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a guest
Mar 22nd, 2020
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  1. 123
  2. aa_DESIGN_AdhesionContributionPctMax = "0.0"
  3. aa_DESIGN_AdhesionContributionPctMaxZoom = "0.0"
  4. aa_DESIGN_AdhesionOptimalRadius = "0.0"
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  8. aa_DESIGN_FrictionMultiplierMinZoom = "0.0"
  9. aa_DESIGN_FrictionOptimalRadius = "0.0"
  10. aa_DESIGN_override = "0"
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  14. aa_OPTIONS_FrictionScalar = "1.0"
  15. aa_OPTIONS_TargetSnapAllowed = "1"
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  17. aa_targetAdhesionPlayerSpeedThreshold = "0.1905"
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  222. ai_cyberdemonMissileBarrageSpeed = "28.575"
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  243. ai_death_stopSoundsDelayMS_intact = "2500"
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  410. ai_forceIdle = "0"
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  428. ai_heartbeatSpawnIntervalInSec = "1.75"
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  430. ai_highlightOnEncounterFinish_colorInStr = "( 0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f )"
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  442. ai_interactionView_FOV = "80"
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  444. ai_interactionView_OffsetToPlayer = "1"
  445. ai_interactionView_PitchOffset = "15"
  446. ai_interactionView_RollOffset = "0"
  447. ai_interactionView_xoffset = "0"
  448. ai_interactionView_YawOffset = "-23"
  449. ai_interactionView_yoffset = "0"
  450. ai_interactionView_zoffset = "-0.09525"
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  481. ai_minTimeToHideAIOnRoundStart = "3.0"
  482. ai_missileBarrageAppex1Rotation = "40.0"
  483. ai_missileBarrageAppex2Rotation = "45.0"
  484. ai_missileBarrageLandingSpread = "7.62"
  485. ai_missileBarrageLaunchArc = "-17.0f"
  486. ai_move_allowFakeMove = "1"
  487. ai_move_allowSlowCorners = "1"
  488. ai_move_assertDist = "-1.0"
  489. ai_move_badZoneRateMultiplier = "3.0"
  490. ai_move_defaultArrivalHeight = "-1"
  491. ai_move_defaultArrivalRadius = "0.1"
  492. ai_move_maxIdleTime = "1"
  493. ai_move_minObstructedSeconds = "0.2"
  494. ai_movement_enable = "1"
  495. ai_moveOrientAccelRate = "-1"
  496. ai_moveOrientTurnRate = "-1"
  497. ai_moveSpeedRTPCRampFactor = "2.0"
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  500. ai_navdebugtracesrendertime = "0"
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  504. ai_navMeta_clusterKD_maxDataPerNode = "8"
  505. ai_navMeta_clusterKD_maxDepth = "32"
  506. ai_navMeta_clusterKD_zSplitHeight = "20.0"
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  508. ai_navMeta_clusterRadius_min = "4"
  509. ai_navMeta_clusterRadius_overlap = "1.5"
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  519. ai_navMeta_visTracesPerFrame = "24"
  520. ai_navMeta_visUnseenUpdateCutoff = "4000"
  521. ai_navMeta_visUnseenUpdateTime = "6000"
  522. ai_navObstacle_enableCutting = "1"
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  524. ai_network_client_safeDeathCheckExcludesNonRagdoll = "1"
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  527. ai_noDeath = "0"
  528. ai_nodeFailsafeTime = "8"
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  530. ai_obstacleAvoidance_overridePathUpdateInterval = "-1.0"
  531. ai_obstacleAvoidance_overrideTraversalDetailDistance = "2.0"
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  535. ai_orbiter_repulsorRate = "10"
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  537. ai_orbiters_enable = "1"
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  539. ai_orientation_rampUp = "2000"
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  541. ai_overrideOffsetHeight = "0.0"
  542. ai_overrideOffsetRate = "-1.0"
  543. ai_pain_allowFallbacks = "1"
