 5, 9] ::
  2367. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> (4 auto fails)
  2368. [01:36] <Overcity-Mall> (, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  2369. [01:36] == Raincoat has changed nick to RaincoatDoingThings
  2370. [01:36] <Overcity-Mall> (so basically ujst defend vs 2 magic attacks~)
  2371. [01:36] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2372. [01:36] <Internets> :: Total 56 / 80 [70%] :: Results [3, 7, 10, 10, 6, 3, 8, 9] ::
  2373. [01:36] <Tangent> .d8d10
  2374. [01:36] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2375. [01:36] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 80 [66%] :: Results [8, 9, 1, 5, 10, 10, 6, 4] ::
  2376. [01:36] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia is now half way through the gauntlet here it seems
  2377. [01:36] <Overcity-Mall> ...Unless she wants to blow up a wall, she needs to brave a bit more...
  2378. [01:38] == DanTheUnchanging has changed nick to DanTheMemechanging
  2379. [01:39] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@DBD79890:9B33CDB0:7049B3F2:IP] has joined #Overcity
  2380. [01:41] <Overcity-Mall> (Poke?)
  2381. [01:42] <Tangent> "Alexa..." Amelia's voice is almost comically squeaky as she keeps tugging. Coming from seemingly nowhere now. "I-I'm s-sorry I...I wasn't the friend you needed. You...deserved someone better. S-someone who...who w-wasn't s-stupid... Just...when they help you...Please...just...find a better happy..."
  2382. [01:42] <Overcity-Mall> (Continuing~?)
  2383. [01:42] <Tangent> "I...I wish I could hold your hand right now. I...If you were okay, I...I'd be able pretend I was...okay with this, but...I...I'm scared."
  2384. [01:43] <Tangent> She wishes she was at least walking to her death. Instead, she's pretty much crawling. And it's not even dying at the end.
  2385. [01:43] <Tangent> It's Alexa and her being trapped. Like this. And it's all her fault. At every level.
  2386. [01:43] == DanTheMemechanging has changed nick to DanTheUnchanging
  2387. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> The clocks, now gigantic to her, click clock her 'demise'... slowly. Surely.
  2388. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2389. [01:43] <Internets> :: Total 63 / 120 [52%] :: Results [7, 7, 7, 3, 2, 9, 2, 10, 5, 9, 1, 1] ::
  2390. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> (3 auto fails)
  2391. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2392. [01:43] <Internets> :: Total 74 / 120 [61%] :: Results [7, 1, 9, 5, 9, 10, 4, 2, 6, 7, 9, 5] ::
  2393. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> (2)
  2394. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2395. [01:43] <Internets> :: Total 52 / 120 [43%] :: Results [5, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 5, 6, 2, 1, 4, 8] ::
  2396. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> (1)
  2397. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> (1)
  2398. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> .d 12d10
  2399. [01:44] <Internets> :: Total 58 / 120 [48%] :: Results [7, 3, 4, 2, 10, 1, 6, 3, 5, 5, 3, 9] ::
  2400. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> (0)
  2401. [01:45] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2402. [01:45] <Internets> :: Total 40 / 80 [50%] :: Results [2, 4, 3, 8, 9, 4, 7, 3] ::
  2403. [01:45] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2404. [01:45] <Internets> :: Total 58 / 80 [72%] :: Results [9, 9, 5, 10, 7, 7, 2, 9] ::
  2405. [01:45] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2406. [01:45] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 80 [57%] :: Results [5, 7, 9, 2, 5, 6, 9, 3] ::
  2407. [01:45] <Tangent> .d 8d10
  2408. [01:45] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 80 [57%] :: Results [5, 4, 7, 4, 5, 10, 3, 8] ::
  2409. [01:46] <Jran-Kri> Alexa is silent for some time, lingering on Amelia's back in silence. A shuddering sigh leaves her, before her voice, like the creaking of a worn pillow, trembles out. "I-I-I c-c-couldn't h-have a-asked f-for a b-better f-f-friend. B-b-b-but the w-w-way th-things a-are l-looking, I w-w-won't be in a-any p-position to r-replace you, anyway."
  2410. [01:47] == ThePandaKnight has changed nick to PandaKnight
  2411. [01:47] <Tangent> As it turns out, salamanders can still cry.
  2412. [01:47] <Overcity-Mall> Her size... is mostly gone. Mostly, is the keyword, as she was now... all of six inches tall. Yet, dragging Alexa had not gottne any harder for her, her entire magical girl strength remained. Just barely. The clock above loomed, one of them switched now, 6:59. The normal time also above similarly as such....
  2413. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> ...Turning the corners, she however found another turn, and another and- ahead. Ahead was a door.
  2414. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> It was open, thankfully... at her size she would've probably had to blow up the door sooner than anything.
  2415. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> And inside, well, it looked like a rather oversized printer. With a slot big enough for 'paper' to fit a person... or a pillow.
  2416. [01:49] <Tangent> Not yet. She can give up, lose her mind, lose her body, lose everything that made her as worthless as she was...But not yet. She barely even acknowledges the door as she just...keeps dragging. Maybe she'll just...vanish, in the end. Like her original soul...Wouldn't everyone be better off that way?
  2417. [01:50] <Tangent> She sees the printer. Almost there... "I-it's there, Alexa..." Her voice's faint, from distraction or otherwise. "I see it...You''ll be okay..."
  2418. [01:50] <Overcity-Mall> As she enters, she finds the printer. While dragging Alexa in place, and then having to climb the printer just to hit the 'extract', then select the compression and alterations applied may not have been the easiest of tasks... compared to the gauntelt she just went through, this would be nothing. She made it.
  2419. [01:50] <Overcity-Mall> All that basically had to be done, was set it up, and hit the start button.
  2420. [01:53] <Tangent> Amelia blurts an apology, and DRAGS Alexa up. At her strength, she can still claw her way up, leaving dents in the casing to do it...Button after button gets pressed- She has to get it right. Has to fix Alexa. She has to be okay and then she scrambles across the pavement of the buttons over to the start button.
  2421. [01:54] <Tangent> The little salamander slams her foot down with great force onto the button.
  2422. [01:54] <Overcity-Mall> (Any last words before your time as a pillow is over, Jran/Alexa?)
  2423. [01:55] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@DBD79890:9B33CDB0:7049B3F2:IP] has quit [Quit: kill]
  2424. [01:55] <Jran-Kri> "S-s-s-see?" Alexa stammers, trying to smile in the fabric. "Y-y-you did it! I-I k-knew you could!"
  2425. [01:56] <Tangent> Amelia sniffs. "A-Alexa..."
  2426. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> The machine meanwhile whirred to life, almost abruptly cutting her off as it sucked her in, and a rather LOUD whirring, grinding, cranking could be heard, it might be enough to concern the poor newt, as Alexa meanwhile could feel... well, as if the punches, the beatdown, was reversed. As odd as it felt.... it didn't HURT but it was asif the hurt that was no longer there was removed.... but
  2427. [01:57] <Overcity-Mall> soon enough, the machine would spit her out, somewhat forcefully, as she would land out, a whole magical girl once more, and no longer an object... though. There was a downside to this.
  2428. [01:58] <Overcity-Mall> One that they would probably realize, as there are no other doors it seemed. To get her hear, Amelia already reduced down this much... and if the only way back was to encounter more clocks? Well.... to get Alexa here, she had just sealed her fate... there wasn't any other way out.
  2429. [01:58] == Karpinsky [] has joined #Overcity
  2430. [01:59] <Tangent> "Alexa...Y-you're you...again. You're safe..." Amelia doesn't sound like she cares about much else at this point. A quiet sob.
  2431. [01:59] <Jran-Kri> Alexa comes out on the other side with a new lease on life -- for a moment, she doesn't even think of the way back. She lets out a joyous cry, hugging herself and kicking her feet and wiggling her toes -- she leaps to her feet, doing a little dance. "Ha! Ha ha! Ooh, p-p-perfect! Ah, I-I m-m-m-missed legs," she stammers. She turns back to Amelia, shakily bending down to pick her up. "N-n-now w-w-we j-just n-need t-to, um...
  2432. [01:59] <Jran-Kri> r-retrace o-our s-s-steps."
  2433. [02:01] <Tangent> "W-will...will you be okay?" Amelia thinks, horrified, to the idea of things going...back. Of Alexa getting hurt. " careful." She squeaks through her tears. Tiny, tiny tears.
  2434. [02:02] <Tangent> She's smaller now than the average pencil. To her, Alexa's a looming, massive giant...But she's Alexa. She's okay. That's all that matters.
  2435. [02:03] <Tangent> She feels like warm silk as she scrambles into Alexa's waiting hands. A tiny, blue salamander with a red belly and scattered silver specks across its body.
  2436. [02:04] <Jran-Kri> "W-w-well, w-w-we g-g-g-got in here j-j-just f-f-fine," Alexa stutters, smiling crookedly. She marvels at the feeling of Amelia in her hands for a moment, enjoying the warm feeling. After a moment, however, she makes to put her in her handbag. "S-s-sorry. Um. T-try to g-g-get a f-f-foothold. Um. I... m-might n-need m-m-my h-hands."
  2437. [02:06] <Tangent> "It's okay." Amelia's voice is quiet. Resigned. Hollow. The only sign of animation to it is... "Just...keep yourself safe. Please."
  2438. [02:06] <Tangent> There.
  2439. [02:07] == Eprlide [~eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
  2440. [02:10] <Jran-Kri> "Okay. O-o-okay, j-j-just n-n-need to r-r-retrace our steps," Alexa summons her staff with a flick of the wrist, leaning heavily on it. The crystal ball at the end glowing with power, she reinvigorates herself. [Blessing of the Pristine Warden] With that, she steps back out into the hallways, hopefully back the way they came.
  2441. 02:12] <Tangent> The salamander all but vanishes into Alexa's bag. Gives her plenty of time to think. She keeps getting Alexa hurt. She keeps making bad decisions. Alexa should have better friends, better...comrades than her. Someone who could actually keep her safe...Who wouldn't get her hurt...
  2442. [02:12] <Overcity-Mall> The way back would be simple. A bit maze-like but, well, easy enough... Alexa however could probably feel something, rather, the loss of something, as Amelia's powers wained and faded as they exited... the ticking of clocks barraged them, and Amelia's powers? Faded away... not entirely. Thankfully, but.. she was a small newt. Still six inches. Still magical... but the flame and force of a
  2443. [02:12] <Overcity-Mall> magical girl was robbed from her for now. And all that was left... was Amelia the Familiar. (Amelia's stats are all reduced to 7, as a Familiar is.) Exiting, the old man would be mad, and attempt to curse the duo with accelerated aging... that didn't do anything. Immortality kinda does that. He seemed content with his attempt and shrugged, going back to his work... having cleaned all the
  2444. [02:12] <Overcity-Mall> clocks covered in smoke... Your paths, back to the shop... or try to make it back to Kase as it was, as she was apperantly a vital part of this... though, it would occur to you also? It's not like you actually know the way back to Kase...
  2445. [02:13] <Overcity-Mall> . . . Alternatively
  2446. [02:13] <Overcity-Mall> You could just go home and get Amelia a nice little tank to live in.
  2447. [02:13] <Tangent> That was it. She was done. Failed. Not even a magical girl anymore, not that she'd deserved to be.
  2448. [02:13] <Overcity-Mall> But that's not going to happen probably, is it?
  2449. [02:14] <Tangent> Amelia sobs. Quietly. A soft, shrill little voice. Insignificant. Useless.
  2450. [02:14] <Tangent> Alexa's better off with her this way.
  2451. [02:15] == TorqueOffline has changed nick to Torque_
  2452. [02:18] <Jran-Kri> "Yes s-s-s-sorry sir thank you sir pardon us sir," Alexa stammers as they leave the shop, repeatedly doffing her wide-brimmed red hat. Once safely outside, she takes a deep breath, relaxing for a moment. She lets herself appreciate the feeling of breathing with lungs until she realizes that, under the circumstances, she doesn't actually know the way back. She peers inside her bag to ask Amelia, but is promptly side-tracked
  2453. [02:18] <Jran-Kri> by what she sees. "A-A-Amelia?" She dismisses her staff to reach inside and pluck the newt up. "Wh-wh-what's w-w-wrong? E-e-everything's f-f-fine now, i-i-it'll b-b-be okay!\
  2454. [02:18] <Overcity-Mall> For the record, the way back is to the left.
  2455. [02:21] <Tangent> The newt dangles silently, then the floodgates break. "Y-you...You should just get *rid* of me. Why...why even bother with something like me...Kreim was right...I'm just...just a thing..." Amelia sobs. "I...It's my fault it's all my fault I keep getting you hurt more and more and you never blame me...and..." She trails off into wordless, sobbing squeaks.
  2456. [02:21] == FredBox [] has joined #Overcity
  2457. [02:23] == Fredward [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2458. [02:24] <Jran-Kri> Alexa, panicking, looks this way and that as if to take a cue from the empty mall, doddering in place. "N-n-no, i-i-it's... D-don't say that! Y-y-you're m-m-my b-b-best f-f-friend! I-i-it w-w-wasn't y-y-your f-f-fault! I-i-it was th-that rat!"
  2459. [02:24] == SkinnyAWAY has changed nick to SkinnyTera
  2460. [02:25] <Tangent> The silence is, if anything, more ominous than Amelia's breakdown. She just hangs there, silently, for a good minute.
  2461. [02:27] <Tangent> "I'm not worth it." She finally says, quietly. "If I keep getting you're better off if I just...went away. Maybe...maybe you should...should just let it finish...A f-familiar would actually be good for something. Silver coins."
  2462. [02:28] <Tangent> * Silver coins. It wouldn't hurt you...It wouldn't m-make mistakes..."
  2463. [02:29] <Jran-Kri> If Alexa was panicking before, now she's freaking out. She shakes her head emphatically, stammering. "I-I-I-I d-d-don't need a f-f-familiar! I-I-I need y-y-you!"
  2464. [02:30] <Tangent> She...just keeps making it worse. Everything she says, she does just hurts Alexa more. She doesn't reply...
  2465. [02:32] <Jran-Kri> Alexa runs her fingers along Amelia's tiny stomach, resisting the urge to wring her hands with the tiny creature in them. "A-A-Amelia? P-p-p-please, I... I m-m-mean it. Y-y-you're... I need you!"
  2466. [02:32] <Overcity-Mall> . . . It might help to go back to the shop, perhaps. Or not, who knows~
  2467. [02:33] <Tangent> A very, very soft sob. "imsorryimsorryimsorry..."
  2468. [02:37] <Jran-Kri> The dark thought of just going home and putting the little newt in a nice tank, perhaps with some sand, a heatlamp and some nicely-shaped rocks to hide in flits through Alexa's mind. Then it lingers there for a long while. Eventually, however, good sense prevails, and she marches off back to the shop at best speed.
  2469. [02:40] <Overcity-Mall> As she heads back to the shop, well... Amelia's very warm, and fire magic... She probably wouldn't need a heat lamp. So that would just mean some nice pretty rocks, some sand, maybe a tiny bed an- oh there's the shop now. Inside, Raspberry was human once more it seemed as she was quietly standing at the register, before waving to the two. "U-uh hey you two. Master's upstairs still... um,
  2470. [02:40] <Overcity-Mall> wait, didn't Amelia... have more time?" she said worriedly to the two. "I-I mean it's good that you were fixed but still uh, what?"
  2471. [02:41] <Tangent> Amelia sees Raspberry, but...she's gone quiet again. In the own private hell of her own thoughts.
  2472. [02:42] <Jran-Kri> "M-m-m-matters w-w-were a-a-accelerated," Alexa stammers without breaking stride. She jerks her head at Raspberry, immediately stomping up the stairs.
  2473. [02:43] <Tangent> Guilt and self-loathing war within her. Her fault. She could have listened, should have done something, anything else...but she put Alexa at risk, and didn't even care what she had to say. And for what? Because she didn't like corruption? Was SCARED for Alexa? Really? Or maybe she just had to be the one to help her.
  2474. [02:44] <Tangent> She got what she deserved, didn't she?
  2475. [02:46] <Overcity-Mall> The woman now was drinking yet another glass of wine, curled up on the couch, though, the moment she looked up to notice the others her composure and complexion returned... "Well, I see it went well for one, and for you... well, it is a certainly good thing we've got your cure seemingly lined up." she said gently, sighing a bit.
  2476. [02:46] <Tangent> Amelia's silent.
  2477. [02:46] <Overcity-Mall> "...Don't tell me she's already gone non-sentient?"
  2478. [02:47] <Jran-Kri> "We had b-b-better," Alexa stammers, bunching up her shoulders. "W-w-we n-n-need t-t-to f-f-fix her! Sh-she... D-d-does that happen?! Sh-she h-hasn't y-y-yet, I th-think, b-b-but... We need to fix her now!"
  2479. [02:47] <Tangent> ...Alexa'll be better off without her. Maybe it's what was supposed to happen.
  2480. [02:48] <Overcity-Mall> "It may, may not. Though, calm down. She's not much on a time limit anymore... rather, her's has past, and you'll have to return the favor. I see she succeeded at saving you though, did she not?" the witch asked curiously.
  2481. [02:50] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-yes, yes, yes, she did," Alexa agrees, nodding brisky. "B-b-but w-w-we sh-should have d-d-done her first!"
  2482. [02:51] <Tangent> The newt's eyes flicker. Is that guilt?
  2483. [02:52] <Overcity-Mall> "She insisted as it is..." the woman sighed a bit, as she glanced over. "...I can tell you still have some magic left in you, so your sentience shouldn't be dead. Come on, tell us, what is plauging your mind?"
  2484. [02:57] <Tangent> "...she's better off without me." the voice is faint. If she's going lose her mind...the least she can do is let Alexa know why.
  2485. [02:58] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh? Is she now, because I think she would still be a pillow had you not saved her just now." The woman started, as she moved to try to take the newt out of Alexa's hands.
  2486. [02:59] <Tangent> [Bit late, may cut off soon?]
  2487. [02:59] <Overcity-Mall> (Yea, if it's late we can pause indeed)
  2488. [02:59] <Tangent> "my fault all my fault..." Amelia's voice breaks off
  2489. [03:00] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, your situation is my niece's fault. As for hers, I wouldn't know. But you solved it, and you two seemed quite close of a duo..." she said simply... looking down, pursing her lips a bit... "Well, if you wish, you can stay, I'll make you a nice little tank, you can spend your days here. And then your friend can die out there and you will never know of it, how does that deal sound?" she
  2490. [03:00] <Overcity-Mall> started, rather... bluntly.
  2491. [03:01] <Jran-Kri> Alexa seems even more aghast by this prospect than she is by Amelia's claims. She shakes her head emphatically. "I-i-if sh-she's s-staying anywhere i-in a t-tank, i-i-it's w-w-with me!"
  2492. [03:03] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, she clearly doesn't want to now does she? Instead she rather make you heartbroken, as you won't even know if I happened to decide to want fried newt for dinner some night later, so you can just worry about that all day and night until that inevitable demise. Still sounding like quite a good idea to be without you?" she asked the newt.
  2493. [03:03] == POJO [~quassel@PO.JO] has joined #Overcity
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  2495. [03:07] <Tangent> Long, long silence. Either the shopkeeper said the right thing...or there's nothing left for Amelia to say in her mind. Every word from the giant- echoing as it was- stabbed her in the heart. And Alexa...still wants her. No matter how much she hurts her...But if she just dies, Alexa'd be okay. She...she's stronger than she thinks. Alexa's amazing, just as she is...and she'd be better off without her.
  2496. [03:07] <Tangent> She'd find someone else. Someone better.
  2498. ===========
  2500. [00:13] <Tangent> Amelia cringes in Alexa's hands. She...she keeps screwing up. She keeps hurting Alexa. Wouldn't...wouldn't it be better if she just...went away? Alexa would be better off. She could find new friends. Better friends. Amelia's absolutely sure Alexa could be...amazing, just the way she is...if she didn't keep getting her hurt. If she wasn't so...unsure of herself. And after Amelia's latest screw-ups...and what happened to Alexa...
  2501. [00:14] <Tangent> Maybe they'd all be better off without her. At least not as a so-called "protector". Who can't help anyone. Justice? That'd gotten Alexa hurt...and she'd burnt out her soul over it. For nothing.
  2502. [00:14] <Tangent> The little salamander seems to be trying to shrink away, twitching in agitation and curled up into its own tail.
  2503. [00:17] <Jran-Kri> "... A-A-A-Amelia?" Alexa stammers weakly, clutching the tiny newt in her hands. She staggers forward, then stops, continuing to stare at the small reptile. Weakly, she prods Amelia with her finger. Then she pets her, running the finger along her smooth skin. It feels terribly condescending, but she'd give anything for the lizard to do anything at this point.
  2504. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> The witch sighed, downing the rest of her wine glass before setting it aside... "Well, fine, I see that guilt tripping you isn't getting anywhere... then let me speak more heart to heart." she said, quietly, in a rather worried sort of tone. "...Have I told you about that friend of mine, how we were close and otherwise?" she started, closing her eyes. "The whole reason she's limited contact with
  2505. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> me was out of a paranoia that her past will catch up, and drag me along with it... well, I guess one part has happened, but I can't help but wonder, feel, if she didn't cut herself off from me, what would her fate be... I can't tell for sure if she is dead until, well, I see it or... see the child you spoke of. I can only hope I'm just thinking the wrong thing, feeling the wrong foreboding
  2506. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> sensation, and my friend is alright... but if not, well... I don't think this sensation that I could have done something will go away." she said gently, reaching out gently to pat Amelia on the head. "And if you're trying to push your friend away now because of the so called risk that you've already taken to solve your little position, well, isn't that just selfish? To run off on your own to
  2507. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> fix her predicament, then try to force her way so she can't so much as return a favor?" she said with a gentle sigh. "...Come on, speak. Even if my calculations are indeed right and you'll have a sentience problem, you haven't lost your voice yet." she said flatly.
  2508. [00:24] <Tangent> Amelia...stops shaking at the prodding. Partially does feel rather nice, if she's being honest, but mostly because...Alexa still cares. No matter how she tries to drive her off, to make her give up...she still cares. Despite herself, she raises her tiny, orange-eyed gaze up to Alexa for a moment...then looks away as though scared.
  2509. [00:24] <Tangent> She doesn't reply for a while, either.
  2510. [00:26] <Overcity-Mall> "...Well, not so talkative as it is..." the witch sighed, looking to Alexa. "At any rate, feel free to stay or take a bit of a rest if you want. It's not like she's going to get any more a newt than she is now, for better or worse, considering her magical potential still lingering." she said simply, sighing as she sat back at the couch, though, her expression gave away that there was still
  2511. [00:26] <Overcity-Mall> something on her mind as it is.
  2512. [00:26] <Tangent> "i just keep making it worse for you..." the newt's voice is soft. "every time you gets hurt..."
  2513. [00:26] <Tangent> *you get
  2514. [00:27] <Tangent> The witch's speech...It's shaking her resolve, but...She keeps thinking back to that hall of clocks. Alexa in those machines. She...never wants that to happen to her...her friend ever again, but she keeps getting her hurt like that...
  2515. [00:28] <Tangent> And part of her, a very, very small part can't forget a battle that never happened. A small body filled with arrows. Magic gone wrong...
  2516. [00:28] == Mira [~Mira@67530B06:45F2D8CD:A7716222:IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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  2518. [00:29] <Jran-Kri> "... N-n-n-no, that's..." Alexa shakes her head, resuming her loping, unbalanced stagger towards a seat. Despite herself, she tries to keep Amelia stable in her hands. "No, no, no, that's... D-d-d-don't you... don't... I... I'd b-b-be i-in a m-much w-worse spot w-w-without you. I... need you."
  2519. [00:29] == Wanderphone [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  2520. [00:30] <Overcity-Mall> The witch flicks a finger, as a soft armchair slides just behind Alexa to sit upon lest she fall over.
  2521. [00:33] <Tangent> "i...but...why...I'm not worth could find someone better to be your partner..." At least Amelia's coherent enough to speak now. Squeak. Whatever. "im matter what i do, it just...hurts you..."
  2522. [00:38] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sags into the chair slowly, her attention fixed on Amelia the whole time. She runs her finger over her back again, shaking her head. "N-n-n-no, I... I-I-I want *you.* I... D-d-d-don't you un-understand? I... I have nothing. M-m-my magic n-n-n-needs s-s-someone e-e-else t-to do the... heavy lifting. A-a-and I w-w-want you to be that someone."
  2523. [00:39] == POJO [~quassel@PO.JO] has joined #MGPnP
  2524. [00:43] <Overcity-Mall> (For the record, the Witch'll prolly leave the two to settle their issues for the time being~)
  2525. [00:45] <Tangent> "e-even...even after..." The newt's very still in Alexa's hands, sounding guilty, lost, and uncertain. "you..." she sniffs. "why do you t-trust me when i just..."
  2526. [00:46] == WhiteKnight [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2527. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to pet the newt slowly, delicately, as if she were made of glass. "B-b-b-because I-I-I know y-y-you're al-always th-there for me."
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  2529. [00:50] <Tangent> A quiet, squeaky sob. "s-sorry..." Amelia manages. "sorry for b-being an idiot, a-alexa..."
  2530. [00:51] <Jran-Kri> As much as she wants to dismiss it, she can't. So she just keeps petting the newt, a faint sob racking her. "I-i-it's o-o-okay."
  2531. [00:54] <Overcity-Mall> The witch gives a soft sigh and faint smile to the friends... a meloncholy sort of look, at that.
  2532. [00:56] <Tangent> Guilt gnaws at her for what she'd done to her friend with her freakout-now that she's starting to think about what she'd been about to do- but Alexa's petting does make her feel better.She...just accepts her friend's attention, vibrating very, very slightly- Alexa feels a faint, pleasantly warm aura from the little salamander.
  2533. [00:58] <Jran-Kri> Sighing, Alexa tries to melt into the chair, her finger slowly running along smooth reptilian skin. She blinks back tears futily for a moment before just closing her eyes.
  2534. [01:00] <Tangent> "sorry...i'll...
  2535. [01:02] <Tangent> *i'm sorry for...scaring you..." Amelia says, quietly.
  2536. [01:02] <Jran-Kri> "... I-i-i-it's okay," Alexa mumbles, still stroking the newt. "It's o-o-okay."
  2537. [01:06] <Tangent> The newt stays where she is, a tiny, curled up shape in Alexa's hands.
