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a guest
Dec 1st, 2013
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text 88.98 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,332 - root - initialization - INFO - ######################################### Logging Started ##########################################
  2. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,332 - root - initialization - INFO - Application started via ['G:\\Program', 'Files', '(x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity', '2\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\launcher.exe', '--esky-slave-proc', 'G:\\WINDOW~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\esky-slave-procs\\slave-2888.0.txt', '/server:sisi', '/log:debug', '/debughttp', '/uniquelog']
  3. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,332 - root - initialization - DEBUG - Checking paths...
  4. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,335 - root - info - INFO - server address: 'sisi'
  5. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,345 - root - info - INFO - server known
  6. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,345 - overrides - overrides - ERROR - No value set for resource u'DEFAULTDOMAIN'
  7. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,345 - overrides - overrides - INFO - Using domain:
  8. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,345 - root - info - INFO - Getting info file from
  9. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,345 - http - http - DEBUG - ('',)
  10. 2013-12-01 13:25:56,345 - http - http - DEBUG - {'headers': {'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'}, 'stream': True, 'timeout': 10, 'verify': 'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\cacert.pem'}
  11. 2013-12-01 13:26:00,885 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
  12. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,121 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /patches/win_launcherinfoSISI_inc.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 1133
  13. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,121 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  14. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,121 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '1133', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'last-modified': 'Fri, 17 May 2013 18:33:09 GMT', 'etag': '"766e1fa2c53ce1:0"', 'cache-control': 'private, no-cache, no-transform, max-age=0, s-maxage=0', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:31 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/plain'})
  15. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,132 - root - utils - INFO - Unable to find key '', returning default value None
  16. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,132 - root - initialization - INFO - Initialized launcher info for server: 'sisi'
  17. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,132 - root - usersettings - INFO - Cache dir: u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\launcher\\cache'
  18. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,132 - ch_exceptions - log - CH_LOG - Unable to load any user-settings.
  19. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,134 - overrides - overrides - ERROR - No value set for resource u'FORCELANGUAGE'
  20. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,134 - root - initialization - INFO - Initializing app with language: 'en'
  21. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,137 - root - log - INFO - Adding splunk logging to server at ''
  22. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,137 - ch_startup - log - CH_LOG - Launcher started
  23. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,183 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
  24. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,295 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /log HTTP/1.1" 201 0
  25. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,296 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'platform': 'Windows 7', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Content-Length': u'108', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  26. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,296 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '0', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'expires': '-1', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:31 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET'})
  27. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,296 - root - initialization - INFO - Sending logs True
  28. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,296 - root - initialization - INFO - Running from u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  29. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,296 - root - initialization - INFO - Working directory u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  30. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,299 - root - initialization - INFO - {'LauncherSettings': {'Launcher Version': '2.1.658753', 'Game Client Version': '661006', 'Platform': 'Windows 7', 'Default Language': 'en-us', 'Game Server Name': 'sisi', 'Chosen Language': 'en'}}
  31. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,308 - root - controller - INFO - Steam API initialized? False
  32. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,344 - browser - browser - INFO - cefbrowser initialized
  33. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,345 - root - assets - WARNING - cwd doesn't contain assets: u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  34. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,359 - root - selfupdate - INFO - Running update cleanup...
  35. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,359 - root - selfupdate - INFO - appdata: G:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-singularity 2\launcher\appdata
  36. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,359 - root - selfupdate - INFO - rightFolderName = EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32
  37. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - selfupdate - DEBUG - Exepattern: G:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-singularity 2\launcher\launcher.old*
  38. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - selfupdate - DEBUG - Self update finished
  39. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - selfupdate - INFO - Local version: 2.1.658753
  40. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - selfupdate - INFO - cache dir: G:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-singularity 2\launcher\cache
  41. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - utils - INFO - Unable to find key 'LauncherInfo/forceVersion', returning default value None
  42. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - utils - INFO - Unable to find key 'LauncherInfo/selfUpdate/downloadRetries', returning default value None
  43. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,361 - root - selfupdate - INFO - Downloading update from
  44. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,364 - root - controllerfunctions - WARNING - Could not retrieve steam token
  45. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,364 - overrides - overrides - WARNING - Detected region as ccp
  46. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,364 - root - controllerfunctions - INFO - landing page: '' backup page: u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\html\\Launcher_{languageID}.html'
  47. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,364 - browser - browser - DEBUG - evaluating validity of u''
  48. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,364 - http - http - DEBUG - (u'',)
  49. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,364 - http - http - DEBUG - {'verify': 'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\cacert.pem', 'stream': True, 'headers': {'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'}}
  50. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,434 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
  51. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,601 - root - selfupdate - DEBUG - _links: {'': {u'2.1.538642-beta.3': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.542673': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.658753': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.569026': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.605981': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.652913': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.534643-beta.3': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.533100-beta.3': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.623480': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.637534': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.541297': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.651555': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.567975': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.638489': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.648838': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.544267': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.571487': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.645308': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.537789-beta.3': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.546197': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.537851-beta.3': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.654066': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.560775': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.651614': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.543461': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.575219': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.566654': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.642923': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.634487': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.569499': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.542551': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.532936-beta.3': {u'': 40}, u'2.1.571852': {u'': 