Guest User


a guest
Apr 16th, 2016
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text 21.65 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local user=""
  2. local locked=false
  3. -- functions for making read only values
  5. function version()
  6. return "1.21"
  7. end
  9. function sprint(text)
  10. textutils.slowPrint(text)
  11. end
  13. function waitForKey()
  14. while true do
  15. event, param = os.pullEvent()
  16. if event == "key" then
  17. break
  18. end
  19. end
  20. return param
  21. end
  23. function setUser(sUser)
  24. if not locked then user=sUser end
  25. locked=true
  26. end
  28. function getUser()
  29. return user
  30. end
  32. function reading()
  33. sleep(0.5)
  34. write "."
  35. end
  37. function showLogo()
  38. term.clear()
  39. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  40. print(" " .. os.version() .. " with Redworks "..redworks.version().." Terminal ID# " .. os.getComputerID())
  41. print(" _ \\ | | ")
  42. print(" / -_) _' | \\ \\ \\ / _ \\ _| | / (_-< ")
  43. print(" _|_\\ \\___| \\__,_| \\_/\\_/ \\___/ _| _\\_\\ ___/ ")
  44. print(" Development Team at")
  45. end
  47. function showLogo2()
  48. term.clear()
  49. print"@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@"
  50. print"@@! @@@ @@! @@! @@@"
  51. print"@!@!!@! @!!!:! @!@ !@!"
  52. print"!!: :!! !!: !!: !!!"
  53. print":: : : : :: :: :: :::"
  54. print"@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@"
  55. print"@@! @@! @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! !@@ !@@"
  56. print"@!! !!@ @!@ @!@ !@! @!@!!@! @!@@!@! !@@!!"
  57. print" !: !!: !! !!: !!! !!: :!! !!: :!! !:!"
  58. print" ::.: ::: : :. : : : : : ::: ::.: : "
  59. end
  61. function doLogin() --returns true if login succeeds, false if it fails
  62. local sPasswdPath = "ACCOUNTS.F"
  63. --check we have a login path, if not, what we enter will create the account instead of log in
  64. if fs.exists( sPasswdPath ) then--Password exists so this is not the first run
  65. local loginCount=0
  66. while loginCount < 3 do
  67. local tPasswd={}
  68. local file =,"r")
  69. local sLine = file:readLine()
  70. while sLine do
  71. for k, v in string.gmatch(sLine, "(%w+)%s(%w+)") do
  72. tPasswd[k]=v
  73. end
  74. sLine = file:readLine()
  75. end
  76. file:close()
  77. numItems = 0
  78. for k,v in pairs(tPasswd) do
  79. numItems = numItems + 1
  80. end
  82. if (numItems==0) then
  83. --no passwords, not first run, so exit with out login.
  84. print(" ")
  85. print("To secure this terminal use:\n\nadduser username password")
  86. sleep(3)
  87. return "",true
  88. end
  89. local ux,uy,px,py=8,8,8,10
  90. local size,len = 2,10
  91. rawWriteLoc(ux,uy,"Username:")
  92. rawWriteLoc(px,py,"Password:")
  93. textBox(ux+10,uy-1,len,size,false,false,"",true)
  94. textBox(px+10,py-1,len,size,false,true,"",true)
  95. local enterPressed = false
  96. local username,password="",""
  97. while not enterPressed do
  98. username, enterPressed=textBox(ux+10,uy-1,len,size,true,false,username,true)
  99. password, enterPressed=textBox(px+10,py-1,len,size,true,true,"",true)
  100. end
  101. if (tPasswd[username]==password) then --Login ok
  102. return username,true
  103. else --invalid login
  104. loginCount=loginCount+1
  105. rawWriteLoc(ux+10,7,"Invalid login")
  106. end
  107. end
  108. return "",false
  109. else--This is the first run, ask if they want to secure this box.