  2538. [01:09] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to pet it. She has graduated to two fingers, lightly running them along Amelia's skin. "... Th-th-this is... r-r-r-really c-c-cute... b-b-b-but w-w-we sh-should p-probably g-g-get y-y-you back to n-normal."
  2539. [01:10] == flashdrive_ has changed nick to flashdrive
  2540. [01:11] <Overcity-Mall> "Take your time or otherwise... you don't have to be in too much of a rush. Still, I understand the want to get your friend back to a state you two can share a hug proper." the Witch said, pointing over to the coffee table. "The slip with directions is on the table as usual... also tell Raspberry to come help guide you, she should have her phone charged up now... though I understand if you rather
  2541. [01:11] <Overcity-Mall> not take her along."
  2542. [01:12] <Tangent> "c-cute?" Amelia squeaks. "b-but...y-yeah, that....that'd be...good..." Amelia twitches a bit. What if they run into trouble...What if something attacks Alexa?
  2543. [01:12] <Tangent> ...What was she thinking before? Alexa...needs her. Wants her. She...why hadn't she taught Alexa how to fight better before? Trained with her?
  2544. [01:13] <Tangent> The little newt rises up, holding out one little leg, as she tries to see if she can do...anything with her magic...Anything at all.
  2545. [01:13] <Tangent> Pop.
  2546. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> Her sword is miniscule and scaled down to fit her tiny size.
  2547. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> ...It is however, absurdly sharp and oddly durable.
  2548. [01:14] <Overcity-Mall> So, well, that's something?
  2549. [01:14] <Tangent> The newt squeaks in surprise, almost dropping the sword from her rounded front toes. "um..."
  2550. [01:15] <Tangent> She finds herself clutching it in both front legs to...not drop it and accidentally poke Alexa with it.
  2551. [01:16] <Jran-Kri> Alexa can't help but snicker at this display. She gives Amelia a little poke on the back of the head before rising, padding over to the coffee table for the directions. "Y-y-y-yes, p-probably a good i-i-idea. Yes. I-i-if y-y-you're q-q-quite f-f-finished, let's b-b-be o-off."
  2552. [01:17] <Tangent> Amelia finds herself carried over- she's still not used to Alexa being a giant, or everything else being so...huge. Like another world. "o-okay..."
  2553. [01:23] <Jran-Kri> "W-w-w-well. Once more unto the b-b-breach, then," Alexa grins, moving Amelia to one hand so she can snatch the paper up with the other. Regretfully, this ends her petting. She moseys off to collect the mouse, momentarily entertaining the idea of putting both of them in her hands.
  2554. [01:23] == Rakana [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  2555. [01:25] <Overcity-Mall> It occurs to Alexa she can always just leave the paper in her handbag to do this. Also, Raspberry seems to be manning the counter still. It's a slow day.\
  2556. [01:27] <Tangent> Amelia peeks over Alexa's hand, seeing Raspberry. She shrinks back into Alexa's palm after a moment though.
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  2560. [01:29] <Jran-Kri> Rats. Raspberry was not a rat. Glancing at the paper one more time, Alexa does indeed shove it in her bag. Resuming stroking Amelia's back, she clears her throat. "R-r-ruh-Raspberry," she stammers, eye twitching. "C-c-come on. I-I-I'm f-f-fixing Amelia. Y-y-you're helping."
  2561. [01:31] <Overcity-Mall> "O-oh, right. Uh, mom, I'll be off then... " she said, leaning in to the glass and waving as the plump mouse still in the cage looked up, giving a squeak, "Yes I'll be careful!" she nodded, going around the counter and switching the sign to closed, and locking the door after opening, to lock once it shuts. "Right, uh... where are we going?"
  2562. [01:32] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stops to review the directions one more time.
  2563. [01:32] <Tangent> Amelia's uncharacteristically quiet. Maybe it's her still getting over her recent...meltdown or new state...or maybe it's the feeling of Alexa's fingers. That suddenly stopped.
  2564. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> The direction is simple, Go that way. It likely would be as if like how it was if they didn't get lost, to simply follow the main path. Which would take a while
  2565. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> ...There's a construction path that would be a shortcut probably.
  2566. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> Do you want to get there as soon as possib- "Ah, right, girls!" The witch called out, from the upper window.
  2567. [01:34] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@B505E23A.5BBB2250.DE6D5023.IP] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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  2569. [01:34] <Jran-Kri> Alexa tilts her head back up, blinking owlishly in surprise. She adjusts her glasses with the hand bearing the directions. "Y-y-yes?"
  2570. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> "You of course will need this... simply have her drink it. It's going to go bad drink or not in a day however, but I can make more, you only need bring the child along... and... As a request, do bring her here even if it does work. I want to confirm for my own eyes..." She called... tossing down a small vial which Raspberry caught. Emphasis on small, Amelia could easily drink the small, rose
  2571. [01:34] <Overcity-Mall> colored liquid inside...
  2572. [01:38] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@B505E23A.5BBB2250.DE6D5023.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2573. [01:39] <Jran-Kri> "... Ah. Wonderful. Th-th-thank you!" Alexa waggles a hand at the witch. Looking back at Raspberry, she jerks her head in the requisite direction, already marching off. She sees no need to even mention the possibility of taking the construction path, since her only offensive means is currently the size of a pencil. "F-f-f-follow m-m-me."
  2574. [01:39] <Tangent> " careful, alexa?" Amelia squeaks. "...bye..." She calls after the witch.
  2575. [01:39] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nods indeed, following... a look to Amelia as she bows a bit whilst walking. "S-sorry again for the curse... I-I'll do it right and curse the right person later." she said gently.
  2576. [01:41] <Tangent> Amelia twitches a bit. "um...maybe...just don't..." She says hesitantly. Part of her...Part of her wants to...volunteer something- but...After Alexa just got hurt like that...It wouldn't be right to drag her on another horrible chase...
  2577. [01:42] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-you h-h-had b-b-b-better," Alexa grumbles, staring straight ahead of her. She summons her staff with a flick of the wrist, only to hook it into the crook of her arm so she can keep petting Amelia. "O-o-once A-A-Amelia i-i-is f-f-fixed, I don't c-c-are wh-what you d-do."
  2578. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> "I gotta, that girl won't be stopped otherwise..." the mouse girl said with a sigh, flopping her head, and her large ears, to the side...
  2579. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> The biggest of challenges seems to kick in around noon...
  2580. [01:48] <Tangent> "i..." Amelia looks to Alexa, but doesn't say anything.
  2581. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> ...You folks are hungry. There's a few snack kiosks, a ramen shop, and more, care to stop? Or is Alexa going to keep their march along?
  2582. [01:49] <Overcity-Mall> Because yes, even the newt is getting hungry.
  2583. [01:49] <Tangent> ...It feels WEIRD being hungry like this. Really, really weird.
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  2585. [01:51] <Jran-Kri> "... Are you h-h-hungry?" Alexa asks dully. She tries to keep from looking at the shops. "I-I-I'm not. B-b-b-but if y-y-you a-a-are, w-we can s-s-stop."
  2586. [01:52] <Overcity-Mall> "Um... well I am but..." Raspberry muttered.
  2587. [01:53] <Tangent> "" Amelia wriggles a bit. " too.."
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  2589. [01:54] <Jran-Kri> "... S-s-so b-be it," Alexa mumbles. She peers down at Amelia curiously. "U-um. W-what d-d-do n-n-newts eat? Um..."
  2590. [01:55] <Overcity-Mall> . . . There is a pet shop too
  2591. [01:55] <Overcity-Mall> Do you want to get her food there?
  2592. [01:55] <Tangent> " can wait...i guess?" Amelia squeaks.
  2593. [01:55] <Tangent> "you guys should eat..."
  2594. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia's tiny newt belly grumbles... perhaps it's the smaller size, but even if it's only been the time from breakfast to lunch, it feels as if she hasn't eaten a day.
  2595. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> Doesn't stop it from feeling weird though, no.
  2596. [01:58] <Jran-Kri> "Um. Well... R-R-Raspberry, y-y-you g-g-go g-g-get s-s-something, um... m-m-maybe pick s-s-something up for m-m-me too I really d-d-don't care," Alexa shakes her head, striding towards the pet shop. "I-I'll f-f-feed m-m-my p-pet."
  2597. [01:59] <Tangent> "h-hey..." Amelia squeaks, but doesn't elaborate. "alexa, you should go eat...i'll be fine..."
  2598. [01:59] <Tangent> Not like she has much say in where she's going though...
  2599. [02:02] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I c-c-can w-w-wait. L-l-let's j-just g-g-get y-y-you s-s-sorted," Alexa mumbles grimly.
  2600. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nods, as she hurries off, the pet store... well, it's fantastically vibrant. Pets lining everywhere, as well as objects and products, situated just beside the pets for their individual use! From small chimaeras to magical familiar owls to carbuncle beasts to flaming salamander- wait that looks a lot like Amelia, only most of them are missing tails, or their tails are shorter, almost
  2601. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> unnaturally so. As in, dead on like her... A harpie meanwhile, drops down almost instantly after observing around, "Hello good customer, and oh my, is that a rare fire salamander?!" she asked, wide eyed and smiling. "Oh, I would LOVE to have another one of these, their tails, they are quite magical and beneficial for a person, they are so useful, you know, delicious yet healthy and full of fire
  2602. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> magical element!" she said, looking to Alexa with earnestly (greedy) eyes. "I-I'll give you two- no, three silver coins, for them, miss!" she said almost frantically.
  2603. [02:04] <Tangent> Amelia has...decidedly mixed feelings about this...Now that she's thinking straight, that really was a stupid idea she had-OH GOD IT'S LIKE KREIM MEETS GODZILLA.
  2604. [02:06] <Tangent> "d-delicious?!" Amelia squeaks, torn between outrage and mild terror. "I'm not a snack! I'm a magical girl! A-Alexa?"
  2605. [02:06] <Jran-Kri> As much as her prior experience with at least one notable harpy predisposes her in favour of this girl on sight, Alexa immediately sours against her when she opens her mouth. "Sh-sh-she's n-n-not f-f-for sale! I-I-I'm j-j-just h-h-here to g-g-get some f-f-food for h-her!"
  2606. [02:08] == therecorder [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2607. [02:08] == AFKtree has changed nick to Poplartree
  2608. [02:09] <Tangent> In hindsight, she was being really, really, really stupid during her freakout...
  2609. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> "Magical girl? You're a salamander, I've never heard of an animal becoming a magical girl." She said curiously, before focusing back on the 'owner' "Oh come now, fine, three silver and four copper! Or, at the least her tail, I shall pay a copper if you will give me so much as that!" she asked... as for food, well, thankfully, the little label for fire salamanders stated they prey on primarily
  2610. [02:10] <Overcity-Mall> meat. Typical things to get them include sealouse, leeches, snails, worms... you might want to just get a burger and feed her the meat of that perhaps, because the pet food for them is indeed, a bunch of these not-so-tasty looking animals.
  2611. [02:12] <Tangent> Amelia...wraps around her tail, almost protectively. "l-lets...let's get out here..." she whispers to Alexa, voice so quiet that it might have been missed by her friend, even. It'd serve her right for the way she hurt her friend...but she knows Alexa would never even think about it.
  2612. [02:13] <Tangent> She'd go green at the sight of the food buckets...If she wasn't currently very, very blue.
  2613. [02:15] <Jran-Kri> "... O-O-On s-s-second th-th-thought, I'll t-t-take my b-business elsewhere," Alexa says thinly, cupping Amelia protectively. She backs up rather than turning around, keeping her distrustful gaze on the harpy.
  2614. [02:16] <Tangent> Amelia relaxes slightly as Alexa's fingers block out the scene. She gulps. Or tries to.
  2615. [02:16] == flashdrive_ [] has joined #MGPnP
  2616. [02:18] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, hey, come back! I mean, really, they grow them back.... even if she's a talking weird one!" The harpy called from the doors...
  2617. [02:18] <Overcity-Mall> ...Well, that could have gone better.
  2618. [02:18] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2619. [02:19] <Tangent> (harpy just wanted a snack ;;)
  2620. [02:19] == Indigo [~Indigo@6CB5361F.EA494B64.E16C3A43.IP] has joined #MGPnP
  2621. [02:19] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry however is ordering from the local burger joint... though, on observation, it seems the patties are made of the meat, and the bread is the filling. Still, there's no 'normal' food stalls anywhere it seems, this will have to do.
  2622. [02:19] <Overcity-Mall> (She wasn't going to eat all of you, just the tail~)
  2623. [02:20] <Overcity-Mall> (Forever. And ever. As long as you keep regrowing them~)
  2624. [02:20] == flashdrive [] has joined #MGPnP
  2625. [02:20] <Tangent> (...which would be a while for an immortal salamander heh)
  2626. [02:21] <Tangent> Amelia sighs in relief when they're far away enough. It comes out as more of a while. "...thanks, alexa...that"
  2627. [02:21] <Tangent> *whistle
  2628. [02:22] == flashdrive__ [] has joined #MGPnP
  2629. [02:22] <Tangent> Said tail brushes against Alexa's fingers as the little newt turns in her friend's hand to look up at Alexa.
  2630. [02:22] <Jran-Kri> "... I-I'm s-s-starting to s-see why I-I g-g-got the g-gimped m-magic," Alexa mumbles to herself, glaring at the storefront. Storming away, she resumes patting Amelia. Slithering up behind Raspberry, she sighs. "W-w-well, th-that was... u-unfortunate."
  2631. [02:23] == flashdrive_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2632. [02:23] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, they not have food for her or something?" she squeaked a bit meekly.
  2633. [02:24] == flashdrive_ [] has joined #MGPnP
  2634. [02:24] <Tangent> "your magic isn't...isn't gimped..." Amelia tries to comfort her friend before pats descend. "...or something..."
  2635. [02:24] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2636. [02:24] <Overcity-Mall> "A-also I was going to maybe get the 'all arounder' burger..." she added, pointing. It was a burger that was as such, meat patty outside, bun for a patty... and with fresh lettusmato, which was a mix betwene lettuce and tomato, around it. With cheese in the middle.
  2637. [02:25] == flashdrive_ has changed nick to flashdrive
  2638. [02:25] <Tangent> *she says to raspberry
  2639. [02:25] <Jran-Kri> "Th-th-they d-d-d-did, b-b-but the sh-shopkeeper w-w-wanted HER f-for food m-more," Alexa grumbles. She fails to respond to Amelia, following Raspberry's gaze. "S-s-sure. Yeah. I'll, um... get t-two. I'll g-g-give Amelia a b-b-bit of m-mine."
  2640. [02:26] == flashdrive__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2641. [02:27] <Overcity-Mall> "...Oh. Oh yea um, that... no. Just no." she said, shivering at the idea. "That's just wrong. So, so wrong..." she nodded, as she got to the front and ordered, service was surprisingly quick, as they found that they had to toast the bun... how the meat was cooked, who knows, probably magic, as they were handed their meals.
  2642. [02:27] <Overcity-Mall> (With some convenient little paper bowl things). She also got some salt sticks. Thin layers of salt with potato wrapped around somehow...
  2643. [02:28] <Tangent> Amelia shivers a bit. "thanks, alexa..." she says at Alexa's offer. This is going to be...awkward.
  2644. [02:30] <Jran-Kri> "... Why." It's more a statement than a question as she stares at the salt sticks. Everything else was at least comprehensible. This was just strange. "L-l-let's j-just g-g-get a table."
  2645. [02:33] == DanTheUnchanging [] has joined #MGPnP
  2646. [02:36] <Overcity-Mall> There's not so much a table, but a few benches to take. This one bench in particular though... well, something seems a bit off. As if it was a person crawling, perhaps it's the way the metal is treated, it looks like there's a face on the right. It's probably nothing of concern.
  2647. [02:39] <Tangent> "...that one's free." Amelia points out, head poking over the side of Alexa's hand as she scouts out the benches.
  2648. [02:39] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stops and stares at the bench, freezing in place. Her grip on Amelia almost tightens before she remembers herself. She tries to breathe slowly. She fails. "Wh-wh-wh-what i-i-is th-th-that?" She stammers.
  2649. [02:40] <Tangent> "...a...bench?" Amelia looks up. "Alexa? Are you okay?" She actually is almost loud enough to sound like a squeakier version of her normal voice that time. "A-Alexa?"
  2650. [02:40] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2651. [02:41] <Overcity-Mall> "Probably a poor person who wandered the construction sites... Uh, yea, the reason I was worried by the way was if you succumb to the storms, you uh, get transformed. Into part of the mall." she said worriedly...
  2652. [02:42] <Overcity-Mall> "...Master says most folks and the most fun one to see is when they are turned into tiles on the floor or wall." she muttered meekly. Well, now being a pillow with that in perspective, isn't so bad. Especially since they could recall in that construction area, a wall as if it was being painted over and only half finished...
  2653. [02:42] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I-I-I," Alexa stammers. She's breathing quickly, shallowly -- it feels like it's caught in her throat, like she can't catch her breath. She lurches forward. Amelia feels a miniature earthquake as her hands tremble uncontrollably. "O-o-oh. Oh. Oh. Ooooh noo."
  2654. [02:42] <Tangent> "oh god..." Amelia looks to Alexa, mind flashing back to her friend's time as a...pillow. "Is it...she...still..." Her head darts back and forth, but then the world shakes.
  2655. [02:43] == flashdrive [] has joined #MGPnP
  2656. [02:43] <Overcity-Mall> "...If they don't have enough magical power they just die... and um, it's not like fixing them is easy, like how it was with you." she added meekly, looking aside. "...But uh, if you're alive, sorry for sitting...." she added meekly.
  2657. [02:43] <Overcity-Mall> It perhaps is a good thing the bench makes no response whatsoever
  2658. [02:43] <Overcity-Mall> Or, is that a bad thing?
  2659. [02:44] <Tangent> "A-Alexa!" She squeaks, terrified. "p-please...t-talk to me!"
  2660. [02:46] <Overcity-Mall> She shivers. "S-see why I really didn't want to take the shortcuts...?" she whispered.
  2661. [02:46] <Tangent> Amelia...doesn't seem to want to look at the bench.
  2662. [02:47] <Overcity-Mall> ...The bench would be fairly heavy, but if you really wanted, you could... well, go pick it up. But to do what with it, who knows? The same way you got fixed might not even work on this poor soul. Or, poor corpse. That would also be quite awkward, removing the magic only for it to be a lifeless corpse....
  2663. [02:48] <Jran-Kri> "Yes," Alexa mumbles. She's broken out into a cold sweat. Amelia now feels a tad wet as Alexa's palms start sweating. She slowly, awkwardly sits down on the bench. However, she makes no move to help the poor sod. She wipes her brow with her free hand.
  2664. [02:49] <Tangent> She...really hopes whoever it is is dead. She...gingerly steps off...the tiny newt skittering towards the...maybe it's not a face...
  2665. [02:49] <Overcity-Mall> ...The mouse nibbles on her reverse-burger
  2666. [02:50] <Overcity-Mall> Also that is very much clearly a face of desperation and horror, and if you follow it down... well, the arm rest used to be her right hand...
  2667. [02:50] <Overcity-Mall> Or his.
  2668. [02:50] <Overcity-Mall> The face looks a bit feminine...
  2669. [02:50] <Tangent> ...Amelia looks, jolts, then SCUTTLES off, halfway up Alexa's arm before she thinks twice. "Oh god...Oh god..."
  2670. [02:52] <Overcity-Mall> The mouse looks over. "S-sorry, I um.... this is why I didn't really want to explain the details besides it's just dangerous, and I don't even know how this happens and makes it so dangerous... It's creepy to not know at that too." she said, meekly.
  2671. [02:52] == Mira [~Mira@67530B06:45F2D8CD:A7716222:IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  2672. [02:53] <Jran-Kri> "Our father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name..." the words come easily to Alexa even as she is now, ingrained as they are in her memory. She closes her eyes, muttering the stanza, unresponsive even to Amelia scuttling up her arm. When she finishes, she lightly plucks Amelia up with two fingers and sets her down next to her burger. "Y-y-yes," is all she says to Raspberry. She idly begins eating.
  2673. [02:54] <Overcity-Mall> . . . At least the burger tastes good.
  2674. [02:54] <Overcity-Mall> (Is it far too late/should we stop for nows, Jran?)
  2675. [02:54] <Tangent> Amelia feels Alexa holding her, least she's not catatonic anymore...
  2676. [02:55] <Overcity-Mall> Also: Amelia can probably take some solice
  2677. [02:55] <Overcity-Mall> She's not a bench.
  2678. [02:55] <Tangent> Just a salamander...
  2679. [02:56] <Jran-Kri> ((I can keep going if you guys can.))
  2680. [02:56] <Tangent> It does make it feel a bit better when she scampers forward...on top of...someone. Or someone's dead body...
  2681. [02:56] <Overcity-Mall> (Definately can, but yeas~)
  2682. [02:56] <Tangent> "sorry..." she mumbles downwards.
  2683. [02:56] <Tangent> But she's, strangely, more worried about how Alexa's taking it...
  2684. [02:57] <Overcity-Mall> The bench cannot talk. It is just a bench.
  2685. [02:57] <Tangent> And she's a harpy snack. Sure.
  2686. [02:59] <Tangent> Amelia shifts uncomfortably. There's a massive, seemingly table-sized set of slabs in front of her- Alexa's burger, and her horror...doesn't actually make her less hungry. It's still creepy as hell to be...standing on someone...
  2687. [03:00] <Jran-Kri> Alexa grunts, and continues eating. She nudges Amelia's back, pushing her closer towards the burger. She refuses to deal with this right now.
  2688. [03:00] <Tangent> Another concerned look up at her friend, and the little newt takes the hint. This is going to be awkward...and messy...
  2689. [03:01] <Tangent> ...She can safely say she's never tried to pull pieces off a burger with both hands before.
  2690. [03:02] <Overcity-Mall> Fortunatly, it's very tender, and ground beef comes apart very easily. She can get tiny newt sized chunks even if she just nibbled.
  2691. [03:02] <Overcity-Mall> On the downside, she would be, you know
  2692. [03:02] <Overcity-Mall> Nibbling face first like, well.. an animal.
  2693. [03:04] <Tangent> Yeah, no, she's not one for fine dining but...No. Just no. Amelia pulls a piece off with one stubby hand- or foot as it were.
  2694. [03:06] <Tangent> She gets it up to her mouth- snout- and...well, it's not pretty but she manages to reach with her stubby little arm...It has to look absolutely ridiculous, and it feels worse...
  2695. [03:07] <Overcity-Mall> Hmmm...
  2696. [03:07] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia/Alexa, roll perception
  2697. [03:07] <Jran-Kri> .d 1d20
  2698. [03:07] <+Internets> :: Total 7 / 20 [35%] :: Results [7] ::
  2699. [03:07] <Tangent> .d 1d20
  2700. [03:07] <+Internets> :: Total 11 / 20 [55%] :: Results [11] ::
  2701. [03:07] <Overcity-Mall> Welp, nothing out of the ordinary it seems...
  2702. [03:08] <Overcity-Mall> ...nibble nibble, the burger at least tastes good?
  2703. [03:08] <Tangent> Amelia's on her third piece. This really is a lot harder than it should be...
  2704. [03:08] <Tangent> A newt is doing contortions to try and eat a piece of burger.
  2705. [03:09] <Overcity-Mall> ...The two magical girl's senses can narrowly feel and notice a something advancing, FAST, out of seemingly nowhere!
  2706. [03:09] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa and Amelia, you may roll an Agility to dodge/grab Amelia.
  2707. [03:10] <Overcity-Mall> (or luck out)
  2708. [03:10] <Jran-Kri> Alexa is too distracted by the hysterical sight of the tiny reptile trying so hard to eat such a large meal that she doesn't notice the incoming projectile until it's almost too late. Shellshock throws her back into action in a flurry of limbs.
  2709. [03:10] <Overcity-Mall> (Lucking out is also a valid option)
  2710. [03:10] <Jran-Kri> ((AGI, FP))
  2711. [03:10] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  2712. [03:10] <+Internets> :: Total 23 / 40 [57%] :: Results [3, 10, 6, 4] ::
  2713. [03:11] <Overcity-Mall> (. . . U-uh... Amelia, dodge ._. your agi is 7 now though so.. 3 dice?)
  2714. [03:11] <Tangent> .d 3d10
  2715. [03:11] <+Internets> :: Total 19 / 30 [63%] :: Results [5, 5, 9] ::
  2716. [03:12] <Tangent> (doesn't it round up though?)
  2717. [03:12] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa's quick, but the projectile is quicker, as it turns out to be a hawk that rapidly swoops in and snatches Amelia from her place, flying off ahead into the mall! "...What just happened?" Raspberry asked, looking around curiously after a small yelp.
  2718. [03:12] <Overcity-Mall> (nope, defense dice now are only on evens)
  2719. [03:12] <Overcity-Mall> (And offence dice on odds.)
  2720. [03:12] <Overcity-Mall> (to prevent odd being the end all be all number to end on)
  2721. [03:13] == flashdrive_ [] has joined #MGPnP
  2722. [03:13] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia: You can feel and see yourself RAPIDLY zooming away, in the grasp of a hawk...
  2723. [03:13] <Overcity-Mall> ...Escape MIGHT be possible but golly: It's a long drop from here now...
  2724. [03:13] <Overcity-Mall> And Alexa is quickly getting too far to catch you.
  2725. [03:14] <Tangent> "aaaaaaaaaa! Alexa!" She wanted to eat lunch, not BE lunch! She twists in its talons, desperately trying to scrabble free!
  2726. [03:14] <Tangent> (does she get the familiar bonus or no?)
  2727. [03:15] <Overcity-Mall> Roll str! Your str is 7 also... you can roll offence for this though
  2728. [03:15] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  2729. [03:15] <+Internets> :: Total 30 / 70 [42%] :: Results [9, 4, 7, 2, 2, 5, 1] ::
  2730. [03:15] <Overcity-Mall> (so, 4 dice)
  2731. [03:15] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stares at the spot Amelia just was. She processes this concept. Alexa snaps to her feet. Her staff springs to her hand. She rounds, following the motion blur. The crystal ball on her staff lights up before spitting out a glob of bright red energy after the hawk. [Magic Missile]
  2732. [03:16] <Jran-Kri> .d 9d10
  2733. [03:16] <+Internets> :: Total 50 / 90 [55%] :: Results [6, 6, 2, 7, 3, 7, 3, 7, 9] ::
  2734. [03:16] <Overcity-Mall> .d 9d10
  2735. [03:16] <+Internets> :: Total 66 / 90 [73%] :: Results [9, 10, 10, 9, 7, 6, 3, 2, 10] ::
  2736. [03:16] <Overcity-Mall> That hawk slaps the missile with a wing!