  544. ai_pain_allowTwitchPain = "1"
  545. ai_pain_forceFallbackPathSize = "1"
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  547. ai_pain_mpForceTwitches = "1"
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  549. ai_pain_recoveryHealthMitigation = "-1.0f"
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  552. ai_painStimulusScale = "1.0"
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  555. ai_path_badTraversalScale = "0.0"
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  560. ai_path_immediateServiceTime_lowPriority = "0.5"
  561. ai_path_inline = "0"
  562. ai_path_maxPendingSearches = "64"
  563. ai_path_newPathsPerJob = "8"
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  565. ai_path_printQueueOverrun = "0"
  566. ai_path_show_execution_iterations = "0"
  567. ai_path_showAStar = "0"
  568. ai_path_showMetrics = "999"
  569. ai_path_showWaitWarning = "10"
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  571. ai_path_staleIncompleteSeconds = "0.2"
  572. ai_path_use_all_edges = "0"
  573. ai_path_useJobs = "1"
  574. ai_pathDebugDisplayTime = "1.0"
  575. ai_pathManager_overrideNoAIDistance = "-1"
  576. ai_pathNodesPerFramePerJob = "500"
  577. ai_phaseShift_forceCurrentValue = "-1"
  578. ai_phaseShift_forceGoalValue = "-1"
  579. ai_phaseShift_hideShowHack = "1"
  580. ai_phaseShift_hideShowHackThreshold = "0.35"
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  585. ai_physics_stepUpHeightForMover = "1.0"
  586. ai_physics_trapDeltaSize = "-1"
  587. ai_pinkyChargeArrivalHeight = "1.905"
  588. ai_playInteractionVoiceOver_defaultLeaveDistance = "3.81"
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  590. ai_pool_enable_pvp = "1"
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  623. ai_rotationTrackerSwapTime_Tags = "0.3"
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  636. ai_senses_tracesPerFrame = "32"
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  639. ai_shieldDeflect_avoidTargetMultiply = "0.95"
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  641. ai_shieldDeflect_jitterSize = "0.4"
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  646. ai_showBlendTreeWeb = "0"
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  648. ai_showGoalInfo = "0"
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  652. ai_showTeam = "0"
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  656. ai_sledMode = "1"
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  662. ai_speed_inertia = "-1.0"
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  666. ai_stagger_rateScale = "1.0f"
  667. ai_stairWalkRate = "0.8"
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  673. ai_suicideCheck_aasDistZ = "-1.0"
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  676. ai_suicideCheck_disable = "0"
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  688. ai_testmove_flightTolerance = "0.5"
  689. ai_testmove_hangoutRadius = "1"
  690. ai_testmove_lookAheadForce = "0"
  691. ai_token_overrideCap_easy = "0"
  692. ai_token_overrideCap_hard = "2"
  693. ai_token_overrideCap_nightmare = "3"
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  697. ai_token_overrideEnable = "1"
  698. ai_token_overrideFOV = "32.0f"
  699. ai_token_overrideNum = "3"
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  705. ai_transientFocus_force = "0"
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  716. ai_use_temp_modbot_fix = "1"
  717. ai_useAimTracker = "1"
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  719. ai_useBrakingTurns = "1"
  720. ai_useCombatGroupingCoverFilter = "1"
  721. ai_useCustomJobs = "1"
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  723. ai_useDeferredFiring = "1"
  724. ai_useFlightObstacleAvoidance = "1"
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  726. ai_useHybridRepulsorsVsAI = "0"
  727. ai_useInternalSim = "0"
  728. ai_useMovingAim = "1"
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  734. ai_useStopTransitions = "1"
