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Jan 15th, 2022
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  1. as i mentioned in my description, i have mixed feelings about this track. i believe i started it some time in january of 2020, and my line rider tracks and i were different then from how are now.
  3. the song:
  4. i don't like this song anymore. i don't like radiohead anymore. that's why the track's cut in the first place, i couldn't bear making another minute and a half of that almost insufferable music. i was introduced to the album from the kid a project from geometry dash, and that was a time where i listened to that album a lot. it's kind of inevitable that i ended up growing past it, and why i was reluctant to even finish the track in the first place after the idea was mentioned after i put it in my unfinished tracks video.
  6. the track:
  7. i'm super apathetic towards it, and the reason why is because i know exactly what's wrong with it. this made it really difficult for me to work on it. in the end i ended up just accepting that. i don't want to go too much in depth but if you ask me i'll tell you. what was once a grand project is now a track i finished for the sake of finishing it, because i didn't want all of the time i put into it to just disappear. i put a lot of time into it.
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