
Another Fight

Jan 23rd, 2021
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  1. [18:40] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Zeno."
  2. [18:40] Zeno Laskaris says, "Hello person."
  3. [18:41] Natasha Vanrouge says, "...I am Natasha from the Fenrir House."
  4. [18:41] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Pleasure to meet you, is there something I do for you?"
  5. [18:41] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Answer some questions, please."
  6. [18:42] Zeno Laskaris says, "Sure."
  7. [18:42] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Care to talk in a better location than here?"
  8. [18:42] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Come to the square, then."
  9. [18:42] Zeno Laskaris says, "Thats worse."
  10. [18:42] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Stay put, then."
  11. [18:42] Zeno Laskaris says, "I mean where tons of people didnt try and question me."
  12. [18:43] Zeno Laskaris says, "Don't... you dare tell me what to do."
  13. [18:43] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Whats your questions?"
  14. [18:43] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Fact is, you have been involved with something big."
  15. [18:43] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Something big?"
  16. [18:43] Natasha Vanrouge says, "You threw the Academy in great chaos, I..."
  17. [18:44] Natasha dips her head forward. A hearthy chuckle comes from her lips.
  18. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [18:44] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Hmm?"
  22. [18:45] Natasha Vanrouge says, "They need you to complete the investigations regarding those deaths."
  23. [18:45] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Regarding Isaac Seidel's death."
  24. [18:45] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Need me how so?"
  25. [18:46] Natasha Vanrouge says, "If you are indeed innocent, you shouldn't leave the Academy grounds until the real murderer is found."
  26. [18:46] Zeno Laskaris asks, "Would you like to know /Why/ I left the grounds?"
  27. [18:46] Zeno Laskaris says, "Since no one asked that ever."
  28. [18:46] Natasha Vanrouge says, "Go ahead an tell me."
  29. [18:51] The boy let out a line to continue his fishing. Since he was doing that to pass the time before this young girl approached him. Even though a number of people want him dead or captured. It seems he bore a calm and relaxed aura around him. Almost like he didn't care, or because he was indeed innocent. Regardless his mismatched hues shift to look at the girl. Staring directly into her pupils.
  31. "When so many people constantly accuse you, and aim to kill you with no evidence. Of course one would leave the grounds. Become an outcast. With no care to return. They can claim that I'm innocent or guilty. Nothing changes for me. People still have their own thoughts. --I'm sure you'd do the same if you were in my position."
  33. He said reeling in another fish with ease from the corner of his eye. Looking back to cast another out. Letting out a sigh. Shaking his head.
  35. "Most of the people don't care. So why would I care either."
  36. (Zeno Laskaris)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [18:55] From the moment the murders started, Natasha had been personally intrigued by their modus operandi. At one point, someone said a beastkin was responsible for the kills before the name Akumu Oshikawa surfaced along the confirmation of Zeno and Peppy being involved as well. She allowed him a chance to explain everything.
  41. ...Yet, the Vanrouge thought Zeno's speech only served to rise red flags. With the soft and polite smile of a questioning person who has finally met its answer incarnate, Natasha shook her head.
  43. "I'm afraid you will have to return, be it by force or your free will."
  44. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [19:03] He puts his fishing rod away and takes a stand. Looking to the young girl with death ridden hues. Clearly he didn't care. --A shotgun manifested in his palm as metal ran down his arm. Loading the gun and having a sinister smile cross his face. As his mana burned brightly around him. Preparing himself for a fight.
  49. "I can assure you gi--Natasha, you won't succeed in taking me back. However you may think what you will. Nevertheless, I do hope your good at fighting. Since you claim to be brave enough to challenge someone wanted, and suspected of murder."
  51. Zeno said having metallic snakes run down his legs into the brick. Molding around and concealing them ultimately. --Just before he pointed his gun at her and shot. Starting a fight between the two.
  52. (Zeno Laskaris)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [19:09] Natasha's smile faded. Smooth skin was soon turned into dark charcoal as a familiar magmatic aura took over the Magi. Knowing well the weight of Haruki's warnings, the girl once more welcome the rush of adrenaline running through her veins.
  57. "Wanted and suspect of murder, soiling the streets of Achyon with your cowardice. Coming here hasn't weighted on your favor at all."
  58. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [19:10] Dominik pyr Docro says, "Thanks."
  62. [19:11] Dominik pyr Docro asks, "Why are you being so nice to me though?"
  63. [19:14] The Archsanitarian of Starfall Academy watched the fight silently from the sidelines. He knew the girl, Natasha, relatively well, though he did not quite know the identity of the young man she was sparring with.
  65. "Ah, the liveliness of youth."
  66. (Julian Sodynym)
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. [19:14] {Won Dangerous RPB against Natasha Vanrouge}
  70. [19:14] ** Zeno Laskaris has inflicted an injury upon Natasha Vanrouge. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  71. [19:17] The cat wonders if she should fish.
  72. (Black Cat)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [19:30] After the shot run out in the city. The boy rushed up on her. With his energy magicks billowing around his arm. Shooting out right as he got close to her. Throwing her back and having his snakes from within the earth dig into her feet. Wrapping around her and binding her in place. As the ground around him and her both was set ablaze from her magicks. Yet even while this was going on. It was almost like it was empowering him. Like he was thriving a bit from the pain. --He'd laugh, as the snakes slithered further up her legs and crawled around her. However due to that it did allow her free movement once more.
  77. They both danced around for a while on rather equal footing. Both trading blows with each other. A even fight by all means. --Ultimately the 'Murderer' came out on top. Having her legs bound to the ground once more. Her body reeling in pain. As the snakes she hasn't been able to get off her constricted around her. Eventually digging deep into her skinand baring their teeth into her. Her body started to feel weak as this happened. It made Zeno start to chuckle.
  79. "It seems I've won. Its a damn shame... Well fought though."
  81. Zeno said walking up to her however just before he was able to lay a hand upon her, a crowd started to amass. Of non-magi citizens of Achyon. Making anything he may wish to do be quite difficult. The snakes allowed her to gain movement once more. Letting her escape... against his will.
  83. If she'd look back the kid would give her a jovial wave goodbye.
  84. (Zeno Laskaris)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [19:36] Enveloped into a veil of flames, Natasha smiled as the battle commenced. Was she doing it for justice or simply because violence is too tempting to let go? Jumping into the battle head on, the magi enjoyed every second of it, until...
  89. wasn't as enjoyable at all. The Vanrouge's breath was running out from standing in a defensive stance for so long and in the very moment she tried to land another attack, Zeno forced her to the ground, summoning forth metal snakes.
  91. Deeply wounded and defeated, Natasha didn't stop screaming and trashing about until she was ultimately bound then weakened by the mysterious creatures. The defeated part crawled away until she could rest next to the familiar mantle of Julian Sodynym.
  93. "I will kill you. I will kill you. I will kill you, hear me?"
  94. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [19:37] Julian Sodynym asks, "Are you okay Natasha?"
  98. [19:37] Natasha Vanrouge says, "...Yes, I am."
  99. [19:37] Julian Sodynym says, "Do you need to see a medic? I can send Paca a letter."
  100. [19:38] Natasha nodded.
  101. (Natasha Vanrouge)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [19:38] Natasha Vanrouge says, "...I want to see Haruki."
  105. [19:38] Julian Sodynym says, "Hmm."
  106. [19:38] Julian Sodynym says, "Lets get going, I"ll try to see if he's there."
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