  2737. [03:16] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2738. [03:16] <+Internets> :: Total 22 / 40 [55%] :: Results [10, 2, 9, 1] ::
  2739. [03:16] <Tangent> (Welp Amelia's hawkfood.)
  2740. [03:16] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2741. [03:17] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia indeed is stuck... as they zoom off. Alexa can see her and chase after though, as it seems?
  2742. [03:19] <Jran-Kri> Wordlessly, Alexa vaults the bench and tears off after the hawk. Granted, she's much, much slower than a bird. So her first thought is to slow the bird down. Her staff glows again, much brighter this time, as she attempts to manifest a barrier around the hawk, constricting it in place. [Dragon Slaying Circle]
  2743. [03:19] <Tangent> "crap crap crap...LET GOOOOOOO! Alexaaaaaaaaaa!" The newt wriggles desperately...
  2744. [03:19] <Overcity-Mall> Roll your mag and str, Alexa/Amelia, this might be the last round it's in range..
  2745. [03:19] <Overcity-Mall> !ex 9d10
  2746. [03:19] <Molbot> Overcity-Mall: please make sure the dice pool size is specified correctly. Must be a number between 1 and 100.
  2747. [03:20] <Overcity-Mall> !ex 9
  2748. [03:20] <Molbot> Overcity-Mall: please make sure the dice pool size is specified correctly. Must be a number between 1 and 100.
  2749. [03:20] <Overcity-Mall> .d 9d10
  2750. [03:20] <+Internets> :: Total 59 / 90 [65%] :: Results [8, 3, 2, 8, 10, 8, 8, 5, 7] ::
  2751. [03:20] <Overcity-Mall> .d 7d10
  2752. [03:20] <+Internets> :: Total 43 / 70 [61%] :: Results [8, 6, 5, 8, 5, 10, 1] ::
  2753. [03:20] <Jran-Kri> [FP]
  2754. [03:20] <Jran-Kri> .d 9d10
  2755. [03:20] <+Internets> :: Total 67 / 90 [74%] :: Results [9, 8, 9, 10, 5, 6, 8, 10, 2] ::
  2756. [03:20] <Tangent> (offense or defense?)
  2757. [03:20] <Overcity-Mall> (Offence again is allowed~)
  2758. [03:21] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2759. [03:21] <+Internets> :: Total 17 / 40 [42%] :: Results [9, 1, 3, 4] ::
  2760. [03:21] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2761. [03:21] <+Internets> :: Total 21 / 40 [52%] :: Results [5, 1, 6, 9] ::
  2762. [03:22] == flashdrive_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2763. [03:22] <Overcity-Mall> The hawk seems to be in their grasp, before seemingly vanishing, suddenly about a meter away, as they sped off with their prey... Keeping out of Alexa's range. Still, assuming the mahou didn't give up the chase, she would find the hawk oddly turned around, keeping at too high of an altitude, but zooming off back the exact way they came, perhaps even faster than before, blinking about as they
  2764. [03:22] <Overcity-Mall> hurried. Amelia could tell: It was teleporting.
  2765. [03:23] <Tangent> Oh no... "here! Alexa!" She tries to yell...But her squeak's lost to the wind.
  2766. [03:25] <Tangent> Amelia's terrified. She's used to fighting's like she's not even doing anything and she can FEEL its talons. Any second she expects it to tear her to ribbons, right then and there...and as a NEWT with her magic gone...
  2767. [03:26] <Jran-Kri> Alexa was in no fit state to deal with this. If she was being entirely honest with herself, she literally couldn't do that twice. Maybe if she were better at this whole thing. Of course, if the DAMNED PUCHUU hadn't given her USELESS MAGIC -- She squelched that train of thought as she storms back the way she came, hot on its claws. She launches another glob of energy at it, officially out of clever plans she had the magic to
  2768. [03:26] <Jran-Kri> enact. [Magic Missile]
  2769. [03:26] <Jran-Kri> .d 9d10
  2770. [03:26] <+Internets> :: Total 42 / 90 [46%] :: Results [7, 1, 6, 6, 1, 9, 8, 2, 2] ::
  2771. [03:26] <Overcity-Mall> (Ehhh It was ment to only be two rounds buuuuuuts....)
  2772. [03:26] <Overcity-Mall> .d 9d10
  2773. [03:26] <+Internets> :: Total 59 / 90 [65%] :: Results [4, 10, 10, 5, 9, 10, 2, 3, 6] ::
  2774. [03:26] <Overcity-Mall> Slap goes the missile again.
  2775. [03:27] <Overcity-Mall> "U-uh, wait, why's it turning around..." Raspberry asked, as she pants, exhausted by trying to keep up... and it does probably seem odd. If not obvious on it's destination, after all, a hawk out of nowhere, out for that newt specifically... Alexa probably can tell who was behind this as it was... and if it wasn't obvious, it would become so for Amelia, as they landed down in the shop with a few
  2776. [03:27] <Overcity-Mall> minutes to spare from Alexa's wrathful arrival, the bird... returns to the pet shop, shapeshifting back into her harpy state as she transfers newt from talon to hand, taking the tank of fire salamanders along with a content little smirk, taking them along to the back room. "Well well well, your owner should really have taken up my offer, little odd talking newt." The harpy said tauntingly, as
  2777. [03:27] <Overcity-Mall> they entered the back...
  2778. [03:27] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa will arrive back in a bit... first a little bit of stuff)
  2779. [03:27] <Tangent> "you!" Amelia yells angrily. Squeaks angrily. She summons her sword!
  2780. [03:28] <Tangent> ...Well, more of a cocktail stick, anyway.
  2781. [03:29] <Tangent> She tries to take a swing at the giant who's kidnapped her! Given she's a newt being held in hand, this is not a great plan.
  2782. [03:29] <Overcity-Mall> "...Is that a sword?" She asked, as she tossed Amelia into a small personal tank upon the table quickly, reflexively, before shutting the lid to it, looking to her with a cocked eyebrow. "...Well, I can say for certain, you've got quite a bit of fight to you, little talking fire salamander... I can't wait, your tail might just be the most delicious yet!"
  2783. [03:30] <Overcity-Mall> She seems to be doing the same to the others... meanwhile, the lid seems to be opening a few hatches on the top, knives seeming to descend at the poor newt of a magical girl!
  2784. [03:31] <Tangent> "i'm not a snack! Or...or a salamander! you won't get away with this!" Amelia squeaks angrily, hitting the side of the tank with her sword...then her eyes catch a glimpse of movement.
  2785. [03:31] <Tangent> "aaaaaaaaaaaa!"
  2786. [03:31] <Tangent> (...defense?)
  2787. [03:31] <Overcity-Mall> "And I gotta say, that owner of yours? WAY inconsiderate, between you and her I had to put way more effort into hunting than usual, I'm tired!" she said annoyedly. (Vs melee yes)
  2788. [03:31] <Overcity-Mall> .d 4d10
  2789. [03:31] <+Internets> :: Total 34 / 40 [85%] :: Results [6, 9, 9, 10] ::
  2790. [03:32] <Tangent> "she's-ah!- my FRIEND!"
  2791. [03:32] <Tangent> .d 3d10
  2792. [03:32] <+Internets> :: Total 18 / 30 [60%] :: Results [2, 9, 7] ::
  2793. [03:33] <Tangent> She has to get out of here! Get back to Alexa and Raspberry!
  2794. [03:33] <Overcity-Mall> As she shuffles the other salamanders into their tanks, similar knives come down she can see, as they lop off the tail of each of them... and while she deflects the initial blade, a second swiftly stabs down, and it would feel as if she was cut in half. Only, thankfully, just upon the tail, as it would writhe about on it's own, and a dainty, mechanical hand would reach down to grab it, as she
  2795. [03:33] <Overcity-Mall> now brought over a spray can, seeming to aim to quickly spray Amelia with it before she would shut the lid again.
  2796. [03:34] <Tangent> Amelia screams, writhing uncontrollably! Even combat as a magical girl usually doesn't hurt that much...maybe because she has all of her magic then!
  2797. [03:35] <Tangent> "aaaaaaaaa! i'll kill you! i'll kill you you stinking feather duster!"
  2798. [03:36] <Tangent> And then something SPRAYS her.
  2799. [03:36] <Overcity-Mall> As she writhes, the spray seems to hit her... it stinks, as it worms it's way into her throat... as her ability to speak would be robbed, replaced with... well, the simple squeaking of a newt. Salamander. Whatever she was, as she shut it and smiled, taking along Amelia, and the others, as she brought them back out onto a display table in front... picking up her tail and the other stumpy ones,
  2800. [03:37] <Overcity-Mall> nibbling on it a bit. "Oh! Oh my, a fine mix of spicy, sweet, and so much flavor, in just a little nibble... yes, my little cash salamander, you will fetch QUITE a fine price, no, I'll keep you for the tails, this is too much if this will be the taste!" she said joyously...
  2801. [03:39] <Overcity-Mall> (Also yes, Alexa arrival soon~)
  2802. [03:39] <Tangent> "squeak! squeak! squeak squeaksqueaksqueak!" Amelia squeaks furiously. "squeaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueak!" She's apparently getting quite descriptive...and emphasizes her words by trying to hack at the tank with her tiny, useless sword.
  2803. [03:40] == Jar_Mimic [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  2804. [03:44] <Overcity-Mall> Aaaand as such, she looked to Amelia... and cruelly smiled a bit, as she did another few things, laying another something somewhere... and then, Alexa should arrive. She'll come back to see one fire salamander frantically flailing, fire burning and spewing at the cage, another slapping at the glass tank squeaking, a tiny sword laying close to them, one simply laying despondant, another gesturing
  2805. [03:44] <Overcity-Mall> along as they waved yet another tiny sword threateningly to the harpy, and yet another curled up, trembling, with yet another tiny sword laying beside... Alexa could see all the fire salamanders are tailless, with the tail ends of various sizes, including the full size that Amelia used to have, laying there on the table, writhing about on their own... A cruel display of the shop keeper befitting
  2806. [03:44] <Overcity-Mall> animal cruely, as she simply waved, "Welcome welcome!" as Alexa would enter, as if nothing was wrong.
  2807. [03:44] == PandaKnight [] has left #MGPnP []
  2808. [03:44] == PandaKnight [] has joined #MGPnP
  2809. [03:47] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's hands are shaking. She's gripping the gnarled wood of her staff, white-knuckled. She can't catch her breath again. She's exhausted -- she knows she's running on empty, and even if she wasn't she doesn't have anything worth slinging. Right? She processes the sight before her. Amelia's in there somewhere. That's all that matters. Harpy in front of her. Alexa takes a deep breath. She stands stock still. Her veins flash red
  2810. [03:47] <Jran-Kri> as she recovers her mana -- as does her eyes. Alexa stares at the harpy in dead silence.
  2811. [03:51] <Overcity-Mall> The salamanders, and presumably Amelia, are all laid upon the desk infront of her. "Well now, someone's mad. Should've sold it to me, but hey, I'll be fair. I'll give you a full refund of what I took, even the tail... all you need to do is tell, which one of these little guys and girls is your friend?" she said, a smile on her face, as the one slapping the glass picked up the sword to try cutting
  2812. [03:51] <Overcity-Mall> the glass to get to Alexa, a frantic bout of squeaking, frantically, helplessly and with big pleading eyes, and another instead switched from threatning the shopkeeper to trying to hold the sword up, a wobbly stand considering their lack of feet to support it, only to flop on their back, and try again, also banging on the glass every now and then, the despondant one also looking to Alexa and
  2813. [03:51] <Overcity-Mall> crawling over, looking to their tail, and then weakly flopping back upon the floor of the tank. The harpy is kind enough to let her recover her mana... and they seem to have their feathers fairly ruffled, probably from the chains, teleporting, and otherwise.
  2814. [03:52] <Jran-Kri> She doesn't have anything, she realizes. She can't fix this. As usual, mercy stayed the hand of righteousness. Opportunity knocked and she didn't answer. No more. Alexa takes it all in. There are so many salamanders there, and they've all been there for so long, because lizard's tails grow back, don't they? Her heart is singing in her ears. Or are those bells? She stares into the enclosure. She looks at the harpy.
  2815. [03:53] <Jran-Kri> "P-p-p-pardon m-m-m-me," Alexa stammers. "M-m-m-m-may I-I-I g-g-go f-f-fetch s-s-s-something?"
  2816. [03:53] <Overcity-Mall> "Mmm? Well, that depends, how long will that something take?" she asked.
  2817. [03:53] <Overcity-Mall> ...For the record
  2818. [03:53] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry is tired and trying to keep up but...
  2819. [03:54] <Overcity-Mall> ...She'll take a decent while longer.
  2820. [03:54] <Jran-Kri> Alexa thinks back on how long it took them to get here from Raspberry's mother's shop. "N-n-n-not l-l-l-l-long," she says thinly.
  2821. [03:55] <Overcity-Mall> The one flailing around with it's fire now falls down, exhausted it seems from it's rampaging attempt, while the one laying despondant meekly squeaked a bit, trying to loook to Alexa... as for how long that would take? It might take a few hours.... "You have five minutes, if it's longer than that, then nope, no refund~"
  2822. [03:56] <Overcity-Mall> The one bashing it's sword on the cage simply, now has switched to ramming the tank's wall, as has the one trying to balance the sword above them.
  2823. [03:56] <Overcity-Mall> Though, the second one has it's sword light a bit, as it squeaks out more.
  2824. [03:57] <Jran-Kri> "... Refund," Alexa says dully. She takes a deep breath. Or tries to. It catches in her throat. She looks back down at the enclosure. "I-i-if I-I-I take l-l-longer. Sh-she'll s-s-still b-b-be h-h-here. Y-y-you j-j-just w-won't g-g-give her t-to me."
  2825. [03:57] <Overcity-Mall> "Mmm? I can't promise that, someone might come and buy the best one I got."
  2826. [03:59] <Jran-Kri> "Th-th-th-that is her," Alexa nods slowly. She stares at the enclosure. She taps a finger on the glass. "H-h-h-how m-m-m-much d-do y-you w-want? F-f-for her."
  2827. [03:59] <Overcity-Mall> (Which one?)
  2828. [03:59] <Overcity-Mall> ...One of the salamanders, who was previously resorting to slamming into the glass seems they got an idea, they start to slice at the glass carefully, more accurately...
  2829. [03:59] <Overcity-Mall> ...Which one did she point at?
  2830. [04:01] <Overcity-Mall> (oh, wiat nm)
  2831. [04:01] <Jran-Kri> The motion was ambiguous, but now she points at the one carving at the glass.
  2832. [04:01] <Jran-Kri> ((Oh wait nevermind.))
  2833. [04:01] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh, for your friend if you fail? Ten silver coins, nothing less. Her tail, it's the best I've ever tasted, dear. Try a nibble, it's quite well!" she said, peeling off a small bit of the severed, writhing tail, and holding it out for Alexa to taste... as she does this, Alexa can notice. The one swinging carefully is... spelling out her name.
  2834. [04:02] <Overcity-Mall> ....Amelia might have forgotten to carve her name out backwards, but it's the only one with letters even being carved in, the letters slowly 'melting' back in regenreation.
  2835. [04:02] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy hasnt' seemed to notice.
  2836. [04:03] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's blood is singing in her ears. The hand not clutching her staff clenches. After several seconds, she manages to relax it. She looks down. There is blood on her palm. She looks back into the enclosure. "That one," she blurts, pointing at the one carving her name -- poorly, granted, but it's something. "It's that one."
  2837. [04:05] <Overcity-Mall> "Wha... u-uh, ah, well, you chose wrong dear!" she said, tryting to save face and opening up the one with the exhausted salamander. "Your friend's quite the fighter, not that you can tell it seEEEEAH!" she started to try to lie, before the salamander bit her hand and set ablaze, causing her to flail frantically, knocking over all the salamander cages and releasing them all. Two ran off for
  2838. [04:05] <Overcity-Mall> freedom into the mall, and the one that wasnt' Amelia at the least scrambled... to Alexa, squeaking as if wanting to be picked up. (Amelia you may now post normally~)
  2839. [04:05] <Overcity-Mall> Also, yes, the harpy's feathers seem INCREDIBLY flamable.
  2840. [04:06] <Jran-Kri> Alexa pays no mind to the harpy. She bends down. She picks up the salamander. She brights it up to her face. Then she turns. She watches the harpy. Alexa wheezes. After a moment, she realizes she's laughing.
  2841. [04:06] <Tangent> Amelia RUNS for Alexa, tugging frantically, all thoughts of dignity forgotten. Oh god, please, just let her get her out of here...Squeak squeak squeak!
  2842. [04:07] <Overcity-Mall> Well, now there's two salamanders, or, a salamander and newt, sqeuaking for her attention. One has her sword and was writing their name though.
  2843. [04:07] <Overcity-Mall> ...Not that Alexa doesn't have two hands. Or a handbag to fit them both in.
  2844. [04:07] <Jran-Kri> She picks up both of them. She puts them in her bag. Then she watches the harpy.
  2845. [04:09] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy throws the other salamander away, whom lands and scrambles off to the back area of the shop, as she growls, "FUCK, ow... You, you had to have cheated! I mean, I had them doing more of what that fiesty salamander was doing than I swear he would do himself!" she said angerly... she didn't even know Amelia was a she. Still, she looked pissed, "Give them back, and hey, I'll give you her
  2846. [04:09] <Overcity-Mall> tail, it'll sell for QUITE the pretty penny..." The bird threatened...
  2847. [04:09] <Overcity-Mall> ...If you and/or Amelia want to get a surprise round attack on her
  2848. [04:09] <Overcity-Mall> You can, she's lowered her guard thanks to her right wing seeming half burnt
  2849. [04:09] <Tangent> Amelia...finds herself tossed into Alexa's bag. With something else for company. Her...tailstump stings, but she' Even if she has no idea what's going on...she just wants Alexa to get her out of here. Get HERSELF out of here...Whatever's going on out there...
  2850. [04:09] <Overcity-Mall> (or, you can opt to run)
  2851. [04:09] <Tangent> She tries to scramble up.
  2852. [04:10] <Jran-Kri> The harpy lives. She suspected as much. Alexa doesn't say anything. She turns on her heel and scurries right on out the door, as fast as her legs can carry her. Once she's out, she keeps going. She keeps a brisk pace, but she knows where she's going. Right back to Raspberry's mother.
  2853. [04:11] <Jran-Kri> She doesn't care how long it takes. Christ spent three days in Hell. She can wait.
  2854. [04:12] <Tangent> And she scrambles up in time to see them leaving the harpy behind them... She lets out a sigh of relief. "Alexa!" She tries to call. To thank her friend for saving her...that she'd seen her...
  2855. [04:12] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy screeches, rushing after them, "Oh no you don't! Not till I get my morsel maker back!" she cried out, teleporting suddenly to get right beside the duo, threateningly
  2856. [04:12] <Overcity-Mall> ...well, now trio, if we count the tag along you picked up
  2857. [04:13] <Tangent> Amelia squeaks-again- in fear...that turns into panicked fury. Which is when she opens her mouth and a fireball spews out, more or less accidentally!
  2858. [04:13] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2859. [04:13] <+Internets> :: Total 20 / 40 [50%] :: Results [6, 3, 2, 9] ::
  2860. [04:13] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d10
  2861. [04:13] <+Internets> :: Total 20 / 20 [100%] :: Results [10, 10] ::
  2862. [04:14] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy dodges by sheer pure luck
  2863. [04:14] == Jran-Kri_ [] has joined #MGPnP
  2864. [04:14] <Jran-Kri_> Ah, so that's which one was Amelia. Okay, Alexa understands now. She stops. She turns. Her trembling hands reach inside her bag and pluck up the one that did not just say her name. She hands the harpy the newt. "Here," she wheezes.
  2865. [04:15] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy looks to it, gritting her teeth, "I ment the TASTY" one!" she said, as the other newt squeaks desperately as they're thrown against the glass window, with a uncerimonious thump, twitching and trying to crawl, before flopping on the ground.
  2866. [04:15] <Jran-Kri_> "Oh," Alexa says dully. She looks down at her now empty hand. That was unfortunate. "No." She turns and runs.
  2867. [04:16] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy attacks!
  2868. [04:16] <Tangent> Did...Alexa just....But...That could have been another...The newt looks stunned, but then Alexa runs and the harpy chases.
  2869. [04:16] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  2870. [04:16] <+Internets> :: Total 18 / 60 [30%] :: Results [4, 3, 2, 3, 4, 2] ::
  2871. [04:16] <Jran-Kri_> .d 4d10
  2872. [04:16] <+Internets> :: Total 22 / 40 [55%] :: Results [9, 5, 4, 4] ::
  2873. [04:16] <Overcity-Mall> ....She misjudges her teleport strike and misses flatly though
  2874. [04:16] == Jran-Kri [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  2875. [04:16] == Jran-Kri_ has changed nick to Jran-Kri
  2876. [04:17] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia/Alexa, your turn... and uh
  2877. [04:17] <Overcity-Mall> Actually I derped
  2878. [04:17] <Overcity-Mall> Roll initiative
  2879. [04:17] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  2880. [04:17] <+Internets> :: Total 17 / 40 [42%] :: Results [8, 4, 1, 4] ::
  2881. [04:17] <Overcity-Mall> That's her action this turn, but she might go later
  2882. [04:17] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d10
  2883. [04:17] <+Internets> :: Total 13 / 20 [65%] :: Results [5, 8] ::
  2884. [04:18] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2885. [04:18] <+Internets> :: Total 15 / 40 [37%] :: Results [1, 7, 5, 2] ::
  2886. [04:18] <Overcity-Mall> Turn order: Alexa, Amelia, Harpy. The harpy used her turn up though, so you two just go twice..
  2887. [04:18] <Overcity-Mall> ...Also Amelia, your voice is back.
  2888. [04:19] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to retreat. [Disengage]
  2889. [04:19] <Overcity-Mall> No more squeaking! Or, squeaking without words. Unless you want to squeak.
  2890. [04:19] <Overcity-Mall> Then you can
  2891. [04:19] <Overcity-Mall> (roll agi)
  2892. [04:19] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  2893. [04:19] <+Internets> :: Total 35 / 40 [87%] :: Results [10, 7, 10, 8] ::
  2894. [04:19] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  2895. [04:19] <+Internets> :: Total 30 / 60 [50%] :: Results [7, 8, 4, 1, 3, 7] ::
  2896. [04:19] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa easily gets back!
  2897. [04:19] <Tangent> "a-alexa..." That voice is amazingly squeaky even for her. "y-y-" she isn't sure where to start, but...then the harpy attacks!
  2898. [04:20] <Overcity-Mall> You still can attack, or cast whatever, rolled moves like spells will be 1/2 dice'd though
  2899. [04:20] <Overcity-Mall> (Non-rolled like a +1 buff will be normal)
  2900. [04:20] <Tangent> (Amelia halves attack?)
  2901. [04:20] <Jran-Kri> Alexa launches a magic missile over her shoulder!
  2902. [04:20] <Jran-Kri> .d 5d10
  2903. [04:20] <+Internets> :: Total 33 / 50 [66%] :: Results [8, 8, 6, 8, 3] ::
  2904. [04:20] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  2905. [04:20] <+Internets> :: Total 45 / 60 [75%] :: Results [7, 5, 8, 9, 9, 7] ::
  2906. [04:20] <Overcity-Mall> She slaps this missile away still, rage in her eyes as she pants a bit.
  2907. [04:20] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia, you're up!
  2908. [04:20] <Tangent> (I'm going to crash soon, but...)
  2909. [04:21] <Overcity-Mall> (Ah, if you want to pause, we can)
  2910. [04:21] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2911. [04:21] <+Internets> :: Total 22 / 40 [55%] :: Results [10, 2, 6, 4] ::
  2912. [04:21] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d10
  2913. [04:21] <+Internets> :: Total 14 / 20 [70%] :: Results [6, 8] ::
  2914. [04:21] <Overcity-Mall> (I assume that's a fireball?)
  2915. [04:21] <Tangent> "take that!" amelia squeaks, and then spits another fireball!
  2916. [04:21] <Tangent> "-urk!"
  2917. [04:21] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia spits hot fire, which catches the other wing of the harpy's on fire, "OW STOP STOP IT STOP!" she yells in anger.
  2918. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> (Harpy's 'turn'. Alexa your turn)
  2919. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> (Since I derped earlier on the teleport attack)
  2920. [04:22] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to flee! [Disengage]
  2921. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10 with her last FP
  2922. [04:22] <+Internets> Error: invalid format
  2923. [04:22] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  2924. [04:22] <+Internets> :: Total 33 / 40 [82%] :: Results [8, 9, 6, 10] ::
  2925. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  2926. [04:22] <+Internets> :: Total 45 / 60 [75%] :: Results [8, 7, 10, 9, 8, 3] ::
  2927. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> This time she keeps up somewhat.... though
  2928. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> She is still at far range.
  2929. [04:22] <Overcity-Mall> And certainly doesn't seem like she's doing too well after all the fire
  2930. [04:23] <Jran-Kri> Alexa launches another magic missile over her shoulder.
  2931. [04:23] <Jran-Kri> .d 5d10
  2932. [04:23] <+Internets> :: Total 27 / 50 [54%] :: Results [4, 5, 10, 5, 3] ::
  2933. [04:23] <Overcity-Mall> .d 6d10
  2934. [04:23] <+Internets> :: Total 33 / 60 [55%] :: Results [3, 1, 1, 8, 10, 10] ::
  2935. [04:23] <Overcity-Mall> SLAP. "STOP THAT! STOP FIRING THOSE!"
  2936. [04:23] <Overcity-Mall> Amelia!
  2937. [04:24] <Tangent> Amelia braces, then urks again. She's getting the hang of this...
  2938. [04:24] <Tangent> .d 4d10
  2939. [04:24] <+Internets> :: Total 24 / 40 [60%] :: Results [4, 4, 9, 7] ::
  2940. [04:24] <Overcity-Mall> .d 2d10
  2941. [04:24] <+Internets> :: Total 10 / 20 [50%] :: Results [4, 6] ::
  2942. [04:24] <Overcity-Mall> This one hits even more solidly, as she flails and falls, rolling to extinguish the flame... she barely does, but she weakly tries crawling...