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  742. ai_waveblast_overrideSeekUpdateDelay = "-1.0"
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  944. arachno_teleportSyncAttackWeightFromPath = "0.25"
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  957. arachno_teleportWallPerchParallelDistMin = "1.905"
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  964. archvile_arcTeleportRadialCheckDistance = "0.6f"
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  988. auger_showTrace = "0"
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  994. automap_fog_tile_min_width = "1.0"
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  1012. automap_panSpeedKeyboard = "1.25"
  1013. automap_panSpeedMouse = "0.00125"
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  1016. autoMap_player_fogofwar_reveal_traversed_radius = "-1.0"
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  1048. baron_groundPoundAirControlLateral = "38.1"
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  1053. baron_groundPoundContrainView = "1"
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  1061. baron_groundPoundMaxDeltaYaw = "5.0f"
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  1063. baron_groundPoundMaxLateralSpeed = "19.05"
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  1071. baron_groundPoundSpikeCheckLOSDirect = "0"
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  1073. baron_groundPoundSpikeClimbUp = "1.8288"
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  1079. baron_groundPoundSpikeLifetime = "5000"
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  1085. baron_groundPoundSpikeWaveTime = "50"
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  1089. baron_meleeRefireDelay = "1000"
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  1092. baron_meleeWindupTime = "200"
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  1094. battleArena_peerConnectionProviders = "playfabparty,dtlsv4psk"
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  1139. boss_km_drawSacrificeDebug = "0"
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  1208. build_binaryURL = ""
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  1211. build_candidateName = "20200319-232548-early-yak"
  1212. build_discLayoutName = "20200319-232509-nitrogen-relish"
  1213. build_packageCorrelation = "1049067"
  1214. build_packageName = "20200306-145343-asphalt-drill"
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  1216. build_packageRequestor = "user:ben.miles:ff818"
  1217. build_packageSource = "forged"
  1218. build_packageURL = ""
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  1602. demonHands_bobCycleIdleCmdTimeThreshold = "150"
  1603. demonHands_bobCycleJumpIdleDelayMS = "750"
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  1700. dossier_weapon_challenge_grid_distanceBetweenItems = "-10.0f"
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  1831. dplg_DebugActivateNoQueryUpdateOnGrab = "0"
  1832. dplg_DebugCylinderDurationMS = "0"
  1833. dplg_DebugNoQueryUpdate = "0"
  1834. dplg_DebugTextForwardDist = "1.905"
  1835. dplg_DebugTextOffset = "0.05715"
  1836. dplg_DebugTextResultsOffset = "0.381"
  1837. dplg_DebugTextSideSpacing = "0.9525"
  1838. dplg_DebugTraceStates = "0"
  1839. dplg_doProbeForCanStandCheckPosition = "1"
  1840. dplg_Enable = "1"
  1841. dplg_EnableDeferredTraces = "1"
  1842. dplg_EnableRailingAboveLedgeGrab = "1"
  1843. dplg_ForceState = "-1"
  1844. dplg_HeightFudge = "0.29"
  1845. dplg_InitiateLookAtMaxAngle = "15"
  1846. dplg_InitiateMaxAngle = "45"
  1847. dplg_LedgeFaceMaxDegsFromVertical = "20"
  1848. dplg_LedgeSurfaceMaxDegsFromHorizontal = "20"
  1849. dplg_MinInputToInitiate = "0.1"
  1850. dplg_NoGrabTimeMS = "500"
  1851. dplg_OutputDeltaMove = "0"
  1852. dplg_RequireLookAtLedge = "0"
  1853. dplg_UseAnyValidPos = "1"
  1854. dplg_ZOffsetOnTraceContact = "0.0"
  1855. dpp_debug = "0"