  110. local iSelected, sText = selectWindow(nil,nil,"Lock Terminal",{"Yes","No"})
  111. clearArea(16,6,17,7)
  112. local userFocus=true
  113. if (sText=="Yes") then
  114. local passwordMatch=false
  115. local username,password,password2="",""
  116. while not passwordMatch do
  117. local ux,uy=12,8
  118. local px,py=ux,10
  119. local size,len = 2,10
  120. rawWriteLoc(ux,uy,"Username:")
  121. rawWriteLoc(px,py,"Password:")
  122. rawWriteLoc(px,py+2,"Re-enter:")
  123. textBox(ux+10,uy-1,len,size,false,false,"xlilcasper",true)
  124. textBox(px+10,py-1,len,size,false,true,"",true)
  125. textBox(px+10,py+1,len,size,false,true,"",true)
  126. local enterPressed = false
  128. while not enterPressed do
  129. username, enterPressed=textBox(ux+10,uy-1,len,size,userFocus,false,username,true)
  130. password, enterPressed=textBox(px+10,py-1,len,size,true,true,"",true)
  131. password2, enterPressed=textBox(px+10,py+1,len,size,true,true,"",true)
  132. end
  133. if (password == password2) then
  134. passwordMatch = true
  135. else
  136. userFocus=false
  137. rawWriteLoc(ux+1,7,"Passwords do not match")
  138. end
  139. end
  140. --Our passwords match, store them for later.
  141. tPasswd={}
  142. tPasswd[username]=password
  144. local file =,"w")
  145. for user,pass in pairs(tPasswd) do
  146. file:write(user .. " " .. pass .."\n")
  147. end
  148. file:close()
  149. return username,true
  150. else --Do not secure
  151. local file =,"w")
  152. file:close()
  153. return "",true
  154. end
  155. end
  156. end
  158. --Helper functions
  160. --XLC (XLilCaspers) Windows libary included with permissions. Access with redworks.showWindow, redworks.textBox, redworks.selectWindow...
  161. function rawWriteLoc(x,y,sText)
  162. term.setCursorPos(x,y)
  163. term.write(sText)
  164. end
  166. function textBox(x,y,len,size,focus,hideChar,default,disableTerm)
  167. local h=2
  168. local w=len+3
  169. local char=""
  170. local line=""
  171. if size==1 then
  172. y=y
  173. w=len
  174. for tx=0,w do
  175. rawWriteLoc(x+tx,y,"_")
  176. end
  177. elseif size==2 then
  178. for tx=0,w do
  179. rawWriteLoc(x+tx,y+2,"-")
  180. end
  181. else
  182. for ty=0,h do
  183. for tx=0,w do
  184. char=" "
  185. if (ty==0) or (ty==h) then --horizonal line
  186. if (tx==0 or tx==w) then
  187. char="+"
  188. else
  189. char="-"
  190. end
  191. elseif (ty==1) then
  192. if (tx==0 or tx==w) then
  193. char="|"
  194. end
  195. else--normal line
  196. if (tx==0 or tx==w) then
  197. char="|"
  198. end
  199. end
  200. line=line..char
  201. end
  202. rawWriteLoc(x,y+ty,line)
  203. line=""
  204. end
  205. end
  207. if (focus) then
  208. if size==2 then
  209. y=y+1
  210. len=len+3
  211. elseif size==3 then
  212. x=x+2
  213. y=y+1
  214. end
  215. term.setCursorPos(x,y)
  216. term.setCursorBlink(true)
  217. sText=default or ""
  218. rawWriteLoc(x,y,sText)
  219. bExit = false
  220. local dispText=""
  221. local clearChar=" "
  222. if size==1 then clearChar="_" end
  223. local falt, sEvent, param = nil,nil,nil
  224. while not bExit do
  225. if disableTerm then
  226. falt, sEvent, param = pcall(os.pullEvent)
  227. else
  228. sEvent, param = os.pullEvent()
  229. falt=false
  230. end
  232. if sEvent == "key" then
  233. if param == 28 then
