
Commission: The Last Outfit

Nov 4th, 2017
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  1. “Do you think she knows?” Spoke a hushed feminine whisper from behind her.
  3. “How could she?” Another responded, this one a male’s voice. “She’s blind, you idiot.”
  5. “How couldn’t she?!” The first person responded hotly. “There’s no way that outfit doesn’t feel tight. Do you see her belt?!”
  7. Lilly Satou finished writing on the chalkboard, and turned about on one foot. It was a practiced motion that she learned over her few years of teaching, and she pulled it off sharply and cleanly. Or, she would have, if her backside wasn’t now firmly pressed against the chalkboards frame.
  9. Lilly raised herself up to her full height, a very impressive 5’7”. “[Ari, do you and Mr. Chen have something to say to the class?]” she asked in perfect English, showing no sign of noticing the unusual sensation.
  11. There was a sharp sound as a book fell to the floor, though Lilly didn’t allow her hardened expression to soften. She did, however, use the opportunity to step forwards and away from the board. After a moment, there was a stammered reply. “[N-no Mrs. Lilly teach… teacher. Sorry Mrs. Lilly teacher.”]
  13. Lilly sighed, and felt herself deflate. She passed a hand over her backside, which ached a little from the unexpected pain. “[Ari, we have discussed this. Class, when speaking English to your elders, how do you refer to them?]”
  15. “[Honorific first, followed by their last name.]” Replied two other students in unison.
  17. “[Thank you.]” Lilly said, bowing her head. She tried to ignore the pinching feeling she felt in her gut. Ari and Zhuan weren’t exactly wrong… well, except grammatically.
  19. Which was much worse.
  21. “[Another point is, you wouldn’t refer to their position as well after saying their name. You could simply call me by my name, or by my position since we are acquainted in the roles.]”
  23. Lilly paused to let that sink in. She heard a few more whispers, but it was the usual whispering under students’ breath when they were translating something to themselves.
  25. She clasped her hands in front of her, drawing the students’ attention back to her. “[Now, I would like a volunteer to read the sentence on the board. Zhuan?]”
  27. There was the scrapping of a chair on the floor as the young student stood up. “[S-Sharry shells… Sarry shells she shells.. Bai tha she four.”]
  29. Lilly sighed.
  30. ******************************************************************************
  32. After some time explaining, once again, the soundings of letters in the English alphabet, the bell rang, and students went about heading out for lunch. Lilly stood patiently at the front of the class, waiting to answer any and all questions, though her stomach was hoping that there would be none.
  34. Fortunately for her stomach, there was no questions.
  36. Unfortunately, …
  38. “[Excuse me, Mrs. Nakai?]”
  40. Lilly perked up, recognizing the voice at once as the last of the students seemed to be trickling out of the classroom. The voice belonged to one of her best students.
  42. “[Yes, Miku? How can may I be of assistance?]”
  44. Miku had quickly become one of Lilly’s favorite students, as she had developed a strong knowledge of the English language, and was almost as proficient at it as Lilly was at her age. This, very likely, had something to do with her last name being Jones.
  46. Miku hesitated a moment before answering, which caused Lilly to tilt her head slightly to the left, inviting the question. She realized as the door clicked shut that Miku was waiting for some privacy.
  48. “[Excuse me Ms. Nakai, but I really thought I should mention… uhh, well… umm.”] The young lady stammered.
  50. “[Yes, Miss Jones?]” Lilly prompted.
  52. “[Well, uh… you’ve kinda got a littlechalkonyourpants.]” She finished quickly.
  54. Lilly tilted her head curiously, her hand falling to her thigh. “[Oh? Where at?]”
  56. Miku stammered again. “[Well, uh, you see, um, it’s kinda on your butt.]”
  58. The heat in the room seemed to shoot up five degrees. Lilly quickly stood up straight, and was uncomfortably aware of the sensation that permeated through her body. “Oh, I understand.” Lilly said, shifting back into Japanese. She tugged on the hem of her shirt. It didn’t give. “Thank you, Miss Jones.” Lilly bowed her head respectfully.
  60. “[Oh, yeah, for sure teach. I mean, teacher. No problem.]”
  62. And with that, the young lady went scurrying from the room.
  64. Lilly sighed. She was aware of the tightness of her garments, overly aware of it in fact. She’d chosen the violet pantsuit because it was one of the few things she had left that she could wear to work. Most of her other garments consisted of skirts or sweatpants, and this was a professional position. Lilly wasn’t about to let her students see her in something she could fall asleep it, and given the incident that happened with her skirt the other day…
  66. The pants weren’t so tight around her hips, making it one of the few garments she didn’t have to fight to get buttoned, but the shirt… The shirt had some difficulties, she knew. She’d gotten it when she had started the position, and after a few years being comfortably pampered in their lovely small town.