40}}, u'2.1.538642-beta.3': {u'2.1.541297': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.542673': {u'2.1.543461': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.658753': {}, u'2.1.569026': {u'2.1.569499': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.605981': {u'2.1.623480': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.652913': {u'2.1.654066': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.534643-beta.3': {u'2.1.537789-beta.3': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.533100-beta.3': {u'2.1.534643-beta.3': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.623480': {u'2.1.634487': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.637534': {u'2.1.638489': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.541297': {u'2.1.542551': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.651555': {u'2.1.651614': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.567975': {u'2.1.569026': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.638489': {u'2.1.642923': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.648838': {u'2.1.651555': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.544267': {u'2.1.546197': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.571487': {u'2.1.571852': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.645308': {u'2.1.648838': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.537789-beta.3': {u'2.1.537851-beta.3': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.546197': {u'2.1.560775': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.537851-beta.3': {u'2.1.538642-beta.3': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.654066': {u'2.1.658753': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.528627-beta.3': {u'2.1.528861-beta.3': {u'EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.528861-beta.3.win32.from-2.1.528627-beta.3.patch': 1}}, u'2.1.528861-beta.3': {u'2.1.531588-beta.3': {u'EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.531588-beta.3.win32.from-2.1.528861-beta.3.patch': 1}}, u'2.1.560775': {u'2.1.566654': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.651614': {u'2.1.652913': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.543461': {u'2.1.544267': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.575219': {u'2.1.605981': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.566654': {u'2.1.567975': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.642923': {u'2.1.645308': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.634487': {u'2.1.637534': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.531588-beta.3': {u'2.1.532936-beta.3': {u'EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.532936-beta.3.win32.from-2.1.531588-beta.3.patch': 1}}, u'2.1.569499': {u'2.1.571487': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.542551': {u'2.1.542673': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.532936-beta.3': {u'2.1.533100-beta.3': {u'': 1}}, u'2.1.571852': {u'2.1.575219': {u'': 1}}}
  52. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,601 - root - utils - INFO - Unable to find key 'LauncherInfo/selfUpdate/downloadRetries', returning default value None
  53. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,601 - root - selfupdate - INFO - Downloading update from
  54. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,709 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /launcherv3/en?steam_token= HTTP/1.1" 200 3706
  55. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,709 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  56. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,709 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '3706', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'cache-control': 'private', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:32 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET', 'x-aspnetmvc-version': '3.0'})
  57. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,710 - browser - browser - INFO - Loading Url: u''
  58. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,710 - browser - browser - INFO - Registered backupUrl base as u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\launcher\\appdata\\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\html\\Launcher_{languageID}.html'
  59. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,823 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.538642-beta.3
  60. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,823 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.542673
  61. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,823 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.569026
  62. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,823 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.605981
  63. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.652913
  64. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.534643-beta.3
  65. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.533100-beta.3
  66. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.623480
  67. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.637534
  68. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.541297
  69. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.651555
  70. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.567975
  71. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.638489
  72. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.648838
  73. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.544267
  74. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.571487
  75. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.645308
  76. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.537789-beta.3
  77. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.546197
  78. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.537851-beta.3
  79. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.654066
  80. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.560775
  81. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.651614
  82. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.543461
  83. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.575219
  84. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.566654
  85. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.642923
  86. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.634487
  87. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.569499
  88. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.542551
  89. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.532936-beta.3
  90. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - found version 2.1.571852
  91. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,825 - root - selfupdate - INFO - Found new version 2.1.658753
  92. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,828 - root - info - INFO - server address: 'sisi'
  93. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,828 - root - info - INFO - server known
  94. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,828 - root - update - INFO - checksum db: 'G:\\PROGRA~1\\CCP\\EVE-SI~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'
  95. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,829 - overrides - overrides - INFO - Using domain:
  96. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,831 - root - update - INFO - server: 'SISI'
  97. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,831 - root - update - INFO - folder: u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  98. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,831 - root - update - INFO - hashdb: <ChecksumDB at 'G:\\PROGRA~1\\CCP\\EVE-SI~1\\launcher\\cache\\checksums'>
  99. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,831 - root - update - INFO - cachedir: u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\launcher\\cache'
  100. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,831 - http - http - DEBUG - ('',)
  101. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,831 - http - http - DEBUG - {'headers': {'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'}, 'timeout': 10}
  102. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,861 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  103. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,891 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  104. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,941 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  105. 2013-12-01 13:26:02,973 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  106. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,316 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  107. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,381 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  108. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,486 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  109. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,523 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  110. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,558 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Page not yet loaded, queueing up script: downloadProgressUpdate('{"progress": 0, "label": ""}')
  111. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,568 - browser - browser - INFO - Received OnURLLoaded for URL= (status: 200)
  112. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,568 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  113. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  114. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  115. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  116. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  117. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  118. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  119. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  120. 2013-12-01 13:26:03,572 - browser - browser - DEBUG - Executing queued up scripts: u'downloadProgressUpdate(\'{"progress": 0, "label": ""}\')'
  121. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,365 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
  122. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,493 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /patches/premium_patchinfoSISI_inc.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 152
  123. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,494 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  124. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,494 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '152', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'last-modified': 'Sat, 30 Nov 2013 20:19:57 GMT', 'etag': '"1c86f9899eece1:0"', 'cache-control': 'private, no-cache, no-transform, max-age=0, s-maxage=0', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:36 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/plain'})
  125. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,496 - root - update - INFO - validation url: ''
  126. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,496 - root - update - INFO - Initializing... Initializing...
  127. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,496 - root - update - INFO - starting client validation
  128. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,496 - root - update - INFO - initialize progress bar (1,) {}
  129. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,496 - root - update - INFO - progress: Initializing...
  130. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,500 - root - update - DEBUG - progress: 100.0%, 1 B /1 B, 0 B /s, 00m00s
  131. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,500 - root - update - INFO - running check...