  1856. dpp_debugDistance = "0"
  1857. dpp_debugFXPosition = "0"
  1858. dpp_debugFXPositionLifetime = "4000"
  1859. dpp_enable = "0"
  1860. dpp_fxAroundDemonChance = "75"
  1861. dpp_fxAroundDemonPitchRange = "50.0f"
  1862. dpp_fxAroundDemonYawRange = "180.0f"
  1863. dpp_fxLOSChecksEnabled = "1"
  1864. dpp_fxMaxValidCheckDirection = "6"
  1865. dpp_fxMinLifetimeMs = "500"
  1866. dpp_fxRandomBellCurveAccuracy = "3"
  1867. dpp_fxRandomPitchRange = "50.0f"
  1868. dpp_fxRandomYawRange = "180.0f"
  1869. dpp_fxSpacingCloseAngle = "35"
  1870. dpp_fxSpacingCloseDistance = "1.905"
  1871. dpp_fxSpacingFarAngle = "4"
  1872. dpp_fxSpacingFarDistance = "14.2875"
  1873. dpp_fxValidFailedDelay = "500"
  1874. dpp_spacingDist = "1.905"
  1875. dpp_useNormalDistCheck = "1"
  1876. dpp_useOcclusion = "1"
  1877. dpp_useSpacingDistCheck = "0"
  1878. dtls_cipherSuitesPreference = "DTLS_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"
  1879. dtls_cookiesCallsLimit = "10000"
  1880. dtls_cookiesGracePeriodMS = "60000"
  1881. dtls_cookiesLifetimeMS = "600000"
  1882. dtls_enableAlternateSignatureAlgorithms = "1"
  1883. dtls_enableCertificateTypes = "0"
  1884. dtls_enableEncryptThenMAC = "1"
  1885. dtls_enableHeartbeatRequests = "1"
  1886. dtls_enableHeartbeats = "0"
  1887. dtls_enableRenegotiationInfo = "1"
  1888. dtls_enableTruncatedHMAC = "1"
  1889. dtls_maxCbcExtraPaddingBlocks = "0"
  1890. dtls_maximumFragmentLength = "0"
  1891. dtls_maximumHandshakeMessageRetransmit = "10"
  1892. dtls_verbose = "0"
  1893. dummyFireEntity_allowJob = "1"
  1894. dynamicChallenge_animTime = "2000"
  1895. dynEnt_dormancyDistance = "5.0f"
  1896. dynEnt_useMoveComp = "0"
  1897. echo_glitch_value = "1.0"
  1898. encounterScript_aiEncounterEndNumToCheck = "2"
  1899. encounterScript_debug = "0"
  1900. encounterScript_debugCombatGroups = "0"
  1901. encounterScript_debugSpawners = "0"
  1902. encounterScript_debugSpawners_PauseUpdates = "0"
  1903. encounterScript_disable = "0"
  1904. encounterScript_fastTravelUnassignedCanExit = "1"
  1905. encounterScript_forceEmpowered = "0"
  1906. encounterScript_globalMaxAI = "90"
  1907. end_of_level_credits_overlayFadeInTime = "250"
  1908. end_of_level_credits_overlayFadeOutTime = "250"
  1909. end_of_level_credits_overlayShowTime = "3000"
  1910. end_of_level_credits_skipCreditsFadeTime = "1500"
  1911. endOfLevel_minHeaderWidth = "100.0f"
  1912. endOfLevelCompletionSectionName = "MapCompletionList"
  1913. endOfLevelCompletionVersion = "1"
  1914. endOfLevelMapCompletionSuffix = "_completed"
  1915. energyShell_debugDamage = "0"
  1916. energyShell_debugSphere = "0"
  1917. energyShell_repulseLength = "0.1f"
  1918. energyShell_testAlwaysClipping = "0"
  1919. envSuit_dashAuto = "1"
  1920. envSuit_dashIgnoreMeter = "0"
  1921. envSuit_dashRetriggerTime = "500"
  1922. envSuit_dbgReviveFromProps = "0"
  1923. envSuit_debugHazards = "0"
  1924. envSuit_disableHazardMeter = "0"
  1925. eol_allowReturnToLevel = "0"
  1926. eol_alwaysPlayAnimations = "0"
  1927. eol_alwaysShowCredits = "0"
  1928. eol_challenges_delayBetweenChallenges = "400"
  1929. eol_challenges_initialDelay = "200"
  1930. eol_challenges_progressBarDuration = "800"
  1931. eol_challenges_progressBarShowDuration = "300"
  1932. eol_challenges_progressBarTweenEaseFunction = "easeOutSine"
  1933. eol_challenges_showChallengesDelay = "800"
  1934. eol_combat_distanceBetweenPointLists = "-50"
  1935. eol_combat_headerMinimumWidth = "920.0f"
  1936. eol_combat_headerWidthReduction = "250"
  1937. eol_combat_initialDelay = "500"
  1938. eol_combat_pipFillDuration = "300"
  1939. eol_combat_pipFrameWidth = "131.4"
  1940. eol_combat_pipTweenEaseFunction = "easeInOutSine"
  1941. eol_combat_pipWaitDuration = "50"
  1942. eol_combat_pipWidth = "254"
  1943. eol_combat_pointListsPositionOffset = "-50"
  1944. eol_combat_sectionCompletePostDelay = "400"
  1945. eol_combat_sectionCompletePreDelay = "100"
