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  1. [ ... ]
  2. buncha msgs from `dj-vapor' (i was +g)...
  3. [ ... ]
  4. 05:45.31 >>> Irssi: Starting query in EFnet with dj-vapor
  5. 05:45.31 <arabushim> yes?
  6. 05:45.34 >>> dj-vapor
  7. 05:45.34 >>> ircname : I just can't stand factory.
  8. 05:45.35 >>> channels : @+#olympia #qmail
  9. 05:45.35 >>> server : (Hurricane Electric IRC Server)
  10. 05:45.35 >>> : :actually using host
  11. 05:45.35 >>> idle : 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 9 secs (signon: Mon Jan 26 08:30:42 2009)
  12. 05:45.35 >>> End of WHOIS
  13. 05:45.39 <arabushim> do you want to lose your innanet just now
  14. 05:45.39 dj-vapor ( requested CTCP VERSION from arabushim:
  15. 05:45.43 [ctcp(dj-vapor)] VERSION
  16. 05:45.44 CTCP VERSION reply from dj-vapor: epic5/1.0.0[1581] linux 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5.centos.plusxen amnesiac/1.5 r/2-1 I get my kicks on channel six
  17. 05:45.48 <arabushim> i guess you do
  18. 05:45.51 <arabushim> going to packet you
  19. 05:45.56 dj-vapor ( requested CTCP USERINFO from arabushim:
  20. 05:46.00 dj-vapor ( requested unknown CTCP FINGER from arabushim:
  21. 05:46.20 [ctcp(dj-vapor)] USERINFO
  22. 05:46.21 [ctcp(dj-vapor)] FINGER
  23. 05:46.22 [ctcp(dj-vapor)] TIME
  24. 05:46.26 [ctcp(dj-vapor)] HI
  25. 05:46.27 [ctcp(dj-vapor)] PING
  26. [ ... ]
  27. 05:53.09 >>> Keepnick: Nickstealer left [EFnet], got dj-vapor back
  28. [ ... ]
  29. 06:37.12 >>> Irssi: Starting query in EFnet with vapor_
  30. 06:37.12 <arabushim> sup
  31. 06:37.14 >>> vapor_
  32. 06:37.14 >>> ircname : I just can't stand factory.
  33. 06:37.14 >>> server : (Hurricane Electric IRC Server)
  34. 06:37.14 >>> : :actually using host
  35. 06:37.14 >>> idle : 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 34 secs (signon: Sat Jan 31 06:36:34 2009)
  36. 06:37.14 >>> End of WHOIS
  37. 06:37.17 <arabushim> qwat the fuck do you want
  38. 06:37.22 <arabushim> why are you: messaging me
  39. 06:37.22 vapor_ ( requested unknown CTCP CDCC from arabushim:
  40. 06:37.25 vapor_ ( requested unknown CTCP XDCC-LIST from arabushim:
  41. 06:37.27 <arabushim> ok going to packet you again
  42. 06:37.29 <arabushim> worthless kike
  43. 06:37.30 vapor_ ( requested CTCP VERSION from arabushim:
  44. 06:37.32 vapor_ ( requested unknown CTCP PAGE from arabushim:
  45. 06:37.50 <arabushim> nice CTCP
  46. 06:38.19 [ctcp(vapor_)] DCC SCHAT "X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H" 0 0 0
  47. [ ... ]
  48. kept DDoSing him, yielded IPv6 DoS from a tunnel named `skiplink' (lorf) to my box
  49. [ ... ]
  50. 06:30 -!- Irssi: Starting query in EInet with vapor_
  51. 06:30 <arabushim> nice msgs
  52. 06:30 -!- vapor_ []
  53. 06:30 -!- ircname : I just can't stand factory.
  54. 06:30 -!- server : [Hurricane Electric IRC Server]
  55. 06:30 -!- : :actually using host
  56. 06:30 -!- idle : 0 days 0 hours 0 mins 51 secs [signon: Sat Jan 31 06:28:39 2009]
  57. 06:30 -!- End of WHOIS
  58. 06:31 <vapor_> LOL
  59. 06:31 <arabushim> nice capital letters
  60. 06:31 <vapor_> not the smartest in the bunch I see
  61. 06:31 <arabushim> n e lingering elitism
  62. 06:33 <vapor_> u r weak
  63. 06:33 <arabushim> you shoulw write an essay on that
  64. 06:34 <vapor_> you should learn to type
  65. 06:35 <arabushim> you should learn how not fall into obvious holes
  66. 06:35 <vapor_> obvious?
  67. 06:35 <vapor_> like your lack of intellect?