  132. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,500 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\578687627.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  133. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,502 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1044958311.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  134. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,502 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\184176302.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  135. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,502 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\973851257.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  136. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,502 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\416046575.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  137. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\35170702.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  138. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\184068053.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  139. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\799358703.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  140. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1010223464.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  141. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\434396932.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  142. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\559930999.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  143. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,503 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\71369552.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  144. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,505 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\54531447.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  145. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,505 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\184193227.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  146. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,505 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\906798695.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  147. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,505 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\96733139.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  148. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,505 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\801089333.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  149. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\510358704.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  150. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\456578753.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  151. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\60715780.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  152. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\433799345.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  153. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\175509756.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  154. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\450204299.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  155. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\448130336.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  156. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\745572582.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  157. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\828803294.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  158. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\718723312.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  159. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,506 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\510113569.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  160. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\535050335.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  161. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\423054623.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  162. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\564425091.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  163. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\384677762.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  164. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\709448122.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  165. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\389788554.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  166. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,507 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\8301872.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  167. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,509 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\216928389.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  168. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,509 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1059815016.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  169. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,509 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\911688335.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  170. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,509 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\950829238.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  171. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,509 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\274435946.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  172. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,510 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1013795984.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  173. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,510 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\189088003.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  174. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,510 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\405610491.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  175. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,510 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\358210437.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  176. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,510 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\168457624.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  177. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,512 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\471135449.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  178. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,512 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\890001055.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  179. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,512 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\640269113.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  180. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,512 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\503635354.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  181. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,512 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\123950105.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  182. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\273513646.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  183. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\924898531.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  184. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\994825915.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  185. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\416772967.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  186. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\841229040.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  187. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\177501885.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  188. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,513 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\211404224.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  189. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,515 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\508717151.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  190. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,515 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\652460703.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  191. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,515 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\683027033.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  192. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\427155143.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  193. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\489480429.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  194. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\262342321.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  195. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\972195922.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  196. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\582781727.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  197. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\626871787.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  198. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\990108113.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  199. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1037569168.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  200. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\681108653.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  201. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,516 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\591397060.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  202. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,517 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\735758988.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  203. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,517 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\879251282.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  204. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,517 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\517213950.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  205. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,517 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\248665499.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  206. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\672677173.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  207. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\113217746.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  208. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\20977407.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  209. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\134348725.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  210. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\277606917.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  211. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\645649513.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  212. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\758673706.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  213. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\839281664.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  214. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,519 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\583475152.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  215. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,520 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\771551992.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  216. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,520 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\681678847.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  217. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,520 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\761242320.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  218. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,520 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\450232299.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  219. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,522 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\129753691.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  220. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,522 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\611296162.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  221. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,522 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\926273629.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  222. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,522 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\810972189.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  223. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\764488344.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  224. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\836202291.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  225. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\450139178.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  226. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\949480079.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  227. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\444170846.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  228. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1017955339.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  229. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\250168397.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  230. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,523 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\18232607.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  231. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,525 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\60087615.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  232. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,525 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\753834186.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  233. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,525 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\382120504.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  234. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\227165213.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  235. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\937107093.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  236. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\930953636.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  237. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\948011335.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  238. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1039633064.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  239. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\212775356.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  240. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\887862465.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  241. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\85884525.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  242. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\443652050.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  243. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,526 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\410256419.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  244. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,528 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1050048593.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  245. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,528 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\142215711.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  246. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,528 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\655162751.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  247. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,528 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1032487571.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  248. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,528 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\354992777.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  249. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,528 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\619839232.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  250. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\779670904.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  251. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\619159451.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  252. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\92139047.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  253. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\80799301.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  254. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\30862876.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  255. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\440874425.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  256. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,529 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\869942277.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  257. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,530 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\509815196.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  258. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,530 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\456129485.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  259. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,530 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\176464651.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  260. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,530 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\667544794.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  261. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,530 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\663859890.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  262. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\468470839.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  263. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\291907051.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  264. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\618090321.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  265. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\561845646.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  266. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\263538902.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  267. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\127718222.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  268. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\289537834.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  269. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\732839491.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  270. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\106163569.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  271. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,532 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\480609508.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  272. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,533 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\830853304.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  273. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,533 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\885421465.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  274. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,533 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\758316638.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  275. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\1009766415.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  276. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\574976304.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  277. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\601369203.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  278. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\590144049.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  279. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\29071674.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  280. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\10995885.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  281. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,535 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\428135019.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  282. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\583966335.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  283. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\942020520.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  284. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\44208803.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  285. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\541842548.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  286. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\234954636.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  287. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\81302965.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  288. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\700300280.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  289. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\858087769.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  290. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\685754680.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  291. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\202138960.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  292. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,536 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\737953320.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  293. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,538 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\645060485.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  294. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,538 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\883427159.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  295. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,538 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\234407939.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  296. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,538 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\316706851.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  297. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,539 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\138083762.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  298. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,539 - root - update - DEBUG - unable to find 'res\\audio\\40314796.wem' in u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2'
  299. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,539 - root - update - INFO - initialize progress bar (12981808861L,) {}
  300. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,539 - root - update - INFO - progress: Initializing...
  301. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,540 - root - update - INFO - client validation result: False
  302. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /log HTTP/1.1" 201 0
  303. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'platform': 'Windows 7', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Content-Length': u'220', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  304. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '0', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'expires': '-1', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:37 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET'})
  305. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,540 - analytics - objects - ANALYTICS - event=clientvalidation;process=2744;started=1385900767.5;ended=1385900767.54;duration=0.0449998378754
  306. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - root - update - INFO - Checking for running process in folder G:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-singularity 2, ignoring the following executables: G:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-singularity 2\launcher\appdata\EVE_Online_Launcher-2.1.658753.win32\launcher.exe
  307. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - root - utilities - INFO - Folder: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\ccp\\eve-singularity 2'
  308. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Ignore: ('*launcher.exe',)
  309. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,605 - root - utilities - INFO - Current process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\ccp\\eve-singularity 2\\launcher\\appdata\\eve_online_launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\launcher.exe'
  310. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\nvidia corporation\\nvidia update core\\nvtmru.exe'
  311. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\microsoft office\\office14\\msosync.exe'
  312. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\razer\\deathadder\\razerhid.exe'
  313. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\spybot - search & destroy 2\\sdtray.exe'
  314. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files\\avast software\\avast\\avastui.exe'
  315. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\itunes\\ituneshelper.exe'
  316. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\divx\\divx update\\divxupdate.exe'
  317. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\common files\\java\\java update\\jusched.exe'
  318. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\razer\\deathadder\\razertra.exe'
  319. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\razer\\deathadder\\razerofa.exe'
  320. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\razer\\deathadder\\vddaemon.exe'
  321. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  322. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  323. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  324. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  325. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  326. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  327. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  328. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  329. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,608 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'c:\\program files (x86)\\google\\chrome\\application\\chrome.exe'
  330. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,609 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\ccp\\eve-singularity 2\\launcher\\launcher.exe'
  331. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,609 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Using pattern u'*launcher.exe'
  332. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,609 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Found process: u'g:\\program files (x86)\\ccp\\eve-singularity 2\\launcher\\appdata\\eve_online_launcher-2.1.658753.win32\\launcher.exe'
  333. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,609 - root - utilities - DEBUG - Using pattern u'*launcher.exe'
  334. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,611 - ch_update - log - CH_LOG - Client update: started
  335. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,723 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /log HTTP/1.1" 201 0
  336. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,723 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'platform': 'Windows 7', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Content-Length': u'125', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  337. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,723 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '0', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'expires': '-1', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:37 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET'})
  338. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,726 - root - update - INFO - creating patch...