  68. “It’s just a few pounds.” Lilly muttered to herself, feeling the curve of her stomach from beneath her waist belt. “What sort of woman wouldn’t gain a few pounds. I’ve heard all sorts of stories from the other teachers about how a married life tends to involve putting on a couple of pounds.”
  70. Lilly knew quite well that over the last couple years, a few pounds had turned into a couple, had turned into a handful, had turned into… well.
  72. With long fingers, she drew little circles around each of the golden buttons on her shirt. She’d developed a potbelly, which was now straining heavily against a large red belt with a golden buckle. She felt as if the belt meant to cut her in half all day, but without it, she’d have never gotten the buttons fastened. Even now, she checked the buttons to determine if any cracks were apparent between the buttons.
  74. Thankfully, none were. The most embarrassing thing she had to deal with…
  76. She sighed. A bit of chalk on ones’ posterior was part of the job, but the distinct feeling of her hand sliding over her bottom impressed the belief that a print must be prevalent, and would therefore need to be sorted out first.
  78. Lilly patted at her buttocks with her right hand, and stopped after the first swing sent a ripple of movement across her frame. She groaned. She felt like she was spanking herself, like some sort of exotic dancer… one that had had far too much access to the bar, she thought to herself bitterly as her belly moaned.
  80. Lilly turned up her nose at the noise. She had pride, dammit. She was a teacher now, had endured years of speculation upon her blindness and others insisting she’d be a liability to students, and had come out on top of it all.
  82. Her fingers skated over the buttons again, and she pinched the belly fat that hung over her belt.
  84. She scoffed, picked up her navigational cane and bag, and headed out of the room and into the hall.
  86. The sea of students was still in motion, everyone heading every which way. Lilly was lucky enough to be on her break. Her belly, accustomed to being fed at this time, growled. She felt the noise more so than hear it in the din. It crawled up from deep in her stomach and tingled just beneath her chest. She bit her lip, hesitating for a moment, before resolving that she’d need to take care of her own issue first.
  88. She waded through the corridor, using her cane as a guide. It wasn’t often that she had issues, and she’d been able to commemorate the map of the school to memory quickly. However, when she did have issues, she usually found that she’d walk into them belly first.
  90. Today seemed to be a lucky day, all things considered, and she made her way to the staffroom without incident.
  92. A light scent was flowing out from the doorway, and Lilly found herself running through a list of smells in her mind as she tried to place the scent. It was a long list, and yet she couldn’t quite determine the cause. Using her cane, she lightly rapped on the door, and found that it was indeed open.
  94. She entered.
  96. “Oh, good afternoon.” Spoke a kindly, familiar female voice. It sounded old and full, but not ancient. Lilly couldn’t place its owner, but that happened often enough in the large school.
  98. She held her eyes closed, trying to make her blindness obvious as she bent her head. “Good afternoon. Just stopping in to use the restroom.”
  100. “By all means.” Said the owner. There was the sound of a liquid being poured.
  102. Lilly went over to the restroom, still curiously trying to place the familiar scent.
  104. She entered the room and firmly locked the door behind her, checking it to be sure. She then folded her cane and went over to the area with the sink. She felt herself relax now that she’d finally gotten to the private area, which in turn made her stomach pinch in pain against her belt. She was hit with the urge to simply undo the belt for a few minutes, but if she were to do that, she’d need to unbutton all of her clasps first or who knew what would happen.
  106. She wetted a paper towel with the sink and began patting against her bottom. She pushed against it hard, rubbing it up and down and feeling the flesh inside the pants bouncing along merrily. She found herself smiling, and put a stop to it. It wasn’t funny. Her butt was likely covered in chalk, which was sure to show the image of a white handprint vibrantly. She rubbed at it again, and had to stop herself from giggling. Here she was, a teacher standing in a bathroom in the break room, jiggling her butt and giggling like a schoolgirl.
  108. She reached down and pinched her butt, grabbing nearly an entire handful. She smiled as memories of her lover, his hands wrapped around her, one hand cupping her there, danced through her head. The two had always been intimate, a fact that seemed to redouble after their marriage.
  110. Lilly reached down and patted a hand on her tummy, another thing that had nearly redoubled. Maybe it was time to go searching for new clothing. Hisao, the kind man, way always offering to take her shopping. Usually they ended up delaying, because he’d enter the dressing room with her and…
  112. She shook her head. ‘Focus.’ She chided herself. ‘This isn’t the time to be getting… hungry.’ She substituted.
  114. Her belly growled.
  116. “Oh, be quiet.” She complained.