  1946. eol_items_beforeCategoryDelay = "220"
  1947. eol_items_categoryDelay = "500"
  1948. eol_items_initialDelay = "200"
  1949. eol_items_itemDelay = "150"
  1950. eol_override_hideChallenges = "0"
  1951. eol_override_hideCombat = "0"
  1952. eol_override_hideItems = "0"
  1953. eol_rewards_refreshInitialDelayMS = "5000"
  1954. eol_rewards_refreshRetryDelayMS = "3000"
  1955. eol_rewards_seasons_animTime_showAndAnimateXPCounter = "1850"
  1956. eol_rewards_seasons_animTime_showSeasons = "650"
  1957. eol_rewards_stats_animTime_initial = "200"
  1958. eol_rewards_stats_animTime_showAndAnimateXPCounter = "1750"
  1959. eol_rewards_stats_animTime_showPlayerBadgeIn = "200"
  1960. eol_rewards_stats_animTime_showPlayerBadgeOut = "325"
  1961. eol_rewards_xpCounterFrameStep = "2"
  1962. eol_rewards_xpCounterTweenDuration = "1000"
  1963. eol_summary_delayBetweenCategories = "400"
  1964. eol_summary_initialDelay = "200"
  1965. eol_summary_progressBarShowDuration = "300"
  1966. eol_summary_progressBarTweenDuration = "800"
  1967. eol_summary_progressBarTweenEaseFunction = "easeOutSine"
  1968. eol_summary_showCategoryDelay = "800"
  1969. eol_transitionDelayTimeMS = "300"
  1970. equipmentLauncher_debugTraceStates = "0"
  1971. equipmentLauncher_fragUpgradeLaunchDelay = "500"
  1972. escapePod_debug = "0"
  1973. escapePod_rollScale = "1000"
  1974. escapePod_timeoutMS = "1000"
  1975. fasttravel_disable = "0"
  1976. faust_turnDeltaScale = "0.5"
  1977. faust_turnDeltaScaleController = "2.0"
  1978. fnc_show = "0"
  1979. focus_defaultUsableDistance = "3.048"
  1980. forceEnableAllTextChatChannels = "0"
  1981. forge_crashReportNetwork = ""
  1982. forge_currentNetwork = ""
  1983. forge_taskName = ""
  1984. forge_userId = "user:unknown:forge"
  1985. fs_arbitraryZipSupport = "0"
  1986. fs_atomicFileWrite = "1"
  1987. fs_basepath = ""
  1988. fs_benchmarkSeekMicroseconds = "20000"
  1989. fs_cachepath = "C:\Users\death\AppData\Local\id Software\DOOMEternal"
  1990. fs_caseSensitiveFS = "0"
  1991. fs_copyfiles = ""
  1992. fs_debug = "0"
  1993. fs_generatedPath = "generated"
  1994. fs_installpath = ""
  1995. fs_maxBubbleLength = "262144"
  1996. fs_mtpWholeReadThreshold = "524288"
  1997. fs_nfsRetries = "30"
  1998. fs_nfsRetryWait = "1"
  1999. fs_noCheckout = "0"
  2000. fs_noOverlappedIO = "0"
  2001. fs_OnDemandZipReads = "0"
  2002. fs_pathDeclOverride = ""
  2003. fs_randomReadFailureRate = "0"
  2004. fs_readOnly = "0"
  2005. fs_reportReads = "0"
  2006. fs_requestRetryLimit = "4"
  2007. fs_savepath = "C:\Users\death\Saved Games\id Software\DOOMEternal"
  2008. fs_shareRetry = "0"
  2009. fs_slowIOEmulation = "0"
  2010. fs_sourceControlEnable = "0"
  2011. fs_sourceControlGetWholeFolders = "0"
  2012. fs_sourceControlWorkspace = ""
  2013. fs_sourcepath = ""
  2014. fs_streamCacheSize = "512"
  2015. fs_streamLog = "0"
  2016. fs_streamUncachedReservation = "0"
  2017. fs_throttleStepUpAfter = "10"
  2018. fs_useFstatCache = "0"
  2019. fxRandom_allowJob = "1"
  2020. fxRigidBody_collVelFraction = "0.1f"
  2021. fxRigidBody_Debug = "0"
  2022. fxRigidBody_deltaSettleTranslation = "0.1f"
  2023. fxRigidBody_FrictionMultiplier = "0.01f"
  2024. fxRigidBody_minCollFrac = "0.01"
  2025. fxRigidBody_settledVelocity = "0.5f"
  2026. g_activatePushDistMult = "0.0f"
  2027. g_ai_enabledPrethink_Priority = "1"
  2028. g_aiHomingRocketDebug = "0"
  2029. g_aiHomingRocketGlobalPositionSetCooldownMS = "1000"
  2030. g_aiHomingRocketLostTargetSpread = "2.0"
  2031. g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_EASY = "1.0"
  2032. g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_HARD = "1.0"
  2033. g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_MEDIUM = "1.0"
  2034. g_aiIncomingDamageScale_DIFFICULTY_ULTRA_NIGHTMARE = "1.0"
  2035. g_aiPrintFunctionUsingClockTicksTimer = "0"
  2036. g_aiSpawnFilter = ""
  2037. g_allowChainMasterDeferrNonEssential = "1"
  2038. g_allowDamageInPhotoMode = "0"