  339. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,726 - root - update - INFO - Initializing... Initializing...
  340. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,726 - root - update - INFO - downloading premade patch: u''
  341. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,726 - http - http - DEBUG - (u'',)
  342. 2013-12-01 13:26:07,726 - http - http - DEBUG - {'headers': {'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'}, 'stream': True}
  343. 2013-12-01 13:26:12,262 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
  344. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,592 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /662205/ HTTP/1.1" 404 133
  345. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,592 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  346. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,592 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '133', 'x-hw': '1385900801.dop001.pa1.t,1385900801.cds003.pa1.s,1385900801.dop006.lo3.r,1385900801.cds044.lo3.p,1385900801.cds003.pa1.p', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'connection': 'close', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:41 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/html'})
  347. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,592 - root - update - WARNING - premade patch was unavailable
  348. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,756 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /log HTTP/1.1" 201 0
  349. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,756 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'platform': 'Windows 7', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Content-Length': u'327', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  350. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,756 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '0', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'expires': '-1', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:42 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET'})
  351. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,592 - analytics - objects - ANALYTICS - event=downloadpremadepatch;process=2744;started=1385900767.73;ended=1385900773.59;duration=5.86599993706;patch=G:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE-singularity 2\EVE_Online_661006-662205_win.patch
  352. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - zsync - zsync - INFO - resume patch: 0
  353. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - root - update - INFO - Creating HttpPatch using url: for amount: 0/0
  354. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - root - update - INFO - Initializing... Initializing...
  355. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - root - update - INFO - Creating patch: u'G:\\Program Files (x86)\\CCP\\EVE-singularity 2\\EVE_Online_661006-662205_win.patch'
  356. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: getting info
  357. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - root - update - INFO - initialize progress bar (0, '(1/6) Downloading index:') {}
  358. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - root - update - INFO - (1/6) Downloading index: Initializing...
  359. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - querying
  360. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - http - http - DEBUG - ('',)
  361. 2013-12-01 13:26:13,757 - http - http - DEBUG - {'headers': {'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'}, 'stream': True}
  362. 2013-12-01 13:26:18,276 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
  363. 2013-12-01 13:26:18,459 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /662205/RepairData_662205.dat HTTP/1.1" 200 7170398943
  364. 2013-12-01 13:26:18,459 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  365. 2013-12-01 13:26:18,459 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '7170398943', 'x-hw': '1385900807.dop001.pa1.t,1385900807.cds002.pa1.c', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'keep-alive': 'timeout=5, max=100', 'last-modified': 'Sat, 30 Nov 2013 03:09:01 GMT', 'connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'etag': '"1385780941"', 'cache-control': 'max-age=8580613', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:47 GMT', 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'})
  366. 2013-12-01 13:26:18,463 - root - update - DEBUG - (1/6) Downloading index: 1.1%, 8.00 KB/730.99 KB, 348 B /s, 35m26s
  367. 2013-12-01 13:26:19,555 - root - update - DEBUG - (1/6) Downloading index: 75.5%, 552.00 KB/730.99 KB, 99.81 KB/s, 00m01s
  368. 2013-12-01 13:26:19,907 - root - update - DEBUG - (1/6) Downloading index: 100.0%, 730.99 KB/730.99 KB, 115.64 KB/s, 00m06s
  369. 2013-12-01 13:26:19,989 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: getting files to repair
  370. 2013-12-01 13:26:19,994 - root - update - INFO - initialize progress bar (0, '(2/6) Hashing files:') {'showBytes': False, 'showBps': False}
  371. 2013-12-01 13:26:19,994 - root - update - INFO - (2/6) Hashing files: Initializing...
