
[Verdant] - (Rev1) Azathoth, The Chewing Many

Dec 23rd, 2018
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  1. Azathoth, the Chewing Many
  4. Thousands of chittering mouths, hungering for nourishment via burnt offering. All sacrifices of meat, fat, and entrails have gone to It. A god of great power, but little intelligence. It has no ulterior agenda besides eating more, and more. Its boons and curses are merely just The Chewing Many taking greater and greater influence on a person. A relation to the Chewing Many is one of increased codependence, as it gives greater boons the more you sacrifice, but the more sacrifices are required to dull the consequences.
  6. Sacrifices:
  8. 1. (Required: Servant) A Great Feast is prepared of various foods, sweets, and goodies. The quality of this meal must reach Azathoth’s Standards for The Chewing Many to manifest and devour it, though it is hard to tell which foods the voracious God enjoys the most. (Roll 1d2. 1-It Hears you, 2-It does not. You must wait 1 IRL Week to try this Sacrifice again but may try the others immediately if criteria is met.)
  10. 2. (Required: Item/Servant) Morbid but daring, you must supply a Pound of Flesh from someone or something important to you. This may be a person, a pet, a Lusus, an enemy; it does not matter. The pound of Flesh needs only to have a Sentimental Value. Your Servant must then kneel, bow their head, and present the Flesh while you call forth Azathoth to Consume it.
  12. 3. (Required: No Servant) Without food or gifts, you must bring it upon yourself to gather Azathoth’s Favors in some other way. You must gather Holy Symbols and Artefacts from other Gods and burn them in Azathoth’s name. Once the embers have died, you must consume some of the Ashes to welcome Azathoth’s power into your body without being consumed by it. (Special Curse)
  14. _ _
  15. Boons:
  17. 1. Azathoth has shared its unending hunger with you, allowing you to eat as much as your heart desires without ever feeling full. You are able to discern if food is Poisoned, Rotten, or Wrong, but this ability means little to you; it all looks delicious regardless and your body no longer cares. (Consume anything without issues, Immune to Poisons).
  19. 2. You have been awakened as the Primal Hunter Azathoth truly embodies. Your senses of smell and taste are immaculate, allowing you to track People and Animals by nothing but scent alone for 3 Miles. You gain the ability to visualize ‘Scent Trails’ of varying colors corresponding to individuals who have passed through an area. (You do not gain knowledge of Names of People and must learn everyone’s individual scent color).
  21. 3. Your teeth have become hardened and unbreakable, able to slice and crush through any material you can fit into your mouth. Azathoth’s Hunger has granted you the strength to CONSUME and urges you to do so with as much violence and decadence as your newfound mandibular strength allows you. (+1 to Attacks made by Biting)
  23. 4. Azathoth has seen to it that you become a Predator capable of consuming even the largest prey. You find that your Jaw is now able to unhinge from its sides and split at its front and your lips may extend with Azathoth’s Power to reach from Ear to Ear without pain or lasting damage. The muscles in your throat have strengthened, as well. You are no longer able to be choked.
  26. Curses:
  27. 1. Azathoth’s Influence has left you disfigured. Across your stomach splits a mouth with many jagged teeth. This mouth must be fed routinely to prevent it from growing wider and to prevent it from eating through your clothes. Somehow, your organs still function despite an ever-consuming Void filling the most of your body cavity behind gnashing and uncontrolled teeth.
  29. 2. Azathoth has decided that despite your best efforts, you look delicious. While it does not consume you, you are left with terrible bite-mark scars all over your body from its many hungry mouths. The clothes you had been wearing at the time are ruined and beyond repair, as well as any armor you may have been equipped with.
  31. 3. Your teeth continue to grow, replacing themselves every 2-3 Wipes. If you do not remove the teeth already in place, they will either fall out or new teeth will grow around them.
  33. 4. Intense, all consuming Hunger wracks you during your every waking hour. You are painfully hungry as long as you are awake, and you must continually eat and consume lest you feel faint and go into a frenzy.
  35. 5. Your body is partially consumed by Azathoth, leaving you with little muscle or fat. Emaciated and sickly, you are unable to regain weight on your own. You must make ritualistic sacrifices Daily of large quantities of raw meat to regain what was lost slowly, and then to maintain it. (Takes 1 IRL Month to get back up to a ‘Normal’ bodyweight).
  37. 6. Food repulses you. The sight of it, the smell of it, the mention of it. While you must still eat to survive, the only thing that looks even remotely appetizing to you is the Flesh of your Fellow Trolls. (You are not required to Cannibalize Trolls to Survive, but all other Food is repulsive).
  39. 7. When you sleep, you wander through your Hivestem and consume anything edible during your slumber. This is uncontrollable. All doors and locks put in place to stop you will not keep you from Food, the only solution is to not keep it. You are unaware of this cure until you puzzle it out.
  41. 8. Animals you Hunt seems to sense you from a mile away and flee in every direction from your presence. Even domesticated Animals, like Lusii, are terrified of your very being and will attempt to escape your general vicinity.
  43. (Special Curse)
  44. Azathoth has decided that you make a wonderful conduit and routinely communes through you to devour. Every Full Moon (once per IRL Month) you are driven into a Frenzy and find yourself out in the wilds of Verdant chasing down and devouring the Wildlife. You awaken covered in mysterious Ashes and the bones of your prey. Roll 1d2 to determine if you become ill from this or not. (1- You are Fine, 2- You fall Ill. Illness requires hospitalization for 2 IRL days. Roll is not required if you have Boon 1.)
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