  118. Now much more reassured, Lilly washed her hands, unfolded her cane, and exited the bathroom.
  120. The scent was still predominant in the staffroom, and Lilly could hear the older woman sipping at her drink. Curiosity filled her, and she crossed the room to the break table.
  122. “Beg my pardon for interrupting,” she said, bowing her head. “But what exactly is the drink that you’ve made? It smells fabulous.” She smiled at the location where she’d heard the woman’s sip.
  124. “Oh, this?” The woman asked. There was the tinkering of glassware as she set her drink down. “It’s a combination of amaretto, orange liqueur, and hot orange pekoe tea. Would you like a cup?”
  126. Lilly’s eyebrows tugged down, her friendly demeanor folding into a scowl. “You’re drinking alcohol? At this hour? We’re at work.” She put her hands on her hips.
  128. “That wasn’t a no.” The lady said, elongating the last word. “Besides, it’s very distilled by the tea, and is simply a flavoring. Come now, just one sip? I’ll even offer you one of my tea cakes.”
  130. Lilly wasn’t swayed by this… although it was possible what she said was true. She couldn’t pick out the alcohol scent from anything else. She mulled over it for a moment. Her stomach quietly whined. “Could I trouble you for the time?” She asked.
  132. She heard the woman’s clothing shift. “It’s about ten until.”
  134. Lilly sighed heavily. Her stomach, again, sent a sharp discomfort through her from the belt. She winced.
  136. “Fine, although I’ll only try a sip.” She extended her hand, palm up, and felt a platter slide into it. She traced over the dish with her fingers, feeling the hot cup and the bristled edge of the tea cake. Just touching it made her stomach complain. She hooked her finger through the cup handle and raised it to her lips, she said, “I can hardly believe the contents of this would be approved by members of our-”
  138. Lilly cut herself off as her nose hungrily drank in the scent of the hot tea. It was overpoweringly fruity, and she could smell the delicious wine that was mixed into it. She expected a sharp orange smell, but the smell reminded her of another scent.
  139. She lifted the cup from the saucer and drank.
  141. Three cups of tea later, the bell rang, and Lilly Nakai and the Vice Principal exited the staffroom to return to their normal duties.
  142. ******************************************************************************
  144. The door clicked closed behind the last student, and Lilly had to stop from letting her head thump down upon her desk. The birds were chirping, and a check of her voice assisted told her they’d soon be going to sleep.
  146. Three hours had gone by since the end of the school day, three hours she’d spent tutoring students from all levels of English, and more than a handful from other classes. The whole school seemed to know her as their resident English expert, though they didn’t seem to grasp how helping students write essays was more than a bit of an issue for her. Every single student either had to have specific questions about their essay, or she would have to put the papers through a blind-assistance program that would scan the document and translate it to text. It was the forefront of technology.
  148. Which, naturally, meant it didn’t work half of the time. She tried to give the machine a dirty glare. It was the reason the latest student, who’d come in with an eight page essay on Gilgamesh and said ‘can you proof-read this?’, had taken almost an entire half-hour of her time before she realized he had written about Beowulf.
  150. “It’s not even on the damn syllabus…” She swore quietly. She bit back another scowl, this one aimed at herself. She didn’t like to swear, but sometimes she was just so…
  152. She sat back, and took a deep breath in. It made her body hurt, flexing against the tight fabric and the belt creaked.
  154. She shook her head and stood from her desk, feeling as if the whole day had been wretched.
  156. The one saving grace, she decided as she walked the easy slope down to her apartment, was lunch. It hadn’t been what she wanted, but thinking back on it made her at least feel a little bit better.
  158. And now, she was on her way home to Hisao. Her Hisao, her loving husband who… who she never told she’d be late today. She checked her phone again, this time a bit more worriedly, but she’d not received any messages. That was a bit odd. Normally he’d have tried contacting her if she was running so late.
  160. ‘Maybe he’s lost his phone, again.’ She thought to herself. It made her smile, the memories of her intelligent and strong-minded husband, who at the same time could be as silly and forgetful as a young teenage boy.
  162. Lilly hummed to herself, trying to plan on what to say to him when they were finally together again as she entered their apartment. She thought about it on the elevator ride up to their floor, but wasn’t able to come up with anything stable beyond ‘take off this god forsaken belt.’
  164. As it turned out, her husband had indeed been quite the busy man.
  166. Lilly exited the elevator, and before she could even register the scents pouring down the hallway her belly was vibrating so hard she could feel her breasts shaking. She took a long sniff of the air, and felt her eyes roll to the back of her head momentarily. Chicken, fried chicken, was on the top of a pile of other scents.
  168. Lilly kept losing count of her steps as she followed the scent, feeling as light as if the smells were carrying her to them.