  372. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,176 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\EveLocalization.dll'
  373. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,177 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\Extensions.dll'
  374. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,177 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_GameWorld.dll'
  375. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,177 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_PlanetResources.dll'
  376. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,177 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_audio2.dll'
  377. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,177 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_ctypes.pyd'
  378. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,178 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_trinity_dx11_deploy.dll'
  379. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,178 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_trinity_dx9_deploy.dll'
  380. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,178 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_twitch.dll'
  381. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,178 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_vivox.dll'
  382. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,178 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\_yaml.pyd'
  383. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,180 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\blue.dll'
  384. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,180 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\d3dinfo.pyd'
  385. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,180 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\db.dll'
  386. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,180 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\destiny.dll'
  387. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,180 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\exefile.exe'
  388. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,181 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\geo2.dll'
  389. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,183 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\pyexpat.pyd'
  390. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,183 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\python27.dll'
  391. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,184 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bin\\unicodedata.pyd'
  392. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,190 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bulkdata\\600004.cache2'
  393. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,191 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bulkdata\\mapbulk.db'
  394. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,191 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bulkdata\\metadata.yaml'
  395. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,191 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'bulkdata\\version'
  396. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,191 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'code.ccp'
  397. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,191 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'eve.exe'
  398. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,193 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'manifest.dat'
  399. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,194 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9.stuff'
  400. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,194 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9BuildingStructures.stuff'
  401. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,196 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9Deployables.stuff'
  402. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,198 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9RockStructures.stuff'
  403. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,198 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9Scene.stuff'
  404. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,198 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9Shipwrecks.stuff'
  405. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,200 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9Universal.stuff'
  406. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,200 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resDX9WorldObjects.stuff'
  407. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,200 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resInteriorEffect.stuff'
  408. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,200 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resJumpGates.stuff'
  409. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,200 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resJumpGates01.stuff'
  410. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,201 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resLocalization.stuff'
  411. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,201 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resLocalizationFSD.stuff'
  412. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,203 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resSpaceEffects.stuff'
  413. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,203 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'resTurrets.stuff'
  414. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,247 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\616330753.wem'
  415. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,270 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Atmos.bnk'
  416. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,270 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Boosters.bnk'
  417. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,270 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Common.bnk'
  418. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,270 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Dungeons.bnk'
  419. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,272 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Effects.bnk'
  420. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,272 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Incarna.bnk'
  421. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,272 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Init.bnk'
  422. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,272 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Interface.bnk'
  423. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,279 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Modules.bnk'
  424. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,279 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Music.bnk'
  425. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,279 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Placeables.bnk'
  426. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,279 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\Planets.bnk'
  427. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,279 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\ShipEffects.bnk'
  428. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,279 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'res\\audio\\SoundbanksInfo.xml'
  429. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,283 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'start.ini'
  430. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,283 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - Incorrect hash: 'tut2.stuff'
  431. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,285 - root - update - DEBUG - (2/6) Hashing files: 100.0%, 00m00s