  2039. g_allowDemonPickup = "1"
  2040. g_allowPhotoMode = "0"
  2041. g_allowReloadsWhenFull = "0"
  2042. g_allowSingleEntityDebug = "0"
  2043. g_allowWeaponSwitchToEmpty = "0"
  2044. g_ammoDropScale = "-1"
  2045. g_ammoPickupScale = "-1"
  2046. g_AmmoScalar = "1.0"
  2047. g_armorDropScale = "-1"
  2048. g_armorPickupScale = "-1"
  2049. g_attackPauseMSAfterDemonPossession = "250"
  2050. g_autoDeselectFistsTimeMS = "1000"
  2051. g_autoDOFOnGK = "1"
  2052. g_autoDOFOnGK_FadeoutTime = "200"
  2053. g_autoDOFOnGK_Far = "14.6304"
  2054. g_autoDOFOnGK_Focus = "1.905"
  2055. g_autoDOFOnGK_Near = "0.9525"
  2056. g_autoMotionBlurOnGK = "0"
  2057. g_bfgAmmoDropScale = "-1"
  2058. g_bfgAmmoPickupScale = "-1"
  2059. g_blendedZoom_disable = "0"
  2060. g_blendedZoom_fovDelay = "132"
  2061. g_blendedZoom_nonLinear = "1"
  2062. g_blendRoot = ""
  2063. g_bloodEffects = "1"
  2064. g_BloodPunchBonusUIBar_Height = "0.05f"
  2065. g_BloodPunchBonusUIBar_Width = "0.15f"
  2066. g_BloodPunchBonusUIBarPosition_X = "0.75f"
  2067. g_BloodPunchBonusUIBarPosition_Y = "0.7f"
  2068. g_bloodPunchDropsGKLoot = "1"
  2069. g_BloodPunchSoundInterval = "500"
  2070. g_boundsExpandParametricMM = "3.0f"
  2071. g_boundsExpandParametricMMPlyr = "0.10f"
  2072. g_breakableAngular = "0.09525"
  2073. g_breakableDebugDecals = "0"
  2074. g_breakableDebugIslands = "0"
  2075. g_breakableDebugPos = "0"
  2076. g_breakableDuration = "5"
  2077. g_breakablefloorsplatfromceiling = "0"
  2078. g_breakableFXRandomPercentage = "0.0f"
  2079. g_breakableImpulseScale = "3"
  2080. g_breakableMass = "10.0_lb"
  2081. g_breakableMaxHeightDifference = "9.525"
  2082. g_breakableOffset = "0.5715"
  2083. g_breakablePropUseCenterMassForRadiusDamage = "1"
  2084. g_breakableRadius = "9.7536"
  2085. g_breakableRayUpPercent = "10"
  2086. g_breakableSpin = "4.7625"
  2087. g_bypassGivingTheSameObjectiveTwice = "0"
  2088. g_cameraPlayerHack = "0"
  2089. g_checkForClientDeleteVerificationAmount = "100"
  2090. g_clientDrop_debug = "0"
  2091. g_clientDrop_Dist = "2.0955"
  2092. g_clientFire_checkDeathDebug = "0"
  2093. g_clientFire_checkDeathMode = "2"
  2094. g_clientFire_clientHitScanOnDeath = "0"
  2095. g_clientFire_damageMessageCutoffMs = "3000"
  2096. g_clientFire_useBackupWeapon = "1"
  2097. g_clientPredictedSemiTearOff = "1"
  2098. g_clientUpdateInfoAllowIfWrongSpawnId = "0"
  2099. g_clonePortalRendermodels = "0"
  2100. g_closeHiddenCinematicsImmediately = "1"
  2101. g_clusterBombDebug = "0"
  2102. g_coop_revivePCT = "0.5"
  2103. g_damage_debugExpansion = "0"
  2104. g_damage_overrideExpansionSpeed = "-1.0"
  2105. g_damage_useExpansionSpeed = "1"
  2106. g_damageHealthLimitHeavy = "0.25"
  2107. g_damageHealthLimitMedium = "0.31"
  2108. g_damageImpulseMultiplier = "20000.0_lb"
  2109. g_damageSave = "1"
  2110. g_damageScaleAItoDP = "0"
  2111. g_damageScaleAItoSlayer = "1"
  2112. g_damageScaleAllToAI = "1.0"
  2113. g_damageScaleAllToSlayer = "1"
  2114. g_damageScaleDPtoAI = "2.5"
  2115. g_damageScaleDPtoDP = "1"
  2116. g_damageScaleDPtoSlayer = "1.0"
  2117. g_damageScaleSlayertoDP = "1.0"
  2118. g_damageScaleSlayertoSlayer = "0.1"
  2119. g_deactivatedEntityPruneThreshold = "128"
  2120. g_DeactivateEntityJob_BatchSize = "200"
  2121. g_debug_overdrive = "0"
  2122. g_debug_static_damage_impulse = "0"
  2123. g_debug_static_damage_springs = "0"
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  2125. g_debugActorRepulsors = "0"
  2126. g_debugAISpawnNodes = "0"
  2127. g_debugBrutalEfficiency = "0"
  2128. g_debugChargeablePistol = "0"
  2129. g_debugCheckpointAmmo = "1"
  2130. g_debugCheckpointArmor = "1"
  2131. g_debugCheckpointHealth = "1"
  2132. g_debugCombatScoring = "0"
  2133. g_debugDamage = "0"
  2134. g_debugDamageGroup = "0"
  2135. g_debugDeviation = "0"
  2136. g_debugDormancy = "0"
  2137. g_debugDormancyActivation = "0"
  2138. g_debugDrawEntityInterpolation = "0"
  2139. g_debugEBolt = "0"
