
Lourden the hilariously awkward academic

Sep 18th, 2018
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  1. Str 6
  2. Dex 7
  3. Con 9
  4. Int 14
  5. Wis 14
  6. Cha 4 (Leadership 5, Appearance 3)
  7. Reaction Adjustment: -5
  8. +3 reaction bonus from other scholars* (*1 in 6 chance of instead a -6 from academic shouting matches), writers, journalists, admirers of scholastic concerns, and people who imagine they are scholars. May turn out to have had prior contact with conceivably almost anybody.
  9. Loyalty Base: -4
  10. # of Henchmen: 2
  12. Scholar Priest
  14. NWPs (WPs may be used for NWPs)
  15. (Bonus) Reading/Writing
  16. Engineering 2 Int -3
  17. Musical Instrument: Lourdelute 1 Dex -1* *Usually no roll required at all
  18. Singing 1 Cha 0* *Usually no roll required at all
  19. Religion 1 Wis 0
  20. Artistic Ability: Composition 1 Wis 0
  21. Etiquette 1 Cha 0* *Usually no roll required at all
  22. Mountaineering 2* NA *Double usual cost; he travels a lot because nobody likes him much
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