  432. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - zsync - zsync - INFO - filesToRepair: {'resDX9Scene.stuff': '394a04a16746dabb84cc111b2a4b67f47267188c', 'res\\audio\\578687627.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\735758988.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\779670904.wem': None, 'bin\\EveLocalization.dll': '00b3248ea167c73b0b9498c08a6e8101d905a8e6', 'res\\audio\\583475152.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\440874425.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\471135449.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\508717151.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\354992777.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\1010223464.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\645649513.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\489480429.wem': None, 'bin\\exefile.exe': '37e6ac855eb34b4dc782ee58b516d995081b7724', 'res\\audio\\836202291.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Init.bnk': 'ff79dee65da4a3ae605fe13e9fa19caf99a27847', 'bin\\destiny.dll': '62f2c6ec7bdc1c2759b0a5bed58bd8190c1393b3', 'res\\audio\\1013795984.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\810972189.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\92139047.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\510358704.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\758673706.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\405610491.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\184176302.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\745572582.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\410256419.wem': None, 'bin\\_yaml.pyd': 'c3eabba6f3c9b8308a5c7b0f31449093af6415b8', 'res\\audio\\227165213.wem': None, 'eve.exe': 'ac29fe36eab319aa2320eeb1974413473304ba66', 'resJumpGates.stuff': 'd38025ffdaafc8d9ea4206b76c1c40886700e938', 'res\\audio\\839281664.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\924898531.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\248665499.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\358210437.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\416046575.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Incarna.bnk': '9c356e98543fa4f0b0a3210fa7e28f580498a82c', 'res\\audio\\30862876.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\681678847.wem': None, 'bin\\python27.dll': 'f39df3740d5927920e67d9e2e202287bb7937209', 'res\\audio\\202138960.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\35170702.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\168457624.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\930953636.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\869942277.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\640269113.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\123950105.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\450232299.wem': None, 'resDX9WorldObjects.stuff': '855e435119e8dab4c93d70e47f15adf688a4a753', 'res\\audio\\509815196.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Planets.bnk': 'ed794b9d81addcb3beeed7fda59363ff8aab56c0', 'res\\audio\\Dungeons.bnk': '21d32b5589acd9756ede93130473613fa13592d7', 'res\\audio\\273513646.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\799358703.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\456129485.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Effects.bnk': '3e4d982c85e8ceb1c0d92469fa1b2ddbf45b2c99', 'res\\audio\\423054623.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\761242320.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\890001055.wem': None, 'code.ccp': '7ce013db5c2eaaf4481587aff607a1aad0937f6d', 'res\\audio\\176464651.wem': None, 'resDX9Universal.stuff': '23571a2e11239f6b2367e28137f0f22994cadf01', 'res\\audio\\129753691.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\503635354.wem': None, 'resDX9RockStructures.stuff': 'ef27a433ff912a575a1df2caede55182a42a10da', 'res\\audio\\619159451.wem': None, 'resSpaceEffects.stuff': '346fd7a0f31596387e364f71b7d00751f7a79594', 'res\\audio\\667544794.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\96733139.wem': None, 'bin\\blue.dll': 'ca534dc6fcea694c003503ba8e0c3fc2c5a7ea53', 'res\\audio\\616330753.wem': '008462868311232711d90952be7cea1c19a1499d', 'res\\audio\\541842548.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\879251282.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\663859890.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Modules.bnk': '88ef680da8ca126d5772e86e17e7be66a78349cc', 'res\\audio\\291907051.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\611296162.wem': None, 'bulkdata\\600004.cache2': 'b086fb50938218e07c8e7781a89679a75de484ae', 'res\\audio\\138083762.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\263538902.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\1044958311.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Atmos.bnk': 'ac0e6c09968519d3d42f7383515902a5cca7acc0', 'res\\audio\\737953320.wem': None, 'bin\\unicodedata.pyd': 'f1f9850eb9d8e89f321ea7235d6ec75ec39f57fd', 'res\\audio\\127718222.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\559930999.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\926273629.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\434396932.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\289537834.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\71369552.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\54531447.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Music.bnk': 'eca5dbec332937b0a18a29afcdcb023d719ab897', 'res\\audio\\60715780.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\444170846.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\184193227.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\1017955339.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\81302965.wem': None, 'bin\\_twitch.dll': 'bc8432b7a1a080d78015c00c0d8eba8d5d6f4526', 'res\\audio\\184068053.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\382120504.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\948011335.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\564425091.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\801089333.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\450139178.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\416772967.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\764488344.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\106163569.wem': None, 'resDX9Shipwrecks.stuff': '256dc22978b81ac6b2b445f3e0eaf48f32078b38', 'res\\audio\\480609508.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\830853304.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\885421465.wem': None, 'bin\\_audio2.dll': 'e85cc66ca64879a636a594d8cee238f67adb1a24', 'res\\audio\\841229040.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\758316638.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\177501885.wem': None, 'bin\\_PlanetResources.dll': '42939c20196ac914381305c1ca700d148af952ba', 'res\\audio\\582781727.wem': None, 'resLocalizationFSD.stuff': '1f267debd4ffc11c0e3730406b8109fea8c9c491', 'res\\audio\\973851257.wem': None, 'bin\\_trinity_dx11_deploy.dll': '0fd3b4812028882a8fcf460f74ff938a4440b418', 'res\\audio\\1037569168.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\18232607.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\456578753.wem': None, 'resJumpGates01.stuff': '6334ad80462a160346c930aac0a46f101a8d32f5', 'res\\audio\\277606917.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\211404224.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\1009766415.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\652460703.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\60087615.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\175509756.wem': None, 'bin\\_GameWorld.dll': '45dfbad9b417efa94eb4008d7cc249ea5b7f5841', 'res\\audio\\Placeables.bnk': '9c4f81b0ab53e8d3f85f14a49559f97820fccedf', 'res\\audio\\448130336.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\601369203.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\906798695.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\828803294.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\450204299.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\590144049.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\ShipEffects.bnk': '30d554fce5efec3610973419c084664c66e6fa1b', 'res\\audio\\427155143.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\591397060.wem': None, 'bin\\d3dinfo.pyd': 'd9d2d58865db16fe4657988a3afeee9bf2b0fbbf', 'bin\\pyexpat.pyd': '648b39f612314a80f891cea125ae193bbb5a229f', 'res\\audio\\683027033.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Interface.bnk': '7b608f8c2333cea2931adb8dd34526a9a778c69a', 'res\\audio\\29071674.wem': None, 'bin\\_vivox.dll': 'c07ce750c9a2140784125d738c2db39e6141092e', 'res\\audio\\753834186.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\718723312.wem': None, 'start.ini': '9c41576cac1add198379709966005bef29067c7a', 'res\\audio\\10995885.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\262342321.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\972195922.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\428135019.wem': None, 'tut2.stuff': '85425d540b317749fa2cbdbae80a05c3ed8e2c8c', 'res\\audio\\937107093.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\583966335.