
Mara Profile WIP

Mar 15th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. >Marshal Mara S. Pyke
  2. >Male Elder Beastman Gunner/Wanderer.
  4. [Not Romancable] ("...have a little more respect for yourself, young'un.")
  5. When Marshal Pyke saw fire arms in field combat for the first time, he understood it as the end of an era, and the birth of a new one. He had no intent to let the nation fall behind, and lobbied as loudly as he could for research. He's not happy the wizards got to that breakthrough first, but it didn't stop him from taking advantage.
  7. >Perk: Font of Wisdom
  8. Mara may very well be the oldest currently living Beastman in active military service. He believes he could have done more with that time with his modern wisdom, and it seemed the Auspices agreed.
  10. >Party
  11. Hero: Sasiana
  12. Healer: Kotaro Yorubi
  13. Fighter: Kanabo
  14. Mage: Alfher Nikomachos
  15. Wanderer: Xanthe Pyrrhus
  17. A strange and tenuous band. None expected Sasiana as the new age's hero, and fewer were thrilled about it. She nearly came to share that sentiment, when she saw the Marshal's face and realized just how much time she'd be spending with the old dog. If it weren't for Kotaro's steady headed mediation between the two and Pyrrhus's occasional sharply phrased bible verse keeping them both in line, it's unlikely they would have made the connection they eventually did.
  19. >Overlord: Alis Brandford, The Gamer
  20. It was a dreadfully still moment for Mara, who had only heard faint rumors of the strange girl when his mark appeared, to arrive at this gathering of champions and be told that the Overlord had claimed his own treasured home as her first conquest in his absence.
  22. >Reason: Duty
  23. He felt betrayed, that the gods should tear him from his post just as the he was most needed, but far more, he felt as a traitor himself that he left his nation to burn behind him.
  25. >Life Events:
  27. >Long Journey,
  28. Mara S. Pyke isn't a common name for Beastman, given to him by a half-awake nun trying to divine the thrice smudged note that came with his bundle on the orphanage door step. Mara, for one, is a girls name. Mother Cynthia doesn't care to comment on how that mix up was made, but she's pretty sure it's what she saw on the note he came with. His upbringing was a violent affair despite Cynthia's best wishes, but far from a tragic one. Cynthia, being a devout worshiper, an proud patriot, and above all an earnest caretaker, sought to instill in each of her children a deep sense of duty and purpose, wishing for them to live deeply but honestly. This sentiment ran deep in Mara, who looked among his peers and understood two things in his naïve youth. Firstly, that he was stronger then them. Secondly, that weak people get hurt if strong people don't use their strength.
  30. With those two basic perceptions set firmly in his mind, Mara set out on a veritable crusade on the assorted street urchins of Costa, beating the very pavement itself into a more orderly fashion. Not as impressive as it may sound, when one sees the size of a well-fed and well-bred Beastman child. This wasn't without friendly fire though, as some of his adoptive brothers and sisters grew "overconfident" with such a canny enforcer at their back, and were occasionally "set straight" where and when they overstepped. Although it kept an uneasy piece in his small slice of the city it didn't earn him many friends, and came to a head on the day of his fated 14th birthday, where flattened noses and cuffed ears gathered at the local eatery to add some extra "festivities" to his celebration, only to be left in the cold when he never arrived. He had realized, on waking that morning, that he looked old enough to pass for enlisting age to the local human officer, and left for the recruiting office roughly 20 minutes later, taking with him only the clothes on his back and a book of scripture.
  32. >Unfortunate Meeting (Unlock Mungashared)
  33. In the interest of evading several passages of description on his slow climb up the military latter, we'll skip to a highlight, his clash with the rightful heir of Uramag. A long and grueling hunt in the desert, most of his squad followed high command's order, and abandoned the hunt in the first month. They knew well her mythos, having been raised on stories of the wicked desert witch that stalks naughty children. A living curse, swift as wind and with a mind sharper then any blade. By the third month, it became apparent their commander knew those stories just as well. On the fifth month, the most dimwitted man of his company took his leave, finally understanding Pyke's aim. He never believed she was real to begin with. Taking her "tracks" as a feral beast's trotting prints, and her effigies as the fitful heresy of rebellious teens. He was hunting a myth. Aiming to return home with countless shattered fetishes behind him, proudly announcing that Mungashared had long since left their sweeping dunes, if she were more then a bedtime story to begin with. He watched Private Hud leave that morning. But he did not awake alone in his camp that night.