  170. Her key inserted into the door before she knew it was in her hand, and she leaned into it letting it fall open as she heavily stepped into the apartment.
  172. It was even worse inside, the scents seemed to surround her and engulf her, as she dropped her bag to the floor as she breathed in deeply, not even caring that the belt was trying to cut her in half.
  174. “Well hello, lover.” Called Hisao from the kitchen nearby. She heard the quick spraying of the faucet and then his own heavy steps over to her in the entryway. A part of her noted that he hadn’t taken off his shoes. A stronger, fatter, and more in control part of her noted the cinnamon on the air. That meant…
  176. “You made sweet potatoes.” Lilly breathed, letting out the heavy breath.
  178. She could hear the smile in his voice. “I stopped on the way home to pick up dinner, but when you weren’t here I sorta added on a few things.”
  180. Years ago, after moving to their new home, Hisao had found this amazing fried chicken shop that Lilly had fallen in love with. She never understood why Hisao always laughed at the name OFC, but she did know their fried chicken was more than worth the mystery.
  182. “How was your day?” He asked.
  184. Hisao stepped over and wrapped his arms around her hips. He squeezed her sides so lovingly, so tenderly, as they guided into one another for a kiss. She broke it off after a moment, placing both hands on his chest and tapping him with her right.
  186. “Later.” She said. “Feed me.”
  188. “Aww, is somebody hungry?” Hisao asked. His hand turned, cupping her stomach beneath the waist belt and massaging it. It rumbled to his touch.
  190. “You very well can tell, can’t you?” She asked, grinning into his playful voice.
  192. “To be fair, you’re always hungry.” He said, and squeezed her tight in a hug.
  194. She returned the hug, laughing. “Not true!” She said. “I’ll have you know, I was very satisfied after breakfast.”
  196. “That’s because you ate half of my steak and eggs.” He said, and kissed her on the cheek before ducking out of range of her reply. “Come on, lover. Dinner awaits!”
  198. Lilly shook her head, and stretched out her left hand. She followed it to the corner, and then into the kitchen.
  200. “How much did you cook!?” She exclaimed. She could feel heat pouring off of the hot food, and the fan above was doing little to calm the tide.
  202. “Oh, you know.” Hisao said. There was the sound of one of their wooden chairs being pulled out. Lilly walked over to it. “Just a few things, picked some stuff at the market, figured I’d try them out on my favorite test subject.”
  204. Lilly laughed as she lowered herself into her chair at the head of the table. She could already hear Hisao grabbing items and loading them onto her plate. “Oh, you’ll love this. Try these first, okay?” He said.
  206. Lilly laughed. “Hisao, I can scarcely pick out the smells of what is even on the table, much less know what you’ve given me.”
  207. He bent over and kissed her head. “I’m just excited. Come on, come on, eat.”
  209. Lilly sat still, twisting in her chair with her hands in her lap. She smiled patiently, ignoring the howling of her stomach. She did her best to look up at Hisao.
  211. She heard him make an amused noise before taking up the seat next to her. He sat down, the seat cushion letting out a soft ‘poof’ as he did. “Satisfied?” He asked.
  213. Lilly beamed at him. “We’ll see after dinner.” She winked. She picked up her chopsticks, gripping them cautiously in one hand. “So, what am I trying?”
  215. Hisao laughed, and Lilly felt herself tense momentarily as she felt his hand on hers, lowering it to the table.
  217. “Well, firstly, I may have picked up a new pan for this one.”
  219. Lilly aimed a pout at him. “Again? Hisao, you’ve gotten so much cookware, we could likely afford a new apartment.”
  220. He laughed heartily, and stroked her hand. “Hey, I love cooking for you. Plus, I think you’ll really like this.”
  222. The fingers on her hand tightened, and Lilly could feel Hisao pulling himself closer.
  224. “Here,” he said. “Open wide.”
  226. Lilly grinned at him, showing her teeth. “Don’t you think me capable of feeding myself?”
  228. She could hear the challenging in his reply. “Oh, I think you could, but isn’t this way a little more fun?” He said, drawing out the last word.
  230. Lilly laughed airily into her hand. “You always know what to say, you know that?” She placed her other hand on his, and squeezed it. Then she opened her mouth.
  232. A scent quickly began to overpower the others, and she felt a light dribble of sweet sauce on her lip as a tiny sphere-shaped delicacy was placed inside her mouth. The smooth texture rolled across her lips, and sauce of the thing dripped on her tongue. It tasted fantastically potent, she was able to pick out a few similarities to Worcestershire sauce and mayonnaise before Hisao let it go, causing Lilly to bob her head forwards. She made a quick noise of surprise, and bit down on the treat. The soft dough crunched as her teeth tore it apart, and the memorable flavor of seafood mixed with the sauce in a wonderful conversation. A slight dribble of the sauce flowed over her lip and onto her cheek.
