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a guest
Oct 17th, 2023
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  1. galaxy={
  2. template="tutorial"
  3. shape=bespoke_procedural
  4. num_empires=24
  5. num_advanced_empires=0
  6. num_fallen_empires=0
  7. num_marauder_empires=2
  8. habitability=0.5
  9. primitive=1
  10. advanced_starts_near_player=yes
  11. caravaneers_enabled=yes
  12. xeno_compatibility_enabled=no
  13. scaling=no
  14. crises=1
  15. technology=1
  16. traditions=1
  17. logistic_ceiling=1
  18. growth_scale=0
  19. ship_build_time_scale=0.8
  20. structure_build_time_scale=1
  21. building_build_time_scale=0.7
  22. district_build_time_scale=0.7
  23. war_exhaustion_passive_factor=1
  24. war_exhaustion_static_factor=1
  25. war_exhaustion_ships_factor=1
  26. war_exhaustion_armies_factor=1
  27. war_exhaustion_officers_factor=1
  28. war_claim_costs=1
  29. ship_cost_scale=1
  30. structure_cost_scale=1
  31. ship_upkeep_scale=1
  32. structure_upkeep_scale=1
  33. clustered=yes
  34. random_empires=no
  35. random_fallen_empires=no
  36. random_marauder_empires=no
  37. random_advanced_empires=no
  38. core_radius=0
  39. player_locations=normal
  40. difficulty=ensign
  41. aggressiveness=low
  42. crisis_type=any
  43. name="51dea1d6b5cd0d9bfc97f51f7600efe8"
  44. ironman=no
  45. num_gateways=0
  46. num_wormhole_pairs=0
  47. num_hyperlanes=1
  48. mid_game_start=100
  49. end_game_start=200
  50. victory_year=300
  51. num_guaranteed_colonies=1
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