  2140. g_debugEjectShells = "0"
  2141. g_debugEntityInactiveForClient = "0"
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  2144. g_debugEventQueue = "0"
  2145. g_debugEventQueueDuplicates = "0"
  2146. g_debugFireManager = "0"
  2147. g_debugFireSounds = "0"
  2148. g_debugFixedSpreadRandomDecals = "0"
  2149. g_debugFootStepEffect = "0"
  2150. g_debugGore = "0"
  2151. g_debugHUDOverlay = "0"
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  2153. g_debugImpactMgr = "0"
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  2156. g_debugLayers = "0"
  2157. g_debugLines = "0"
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  2160. g_debugMeleeTracesLifetime = "4000"
  2161. g_debugMove = "0"
  2162. g_debugMover = "0"
  2163. g_debugMoverModifiers = "0"
  2164. g_debugMoverSpeedSoundBindings = "0"
  2165. g_debugParametricMM = "0"
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  2167. g_debugParametricSplineMovement = "0"
  2168. g_debugParametricSplineVelocity = "0"
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  2180. g_debugSiphonRadius = "0"
  2181. g_debugSounds = "0"
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  2187. g_debugUIWalkthroughHighlightsCoords = "0.5 0.5"
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  2193. g_debugUIWalkthroughTextBoxesCoords = "0.5 0.5"
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  2197. g_debugWeapon = "0"
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  2209. g_demonPickupOverrideIncomingTimeMS = "-1"
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  2211. g_destructble_fade_and_remove = "0"
  2212. g_disableBFG = "0"
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  2215. g_disablePropAttraction = "0"
  2216. g_discreteAnimationSplitSurfaces = "0"
  2217. g_dominationPointMinTeamControl = "0.35"
  2218. g_doom5Melee_allowAirborne = "1"
  2219. g_doom5Melee_debug = "0"
  2220. g_doom5Melee_debugDrawMS = "5000"
  2221. g_doom5Melee_enable = "1"
  2222. g_doom5Melee_enableForCrucible = "1"
  2223. g_doom5Melee_forceMeleeLevel = "0"
  2224. g_doom5Melee_hitComboMS = "-1"
  2225. g_doom5Melee_knockbackMaxInputDegs = "60"
  2226. g_doom5Melee_meleeScaleBase = "2.0"
  2227. g_doom5Melee_meleeScaleHitScaleHoldMS = "15"
  2228. g_doom5Melee_meleeScaleOnHit = "0.05"
  2229. g_doom5Melee_meleeScaleSpringK = "20"
  2230. g_doom5Melee_sweepMaxInputDegs = "120"
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  2239. g_drawDPSFromPlayerHeight = "1.905"
  2240. g_drawDPSFromPlayerScale = "0.5"
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  2250. g_drawPlayerUpgradeInfo = "0"
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  2253. g_drawPlayerViewPos = "0"
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  2257. g_drawUCmdTracker2ViewAngles = "0"
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  2264. g_dvc_EnableWasInsideTriggerSafeChecks = "0"
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  2268. g_eboltMaxSubdivisions = "1000"
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  2272. g_editEntityMode = "0"
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  2274. g_ejectShells = "1"
  2275. g_enable_animated_visibility_box = "1"
  2276. g_enable_DeactivateEntityJob = "0"
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  2720. g_spread_noSpread = "0"
  2721. g_spreadRNG = "1"
  2722. g_stopTime = "0"
  2723. g_suppressFriendlyFireImpactEffects = "0"
  2724. g_testDeath = "0"
  2725. g_testFxName = ""
  2726. g_testMaterial = ""
  2727. g_testParticleName = ""
  2728. g_threadedSubmitCollisionQueries = "0"
  2729. g_timeEntities = "0"
  2730. g_timer = "0"
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  2734. g_tracePlayerDamage = "0"
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  2739. g_trajectoryArcSegments = "32"
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  2750. g_useGaussianAimSpread = "1"
  2751. g_useImpactColor = "0"