  2943. [04:25] <Overcity-Mall> ...Well, she's down for the count
  2944. [04:25] <Overcity-Mall> You can run away. Or, you know, finish her, get Raspberry who's way back there, or otherwise.
  2945. [04:27] <Jran-Kri> Alexa casts a glance over her shoulder. Then she does a double-take. She halts, staring at the harpy in mild shock. Situation altered. She turns. She marches over to the harpy. Left foot. Right foot. "M-m-m-miss? H-h-how d-d-do y-y-you feel?"
  2946. [04:27] <Tangent> Amelia glares. She really, really doesn't feel sorry for that thing...but... "a-alexa?" she asks. She...doesn't know what her friend's doing, and that scares her.
  2947. [04:29] <Jran-Kri> "A-A-Amelia," Alexa stammers. "G-g-g-good job. Good. Yes. Did not... E-e-e-expect that. G-good. Things... c-c-can go s-s-slower."
  2948. [04:31] <Overcity-Mall> The harpy twitches... "Gimme back the salamander..." she said stubbornly. She wasn't getting up it seemed though.
  2949. [04:31] <Tangent> "t-thanks for...saving me..." Amelia squeaks. "w-we should...stop her...those...there were...people...other people..." She explains, horror seeping into her voice.
  2950. [04:31] <Overcity-Mall> "Whadya mean... salamanders are salamanders." she said, tiredly and unamused.
  2951. [04:32] <Jran-Kri> "Oh," is all Alexa says to Amelia's claims. She stares down at the harpy curiously. Her staff lights up. A glob of bright red energy, another magic missile, leaps out of her staff to hurl itself at the back of the harpy's head. "Wh-wh-wh-what a-a-about them?"
  2952. [04:33] <Overcity-Mall> CLUNK. Ko.
  2953. [04:33] <Overcity-Mall> ...She's still breathing, a few more magic missiles could fix that
  2954. [04:33] <Tangent> Amelia watches. She...doesn't say anything as she looks down at the harpy. She's just the "pet" after all, right?
  2955. [04:33] <Overcity-Mall> But you can probably just drag her back into her shop and call it a day.
  2956. [04:33] <Tangent> "good...good work." Amelia says, squeakily.
  2957. [04:34] <Overcity-Mall> Over by the shop, the salamander discarded twitches, a meek, probably unheard squeak, as it's last embers of life were dieing off.
  2958. [04:34] <Overcity-Mall> Poor thing.
  2959. [04:35] <Jran-Kri> "Th-th-thank you," Alexa says shakily. Another magic missile rockets out of her staff and into the harpy's skull. "R-r-really. I sh-shouldn't h-h-h-have h-had t-t-to r-r-rely on y-y-you." Another missile slams into her. "Sh-sh-shameful." Another one. "A-a-as he d-d-died to m-m-make men h-holy, s-s-so we l-live to m-make men f-freeee..."
  2960. [04:36] <Tangent> Amelia winces as she remembers the fracas. "alexa...can you...go check-" she asks, then stares, horrified. "a-alexa? s-she's...she's...down..."
  2961. [04:36] <Overcity-Mall> Clunk. Thunk. Clank.
  2962. [04:36] <Overcity-Mall> She's bleeding a fair amount now from her head.
  2963. [04:36] <Overcity-Mall> One last shot ought to finish her off for good.
  2964. [04:36] <Tangent> "y-you can stop, alexa!" Amelia squeaks. "you don't need kill her!"
  2965. [04:37] <Jran-Kri> "D-d-d-don't I?" Alexa cocks her head to one side. "Sh-sh-she t-t-tried t-to eat y-y-you. Sh-she d-d-DID e-eat y-you."
  2966. Amelia shivers. "y-yeah...and s-she...she was...keeping PEOPLE...b-but...i-it's...murder..." Amelia looks pleadingly up at Alexa from her shoulder. Not sure she's even looking. "Y-you''re...better than her..."
  2967. [04:39] <Overcity-Mall> The salamander that hit the window has stopped twitching.
  2968. [04:40] <Jran-Kri> "M-m-mercy g-g-grabs the h-h-h-hand of r-r-r-righteousness," Alexa mutters darkly, staring down at the harpy. "I-i-i-if I h-h-hadn't l-l-let y-y-you t-t-talk m-m-me o-o-out of it... I-I c-c-could h-have had the p-p-power. C-c-could have fried the h-h-hawk. And her. And e-e-everything...
  2969. [23:47] <Overcity-Mall> Well, when we last left off: Alexa just barely stayed her hand from finishing off a harpy thanks to her now newt-ify'd and now tailless friend... Amelia's tail that used to be attached wriggles about still, so full of vigor, and there lays one newt that is dying from being thrown at a glass window. It stopped twitching by now
  2970. [23:49] <Tangent> "a-alexa...those others...i think some of them...were people too. we have to go back." Amelia urges her friend, the tailless newt actually tugging on the cloth of Alexa's sleeve to try and persuade her. "she's not worth it, alexa..."
  2971. [23:50] <Tangent> She doesn't even want to think about her friend throwing a newt at the harpy. She couldn't have known that it MIGHT have been a person...It had to have been a mistake. She doesn't want to upset her, not when she isn't sure herself...
  2972. [23:50] <Tangent> Or that's what she tells herself, anyway.
  2973. [23:52] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's better judgement screams at her. But Amelia doesn't want it. She's so small and so scared, and Alexa already failed her once. She forces a foot over the harpy, stepping right over and walking away. Back towards their actual destination. "O-o-oh," Alexa says dully, marching dutifully along. "A p-p-poss-possibility. O-oh well." She doesn't seem to comprehend the implications of this.
  2974. [23:54] <Tangent> "i-it's not your fault, you didn't know..." Amelia's babbling in her high pitched voice. Alexa's in shock. She has to stay calm. "b-but they could need our...your help, o-okay? we...we should look for them...where's raspberry?"
  2975. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry meanwhile finally caught up, panting and flopping on her knees. "Ma-made it... uh... hah... ahh.... ugh." she said, exhausted from the running back and forth...
  2976. [23:54] <Tangent> If she focuses on the job- guiding Alexa, helping people- she won't think about the nightmare she just escaped thanks to Alexa. She can't, not after everything else, or she'll just break down again and start screaming, and she doesn't want to hurt Alexa over that.
  2977. [23:55] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry flops over, as she looked up flatly... staring at the dying newt. "A-ah! What happened to Amelia?!" she said, in shock.
  2978. [23:56] <Tangent> "i-i'm here!" Amelia squeaks then starts as she gets a good look at the dying newt. "a-alexa, can help it? heal it?"
  2979. [23:57] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh, but- wait wha.... um..." she said, confused at the okay Amelia, and the dead one...
  2980. [23:57] <Jran-Kri> "T-t-t-tail. R-r-r-removed. P-p-petshop owner," Alexa's voice is deadened despite her stammer. She barely acknowledges Raspberry's appearance. Her eye twitches. Amelia talks so much -- she takes a minute to prepare a response. Deep breaths. She peers down at the newt. "I d-d-d-don't th-think s-s-so. I-I-I can't r-r-raise the d-dead."
  2981. [23:58] <Overcity-Mall> It's not dead, it trys to weakly squeak.
  2982. [23:59] <Tangent> "o-oh..." Amelia feels dull. She...she really hopes that wasn't a person...Alexa couldn't have known when she'd thrown it...She wouldn't have. She slumps slightly- belly brushing against Alexa's shoulder- and looks down at the body.
  2983. [23:59] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry nods meanwhile, as she looks to the harpy... "I-I'll ujst uh... move her back into her shop so she stays out of the way, best folks don't get mad or something for her..." Raspberry sighed with a nod, dragging the harpy by her talons, dragging upon her face, back for the shop in question, which she'd leave them behind the desk and come back.
  2984. [23:59] <Overcity-Mall> The newt twitches once, desperately.
  2985. [00:00] <Tangent> "a-alexa!" Amelia squeaks. "i-i think she moved! please, hurry!"
  2986. [00:00] <Jran-Kri> "O-o-oh. It l-l-lives," Alexa rasps, her eyebrows hopping up. Her staff glows with a bright red light as she kneels down to the ground. The healing glow suffuses around the newt. "D-d-d-don't r-r-r-rush me."
  2987. [00:02] <Overcity-Mall> The newt is healed! There's not a lot of it to heal, and it doesn't grow it's tail back... it crawls back to it's feet, takes a look at alexa, and trembles back against the wall, shivering in fear now with meager sqeuaks.
  2988. [00:02] <Tangent> "hey! it's okay! can you hear me?" Amelia squeaks.
  2989. [00:02] <Jran-Kri> Uncaring of it's fear, Alexa reaches down to pluck it up with her hands.
  2990. [00:03] <Overcity-Mall> The salamander is petrified in terror as Alexa picks it up, and squeaks meagerly facing Amelia, still trembling, before Raspberry sighed and looked back to Alexa, "S-so uh, shall we get going... m-maybe after another quick rest hopefully though?" she said, hopefully, still tired...
  2991. [00:05] <Jran-Kri> "No," Alexa says, steadier than anything she has said all day. She maintains her grip on the salamander as she rises, already plodding back towards their destination. "W-w-w-we've d-d-delayed too l-l-long alr-ruh-already."
  2992. [00:05] <Tangent> "i...i guess..." she looks to Alexa. "i..." She gulps. "i could make sure there aren't any more..." she offers. "'d have to put me down should take a break too, alexa..."
  2993. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> "U-uhh.... maybe? I mean, if not we just need to get her there, and try it.... and if not well, we just bring Kase with us back to master, right?" she asked hopefully. "Erm, unless there's a better idea of course..."
  2994. [00:07] <Overcity-Mall> They could take a shortcut through construction zones! Surely they won't end up a bench...
  2995. [00:08] <Tangent> NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  2996. [00:08] <Tangent> ...Amelia's going to have to come back for her. Eventually.
  2997. [00:08] <Tangent> "...raspberry, you...know where we are right now, right?"
  2998. [00:09] <Tangent> Amelia looks around from her perch. No sign of any other salamanders, then...
  2999. [00:09] <Jran-Kri> "... W-w-we a-a-a-aren't going b-b-back to the h-h-harpy's shop," Alexa says thinly. Her gaze remains ahead of her. "D-d-d-delays. No. I-I-I'm h-h-here to fix y-y-you, Amelia. O-only y-y-you."
  3000. [00:09] <Overcity-Mall> The shivering salamander simply sat obediently in hand, as she looked to Alexa and Amelia. "Uh, yea, we're about four hours away from master's place." she said, pointing over. Also indeed, nope, the other salamanders ran off.
  3001. [00:13] <Tangent> Amelia winces. She...doesn't want to think about the countdown. How long does she have now? A glance to the other, silent salamander...then up to Alexa. "'re right...sorry for making you worry again...making you have to fight that monstergirl..." It rubs her the wrong way, but...Alexa's right. Even if she's right about the others, they're...gone already.
  3002. [00:14] <Jran-Kri> "G-g-good to know," Alexa says, plodding dutifully onward. Her tone does not indicate she finds this very good to know. In fact, she continues to not see the relevance. She holds the other salamander up into her field of view, though she manages to respond to Amelia. "I-I-I d-didn't. Y-y-you did. A-a-again."
  3003. [00:15] <Tangent> Just when she'd finally managed to get used to the's gone again. It should make her feel happy, just feels off. "h-hey...without you, i'd be...s-snack're being too hard on yourself again..."
  3004. [00:15] == flashdrive_ [] has joined #Overcity
  3005. [00:16] <Tangent> Amelia glances to the other salamander...Wait...If they still were...still had their minds...maybe she'd be okay too? Even if they were....delayed...
  3006. [00:16] == DanTheUnchanging [] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
  3007. [00:16] <Overcity-Mall> The other salamander meekly looks to Alexa quietly, staring with a worried little tremble, but obediently staying in hand, squeaking weakly. They don't seem much to be talking, but... well, they can understand? That's something.
  3008. [00:16] <Jran-Kri> Alexa doesn't dignify that with a response. She audibly grinds her teeth, running her thumb along the other salamander's belly.
  3009. [00:17] <Tangent> Amelia reaches up and touches the only exposed skin she can reach of Alexa with her little toed feet. Her neck. It's the closest she can come to a hug right now.
  3010. [00:18] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3011. [00:19] <Jran-Kri> This at least provokes a physical reaction. Tearing her gaze from the other salamander, Alexa looks over at the newt on her shoulder. She smiles thinly. It looks a bit like someone yanking the corners of her mouth back with hooks.
  3012. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> The salamander calmed down it seemed, squeaking meekly as it relaxed a bit.
  3013. [00:19] <Tangent> "a-alexa?" Amelia squeaks. "w-what's wrong? talk to me, please?" The other salamander-maybe person- is a problem that can wait for after her friend's okay.
  3014. [00:22] <Jran-Kri> "... L-l-l-let's j-j-j-just get you f-f-fixed," Alexa mutters. Her eyes turn frontwards. The smile lingers on her face for a little while before she remembers to take it off.
  3015. [00:22] == flashdrive_ has changed nick to flashdrive
  3016. [00:22] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry looked over. "Uh, well, so do we head to Kase now? I mean, I think we can still make it before the potion goes bad."
  3017. [00:24] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-y-yes!" Alexa says, just a smidgen too loudly. She jerks as if woken from a reverie. "Yes. Now."
  3018. [00:24] <Tangent> "up to you, alexa..." Amelia sighs a little newty sigh. Alexa doesn't want to talk... "if...i guess if we don't make it before...the rest of the can put me in your bag..." She goes quiet for a while.
  3019. [00:25] <Tangent> She tries to distract herself and looks over to the other newt. "can you understand me?" she asks the other salamander. "say some-um...squeak twice if you can?"
  3020. [00:26] <Overcity-Mall> It squeaked twice.
  3021. [00:27] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh," Alexa's eyebrows raise again as she peers at the salamander. "S-s-sorry. For... t-t-trying to. Sell you out."
  3022. [00:27] <Jran-Kri> She does not sound very sorry.
  3023. [00:28] <Tangent> "you didn't know..." Amelia tries to reassure her friend, frantically- and deaf to the indifference in Alexa's tone. "it's not your was that h-harpy..."
  3024. [00:29] <Tangent> She peers around to the salamander. "it'll be okay now, you're safe...we...a-alexa can help...she's going to cure us." Amelia squeaks reassuringly.
  3025. [00:30] <Tangent> "um, I think we *do* have enough for both of us..."
  3026. [00:31] <Overcity-Mall> ...The salamander curls up worriedly, relaxing in the embrace obediently, quietly, shivering still a little....
  3027. [00:31] <Tangent> at least the other salamander isn't...mindless after so long in a tank. That's...a good sign- for her- right?
  3028. [00:31] <Jran-Kri> "... I-I-I'm g-g-going to c-c-cure you," Alexa says, her gaze swivelling about to Amelia. She turns back to the salamander, rubbing its belly again. "Th-th-this one i-i-is c-c-cute, though."
  3029. [00:32] <Overcity-Mall> Their shivering slows at the belly rub, as they relax once more, Raspberry still leading the duo along...
  3030. [00:33] <Overcity-Mall> ...Hours pass. The sky is turning a briliant orange, and then soon a purple, it is starting to get late, but by now you've passed that store with the lightning and fire sword.
  3031. [00:33] <Overcity-Mall> I don't suppose Amelia wants to stop to look at it now though?
  3032. [00:33] <Tangent> Amelia sighs. "we can always cure her afterwards..." Another longing glance at the sword,, she's on a deadline. Maybe. And too newty. And Alexa's stressed...
  3033. [00:34] <Tangent> But the tiny salamander does longingly glance back to it from her perch.
  3034. [00:34] <Overcity-Mall> (Hmmm...)
  3035. [00:34] <Overcity-Mall> (Alexa, roll luck, just cause)
  3036. [00:36] <Jran-Kri> .d 4d10
  3037. [00:36] <Internets> :: Total 24 / 40 [60%] :: Results [7, 10, 4, 3] ::
  3038. [00:37] <Overcity-Mall> (Right, plothook/extra 'reward' will happen down the line~)
  3039. [00:38] <Overcity-Mall> The duo arrived soon back at the candy shop. Which seemed to be closing, Kase now not in her magical attire, but a simple young girl's dress and an apron upon her, as she turned the sign to closed and started to walk back to the back
  3040. [00:39] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stops outside the door. The sign says closed. Therefore, she feels the need to knock quite insistently on the door.
  3041. [00:40] <Tangent> "hey, k-kase?" Amelia squeaks from her shoulder. "it's us..."
  3042. [00:40] <Overcity-Mall> Kase hasn't gone in yet, as she looked over with a little happy look, going over and opening the door for them. "Ah! Hey, Alexa right? Uh, where's Amelia though?" she asked, before the salamander sqeuaked out... the girl looking... yea she did look a bit newt'y right? A bit as she processed it, as she jumped. "Ah! Woah! You're like, tiny!" she said, surprised.
  3043. [00:43] <Tangent> ", i kinda need your help...a lot..." Amelia pauses, little body darting around to look at the sun- how far has it set? "can we come in?"
  3044. [00:43] <Overcity-Mall> The sun has indeed set.
  3045. [00:43] <Tangent> If she does suddenly lose her mind, she really doesn't want to do it where Alexa might lose her...
  3046. [00:44] <Overcity-Mall> "Yea sure! Uh, wait, Miss Wandka! Uh, Alexa and Amelia came back, can they stay over a bit!" she called... no answer. "I'm sure it'll be alright, she's very nice..." she said with a confident little smile. "Though uh, unless you want me to feed you lots of cheese, I can't really make you bigger." she said curiously.
  3047. [00:45] <Jran-Kri> "We. Need. You," Alexa says stiffly. She screws her eyes shut for a moment. The other newt is slowly lowered into her bag to free up both hands. She promptly uses the newly freed hand to clutch her head. "You. Y-y-y-you can f-f-fix her."
  3048. [00:45] <Overcity-Mall> "Right, uh... so how much cheese do I need to make to fatten her up?" Kase said, completely missing the point.
  3049. [00:46] <Tangent> Amelia's about to ask about Kase, but her friend's plight gets her attention. "'s okay...we're here..." she squeaks, putting her little feet and even her head against Alexa this time.
  3050. [00:49] <Tangent> (wait, uh, was Amelia shoved into the bag lol(
  3051. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> ((No, the other one.))
  3052. [00:50] <Jran-Kri> "N-n-n-no, it's... You... You're... n-n-nobility? Was th-th-that it?" Alexa opens her eyes. The blood is pounding in her head -- everything's a blur. "W-w-we h-h-have a potion. R-r-r-right. B-b-but w-w-we n-need y-you t-to k-kiss h-her, too."
  3053. [00:51] <Overcity-Mall> "Wha- nobility? But mom never said I was like, a princess or something?" she said confused, and frowning. "And I mean... well, why do I gotta kiss her, she seems like she'd be... slimy." she said, frowning hesitantly.
  3054. [00:51] == Eprlide [~eprlide@BE91B919.33CE5305.E6379E1F.IP] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
  3055. [00:53] <Tangent> "i-please?" Amelia squeaks. "i...i don't really want to stay like this forever...i need your help..." Not now that she's recovered from her freakout, anyway. "your mom's friend thinks you are..."
  3056. [00:53] <Tangent> *can help...
  3057. [00:53] <Jran-Kri> "J-j-j-just d-d-do it," Alexa seethes, her pained expression solidifying into a glare. She plucks Amelia off of her neck and proffers her between two fingers."
  3058. [00:54] == Jar_Libby [] has joined #Overcity
  3059. [00:54] <Tangent> Amelia's looking to her friend, worried, before she finds herself grabbed. She almost panics for a brief second- remembering the hawk's talons- but remembers to stay still.
  3060. [00:54] <Overcity-Mall> "F-fine, I mean, she is the hero that saved me." Kase said, not sounding hesitant, but looking as such, before giving the newt a kiss on her forehead, Kase giving a grimace
  3061. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> "Bleh." The newt wasn't turning back.
  3062. [00:55] <Tangent> "t-thanks..."
  3063. [00:55] <Tangent> ...What about the potion?
  3064. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> It wasn't given to Amelia still.
  3065. [00:55] <Overcity-Mall> That might be half the problem.
  3066. [00:56] <Tangent> "alexa? can i have the potion?" Amelia dangles in mid-air, trying not to look down.
  3067. [00:56] <Tangent> Given where her eyes are on her head, that's actually not that hard
  3068. [00:56] <Tangent> She's getting a good look at Alexa's fingers though...
  3069. [00:56] == Jar_Mimic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3070. [00:56] <Jran-Kri> "... O-o-of c-c-course. I-I'm p-p-pretty s-s-sure i-i-it w-w-was k-kiss f-f-first, then p-potion," Alexa says, retrieving the vial in question from her back. Opening it, she tries to get Amelia's head pressed against it and tilt it towards her mouth. "M-m-maybe i-it's the o-other w-way."
  3071. [00:57] == Jar_Libby has changed nick to Jar_Mimic
  3072. [00:57] <Tangent> Amelia obliges. Hopefully there'll be enough left for the other newt afterwards from this potion, but...first things first.
  3073. [00:59] <Overcity-Mall> There isn't that much, and as Amelia would drink it, it would taste AWFUL, as if rotten and mushy socks that have gone moldy and with a dirty, iron taste, at the least the liquid is very smooth... still. Try not to spit it out.
  3074. [00:59] <Overcity-Mall> Let alone spit it an dspill it.
  3075. [01:00] <Tangent> Amelia gags, but keeps drinking. She'll just have to think of something else...if she doesn't choke.
  3076. [01:00] <Tangent> The salamander writhes a bit as she gulps it down.
  3077. [01:01] <Overcity-Mall> It is consumed, and a new kiss is given
  3078. [01:01] <Overcity-Mall> ...There still seems to be no change. "...Uhh...?" "I-I think we got here too late after all." Raspberry squeaked with a sigh.
  3079. [01:02] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh," Alexa says dully. She slowly turns to Raspberry, deathly still. "Y-y-you s-s-sound c-c-calm f-f-for a d-d-dead girl."
  3080. [01:02] <Tangent> "...oh. oh, okay...well...that...that's...we can still...try again..."
  3081. [01:03] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@E09F3F1C:8147DBC:7049B3F2:IP] has quit [Quit: kill]
  3082. [01:03] <Tangent> "a-alexa?" Amelia squeaks. "what...what're you saying?"
  3083. [01:04] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry looks worried, as she backed away, as Kase looked to Alexa surprised. "Dead girl? What? Um, Amelia, I'm confused..." she said frantically.
  3084. [01:06] <Tangent> "alexa, it's okay...we's not her fau...okay it is, but she didn't mean to...we can fix this...everyone calm down!" That her last words are a rising, panicky squeak doesn't help matters.
  3085. [01:06] <Jran-Kri> Alexa is silent for another moment. She blinks slowly. Then a faint wheeze leaves her. She pets Amelia again, shaking her head. "S-s-s-sorry. I-I-I d-d-don't kn-know wh-what c-c-came o-over me. Y-y-yes. Yes. Yes."
  3086. [01:07] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's head bobs fast enough to risk tearing it off her own neck. "Yes. W-w-we m-m-must have f-f-forgotten s-s-something. R-r-right? Wh-wh-what d-d-did we f-f-fffffforget?"
  3087. [01:07] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry meanwhile has taken to hiding behind Kase. Who was still like six or seven, while Raspberry was in her teens. This looks as pathetic as you would think. "Seriously, what's going on, I'm TOTALLY confused, why is Amelia tiny, why does me kissing her oddly not slimy self fix her, why do you want to kill her and what is going on?!" she asked loudly.
  3088. [01:09] <Tangent> "alexa..." Amelia's almost thrown off by Alexa's headbobs as she gently presses her feet against her much larger friend's neck. " need to rest, okay? maybe sit down? you look tired. we...we'll figure it out..."
  3089. [01:10] <Tangent> "i got cursed. it was an an accident. raspberry, it's okay, she didn't mean it..." She adds afterwards.
  3090. [01:10] <Tangent> "alexa, it's okay...we'll figure it out..." she adds to alexa. "deep breaths..."
  3091. [01:11] <Jran-Kri> Alexa takes a deep, calming breath. "'L-l-let n-n-not y-y-your h-hearts be t-troubled, n-n-neither l-l-let them b-be af-f-f-f-afraid,'" Alexa says under her breath, a ragged smile tugging at her grimace. "Th-th-this r-ruh-rat c-c-cursed A-A-Amelia. P-p-potion. R-r-royal b-blood's k-k-kiss. S-s-supposed to f-f-fix her. Not f-f-f-fixed. Can't be f-f-fixed. Can still. Make. J-j-justice."
  3092. [01:12] <Jran-Kri> "B-b-b-but I c-c-can't!" Alexa suddenly exclaims, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head. She wheezes, taking off her glasses with a trembling free hand. "A-a-a-ah, K-K-Kreimhild w-w-warned me! O-o-oh w-w-well. RASPBERRY!" Alexa barks, her face twisting. "W-w-what d-d-did w-w-we f-f-forget?!"
  3093. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> "Oh... uh, I'm still confused. How is me kissing you fixing it and how did you say the royal stuff and... eh?" "S-sh-she-probably-is-and-if-not-we-can-find-someone-else-and-you-don't-have-to-kill-me-to-fix-it-I-mean-it-would-but-like-it-probably-was-the-time-limit!" Raspberry stammered, trembling behind Kase, wholooked back then to Alexa and sighed... "Alexa, killing her won't fix it. I think?
  3094. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> I mean, if it would I'll help but they seem to have other ideas to fix it. Or, whatever..."
  3095. [01:13] <Tangent> "alexa, please, please, just...calm down, okay? we-we can fix this,'s okay...maybe it's just the time limit..." She doesn't like all this talk of killing, and Alexa's ramblings...scare her.
  3096. [01:14] <Overcity-Mall> "N-Not forget just, the mix only is good for so long and we probably took a bit longer or something to get here I mean we just need to go back to master and get more to fix it!" she said worriedly. "Master also said that if it lingers on her long enough a simple purification spell can remove it!"
  3097. [01:15] <Tangent> "alexa, please, you''re scaring me..." amelia's voice is low and miserable and she's shrinking back. It's completely unlike the fearless firebrand Alexa knows for her to be in this state.