  68. 06:35 <vapor_> nick juper
  69. 06:35 <vapor_> dos kiddie
  70. 06:35 <arabushim> it's `you're' btw
  71. 06:35 <vapor_> packet punk
  72. 06:35 <vapor_> punctuation on irc is for dumb arabs
  73. 06:35 <vapor_> like yourself
  74. 06:35 <vapor_> fucking moron
  75. 06:36 <arabushim> how is that even a subject pertinent to punctuation
  76. 06:36 <arabushim> you seem angry
  77. 06:36 <vapor_> you're a fag
  78. 06:36 <vapor_> thats how
  79. 06:36 <arabushim> i'm a cigarette
  80. 06:36 <vapor_> no
  81. 06:36 <arabushim> you're smoking me
  82. 06:36 <vapor_> you're a dumb cunt
  83. 06:36 <arabushim> is that why you're so angry
  84. 06:36 <vapor_> who gets fucked
  85. 06:36 <vapor_> and leaks cum out her ass
  86. 06:36 <vapor_> you filthy whore
  87. 06:36 <arabushim> is the nicotine metaphorically provoking anxiety in your e-nervous system
  88. 06:36 <vapor_> E-DURKA-DURKA-FAG
  89. 06:36 <vapor_> stfu
  90. 06:36 <arabushim> do you feel the need to combat said anxiety by expressing how much of an idiot i am
  91. 06:37 <vapor_> you are a DoS kiddie
  92. 06:37 <arabushim> idk qwat `E-DURKA-DURKA-FAG' means
  93. 06:37 <vapor_> you deserve what you get
  94. 06:37 <vapor_> DURKA DURKA
  95. 06:37 <vapor_> haha
  96. 06:37 <vapor_> LOL
  97. 06:37 <arabushim> LOL
  98. 06:37 <vapor_> you == retard
  99. 06:37 <vapor_> how old are you
  100. 06:37 <vapor_> 16?
  101. 06:37 <arabushim> yes, you have said so before
  102. 06:37 <vapor_> 14?
  103. 06:37 <arabushim> 11
  104. 06:37 <arabushim> beat you
  105. 06:37 <vapor_> even better
  106. 06:37 <vapor_> time for you to go to bed
  107. 06:37 <arabushim> it's 7:35am
  108. 06:37 <arabushim> why would i got to bed at such an early hour
  109. 06:37 <arabushim> are you a pervert or something
  110. 06:37 <vapor_> DoS fag
  111. 06:38 <arabushim> child predator
  112. 06:38 <arabushim> owned
  113. 06:38 <vapor_> thats all you are
  114. 06:38 <arabushim> child predator
  115. 06:38 <arabushim> thats all you are
  116. 06:38 <vapor_> no
  117. 06:38 <arabushim> yes
  118. 06:38 <vapor_> you are A DoS faggot
  119. 06:38 <vapor_> packet kiddie whore loser
  120. 06:38 <arabushim> you are A child predator
  121. 06:38 <vapor_> cant take me out if you tried
  122. 06:38 <vapor_> obviously
  123. 06:38 <vapor_> you've sent barely 500mbit
  124. 06:38 <vapor_> what is that
  125. 06:38 <vapor_> nothing
  126. 06:38 <arabushim> nice bizarre world you retreat into
  127. 06:38 <vapor_> your packtes
  128. 06:38 <vapor_> are weak
  129. 06:38 <vapor_> you have no skill
  130. 06:38 <arabushim> nice packtes
  131. 06:38 <vapor_> and your nothing but a fag
  132. 06:39 <vapor_> good for you!
  133. 06:39 <arabushim> yes it takes quite a lot of skill to randomly burst IPv6 fragments
  134. 06:39 <vapor_> I bet you spend more time
  135. 06:39 <vapor_> packeting people
  136. 06:39 <vapor_> than you do taking baths
  137. 06:39 <arabushim> I bet you spend more time
  138. 06:39 <vapor_> or going out in public
  139. 06:39 <arabushim> talking to me
  140. 06:39 <arabushim> than you do taking baths
  141. 06:39 <arabushim> or going out in public
  142. 06:39 <vapor_> I'm just using every bit of data
  143. 06:39 <vapor_> you gave me
  144. 06:39 <vapor_> to fuck you over
  145. 06:39 <vapor_> basically
  146. 06:39 <vapor_> duh
  147. 06:39 <arabushim> oh cool
  148. 06:39 <vapor_> !!!
  149. 06:39 <vapor_> you're probably not aware
  150. 06:39 <arabushim> d/c
  151. 06:40 <arabushim> happy birthday
  152. 06:40 <arabushim> btw
  153. 06:40 <arabushim> do you like your old nick
  154. 06:40 <vapor_> happy birthday
  155. 06:40 <vapor_> to you too
  156. 06:40 <arabushim> on that note
  157. 06:40 <vapor_> do you like your current nick?