  234. return sText,true
  235. elseif param==15 then
  236. return sText,false
  237. elseif param == 14 then
  238. sText = string.sub(sText,1,string.len(sText)-1)
  239. end
  240. end
  242. if sEvent == "char" then
  243. sText = sText .. param
  244. end
  246. local dispChars=string.len(sText)
  247. if dispChars > len then dispChars=len end
  248. if not hideChar then
  249. dispText = string.sub(sText,-len)
  250. else
  251. dispText=""
  252. for n=1,dispChars do
  253. dispText=dispText.."*"
  254. end
  255. dispText = string.sub(dispText,-len)
  256. end
  257. dispChars=string.len(dispText)
  258. for n=dispChars,len do
  259. dispText=dispText..clearChar
  260. end
  261. rawWriteLoc(x,y,dispText)
  262. term.setCursorPos(x+dispChars,y)
  263. end
  264. else
  265. return sText,true
  266. end
  267. end
  269. function tCopy (tOrig, tTwin)
  270. if not tTwin then tTwin = { } end
  271. local tStack = {{tOrig, tTwin}}
  272. local function copy (tTable, tTarget)
  273. if not getmetatable(tTarget) then setmetatable(tTarget, getmetatable(tTable)) end
  274. for k, v in pairs(tTable) do
  275. if type(v)~='table' then
  276. tTarget[k] = v
  277. else
  278. tTarget[k] = { }
  279. table.insert(tStack, {tTable[k], tTarget[k]})
  280. end
  281. end
  282. end
  283. while #tStack>0 do
  284. copy(tStack[1][1], tStack[1][2])
  285. table.remove(tStack, 1)
  286. end
  287. return tTwin
  288. end
  290. function showWindow(x,y,w,h,title,text)
  291. local sTitle = title or ""
  292. local sText = text or ""
  293. width, height = term.getSize()
  294. sTitle = string.sub(sTitle,1,w-2)
  295. iTitleStart = ((w/2)-1)-((#sTitle-1)/2)
  296. if (not x) then
  297. x=(width-w)/2
  298. end
  299. if (not y) then
  300. y=(height-h)/2
  301. end
  302. if (w > width) then w = width end
  303. if (h > height) then h = height end
  304. local line=""
  305. local char=""
  306. local curChar=1
  307. local waitForLine=1
  308. if (sTitle ~= "") then waitForLine = 2 end
  309. for ty=0,h do
  310. for tx=0,w do
  311. char=" "
  312. if (ty==0) or ((ty==2) and (sTitle ~= "")) or (ty==h) then --horizonal line
  313. if (tx==0 or tx==w) then
  314. char="+"
  315. else
  316. char="-"
  317. end
  318. elseif (ty==1) then
  319. if (tx==0 or tx==w) then
  320. char="|"
  321. else
  322. --if (tx-iTitleStart < #sTitle+1) and (tx > iTitleStart) then
  323. -- char = string.sub(sTitle,tx-iTitleStart,tx-iTitleStart)
  324. --end
  325. end
  326. else--normal line
  327. if (tx==0 or tx==w) then
  328. char="|"
  329. end
  330. end
  331. line=line..char
  332. end
  333. rawWriteLoc(x,y+ty,line)
  334. line=""
  335. end
  336. if (sTitle ~= "") then
  337. rawWriteLoc(x+iTitleStart+1,y+1,sTitle)
  338. end
  339. if (sText ~= "") then
  340. term.setCursorPos(x+1,y+3)
  341. local wrapedText = getWrapedText(x+1,y+2,x+w-2,y+h-1,sText)
  342. local offset = 0
  343. if (sTitle ~= "") then offset=2 end
  344. for ty=1,#wrapedText do
  345. rawWriteLoc(x+1,ty+y+offset,wrapedText[ty])
  346. if (ty>h-offset-2) then break end
  347. end
  348. end
  349. end
  351. function getWrapedText(sx,sy,w,h, sText )
  352. local x,y = sx,sy
  353. local line = ""
  354. local wraped = { }
  355. local function newLine()
  356. table.insert(wraped,line)
  357. line=""
  358. x=sx
  359. end