  3098. [01:15] <Overcity-Mall> There's a small, worried and trembling salamander in Alexa' handbag at that too.
  3099. [01:16] <Jran-Kri> "T-t-t-time l-l-limit," Alexa echoes, as if only now comprehending that phrase for the first time. Her breath is fast and ragged, but she begins to calm down. Raspberry is saying things she quite approves of hearing. "O-o-o-okay. Ooooh kaaay. A-a-ah, I-I k-knew th-the eagle -- no, no, it was a h-h-hawk, r-r-right. A w-w-winged SERPENT! A-a-ah, i-i-if o-o-only I had the p-p-power t-to b-b-burn it to a c-c-crisp -- n-n-no
  3100. [01:16] <Jran-Kri> m-m-matter!"
  3101. [01:16] <Jran-Kri> Alexa falls silent. She gesticulates vaguely with the hand bearing her glasses, even though she's not saying anything.
  3102. [01:17] <Tangent> "a-alexa?" For the first time in a long time...Amelia has no idea what her friend means. And that...more than anything so far, frightens her. Wordlessly, she presses her front legs to Alexa's neck. It's all...all she can figure out to do right now.
  3103. [01:18] <Jran-Kri> At last, something seems to click in her head. She straightens up like a ventriloquist dummy brought to life by its owner's hand. "R-r-r-right! M-m-more, th-then! A-a-and n-n-no d-d-delays th-this t-t-time! O-o-oh m-m-maybe I-I c-c-could t-try the p-p-purification -- d-d-didn't w-w-work the f-f-first t-t-time, b-b-because-- W-w-well, o-o-of coooourse not."
  3104. [01:18] <Jran-Kri> Amelia can feel her pulse pounding at a mile a minute. It sounds like her heart is about to burst in her chest.
  3105. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> "...Uhhh... you're sounding pretty murderous there, Alexa... um, miss Wandka has guest rooms, um, I think you three can stay the night too." she added... "Plus I know a quick way around, probably!" "W-we shouldn't take a shortcut back home it-" "It'll be fine, I've gone down it a bunch, there's a little trick to getting around like that!" she said with a smirk.
  3106. [01:19] <Overcity-Mall> "I-It'll take a month for purification to be a valid option for her..." Raspberry said meekly.
  3107. [01:20] <Tangent> "t-thanks..." Amelia blurts at Kase's intervention. "b-but yeah, if it's okay...alexa?" Please, please let Alexa be...okay...She's not used to being scared, and even less of being scared of how her friend sounds. Worried, yes, but...
  3108. [01:20] <Tangent> "we could...try again tomorrow?"
  3109. [01:21] <Jran-Kri> "N-Nuh-No!" Alexa nearly leaps out of her skin at the thought of staying the night. Her ragged breath tears in and out of her lungs. "No, no, no! No more d-d-delays! B-b-but n-n-no sh-shortcuts! N-n-n-nnnno f-f-f-funny b-b-b-business!"
  3110. [01:22] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I-I'm s-s-sick a-a-and t-t-tired," Alexa pauses for breath, her chest visibly heaving in and out. "O-o-of b-b-being y-y-yanked a-around!" Amelia can see the hairs on Alexa's neck standing up on end. In fact, there seem to be quite a few of them -- a few more than there should be.
  3111. [01:22] <Overcity-Mall> "Th-then um, Ka-Kase, you need to come with us so Amelia can be fixed." "Uhmm... I'ma ask miss Wandka real fast." She said, nodding a bit. "I think she'll be alright? When will I be coming back...?" she said, sounding a bit worried on that last part.
  3112. [01:24] <Tangent> "a-alexa? w-what's...what's wrong w-with...your neck?" Amelia squeaks. "alexa? please, listen to me, something isn't right...this isn't...isn't like you..."
  3113. [01:27] <Jran-Kri> A low, gutteral growl builds in Alexa's throat. Her nostrils flare. Amelia's tiny voice stops her short, however. She screws her eyes shut, staggering backwards to grab onto the nearest solid support. Taking several deep breaths, she shakily replaces her glasses on her face. The hairs on her neck, which had been multiplying aggressively, slowly recede. "S-s-soon," she breathlessly assures Kase. "Th-th-this w-w-won't t-t-take
  3114. [01:27] <Jran-Kri> m-m-much l-longer."
  3115. [01:27] <Overcity-Mall> Kase nodded a bit, going over and upstairs, the folks can follow if she wants, but... well, she seems to be discussing for quite a bit if they just wait for five...
  3116. [01:29] <Tangent> Amelia cringes, in relief. "a-alexa...maybe...maybe you should...restforabit..." She cringes back before even finishing her sentence. She's scared. Of Alexa. "it might be...safer if we...waited for morning..."
  3117. [01:30] <Overcity-Mall> Kase indeed comes back down after a bit, "Uh... Miss Wandka really says to wait till morning." She muttered with a slight frown. "She'll let me go out then but... sorry." she said with a worried sigh, crossing her arms. "I mean, I can run away but... I'd feel bad making her worried after doing. You know. Everything else before." she said simply.
  3118. [01:32] <Tangent> "alexa?" Amelia feels so helpless. Worried after what she saw. Nervousness around Alexa...that' And not a pleasant feeling, even if the other two all but drown it out.
  3119. [01:32] <Jran-Kri> Alexa looks fit to burst a blood vessel, mere moments after she had calmed herself down. One eye twitches spastically as she stares at Kase, seemingly heedless of Amelia. However, it is doubtlessly her influence that keeps her from rising again. "F-f-fuh-fine. W-w-we w-w-wait. A-a-again. B-b-but t-t-tomorrow. Sh-sh-she's f-f-fixed t-t-tomorrow."
  3120. [01:33] == flashdrive [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3121. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> "W-we'll make it back tommorow and with Kase! It'll be fine!" Raspberry squeaked out franitcally. "Miss Wandka still has some dinner I think, she wasn't expecting guests but uh, there's enough pasta left for everyone...?"
  3122. [01:34] <Jran-Kri> "I... am n-n-not... h-h-hungry. Th-th-thank you," Alexa seethes. Her head dips, and she seems to recede in on herself, staring at the ground.
  3123. [01:35] <Overcity-Mall> "Um, right... Amelia? Are you? I uh, I think we'd have enough to feed you whatever...?" she asked, looking to her worriedly considering her friend's murderous intent... Raspberry meanwhile already had hurried upstairs to hide from Alexa.
  3124. [01:35] <Tangent> Amelia quietly presses against Alexa, almost her whole body- short her tail- this time. "a-alexa, i think you should eat..."
  3125. [01:36] <Tangent> She's...not okay with any of this, but...Damnit, seeing her friend like this worries more than everything else. Even Raspberry being scared. She's not proud of that.
  3126. [01:36] <Tangent> She's never seen Alexa so...angry before.
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  3129. [01:41] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs, taking off her glasses again to pinch the bridge of her nose. "F-f-fine. Wh-wh-whatever. L-l-let's j-j-just... d-d-do s-s-something."
  3130. [01:43] <Tangent> "okay..." At least she's...talking again. Amelia clings anxiously to Alexa's shoulder.
  3131. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> The shopkeeper from before warmly welcomes the two in, Raspberry having opted to hole up in the guest room, and their guest room would be just to the left once they get in, and warm pasta on the stove with tomato sauce and some meatballs beside it... Amelia could perhaps nibble on a meatall? Who knows... otherwise they can hole up in their room too it seems, Kase however seems to be following
  3132. [01:44] <Overcity-Mall> them a bit.
  3133. [01:45] <Tangent> ...Amelia just nibbles. She's too distracted, too worried, and too hungry to bother with her hands. Feet. But she doesn't have much of an appetite...she seems to be watching Alexa instead.
  3134. [01:46] <Jran-Kri> Failing to acknowledge Kase, Alexa indulges Amelia. Eating was her idea. She stares right back at Amelia. Whenever she stops, Alexa nudges the meatball back at her, and occasionally manages something for herself.
  3135. [01:46] <Overcity-Mall> ...The newt in the bag sqeuaks quietly.
  3136. [01:47] == SkinnyNecro [~Prime@7FD2E337:9BC09ACC:45A37BD4:IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3137. [01:48] <Jran-Kri> Alexa, in truth, had forgotten about the newt. The squeaking recalls the creature. Lifting it out, Alexa wordlessly sets it down right beside Amelia. There. Now she has a friend.
  3138. [01:48] <Jran-Kri> A good one.
  3139. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> Beyond that though, it's... well, probably a bit awkwardly quiet, as Kase sat there too... before sighing, crossing her arms. "Alright, something happened... I mean, more stuff must've. She didn't seem this mad before..." the girl said worriedly, looking at Alexa. The newt meanwhile looked around idly, scampering and taking a bit of a spaghetti to the side of the plate and nibbling on it
  3140. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> quietly. And no, Amelia can't understand her sqeuaks.
  3141. [01:49] <Tangent> "sorry..." Amelia mutters as the newt's put down, but...she doesn't take her eyes off Alexa. She looks as worried as a newt can.
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  3144. [01:50] <Jran-Kri> Still as she is, one might think that Alexa didn't hear. One arm moves just enough to shovel spaghetti into her mouth, sawing some off with the flat of her fork to segregate the newt's portion. At last, she stirs. "I... W-w-we h-h-have h-had a... r-r-rather s-s-serious e-evening." She doesn't seem inclined to elaborate.
  3145. [01:52] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, well I mean I can tell by her size but...?" Kase said, leaning over and poking at Amelia's head curiously, petting her a bit. "But I mean, still, you threatened to kill the girl before or something."
  3146. [01:53] <Tangent> Amelia cringes...not at her poking but her words. "'s my fault, okay?" Amelia says flatly to Kase...she really wishes Kase wasn't here right now. She wants to talk to Alexa. "hey, can you, are you a guy or a girl?" she asks the other newt as an aside, strangely indifferent despite asking. "kase, can you talk to them instead for a bit? please? they...they're cursed like me."
  3147. [01:53] <Tangent> She...really wants to talk to Alexa. Her best friend. Her best friend who's hurting because of her.
  3148. [01:54] <Jran-Kri> "Th-th-this i-i-is th-the r-rat's f-f-fault," Alexa says quietly. She stares at Kase now, distrustfully. She breaks the stare just long enough to chastise Amelia with a light bop to the head. "Th-the r-r-rat. I-i-if A-Amelia c-c-c-can't g-g-go b-b-back to h-h-her l-life, wh-why sh-should R-R-Raspberry's continue?"
  3149. [01:54] <Jran-Kri> Alexa looks back down at her food, idly twirling it around with her fork.
  3150. [01:54] <Jran-Kri> "E-e-e-evil f-f-for e-e-evil. Retribution."
  3151. [01:54] <Overcity-Mall> "Eh? Uh, kay... alone and stuff?" she asked, picking up the other newt, and a napkin for their single spaghetti they ate, as the newt squeaked a bit as they left.
  3152. [01:57] <Tangent> Amelia's bopped, but seems more worried than rebuked. "A-alexa, i...i don't believe you'd do something like that...she...she's not evil. maybe she was being stupid, know she's not evil. she didn't mean to...and i don't think you'd hurt least not if you...knew it was wrong."
  3153. [01:58] <Tangent> "'re scared,'s my fault, and i'm sorry, but...s-scaring raspberry won't help me...i'll be okay, we'll fix this..."
  3154. [01:59] == Shavyla [~Shavyla@A6520A60.E933EC95.3E8B38BB.IP] has joined #Overcity
  3155. [02:00] <Tangent> "a-and if i couldn't go least i'd be with you...that's not so bad..."
  3156. [02:01] == Poplarmobiletree [~androirc@606E01B0.C838B47B.DE6D5023.IP] has joined #Overcity
  3157. [02:03] <Jran-Kri> Alexa gives no indication she has heard Amelia for some time, allowing her to talk her tiny lungs hoarse. She continues to idly play with her food, twirling individual noodles around her fork. "M-m-m-misuse o-o-of p-p-powers i-i-is an e-e-evil. N-n-negligent," she says at last. Her voice is quiet and devoid of passion. "D-d-d-did I-I e-e-ever t-t-tell you wh-what K-Kreimhild t-t-told me, once? A-a-about m-my p-powers."
  3158. [02:04] <Tangent> Amelia frowns. She's a newt so her snout's expression doesn't really change at all. "no..." but at least alexa's talking...
  3159. [02:06] <Jran-Kri> "Sh-sh-she s-s-said..." Alexa takes a deep breath. She lets it out just as slowly. "Th-th-that m-m-my k-k-kind of m-m-magic i-i-is wh-what the P-Puchuu g-g-give t-t-to l-limit g-g-girls th-they f-f-fear. Th-th-that th-th-they think w-w-we're d-d-dangerous, s-s-so they h-h-hobble us. F-f-force u-us t-t-to... r-r-rely on o-others to a-a-act."
  3160. [02:08] <Tangent> "''re not. You are not dangerous." Her voice rises, almost sounding like her normal self. "You are Alexa Aldrich, and you are wonderful, and a good person. You hear me?"
  3161. [02:09] <Tangent> "You're a good person, and I am proud to be your best friend. And when i get out..." her voice slips back down. "when this is done, i'm going to teach you how to fight if it kills me, got that? Properly."
  3162. [02:11] <Tangent> "even if i need to give you my sword every single fight to do it, i'll help you. i...i'm sorry....i didn't even...notice..." Amelia's voice, though squeaky, is utterly filled with faith in Alexa. Relief, even. Now it makes sense. All that worry, that feeling of wonder Alexa'd lashed out. She hadn't meant it...she wouldn't have.
  3163. [02:12] <Jran-Kri> "... K-K-Kreimhild s-s-says th-th-that's i-impossible," Alexa says dourly. She still refuses to look at Amelia. "Sh-sh-she s-s-says I-I'm hopeless -- I-I'm g-g-gangly a-a-and awkward a-and... n-n-none of that comes to me." She raises her free hand, examining the trembling flesh. "Sh-she s-s-says th-that I-I h-h-have p-potential. Th-th-that I-I've b-b-been d-d-denied wh-what's mine b-by ruh-right."
  3164. [02:12] <Tangent> Amelia...hisses in anger. "Well, kreim can go boil her head. She's wrong about you. You'll see, I'll teach you!"
  3165. [02:13] <Tangent> How dare she? Kreim calls herself Alexa's friend and she talks her down, makes her feel useless...
  3166. [02:14] <Tangent> "You're amazing, just the way you are!" Amelia insists. "i just wish i'd tried to spar more with you earlier...but as soon as we're...done"
  3167. [02:14] <Tangent> "you're a lot of things, alexa, but you're not hopeless. Never."
  3168. [02:15] <Tangent> Amelia's voice dopplers between a squeak and something almost like her normal voice, she's putting so much force into her words.
  3169. [02:17] <Tangent> She actually rises up on her hind legs for a few seconds before dropping back down at the end of her sentence.
  3170. [02:17] <Tangent> It probably looks pretty silly to see a newt giving a serious, heartfelt speech.
  3171. [02:18] <Jran-Kri> "N-n-no, sh-sh-she's ruh-right, d-d-don't you s-s-see?" Alexa finally looks at Amelia. There is a fire in her eyes, now; a manic energy just beyond her lifeless look. "I-I-I h-h-have t-t-to r-r-rely on y-you. T-to do ev-everything f-f-for me. A-a-and n-now y-y-you c-c-can't -- a-a-and h-here I a-am, g-g-getting j-jerked a-around b-by e-every l-little PEST I-IN TH-THIS DISGUSTING -- " Alexa's voice rises as she loses her
  3172. [02:18] <Jran-Kri> temper, nearly leaping out of her chair. She manages to clamp down, looking around distrustfully. "Th-th-the h-h-hawk. I-I-If I-I had y-y-your m-magic i-it w-w-wouldn't have f-f-flown f-f-for t-ten m-more s-s-seconds after grabbing y-you. B-b-but I-I d-d-don't. I-I'm u-useless! I-I a-always need s-s-someone t-to f-fight my battles f-f-for me! A-a-and when I d-don't h-have them I-I j-just get p-pushed a-around!" Alexa has
  3173. [02:18] <Jran-Kri> begun to repeat herself hysterically. Distantly, she realizes she's crying, but she does nothing to hide the tears.
  3174. [02:19] == Mira [~Mira@67530B06:45F2D8CD:A7716222:IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  3175. [02:20] <Tangent> "n-no-no!" Amelia frantically scuttles forward, scrabbling at whatever part of Alexa she can reach. She wants to scream- Alexa needs her hugs but all she got is a useless little newt. She feels like vermin for even THINKING of giving up and leaving Alexa on her own. "you s-saved me. You did. Without you, I'd be food. Without you, I'd...I'd be someone else. Something else. you matter so much alexa, just the way you are. And I'll make sure you can fight. I promise."
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  3177. [02:21] <Tangent> "no matter what when this is done, i'll make sure you can fight on your own. you shouldn't need me. no matter what it takes, i'll make it right"
  3178. [02:22] <Tangent> "but you're not weak you're not helpless you're alexa and you're worth fighting for" Amelia's words are blurring together into agitated squeaking as she becomes more and more frantic- she has to stop to calm herself.
  3179. [02:23] <Tangent> "please, alexa, it wasn't your fault, it's not your fault...without you, i'd be...nothing"
  3180. [02:23] == SkinnyNecro [~Prime@D0D7C744:A14EAD4:45A37BD4:IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3181. [02:26] <Jran-Kri> "... W-w-well o-o-of c-c-course I-I'll a-a-always n-n-need y-y-you," Alexa smiles thinly down at Amelia, plucking her up with two fingers. She lightly rubs her belly. "O-of c-c-course. B-b-but a-a-as a f-f-friend. N-n-not a-a-as m-my... a-a-attack dog! N-no m-more."
  3182. [02:26] <Jran-Kri> "I-i-i-it's n-n-nice o-o-of y-y-you t-t-to say," Alexa says, surprisingly calmly all of a sudden. "B-b-but y-y-you a-a-always have been t-t-too e-eager to b-b-blame y-y-yourself."
  3183. [02:27] <Tangent> "i...of course i-i'm your friend..." Amelia sounds...uncertain but relieved. She accepts the belly rubs. "s-sorry..."
  3184. [02:28] <Tangent> "we...we can start training as s-soon as we're back home...just...p-please tell me don't think you're useless anymore?"
  3185. [02:30] <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs again, continuing to rub Amelia's belly. "I-I-I d-d-d-do not h-have the t-t-tools I n-need," she says testily, grinding her teeth. "I-I-I'm s-s-sick and t-t-tired o-of b-being p-pushed a-a-around."
  3186. [02:31] <Tangent> "let me help you, then...we can figure it out...together..." How long has Alexa been stressed? Why didn't she notice sooner?
  3187. [02:32] <Overcity-Mall> "Hey... uh, sorry to intrude?" Kase calls, poking her head in from the way she went. "But I kinda have been listening... just a bit but, well, I don't think any of the stuff between you two are saying are true, the whole bad stuff between you two that is." Kase called, coming back with a puffed cheek, and the other newt on her head, balanced as she crossed her arms to the duo, looking up as
  3188. [02:32] <Overcity-Mall> her short size somewhat had to for Alexa, and Amelia was eyelevel at best at the table.
  3189. [02:33] <Tangent> Amelia squeaks, head...and body darting around. "h-huh?"
  3190. [02:34] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's head rises quite suddenly at the sound of Kase's voice. She fails to respond verbally, save in the form of a dull, comprehending grunt that can only be called 'non-hostile.'
  3191. [02:35] <Tangent> Amelia's still looking over to Kase from just in front of and underneath Alexa's head- she's in the shadow the girl's casting on the table.
  3192. [02:38] <Overcity-Mall> Kase sighed, looking to the two. "I mean... look, miss Wandka talked me through it and she really wanted me to thank you two and all, but even if she didn't say I would. I mean, I attacked you two, I didn't do anything nice, and you two still saved me, twice." she started, pointing to Amelia. "You went and stopped me from doing a... a lot of things I'd feel bad for having done, both to miss
  3193. [02:39] <Overcity-Mall> Wandka and myself... and you," she said, pointing to Alexa, "I would have just died, or... looked melty. And stood up for me even, after all the stuff I did... I dunno what else happened or stuff but I mean, you helped, a lot, you two don't seem useless or helpless at that." she said with a worried look to the two. "...So I don't feel like you two should be saying that stuff..."
  3194. [02:44] <Tangent> The little newt blinks over at Kase...then looks to Alexa.
  3195. [02:44] <Jran-Kri> Leaning back in her seat, Alexa stares at Kase in silence for some time. She seems to stop still, her half-lidded eyes boring into Kase with an alien intensity. When she finally moves, it's to stroke Amelia's back again. After that, she nods slowly. "I-I-I suppose w-w-we d-d-did h-h-help y-y-you... Y-y-yes. Yes. That... f-f-force... was not the... the right... t-t-tool. For that," Alexa hacks off a tiny peace of meat ball
  3196. [02:44] <Jran-Kri> with her fork. She nudges it over to Amelia. "Yes. Yes... Th-th-thank y-you. I... d-didn't c-c-consider that."
  3197. [02:46] <Tangent> "you're amazing, alexa...just the way you are..." Amelia swallows. Somehow, using her little toes seems like the least important thing in the world right now. All her attention's on Alexa.
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  3199. [02:51] <Overcity-Mall> Kase nodded. "Even if you say it's 'useless' or something, I mean... if nobody had it, a bunch of folks probably would just be, you know. Dead. And that's saving probably a lot of folks that wouldn't be saved otherwise." she said, the newt squeaking upon her head, trying to remind Alexa that they were another example. "...So um, if you two want me to actually leave now, I will, but don't beat
  3200. [02:51] <Overcity-Mall> yourself up over that stuff, whoever said your powers are stupid I'll turn into a block of cheese." she said with a fired up look.
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  3202. [02:51] == Indigo [~Indigo@10FDFD6A.ADDA4C7.75571E5C.IP] has joined #Overcity
  3203. [02:52] <Jran-Kri> "... I-I-I w-w-wouldn't s-say that," Alexa lightly strokes Amelia's head again. Nonetheless, she looks thoughtful. Glancing back up at Kase, she swallows. She doesn't look convinced, but she's not quite so dour as a moment ago. "Th-th-thank you. I... That's... n-n-nice o-of y-y-you to s-s-say. F-f-feel f-f-free t-to s-s-stay. I-if y-you want t-to. Y-your home."
  3204. [02:53] <Tangent> does make her feel better actually. "t-thanks, kase...and yeah..." Amelia squeaks- the girls' words do partially ease a lot of her private, nagging, constant terror-but she's only truly relaxed as Alexa sounds calm...slumping as Alexa strokes.
  3205. [02:54] <Overcity-Mall> "More of miss Wandka's home but she's nice." she muttered with a shrug, shaking her head. "Um... I'll go though, just yea, feel better you two, I would... probably be dead. Or pointlessly have killed her. Or something without you two." she nodded with a gentle sigh, and smile to the two, as she headed off, with the salamander hopping into Kase's hands.
  3206. [02:56] <Tangent> Amelia raises her head to watch her go. "goodnight..." she squeaks, somewhat less agitated now...but still looking to Alexa.
  3207. [02:56] <Jran-Kri> "... R-r-right. G-g-goodnight," Alexa mumbles, watching Kase go wearily. She sighs again when she leaves, propping an elbow up on the table and resting her head in her palm. "... I-I-I'm t-t-tired."
  3208. [02:58] <Overcity-Mall> Their room is still open for them to go to... if and when they check there's even a small animal tank for Amelia to stay in, though, not that she has to.
  3209. [02:59] <Tangent> Amelia brushes up against her friend's cheek. The closest she can come to a hug right now, for a tailless salamander. "you should sleep..." she murmurs quietly. "you'll feel better tomorrow..."
  3210. [03:01] <Jran-Kri> "I w-w-won't f-f-feel b-better u-until y-y-you're better," Alexa grumbles. Nonetheless, she rises, plucking Amelia up again. Wordlessly turning towards the room, she unceremoniously lowers Amelia into the tank. "S-s-sorry. D-d-don't w-w-want to c-c-crush you in m-my sl-sleep."
  3211. [03:02] <Tangent> "h-hey!" Amelia squeaks, scrambling up to the glass. "a-alexa, not funny!"
  3212. [03:03] <Overcity-Mall> To be fair, the tank had some nice sand, some pretty and smooth rocks, and even a small pool for Amelia! No tiny bed, but at least it has a heat lamp. If she needs it. She really doesn't.
  3213. [03:03] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I m-m-mean it," Alexa says dully. "I... m-m-move. I-In m-my s-s-sleep. S-s-sorry."
  3214. [03:04] <Tangent> "...y-you're sure, huh?" Amelia slumps a bit when she realizes Alexa's serious. A newty sigh. Squeak. She presses against the glass, then realizes Alexa won't budge. At least it's nothing like that...other tank...It's probably a good tank. You know, for an actual newt.
  3215. [03:05] == SkinnyNecro [] has joined #Overcity
  3216. [03:06] <Overcity-Mall> ...It probably is for the best they rest, since you know... hardly any rest the night Alexa was a pillow.
  3217. [03:06] <Tangent> She doesn't want to upset her friend. If that means a night on a surprisingly comfortable sandbed...fine.
  3218. [03:06] <Jran-Kri> Alexa attempts to smile. It's still not a particularly winning gesture. "G-g-g-goodnight, A-A-Amelia," she says thinly, and promptly moseys over to the bed. She doesn't so much lie down as she pitches forward onto it and lies still.
  3219. [03:06] <Tangent> "...good night, alexa..."
  3220. [03:06] == Skinny_Necro [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3221. [03:07] <Tangent> ...The sand really is pretty soft.
  3222. [03:09] <Overcity-Mall> ....Morning would come peacefully enough, breakfast proper was being cooked, though, the two girls could actually rest. No rush, finally....
  3223. [03:09] <Tangent> Unfortunately, Amelia's sleep is disturbed. Clocks, pillows, benches, and...harpies and knives. And Alexa crying. Can't forget that.
  3224. [03:10] <Tangent> She nearly wakes more than once, twisting in the sand before drifting back off.
  3225. [03:13] <Tangent> But in the end, she sleeps. A tiny, exhausted, sleeping newt.
  3226. [03:14] == POJO [~quassel@PO.JO] has joined #Overcity
  3227. [03:23] <Overcity-Mall> (Also, if is late, we can prolly wrap this up in one more session as it is... unless they want to save others~)
  3228. [03:24] <Tangent> (Amelia kindaaa wants to. Jran?)
