

Feb 14th, 2014
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  1. FIRST
  2. 1[18:47] <+Serene{STB}> Anyone need the MMR, The Works, The Bazaar, SS (For Spell Sales) or a Healer? Or any of my characters?
  3. [18:47] <+Naomh|Scy|> MMR is already manned~
  4. 06[18:47] * +Naomh|Scy| feels bad for Daimyon
  5. [18:48] <@Matwyn> allo
  6. 01[18:48] <+Serene{STB}> 01(It's an auto-post, pre-scripted) Plus if he wanted a companion to monolog with and get worklogs done and training or whatnot, I could do that =3
  7. 01[18:48] <+Serene{STB}> 01Not meaning to step on toes, just offering play
  11. SECOND
  13. [15:42] * Topic is '4 18+ ONLY 2- Out of Character channel for The Lonely Inn - see for details, and for the Message Board. 2<< naiya, Vasava and Marot - gone but not forgotten >>4The OOC room is open be mindful of the new rules!'
  14. [15:42] * Set by ChanServ! on Fri Jul 19 20:31:35
  15. [15:42] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Lumio
  16. [15:42] -Desdaemona- Character Lumio logged in.
  17. [15:42] <+Angst> *tickles Lumio's rectum.*
  18. [15:43] <+Lumio> 01Meep!!
  19. [15:43] * +Akris spanks lumio
  20. [15:43] <+Lumio> 0102*Double-meeps, protects da butt*
  21. [15:46] <+Lumio> Anyone need the MMR, The Works, The Bazaar, SS (For Spell Sales) or a Healer? Or any of my characters? [This is a pre-scripted message and thus not meant to step on the toes of anyone already working said jobs!]
  22. [15:46] <+Naomh|Scy|> Ahaha
  23. [15:46] <+Naomh|Scy|> I like your update to that message Lumio :P
  24. [15:46] <+Lumio> 01=P
  25. [15:47] <+Lumio> 01I don't care for the drama, soooo figured I'd add that in.
  26. [15:47] <+Naomh|Scy|> I cracked the Daimyon already manning the MMR last night because Angst asked if anyone could open the MMR, I responded, and we were already two posts underway when Daimyon suddenly posted and caught us both by surprised.
  27. [15:47] <+Schylla-SS> Can't step on my toes.
  28. [15:47] <+Naomh|Scy|> surprise*
  29. [15:48] <+Ayahka> Oooh.
  30. [15:48] <+Schylla-SS> Try as you might. I'll just roll with it.
  31. [15:48] * +Ayahka rolls.
  32. [15:49] * James`Vodera ( has joined #lonely_inn_ooc
  33. [15:49] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v James`Vodera
  34. [15:49] <+Lumio> 01Hehe, plus I personally find it fun to rp people in the work area. They chit chat and learn from each other, like yesterday with L teaching everyone
  35. [15:50] <+Schylla-SS> which imo
  36. [15:50] <+Schylla-SS> was balls out awesome.
  37. [15:50] <+Schylla-SS> :D
  38. [15:50] <+Lumio> 01Yeah. Chase made a new friend with Azara =D
  39. [15:50] <+Lumio> 01They outright acted and roleplayed the roleplay
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