  234. Lilly reached her left hand forward for a napkin when she felt Hisao’s hand on her upper arm. “I got it.” He said. He dabbed at her face with the cloth, and she felt the warm liquid vanish.
  236. She made a noise of thanks before continuing to chew the food, groaning happily as he did. She raised a hand to cover her mouth. “My, my, Hisao. Is this Takoyaki?”
  238. “With homemade sauce.” Hisao said with pride. “I cut up the seasoning and made the mixture myself. I remember you getting it at a fair once, and when I saw the pan I wanted to make it so badly.”
  240. She raised a hand and lightly patted his arm. “You surprised me, I was simply going for a bite and you put it all in.”
  242. He laughed deeply, “What can I say, you got me excited.”
  244. She chewed again, considering, then covered her mouth. “What’s the meat inside?” She asked.
  246. “Pulpo.” Hisao said, accenting his voice.
  248. Lilly blinked, trying to sort through the list of impressions Hisao used.
  250. “I-is that… German?” She asked, hesitantly.
  252. His hand let go of her arm. He sighed. “Was it really that bad?” He asked.
  254. Lilly swallowed.
  256. He sighed again. “Italian.”
  258. Lilly blinked at him before breaking into a fit of giggles.
  260. “Oh, whatever.” He said, and she could hear him pop one of the treats into his own mouth. He fingers danced around her plate before she felt the soft sauce covered object and picked it up, chewing on it. “It’s octopus.” He said. “What do you think?”
  262. Lilly considered, tilting her head from side to side. She swallowed before answering, already grabbing another. “Normally, I’m not very impressed by seafood. But combined with the soft layer of dough and the sauce, it tastes nice.”
  264. Hisao stroked her arm as she ate another of the balls.
  266. “I’ve got another one for you.” He said. He took her hand and guided it to a side plate. It felt like a small basket. She gripped the cloth cover and picked it up before reaching inside. Her fingers impressed on more doughy objects, though these ones were sauce-less. Lilly knew instantly what they were.
  268. “Oh my.” She said, fingering one of the buns into her hand. “Is this…?”
  270. Hisao hummed happily.
  272. Lilly took the bun and bit into it. Inside of it, barbequed pork tore tenderly free and into her mouth. She made a deeply satisfied sigh. “Pooork.” She moaned, placing a hand on top of her tummy. “You know I love pork.”
  274. “And I know you love the sauce.” Hisao said. He stood up and moved behind her, guiding her free hand as she took another large bite of the meat bun. Her fingers touched against a small dipping cup. She dunked one into it, raised it to her mouth, and sucked on the thick creamy texture. “Mhmm!” She exclaimed, and dunked the remainder of the bun in the cup. “How did you make the barbeque sauce?” She asked, then plopped the remainder of the bun into her mouth, chewing with a large grin. Hisao’s hand found her belly, and her slowly massaged it in a circle as he bent over in a hug. It purred happily to his touch.
  276. “I saved it from the pork.” He said into her ear. Already Lilly was reaching for another meat bun. Her fingers danced through the basket, and she quickly lost count.
  278. “There’s so much food, Hisao.” She laughed. “How do you expect me to eat all of this?”
  280. “Oh, you’re creative.” Hisao said, kissing her cheek as she dunked a fresh bun into the sauce container. “I know if you really want something, you make sure to get it.”
  282. She leaned against him, gasping slightly from the pressure as he pinched her belly. She turned to him, biting her lip and letting her eyes fall to half lids. “Oh, so you’re just an enabler, hmm?” She asked.
  284. She took another bite, and kissed barbeque covered lips to his. He returned the kiss, tilting her head back, his hand tugging at her hair, the pressure on her stomach redoubled. She let out a moan before raising her free hand and pushing him lightly backwards.
  286. “Come on, I want to eat with my husband.” She said playfully.
  288. “Alright, alright.” He said, returning to behind her. “There’s just one more thing.”
  290. She sat patiently, listening to the sound of dishware clattering together and now eating her third meat bun. Her stomach felt pleasantly warm, and she felt so happy.
  292. Hisao gripped her free hand, and placed in it a large spoon. He guided her hand, and she giggled as she felt it push into something. Together, they raised it to her mouth. She opened it and stuck the entire spoon in. She hummed interestedly, which turned into deep
  293. satisfaction as the fluffy, pillowy texture of mashed potatoes filled her mouth, mixed with a deliciously creamy gravy and heavy melted butter. She twisted the spoon against her tongue, scraping it entirely clean. She hardly had to chew to swallow it, and she felt the creamy substance trickle down her throat and settle in her stomach.