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  2753. g_useMPSimplifiedDamageJoints = "1"
  2754. g_usePlayerDemoHUD = "0"
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  2756. g_useReverseRadialTraces = "1"
  2757. g_useSpreadMagnetism = "0"
  2758. g_viewNodalX = "0"
  2759. g_viewNodalZ = "0"
  2760. g_visorHeavyDamageThreshold = "25"
  2761. g_VolumeClientDeath = "1"
  2762. g_VolumeDebug = "0"
  2763. g_VolumeUMBFriendlyCheck = "1"
  2764. g_weapon_info_hide_tooltips = "1"
  2765. g_weapon_useMultiHitTrace = "1"
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  2767. g_weaponAutoSwitchOnEmpty = "1"
  2768. g_weaponChangeMinIntervalMS = "375"
  2769. g_weaponDoomClassicPose = "0"
  2770. g_weaponDoomClassicPoseMP = "0"
  2771. g_weaponDoomMPUseDoomHands = "0"
  2772. g_weaponkick = "1"
  2773. g_weaponKickBackRatio = "0.75"
  2774. g_weaponKickBackRatio_doomGravity = "0.75"
  2775. g_weaponShowRibbon = "0"
  2776. g_weaponSkipSound = "0"
  2777. g_weaponSpreadScale = "1.0"
  2778. g_weaponTraceDebug = "0"
  2779. g_weaponUpdateLaser = "1"
  2780. gamedate = "Mar 13 2020"
  2781. gc_autoRecordDemos = "0"
  2782. gc_avengerTimeLimit = "3.0"
  2783. gc_bleedOutDamage = "1.0f"
  2784. gc_bleedOutDamageInterval = "1000"
  2785. gc_closeAndPersonalDistance = "3.81"
  2786. gc_coop_assistPct = "0.3"
  2787. gc_coop_defendTime = "2000"
  2788. gc_coop_killStreakTimeLimit = "2.0"
  2789. gc_criticismTimeLimit = "5000"
  2790. gc_debugFSM = "0"
  2791. gc_debugGameEventCallouts = "0"
  2792. gc_debugRespawnAllowed = "0"
  2793. gc_disableNameplates = "0"
  2794. gc_enableMultipleLOSChecksForHighlights = "1"
  2795. gc_gameOverEndDurationMS = "25000"
  2796. gc_genocideMinPlayerCount = "2"
  2797. gc_humiliatorTimeLimit = "1000"
  2798. gc_incapacitatedStartingHealth = "10.0f"
  2799. gc_killedCalloutDelayMS = "5000"
  2800. gc_killStreakTimeLimit = "10.0"
  2801. gc_longshotDistance = "57.15"
  2802. gc_oneHitKillDamageAmount = "100"
  2803. gc_oneHitKillTimeLimit = "10000"
  2804. gc_preGameDurationMS = "0"
  2805. gc_protectorTimeLimit = "1.0"
  2806. gc_runebaitDistance = "4.8768"
  2807. gc_surpriseTimeLimit = "1000"
  2808. gc_survivorHealthLimit = "20.0"
  2809. gc_teamSuperRequestMS = "100"
  2810. gc_testCheckPointReload = "0"
  2811. gc_totalReviveTimeRequired = "3000"
  2812. geomcache_compressionLevel = "0"
  2813. geomcache_maxDecompressAhead = "1"
  2814. geomcache_maxStreamAhead = "5"
  2815. geomcache_minStreamAhead = "2.5"
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  2818. geomcache_streamingPoolDefragLimitCount = "8"
  2819. geomcache_streamingPoolDefragLimitKB = "128"
  2820. geomcache_streamingPoolDefragTimeout = "100"
  2821. geomcache_streamingPoolSize = "56"
  2822. geomcache_streamingPoolUsage = "2"
  2823. geomcache_update = "1"
  2824. giveOfflineAchievements = "1"
  2825. globalCursor_RayLength = "1.905"
  2826. globalEncounterScript_debug = "0"
  2827. gore_forceAFSync = "1"
  2828. gore_forceCreateFullBodyWound = "0"
  2829. gore_minDistanceforDirectionCalc = "1.905"
  2830. gore_neverFadeAndRemove = "0"
  2831. goreGUI = "0"
  2832. goreNest_debug = "0"
  2833. grenade_bounceSpeedThreshold = "10.0f"
  2834. grenade_debugClusterBombs = "0"
  2835. grenade_launchDistMinimum = "0.015f"
  2836. grenade_restVelocityMinimum = "0.01f"
  2837. gs_cascadeLods = "1"
  2838. gs_debugTelemetryPlots = "0"
  2839. gs_gatherAllLayers = "0"
  2840. gs_maxGatherFoV = "90.0f"
  2841. gs_maximumInflightReads = "64"
  2842. gs_plotStats = "1"
  2843. gs_showStats = "0"
  2844. gs_update = "1"
  2845. gui_dedicatedVertexBufferSize = "120000"
  2846. gui_enablePersistentBuffers = "1"
  2847. guiEnt_coopJob = "1"
  2848. guiEnt_earlyCull = "1"
  2849. guiEnt_heightScale = "1.0"
  2850. guient_maxDot = "0.6"
  2851. guiEnt_purgeAtlasDistance = "80"
  2852. guiEnt_pvsCull = "1"
  2853. guient_pvsScale = "1.0"
  2854. guiEnt_widthScale = "1.0"
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