  361. local function storeText(text)
  362. line=line..text
  363. return #text
  364. end
  366. -- Print the line with proper word wrapping
  367. while string.len(sText) > 0 do
  368. local whitespace = string.match( sText, "^[ \t]+" )
  369. if whitespace then
  370. -- Print whitespace
  371. x = x + storeText(whitespace)
  372. sText = string.sub( sText, string.len(whitespace) + 1 )
  373. end
  375. local newline = string.match( sText, "^\n" )
  376. if newline then
  377. -- Print newlines
  378. newLine()
  379. sText = string.sub( sText, 2 )
  380. end
  382. local text = string.match( sText, "^[^ \t\n]+" )
  383. if text then
  384. sText = string.sub( sText, string.len(text) + 1 )
  385. if string.len(text) > w then
  386. -- Print a multiline word
  387. while string.len( text ) > 0 do
  388. if x > w then
  389. newLine()
  390. end
  391. x = x + storeText( text )
  392. text = string.sub( text, (w-x) + 2 )
  393. end
  394. else
  395. -- Print a word normally
  396. if x + string.len(text) > w then
  397. newLine()
  398. end
  399. x = x + storeText( text )
  400. end
  401. end
  402. end
  403. newLine()
  404. return wraped
  405. end
  407. function selectWindow(x,y,title,tOptions,iSelected)
  408. local w=#title
  409. local h=1
  410. local selected=iSelected or 1
  411. local tOptionsOrg=tCopy(tOptions)
  412. local width, height = term.getSize()
  413. for n=1,#tOptions do
  414. tOptions[n]=" "..tOptionsOrg[n].." "
  415. if (string.len(tOptions[n])>w) then w=string.len(tOptions[n]) end
  416. end
  417. w=w+2
  418. local sTitle = title or ""
  419. if (sTitle ~= "") then h = h + 2 end
  420. h = h + #tOptions
  421. tOptions[selected]="*"..tOptionsOrg[selected].."*"
  422. if (not x) then
  423. x=(width-w)/2
  424. end
  425. if (not y) then
  426. y=(height-h)/2
  427. end
  428. showWindow(x,y,w,h,sTitle,table.concat(tOptions,"\n"))
  430. --loop and capture arrow keys for selecting output.
  431. bExit = false
  432. while not bExit do
  433. event, param = os.pullEvent()
  434. if event == "key" then
  435. if param == 197 then --Exit on pause/break
  436. bExit = true
  437. elseif param == 208 then
  438. tOptions[selected]=" "..tOptionsOrg[selected].." " --Clear selection
  439. selected=selected+1
  440. if (selected>#tOptions) then selected=1 end
  441. tOptions[selected]="*"..tOptionsOrg[selected].."*"
  442. showWindow(x,y,w,h,sTitle,table.concat(tOptions,"\n"))
  443. elseif param == 200 then
  444. tOptions[selected]=" "..tOptionsOrg[selected].." " --Clear selection
  445. selected=selected-1
  446. if (selected<1) then selected=#tOptions end
  447. tOptions[selected]="*"..tOptionsOrg[selected].."*"
  448. showWindow(x,y,w,h,sTitle,table.concat(tOptions,"\n"))
  449. elseif param == 28 then
  450. return selected,tOptionsOrg[selected]
  451. end
  452. end
  454. end
  455. end
  457. function clearArea(x,y,w,h,char)
  458. local sChar = char or " "
  459. for yy=0,h do
  460. for xx=0,w do
  461. rawWriteLoc(x+xx,y+yy,sChar)
  462. end
  463. end
  464. end
  466. --End of windows libary
  468. function class(base, init)
  469. local c = {} -- a new class instance
  470. if not init and type(base) == 'function' then
  471. init = base
  472. base = nil
  473. elseif type(base) == 'table' then
  474. -- our new class is a shallow copy of the base class!
