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On teaching

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May 18th, 2017
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  1. I was involved in a program reading to children at libraries, after-school programs, and other organized activities–rich parents directing their nannies to group playdates, poor miserable minority parents dropping their kids off (temporarily abandoning them) at the park, etc. I was the white Lever Burton, and my goal was to have my own Reading Rainbow.
  2. But I know now that blacks are just a different species.
  3. I was finally broken when a new policy was instituted: report/contact/explain every instance a child fondled their genitals (even a tug). The original premise was based on solid science. Probable undiagnosed infection, complete ignorance of social and physical norms, injury, potential sexual abuse, etc. After about 100 forms, reports, and contacts later, I was done. Blacks could not stop tugging on their shit, digging in their asses, or touching each other’s sensitive areas. There is no hope for blacks. We are a decade away from having to post billboards like in Africa that say, “Rape is bad,” “Witchcraft is not real,” “Having sex with infants not cure chlamydia,” etc.
  4. Black children who did not know that wearing their underwear backwards was wrong and that the crotch flap was not supposed to be shit out of. Blacks with no underwear with fabric burns from pants. Blacks who were never taught how to wipe correctly. Black girls hitting puberty at 9. It was shocking. Of course, any hygiene books rile up blacks to run around yelling “DOOKIE DOOKIE DOOKIE,” until they hit each other. Whatever motherfuckers pushed these animals into regular schools in the 1950s need to be publicly hung. Anyone who defends, apologizes, or excuses their behavioral differences should be killed immediately or put on lithium and deprogrammed.
  6. ~:~
  8. I have spent many years as a high school teacher in a shitty district. I’ve been closely studying nigger behavior patterns and would like to share some things I’ve observed with you.
  9. Unlike typical high school castes, niggers have two distinct groups to which they refer. First, a “lame,” second a “motherfucker.” A popular or renown nigger is a motherfucker, a submissive or weak nigger is a lame. That is not the only factor that determines those groups, however. For instance, you must be “fresh,” “fly,” or “live” to be a motherfucker, yet even a lame nigger can have good clothes and still be a lame. It’s a behavioral thing as well. Popular niggers are usually highly aggressive; it’s not atypical for them to be involved in a lot of criminal activities which facilitate their expensive taste (although they’ll wear a lot of fake brands, too.).
  10. Inside those two main castes you have certain cliques, but not quite the way you’d think of a clique. For the “motherfucker” caste, there can be hundreds of cliques depending on the size of the school. The individual clique is usually a group of niggers who commit crime together, hang out together, etc., and often there is a higher diplomatic approach to their interactions with other cliques. If one of the members feels disrespected by something another nigger did, they will usually fight it out, which in slang is “getting rec off.” This leads me into my next point: niggers are highly aggressive and it’s not unusual for them to actually pick a fight. I guess they must release all that excess testosterone somehow, right? That is another preexisting conflict that exists. They will usually choose to fight someone they already have beef with so they can release their personally directed aggression out, rather than (fortunately) just hit some random guy (but like I said, they will do that to if they feel they need to increase their renown). If something “pops off,” one of the niggers in Jamal’s troop will typically jump into the fight. It doesn’t matter if the other nigger has a troop of his own; usually they start off by trying to get nobody to intervene, but niggers’ tempers run very hot all the time. Usually a third party will hit one of the two fighting, and then they’ll all end up brawling.
  11. Niggers are also driven by the drive for women, too. “Muh dik,” right? They always want sex as easily as possible. They’ll fuck anything if it’s not too much trouble. They may even put a little more effort in if they feel the payout will be worth it. They will not however, buy the female anything; niggers typically like to keep their money close, in both a figurative and literal sense. They won’t never take it out of their pocket/sock/whatever (another nigger might rob them, or you, so it’s never smart to pull out money around them). It has actually made me kind of mad; I’ve seen nogs with a coalburner and she’ll buy them anything they want while they give her nothing in return.
  12. If a nigger troop (clique) gets big enough, there usually some form of a powerplay. If two nigger troops get powerful enough–have enough clout (which means they’re really out there robbing people and selling drugs)–they’ll be a bigger deal. Sometimes they will name their group something cheesy, like “Bank Boyz,” “10k Bandboyz,” “Blue Hunniz,” or something gay like that. They will go as far as to get t-shirts made with glittery letters to symbolize their allegiance. To be a member of said group, niggers usually must have enough clout themselves to not be considered a “lame” to them. I went over what constitutes a lame before, but niggers with enough recognition will not chum it up with someone lower on the social scale. Let’s use a historical analogy. The great powers of Europe would rarely be seen dealing with uncivilized or even lesser civilized powers unless there was specifically something in it for them. This is the equivalent of comparing a “motherfucker” to a “hoe.” A well known nigger will typically have a network of hoes that will count themselves under the same allegiance as him. But females aren’t loyal at all, so a lot of the time niggers will fuck a female from an “Op block.” (Op means opponent, block refers to where they’re from; used to be an actual block, now it’s more entire neighborhoods).
  13. As a side note, niggers will always surprise you with how stupid they are. It boggles my mind everyday in my classroom how dull they are. It’s hard for them to grasp basic concepts at all. Let’s go over some nigger slang so you can better understand them. Count how many you already know! Keep in mind their slang words usually have two or more meanings, so they can be used in a less serious sense.
  14. Finna - about to
  15. Rec - aggression
  16. Smack - ugly
  17. Skep - 1 Can be playful, like saying, “You played me, skep.” to a female. The closest translation is ‘rookie’ or ‘stupid,’ although the word has its roots in ‘skeptical.’ 2, someone did you dirty–your weed man gave you a “Skep ass bag” or someone stole your food at lunch or something, they played you.
  18. Cock - Like skep, it means pretty much the same thing but has a wider variety of use and is probably less serious. Sometimes even interchangeable with skep.
  19. Fufu/Fu/Fugazzi - Fake, your clothes are fake, the female is being fake to you, in that vein.
  20. Mild - Boring, “This party is mild.” It’s not exciting enough.
  21. Capping/Cracking/Shooting/Gunning - It all means the same thing, and that’s to make fun of someone. Niggers usually do this for comic relief, they will start making fun of someone in a more playful way than bullying. They usually say very inflammatory things to be funny, although some typical comedic rules do apply. So, for instance, “Bitch, you built like a crunch bar.” “You look like a motherfuggn Bob the Builder your little ugly ass.”
  22. Shit - Retains its usual meaning, but is used to shorten things sometimes. Rather than, “What are you doing, fool?” a nigger might say “Shit.”
  23. Weed - They have a lot of different names for weed. If it’s bad, it’s Reg, if it’s passable, it’s Powerball reg. If it’s good, it’s loud, shit, pump 9, gas, skunk, broccoli, what-have-you.
  24. Gucci - If you’re gucci, you’re doing alright.
  25. Jigga - an extacy pill
  26. Flakka - some fucked up synthetic drug that’s mostly around Florida
  27. Lick - A lick can be many things. Again, it can be used in a joking sense, but it means something to rob usually. “I’m going to hit this lick,” means “I’m going to rob this house”, or rob/steal from someone.
  28. Stain - Means the same thing as lick.
  29. Geeking - Wanting to do something really bad.
  30. Stunting/Flexing - Showing off your money with clothes and money itself. Flexing on someone means you’re showing off to them.
  31. Smoke - If a nigger says something about smoke, it usually is referring to a gun. It can also just mean fighting in general.
  32. Sweet - If someone is sweet they’re lame.
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