  3229. [03:26] <Jran-Kri> ((Alexa does not. Amelia is her only priority.))
  3230. [03:26] <Jran-Kri> ((Buuuut she could probably still be dragged into it if Amelia does more cute newt begging.))
  3231. [03:28] <Tangent> (pfft)
  3232. [03:28] <Kajiya> (Well she won't be a newt prolly when it's tiem to rescue others?)
  3233. [03:29] <Kajiya> (Anyway, is simply morning, do as you want~)
  3234. [03:31] <Tangent> Amelia stirs. For one, awful moment, she scrambles frantically as she sees glass- nightmares of the harpy and blades flashing through her tiny skull...but then she looks up properly and just sees ceiling. No knives. She's safe...and Alexa's there. On the other side of the glass.
  3235. [03:32] <Tangent> She sighs, quietly, in relief, slumping back onto the sand. If Alexa's sleeping...she doesn't wake her.
  3236. [03:32] <Tangent> ...belatedly, she realizes she's still her. Mentally anyway. That's...a relief.
  3237. [03:33] <Tangent> "morning, alexa..." she squeaks, quietly...very quietly. She doesn't want to wake her, after all...
  3238. [03:33] <Jran-Kri> The moment Alexa's head touched the pillow, she was in for a rough night. The first thing she does when she wakes -- all at once, rather than slowly like she normally does -- is lash out with her limbs to confirm their existence, sending blankets and pillows about. Then she sits up. "G-g-g-good m-m-morning, A-Amelia," she says listlessly.
  3239. [03:34] <Jran-Kri> "... W-w-well. Y-y-you are s-still a... n-n-newt," Alexa observes. "N-n-not good. Obviously."
  3240. [03:35] <Tangent> "i'm'll be okay...we'll fix it...don't worry..." Amelia tries to reassure her friend, toed foot pressed to the glass as she gets as close to her friend as she can.
  3241. [03:38] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-yes. We will. T-t-today. Or R-R-ruh-Raspberry -- " Alexa cuts herself off before she can get worked up. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she rises like a clockwork automaton. She strides just as stiffly towards the tank. "D-d-did y-y-you l-l-like y-y-your accuh-accommodations?"
  3242. [03:39] == Aristocat [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  3243. [03:43] <Tangent> "yeah..." Amelia replies distractedly. Without even thinking. She doesn't care about the sand. Or the fact she's in a tank. She's more worried about Alexa's still being so upset. "A-Alexa?" She tries. " know it WILL be okay, right? Even if...even if something goes wrong again...the witch...her aunt...has the cure..."
  3244. [03:44] <Tangent> "and...and i won't leave you. i was being stupid. i promise now. i'll fight with you, just like't worry...please?"
  3245. [03:47] <Tangent> (gah that last line doesn't make sense but sleepy)
  3246. [03:47] <Overcity-Mall> (if you two be sleepy IRL it might be best to just pause to sleep and stuffs~?)
  3247. [03:48] <Jran-Kri> ((Mmmaybe. Tang, you want to stop?))
  3248. [03:48] <Overcity-Mall> (If not then we can continue just fine though, but I dont' wants to push you two for no good reaosn)
  3249. [03:48] <Tangent> (Can we pretend that last line never happened? it doesn't seem to read well here)
  3250. [03:48] <Tangent> (I'm okay with stopping if no events are planned and it'll drag on?)
  3251. [03:48] <Tangent> (that last Amelia line)
  3252. [03:49] <Overcity-Mall> (Nah, it'll be fast enough once you two leave. No events set to happen on the way back this time~)
  3253. [03:50] <Tangent> (mmm, maybe tomorrow then?)
  3254. <Overcity-Mall> Well, we last left off at the morning of when the two wake up, at the morning of the candy store. Amelia is still a newt, but she's indeed not getting any more newt'y, even to her mind... The only thing left to do is to take Kase along back. Right?
  3255. <Jran-Kri> "... C-c-c-come," Alexa clasps her hands together, clearly seeking to end the conversation with the newt. Reaching into the tank, she lays her palm up to let Amelia climb on. "W-w-we're g-g-going to f-f-fix you. T-t-today. N-no m-m-more d-d-delays."
  3256. <Tangent> Amelia bobs her head- well more moves her entire upper body up and down- and clambers into Alexa's waiting hand in what's becoming an increasingly familiar process.
  3257. <Jran-Kri> Lifting her up, Alexa lets her sit in her palm as she works her way out the door. Despite having ostensibly slept, she walks with a particular stiff, anxious pace that speaks of exhaustion. She is not deterred, however, as she steps out of the room in search of Kase. Food is a distant second priority to finding this girl and bringing her to the witch.
  3258. <Tangent> "hey, alexa..." Amelia interjects. "don't...don't push yourself too hard, okay? this'll get fixed. trust me. just...don't do anything rash, okay? please?" She's not even quite sure what she's worried about as she squeaks the words out. "you should eat..."
  3259. * IWBTG ( has joined
  3260. <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I c-c-can't d-d-do anything r-r-rash," she says testily, plodding along with a lurch in every other step. "I-I w-w-was n-not g-given that p-pr-privilege. I... d-d-do n-n-not need t-t-to eat. I'll e-e-eat wh-when y-y-you can." She tilts her head abruptly to one side, peering down at Amelia. "A-a-are y-y-you h-h-hungry?"
  3261. <Tangent> Amelia winces at Alexa's retort. "...only if you are. i can wait..." She's a bit hungry, but it won't matter soon, and even if it did...she'll have bigger problems.
  3262. <Overcity-Mall> Kase is at the kitchen helping with breakfast, while the woman was making a set of belgium waffles, Kase was making eight cheese ommelettes, as she looked over and waved to the two. "Morning! Uh, we have breakfast, I finished but I'm making more if you two want." she said with a smile.
  3263. <Overcity-Mall> ...Raspberry is not here. She's probably sleeping. Again.
  3264. <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I a-a-am only h-h-hungry i-if y-y-you are. Ha. Ha ha. W-w-we a-are a-a-at an i-impasse," Alexa smiles thinly, her laugh painfully fake. Looking up at Kase, she blinks slowly. "Th-th-that w-w-will n-n-not b-b-be necessary. N-no m-m-more d-d-delays."
  3265. <Tangent> Amelia cringes, the little newt's eyes fixed on her friend. She's...worried about her being like this. "yeah thanks..." Amelia says to Kase. "have you seen raspberry?"
  3266. <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, I mean we can take it with some plastic plates if you want to eat on the go." she chimed in. "Also nah, I think she's still sleeping." she added, the other newt meanwhile scurrying over with Raspberry behind them, yawning as the newt squeaked up to Alexa. "Ugh... the newt woke me up." she said dully, yawning again. The newt looks up with somewhat hopeful eyes, their tiny stump of a tail
  3267. <Overcity-Mall> wagging just barely... speaking of which, Amelia's is already half regenerated. Huh.
  3268. <Tangent> Amelia's torn between being glad for it not being a bloody stump...and annoyed that she has to be glad about having a tail in the first plate. "hey, raspberry..." Amelia greets, looking to Alexa a bit anxiously.
  3269. <Tangent> She...doesn't really blame raspberry too much. Sure, she screwed up badly...but Alexa's okay now, no thanks to Amelia...And she'd been trying to stop someone evil at the time- so that has to count for something, right? Maybe she just needs guidance...
  3270. <Jran-Kri> "... N-n-no," Alexa shakes her head slowly at Kase. She pulls out a chair with her free hand, slowly sitting down. As she looks at Raspberry, a thin, dark smile creases her face. "W-w-we c-c-can s-s-sit down. G-g-good m-m-m-morning, R-R-Raspberry. Suh-sleep w-w-well?"
  3271. * CensorshipChan has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria
  3272. <Tangent> Amelia's definitely happy by the way she presses herself against Alexa's neck. The closest she can come to a hug right now- and it'd be awkward to say anything about it out loud in her squeaky voice. Still, her actions speak for her.
  3273. <Overcity-Mall> "Yea mostly..." she yawned, as the newt would scurry up the chair to rest on Alexa's other shoulder, sqeuaking quietly to Alexa, as Kase uneasily carries along her oversized ommelette to the table as the motherly woman cuts them all some meals, setting a plate out for Kase, Raspberry, and Alexa... as well as Kase cutting with a butterknife, a tiny set of the same meals, for the two newts, to
  3274. <Overcity-Mall> which the other one at least scurries down to the small plate set with their half.
  3275. <Tangent> Amelia waits just long enough to see Alexa start to eat before joining her fellow newt at the tiny plates.
  3276. <Tangent> "thanks again" she squeaks
  3277. <Jran-Kri> Alexa takes a moment to smile at the newt on her shoulder before it leaves. Like most of her smiles, it is threadbare and crooked. She watches it go placidly. She picks up her utensils in trembling hands, slowly sawing into the omlette. "Th-th-thank y-y-you. Th-th-this is v-v-very n-n-nice."
  3278. <Tangent> Amelia's distracted by nibbling on the food. At least this isn't quite as undignified....
  3279. * flashdrive ( has joined
  3280. * Molbot ( has joined
  3281. * karpafk is now known as Karpinsky
  3282. <Overcity-Mall> "Hehe, I learned how to make ommelettes, toasted bagels, and maccaroni and cheese, I'm a good cook really!" Kase said proudly, as the woman laughed a bit gently, patting her on the head. "You girls will be out for a day or two though? If so, make sure to stay safe, the area here isn't the safest once you get deeper in." the woman said cautiously to the group. "We'll be fine! Really!"
  3283. <Jran-Kri> Alexa slowly shovels food into her mouth. She makes a vaguely agreeable noise, though in truth she doesn't particular taste it. She chews with the thoughtlessness of a goat munching on a can. Swallowing, she nods slowly, though she continues to stare straight ahead of her. "J-j-just f-f-fine. A d-d-day o-o-or tw-two, yes. N-n-no l-longer."
  3284. <Tangent> Amelia looks up from her meal. She feels a knot of worry inside her at Alexa's attitude, but she's fairly sure that's just in her mind....
  3285. <Overcity-Mall> Kase nods a bit, sitting and nibbling at her meal as well, "Right! And we can head out soon as possible, if that's okay?" she said, a bit excited to go with the others at this point, Raspberry nodding a bit meekly too.
  3286. <Jran-Kri> "M-m-m-more than o-o-okay," Alexa practically seethes. She continues to fail to look at anyone else at the table. She shovels the food into her mouth. "A-a-as soon... a-as... p-p-possible."
  3287. <Tangent> Amelia...sighs this time. Then scurries over. Maybe this'll help...She clambers up to Alexa's shoulder again. She's here, she tries to convey. Calm down. Don't worry.
  3288. <Jran-Kri> Alexa swivels her head to keep Amelia in her sights. She swallows before smiling crookedly. Dropping her knife, she raises a hand to lightly pat Amelia on the back.
  3289. <Overcity-Mall> Well, breakfast progresses like that. Unless you want to ask questions, the group would be off soon!
  3290. <Tangent> Amelia sticks with Alexa- though she doesn't ignore the others, they're not her main worry.
  3291. <Jran-Kri> Alexa does not indeed ask any questions, her objective clear. She marches off at the earliest convenience.
  3292. <Overcity-Mall> The group is off! And...
  3293. <Overcity-Mall> ....Well, that seems to be it. Kase wants to stop for lunch, they'd coincidentrally come across the same exact bench and Kase doesn't notice anything wrong as she sits right next to the face, nibbling on a hotdog, before they would be off. The bench still has a look of sheer terror, but unless they stop or detour, the worst they'd run into is the harpy glaring at the folks from the shop, the
  3294. <Overcity-Mall> only fire salamander left in the tank was the one that bit and lit her on fire first.
  3295. <Overcity-Mall> ...The group would arrive at night, but still arrive without anything happening. For once.
  3296. <Tangent> Amelia would scowl at both the bench and the harpy if her face allowed for it. First thing once she's cured, she notes to herself. She's coming right back. She might not have wanted Alexa to have to take a life, but she still has a score to settle...
  3297. <Jran-Kri> Alexa marks down the harpy's continued existence, visibly darkening at the sight of her. The whole way, she is fiercely attentive of Amelia, only letting her out of her sight when she casts her gaze this way and that like a hunted animal.
  3298. <Tangent> ...Well, Alexa's grip is actually a bit reassuring...
  3299. * flashdrive has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  3300. <Overcity-Mall> The shop would indeed be back in sight after just a bit, the door unlocked as it was open, and the witch lady standing at the front desk again.
  3301. <Tangent> "...good work, raspberry..." Amelia hazards, back on her usual perch... "hi" she calls out
  3302. <Jran-Kri> Stepping inside, Alexa is even more visibly exhausted than when she awoke. She almost looks a little embarrassed as she stares at the witch. "P-p-p-potion e-e-expired," she says raggedly, eye twitching. "Need a-a-another."
  3303. <Overcity-Mall> "Ah... well, that's a shame, don't worry I'll get to wo-" she started, before seeing Kase walk in, who was looking around curiously. "Woah, this whole place feels like mama did..." she said curiously, a small smile on her face as the witch simply goes around the stall looking to her... "Uh, hi miss?" "H-hello little one..." she said, kneeling down in some shock...
  3304. <Tangent> "...oh." Amelia'd...almost forgotten. She watches, quietly.
  3305. <Jran-Kri> Alexa sighs. She pats Amelia as she waits for the moment to pass. As far as she's concerned, this is yet another delay.
  3306. <Tangent> ...Being patted by Alexa really isn't all that bad. If she wasn't going to be turned back any minute now, if it wasn't for...everything, that part of this whole mess, Amelia could get used to. She shakes off that random thought and watches.
  3307. * Shavyla (~Shavyla@1D2BD611.95BF240.21EB1DF5.IP) has joined
  3308. <Overcity-Mall> The witch looked to Kase with some teary eyes... yet shook her head, pushing it aside for a bit. Later. The witch would get emotional in a bit... "Right. Cure. One moment..." she said, fetching the bottle from behind the desk and a foul looking plant, snipping a bit off, mixing a bit into a small sake bowl, and holding it out for Amelia to drink... this time it at least didn't taste like
  3309. <Overcity-Mall> death. All the newt would have to do is drink. Unless she didn't.
  3310. <Tangent> A look to Alexa, and the newt scuttles forward. It's been...a long few days. Not all of it was entirely terrible, but she's ready for this to be over. To hug Alexa as herself again. To be a fighter for...something as herself.
  3311. <Overcity-Mall> The solution is still there to be drank, and would be tilted so she could simply drink it again once ready.
  3312. <Tangent> Amelia sticks her snout in and drinks. Moment of truth now...
  3313. * DanTheUnchanging ( has joined
  3314. <Overcity-Mall> ...Nothing. Absolutly. Nothing... "Oh yea right." Kase said simply, going over and giving Amelia a gentle smooch on the forehead, before a sort of 'lightning' feeling would run through the newt, Amelia would rapidly swell, grow, her armor coming off from her and becoming armor once more, her hands and face and everything rapidly reforming back to a humans', hair sprouting back out again, not
  3315. <Overcity-Mall> in the ponytail but instead let down for the moment, and fast enough, Amelia would be once more a magical girl, complete with her power befitting it...
  3316. <Jran-Kri> Alexa pushes down the strange surge of anger when Kase kisses Amelia, ignoring it in favour of watching Amelia return to her proper form. She sighs in relief, her whole body seeming to crumple and wilt as a knot of tension that had been with her for the last several days unwinds itself. She smiles crookedly, feeling almost at ease for the first time since this mess started.
  3317. <Tangent> Amelia gasps for breath, flailing wildly as she reforms, long black hair falling down her back as she shoots upright. "Did worked! Alexa, I'm...hahahaha!" She starts to scramble up, then stumbles- damn you, muscle memory. She gives Alexa a goofy grin and a wave instead. "H-hey, I'm...I'm back..." She manages. "Thanks!" She chirps at Kase, and beams, delighted by the sound of her own voice.
  3318. <Jran-Kri> Stumbling forward, Alexa grins like a loon. She tries to speak, her mouth moving uselessly for several seconds. Then she just lurches another step forward to wrap Amelia in a tight hug.
  3319. <Tangent> Amelia squeaks, then manages to lunge up just enough to pull Alexa down with a hug that's just as tight. " okay?" Amelia whispers.
  3320. <Overcity-Mall> Kase nodded, a bit surprised. "Woah, so wait you weren't a lizard'y person originally? Neat..." she said, a bit shocked at the revelation as she gave a small 'Eep!' at being hugged by the witch gently as well.
  3321. * Indigo (~Indigo@C7E8AC79.556BAC1.E16C3A43.IP) has joined
  3322. <Tangent> "!" Amelia blurts indignantly past Alexa, not letting go of her friend- though she's notably just dismissed her gloves and boots from her outfit and is now barehanded and barefoot. "Jeez, what gave you that idea!"
  3323. <Tangent> She seems to want to chatter as much as possible right now. She beams at the duo, managing to ignore the suddenly overpowering air of corruption around her with Alexa right there in her hug...
  3324. <Jran-Kri> Alexa fails to respond to this question, merely hugging Amelia tighter. A faint whimper escapes her as she buries her face in Amelia's shoulder. She only raises it after several long seconds so she can mumble in Amelia's ear. "I-I-I w-w-was s-so s-s-scared th-that I'd n-n-never s-s-see y-y-you again..."
  3325. * memoo has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3326. <Tangent> Amelia's fingers are in Alexa's hair. It's like she's trying to reassure herself that she has finger and not toes again. "Hey, hey, it's okay...I'm here, it's over..." She murmurs softly. "Besides, it's not like I went anywhere...I was right there..." ...panic attack aside, she remembers with a cringe of shame.
  3327. <Tangent> She strokes Alexa's hair softly, reassuringly. "It's okay..." She tries to reassure her best friend, holding her tightly.
  3328. <Tangent> She wants her to be happy.
  3329. <Overcity-Mall> "Mmm... you're really her child, aren't you. Amani's little one..." "Eh? You know mom?" the two commented quietly, as the witch nodded gently, patting her head. "Mmm. I'll tell you oh so many stories, just... I'm glad at least not everything was lost..." she muttered, as the small cheese girl looked down with a slight smile and blush, befoer looking back to the two quietly, before starting
  3330. <Overcity-Mall> to be carried along upstairs. "Ah, and girls, feel free to stay the night... if not, Raspberry can give you the sheet that can help you along back out, I understand if you want to hurry away as soon as you can, though it would perhaps be risky." she called out, heading upstairs as Raspberry looked back and forth a bit... worriedly scampering along upstairs incase Alexa was still mad.
  3331. <Tangent> And that's when her power flares up. A surge of warmth, of heat- of fire. A declaration of intent. Flaming Ace Paladin Amelia. For Alexa, it's just a sudden surge of warmth.
  3332. <Tangent> *of fiery magic inside her.
  3333. <Tangent> Amelia has her magic back.
  3334. <Tangent> Amelia gives Raspberry a reassuring nod. Or tries to.
  3335. <Tangent> "Yeah, no...I think we've had enough of those for one week...Alexa?" Amelia comments to the Witch. Any animosity she's had towards her is...pretty much gone. Corrupted or not...without her, Amelia'd probably be eating bugs. Or worse. And Alexa...
  3336. <Jran-Kri> There is no feeling more pleasant to Alexa than the warmth of Amelia's magic. She closes her eyes, sighing in relief. Then she takes a deep breath, savouring her scent. She continues to fail to let go. Some part of her wants to demand that the leave this place and never come back. Another wants to stay, but for all the wrong reasons. At last, she just nods, her cheek brushing against Amelia's. "Okay. O-o-okay. Yes.
  3337. <Jran-Kri> S-s-stay," she mumbles, uncaring. All that matters is Amelia in one piece.
  3338. <Tangent> "Okay..." Amelia cuddles her friend for a good while after that.
  3340. ==============
  3342. [22:33] <Overcity-Mall> Well, it is night once more, and Amelia has been de-newt'ed as everyone else is currently upstairs. Things are all set, if you want to get going then they have the directions back out, or you cna stay the night of course... From the handbag the other newt squeaks a bit, curiously as it crawls a bit to peek it's head out.
  3343. [22:35] <Tangent> Amelia stretches, her arm brushing Alexa's hair as she yawns from beside her on the bed. It's...nice. Why hadn't she done this before all this? Either way, at least the worst of this trip's over now...She's never going to let her guard down in the Overcity again, that's for sure...
  3344. [22:36] <Tangent> She freezes at the sight of the newt. "Ah, crap!" She mumbles. "Sorry, I, uh, forgot you"
  3345. [22:36] <Overcity-Mall> The newt simply stares idly at Amelia, tilting it's head.
  3346. [22:36] <Tangent> She looks over to Alexa. "Hey, um, I'm just going to take her back downstairs, see what the shop owner has to say about her..." Corrupt or not...Amelia owes her. Even...partially trusts her. "Come on." She tells the newt, holding out her hand.
  3347. [22:38] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's eye snaps open as Amelia addresses her, indicating that she may not have been quite asleep. She seems mildly annoyed at first, as if unable to understand the importance. Then she jolts to life, rising like a vampire. "O-o-okay. N-n-n-no h-harm i-in it."
  3348. [22:41] == LeftHandofGod_ [~qwebirc@8D9E191A.11C6CDD5.252B1E09.IP] has joined #Overcity
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  3350. [22:45] <Overcity-Mall> Upstairs, rather, but yes.
  3351. [22:45] <Overcity-Mall> (well actually wait, since they're sleeping yea downstairs whoops)
  3352. [22:45] <Overcity-Mall> (My bad)
  3353. [22:45] <Tangent> Amelia pauses halfway down the stairs.
  3354. [22:46] <Overcity-Mall> The fire salamander.... newt. Whatever it was, indeed had gotten onto Amelia's hand, sitting there. It's tail was still a tiny stump compared to how Amelia grew half of her's back so fast, looking around with a slight tremble.
  3355. [22:46] <Jran-Kri> Alexa staggers off of the bed and out, fully intending to follow after Amelia.
  3356. [22:49] <Tangent> "Hey, Alexa, you should go back to sleep..." Amelia half-turns, holding up her free hand a bit as she looks to her friend. "You had a long day. I'll be back in a bit, really..."
  3357. [22:52] <Tangent> She's dropped her transformation- her ratty jeans and hoodie look decidedly worse for wear.
  3358. [22:52] <Jran-Kri> "N-n-no," Alexa says simply, staring at Amelia with a decidedly exasperated gaze. "D-d-don't w-w-want to l-l-let y-y-you out of my s-s-sight." She seems to realize how creepy this sounds, and tacks on another explanation as an afterthought. "A-a-and. T-t-transmutation m-m-magic. F-f-fascinating. W-w-would l-l-like a-a-another o-o-opportunity. To observe."
  3359. [22:53] <Overcity-Mall> The day would seem to be calm enough here, as Kase was sitting beside the witch as she was showing them through more of a scrap book it seemed, Raspberry probably further downstairs manning the desk for the store.
  3360. [22:54] <Tangent> Amelia...doesn't seem to find it creepy by the way she actually goes back up the steps to offer Alexa her free hand. She does, however, blink and then shrug at Alexa's interest in transmutation. Amelia's a bit less thrilled at the idea these days...
  3361. [22:56] <Jran-Kri> Alexa lurches forward, taking Amelia's hand with a thin, crooked smile.
  3362. [22:57] <Tangent> Amelia smiles back at her. "Come on, then. Let's go get her 'transmuted'."
  3363. [22:58] <Tangent> "Hey." Amelia greets the others. "Um, yeah, can you take a look at her?" She asks the witch. "She was a shop with a whole bunch of..." She falters a bit, her grip on Alexa's hand tightening. "Can you check if she's actually a newt?" She finishes instead.
  3364. [22:58] <Jran-Kri> Alexa wheezes, in what is probably supposed to be laughter. "Y-y-yes. I-I l-l-look f-f-forward t-t-to t-t-talking to h-h-her," she says, before clamming up when Amelia addresses the assembled company.
  3365. [22:59] <Tangent> That hadn't been how she'd meant to put it, but she found herself...distracted.
  3366. [22:59] <Tangent> *greets the others. Raspberry gets a wave.
  3367. [23:00] == memoo [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  3368. [23:00] <Overcity-Mall> Kase would look up and wave, as then would Eiditia, who looked to the fire salamander... "Ah, hum. Well... she indeed is like how you were. Although, her case has settled in far more... She can't be changed back, but her mind is clouded still by the magic, the same remedy to return you to normal should apply to her now though. Probably. If I had to guess though, she's been as such for a few
  3369. [23:00] <Overcity-Mall> hundred years now." Eiditia stated, looking back to the others.... Raspberry wasn't here actually, again, downstairs in the actual shop instead of living room. "Though, I can't say it's exactly a newt though. Something like them if nothing else." she muttered. "I'm not a vetenarian."
  3370. [23:02] <Overcity-Mall> Also, whilst you are here: You can spot the scrap book. It seems there's mostly her as a teenager, and a girl that looks like a teenage Kase, together and having fun. A selfie at the book store, silly pictures of messing around together, a picture of one of them falling asleep with icecream spilling from their hand while the other poses, simple things like that.
  3371. [23:04] <Tangent> "...hundred years?" Amelia shudders a bit, looking down at the newt girl in her hand, then nods. "Right. So let's do that..." Her gaze falls on the scrapbook, then to the witch and then Kase. She shuffles in place awkwardly. "Hey, kid..." Amelia looks to her. "Thanks again for the help earlier..."
  3372. [23:05] <Jran-Kri> Alexa nods slowly, barely comprehendingly. She stares at the scrapbook curiously, but tact prevents her from taking it and flipping through it. Her gaze abruptly swivels to Kase. She smiles crookedly. "Y-yuh-yes. Yes. Th-th-thank y-y-you. C-c-c-couldn't have d-d-done it w-w-without you." She snickers, finding this funny, on account of it being literally true.
  3373. [23:07] <Overcity-Mall> "Few hundred. Maybe even thousands... I can't tell if her mind is clouded from that long, or the magic. For her sake, let us hope it is the latter, as the former will not be able to be salvaged any." she stated, setting the newt down if passed over, as she twirled her fingers about and brought over the ingredients needed, mixing up another concoction simply, as Kase looked over with a small
  3374. [23:07] <Overcity-Mall> smile. "Uh, no problem? I mean, without you two I'dve done some bad things. Then probably been caught and uh... more bad things. Or died. Or something." she shrugged gently. "If anything we're even then, but um, I still think you two as heroes if that's okay." she muttered with a small smile.