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\626871787.wem': None, 'bin\\db.dll': 'f5113c5534f5dd32a5c252e209d28d77ec6775a8', 'res\\audio\\44208803.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\510113569.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\990108113.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\535050335.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\234954636.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\574976304.wem': None, 'resTurrets.stuff': '9877fb0e4a89fddd399d6f04d5d6dfce431467bc', 'bin\\_ctypes.pyd': 'cce852e25a3cf78559fa9839484c4029880e50b2', 'res\\audio\\1039633064.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\212775356.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\700300280.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\858087769.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\250168397.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\433799345.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\384677762.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\994825915.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\709448122.wem': None, 'bulkdata\\metadata.yaml': 'e385c3935fb5d9c0e99b77fec4704f5adb08512a', 'res\\audio\\389788554.wem': None, 'resDX9BuildingStructures.stuff': '782be276a94e9ff63d2af6551e21ca24586c86a0', 'res\\audio\\887862465.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\681108653.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\8301872.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\80799301.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\732839491.wem': None, 'bulkdata\\version': 'cee169da068e291ba92a69a8a6f86786d48b3e3d', 'res\\audio\\85884525.wem': None, 'resDX9Deployables.stuff': 'bbeef04c723e5d259de113eaab9a6d8f5c1d263b', 'res\\audio\\216928389.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\655162751.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\SoundbanksInfo.xml': 'b3558fcc0a2b228c6a3139c51edc67636d2f0420', 'resDX9.stuff': '6d0be99117bd35ac0d695c2e67fa58fecdd3b14b', 'bin\\_trinity_dx9_deploy.dll': 'debded69a82c25a5fd35951cb7df447102abf860', 'res\\audio\\1059815016.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\911688335.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\517213950.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\443652050.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\189088003.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Boosters.bnk': 'b699922430434d852b76fccbafd2f5138b973994', 'res\\audio\\949480079.wem': None, 'bin\\Extensions.dll': '2d7d1f8f5247730db24069643770ccd8e312f4bf', 'res\\audio\\619839232.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\950829238.wem': None, 'manifest.dat': '47bd6d18891d8675176fc32d130ec9df875c102a', 'res\\audio\\468470839.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\1050048593.wem': None, 'resLocalization.stuff': 'f13d1bd41710d84aaf5004dd395efb8ab4cf7f5a', 'res\\audio\\142215711.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\685754680.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\942020520.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\771551992.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\883427159.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\672677173.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\1032487571.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\113217746.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\618090321.wem': None, 'resInteriorEffect.stuff': 'fa1fe4cf50199ca6bc142ef129ea534ab56a09ec', 'res\\audio\\274435946.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\20977407.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\234407939.wem': None, 'bin\\geo2.dll': '40b2ae381949e89a6b3bf608570a1ebbb622a361', 'bulkdata\\mapbulk.db': 'cecb653582422dfad19b4ca3b1a8347e01fe6803', 'res\\audio\\134348725.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\561845646.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\645060485.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\40314796.wem': None, 'res\\audio\\Common.bnk': '258c241a4cf7cff2bf943f320a82915f1a1e3af3', 'res\\audio\\316706851.wem': None}
  433. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: got 226 files to repair
  434. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: getting symlinks
  435. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: getting rollsums
  436. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - zsync - methods - DEBUG - Getting rollsums from '' for the following files: ['resDX9Scene.stuff', 'res\\audio\\578687627.wem', 'res\\audio\\735758988.wem', 'res\\audio\\779670904.wem', 'bin\\EveLocalization.dll', 'res\\audio\\583475152.wem', 'res\\audio\\440874425.wem', 'res\\audio\\471135449.wem', 'res\\audio\\508717151.wem', 'res\\audio\\354992777.wem', 'res\\audio\\1010223464.wem', 'res\\audio\\645649513.wem', 'res\\audio\\489480429.wem', 'bin\\exefile.exe', 'res\\audio\\836202291.wem', 'res\\audio\\Init.bnk', 'bin\\destiny.dll', 'res\\audio\\1013795984.wem', 'res\\audio\\810972189.wem', 'res\\audio\\92139047.wem', 'res\\audio\\510358704.wem', 'res\\audio\\758673706.wem', 'res\\audio\\405610491.wem', 'res\\audio\\184176302.wem', 'res\\audio\\745572582.wem', 'res\\audio\\410256419.wem', 'bin\\_yaml.pyd', 'res\\audio\\227165213.wem', 'eve.exe', 'resJumpGates.stuff', 'res\\audio\\839281664.wem', 'res\\audio\\924898531.wem', 'res\\audio\\248665499.wem', 'res\\audio\\358210437.wem', 'res\\audio\\416046575.wem', 'res\\audio\\Incarna.bnk', 'res\\audio\\30862876.wem', 'res\\audio\\681678847.wem', 'bin\\python27.dll', 'res\\audio\\202138960.wem', 'res\\audio\\35170702.wem', 'res\\audio\\168457624.wem', 'res\\audio\\930953636.wem', 'res\\audio\\869942277.wem', 'res\\audio\\640269113.wem', 'res\\audio\\123950105.wem', 'res\\audio\\450232299.wem', 'resDX9WorldObjects.stuff', 'res\\audio\\509815196.wem', 'res\\audio\\Planets.bnk', 'res\\audio\\Dungeons.bnk', 'res\\audio\\273513646.wem', 'res\\audio\\799358703.wem', 'res\\audio\\456129485.wem', 'res\\audio\\Effects.bnk', 'res\\audio\\423054623.wem', 'res\\audio\\761242320.wem', 'res\\audio\\890001055.wem', 'code.ccp', 'res\\audio\\176464651.wem', 'resDX9Universal.stuff', 'res\\audio\\129753691.wem', 'res\\audio\\503635354.wem', 'resDX9RockStructures.stuff', 'res\\audio\\619159451.wem', 'resSpaceEffects.stuff', 'res\\audio\\667544794.wem', 'res\\audio\\96733139.wem', 'bin\\blue.dll', 'res\\audio\\616330753.wem', 'res\\audio\\541842548.wem', 'res\\audio\\879251282.wem', 'res\\audio\\663859890.wem', 'res\\audio\\Modules.bnk', 'res\\audio\\291907051.wem', 'res\\audio\\611296162.wem', 'bulkdata\\600004.cache2', 'res\\audio\\138083762.wem', 'res\\audio\\263538902.wem', 'res\\audio\\1044958311.wem', 'res\\audio\\Atmos.bnk', 'res\\audio\\737953320.wem', 'bin\\unicodedata.pyd', 'res\\audio\\127718222.wem', 'res\\audio\\559930999.wem', 'res\\audio\\926273629.wem', 'res\\audio\\434396932.wem', 'res\\audio\\289537834.wem', 'res\\audio\\71369552.wem', 'res\\audio\\54531447.wem', 'res\\audio\\Music.bnk', 'res\\audio\\60715780.wem', 'res\\audio\\444170846.wem', 'res\\audio\\184193227.wem', 'res\\audio\\1017955339.wem', 'res\\audio\\81302965.wem', 'bin\\_twitch.dll', 'res\\audio\\184068053.wem', 'res\\audio\\382120504.wem', 'res\\audio\\948011335.wem', 'res\\audio\\564425091.wem', 'res\\audio\\801089333.wem', 'res\\audio\\450139178.wem', 'res\\audio\\416772967.wem', 'res\\audio\\764488344.wem', 'res\\audio\\106163569.wem', 'resDX9Shipwrecks.stuff', 'res\\audio\\480609508.wem', 'res\\audio\\830853304.wem', 'res\\audio\\885421465.wem', 'bin\\_audio2.dll', 'res\\audio\\841229040.wem', 'res\\audio\\758316638.wem', 'res\\audio\\177501885.wem', 'bin\\_PlanetResources.dll', 'res\\audio\\582781727.wem', 'resLocalizationFSD.stuff', 'res\\audio\\973851257.wem', 'bin\\_trinity_dx11_deploy.dll', 'res\\audio\\1037569168.wem', 'res\\audio\\18232607.wem', 'res\\audio\\456578753.wem', 'resJumpGates01.stuff', 'res\\audio\\277606917.wem', 'res\\audio\\211404224.wem', 'res\\audio\\1009766415.wem', 'res\\audio\\652460703.wem', 'res\\audio\\60087615.wem', 'res\\audio\\175509756.wem', 'bin\\_GameWorld.dll', 'res\\audio\\Placeables.bnk', 'res\\audio\\448130336.wem', 'res\\audio\\601369203.wem', 'res\\audio\\906798695.wem', 'res\\audio\\828803294.wem', 'res\\audio\\450204299.wem', 'res\\audio\\590144049.wem', 'res\\audio\\ShipEffects.bnk', 'res\\audio\\427155143.wem', 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  437. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - root - update - INFO - initialize progress bar (0, '(3/6) Downloading recipes:') {}
  438. 2013-12-01 13:26:20,305 - root - update - INFO - (3/6) Downloading recipes: Initializing...