  475. for i,v in pairs(base) do
  476. c[i] = v
  477. end
  478. c._base = base
  479. end
  480. -- the class will be the metatable for all its objects,
  481. -- and they will look up their methods in it.
  482. c.__index = c
  484. -- expose a constructor which can be called by <classname>(<args>)
  485. local mt = {}
  486. mt.__call = function(class_tbl, ...)
  487. local obj = {}
  488. setmetatable(obj,c)
  489. if init then
  490. init(obj,...)
  491. else
  492. -- make sure that any stuff from the base class is initialized!
  493. if base and base.init then
  494. base.init(obj, ...)
  495. end
  496. end
  497. return obj
  498. end
  499. c.init = init
  500. c.is_a = function(self, klass)
  501. local m = getmetatable(self)
  502. while m do
  503. if m == klass then return true end
  504. m = m._base
  505. end
  506. return false
  507. end
  508. setmetatable(c, mt)
  509. return c
  510. end
  511. -----------EXTRA----------
  513. --[[ (( Rin API ))
  515. Usage: Just use the following information to utilize the available commands
  517. :::Functions:::
  519. ENTITY
  521. [ Name, X, Y, Text, Visibility, Physical )] returns Integer ID
  522. Creates a new entity
  523. Name;String -- Entity Name -- Currently only usable via entity.getvar() and entity.setvar()
  524. X;Integer -- Entity X Position
  525. Y;Integer -- Entity Y Position
  526. Text;String -- The text on-screen that represents the entity
  527. Visibility;Bool -- Whether or not the entity is drawn
  528. Physical;Bool -- Whether or not the entity is a physical entity -- Currently only changeable via entity.getvar() and entity.setvar()
  529. Note: Physical entities are unable to move to the position of other physical entities, but can be created at the same position, watch out.
  531. [entity.setpos(ID, x, y, r)] -- ID is the returned value of
  532. Sets the position of entity ID to position x, y
  533. Or, if r is set to true, sets position relative to current position
  534. entity.setpos(ID, 3, 0, r) would add 3 to ID's x position, and 0 to ID's y position
  536. [entity.setchar(ID, Text)]
  537. Changes the character, or group of characters, that represent the entity on-screen
  539. [entity.setvis(ID, Bool)]
  540. Sets whether the entity is visible on-screen
  542. [entity.setabs(ID, Bool)]
  543. Sets whether the entity's position is absolute( x:1 y:1 remains the same regardless of screen position. Useful for GUI )
  545. [entity.addvar(ID, Var, Value)]
  546. Creates a new variable named Var of value Value to the entity ID
  547. Var:String -- Variable Name
  548. Value:Any -- Variable Value
  550. [entity.setvar(ID, Var, Value)]
  551. Sets the value of the variable Var to the value Value on the entity ID
  553. [entity.getvar(ID, Var)]
  554. Returns the value of the variable Var on the entity ID
  556. [entity.getposx(ID)]
  557. Returns the X position of the entity ID
  559. [entity.getposy(ID)]
  560. returns the Y position of the entity ID
  562. [entity.remvar(ID, Var)]
  563. Removes the variable Var from the entity ID
  565. GET
  567. [get.locphys(x, y)]
  568. Checks if there is a physical entity at position x,y
  569. returns physical entity's ID, otherwise returns false
  573. [exec.quit()]
  574. Ends the current execution
  576. [exec.draw()]
  577. Draws the screen -- Runs automatically if a custom exec.update isn't set
  579. [exec.update()]
  580. User defined;
  581. Runs every step, exec.update() overrides exec.defupdate(), which is the default update function
  582. If you update yourself, you need to run exec.draw() or create your own drawing procedure
  584. [exec.start()]
  585. Starts the execution, nothing will be executed beyond this point until exec.stop() is called!
  587. [exec.beginstep()] [exec.step()] [exec.endstep()]
  588. User defined;
  589. These are run every step, and in the order seen above.
  590. This is a good place to put any sort of logic or conditional checks.
  592. [exec.key(k)]