  295. Lilly gasped slightly, “Two different sorts of potatoes? Lover, you spoil me.”
  297. She reached up around her head and tugged his hair forwards, kissing him deeply. His hands found either side of her belly, grabbing the fat that hung over her belt and lifting it before letting it drop. The sudden pressure caused the belt to groan, but it hardly registered as her tongue embraced his.
  299. Hisao broke of the kiss, chuckling deeply. “Alright, now you can enjoy your main course.” He took her hand again, and guided her to the rough skin of the fried chicken. Lilly felt her breath come out as a shutter as she gripped the leg, but with her free hand she tugged Hisao’s off and guided him back to her chair.
  301. She smiled at him, feeling the heat radiate from her face. “Thank you, Hisao. I really needed this today.”
  303. He squeezed her hand and kissed it. “I live to serve.” He said dramatically.
  305. Lilly giggled and turned back to the meal, raising the chicken to her mouth and taking a deep bite. Grease filled meat flowed into her mouth, and Lilly shuttered as her favorite food passed through her lips.
  307. The meal began to increase in pace, after that. Lilly finished off the first leg of the chicken in a few more bites, placing the bone in a tin that Hisao indicated. With one hand Lilly scooped up another pork bun, while her other snatched another Takoyaki ball and plopped it into her mouth.
  309. Inspiration hit her, when she took a bite of the pork bun, and she dipped it in the small pile of mashed potatoes. The gravy cascaded over the meat and when Lilly took a wet bite, she found it flowing down her mouth and onto her plate. She moaned with pleasure at the sweet taste, and noticed Hisao breathing increase. She took another sloppy bite of the bun, her other hand grabbing another piece of chicken. “Hisao.” She breathed amorously. “It’s so wonderful.”
  311. In her head, Lilly knew she was overdoing it. This was a familiar dance for the two of them, but his breathing caught and she felt herself hiding a tight smile as her own inner desire began to heighten. She dunked a bit of chicken in the barbeque sauce, and let it drip down her chin mixed with the grease.
  313. “Oh Hisao,” she said, her stomach gripping her stomach. “I can’t stop eating. Look what you’ve done to me.”
  315. He laughed heavily, reaching over and dabbing at her face with his napkin. “You’re…” He grunted. “You’re doing that… on purpose.” He said.
  316. Lilly gave him an innocent look. “Oh? Am I?” She gestured to the table. “Here I thought you had cooked all this up with the intent on me eating it. Am I wrong, lover?”
  318. Hisao didn’t answer, and Lilly’s grin slid wide enough to form dimples in pudgy cheeks.
  320. “If you keep feeding me like this.” She said, dunking another pork bun in the mashed potatoes. “I might wind up fat.” She slapped her stomach with some force, which she immediately realized was a bad idea as it jiggled fully in her tight outfit, pressing harshly against the belt and she let out a moan of pain.
  322. Hisao, though, seemed to love the display. He stood up from his chair, causing it to slide against the tile floor, though his advance was stopped by Lilly’s outstretched hand.
  324. “Ah, ah, ah.” She said, rising from her seat. Lilly, while shorter than Hisao, had grown considerably heavier. And she knew it. While it might bother her whilst out in public, this was what it was all for. This made it worth it. The tight outfit, the marks she could feel in her skin after taking off an ill-fitting pair of pants, the countless times she’d overstuffed herself, this reaction right here made every single moment worth it.
  326. Lilly tittered at Hisao, stepping forwards and gripping his shirt, holding him away. “Darling, my sweetheart, you went through all the trouble of making me this,” she inhaled deeply, and let her tongue flick over her lips before moaning, “wonderful feast.” Lilly pushed him, ever so lightly, backwards. His heavy breathing was making his chest rise and fall. “It’d be a shame, unforgivable in fact, if I let such an act of love,” she felt him fall back into his chair, and slid one of her hands to his face before lowering herself ever so close towards his lips, “go to waste.”
  328. Lilly stepped back and adjusted her belt, showing the man just how tight it was, before sitting back into her seat. She put a hand on her stomach and moaned.
  330. There was the tinkering of glassware, and she could hear him drink heavily. “Yeah, alright.” He said, strained.
  332. Lilly giggled. And then tilted her head. “You never told me what I’d be drinking tonight.” She noticed. Her fingers danced to the side, and gripped a large glass that was wet with condensation. She raised it to her nose and sniffed. It turned into a deep breath as the sweet scent drifted up her nose, and Lilly threw her head back and took one… two… three deep gulps of soda, and followed it up with a belch.