  439. 2013-12-01 13:26:24,838 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
  440. 2013-12-01 13:26:25,213 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /662205/RepairData_662205.dat HTTP/1.1" 206 3864
  441. 2013-12-01 13:26:25,213 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Range': 'bytes=7166396159-7166400022', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  442. 2013-12-01 13:26:25,214 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '3864', 'x-hw': '1385900813.dop002.pa1.t,1385900813.cds002.pa1.c', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'keep-alive': 'timeout=5, max=100', 'last-modified': 'Sat, 30 Nov 2013 03:09:01 GMT', 'connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'etag': '"1385780941"', 'cache-control': 'max-age=8580607', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:53 GMT', 'content-range': 'bytes 7166396159-7166400022/7170398943', 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'})
  443. 2013-12-01 13:26:25,244 - root - update - DEBUG - (3/6) Downloading recipes: 0.6%, 3.77 KB/675.35 KB, 156 B /s, 01h13m16s
  444. 2013-12-01 13:26:29,832 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /662205/RepairData_662205.dat HTTP/1.1" 206 184
  445. 2013-12-01 13:26:29,832 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Range': 'bytes=7166400047-7166400230', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  446. 2013-12-01 13:26:29,832 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '184', 'x-hw': '1385900818.dop001.pa1.t,1385900818.cds002.pa1.c', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'keep-alive': 'timeout=5, max=100', 'last-modified': 'Sat, 30 Nov 2013 03:09:01 GMT', 'connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'etag': '"1385780941"', 'cache-control': 'max-age=8580602', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:26:58 GMT', 'content-range': 'bytes 7166400047-7166400230/7170398943', 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'})
  447. 2013-12-01 13:26:29,832 - root - update - DEBUG - (3/6) Downloading recipes: 0.6%, 3.95 KB/675.35 KB, 133 B /s, 01h26m02s
  448. 2013-12-01 13:26:34,441 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "GET /662205/RepairData_662205.dat HTTP/1.1" 206 24
  449. 2013-12-01 13:26:34,441 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, compress', 'Range': 'bytes=7166400555-7166400578', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Accept': '*/*', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  450. 2013-12-01 13:26:34,441 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '24', 'x-hw': '1385900823.dop002.pa1.t,1385900823.cds002.pa1.c', 'accept-ranges': 'bytes', 'keep-alive': 'timeout=5, max=100', 'last-modified': 'Sat, 30 Nov 2013 03:09:01 GMT', 'connection': 'Keep-Alive', 'etag': '"1385780941"', 'cache-control': 'max-age=8580597', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:27:03 GMT', 'content-range': 'bytes 7166400555-7166400578/7170398943', 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'})
  451. 2013-12-01 13:26:34,441 - root - update - DEBUG - (3/6) Downloading recipes: 0.6%, 3.97 KB/675.35 KB, 107 B /s, 01h46m30s
  452. 2013-12-01 13:26:38,973 - root - update - DEBUG - (3/6) Downloading recipes: 100.0%, 675.35 KB/675.35 KB, 29.71 KB/s, 00m18s
  453. 2013-12-01 13:26:38,973 - zsync - methods - DEBUG - Received the following rollsums: {'manifest.dat': <zsync.rollingChecksum.RollingSum object at 0x07C60A50>, 'eve.exe': <zsync.rollingChecksum.RollingSum object at 0x07C60A70>, 'code.ccp': <zsync.rollingChecksum.RollingSum object at 0x07C60A10>}
  454. 2013-12-01 13:26:38,973 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: got 3 rollsums
  455. 2013-12-01 13:26:38,973 - zsync - zsync - DEBUG - CreatePatch: getting patch calculations
  456. 2013-12-01 13:26:38,973 - root - update - INFO - initialize progress bar (0, '(4/6) Calculating patch:') {'showBytes': False, 'showBps': False}
  457. 2013-12-01 13:26:38,973 - root - update - INFO - (4/6) Calculating patch: Initializing...
  458. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,003 - zsync - zsync - ERROR - unable to find entry for 'resDX9Scene.stuff' in rollsums! rollsums: {'manifest.dat': <zsync.rollingChecksum.RollingSum object at 0x07C60A50>, 'eve.exe': <zsync.rollingChecksum.RollingSum object at 0x07C60A70>, 'code.ccp': <zsync.rollingChecksum.RollingSum object at 0x07C60A10>}
  459. None
  460. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,163 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /log HTTP/1.1" 201 0
  461. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,163 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'platform': 'Windows 7', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Content-Length': u'141', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  462. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,163 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '0', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'expires': '-1', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:27:08 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET'})
  463. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,226 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool - DEBUG - "POST /log HTTP/1.1" 201 0
  464. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,226 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - request: CaseInsensitiveDict({'platform': 'Windows 7', 'Logger': 'EVELauncher', 'Content-Length': u'214', 'Host': '', 'User-Agent': 'EVEOnlineLauncher/2.1.658753'})
  465. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,226 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - http - DEBUG - response: CaseInsensitiveDict({'content-length': '0', 'x-aspnet-version': '4.0.30319', 'expires': '-1', 'server': 'Microsoft-IIS/7.5', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', 'date': 'Sun, 01 Dec 2013 12:27:08 GMT', 'x-powered-by': 'ASP.NET'})
  466. 2013-12-01 13:26:39,164 - analytics - objects - ANALYTICS - event=createpatch;process=2744;started=1385900773.76;ended=1385900799.16;duration=25.4060001373
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