  593. User defined;
  594. This is run when a key is pressed, and the argument k contains the code for the key.
  595. Find the Key Codes here;
  597. [exec.quit]
  598. Ends the execution, returning to the command line.
  600. :::Variables:::
  602. window.w -- Window Width
  603. window.h -- Window Height
  604. window.midw -- Center of the Window Width
  605. window.midh -- Center of the Window Height
  607. screen.x -- Screen x offset
  608. screen.y -- Screen y offset
  610. :::Entity Variables:::
  611. These are the default Entity variables, found with entity.getvar()
  612. 'Name' -- String -- Entity's name, which you set when making a new entity
  613. 'X Position' -- Integer -- Entity's X Position
  614. 'Y Position' -- Integer -- Entity's Y Position
  615. 'Character' -- String -- The string that represents the entity on-screen
  616. 'Visibility' -- Bool -- Defines whether an entity is drawn on-screen
  617. 'Physical' -- Bool -- Defines whether an entity is physical or not
  618. 'Absolute' -- Bool -- Defines whether an entity's location is absolute;
  619. Position (1,1) is the top left corner of the screen at all times if this is true for the object
  620. 'Variable Count' -- Integer -- Defines how many variables the entity has :::DO NOT CHANGE:::
  622. ]]--
  624. window = {}
  625. window.w,window.h = term.getSize()
  626. window.midw = window.w/2
  627. window.midh = window.h/2
  629. screen = {}
  631. screen.x = 0
  632. screen.y = 0
  635. entity = {}
  636. entitynum = 1
  638. function, x, y, t, c, d) -- Adds a new Entity to the execution
  639. id = entitynum
  640. entity[id] = {}
  642. entity[id][1] = {}
  643. entity[id][1][1] = 'Name'
  644. entity[id][1][2] = a
  646. entity[id][2] = {}
  647. entity[id][2][1] = 'X Position'
  648. entity[id][2][2] = x -- XPos
  650. entity[id][3] = {}
  651. entity[id][3][1] = 'Y Position'
  652. entity[id][3][2] = y -- YPos
  654. entity[id][4] = {}
  655. entity[id][4][1] = 'Character'
  656. entity[id][4][2] = t -- Text Representing the Entity
  658. entity[id][5] = {}
  659. entity[id][5][1] = 'Visibility'
  660. entity[id][5][2] = c -- Depicts whether the object is visible or not
  662. entity[id][6] = {}
  663. entity[id][6][1] = 'Physical'
  664. entity[id][6][2] = d -- If an object is Physical, it cannot move onto the same spot as a physical object
  665. -- WARNING: Objects can still be set to physical using entity.setvar(), or by creating an object at the same spot as another object!
  667. entity[id][7] = {}
  668. entity[id][7][1] = 'Absolute'
  669. entity[id][7][2] = false -- Sets whether an object has an absolute position(1 = 1 on screen regardless of screen offset) or not
  671. entity[id][8] = {}
  672. entity[id][8][1] = 'Variable Count'
  673. entity[id][8][2] = 7 -- Counts how many variables there are
  675. entitynum = entitynum+1
  676. return id
  677. end
  679. function entity.setchar(a, b)
  680. entity[a][4][2] = b
  681. end
  683. function entity.setphys(a, b)
  684. entity[a][5][2] = b
  685. end
  687. function entity.setabs(a, b)
  688. entity[a][7][2] = b
  689. end
  691. function entity.addvar(a, b, c) -- Adds a new variable to an Entity
  692. varcount = entity[a][8][2] + 1
  693. entity[a][varcount] = {}
  694. entity[a][varcount][1] = b
  695. entity[a][varcount][2] = c
  696. entity[a][8][2] = varcount
  697. end
  699. function entity.remvar(a, b)
  700. for i in ipairs(entity[a]) do
  701. if entity[a][i][1] == b then
  702. table.remove(entity[a], i)
  703. entity[a][8][2] = entity[a][8][2] - 1
  704. break
  705. end
  706. end
  707. end