  35. His body unnaturally stiff, he could only stare, unblinking into the swirling night sky, as a beast older then the dunes he lay upon whispered to his ear treacheries he dared not to imagine. Words of heresy, that stabbed deep into the roots of the world, impossible, cruel truths that echoed with silence from his own treacherous blood. He remained there for what felt as years, but he knew to be mere moments, a sickness like death seeping into his bones as the desert's monarch grasped him. But as she raised to leave and he felt blood pump back to his spiraling veins and twisted limbs, he raised himself to strike her. Only a brief moment of valor, but enough to win a brief respect. He heard a chuckle as he collapsed, and awoke soon after on his cot.
  37. Internal organs unmolested, each limb in peak condition. Better then when he had lay to rest. He offered a prayer there, to whom he was unsure, then stood and prepared to return home. He would tell any who asked the truth. He had found nothing. It would be no lie to omit what found him.
  39. >Hero's Journey
  41. >Card Games, Fatherly Demeanor, Bad Friend (Mungashared),
  42. Rough as their start was, Pyke and Sasianna slowly, painfully, came to an understanding. With some help from their bedfellows, he became something she had longed for for all her life, just as she became the daughter he had never let himself have. Then, one night as they crossed the desert Uramag, he awoke to whispering in his ear, and gentle chime of bone clicked with bone. These whispers were more pointed however. Resigned to worldly matters. Rustling cloth. A bookmark scorched in it's binding. A loose end.
  44. She returned his scripture book to him. He had forgotten it in the desert. She was being very kind to him. She remembered their last encounter. He had such pretty eyes. It stuck with her. Like a fishing hook. In an open eye. It stuck in him.
  46. She was glad he returned the kindness so readily.
  48. Breakfast wasn't quiet that morning, but there's only so much to be said when a man arrives before his comrades, eye socket still bleeding, and insists that nothing happened the night before. But when it became clear that there would be no answers for their myriad questions, questions slowly went quiet.
  50. >Evil Words Evil Deeds, Fate Unraveled
  51. As they crawled ever closer to his home, close encounters with the supreme force that was Alis Branford became an ever greater threat, and eventually a simple reality. He was in a bar when finally happened. A stiff whisky, something to take off the edge while he walked as an enemy incognito amongst his own countrymen, the glass shattered in his hand when he recognized the voice as hers. How surprised he was, to be recognized as chosen but remain totally unthreatened.
  53. A forceful pet on the head and a pointed wink, and the confrontation was over. She even saw to his bar tab. Twice over, that day, did Pyke question his purpose. Alis was strong. Weak people get hurt if strong people don't use their strength. People didn't seem... any more unhappy under her rule then the previous management. He had some things to think about.
  55. >Side Quest: Airship Accidents
  56. Mara doesn't know who came up with these fangled things, but after a brief shoot out with pirates while surfing on it's wing, he's not keen on a second round.
  58. >Betrayal: Letter of War
  59. Mara couldn't simply cut and run, much less leave his dear friends with daggers in their backs. He wouldn't tell them in person. But they deserved an explanation.
  61. >Traitor's Journey
  63. >Loyalty Mission
  64. Mara never exactly loved paperwork, but no one gets so old in such a profession without
  66. >Recurring Battle
  69. >Ending
  70. Heroic Triumph
  71. He planned for the victory of his home. He fought for the glory of his newfound lord. He prayed for the downfall of the gods. He hoped he would fail. Please god, let him lose just one more time. Here where it counts.
  73. >Stats/Powers:
  74. Free: Gunsmith, A-Cast, and ELE(ELEC)
  75. Basic Red Powers: Truth of Offense, Battlefield Foresight, Group Fighting Tactics, Stand Unbowed, Titanic Strength, Truth of Imperviousness
  76. Basic Blue Powers: Alchemical Engineering, Craft Magical Item, Elemental Mine, ELE(WATER), ELE (ICE)
  77. Basic Green Powers: Stand Unbroken, Projectile Weapon Expert, Escape Mastery, Cursed Eye (Taken)
  78. Advanced Red Powers: Deny Nothingness, Meaningless Zeal, Truth of Silence
  79. Advanced Blue Powers: ELE(DARK), ELE (SLID), Elemental Escort
  81. Finito.
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