  334. And then she resumed her eating.
  336. Another pork bun was followed by two heavy spoonfuls of mashed potatoes, before her fingers searched around for the foil she knew must be there. She pulled the sweet potato to her with near reverence. One flourish later, cinnamon and paprika danced around her mouth with the buttered potato. She put a hand to her cheek making happy noises as she ate bite after bite, demolishing the whole thing in moments. It was followed by the crinkling of foil sliding across the tabletop towards her, and Lilly giggled with girlish delight as Hisao moved a second one to her side.
  338. She decided to save the treat, instead polishing off the rest of the Takoyaki balls. She felt the food squeeze into her belly, and moaned in satisfaction as she chased them down with another deep drink. Another pork bun, another barbeque assault on her taste buds, and her stomach gurgled.
  340. Lilly was full. She knew she was full.
  342. She just didn’t care.
  344. Her fingers found a breast of the chicken, and she pulled the fried skin away from it hungrily chewing and mashing the meat, which piled down on top of everything in her stomach. She gasped, the tight belt cut deeply into her front, but she could hear Hisao breathing hard as he stared at her and she scooped up a bun and thrust half of it into her mouth. Her breathing had turned into panting, and her free hand pulled and tugged at her stomach. She tried to stick her fingers underneath the belt, to pry it forwards so she could breath, but the belt was nearly hidden entirely beneath her stomach fat. Her fingers sank into the tight flesh, and her outfit groaned along with her. She raised the glass to her mouth and drank again, and quickly found herself empty.
  346. There was a crack and the popping of carbonation. Lilly grunted, placing the glass back on the table. Cool liquid glugged as it refilled, and she panted, each breath making her wince in pain against the belt.
  348. The noise stopped, and she raised the glass to her lips and drank from it as if she was dying of thirst. She was forced to stop by a deep load belch that shot up from her stomach and shook her frame. The belt made her feel like she’d be cut in two, and somewhere in the back of her mind she worried she’d pop. She leaned back in her seat, feeling her back spread out and around the frame of the chair. She could feel her hips billowing over the side now. She needed to finish.
  350. Her hands desperately grasped inside of the meat bun basket, only to find it empty. She felt herself slow, panting heavily, and blinked. She forced her mind to focus. The spoon.
  352. She grasped it, and shoveled the last of the mashed potatoes into her mouth. Butter and gravy skated down her chin, falling down to her shirt. She felt the warm drip on her exposed skin. Her hand rose from her belt to the top of her stomach, and skid over her buttons. They were pulled tight, and through some she could feel skin poking through the gaps. Her belly was desperately trying to escape the confines of the outfit.
  354. Lilly panted, blinked, and then dragged the foil over to her. She took the hot foil and carried it over, resting it on top of her stomach. She felt Hisao’s arms slip around her. She hadn’t even realized he’d gotten up. She panted heavily. She tried to raise the spoon in her hand, and didn’t care that it was suddenly empty. The warmness spread into her belly. She felt the pressure increase as he stabbed downwards with the spoon, and opened wide as he brought the contents to her mouth. She groaned, feeling the warm lust spreading downwards through her body as the food entered her mouth.
  356. She grunted, swallowing the food and feeling it slowly fall before causing her stomach to tremble. Hisao’s breathing was intense, billowing past her ear. He was obviously at a breaking point. Lilly played her final card.
  358. “Oh, Hisao.” She moaned. She gasped for air. “Look what you-” she broke off and gasped again. “Look what you’ve done to me.” She shifted, the belt painfully cutting into her. His fingers trembled against her as he squeezed her breast. Lilly moaned, arching her back. “I can- I can barely-” the pressure increased as he pushed the spoon into the food and spooned it into her mouth. She barely had to open her mouth, gasping for air and suddenly finding it filled with food. She grunted and forced it down, and it was followed by another with barely enough time to gasp, “Hisao.” His hand clamped around her breast like a vice, and he suddenly swooped over the back of her chair and was kissing her neck.
  360. Lilly’s head tilted back as she let out a deep moan through her mouth full of food. His teeth clamped down and her fingers went up to him, trying to pull herself up.
  362. She couldn’t. Instead she pulled him down, and he stumbled, nearly falling into the table. Lilly hardly reacted. She could barely do more than breath. The belt buckle, it was killing her. It was too tight. Her hands tried to grasp at it, but her tummy bulged around and over and she could find purchase with her hands.
  364. Her finger latched out, gripping Hisao by the waist. “H-help me.” She panted. “Help me, Hisao.”
  366. She sluggishly raised her arms to him, wanting. He gripped her and grunted heavily as he tugged her. She let out a sharp moan of pain as the belt dug further into her, before rocking backwards, unprepared for the motion. He gripped her hands again, and she steadied her feet beneath her as she sharply stood from the table with a low heavy gasp.