  158. 06:40 <arabushim> why did you message me in the first place x_Q
  159. 06:40 <vapor_> you just opened yourself up
  160. 06:40 <vapor_> thats all
  161. 06:40 <vapor_> another stupid packet kiddie
  162. 06:40 <vapor_> flinging sand in the sandbox
  163. 06:40 <vapor_> not realizing what information you gave us
  164. 06:40 <vapor_> LOL
  165. 06:41 <vapor_> ^^ like I said
  166. 06:41 <arabushim> would you care to actually answer my question in midst of all the inane rambling you're blogging out there
  167. 06:41 <arabushim> oh so you're a collective now
  168. 06:41 <vapor_> you are a packet kiddie
  169. 06:41 <arabushim> you are a packet kiddie too
  170. 06:41 <arabushim> qwat gives
  171. 06:41 <vapor_> your days are now numbered
  172. 06:41 <vapor_> goodbye
  173. 06:41 <arabushim> it's `you're'
  174. 06:41 <vapor_> not if I dont feel like typing "'"
  175. 06:41 <arabushim> you said `goodbye'
  176. 06:41 <vapor_> exactly
  177. 06:41 <arabushim> so why are you
  178. 06:41 <arabushim> still talking
  179. 06:41 <vapor_> &
  180. 06:42 <arabushim> nice &
  181. 06:43 <vapor_> thanks for the botnet
  182. 06:43 <vapor_> btw
  183. 06:43 <arabushim> which
  184. 06:43 <arabushim> but thanks either way
  185. 06:43 <arabushim> could you share it with me now that i have had one
  186. 06:43 <vapor_> no thank you
  187. 06:44 <arabushim> you tryin to get into my pants or something
  188. 06:44 <arabushim> child predator
  189. 06:45 <vapor_> just ask your dad hes the one who molests you on a daily basis
  190. 06:45 <vapor_> haha
  191. 06:45 <arabushim> good joke
  192. 06:46 <arabushim> are you a faithful follower of the `IRC Elitist Phrasebook'
  193. 06:49 <vapor_> enjoy the jail time :)
  194. 06:49 <vapor_> looks like you dont cover your tracks well enough
  195. 06:50 <arabushim> enjoy threatening jail time
  196. 06:50 <vapor_> no
  197. 06:50 <vapor_> I mean
  198. 06:50 <vapor_> enjoy jail
  199. 06:50 <arabushim> no
  200. 06:50 <arabushim> I mean
  201. 06:50 <arabushim> enjoy threatening jail time
  202. 06:50 <vapor_> its a nice place for people like you
  203. 06:50 <arabushim> would you care to tell me which country i do reside in
  204. 06:50 <arabushim> also nice how youre still msgin me after saying `goodbye'
  205. 06:51 <vapor_> hamburg
  206. 06:51 <arabushim> come visit me
  207. 06:51 <vapor_> the german police are notified
  208. 06:51 <arabushim> fascinating
  209. 06:51 <arabushim> shall i do the same for the DoS you launched back at me
  210. 06:51 <arabushim> lol@hypocrisy
  211. 06:52 <vapor_>
  212. 06:52 <vapor_> will give up your ips
  213. 06:52 <arabushim> which ips
  214. 06:52 <vapor_> and the german police will be arresting you
  215. 06:52 <vapor_> for computer fraud
  216. 06:52 <arabushim> ya
  217. 06:52 <vapor_> so nice to meet you
  218. 06:52 <arabushim> computer fraud
  219. 06:52 <vapor_> thanks
  220. 06:52 <vapor_> yes
  221. 06:52 <vapor_> that is what DoS is considered
  222. 06:52 <vapor_> wireline fraud in the US etc. a felony class in your country it is computer fraud
  223. 06:53 <arabushim> yes, computer fraud is a rather coherent offence esp. in Germany
  224. 06:53 <vapor_> we live
  225. 06:53 <vapor_> to take out
  226. 06:53 <vapor_> people like you
  227. 06:53 <arabushim> do you live
  228. 06:53 <vapor_> thanks for the infos
  229. 06:53 <arabushim> to take out yourselves too
  230. 06:53 <vapor_> :D
  231. 06:53 <arabushim> seeing as you DoSd yourself
  232. 06:53 <arabushim> nice smiley
  233. 06:53 <arabushim> :D
  234. 06:53 <arabushim> nice lack of answer
  235. 06:54 <arabushim> did you like the abuse@ mail i thoughtfully composed
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