  3375. [23:10] <Jran-Kri> Alexa snickers, her shoulders trembling from the force of her amusement. She stares at Kase, unblinking, her crooked smile crawling up her face. "J-j-just t-t-trying to d-d-do the r-r-right th-thing," she says softly, scuffing her foot on the floor.
  3376. [23:11] <Tangent> Amelia flushes a bit at that, but recovers and smiles back. "Hey, you needed the help. It was the least I could do..." She'd have rubbed her neck in embarassment but her hands were full. After the mess of this trip, at least she managed to help someone. "I'm okay with even. Just stay safe, alright?"
  3377. [23:13] <Overcity-Mall> "Mmmhmm! Uh, you two also and stuff! I'll grow up and open a shop and then treat you to all kinds of neat stuff, so don't uh, die or something before then!" she said energeically, as the witch gave the small fire salamander or newt the potion, then directed Kase to kiss, which she reluctantly repeated again....
  3378. [23:13] <Overcity-Mall> ...The newt didn't really change. At all. They just squeaked as they quickly looked to Amelia and squirmed a little, though, the look it gave seemed far more sentient than any other glances it gave earlier.
  3379. [23:14] <Jran-Kri> Alexa cranes her head forward in a strangely avian gesture, cocking it this way and that. She stares at the newt. "I-i-is s-s-something w-w-wrong? C-c-c-can it n-n-not be s-s-salvaged?" She inquires, a visible shudder running through her.
  3380. [23:15] <Tangent> Amelia looks down at her. "So, um, you okay?" She asks the newt. Too much to hope for it to just work...Part of her thinks back to all those cages...all those other newts...Her frown deepens a bit.
  3381. [23:15] <Tangent> She doesn't regret stopping Alexa from being a murderer...but that harpy really, really had a lot to answer for.
  3382. [23:17] <Jran-Kri> "... O-o-oh, right. Y-y-you s-s-said it c-c-couldn't..." Alexa grabs her temple, shaking her head as if to clear it. She clears her throat sharply. "S-s-sorry. S-s-still o-o-out of it."
  3383. [23:18] <Tangent> Amelia actually glances over at that. She squeezes Alexa's hand gently. Just enough to remind her that she's there.
  3384. [23:18] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, it's as much as it can be. Her soul is stablilized but this is her true form as it is now, similar would've happened to your friend after about fifty years. Or, if they died as a newt, that also would've been bad." she mentioned, "Not to mention if she had a rough time or was mistreated that would only cut off years of time she had to be turned back, but well..." The newt tries to
  3385. [23:18] <Overcity-Mall> squeak out words, before realizing it was just squeaking, simply resigning to nuzzling it's head on Amelia's hand. Well, at least they aren't too broken up by the news? Hopefully...
  3386. [23:22] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stares at the woman blankly, lightly squeezing Amelia's hand back. Her smile runs away from her face, and it's almost possible to see rusty gears churning in her head. Then Alexa laughs. Just once, a single bark. "R-r-right. R-r-right. Of c-c-course."
  3387. [23:23] <Tangent> Amelia gently pulls her hand free from Alexa to pat the newt. Or tries to. "Sorry..." She tells it with a sigh and sounds like she means it. She looks to the witch. "Hey, I know we owe you a lot already...for everything, mind letting her stay here? If you're alright with that..." She adds, looking to the newt on her last words.
  3388. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> The newt at this shook it's head at the idea, squeaking a bit, as it trembled at the idea. "Well, I would be fine... but I have a feeling they aren't so keen on the sensation of corruption. For good reason, while a human sized person will filter even the levels downstairs out naturally, something her size will just be corrupted by proximity in very short order... Instead, I can give a slight
  3389. [23:26] <Overcity-Mall> spell, free of corruption at least. They can talk with it, if that'll be fine. Unless you really can't take them home with you." she asked the duo.
  3390. [23:30] <Jran-Kri> Alexa continues to stare at her, though the amusement has definitely fled for good this time. Her face twists and scrunches up in thought. "A-a-ah, I-I-I th-think w-w-we m-m-may have the s-s-same p-p-problem, i-i-if on a s-s-smaller scale," she says slowly. "I-I -- W-w-we l-l-live with a... 'c-c-corrupted' g-g-girl. A-a-and the p-p-place h-has h-h-er m-m-magic, um... p-pervading it."
  3391. [23:30] <Jran-Kri> Her distaste for the word 'corrupted' shows in the scowl that mars her face at the usage of it, as if it leaves a bad taste in her mouth.
  3392. [23:31] <Tangent> Amelia listens, then nods, and seems about to speak in the affirmative when Alexa beats her to it. "Oh, damnit, I didn't even think of that..." She remembers that constant feeling on-edge, wanting to set things on fire when around the apartment... She looks down at the newt. "...Let's ask her what she thinks." She sighs.
  3393. [23:34] <Overcity-Mall> "Hmm... well, how corrupted? Being in my presence wont' be that bad for their species, as they have a light regenerative power to them, but being in this house will be." she nodded, tilting her head to Alexa. "Unless they're blatantly going to throw their power around on a hourly basis, you should be fine."
  3394. [23:34] <Overcity-Mall> The newt shivered, but stayed in Amelia's hands.
  3395. [23:35] == CensorshipChan [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.9.2 Aria]
  3396. [23:36] <Overcity-Mall> (As an ooc note: The newt is admitably your intended reward, Jran. If you're worried on them being a character they'll be background/controled as you two want anyway so yea.)
  3397. [23:37] <Jran-Kri> ((Ah, wasn't worried about that at all, but good to know!))
  3398. [23:39] <Jran-Kri> Falling silent again, Alexa stares back at her with that slightly angry look that is apparently her new expression of thoughtfuleness. At last, she nods briskly. "I-I-I'm s-s-sure th-that, ah, th-th-that's n-n-not the c-c-case. Ah, th-then, i-i-it s-should be f-f-fine. I'll g-g-get a t-t-tank."
  3399. [23:39] <Tangent> "Okay then...But let's get you your voice back first." Amelia tells the newt, then looks to Alexa. "Yeah, you'll probably have to talk Kreim into it..."
  3400. [23:39] <Tangent> Amelia pauses afterwards at Alexa's mention of a tank.
  3401. [23:40] <Tangent> "Actually, I think I know just the place." She says flatly, a flash of anger bubbling up inside her. Anger's good. It makes it easier for her to draw on fire. And she's got some stuff to take care of there...
  3402. [23:40] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I w-w-will," Alexa says simply, side-eyeing Amelia. "Sh-sh-she w-w-won't m-m-mind. V-v-very r-r-reasonable." Alexa blinks owlishly at Amelia's outburst. She stares at her for a moment. Then her crooked grin crawls up her face.
  3403. [23:43] <Overcity-Mall> The witch nodded, as she got a small scroll and brought it to the newt, reciting a bit as the newt twitched and passed out... "She'll be fine, for the record, it's just probably not the most comfortable thing to have lungs and a voicebox altered about." she sighed with a bit of a shrug, loooking to the two... "And hmm now?"
  3404. [23:44] <Tangent> "Harpy running a petshop really, really liked...tails. Eating them. And didn't care that the newts were PEOPLE." Amelia scowls. "After what she did to her, the least she owes her is a tank."
  3405. [23:44] <Tangent> Despite her words, more than a bit of anger and spite leaks into her voice.
  3406. [23:45] <Tangent> She clearly hasn't forgiven or forgotten her own mutilation and trauma.
  3407. [23:46] <Jran-Kri> Alexa hums lowly, watching Amelia with a terrible light shining in her eyes. Bobbing her head slowly, she begins breathing heavily. "Y-y-yes, yes. M-m-monster. T-t-terrible w-w-woman," Alexa agrees. Her face twists in startling rage a moment later. "H-h-had the o-o-opportunity t-t-to s-s-stop her. P-p-permanently."
  3408. [23:47] <Tangent> Amelia reaches over, her hand touching Alexa's arm. She shakes her head, Alexa's state shaking her out of her anger. "She...she isn't worth it, Alexa. I...I don't want something like *that* to make you a murderer...You're better than that."
  3409. [23:48] <Overcity-Mall> "Ah... Oh! That's what she is, those tails are quite the delicacy you know, so she's a fire salamander, hmm." she nodded, tilting her head to the newt. "Well, don't worry too much, fire salamanders can naturally detatch their tails with no pain after a few weeks, it's somewhat like molting or sheding, so she should be fine to make some for you two to have. They're quite delicious, and if
  3410. [23:48] <Overcity-Mall> eaten raw, can grant a small boost in magical potency of their element. In the case of a fire salamander, a bit of ability to cast fire magic for a short bit." The witch explained with a smile and nod... "Though uh, if she knew that and still did that, then that certainly is quite corrupt. But I suppose normal for the more cutthroat of this mall..." she sighed and shrugged.
  3411. [23:50] <Tangent> "But that's...that's monstrous. How's that normal?" Amelia shakes her head, all full of righteous indignation.
  3412. [23:51] <Jran-Kri> "W-w-w-well, c-c-can't kill her n-now, now c-c-can I?" Alexa says. The fire in her eyes burns low, her rage contained for the most part. "W-w-would need y-y-you t-t-to f-f-fight my b-b-battle again." Turning to the woman, her lip curls derisively, but she says nothing.
  3413. [23:52] <Tangent> Amelia pats Alexa's arm, as much for her own reassurance as for Alexa's...
  3414. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, the central mall is quite upright. Security and standards, but somewhere along the line, security grew weak and uncontroled in this section. A missing guard here, an entire station disappearing there... and eventually the mall itself stopped protecting this area. It makes for a decent place to live on your own, but, well, some that will use anyone that will not grant them wealth will
  3415. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> opt to make wealth from the person involved. The mall itself isn't much opposed to that, although that's a bit of a guilty pleasure for me to watch so I'm not really one to be able to criticize it..." she said simply, shrugging as she sat down again. "...Also, that is quite insulting to the Blue Wing, monsterous beings are quite civilized without corruption messing with their minds, but
  3416. [23:54] <Overcity-Mall> admitably most humans won't give them the chance. It's probably the other safest place beyond the central mall, if you care to visit later."
  3417. [23:55] <Jran-Kri> "G-g-good to kn-know," Alexa says slowly, that thoughtful look crossing her face again, momentarily throwing water on the embers burning behind her eyes. "B-B-Blue W-W-Wing. R-r-right. I-I'll h-h-have to... ch-check that out."
  3418. [23:57] <Tangent> Amelia frowns, but nods. "I guess I'll just have to keep an eye out for anything else like...that."
  3419. [23:59] <Overcity-Mall> "Mmm. Well, at any rate, anything else I can help you two girls with before you two wish to head back? Last questions or otherwise? I'll help little Kase home, don't need to worry on that." she added with a simple nod.
  3420. [00:00] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I th-th-think we're f-f-fine," Alexa stammers, nodding briskly. She glances at Amelia for confirmation. "Th-thank you f-f-for a-a-all your h-help."
  3421. [00:00] <Tangent> "...You, um, beat me to it." Amelia admits sheepishly. "...Hey, um, what'd it take to fix someone who got stuck as a bench?"
  3422. [00:00] <Tangent> *admits sheepishly to the shop owner, then nods to Alexa.
  3423. [00:00] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's gaze darkens at the memory of that poor girl, a grimace flitting across her face.
  3424. [00:00] <Tangent> Another arm pat.
  3425. [00:05] == Poplartree has changed nick to AFKtree
  3426. [00:10] <Overcity-Mall> "Well, if nothing else, the sheet that'll lead you along out to the nexus portals has my phone number, feel free to call if you need. Provided you can get cell service via the overcity..." The witch nodded with a wave... before blinking. "Ah, and if you mean someone who's befallen the fate of construction work? That's a somewhat common shop around here, they'll usually charge based on what
  3427. [00:10] <Overcity-Mall> the person owns, but if they don't have any magical coins on their person, or enough to get a profit they care for, then you may have to pay for that. If they aren't of sufficient magical power, about the same level of you magical girls or a bit lower, then they would however not have enough magical potential to keep their soul bound to an object and you'll only get a corpse. And no, I won't
  3428. [00:10] <Overcity-Mall> be able to figure that out if you brought me a bench... did you have a third friend that met such horrible fate?" she asked curiously.
  3429. [00:13] <Tangent> "Nah. We just had a surprise at lunch..."
  3430. [00:13] <Tangent> ...She's going to have a word with Raspberry before they go.
  3431. [00:13] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-yes," Alexa recalls, slowly nodding. A small shudder runs through her, though her gaze is steady. "Y-y-yes. H-how could I have f-f-forgotten? I s-s-saw that f-f-face, and..." She trails off. "Let's g-g-go."
  3432. [00:14] == Alia [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  3433. [00:14] == Gaial [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  3434. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> "Hmm. Well, regardless, if you do intend on taking them along, and it takes you out of this section, here." she said, handing them a faded sort of pricetag. "...Just tie this on. Anyone questioning why you're carrying a bench won't if they thought you bought it." she said simply, before also taking the sheet with the phone number and guidance back out for the two girls. "Safe travels, you
  3435. [00:15] <Overcity-Mall> two!"
  3436. [00:16] <Tangent> "...Thanks." Amelia nods. "Hey, Alexa, I'm going to talk to Raspberry before we go, alright?"
  3437. [00:17] <Jran-Kri> "... Ha. Ha ha. Ha," Alexa says, her crooked smile once again lighting up her face. She takes the pricetag, shoving it into her handbag. "Yes. Th-thank you. G-g-good... Ah." She turns to Amelia, staring at her incomprehendingly. "I-i-if y-y-you w-w-wish."
  3438. [00:17] == IWBTG [] has joined #Overcity
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  3440. [00:18] == Shavyla [~Shavyla@9024450C.69409CEE.21EB1DF5.IP] has joined #Overcity
  3441. [00:18] <Tangent> "It won't take long, okay?" Amelia gives her another reassuring pat, glancing to the newt before looking for Raspberry.
  3442. [00:19] <Overcity-Mall> Raspberry looked a bit bored, as she waved off a short purple fellow who was leaving with a black bag, standing at the cash register as she looked over to the two, "O-oh uh, morning you two."
  3443. [00:20] <Overcity-Mall> Also the newt was still passed out, probably in the handbag unless still carried by Amelia.
  3444. [00:21] <Jran-Kri> Alexa staggers after her. Though the sullen look on her face testifies to her displeasure, she waits seemingly patiently.
  3445. [00:22] <Tangent> "Hey, Raspberry. Morning." She takes a deep breath. "So, hard feelings for...Yeah. You know. You messed up. It happens, and you helped fix it. Just don't mess with curses again, alright?" She lectures.
  3446. [00:23] <Jran-Kri> Alexa glowers.
  3447. [00:27] <Overcity-Mall> She sighs, nodding a bit as she tries to keep her distance from Alexa. "Y-yea... but I mean, what about that girl? She'll be back at school if summer vacation ends and I mean, she'll only get STRONGER so I mean, I need to do something before then." she muttered.
  3448. [00:30] <Jran-Kri> The gears in the diminutive mage's head visibly churn and catch against each other as her brow furrows. She closes her eyes, face scrunching up in thought. "... D-d-do h-h-her s-s-sins outweigh y-y-yours? Th-that is wh-what y-you m-must a-ask."
  3449. [00:30] <Tangent> "I'll help. Seriously." Amelia actually nudges Alexa at her remark. "Not helping..." she mutters.
  3450. [00:31] <Jran-Kri> Turning to Amelia, Alexa's eyes snap open. She narrows them. "What." It sounds more like a statement than a question.
  3451. [00:32] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa. "She's right that the girl needs to be stopped, even if cursing her back's not the way to do it..."
  3452. [00:32] == AFKtree has changed nick to Poplartree
  3453. [00:33] <Jran-Kri> Taking a moment to take a deep breath and think back on exactly what the girl did that was so heinous, Alexa slowly, laboriously nods. "Y-y-yes. M-m-misuse of m-m-magic. D-d-dreadful. F-f-fine. H-h-how a-a-are y-y-you g-g-going to resolve the s-s-situation?"
  3454. [00:34] <Tangent> "I'm going to hit her with a sword." Amelia says, deadpan.
  3455. [00:34] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh... well, curse her back and... well master says killing her would fix it but I mean, I can.... mayyyybe force her to reverse the spells if I hold that curse over her head? Or something...?" she said, frowning. "I didn't really think of it too much admitably but... y-yea." she sighed.
  3456. [00:34] <Tangent> *until she turns them back.
  3457. [00:36] <Jran-Kri> Alexa looks quite surprised at this, but, notably, not at all appalled. "I-I-I s-s-see. U-u-um. Hmm. Th-th-this... Hmm... D-d-does h-her c-c-cruelty n-n-necessitate m-m-murder? Hmm. A-a-abuse of h-h-her f-f-fellow m-man. Hmm. A-as m-m-much as the h-h-harpy? N-no. B-b-but... Hmm. I-I m-m-may n-n-need to c-c-consult scripture," Alexa rubs her chin, looking away and shuffling in place.
  3458. [00:38] <Tangent> "Like I said, I'll help. If she didn't take you seriously before, she won't now. I don't want to kill her for...yeah..." Amelia glances over to Alexa. "Hey, you don't need to doublecheck the Bible to know if something's wrong...It shouldn't come to that."
  3459. [00:40] <Overcity-Mall> "She's cursed a lot of folks and stuff. There'd be a lot of folks saved if she just, well... dies. But I mean, That'd be horrible to fix it that way so... yea."
  3460. [00:41] <Jran-Kri> Narrowing her eyes, Alexa turns back to Amelia. There is a strange fanaticism in her eyes that dwarfs anything Amelia has seen before. "O-o-of c-c-course you do. Th-th-that's wh-where a-a-all m-morality d-d-derives," the ghost of a smile flits across her face. "O-o-oh, I-I s-s-see. N-n-not killing h-her. Um... W-w-well," she inclines her head at Raspberry. "M-m-mercy g-grabs the h-h-hand of r-r-righteousness."
  3461. [00:41] <Tangent> Amelia frowns. "I'll help deal with it. us, okay? I'll write our number down."
  3462. [00:41] == Jar_Mimic [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  3463. [00:45] <Overcity-Mall> "R-right..." she nodded with a simple sigh, shrugging. "Just uh, careful if or when that comes to it, kay?" she muttered, as she simply would take the number...
  3464. [00:47] <Jran-Kri> "... O-o-of c-c-course," Alexa says simply, coming out of her reverie with a start.
  3465. [00:47] <Tangent> "Hey, I can handle it, no problem!" She gives Raspberry a thumbs up, a bit worried...but then she knows Alexa's always been religious...
  3466. [00:49] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stares at Amelia dubiously, but says nothing.
  3467. [00:49] <Overcity-Mall> She would nod a bit... "Erm, well, right... uh, take care you two. Hopefully I'll see you two again and um... not as a newt, pillow, furniture, wall mural or otherwise..." she said with a slight sigh.
  3468. [00:51] <Tangent> Amelia winces. "Yeah, that's not going to happen..."
  3469. [00:52] <Jran-Kri> A low, shaky sigh leaves Alexa, though judging by her crooked grin, it's probably meant to be laughter. "Y-y-yes. H-here's h-h-hoping. G-g-goodbye... R-R-Raspberry."
  3470. [00:53] <Tangent> "See you later, alright?" Amelia waves at Raspberry.
  3471. [00:54] <Overcity-Mall> "Take care you two!" she called with a slight sigh and smile as they exited.
  3472. [00:54] <Overcity-Mall> ...So, out of the mall? Or making some detours~?
  3473. [00:54] <Ralphone> (PLEASE NO DETOURS)
  3474. [00:55] <Ralphone> (-Lotte's ghost)
  3475. [00:55] <Tangent> ...Just going to go back to that petshop.
  3476. [00:55] <Jran-Kri> ((; ~ ;7))
  3477. [00:55] <Jran-Kri> Alexa plods along after Amelia. "S-s-so. W-w-we are p-p-paying the h-h-harpy a v-v-visit, y-y-yes?" Alexa asks, her eyes lighting up as they go.
  3478. [00:58] <Tangent> "Hey, we need to get a tank. And a bench. And I want a word with...her."
  3479. [00:58] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@4B352543:4ABF6C37:7049B3F2:IP] has joined #Overcity
  3480. [01:00] <Jran-Kri> "G-g-good. G-g-good..." Alexa arches her eyebrows at the mention of the bench, but moves right on. "H-h-have you r-r-reconsidered?"
  3481. [01:03] <Overcity-Mall> The path is simple enough, turn here, go here and... well, down the way there, you can recognize the mattress store. They're selling new pillows, but oddly one of the displays is empty.
  3482. [01:03] <Overcity-Mall> Perhaps they lost it somehow or somewhere
  3483. [01:03] <Tangent> Amelia looks over to Alexa. "...Alexa, we can't just kill people like that...It's wrong." She scowls. "Actually..."
  3484. [01:04] <Tangent> "Watch my back, okay? We're burning this place down. For good."
  3485. [01:05] == Jar_Mimic [] has joined #Overcity
  3486. [01:06] <Jran-Kri> Alexa seems fit to argue with Amelia over this point, her face scrunching up and her eye twitching sharply. Instantly, she is relieved when she looks at the mattress store. "Y-y-yes. G-g-good. N-now y-y-you're m-m-making s-sense."
  3487. [01:07] <Tangent> Amelia lets her magic *flare* up. A glance to the pillows before she takes action...
  3488. [01:08] <Overcity-Mall> None move around. Hopefully none of them are alive... right?
  3489. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> There's a robot standing at the cash register, who oblivious to what is going to happen, waves and calls out, "Greetings customers! May I help you two find anything?" it calls out
  3490. [01:09] <Tangent> Amelia shakes her head and throws her fireball right in. Right at the robot's face.
  3491. [01:09] <Overcity-Mall> . . . You can notice the now no longer smoldering remains of the other robot still laying on the ground in the distance.
  3492. [01:10] <Tangent> She keeps throwing fireballs. At everything.
  3493. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> And boom goes the robot's head.
  3494. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> Fireballs set the store on fire
  3495. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> If anything WAS alive in there
  3496. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> They probably aren't anymore.
  3497. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> The fire starts to blaze quickly, as everything is quite very much flamable
  3498. [01:10] <Overcity-Mall> And fortunatly the pillows in the display showcase aren't squirming in pain. In the FAR far back maybe one is
  3499. [01:11] <Ralphone> (I wonder if they realize a new mattress store will appear somewhere in the mall anyway and this doesn't do much of anything)
  3500. [01:11] <Overcity-Mall> But well, too bad for that pillow. Person. Hopefully just pillow.
  3501. [01:11] <Jran-Kri> Alexa has a look on her face that borders on the euphoric. Her knees shake as she watches the inferno, a shaky sigh leaving her. She takes a deep breath, savouring the smell of fire.
  3502. [01:11] <Overcity-Mall> ...A sprinkler system starts from above to start to try to extinguish the fire
  3503. [01:11] <Overcity-Mall> It's not really working too well.
  3504. [01:11] <Tangent> ...She has to make sure. Amelia throws a fireball up and dashes in.
  3505. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> The fireball blows up and makes more fire Dashing off where?
  3506. [01:12] <Tangent> The suspicious pillow.
  3507. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> As she gets closer, the pillow is indeed screaming
  3508. [01:12] <Overcity-Mall> And on fire. Whoops.
  3509. [01:13] <Jran-Kri> "... Y-y-y-you I-I-IDIOT!" Alexa wails, torn from her reverie. After a moment, she chases after Amelia.
  3510. [01:13] <Overcity-Mall> Fortunatly it's the only thing that is.
  3511. [01:13] <Tangent> "SHIT SHIT SHIT." Amelia channels her magic, *smothering* the flames. [Fire branded, reduces fire damage.]
  3512. [01:13] <Tangent> "ALEXA, HELP!" Amelia screams.
  3513. [01:14] <Overcity-Mall> Well, the pillow is no longer burning
  3514. [01:15] <Overcity-Mall> They also stopped screaming. They're losing quite a bit of fluff as it just falls out of the hole now created... wait does that even matter?
  3515. [01:16] <Jran-Kri> Alexa says nothing. Her staff appears with a flick of the wrist, the crystal ball at the end of the gnarled wood glowing brightly. She quickly attempts to stitch the pillow back together, although she's really not sure her magic works like this. [Miracle Worker]
  3516. [01:16] <Tangent> "Alexa!" Amelia calls again, face twisting in a mix of shock, horror, and self-disgust. She didn', that's not right. She'd been too scared to let herself think about if there were other people. This place...what it'd done to Alexa had gotten to her. It'd broken her. And now someone else's paying the price for that.
  3517. [01:17] <Overcity-Mall> Fortunatly it mends it. The flesh part at least, of the pillow's skin, as the hole seals up. "Uuughhh..." the pillow weakly moans. Well, at least they're not dead. A part of the ceiling comes crashing down dangerously close to you two... three... four ifwe count a newt? It might be best to leave. However, there is a... suspicious dust storm that is now forming just outside the store.
  3518. [01:18] <Overcity-Mall> It's hard to make out over the roar of the fire
  3519. [01:18] <Overcity-Mall> But it sounds like the sounds of construction.
  3520. [01:18] <Tangent> "Damnit. Damnit, damnit, damnit..."
  3521. [01:18] <Tangent> Amelia looks. She's already started. If there's no one else here that ehe can see....
  3522. [01:19] <Tangent> If there isn't anyone else trapped that she can see or help...she gestures for Alexa to run and then just cuts loose once she has the pillow.
  3523. [01:20] <Tangent> Fire literally pours from her, bright blue-white and cutting like a blowtorch.
  3524. [01:20] <Tangent> "Alexa, just run! I'll catch up!"
  3525. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> There's nothing else
  3526. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> Either they've burnt up already
  3527. [01:21] <Overcity-Mall> Or they were the only one
  3528. [01:22] <Overcity-Mall> Also, that duststorm seems to be pretty dangerous, as a warning if Alexa is going to try leaving.
  3529. [01:23] <Tangent> Amelia winces, then runs. At the doorway, she throws one last fireball in out of spite, pillow in hand. "Hey, hang in there, we'll get you back..." She tells the pillow, voice guilty.