  368. A sharp crack exploded from her center as the buckle tore free, followed by several sudden pings and the tearing of fabric. Lilly screamed out as in desire as her stomach suddenly bellowed forth, and the button on her pants gave way as it rolled past them. She felt her balance suddenly tip as the feast inside her swung her forwards, suddenly free to spread out. The intense pleasure overcame her, and for a brief moment it was as if a flash sprung in her unseeing eyes as she panted, moaning again and again.
  370. She stood, tilted against the table, feeling the gravity of her stomach, panting in ragged breaths. She cupped her stomach in one hand, and became suddenly aware that she was covered in sweat. Her other hand traversed up to her breasts, where the remnants of the shirt clung to her chest, fabric torn apart between the remaining buttons. She could feel the cleavage of her breasts pulled tight, and gripped one in her hand, squeezing it.
  372. “Oh my,” she panted. “That… that feels much better.” She rocked back on her heels as strong hands gripped her from her belly and her back. They attempted to lower her gently back to her chair.
  374. She fell into it hard enough to hear the wood crackle, her legs suddenly giving out on her. For an intense moment, she feared it would give way beneath her, but when it didn’t her arms fell, and dangled at her side.
  376. The pressure in her stomach had evened out, and she felt her lips turn upwards as she gasped air in between them. Her eyes lolled back into her head and a gasp escaped her mouth as a hand gripped her stomach, pulling it back into her and pushing it out in a massaging motion. Another hand gripped her thigh, and wet lips found her stomach. She could feel how taunt she was beneath the lips touch, yet her arm still wrapped around his short hair and pulled him closer.
  378. “Oh Hisao,” she moaned. He pushed closer, and Lilly felt a gaseous heat travel up from her stomach.
  380. Lilly belched.
  382. Hisao stopped kissing her stomach, and his hands shook with his laughter. Lilly quickly found herself joining the laughter, but only for a moment before clasping her stomach and groaning.
  384. “Do you think…” She breathed. “Do you think we over did it?” She asked, smiling.
  386. “Maybe just a little.” He laughed, and kissed her stomach. She moaned again.
  388. He stood up, running his fingers through her long hair and kissed her lips. She pushed herself up to him, winding her arms around his neck.
  390. She bent him down, touch his forehead to hers. “I can… I don’t think I can stand up.” She said.
  392. Hisao laughed before pulling away. One arm wrapped around her back, and the other threaded beneath her legs, wrapping around her. She groaned in worry, but before she could say anything, she was lifted from the chair. Hisao struggled for a moment, and one of her arms reactively moved around his shoulders. She felt the unused muscles in it start to burn almost immediately.
  394. “You know,” Hisao said, grunting again, “this used to-”
  396. The shaking stirred Lilly’s stomach, and she barely had enough time to cover her mouth before burping.
  398. Hisao broke off in a laugh.
  400. “See?” She asked. She moaned, repositioning her burning arm, her stomach spilling onto her lap. “Look at what you’ve done to your poor wife.”
  402. “What I’ve done?” He asked incredulously. “Darling, you would have eaten the whole fridge if I hadn’t stopped you.”
  404. She tapped her hand against his back, and his walking had a hiccup as her full weight suddenly dipped on him. They both recovered, and she squirmed. “My last outfit.” She said, still breathing heavily. With her free hand, she gripped her stomach, one finger sliding deep into her naval. “Ruined.”
  406. There was a loud sound as Hisao evidentially kicked a door open. They twisted as he brought her through the threshold and over across the bed. Lilly tucked her legs up as they passed the dresser, before Hisao turned and slowly laid her down on the bed.
  408. Lilly had insisted, after a previous incident, to adding more pillows to their backboard. They came in handy now as she was propped up. Her bulging stomach quivered against her thighs and she groaned.
  410. “It’s not ruined.” Hisao said. Lilly gasped as there was a sudden strong impression on her breasts, and the fabric ripped horridly as Hisao tore the rest of the buttons pinging off all the way up to her neck. “Now, it’s ruined.” He said with pride.
  412. Lilly scowled at him, but only for a moment as her now naked upper body began to quickly jiggle with uncontainable laughter. She laughed, one hand holding her engorged stomach, the other holding her lover’s sleeve, and her back comfily pressed against the pillows, for a good minute. She smiled up at Hisao, and tugged his arm. He came in for a kiss, but Lilly stopped him, raising a hand to his face. She traced her fingers over his familiar features, and felt an unusual expression of surprise.
  414. Lilly’s smile spread, becoming positively wolfish. “So, lover. What’s for dessert?”
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