  709. function entity.setvar(a, b, c)
  710. for i in ipairs(entity[a]) do
  711. if entity[a][i][1] == b then
  712. entity[a][i][2] = c
  713. break
  714. end
  715. end
  716. end
  718. function entity.getvar(a, b)
  719. answer = 0
  720. for i in ipairs(entity[a]) do
  721. if entity[a][i][1] == b then
  722. answer = entity[a][i][2]
  723. break
  724. end
  725. end
  726. return answer
  727. end
  730. function entity.rem(a) -- Removes Entity from the execution
  731. --Don't know if this is possible or not. Might just zero out the entity. Reason? table.remove() would shift all the higher index entities down, changing their ID's
  732. end
  734. function entity.getposx(a) return entity[a][2][2] end
  735. function entity.getposy(a) return entity[a][3][2] end
  737. function entity.setpos(a, x, y, r) -- Sets the Entity's Position
  738. if r ~= nil then
  739. local resx = entity[a][2][2] + x
  740. local resy = entity[a][3][2] + y
  741. if get.locphys(resx,resy) == false then
  742. entity[a][2][2] = resx
  743. entity[a][3][2] = resy
  744. end
  745. else
  746. if get.locphys(x,y) == false then
  747. entity[a][2][2] = x
  748. entity[a][3][2] = y
  749. end
  750. end
  751. end
  753. --[[ GET FUNCTIONS ]]--
  754. get = {}
  756. function get.locphys(x, y)
  757. answer = false
  758. for i,v in ipairs(entity) do
  759. if entity[i][6][2] then
  760. if entity[i][2][2] == x then
  761. if entity[i][3][2] == y then
  762. answer = i
  763. break
  764. end
  765. end
  766. end
  767. end
  768. return answer
  769. end
  771. --[[ SCREEN FUNCTIONS ]]--
  772. function printCenter( y, s ) -- Prints centered text on the screen
  773. local x = math.floor((w - string.len(s)) / 2)
  774. term.setCursorPos(x, y)
  775. term.clearLine()
  776. term.write( s )
  777. end
  779. --[[ RUNTIME ]]--
  780. --Variables
  781. exec = {}
  782. = false
  783. --Functions
  784. function exec.quit() -- Ends the current execution
  785. term.clear()
  786. = false
  787. term.setCursorPos(window.midw-7,window.h)
  788. term.write('Thanks for using the RinAPI')
  789. sleep(2)
  790. term.clear()
  791. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  792. end
  794. function exec.draw() -- Draws the screen
  795. term.clear()
  796. for i,v in ipairs(entity) do
  797. if entity[i][5][2] == true and entity[i][7][2] == false then
  798. local x = entity[i][2][2]
  799. local y = entity[i][3][2]
  800. term.setCursorPos(x - screen.x, y - screen.y)
  801. term.write(entity[i][4][2])
  802. end
  803. end
  804. for i,v in ipairs(entity) do
  805. if entity[i][5][2] == true and entity[i][7][2] == true then
  806. local x = entity[i][2][2]
  807. local y = entity[i][3][2]
  808. term.setCursorPos(x, y)
  809. term.write(entity[i][4][2])
  810. end
  811. end
  812. end
  814. function exec.defupdate() -- Default Update, can be overridden for custom draw handling
  815. term.clear()
  816. exec.draw()
  817. end
  819. function exec.start() -- Starts the current execution
  820. = true
  821. os.startTimer(1/30)
  822. while do
  823. local t,k = os.pullEvent()
  824. if t == 'timer' then
  825. if exec.beginstep ~= nil then exec.beginstep() end
  826. if exec.step ~= nil then exec.step() end
  827. if exec.endstep ~= nil then exec.endstep() end
  828. if exec.update ~= nil then exec.update()
  829. else exec.defupdate() end
  830. os.startTimer(1/30)
  831. elseif t == 'key' then
  832. if k == 14 then
  833. exec.quit()
  834. else
  835. if exec.key ~= nil then exec.key(k) end
  836. end
  837. end
  838. end
  839. end
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