  3530. [01:23] <Jran-Kri> Alexa looks like she's going to pop a blood vessel, staring at Amelia, and then the dust-storm outside, with nothing short of murderous rage. It's a remarkably ugly look on her. With a flick of the staff, a large barrier forms around her and the pillow, trying to keep out the fire. [Golden Bubble]
  3531. [01:24] <Jran-Kri> "GETBACKHEREYOUIDIOT!" Alexa suddenly screams after Amelia, through the shimmering red energy.
  3532. [01:24] <Overcity-Mall> The fire is burning quite well
  3533. [01:24] <Overcity-Mall> Magical cotton and fluff makes excelent fire kindling
  3534. [01:25] <Overcity-Mall> ...Infact that bed in the back just exploded. quite litearly
  3535. [01:25] <Tangent> ...Hopefully nothing more.
  3536. [01:25] <Overcity-Mall> Wait, that's not a good thing if you're still inside
  3537. [01:25] <Tangent> What's it like outside? They're at the doorway.
  3538. [01:25] <Overcity-Mall> The outside is still a storm of construction hammers, saws, drills and otherwise, very frantic construction and the occasional powertool flying by in the storm could be seen.
  3539. [01:25] <Jran-Kri> ((Amelia is at the doorway, Alexa decided to stay behind because of the storm))
  3540. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> The doorway and up to about the front counter, not including behind it which is QUITE on fire and with a half exploded robot, is safe from fire
  3541. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> ...for now...
  3542. [01:26] <Overcity-Mall> ...The fire is spreading fairly quickly.
  3543. [01:27] == Karpinsky [~Karpinsky@4B352543:4ABF6C37:7049B3F2:IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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  3545. [01:29] <Jran-Kri> Alexa stubbornly hunkers down in her barrier, trusting it to weather the firestorm. Or just too enraged to move.
  3546. [01:31] <Tangent> Fire? Amelia can do fire. She summons up what fire she can of her own and tears at as much of the existing flames as she can. For all that she swings her sword...she gets fire. Can throw it. Can channel it. And yes, even control it. Somewhat. She might suffocate, she might have the roof fall in...But she can make it so they won't burn quite as easily.
  3547. [01:32] == Mira [~Mira@3851189:AFCB6D08:A7716222:IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  3548. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> The fire is slowed as such, but it is slowly spreading, creeping close to consume the two girls, the newt and pillow... and outside threatens to leave them objects or flooring. It's a bad situation one way or another. At least until outside ALSO bursts into fire.... green flames, this time actually. More specifically, the construction is seemingly exploded, as the shop's glass windows all
  3549. [01:33] <Overcity-Mall> explode inward, and a green inferno is consuming the storm, and somehow... a path is left. A path leading back out to the rest of the mall, to safety.
  3550. [01:34] <Tangent> "...Run!" Amelia yells at Alexa.
  3551. [01:35] <Jran-Kri> As infuriated as Alexa is, she is forced to recognize that bunkering down is not an acceptable strategy -- and, seeing an opportunity, dismisses the barrier and books it, pillow in tow.
  3552. [01:35] <Tangent> Amelia's right with her!
  3553. [01:36] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa and the pillow escape quick enough... but to get in the way of Amelia, after Alexa does, the flames somewhat move. Blocking her off, and her off alone with.... what seems to be a woman's shape. Of fire. All of blazing fire.... it stands there staring at Amelia.
  3554. [01:38] <Jran-Kri> Alexa bursts out of the store, grinding to a halt. She casts only a cursory glance outside to make sure she didn't rush into a firing squad or something equally dangerous, before whirling around to begin chewing out Amelia. Then she realizes that Amelia is not with her. She stares back into the store, flashbacks and fury warring in an effort to give her a heart attack.
  3555. [01:38] <Tangent> Amelia shakes her head. "Who are you?" She demands, sword in hand and straightening. Her hair and mantle ripple around her in the heat and wind. "What do you want?"
  3556. [01:38] <Overcity-Mall> Well
  3557. [01:38] <Overcity-Mall> Alexa can see the flamy figure standing between them, along with a wall of fire...
  3558. [01:39] <Tangent> Alexa's out of the way, at least. Safe. Just Amelia and whoever this woman is.
  3559. [01:40] <Overcity-Mall> The figure simply stares to her... reaching out slowly. The flames on the hand going out to reveal bones, bleached and somewhat singed... if allowed, they would gently, simply pat Amelia on the head quietly. Well, attempt to, as the fingertips and wrist would limply dangle and make it awkward at best.... before backing away, throwing down something. That familiar fire and lightning sword....
  3560. [01:40] <Overcity-Mall> before the womanly figure moves aside, as the firewall seperating her and Alexa also faded, leaving a path with a warm to the touch blade rigght between the path.
  3561. [01:40] <Overcity-Mall> ...If the arm was cut off or something, well, they 'd just skip to getting out of the way and givin ghtem the sword.
  3562. [01:41] <Jran-Kri> Alexa could scream if her jaw didn't just lock up, along with the rest of her. She lets the pillow fall, kicking it roughly away from the store. She stares at the flaming figure. She thinks she's about to have a heart attack. Thankfully, she is able to breathe again when the figure peaceably lets Amelia pass.
  3563. [01:41] <Tangent> Amelia...gapes. She's not a monster- she wouldn't attack someone she doesn't know who hasn't done anything hostile, not even to get to Alexa...but she definitely wasn't expecting...bones. Or a headpat from the spooky skeleton.
  3564. [01:43] <Tangent> "I...You...You saved us?" She blurts, her sword wavering. "W-what are..." Another glance to the figure and she decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Not looking away from the stranger, she stumbles towards Alexa.
  3565. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> The bone hands once they receded set ablaze again. It points to the sword. Wordlessly, the sensation of communication passes through as if the fire's crackling itself was to say it. Take. Run.
  3566. [01:43] <Overcity-Mall> ...Apperantly the sword is a gift, if Amelia cares to take it with. The fire doesn't seem to be spreading even remotely close to the two, despite how long it's blazing. And green.
  3567. [01:45] <Tangent> A glance to the store. A glance to the storm. A confused, wide-eyed nod, and she picks up the sword as prompted, despite her confusion. " heard her, right?" Amelia blurts, giving Alexa a disapproving look as she rescues the pillow too. "Let's...let's go." A confused last look to the strange figure. Who...who is that? Why'd she- or is that it- help them? Then, once Alexa runs, she runs.
  3568. [01:46] <Jran-Kri> Alexa does not speak until they are some distance from the store. In fact, a good long way. She runs in total silence, and once the store is out of view, she starts marching. "Wh-wh-what was th-th-that." She demands.
  3569. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> As she looks back, the fire figure aims a hand at the store Amelia was burning, Then another to the other stores, even if they are all closed or empty lots... green blazes seem to build up. Before fireballs, rather, a streak of green and white light is launched at the two spots, and gigantic, errupting explosions rattle out, shaking the ground as the two run away, the fire would move aside
  3570. [01:48] <Overcity-Mall> if they lose their footing thankfully, but the path behind Amelia would close up with fire... and as the two got far enough, construction would overtake some of the edges of the flames. Sealing off the area, with a simple "Pardon our dust!" sign stating to take a detour, and the path around this area.
  3571. [01:48] <Tangent> "I...I don't know." Amelia stammers, clutching the sword like a lucky charm. "But...but I don't think she was...human. Or at least...alive. Hey, pillow...are you...are you okay?"
  3572. [01:51] <Overcity-Mall> It coughs out a smoke cloud. "Ow. Yes. Thanks." they say... before seeming to reshape a bit, reinflating, into a.... well, kinda creature? It's body had it's face, but it sprouted small stubby arms with tiny hands and feet to waddle around. "I-I lost a lot of fluff though, oww... um... I'll be fine though, thank you two. They thought I was a pi- cough! Pillow. ow." it said in a bit of a
  3573. [01:51] <Overcity-Mall> androgenous, high pitch voice, as they coughed up a bit of smoke again.
  3574. [01:53] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I w-w-wasn't t-talking a-a-about th-the e-e-elemental," Alexa hisses. She stops abruptly, turning to glare down at the rescued pillow. She breathes heavily. "O-o-oh. I-I-I s-s-see. I-I-I w-w-w-w-was t-t-t-t-t-t -- " Alexa shudders, and seems to seize up; her shoulders bunch up as her hands shake, suddenly grasping at herself. She takes a moment to collect herself. "W-w-w-were y-y-you n-n-not t-t-turned i-i-into th-this?"
  3575. [01:54] <Tangent> Amelia winces, though whether at Alexa or the pillow's words is unclear. "Yeah...sorry about the fire..." she mumbles to the pillow first, seeing as Alexa's talking to it.
  3576. [01:56] <Overcity-Mall> "Um... kinda? They took away my arms and legs. And then every time I tried leaving they put me back there." they said back up to them. "Uh, I'm fine now though, just need to eat a good meal of fluff and cotton..." they said, confidently. "Why, it's not like a non-plushie being would be able to be sold there, right?"
  3577. [01:57] <Jran-Kri> "... Th-th-th-they --" Alexa breaks off again, shuddering. Her hands are shaking like she just stuck a fork in an electrical socket. A cold sweat breaks out on her forehead. "N-n-nevermind. G-g-go. E-e-eat. G-g-go. D-d-do... wh-whuh-whatever. T-t-take c-c-care."
  3578. [01:58] <Tangent> Amelia exchanges looks with Alexa. "...Right." She shakes her head. "So...there was no one else there? Okay." She looks to Alexa, concerned, then to the pillow. "'re okay? Just the way you are? You don't...need help or anything?"
  3579. [01:59] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, I don't think so?" the plushie said simply. "And uh, yea, I'm fine, thanks for saving me. Kinda... I thought I was gonna die though." they sqeuaked out nervously.
  3580. [02:00] <Tangent> "Okay." Amelia exhales. "No problem. Well, if you're okay..." Amelia shakes her head. "Wait. Anything else you know about that store? Who ran it?"
  3581. [02:01] <Overcity-Mall> "Nope, just robots. I'm pretty sure you two can look them up though somewhere?"
  3582. [02:03] <Jran-Kri> This talk of who owns the store causes Alexa's sullen rage and nervous fear to abate, replaced by a trembling, excited fury. Her eyes light up. "O-o-oh? Wh-wh-where?"
  3583. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> (For the record by the way: I'll tell you your rewards now. Alexa has gotten a pet fire salamander! That can generate a salamander tail for her to eat every 2 weeks, that expires 2 weeks after being split off. It will grant the eater 4 hp and 4 mp heal, and for 3 rounds access to the fire tree. Amelia meanwhile has gotten a sword, that similar to her current one, is a dual weapon of
  3584. [02:03] <Overcity-Mall> Enchanted/Duelist, Mystic/Melee. It however can shoot off, twice a day, a lightning spell. It uses the user's mana and can technically grant fire spells too, but that's kinda redundant of a boon. You'll have to attune your power to it instead of your normal sword, so only one will be your magical weapon, the other will be left as a 'normal' magical weapon till re-attuned back.)
  3585. [02:04] == Eprlide [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
  3586. [02:04] <Overcity-Mall> "I dunno, there's places. I heard there's a massive library like this place is a bunch of stores, or you can check in at another one of those shops? I haven't visited any... and I don't think I will be any time soon, back to the arts and crafts stores for me." They said simply, dusting off the soot from them with stubby arms.
  3587. [02:05] <Tangent> "Right. Good luck with that." Amelia frowns. More stores that think it's okay to trap people and sell them...
  3588. [02:06] <Jran-Kri> "... Th-th-this is a m-m-m-modern S-S-Sodom and G-G-G-Gomorrah," Alexa says, though it is not the first time the thought entered her mind. She gently sets the pillow down. "G-g-goodbye. G-g-good l-l-luck."
  3589. [02:07] <Overcity-Mall> It raises their little arm as they waved a bit, "If I see you two again, I'll treat you two to some cotton candy! See ya!" they said, waddling off to another part of the mall...
  3590. [02:07] <Tangent> Amelia nods, looking to Alexa. A guilty wave to the departing pillow.
  3591. [02:07] <Tangent> Amelia looks to Alexa. She doesn't say anything at first....
  3592. [02:08] <Tangent> She's still holding the sword in one hand.
  3593. [02:09] <Jran-Kri> Alexa looks down at the sword. She stares at it for a moment. "... N-n-no m-m-more h-h-half m-m-measures," she declares. Turning on her heel, she marches off.
  3594. [02:10] <Tangent> "A-alexa, wait!" Amelia stumbles after her. "I...I'm sorry I...messed up..."
  3595. [02:11] <Overcity-Mall> ....Well, that detour aside, and the fact the plushie seemed a bit deflated, the pet store is on the way. If they still wanted to go.
  3596. [02:12] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-yes. Y-y-you d-d-did," ALexa says bluntly, staring straight ahead of her. Her hands are still shaking. "Y-y-you sh-sh-should've l-l-looked b-b-before y-y-you s-started. O-o-once y-y-you d-d-did -- sh-should've c-c-committed."
  3597. [02:13] <Tangent> Amelia winces, but reaches for Alexa. "I...You're right. I didn't think. I was...I was...scared and angry after...after what it did...last time." She admits, voice going quiet. "And...and you could have gotten killed. Because of me. You're right."
  3598. [02:14] <Tangent> Somehow, the idea of punching the harpy's lost some of its appeal right now.
  3599. [02:14] <Tangent> ...But that bench is still there.
  3600. [02:14] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-yes. I-I-I w-w-was, too," Alexa softens her glower, turning towards Amelia. She takes her hand, squeezing it. "I-i-it's o-o-okay. Y-y-you're about t-t-to m-m-make it u-up t-t-to me."
  3601. [02:15] <Tangent> "H-huh? Okay. I mean, yeah, sure, what do you want, Alexa?"
  3602. [02:16] <Tangent> Amelia looks almost pathetically eager to make it up to Alexa as she looks down at her friend.
  3603. [02:19] <Jran-Kri> Alexa takes a deep breath, staring at Amelia with a grim light in her eyes. "Y-y-you're g-g-going t-t-to f-f-fix my m-m-mistake, a-a-and w-w-we're g-g-going to kill that harpy and b-b-burn her sh-shop down."
  3604. [02:20] <Tangent> She...she can't have heard right. Alexa can't still want to...she doesn't know what she's saying. She wouldn't...Amelia feels the blood leave her face even as she hears a rushing in her ears. She actually seems to stagger, staring at Alexa. "B-but...W-what?" She says, numbly. "Alexa...*why*?"
  3605. [02:24] <Jran-Kri> Alexa breaks her grip on Amelia's hand to wrap her hands around Amelia's biceps, staring into her eyes. A confused, manic look sweeps across her face. "D-d-didn't y-y-you s-s-say y-y-you w-w-wanted to r-r-r-rough h-h-her u-u-up? F-f-for wh-wh-what she DIDTOYOU?!" Alexa suddenly shouts, her stammer vanishing in the burst of rage that disappears just as quickly. "I-I-I m-m-made a m-m-mistake! MERCYGRABSTHEHANDOFRIGHTEOUSNESS.
  3606. [02:24] <Jran-Kri> C-c-correct it, n-n-now that I-I c-c-can't."
  3607. [02:25] == Aristocat [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  3608. [02:27] <Tangent> "I...N-no, did the r-right saved the people she...she had trapped...But killing her...when we didn't have to and she was h-helpless...Alexa, that's murder. I mean...she hurt people, so she should pay for that but...Murder? Alexa...You...I don't get what you're thinking." She stammers.
  3609. [02:30] <Jran-Kri> Alexa's breathing grows more ragged and intense, her eyes all but bugging out of her skull. Her grip on Amelia's arms tightens, though the lack of power in it is palpable. "Wh-wh-what i-i-if sh-she t-t-takes m-m-more?! Sh-sh-she t-t-took y-y-you f-f-from me..." Alexa trails off, tears springing to her eyes. "Sh-sh-she TOOK y-y-you! I-I w-w-was s-s-so s-s-scared a-a-and s-s-so a-a-angry... Wh-wh-why sh-should a-a-anyone
  3610. [02:30] <Jran-Kri> b-b-be h-h-hurt a-a-again?!"
  3611. [02:31] == POJO [~quassel@PO.JO] has joined #Overcity
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  3614. [02:32] <Tangent> "Shhh...shh..." Amelia drops the sword and steps forward, tackling Alexa in a hug. "That...I'm going back to make sure she won't. I'll promise THAT. But killing her if I don't have to...I...I don't want to be a robot that k-kills people because it''s programmed to..." Amelia goes still as she remembers what Amy had done. The drider she'd murdered.
  3615. [02:34] <Tangent> "She can't hurt you...It'll be okay...I'm here, Alexa..." Amelia murmurs.
  3616. [02:36] <Jran-Kri> While she embraces Amelia eagerly enough, wrapping her arms around the other girl's back, Alexa shakes her head even through the sobs that wrack her body. "N-n-n-noooo, no, i-i-it's n-n-not l-l-like that!" She tries to compose herself, taking a deep breath. "I-i-it's j-j-justice. I-i-it's wh-what's r-r-ruh-RIGHT. Sh-sh-she h-h-hurts p-p-people, a-a-and I-I-I had t-t-to LOOK R-R-RIGHT IN HER FACE AND I C-C-COULDN'T D-DO
  3617. [02:36] <Jran-Kri> A-ANYTHING -- !"
  3618. [02:36] <Jran-Kri> "... B-b-but y-y-you c-c-can," Alexa says quietly, suddenly calming down. "Y-y-you c-c-can. Y-y-you c-c-can m-m-make s-s-sure s-sh-she n-n-never h-h-hurts anyone a-a-again. E-e-evil f-f-for e-e-evil."
  3619. [02:39] <Tangent> Amelia clutches Alexa, shaking slightly. "I..." Part of her- an ugly, vindictive part that wanted to rough the harpy up- wants to say yes. She just clutches Alexa. "You did something, Alexa. You saved me. You saved the newt. You made sure the others got away. I couldn't have done it better myself..."
  3620. [02:42] <Jran-Kri> "THAT'SBECAUSEYOUDIDDOITYOURSELF!" Alexa screams, the pendulum that is her mood swinging right back the other way. Her grip tightens constrictingly. "Y-y-y-you d-d-did e-e-everything! A-a-again! E-e-even a-a-as a b-b-bloody lizard! N-n-now d-d-do THIS!"
  3621. [02:45] <Tangent> "T-that's not..." Amelia cringes. "Y-you..." she stammers. "A-Alexa, I'd have been trapped there, forever, if you hadn't found me...B-but k-killing her won't...won't help anymore...Please. I promised I'd help you, and I will...b-but killing her...Y-you chose not to, and...and you did the right thing."
  3622. [02:46] == SkinnyNecro [] has joined #Overcity
  3623. [02:47] <Tangent> *help you f-fight before
  3624. [02:49] <Jran-Kri> Unwilling to further argue the first point, which she clearly considers settled, Alexa seizes the next issue. Her grip on Amelia tightens again, her whole body trembling in rage at the mere mention of her missed opportunity. "N-n-no! I-I l-l-lost my n-n-nerve! L-l-like a c-c-coward! I-I-I'm n-n-no g-g-good as a-a-anything b-b-but an e-executioner, ANDICAN'TEVENDOTHAT! Y-y-you didn't want it. Y-y-yes. Th-th-that's why...
  3625. [02:49] <Jran-Kri> th-that's why I c-c-couldn't d-d-do it... B-b-b-but sh-she d-d-deserves it!"
  3626. [02:52] <Tangent> "'re not an executioner and you're not a coward....No no....Not killing someone helpless isn't cowardly or's making the right choice. Please believe me..."
  3627. [02:55] <Jran-Kri> "Wh-wh-who c-c-cares i-i-if sh-she w-w-was h-h-helpless?!" Alexa shakes her head emphatically, though she buries it in Amelia's neck. "I-i-i-it's j-j-just... N-n-nothing's ch-changed! Sh-she's s-s-still th-there, t-t-to h-h-hurt m-m-more p-p-people -- PERMANENTSOLUTION!"
  3628. [02:57] <Tangent> Amelia...holds her. "I...I'll take care of her. Not like...not that way, but no matter what...she won't hurt anyone else. I promise." She strokes Alexa's hair, trying to calm her down.
  3629. [03:00] == POJO [~quassel@PO.JO] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  3630. [03:01] <Jran-Kri> Alexa breathes slowly, Amelia's touch soothing her ever so slightly. Or perhaps she's merely tired of arguing in circles. "... Y-y-you c-c-can't g-g-guarantee sh-she w-w-won't h-h-hurt a-a-anyone. N-n-not u-u-until sh-she s-s-stands before th-the f-f-final judgement," a note of reverence enters her voice. Shaking her head, she pulls back ever so slightly. "B-b-but... F-f-fine. Just... l-l-let's g-g-go. I'll... b-be r-r-right
  3631. [03:01] <Jran-Kri> b-b-behind you."
  3632. [03:02] <Tangent> Amelia hugs her. "I...I know you are. You...Knowing you're there...It's why I can keep going. Thank you, Alexa." She whispers.
  3633. [03:03] <Jran-Kri> Sighing, Alexa pats her on the back. "... Th-thank you," she echoes, rubbing Amelia's back as well, for good measure, before making to draw back. "L-l-let's g-g-go. I-I've c-c-caused a-a-another d-d-delay. T-t-too m-m-many."
  3634. [03:04] <Tangent> "It's okay...We're not on a clock anymore...We have all the time we need...Don't worry about it, okay?" Amelia detenses at her shorter friend's touch.
  3635. [03:04] <Jran-Kri> "... I j-j-just w-w-want t-t-to g-g-go home," Alexa says dully, staring at Amelia with half-lidded eyes.
  3636. [03:05] <Tangent> "Okay. We'll go home. I promise. We'll deal with this and then head straight home." Amelia looks frantic, stepping closer to her friend.
  3637. [03:07] <Jran-Kri> "Y-y-yes," Alexa nods brusquely, life returning to her eyes. "A-a-at l-l-least b-b-burn the sh-sh-shop d-d-down, too."
  3638. [03:08] <Tangent> Amelia freezes. Then nods. She hesitates for a long, long moment. "Okay." She eventually says, flatly. Unhappily.
  3639. [03:09] <Tangent> The harpy'd kept people there. She'd known. People. Burning down her shop...It's the least she deserves.
  3640. [03:09] <Tangent> "But we're not causing another storm."
  3641. [03:09] <Tangent> "I'll set some of her stuff on fire but that's it."
  3642. [03:09] <Jran-Kri> "... O-oh, r-r-right," Alexa realizes, sighing. "R-r-right. Th-that's wh-wh-what c-c-caused that. F... fine."
  3643. [03:10] <Tangent> Amelia sighs, stepping away and scooping up the sword. "How's the newt doing?" She asks Alexa. "She might not be happy we're heading back."
  3644. [03:13] <Jran-Kri> "I-I-I imagine s-s-so," Alexa says simply. She looks into her bag, attempting to retrieve the newt.
  3645. [03:16] <Overcity-Mall> (Gah back sorry, but right)
  3646. [03:16] <Overcity-Mall> The newt sqeuaks as they wake up. "ow... head hurts." Well, they can talk.
  3647. [03:17] <Tangent> "Hey." Amelia looks down at her. "So, um... what's your name?"
  3648. [03:22] <Overcity-Mall> "I-I'd answer but I can't sp... I can speak? U-um... Cadata. Hi...?" they said, a bit confused.
  3649. [03:24] <Jran-Kri> "... Ch-ch-charmed, C-C-Cadata," Alexa stammers, peering into the bag with a thin smile.
  3650. [03:25] <Tangent> "Hi, Cadata! The shop owner used a spell, so yeah you can speak again! I'm Amelia." Amelia waves down at her. "So, yeah, nice to meet you...How did you, um, end up...cursed?" She asks.
  3651. [03:27] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh, well a witch. Said there was a mess, she caused a small plague, people somehow blamed it on others and she ran off... then she thought I was going to tell on her, then uhh... well, everything after that is fuzzy kinda. I mean, I remember bits... I-I want somewhere safe to be. A house. Not that.... store..." she said, trembling at the idea.
  3652. [03:28] == SkinnyNecro [] has quit [Quit: Sorry]
  3653. [03:28] <Tangent> "Shhh. Don't worry. It's okay. If you want to stay with us, that's fine. Right, Alexa? But you won't have to go back there. Not for long, anyway."
  3654. [03:28] <Tangent> "We're going back there right now, and that...thing isn't going to be doing that ever again afterwards."
  3655. [03:29] <Jran-Kri> "... O-o-of c-c-course it's f-f-fine. Y-y-yes. W-w-we'll t-t-take c-care of you," Alexa assures her, her finder sliding down to lightly pat her. "Y-y-yes. W-w-we'll... s-s-sort her."
  3656. [03:30] <Overcity-Mall> "...Right... though uh. I don't... think she knew we were people though. She wasn't that smart." The salamander squeaked out.
  3657. [03:32] <Tangent> "She used a spray to stop me from talking. I'm pretty sure she knew...she just didn't care." Amelia shakes her head. "Either way, she needs to get the message that it's *wrong*. Hey, um, where'd you want to sleep after this, Cadata? Back at the house?"
  3658. [03:32] == Jran-Kri [] has left #Overcity [Leaving]
  3659. [03:32] == Jran-Kri [] has joined #Overcity
  3660. [03:33] <Tangent> (want to pause tonight soon?)
  3661. [03:33] <Jran-Kri> "W-w-would a... t-t-tank be... i-i-insensitive?" Alexa asks dully.
  3662. [03:33] <Jran-Kri> ((Damn, I dragged this out. My bad. I was hoping we could finish tonight.))
  3663. [03:34] <Overcity-Mall> (S'fine s'fine)
  3664. [03:34] <Overcity-Mall> (Also can continue/pause as you two want)
  3665. [03:35] <Overcity-Mall> "Uh... well, yea. Just don't burn down the place I mean.... the other animals. Even if not people..." it sqeuaked. "A-and sure, your uh, place is fine...?"
  3666. [03:35] <Tangent> Amelia sighs. "...Maybe just a fireball at the wall. She'll get the message."
  3667. [03:36] <Jran-Kri> "... Oh for God's sake," Alexa sighs, pushing her glasses up to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Fff... fff... Fine. Fine. Yes. Can't... can't hurt... innocents. Not right. No. Not right. J-j-just... F-f-fine. Do... do whatever y-y-you th-think is... r-r-right."
  3668. [03:38] <Tangent> Amelia reaches out and pats Alexa comfortingly.
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